Friday, March 13, 2009

Allama Niyaz Fatehpuri and his Faith - 15


Books and Documents 03 Mar 2009, NewAgeIslam.Com

The War Within Islam: Niyaz Fatehpuri’s Struggle Against The Fundamentalists by JUHI SHAHIN

Excerpts from a newly published book in Pakistan: The War Within Islam: Niyaz Fatehpuri’s Struggle Against The Fundamentalists


Late. Allama Niyaz Fatehpuri [1884-1966]

Fatehpuri believed that the changes in Islam were brought about by the medium of the hadith (plural – ahadith, sayings of the Prophet). He claimed that many of the ahadith were simply fabricated to suit the ruler of the day. The reason why he could simply state such a conclusion, taking it for granted that people would agree with him, was that almost all the modernists – Sayyid Ahmad Khan, Shibli Nu’mani and even his contemporaries like Muhammad Iqbal, the philosopher- poet – were to a greater or lesser degree all doubtful of the ahadith in their entirety and were urging Muslims to be cautious in relying on them. Sayyid Ahmad disapproved of classical hadith criticism since it was based on the characters of the people relating the hadith, and not on rational criticism of the actual text. Shibli Nu’mani (1857-1914), one of the most prominent intellectuals of that time, and by far the most traditional teacher at the Aligarh school, was also conscious of the need to define hadith and its use. Seventy-five pages of his Sirat al-Nu’man are written just to demonstrate how cautious and critical Abu Hanifah was in accepting a hadith as true and binding. [See: Zaman, Ulama in Contemporary Islam, 12. Aziz Ahmad, Islamic Modernism in India and Pakista@n: 1857-1964 (London; Bombay; Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1967), 49-50., Murad, Intellectual Modernism of Shibli Nu’mani, 186-245. From: Shibli Nu’mani, Sirat al-Nu’man (Lahore: Kutub Kha@nah-i Azi@ziyah, 195?), 170-245. Ibid., Smith, Modern Islam in India, 117]


Dear Sultan Sahab,


Shibli is quoted regarding Imam Abu Hanifa's alleged cautiousness regarding Hadith. I wonder what Shibli, Syed Ahmed Khan and Fatehpuri have to say about Absurdities in Hanafi Fiqh Books which are attributed toward Imam Abu Hanifa and Muslims of Turkey, Central Asia and particulary Afghanistan, India and Pakistan have been told that Islam is What Hanafi Fiqh say and Hanafi Scholars Declare. I wonder if anybody has gone through the Pearls of Wisdom in Hanafi Fiqh Books particularly the Fatawa-e-Alamgir [worse than Kamasutra]

I wonder where the hell all the Scholars of [Hanafi Fiqh of India and Pakistan] Pakistan and India were and still are sleeping.

Dear Sultan Sahab,

Ibn Qayyam in his book above exposed the absurdities of Fiqh in 2 Volumes of I'laam ul Muwaqqi'een 'an Rabb il 'Aalameen Ibn Qayyam [translated by Muhammad Sahab Junagadhi in India, preface was written by Abul Kalam Azad] There is a book by Hanafi Scholars namely Kitabul Heel [Book of excuses] wherein these Rampant Fatwa Mongering Hanafi Scholars issued 250 Fatwa [Religious edicts] which has made Unlawful [Haraam] into Lawful [Halal]. In one of the Fatwa from Qazi Abu Yusuf [who is praised by the 20th Century Abdullah Ibn Saba (Creator of Shia Religion) i.e. Mawdoodi of Jamat-e-Islami in his book Khilafat o Malookiyat] had advised to an Abbasi Caliph that he can sexually use the slave woman freed by Caliph's Father [as per Quran and Hadith this is Haraam].

Another absurdity of Hanafi Fiqh as per their books

Crow [Kawwa in Urdu - Ghurab is Arabic] is clearly declared Haram in Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah]

But Hanafi Fiqh books Fatawa Alamgiri [Egyptian Edition], Mabsoot, Ainal Sharah Hidaya, Kitabul Behrar Riqaiq Sharah Kunzul Daqaiq decalres that eating Crow is Halal [Lawful]

Another absurdity rather Blasphmey attributed towrds Hanafi Fiqh, their Hanafi Fiqh books and Hanafi Scholars that writing Quranic Verse with blood and urine [for recovery from Illness] is allowed. Reference is attributed Fourth Hijri's Hanafi Scholar Abu Bakar Mohammad Bin Ahmed Skaf, Fatawa Qazi Khan Chapter Bab Al Hazar Wal Ibahat, Kitabul Behrar Riqaiq Sharah Kunzul Daqaiq bab Tanzih Al Bair Bu Qooh, Fatawa Sirajiya Bab Al Tadawi, Hamawi Sharah Al Ashba Walnazair Bab Al quaeeda Al Khamisa Al Zarar La Yazal, Raddal Mukhtar Sharah Darr Al Mukhtar aka Fatawa Shami Bab Al Tadawi Bil Mehram.

And one such absurdities of Hanafi Fiqh is that you can offer Salat while carrying puppy [clear violation of Quran and Hadith].

What I have learned through different sources that these Deobandis and Barelvis are basically the same with minor differences they both allegedly follow the Fiqh [Attributed to Imam Abu Haneefah] Hanafi and his followers and books these Deobandi and Barelvi read, quotes of which are as under:

Radd al-Muhtar ala ad-Dur al-Mukhtar is a book on Islam by 19th century Hanafi Scholar Ibn Abidin. A commentary on Imam al-Haskafi's Durr al-Mukhtar, it is commonly known as Radd al-Muhtar. It is said to be a compilation of the great Fatwas of Imam Abu Hanifa [May Allah have mercy on his soul], and Hidayah is the name of a famous Hanafi juridical work by Burhan-ud-din Ali bin Abi Bakr al-Marghinani (1152-1197) which is considered widely authoritative as a guide to Fiqh amongst Muslims in Central Asia, Afghanistan and India, and is the basis for much of the Anglo-Islamic law in India and Pakistan.

Now read the excerpts from these two Books through which Deobandi and Barelvi Calamity in Pakistan want to Implement Islamic Law. Rampant Lal Mosque Anarchist, Binori Town, Madressah Haqqania, Talibans and other such Anarchist called these perversions mentioned below The Islamic Law!


1 - Be the curse of Allah be on those who reject Imam Abu Hanifa (Muqadimah dar Mukhtar)

2 - When The Prophet Issa [Jesus - PBUH] will come back he will follow the Madhab [Fiqh] of Abu Hanifa (Muqadimah dar Mukhtar)

3 - Khidr spent 30 years to learn knowledge from Abu Hanifa, then Qushayri learnt from Khidr during 3 years and he wrote more than 1000 books and put them in a box in the sea. When Isa aley salam will take these books and act upon them. (Muqadimah dar Mukhtar)

3 - Is someone pays a woman to do zina [adultery] , there is no hadd [no punishment] ( Dar Mukhtar, kitab Hudud, fatawa khaniyah misr vol 3 p 508, kanz daqaiq ed deoband p 180, and this fatwa is attributed to Imam Abu Hanifa while his two students say there is hadd [Adultery Law]. It is well known that the hanafi books of fiqh there is no Chain of Narration [isnad] to their Imam)

4 - The salary of the prostitute is halal [lawful] (Chalpi shara Wiqayah)

5 - If he pays a woman to do zina or wati [Adultery or Intercourse] or if he says I will give you so much dirham or she says give me so much, there is no had [no punishment under Adultery Law] (Alamgiri, vol 2 p 168)

6 - If someone does jima [intercourse] with an animal or with a dead or a young girl and there is no inzal [ejaculation] , then ghusl [bathe] is not wajib [obligatory] (Dar Mukhtar Kitab taharah, masail ghusl, aussi Alamgiri, Kitab taharah)

7 - If someone does sodomy with a woman who fasts or a man who fasts, their fast is not broken (Hidayah, Kitab Sawm)

8 - If a young boy of 10 does Jima [intercourse] with a balighah [adult] Woman, there is no Ghusl [bathe]( Alamgiri Kitab taharah)

9 - If someone enters his penis in his dubur (anus), then ghusl is not obligatory (Dar Mukhtar Kitab taharah Masail Ghusl)

10 - If a man in his dubur [anus] or a woman in her vagina enters the penis of the dead, or his finger, or wood, there is no ghusl [bathe] (Hidayah Kitab Taharah)

11 - If someone enters the penis of an animal in her vagina or dubur [anus], the ghusl [bathe] is not wajib [obligatory] (Dar Mukhtar Kitab Taharah Masail Ghusl)

12 - If someone enters the penis of a boy without desire in her vagina or dubur [anus], the ghusl [bathe] is not wajib [obligatory] (Dar Mukhtar Kitab taharah Masail Ghusl)

13 - After doing Jima [Intercourse] with a young girl, it is not necessary to clean his penis (Dar Mukhtar Kitab taharah Masail Ghusl)

14 - If someone does jima [intercourse] with a virgin and the maidenhead is not broken, ghusl [bathe] is not wajib [obligatory] (Dar Mukhtar Kitab taharah Masail Ghusl)

15 - If someone does wati [intercourse] in the dubur [have anal sex or commit bestiality] of an animal or in his anus and there is no inzal, then Ghusl [bathe] is not wajib [obligatory] (Hidayah kitab taharah)

16 - If the balighah woman [adult woman] does wati [intercourse] with a young boy or with a crazy, then the woman has no hadd [Punishment for Adultery] (Dar Mukhtar Kitab hudud)

17 - If someone does wati [intercourse] with a non balighah woman [non adult woman], or with a dead or an animal, there is no hadd [punishment] (Dar Mukhtar Kitab hudud)

18 - If someone does zina [adultery] with the salve of his child or great child, there is no hadd (Dar Mukhtar Kitab hudud)

19 - If someone does zina [adultery] with the slave of grand father or grand mother, there is no Hadd [Punishment for Adultery](Dar Mukhtar Kitab hudud)

20 - If someone has a slave in rahn (security for loan) and he does zina [adultery], there is no hadd [Punishment for Adultery] (Dar Mukhtar Kitab hudud)

21 - If someone does nikah [Marriage] with a mahram [sister, mother or daughter or real blood aunt] for ever woman and consider it halal [lawful], there is no hadd [Punishment for Adultery] (Dar Mukhtar Kitab hudud)

22 - The woman that are for ever forbidden, and he does nikah and he even if he considers that haram [Unlawful] , there is no hadd [Punishment for Adultery] (Dar Mukhtar Kitab hudud, et Alamgiri who attribute that to Imam Abu Hanifa)

23 - If he does nikah [marriage] with a woman and joins in nikah his wife’s sister or mother, there is no hadd [Punishment for Adultery] (Alamgiri)

24 - If he does temporary marriage [Muta'ah] and he considers that haram [Unlawful], there is no hadd [[Punishment for Adultery] (Alamgiri)

25 - If someone does nikah with a woman who is married before, and he knows she has a husband and it is haram [Unlawful] , there is no hadd [Punishment for Adultery] Fatawa Khaniya misr vol 3 p 508)

26 - There is no hadd [Punishment for Adultery] of zina [Adultery] for the one who cannot speak, neither any hadd [Punishment for Adultery] for something else, even if the witness are present and he admits with isharah [gesture] or by writing (Alamgiri misr, vol 2 p 168)

27 - If someone kidnaps a slave, does zina [Adultery] and pay his responsible [Owner] for her price, there is no hadd [Punishment for Adultery] (Dar Mukhtar Kitab hudud)

28 - If someone gives permission to another to do zina [Intercourse] with his slave, there is no hadd [Punishment for Adultery] (Alamgiri vol 2 p 169)

29 - If the Khalifah or the imam or the king does zina [ADULTERY] there is no hadd [PUNISHMENT] (Dar Mukhtar Kitab hudud) [also in Hidaya and that Hidaya is being taught in Pakistani Madressah]

30 - There is no hadd for sodomy [Anal Intercourse] (Dar Mukhtar Kitab hudud)

31 - If someone does zina [ADULTERY] in dar ul harb [Land/Country of Infidels] or in the land of revolted people, there is no hadd [PUNISHMENT] (Dar Mukhtar Kitab hudud)

32 - The muslim can take riba [Interest] from a Infidel, in dar ul harb [Land/Country of Infidels] (Dar Mukhtar vol 4 p 209)

33 - This is also true for the one who becomes muslim and does not do Hijrah, whe can take riba from him( Dar Mukhtar vol 4 p 210)

34 - If someone prays holding a dog in his hands, his prayer is not fasid [INVALID] (Dar Mukhtar misr vol 1 p 153)

35 - If someone in prayer watches the private part of a woman, his prayer [Salat] is not broken [means it will remain valid] ( Maraqi Al falah misr vol 1 p 200)

36 - If someone watches at book of fiqh during prayer, is prayer is not broken. ( Alamgiri vol,1 p 106)

37 - If someone prays and holds the Quran and reads from it, is prayer is fasid [Invalid] (Dar Mukhtar vol 1 p 641)

38 - If in the conditions of Imam in the first cases there is equality, then The one whose wife is more beautiful ( Dar Mukhtar vol 1 p 412)

39 - Then the one who has the biggest head and the shortest member [Penis] (Dar Mukhtar vol 1 p 412)

40 - The meaning of member is penis (Rad Mukhtar Sharh Dar Mukhar, p 413)

41 - The one who does watch the vagina of a woman in a miror or in water, then the mother of this woman is forbidden to him (Dur Mukhtar, Kitab Nikah, fasl fil Muharamat)


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