Monday, February 16, 2009

General Musharraf, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, Brigadier [R] Usman Khalid & Deobandi Taliban.

Ahmed Quraishi [Analyst of GEO TV earlier he was an analyst for Pakistan Television - PTV]

MQM-PPP-ANP Scheme For Dividing Pakistan

The writer is retired Brigadier of the Pakistan Army who is Director of the London Institute of South Asia (LISA), Published : February 04, 2009 Author : Usman Khalid

And yet, surprisingly, the MQM has volunteered to lead the political campaign for the break-up of Pakistan. Why? Because they have to obey those who fund and direct them. It was Sheikh Mujib who fronted the Indian campaign in 1971; it is Altaf Hussain in 2009.

Shaikh Mohommad wrote:

Br Aamir Mughal has lot to say on topics and is interesting. We were talking about Saudi Arabia AND lo! Iran comes into discussionSaudi Arabian Government's attitude towards Muslims and non-Muslims indicate that it supports American and Israeli policies of killing innocent people. That is for sure.

Shaikh Mohommad


Same Brigadier [Retd] Usman Khalid had personally written this to me when General Musharraf was ruling the roost with MQM.. Read his post of 2005.


On Wed 12/14/05, Usman Khalid wrote:

General Musharraf, is doing the right thing bypassing the politicians and going direct to the people. He should give more time to opponents of Pakistan - who have got together under enemy patronage - to reveal their true nature. Who are stupid and who are anti-state and subversive? Clarity would kill the latter and help the former to return to sanity.

Usman Khalid


I wonder what Brigadier [Retd] Usman Khalid has to say about this?

Question is, as to why Sheikh Mujeeb was allowed to leave Pakistan by the then Martial Law Regime [he was under arrest for Agartalla Conspiracy].

Same MQM was tolerated by General Musharraf [Former Chief of the Army Staff] from 1999 - 2007. Therefore if MQM is an Anti-State Party [which it is not] then blame also goes to the Martial Law Regime of General Musharraf [1999 - 2007].

Let me make it clear during these exchange of mails, MQM was a coalition partner of General Musharraf and General Musharraf was not only President but Cheif of the Army Staff as well. My only question to Mr Quraishi is this that if Brigadier Usman is right about MQM being an Anti State Party then how can and how would he absloves General Musharraf and Army from the same charge and that too when it is crystal clear that Martial Law Regime from 1999 - 2007 was duly helped by MQM and vice versa. Shall we say [keeping in mind the allegation levelled by Brigadier Usman that MQM is an Anti State Party] that Army is involved in dividing as well. Brigadier Usman should immediately leave London, UK and come to Pakistan to save the motherland. Read his another post which he had sent to me in 2005.

In another masterpiece, Brigadier [Retd] Usman Khalid had written...


On Wed 12/14/05, Usman Khalid wrote:

My dear Aamir Mughal,

ASA. JSQM support to MQM does not make sense from the standpoint of the politics of Sindh; their constituencies are separate and mutually hostile. But it makes sense from the point of view of India - both are anti Pakistan and pro India. Please do not make the mistake of equating General Musharraf with the Army as an institution. The Armed forces have a clear role and duty. And they obey the will of the country conveyed to them by the Chief Executive. There is ambiguity who is the Chief Executive now.

There is also confusion if MQM is making use of Musharraf or Musharraf of MQM. Confusions reigns; no one wants to upset the applecart. The links of JUI with Jamiat i Ulema i Hind and with Libya have no similarity with the MQM/JSQM links with India. Jamiat represent the Muslim minority in India and its objective is to make India a Darul Aman. Libya is interested in the unity of the Muslim Ummah. There is nothing sinister in these links; the objective of the JUI is open, transparet and in the interest of the Muslims of the sub-continent.


Usman Khalid


Replies as per my humble and poor knowledge is as under:

Dear Shaikh Sahab,

Let me help you in opening your eyes to face the harsh realities of Ruthless International Politics which is made of National Interests [read Vested Interest and Pakistan and Saudi Arabia also follow these Rules]. Shariah, Rule of Muslim Ummah, Muslim Brotherhood, Quran and Hadith and Islami Khilafa are just Cheap Slogans raised to attain certain goals during the Cold War by the USA and every Islamic Country was part and parcel in it to counter the Socialism. These slogans of Islam were raised to make Chootiya [Fool] out of so-called Muslim Ummah and the UMMAH came forward to prove that they are the biggest Chootiya in the universe, now face the result and read that before 9/11 the same General Musharraf and Military Junta allowed the following to happen on Pakistani Soil with the active participation of the Deviant and Anarchist Religious Movement i.e. Darul Uloom Deoband of India...

Darul Uloom Deoband of India

General Pervez Musharraf [Before 911 Pro Taliban - US Backed Military Dictator of Pakistan - 1999 - 2008]

Read and enjoy AS TO HOW GENERAL MUSHARRAF AND COMPANY ACCOMODATED MULLAHS AND TALIBAN UNDER THEIR VERY NOSE WHICH THE VERY SAME MUSHARRAF AND HIS MILITARY BRUTALLY CRUSHED AFTER A SINGLE TELEPHONE CALL FROM WASHINGTON, USA AFTER 911. I would take back you to the Past of this Col. Mu’ammar al-Qadhafi has been ruling Libya under the nomenclature of Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya but his diplomats attending Radically Deviant Deobandi's [the Godfathers of Cutthroat Talibans} Conference.


Colonel. Mu’ammar Abu Minyar al-Qadhafi

Mu’ammar Abu Minyar al-Qadhafi with Women Guards [where is the Shariah of Taliban]

On September 1, 1969, a small group of military officers led by then 28-year-old army officer Mu’ammar Abu Minyar al-Qadhafi staged a coup d’etat against King Idris, who was exiled to Egypt. The new regime, headed by the Revolutionary Command Council (RCC), abolished the monarchy and proclaimed the new Libyan Arab Republic. Qadhafi emerged as leader of the RCC and eventually as de facto chief of state, a political role he still plays. The Libyan government asserts that Qadhafi currently holds no official position, although he is referred to in government statements and the official press as the "Brother Leader and Guide of the Revolution."

The new RCC's motto became "freedom, socialism, and unity."

Strange isnt it that the so-called and much Islam is nowhere in the motto of Libyan Government and our Mullah visit Libya for what?

And that is not the end as per BBC:

US resumes relations with Libya

Relations with Gaddafi were frozen for more than two decades The United States has formally resumed diplomatic tieswith Col Muammar Gaddafi's government in Libya after 24 years, US officials announced. Assistant Secretary of State William Burns revealed the news after talks with Colonel Gaddafi and his ministers in the Libyan capital, Tripoli.

Mr Burns was in the city to formally open a new US liaison office.

Libya's ties with the West have blossomed since it renounced weapons of mass destruction in December.

Mr Burns added that Libya would be "taking its own steps to establish diplomatic representation in the US".

Saudi 'plot'

At his talks with the veteran Libyan leader, he passed on a letter from President George W Bush which was quoted by the Libyan state news agency.

Mr Bush hailed co-operation between US and Libyan experts on scrapping the North African country's weapons of mass destruction programmes, the agency said.

At his talks with Col Gaddafi, Mr Burns also raised the issue of recent allegations that Libya had planned to have Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, a key US ally, assassinated.

US state department spokesman Adam Ereli said later that Washington had "made clear [its] concerns about the story as well as reminding Libya of its assurances not to use violence for political objectives".

Comprehensive Coverage of the Three-day Deobandi Conference Held in Pakistan on April 9, 2001

April 25, 2001

An estimated half a million delegates recently attended the International Deoband Conference at Taro Jaba near Peshawar. While the bulk of the delegates came from madrassas in Pakistan, there were also a number of them from Afghanistan and India.

The conference was organised by the Jamiat Ulema-I-Islam of Pakistan headed by Maulana Fazlur Rahman, a cleric from the North West Frontier Province. Libya had sent a high-ranking envoy, Abdullah Jibran, to the conference. He read out a special message from Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Qadhafi. According to reports from Pakistan a number of Deobandi leaders from India attended the conference including the highly respected Maulana Asad Madni and the vice-chancellor of the Dar ul Uloom, Deoband, Maulana Marghoob-ul-Rahman.

The organisers of the conference, the JUI, have a continuing history of support for terrorist groups made up of fundamentalist, religious fanatics. They came into prominence during the CIA and ISI-supported struggle against Soviet troops in Afghanistan.

They were somewhat marginalised by General Zia-ul Haq, who extended greater support to groups close to the Jamat Islami, then headed by a relative of General Zia -- Mian Tufial Ahmed. But, when the Benazir Bhutto government decided to arm and train a new force for the ISI's Afghan jehad in 1996, they turned to their coalition partner Maulana Fazlur Rahman to provide the cadres and leadership of the Taleban from the madrassas the JUI controlled in the NWFP and Baluchistan.

The Taleban emerged from these madrassas to take control of most of Afghanistan with the active support of the ISI that provided arms, training and even officers and men from the Pakistan army, to participate in its military operations.

The JUI has not confined its activities to supporting the Taleban alone. When the ISI decided that secular groups like the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front had to be sidelined in Jammu and Kashmir, it started supporting fanatical Jehadi terrorist groups like the Harkat-ul Ansar, which is now known as the Harkat-ul Mujahideen. It is well known that the supporters of the Harkat are linked to the JUI and that they have camps in Pakistan and in Taleban controlled areas of Afghanistan.

The hijacking of IC-814 to Kandahar was organised by the Harkat-ul Mujahideen. The detained Harkat leader Maulana Masood Azhar, who was released and taken to Kandahar in the wake of the hijacking, of IC-814, was and is a close friend and associate of Maulana Fazlur Rahman. The hijackers including the brother of Maulana Masood Azhar were all supporters and members of the Harkat.

Azhar has now set up a new terrorist outfit called the Jaish-e-Mohammad. The UP police recently gunned down three terrorists of the Jaish near Lucknow. Maulana Rahman has also made no secret of his sympathy and support for Chechen separatists and their jehad against Russia. Thus, the conference near Peshawar was organized by people who are internationally known as being religious extremists, given to supporting Jehadi causes and terrorism across the world.

The highlight of the three-day conference near Peshawar from April 8 to April 11 was the prominence given to the messages of Colonel Qadhafi, the Taleban leader Mullah Omar and the international terrorist, Osama bin Laden. In his message read out by Taleban Deputy Foreign Minister Mullah Ahsan Akhund, Mullah Omar slammed the United Nations as a western tool and claimed that Muslims were being oppressed in Palestine, Kashmir and Chechnya. He asserted that Muslim countries were being subjected to all forms of aggression by non-Muslim powers, with the United Nations doing nothing to help Muslims and Muslim countries. Osama bin Laden described Mullah Omar as a "champion leader" because of his actions like the destruction of the statues of the Buddha in Bamiyan and for resisting armed attacks from "anti-Muslim elements".

The delegates from India quite obviously did not want to be drawn into the controversies that were bound to arise because of the rhetoric of Mullah Omar, Osama bin Laden and Maulana Fazlur Rahman. Maulana Asad Madni, who was the chief guest at the concluding session, confined himself to praying for Allah's religion to be observed by Muslims. Maulana Marghoobul Rahman made a scholarly speech referring to the educational, literary and political achievements of Dar-ul-Uloom in Deoband. He urged Muslims to refrain from aggression so that they are not labeled as terrorists or fundamentalists.

In marked contrast, their host Maulana Fazlur Rahman strongly criticised the United Nations for its alleged hostility to the Muslim world. He poured venom on the United States and voiced support for the "oppressed Muslims" in Kashmir, Palestine, Bosnia and Chechnya.

The resolutions adopted by the International Deoband Conference have far reaching implications. One resolution expressed concern over the presence of American troops in Saudi Arabia and called on the Saudi government to expel the troops of the US and its allies from the Muslim holy land. This is a demand that has been consistently been voiced by Osama bin Laden. The conference thus became a tool of extremists who would not hesitate to criticize and destabilize the governments of Gulf Arab States. Another resolution called for the formation of a united Muslim bloc outside the United Nations to "liberate" Palestine and Jerusalem.

Given the close association of the JUI with virulently anti-Shia groups like the Sipah-e-Sahiba in Pakistan and the Taleban in Afghanistan, even Iran is not going to welcome the causes espoused by the conference, despite its strongly anti-American overtones. More importantly, such a conference could never have been held in Pakistan that is ruled by a military dictatorship, without the support and encouragement of the military government itself.

General Pervez Musharraf's government has, after all, banned political gatherings and even prevented foreign travel by political leaders whenever it found it necessary to do so. The permission accorded to the JUI to host the conference clearly indicates that General Musharraf has signaled to people in Pakistan that he understands and supports the causes espoused by the Taleban and Osama bin Laden.

Despite the rhetoric of Mullah Omar and Maulana Fazlur Rahman, the resolution on Kashmir adopted by the conference is balanced. This resolution merely calls on the political leadership of India and Pakistan to find a peaceful and just solution to the Kashmir problem to save the sub-continent and Asia from nuclear confrontation.

This resolution must have been something of a disappointment to the organizers, the fundamentalist Jehadi groups in Pakistan and to General Musharraf and his government. It is quite obvious that neither Maulana Madni nor Maulana Marghoob-ul Rahman would have countenanced the sentiments voiced by their hosts and Mullah Omar about Kashmir being reflected in the conference resolution. It is to their credit that this was made abundantly clear to their hosts.

The Dar-ul-Uloom and the Deobandi leadership are held in high regard not only in India, but also throughout their world, primarily because they have sought to emphasise the egalitarian and spiritual values of Islam. Their role during India's struggle for independence when they rejected proposals for partition of the country gives them a place of honour
and respect in India.

But the leaders in Deoband would have to ask themselves honestly whether it is not a fact that religious bigots like Maulana Fazlur Rahman, Mullah Omar and Osama bin Laden have tarnished the name of Deoband and the tenets of Islam, by their practices and the policies they espouse. Was not the name of Deoband hijacked by such people to organise a conference that extolled bigotry and violence and seriously sought to undermine the policies of governments in friendly Arab countries like Saudi Arabia?

It is time for those who cherish the values that Deoband has consistently stood for and espoused, to openly disassociate themselves from the resolutions passed and the extremist and bigoted views expressed at the conference they attended.

Tuesday, April 10, 2001 -- Moharram Ul Harram 15,1422 A.H

'Muslims suffering due to West's conspiracies' The News International, Pakistan By Rahimullah Yusufzai

PESHAWAR: Speaking at a largely-attended conference dedicated to the achievements of Darul Uloom Deoband in India during the past 150 years, religious scholars from Pakistan and abroad said Muslims were suffering all over the world due to disunity in their ranks and on account of Western conspiracies against Islam.

The three-day conference, which began here on Monday in a huge open ground at Taru Jabba town near Peshawar, is being attended by members and supporters of Maulana Fazlur Rahman's Jamiat Ulema-i-Islami (JUI) from all the provinces. A huge tented village has sprung up in the sprawling, under-construction Wapda Colony where the event is being staged. Vehicles flying the JUI-F flags brought thousands of party workers, many carrying their beddings, to the venue even after the formal opening of the conference.

Elaborate arrangements for seating and feeding the participants were made by the organisers, who claimed rather unconvincingly that the attendance was one million strong. Also attending are delegations from India, Afghanistan, Iran, UK, UAE, Libya and Saudi Arabia. The Indian delegation included Darul Uloom Deoband's head Maulana Marghoobur Rahman and his deputy Qari Mohammad Usman and Jamiat Ulema-i-Hind leader Maulana Asad Madni. Afghanistan's ruling Taliban were represented by a deputy minister Mulla Mohammad Hussain and Badghis province governor Mulla Abdul Mannan. An Iranian delegation comprising Maulana Ishaq Madni and Syed Mohammad Rizvi, both advisers to President Mohammad Khatemi, as well as Peshawar-based consul general Abbas Ali Abdullahi, also attended the conference.

Among Pakistani politicians, only Alliance for Restoration of Democracy (ARD) president Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan and Maulana Samiul Haq, who heads a rival faction of JUI, were invited to speak. Others like Jamaat-i-Islami leader Qazi Hussain Ahmad, National Awami Party Pakistan president Ajmal Khattak, Tanzim-i-Islami head Dr Israr Ahmad and former ISI chief Lt Gen (Retd) Hamid Gul sat on the stage listening to the large number of speakers.

Almost all known Ulema and JUI politicians were present at the conference but only Maulana Fazlur Rahman, Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, Maulana Hasan Jan, Maulana Mohammad Amir Bijlighar, Maulana Dr Sher Ali Shah, Maulana Mohammad Khan Sherani, Maulana Izzatullah Shah, etc got the opportunity to speak on the opening day. The different sessions were presided by Maulana Marghoobur Rahman from India, the JUI-F patron Maulana Khan Mohammad Kundian Sharif and the party's NWFP head Maulana Amanullah.

Narrating the services of Darul Uloom Deoband, Maulana Fazlur Rahman said its ulema and students were in the forefront of the freedom struggle against the British Raj and in spreading the light of religious education in the subcontinent. He said the Ulema of Deoband set up madaressah to educate Muslims and defend Islam.

Criticising the US-led Western countries, he said Muslims were at the receiving end in all conflict zones in the world such as Kashmir, Palestine, Chechnya, Kosovo, Bosnia, etc and they were justified in fighting back to protect their rights. Other JUI leaders said it was due to the struggle and sacrifices of Deoband Ulema and their followers that India and Pakistan won freedom from the British colonialists, the Tableegh movement was launched and the Taliban captured power and enforced Shariah in Afghanistan.

Qari Mohammad Usman, deputy head of Darul Uloom Deoband, reminded that it was due to the campaign by Ulema and students of Deoband that the Qadiani movement couldn't succeed. He said Deoband graduates spread all over the world were busy serving Islam and Muslims.

Iran's Maulana Ishaq Madni regretted that Muslims and the Islamic countries were never so weak and vulnerable despite the big increase in their numbers and the accumulation of resources and military hardware by the Muslim states. He made an impassioned plea for unity in Muslims ranks and the shunning of factionalism and sectarianism to combat the conspiracies against Islam by anti-Islamic forces.

Nawabzada Nasrullah also praised the contribution by Darul Uloom Deoband in the freedom struggle in undivided India. However, he soon reverted to his favourite subject by demanding holding of elections in Pakistan to elect a popular government that is capable of solving the problems of the people and fighting American imperialism.

Analysis: Muslim radicals flex muscles Monday, 9 April 2001 21:44 (ET) By ANWAR IQBAL

WASHINGTON, April 9 (UPI) -- Weeks after destroying Afghanistan's Buddhist relics, the Taliban and their supporters are meeting other Muslim radicals in Pakistan this week to seek a greater alliance of Muslim activists.

The conference began with a major success for the organizers; bringing together the Taliban and their Iranian adversaries to discuss options for removing their differences. The Taliban belong to the Deobandi school of Muslim jurisprudence, named after a small town in northern India, while the Iranians are Shiites. The two groups have major theological differences that have often led to violent clashes in the past.

The Deobandis lead Pakistan's Sipah-i-Sahaba group which has killed thousands of Shiites during the last five years. The Iranians provide weapons and financial assistance to the rebels fighting the Deobandi Taliban in Afghanistan.

The conference also brings another radical Muslim group, the Jamaat-i-Islami, face to face with the Deobandi clerics, who otherwise strongly dislike the Western-educated Islamists of the Jamaat.

"They have certainly been encouraged by, what they see as, the Taliban's victories against the West," says Farhat Huq, who teaches political science at the Monmouth College in Illinois. "Although not all of them endorse the Taliban decision to demolish Buddhist statues, they admire the way the religious militia ignored the Western demand to stop the destruction."

The 150-year old Deoband seminary in India has trained hundreds of thousands of Muslim clerics in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan who vehemently reject "Western cultural and social influences over the Islamic world," says Nasir Zaidi, a Pakistani journalist flogged in the early 1980s for demanding a free press in Pakistan.

"Stop your aggression against the Muslims or face the consequences,"warned Maulana Fazlur Rahman of the Jamiat Ulama-i-Islam party which organized the conference.

The former chief of Pakistan's military intelligence, General Hameed Gul, urged the participants "not to allow the West to destroy the Taliban" as the West hated the religious militia "for enforcing an Islamic code of life in Afghanistan."

To strengthen their demand for replacing Pakistan's Western-inspired judicial system with the Islamic courts, the conference has set up its own courts to deal with the crime committed during the three-day meeting.

"If the Muslims adopt the real spirit of Islam, there is no reason why they remain behind any other nation in the world," said Maulana Ishaq Madni, an adviser to the Iranian president who came especially from Iran to attend the conference.

Delegations have also come from Libya, Saudi Arabia, the Palestinian territory and other Muslim countries and those representing Muslim minorities in the West.

Food kiosks are observing a ban on American products, signs advertising Coca-Cola have been painted over and posters depicting burning U.S. flags are on sale.

The boycott is said to be in protest at U.N. sanctions imposed on the Taliban over its refusal to hand over suspected Saudi terrorist Osama bin Laden.

"The powers responsible for the oppression of Muslims in the Middle East, Chechnya, Kosovo, Bosnia, Afghanistan and Kashmir should realize that the Muslims are beginning to understand their game," said Rahman, one of the leaders responsible for gathering various Muslim sects at the conference.

"If their aggressive trend persists, we have the full right to defend ourselves against their aggression," he said.

The organizers also endorsed Rahman's demand for the creation of an Islamic state in Pakistan similar to the Taliban's regime.

BBC News Online Tuesday, 10 April, 2001, 10:13 GMT 11:13 UK

Bin Laden urges support for Taleban

The exiled Islamic militant Osama bin Laden, who is wanted on terrorism charges in the United States, has called on the Muslim world to support the Taleban regime in Afghanistan.

The people [of Afghanistan] are waiting for your decisions. Do not be afraid. Speak loudly and implement the Islam system Osama bin Laden

The recorded statement by the Saudi dissident was played to tens of thousands of Muslims who had gathered for a rally near the Pakistani town of Peshawar. He told them that Afghanistan was the only country in the world with a real Islamic system, and that all Muslims should show loyalty to the Afghan Taleban leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar.

He also urged the gathering to influence young people to go to Afghanistan for military training.


"Allah Almighty and you should be witnesses that I, Osama bin Laden, am giving allegience to Mullah Omar" he said.

And he added: "The people [of Afghanistan] are waiting for your decisions. Do not be afraid. Speak loudly and implement the Islamic system".

The infidel world is not letting Muslims form a government of their own choice Afghan Taleban chief Mullah Omar

The Taleban have been sheltering Osama Bin Laden in defiance of demands by the US for his extradition to face charges in connection with bomb attacks on US embassies in East Africa.

The military government of Pakistan has denied showing favouritism towards Islamic groups by allowing the huge three-day gathering, despite a ban on rallies.

A government spokesman said it was a purely religious gathering and these were permitted.

The three-day conference is paying tribute to the Deoband School of Islam, which has inspired the organisers of the gathering, Pakistan's Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam as well as the Taleban in Afghanistan.

Islamic front

During the conference, Mullah Omar attacked the United Nations as a Western tool and urged resistance from a united Muslim front, state radio reported.

"The infidel world is not letting Muslims form a government of their own choice," he was quoted as saying in a message to the conference. "They want to resist Jihad [holy war] and destroy the Islamic system," he said. "Therefore, under the present critical situation, Muslim unity is needed."

Organisers of the conference pledged their support for Taleban and blamed Western conspiracies for discord among Muslims.

Theological centre

The Deoband school is a leading Islamic theological centre in north India which propagates a puritanical and orthodox Islamic outlook and orders women to be veiled and men to keep their beards untrimmed.

Followers of the 143-year-old seminary arrived from all over the Islamic world to attend the gathering. Vendors boycotted American products and sold posters depicting burning US and Israeli flags.

"We want to send the message that only Islam has the capability of bringing peace and stability in the world. The West has failed," said conference organiser Mohammed Rahim Haqqani.

Thursday, April 12, 2001 -- Moharram Ul Harram 17,1422 A.H

Deoband moot ends condemning US hegemony The News International, Pakistan By Rahimullah Yusufzai

PESHAWAR: The three-day international Deoband Conference on Wednesday concluded after adopting resolutions challenging the hegemony of US and its allies in world; demanding end to UN sanctions against Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya and early withdrawal of US-led Western troops from Arab lands.

The conference called for formation of a united Muslim block outside the "pro-Jewish" UN to liberate Al-Quds and rest of Palestine from Israeli occupation and protect the rights of Muslims.

Another resolution urged the political leadership of India and Pakistan to find a peaceful and just solution to the Kashmir problem to save the subcontinent and Asia from a nuclear confrontation.

The sixth resolution accused international media of being biased and anti-Islam and called upon the Muslim Ummah to establish its own information network to break free from the Jewish-controlled medias.

The resolutions were read by JUI leader Maulana Abdul Majeed Nadeem in the concluding session of the conference, and were adopted. The anti-US and anti-West tone of the conference, which continued all three days, peaked on Wednesday when US was described in one of the resolutions as "man-eater" who for the first time dropped atomic bomb on another country.

The resolutions demanded end to US hegemony on weapons in the world so that humanity could be saved from such exploitative forces. The conference was declared closed after a 20-minute prayers led by Darul Uloom Deoband's deputy head Qari Mohammad Usman during which he sought Almighty's blessings for Muslims.

Earlier, Dastarbandi of Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam (JUI) leader Maulana Fazlur Rahman was performed by Jamiat Ulema-i-Hind President Maulana Maulana Syed Asad Madni and Darul Uloom Deoband head Maulana Marghoobur Rahman. Several JUI office bearers were also honoured by tying turbans on their heads in recognition of their efforts to successfully organise the conference.

On the concluding day, the largely-attended conference at Taru Jabba town near Peshawar was addressed by Maulana Fazlur Rahman, Maulana Asad Madni, Maulana Marghoobur Rahman, former Afghan mujahideen leader Maulvi Mohammad Nabi Mohammadi, Afghanistan's Ambassador to Pakistan Mulla Abdul Salam Zaef, Maulana Ajmal Khan, Maulana Gul Nasib Khan, Maulana Niamatullah Azmi and Mufti Habibur Rahman Khairabadi. The last-named two were from India, as were Maulanas Madni and Marghoobur Rahman.

A taped message of the Pashto-speaking Taliban supreme leader, Mulla Mohammad Omar, was read out at the conference and simultaneously translated into Urdu. Mulla Omar condemned the UN Security Council sanctions against Afghanistan as unjust and unwarranted and alleged that the Taliban were being punished for enforcing Shariah in their country. He complained that the good deeds of the Taliban like restoring peace in Afghanistan and banning opium poppy-cultivation were ignored while human rights issues were wrongly and deliberately highlighted to malign the Taliban.

He argued: "The infidels consider Islam a threat to their worldwide interests. So every effort is made to weaken Muslims. In Afghanistan we control 95 per cent of the country but we are referred to as one of the factions and denied recognition." He stressed the Taliban-led Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan would never abandon Islamic principles and would accept no compromise if it clashed with their religious beliefs.

Maulana Asad Madni, who was chief guest during the concluding session, excused himself from making a speech by saying he wasn't a fire-spitting orator. He just prayed for Allah's religion to be enforced on Allah's land.

The 80-year old Maulana Marghoobur Rahman, who wasn't feeling well, haltingly read out part of his long speech and later allowed a colleague to complete it for him. His was a scholarly speech and it focused on the educational, literary and political achievements of Darul Uloom Deoband. He said the Deoband religious school in India had 3,500 students, 80 teachers and 250 other staffers and its yearly annual budget pooled through donations was Rs 52.4 million.

The Maulana urged the Muslims to refrain from aggression as preached by the Deoband Ulema so that the anti-Islam forces are unable to describe them as terrorists and fundamentalists. Maulana Fazlur Rahman noted that the mammoth gathering of Muslims at the Deoband Conference was a clear signal to the world, especially to the US and its allies, to either accept the hands of friendship extended to them by the Muslims and give up the policy of confrontation against Islam or be ready for the consequences.

"In case the US continues to speak in the language of force, the Muslims would be constrained to fight back and defend themselves," he warned. The Maulana, who claimed the Deoband Conference attracted between one million to 1.5 million, stressed the need for constituting an Islamic coordiation council to jointly struggle for Islamic causes and against West's anti-Islam conspiracies and non-governmental organizations.

He said the UN sanctions imposed against Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya were unjust and cruel and, therefore, unacceptable. Reuters adds: Condemning international sanctions against Muslim nations and demanding immediate withdrawal of Western forces from Saudi Arabia, the conference also slammed the United States and its allies as being "anti-human".

"This meeting condemns the anti-human and anti-peace cruel attitude of the United States and its allies," its resolution, approved by people waving their hands in the air, said. "Sanctions against Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan are open aggression against Muslims; they should be immediately lifted.

"The presence of American and European armed forces in Saudi Arabia is the biggest tragedy of our times. We demand of our Arab brothers to arrange an early removal of these forces," the resolution concluded.


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