Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Protests in Karachi & Lahore against the Flogging incident

Protests in Karachi & Lahore against the Flogging incident Posted by Teeth MaestroApril 4, 2009

Dear Alvi Sahab,

Why dont the new Ameer of Jamat-e-Islami Munawwar Hasan [defended the flogging in Swat on Dawn News] and other Mullahs flog men on this:

Karo Kari is a tradition which is mostly practiced in my hometown and my birthblace i.e. Jacobabad i.e. Sindh, read more:


In Pakistani society women are suffering at the hands of centuries-old customs like karo kari*, marriage with the Qur’an** (Koran) and many others. As per a report of HRCP, in 1998, 286 women have reported to be killed in the name of honour. The overall situation is very bleak but a little number of women are emerging from the web and trying to break the norms and traditions and change the system that is not easy but very optimistic. ENDS PAKI WOMEN 19800

* Karo Kari ( According to a custom of karo kari, if a woman having an illicit liaison with any man, she is declared kari (black) and the man who involved in relationship is called Karo. It becomes a must for any relative of a “kari” woman to kill both her and her partner, as the murderer would escape from punishment because he has killed in the name of honour.

**Marriage with Quran (According to a tribal custom of Sindh and Baluchistan) , in some families especially Syed {an upper caste of Muslims) families, members of the faamilies search the proposals for their daughters, sisters in their own families and in case if they could not find any suitable match then they cover the head of the girl and teach her the Holy Quran in a ceremony. The whole life girl remains with the Quran and its called marriage with Quran. The practice is continue and the purpose is do not give the share to female members of the family.

Pakistan: The Protection of Women (Criminal Laws Amendment) Act, 2006 and its implementation


Various sources indicate that the Protection of Women (Criminal Laws Amendment) Act, 2006 has generated conflict in Pakistani society as some people perceive it as anti-Islamic or against the Quran (BBC 15 Nov. 2006; Nawa-e Waqt 15 May 2007; US 5 Dec. 2006; The Daily Times 3 Aug. 2007). The Daily Times further reports that a city-wide strike protesting the Act occurred in Karachi in December 2006 where most of the public transportation stopped operations, major commercial markets were closed and private schools started their winter holidays early in anticipation of the strike (23 Dec. 2006). Around 5,000 activists from the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA), a conservative Islamist political alliance (BBC 15 Nov. 2006), participated in the rally against the Act and there were reports of violence, though no details were provided (The Daily Times 23 Dec. 2006). Clashes also occurred in Lahore and Gujranwala ( 1 Dec. 2006).

The Ministry of Women Development of Pakistan indicates on its website that a bill to address customary practices such as forced marriages, Vani-Swara (i.e., giving a woman in marriage to hostile families in compensation for a relative’s crime), and “marriage to the Quran” [a practice whereby girls dedicate themselves to studying the Quran and forego marriage (Asharq Alawsat 22 July 2007)] is under review and that another bill to address domestic violence is being forwarded to the Cabinet for approval (Pakistan 5 Oct. 2007; see also The Daily Times 11 Jan. 2007).

Information regarding the implementation of the Protection of Women (Criminal Laws Amendment) Act, 2006 could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate.

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim for refugee protection. Please find below the list of additional sources consulted in researching this Information Request.


Amnesty International (AI). 2007. “Pakistan.” Amnesty International Report 2007. [Accessed 26 Nov. 2007]

_____. N.d. Asia Pacific Regional Office. “Hudood Ordinances – The Crime and Punishment for Zina.” [Accessed 29 Nov. 2007]

Asharq Alawsat [London]. 22 July 2007. Mohammed Al Shafey. “Married to the Quran.” [Accessed 29 Nov. 2007] 1 December 2006. “Muslim Leaders Give Thumbs Up to Law Protecting Women.” [Accessed 26 Nov. 2007]

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). 15 November 2006. Syed Shoaib Hasan. “Strong Feelings over Pakistan Rape Laws.” [Accessed 27 Nov. 2007]

Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). 1 March 2007. Carin Zissis. “Pakistan’s Uneven Push for Women.” [Accessed 26 Nov. 2007]

The Daily Times [Lahore]. 3 August 2007. “Introduction of Women’s Protection Act: Pakistani Rulers Have Invited Divine Wrath: JD.” [Accessed 27 Nov. 2007]

_____. 11 January 2007. “WAF Hails Prevention of Anti-Women Practices Bill.” [Accessed 27 Nov. 2007]

_____. 23 December 2006. “Anti-WPA Strike in Karachi Partially Successful.” [Accessed 27 Nov. 2007]

Dawn [Karachi]. 2 December 2006. “Musharraf Signs Women’s Bill.” [Accessed 26 Nov. 2007]

Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP). 2007. “Rights of the Disadvantaged.” State of Human Rights in 2006. [Accessed 20 Nov. 2007]

Human Rights Watch (HRW). 11 January 2007. “Pakistan.” World Report 2007. [Accessed 19 Nov. 2007]

Jahangir, Asma. 22 October 2007. Presentation on the topic of religion and human rights at the University of Ottawa.

Nawa-e Waqt [Rawalpindi, in Urdu]. 15 May 2007. “Pakistan: Ulema Attacks Govt over Women’s Protection Bill, Says Against Koran – Unattributed Report: The Entire Nation Has Rejected ‘the Women’s Protection Act’.” (World News Connection)

The News. 11 February 2007. Fatima Bhutto. “The Location of Honour: A Hundred Beats.” [Accessed 26 Nov. 2007]

Pakistan. 5 October 2007. Ministry of Women Development. “Introducing Women Protection Bill 2006 (Criminal Law).” [Accessed 20 Nov. 2007]

_____. 1 December 2006. The Protection of Women (Criminal Laws Amendment) Act, 2006. [Accessed 20 Nov. 2007]

United States (US). 2 May 2007. Commission on International Religious Freedom. Annual Report of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. [Accessed 20 Nov. 2007]

_____. 6 March 2007. Department of State. “Pakistan.” Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2006. [Accessed 29 Nov. 2007]

_____. 5 December 2006. Department of Commerce. National Technical Information Service (NTIS). “Urdu Press Roundup on Meeting of Scholars, PML Chief on Women’s Protection Bill.” (World News Connection)

Comment by Aamir Mughal on April 4, 2009 @ 4:11 am

Where was Jamat-e-Islami, Munawar Hasan, Professor Ghafoor, Mian Tufail and Qazi Hussain Ahmed when under their very nose this ‘SAD INCIDENT’ took place during the so-called Islamic General Ziaul Haq??? When Naked Procession of Women was forcibly taken out just for the sake of revenge.

The tormenting memory of Nawabpur By Omar R. Quraishi

12 October 2004 Tuesday 26 Shaban 1425

On October 8, several hundred activists and concerned citizens, including parliamentarians, gathered in front of Parliament House in Islamabad, to protest against the government’s inaction with regard to the so-called honour killings and increasing violence against women in the country. This rally follows several previous ones on similar issues and staged in the hope that our elected representatives realize the gravity of the situation and take action to outlaw honour killings.

In the name of honour, to defend a family, clan or tribe’s honour, many injustices and cruelties have been perpetrated against thousands of women in Pakistan’s history. Just two years ago, we saw a panchayat in the small village of Meerwala in southern Punjab order an innocent woman to be raped by several men as punishment for an alleged affair that one of her brother committed with a woman from another tribe.

Once the story got out, it made international headlines. All hell broke loose, at least initially, with the Supreme Court calling it the “most heinous crime of 21st century Pakistan” and ordering an anti-terrorism court to hear the case. Six men were eventually sentenced to death while eight were acquitted. However, their defence lawyers moved the high court and their appeal is currently pending.

For its part, the government gave the woman, Mukhtaran Mai Rs 500,000 and it is believed that aid offers came in from overseas and from private sources as well. She decided that with the money she would build a school in her village. According to a report a few months ago, her school is yet to be completed. The Supreme Court was right in calling it the most heinous crime seen by Pakistanis in this century. This century yes, but what was the most heinous crime the country witnessed during the previous century, specifically when General Ziaul Haq was in power, a time when the country was exposed to a veritable ocean of arms and drugs and when infamous laws like the Hudood and the Qisas and Diyat ordinances were enacted, perhaps a crime against Pakistan itself. But if one were to single out an incident and call it the equivalent of the Meerwala tragedy, it would have to be the horrific events that took place in Nawabpur, not far from Meerwala, 20 years ago.

Two women and a nine-year-old girl, were paraded naked on March 31, 1984, through the small galis of Nawabpur, a small, sleepy town some 10 kilometres from Multan. The women’s brother-in-law, Akbar, was a local carpenter, who had earned a name for himself by becoming skilled at his craft. The man, according to one account which appeared three weeks after the incident in this newspaper’s weekly magazine, was that he had been having affairs with women from the town’s leading feudal Sheikhana clan.

As such things are “settled” in a feudal/tribal context, several dozen men of the clan made their way to Akbar’s house, severely beat him up and then did the same to his two sisters-in-law and nine-year-old sister. Apparently, not content with their bestiality, they then proceeded to drag the two women and girl to the streets, naked. According to the report, “Talking to two dead women” (April 20, 1984) by Zafar Samdani: “A group of about 40-50 revenge-drunk men had entered their (the women’s house), beat up their brother-in-law Mohammad Akbar to a pulp, stripped them naked by tearing their clothes … and then herded them towards the main street, waving their arms, pistols, iron-mounted lathis and other weapons victoriously…

When the women tried to hide their bodies with their hands, they (the men) prodded them with sticks or just hit them. When they tried to hide their faces, they pulled their hair so that they raised their faces.” Beaten beyond recognition, Akbar died six days later from his injuries. Talking to the writer of the article, the chief of the Sheikhana clan at that time and chairman of the union council of Nawabpur, Malik Mohammad Baksh, said that the action of the men (he called them “boys”) from his clan was understandable given Akbar’s shenanigans because of which they were “terribly angry”.

He also said that though they were “terribly angry,” reports of their “misdeed had been grossly exaggerated”. One can only be astonished by the audacity of this man who probably saw it fit to deny or justify the parading of women naked at gunpoint, because one of their relatives allegedly had an affair or affairs with female relatives of the men who came to take revenge. A military court heard the case and after the incident an amendment (through the Criminal Law Amendment Ordinance 1984 - Section 354 A) was inserted in the Pakistan Penal Code. It increased the maximum sentence from two years in jail to capital punishment for anyone who forced a woman to strip naked in public. Despite that, the men tried in the Nawabpur case were not given capital punishment or even life sentence.

In fact, two months later they were all released on bail. Akbar’s shattered and broken family left the village fearing that the released men might return and persecute them. Quite ironically, a fortnight after the Nawabpur incident, a military court in a separate case sentenced a man and a woman to 20 lashes each after finding them guilty of committing adultery.

It is 20 years on and one wonders whether anything has really changed as far as the misogynist trends in Pakistani society are concerned. Meerwala, which happened just two years ago, would perhaps tell us that not much has changed.

In fact, the same year, one witnessed several cases of young teenage girls being “gifted” to men to settle tribal disputes. Earlier this year, a young girl in interior Sindh was shot dead by male relatives after she dared to dance during a family wedding ceremony. Perhaps one difference is that when the Nawabpur incident took place the kind of press and television coverage that Meerwala received did not exist. Other than that, the military man in charge today at least professes to holding views that are more enlightened than those of General Zia. And yes, the National Assembly and the Senate have several dozen female legislators now.

But they haven’t really made much of an impact, or to put it more precisely, the male-dominated politics of Pakistan hasn’t allowed them to do anything of significance. One or two members of parliament who do speak quite vociferously on women’s issues, such as Kashmala Tariq of the PML or Sherry Rehman of the PPP (Parliamentarians) are either shouted down (as the National Assembly speaker did recently with Ms Tariq), subjected to a thoroughly unwarranted attack on their personal character or are thought to be too westernized and elitist to be of any consequence (as is the case with Ms Rehman).

In fact, a privilege motion was moved recently against Kashmala Tariq by a member of her own party, the PML, after she said, in response to a reporter’s question that she wasn’t made a minister because she did not have the right surname or connections. On one occasion she also received comments on her looks from some male members of the National Assembly during parliamentary proceedings, giving the impression that perhaps some of our MNAs had never seen a female face before. Pretty much the same thing happens at the provincial level. In the case of Punjab, some of the PML women MPAs have said that they often find themselves sidelined during the proceedings or aren’t given enough time or opportunity to speak in a debate. As for the role of women in the Balochistan or NWFP assemblies, the less said the better, especially in the latter where they prefer to be silent much of the time and let their erstwhile male colleagues in the MMA take control of parliamentary proceedings.

If they try and protest against this bias, they are deemed by the men as being too troublesome or noisy. So, while we have lots of women legislators, the male-dominated system doesn’t let them do anything at all. In fact, its inherent anti-women attitude is geared towards denying them an effective voice/role in parliament just as it happens throughout the rest of society. Besides, the role of our so-called intellectuals, who should be more vocal in their demands for social reform, especially in areas such as these that involve the equality of the sexes and human dignity, has yet to materialize.

This is probably why, even 20 years after Nawabpur and two years after Meerwala, various governments continue to procrastinate over legislation against crimes committed in the name of honour. The fact that the print and electronic media report such things with greater alacrity and regularity than before is a positive sign and is aimed at raising public awareness.

But then, who doesn’t know that ordering a woman to be raped for a crime committed by her brother, or parading women naked in public is reprehensible and can be done only by beasts masquerading as humans? Clearly, increased media reporting of such happenings and greater awareness levels have not persuaded any government - not even one led by a self-professed enlightened moderate - to enact legislation to tilt the balance back, however slightly, in favour of women. In the past year alone, senior government functionaries, up to the ministerial level, have said at least a dozen times that a law will be “enacted soon”. The other day it was reported that the National Assembly’s standing committee on law and human rights had finally approved a draft of a proposed law on this issue. If the bill is approved by both houses, and a law is enacted, perhaps a significant change will be witnessed since the abominable events of Nawabpur shook this country 20 years ago.

Comment by Aamir Mughal on April 4, 2009 @ 6:22 pm

so called shia, all have one thing common:“disgustingness for HudooduLLah” [Dr Jawwad Khan]


Dear Jawwad Sahab,

How would you explain the Religion of Jinnah in view of your above comment?


On 24 September 1948, after the demise of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, his sister Fatimah Jinnah and the then Prime Minister of Pakistan, Liaquat Ali Khan, submitted a jointly signed petition at the Karachi High Court, describing Jinnah as ‘Shia Khoja Mohamedan’ and praying that his will may be disposed of under Shia inheritance law. On 6 February, 1968 after Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah’’ demise the previous year, her sister Shirin Bai, moved an application at the High Court claiming Fatimah Jinnah’s property under the Shia inheritance law on grounds that the deceased was a Shia. As per Mr. I. H. Ispahani who was a family friend of Jinnah, revealed that Jinnah had himself told him in 1936 that he and his family had converted to Shiism after his return from England in 1894. He said that Jinnah had married Ruttie Bai according to the Shia ritual during which she was represented by a Shia scholar of Bombay, and Jinnah was represented by his Shia friend, Raja Sahib of Mehmoodabad. He however conceded that Jinnah was opposed in Bombay elections by a Shia Conference canditate. Ispahani was present when Miss Fatima Jinnah died in 1967. He himself arranged the Ghusl and Janaza {Funeral Bath and Funeral} for her at Mohatta Palace according to the Shia Ritual before handing over the body to the state. Her Sunni Namaz-e-Janaza was held later at Polo Ground, Karachi after which she was buried next to her brother at a spot chosen by Ispahani inside the mausoleum. Ritualistic Shia talqin (last advice to the deceased) was done after her dead body was lowered into the grave. (Jinnah had arranged for talqin for Ruttie Bai too when she died in 1929). Allama Syed Anisul Husnain, a Shia scholar, deposed that he had arranged the gusl of the Quaid on the instructions of Miss Fatimah Jinah. He led his Namaz-e-Janaza in a room of the Governor General’s House at which such luminaries as Yousuf Haroon, Hashim Raza, and Aftab Hatim Alvi were present, while Liaquat Ali Khan waited outside the room. After the Shia ritual, the body was handed over to the state and Maulana Shabbir Ahmed Usmani, an alim belonging to Deoband school of thought known for its anti-Shia belief, read his Janaza according the Sunni ritual at the ground where the mausoleum was later constructed. Other witnesses confirmed that after the demise of Miss Fatimah Jinnah, alam and panja (two Shia symbols) were discovered from her residence, Mohatta Palace. Despite all this Jinnah kept himself away from Shia politics. He was not a Shia; he was also not a Sunni; he was simply a Muslim.

[PAKISTAN: Behind the Ideological Mask (Facts About Great Men We Don’t Want to Know) by Khaled Ahmed, published by VANGUARD Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad. The Murder of History: A critique of history textbooks used in Pakistan by K.K. Aziz, published by VANGUARD Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad].

Comment by dr.jawwadkhan on April 4, 2009 @ 6:37 pm

“How would you explain the Religion of Jinnah in view of your above comment”

it is not mine or any others job to decide about the others comments were specifically directed to the hostile behaviour of aehl e tashaee based on beliefs. Quaid e azam was the greatest leader of the 20th century and right fully owned and proved his title.
his religion in not my business.

Comment by SM Imran H Zaidi on April 4, 2009 @ 7:34 pm


I see my comment has been removed; merely because i am a shia. What a sad day when you dont even have the freedom to express your resent for the ugliness happening in the country. Be happy for what is happening; for when Allah pulls the rope; you will see the bitter end of it Inshallah…

Comment by SM Imran H Zaidi on April 4, 2009 @ 7:37 pm

Hostile behaviour of ahl-e-tashee? You forget the hostile behaviour of wahabis/nasibis towards the ahl-e-tashee and their leaders. Its good that the iranian revolution wiped u out otherwise you would’ve proven a cancer for the state of Iran; just as you are proving a cancer for the state of Pakistan.

Comment by Aamir Mughal on April 4, 2009 @ 7:53 pm

Behind The Islamic Revolution of Iran - Part I

dont tell me you now trust and rely on the propagandist american/zionist media and writers to understand the iranian revolution :)…[Imran Zaidi]

Dear Zaidi Sahab,

Complete and more details are under on Human Rights Violation in Iran. If you condemn Taliban then do condemn Irani Muttawwas as well. Across the Board Judgement would be justified:

Spiritual heritage of Imam Khomeini

Why Iranian Mullahs helped the US install the Shah and then turned against him?

Quaid e azam was the greatest leader of the 20th century and right fully owned and proved his title. his religion in not my business. [Dr Jawwad Khan]

Dear Jawwad Sahab,

Your favourite Deobandi [most of them were in Indian Congress], Barlevis and Mawdudi had the opinion that Jinnah and others who mad Pakistan possible were not ‘Good Muslims’ and in some cases [as per Mullahs], Founders of Pakistan were Kaafirs [sic]


Ulema and Pakistan Movement

Mullahs and Innovative Ménage à trois. I wonder where are the Floggers [Is Imran Khan Listening???]. Imran should grow beard because he is keeping a company which could be very dangerous even for a Handsome Men what to talk of Ms. Shireen M Mazari of Tehreek-e-Insaaf [she should quit trimming her hair immediately because Swat is only 100 KM away from Islamabad].

General’s Election By TIM MCGIRK / KHANA-KHEL Monday, Oct. 07, 2002,9171,501021014-361788,00.html

Hatred is a powerful motivator. Until the clerics made common cause against America, the six hard-line party leaders were rivals. They stormed each other’s mosques and split hairs over ideological disputes dating back to Islam’s early days. Their differences were stark: some worship at the tombs of local Sufi saints; others dismiss that practice as blasphemy. Most of the parties want their women veiled from head to toe, although more liberal groups argue that it ought to be the woman’s choice. The personalities of the parties’ leaders have also clashed. Qazi Hussain Ahmed from the Jamaat-e-Islami is a cultured, well-traveled cleric who speaks with the measured finality of a judge passing a grim sentence. Several of his new brethren, in contrast, are unquestionably flamboyant. Maulana Fazlur Rehman wears robes of golden thread and was dubbed “Maulana Diesel” after allegations were made though never proven that he was involved in a fuel scam. Maulana Samiul Haq earned the nickname “Sandwich Sammy” after being photographed (presumably by Pakistani intelligence officers) in an inventive position with several bedmates. “We have our differences, some of them centuries-old,” concedes Ahmed, “But we have enough in common.”

Comment by Khadim Hussain on April 7, 2009 @ 2:06 am

Any incidence narrated by M M Ispahani, father of Farahnaz Ispahani is based on sectarian abhorence. He imported Iranian wife and Rafzi and black heart person who misguided Quaid e Azam alongwith Raja Mahmoodabad, who himself never liked to come back to Pakistan and buried in Iran. Is it not funny story that Shia Janaza of Quaid was help in bathroom, with two participants.It means hundred thousand of Muslims who offered Janaza of Quaid was a fraud.First of Quaid by birth was not Athna Asari Rafzi. Moreover the moulvi who converted forefathers of Quaid to Muslim was not also Rafzi.Rifz and quaid’s drama has been started after Iranuan revolution. Question is that the Rafzi moulvi who claimed bathroom Janaza why did not disclosed earlier soon after Janaza, every matter happened after two decades. Irania Walayat e Faqeeh drama is not less then Qadiani claim of prophethood. For Rafzis khomeini is equal to prophet (L.U) Major propaganda about Rifz of Quaid is gay leader Yaeer Latif Hamdani of Islamabad Imam Husain Council. By the way Shireen Mazari is also Rafzi.About Fazal ur Rahman, his Baluchistan chapter top leaders are on pay role of Iran. Major problem is emerge of shia crescent by USA, majority of Rafzi’s are informers of CIA and Mossad including Hassan Abbas, Hussain Haqqani recently converted Rafzi living without Muslim Nikkah and so many others. Rifz is a mental disease.

Comment by Aamir Mughal on April 8, 2009 @ 4:35 am

Dear Khadim Sahab,

But Hussain Haqqani was a member of Jamat-e-Islami’s Student wing IJT and head of Karachi University IJT and ver close to General Ziaul Haq and Karachi’s weekly Takbeer [Founder Editor Late. Salahuddin was also JI Member] still has the picture of Hussain Haqqani as IJT Leader and Hussain Haqqani’s pictures with General Zia are still in the archives of Jasart and Takbeer.Sindh High Court Record is a public Document now and you can go and check that document which is mentioned in the link above, Jinnah was a Shia and Bombay High Court’s Annexure also testifies that earlier Jinnah was Ismaili and converted to Shia Faith.


Sindh High Court is a public Document and you can go anc check that Jinnah was a Shia and Bombay High Court’s Annexure also testifies that Jinnah was Ismaili and converted to Shia Faith.

Comment by Aamir Mughal on April 8, 2009 @ 4:50 am

Major problem is emerge of shia crescent by USA, majority of Rafzi’s are informers of CIA and Mossad including Hassan Abbas, Hussain Haqqani recently converted Rafzi living without Muslim Nikkah and so many others. Rifz is a mental disease.[Khadim Hussain]

Late Maj Gen AO Mitha’s published autobiography, Unlikely Beginnings. Major General Abubakar Osman Mitha, the only Memon General of the Army who founded THE SSG COMMANDO BATTALION OF PAKISTAN ARMY.

According to Gen Mitha, it was Gul Hasan who saved Brig Zia-ul-Haq, as he then was, from being sacked. Zia was in Jordan. The year was 1971. Gen Yahya received a signal from Maj Gen Nawazish, the head of the Pakistan military mission in Amman, asking that Zia be court-martialled for disobeying GHQ orders by commanding a Jordanian armour division against the Palestinians in which thousands were slaughtered. That ignominious event is known as Operation Black September. It was Gul Hasan who interceded for Zia and had Yahya let him off. Mitha was treated very badly. His Hilal-i-Jurat was withdrawn in February 1972, something that also appears to have been Gul Hasan’s handiwork.

The most promising comparison between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Jewish State of Israel came from Gen. Zia ul-Haq. Lacking a political constituency, he skillfully exploited Islam to legitimize and consolidate his military dictatorship. Presenting himself as a simple, pious and devoted Muslim, he institutionalized religious radicalism in Pakistan. In so doing, he found Israel to be his strange ally.

Toward the end of 1981, he remarked: Pakistan is like Israel, an ideological state. Take out the Judaism from Israel and it will fall like a house of cards. Take Islam out of Pakistan and make it a secular state; it would collapse. He likewise surprised many observers in March 1986, when he called on the PLO to recognize the Jewish state. As discussed elsewhere, he was actively involved both in the 1970 Black September massacre of the Palestinians in Jordan as well as in Egypts re-entry into the Islamic fold more than a decade later. From 1967 to 1970 our Commander of the Faithful Late. General Muhammad Ziaul Haq was in Jordan in Official Militray Capacity and he helped late. King Hussain of Jordan in cleansing the so-called Palestinian Insurgents, Zia and Hussain butchered many innocent Palestinians in the name of Operation against Black September {a militant organization of Palestinians}. The intensity of bloodletting by Zia ul Haq and King Hussain was such that one of the founder father of Israel Moshe Dayan said:

King Hussein (with help from Zia-ul-Haq of the Pakistani army) sent in his Bedouin army on 27 September to clear out the Palestinian bases in Jordan. A massacre of innumerable proportions ensued. Moshe Dayan noted that Hussein “killed more Palestinians in eleven days than Israel could kill in twenty years.” Dayan is right in spirit, but it is hardly the case that anyone can tch the Sharonism in its brutality.

Charlie Wilson’s War by George Crile during the so-called Afghan Jihad following things did happen;

He told Zia about his experience the previous year when the Israelis had shown him the vast stores of Soviet weapons they had captured from the PLO in Lebanon. The weapons were perfect for the Mujahideen, he told Zia. If Wilson could convince the CIA to buy them, would Zia have any problems passing them on to the Afghans? Zia, ever the pragmatist, smiled on the proposal, adding, Just don’t put any Stars of David on the boxes {Page 131-132}.

Quran also says:

Thou wilt find the most vehement of mankind in hostility to those who believe (to be) the Jews and idolaters. and thou wilt find the nearest of them in affection to those who believe (to be) those who say: Lo we are Christians. That is because there are among them priests and monks, and because they are not proud. [The Table Spread Chapter 5 Verse 82 – Soorah Al-Maidah].

O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and Christian for friends. They are friends one to another. He among you who taketh them for friends is (one) of them. Lo! Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk. {The Table Spread – V (Soora Al-Maida) Verse 51}.

Comment by Aamir Mughal on April 8, 2009 @ 5:02 am

Major problem is emerge of shia crescent by USA, majority of Rafzi’s are informers of CIA and Mossad including Hassan Abbas, Hussain Haqqani recently converted Rafzi living without Muslim Nikkah and so many others. Rifz is a mental disease.[Khadim Hussain]

Dear Khadim Sahab,

The Islamic Book which is often cosulted and quoted by Deobandi and Barelvi Mullahs of Indo-Pak is “Fatawa-e-Alamgiri. This book was compiled on the Orders of Mughal King Aurangzeb, his mother Mumtaz Mehel was Shia, his Maternal Uncle and Central Military Leaders Mir Jumla and Shaista Khan was Shia, his eldest son’s wife was Shia [she was the daughter of Abul Hasan Tana Shah of Golkunda - South India] {Muntakhibur Tawareekh by Mullah Abdul Qadir Badayuni and Mughal Throne by Abraham Eraly and Abraham has quoted Badayuni]

Renowned Ahle Hadith Scholar Late Hakeem Faiz Alam in his book Haqeeqate-e-Mazhab-e-Shia [The Reality of Shia Faith] has written:

I wonder if Aurangzeb’s Legitimacy is Valid because of his mother was Shia and if it was not Valid Nikha with Shahjehan the how how could we decide about the Legitimacy of Aurangzeb??? And if Aurangzeb’s Legitimacy is invalid then how could we be so sure about the Laws compiled in the name of Islam on the orders of a King whose Legitimacy is in doubt due to your Nikah Sentence Above. I dont want to quote the Excerpts of Fatawa-e-Alamgiri here because excerpts are vulgar and pornographic than the Kamasutra and Islam of this Fatawa-e-Alamgiri is being thrusted down the throat of Muslims of India and Pakistan and Afghanistan too.

Comment by Aamir Mughal on April 8, 2009 @ 6:26 am

He imported Iranian wife and Rafzi and black heart person who misguided Quaid e Azam alongwith Raja Mahmoodabad, who himself never liked to come back to Pakistan and buried in Iran. Irania Walayat e Faqeeh drama is not less then Qadiani claim of prophethood. [Khadim Hussain]

Dear Khadim Sahab,

Quite a “QUAID - Leader” we had who got duped up by two Rafizis [as per you], who cannot stop her own daughter Dina Wadia from marrying a Zoroastrian, who accepted a country of which one part was 1000 Mile away, and quite Muslim was Jinnah who appointed a Quadiyani for the Post of Foreign Minister i.e. Late Sir Zafarullah Chaudhry. I am not concocting this, you can verufy this “SECRET” by going through 1947 Newspapers.

Keep it up Sir.

Comment by Aamir Mughal on April 8, 2009 @ 6:32 am

About Fazal ur Rahman, his Baluchistan chapter top leaders are on pay role of Iran.[Khadim Hussain]

Dear Khadim Sahab,

Sorry to say but you are wrong again because the actual country is Libya and even this was reported by Daily Newspapers of Pakistan [if you believe them] because Deoband Conference was held in 1999/2000 in Peshawar [under Musharraf Martial Law] and Deobandis from all over the world had participated but I wonder what the Libyan Diplomats and Indian Deobandis were doing in Peshawar in that Gathering.

Read the details:

General Musharraf, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, Brigadier [R] Usman Khalid & Deobandi Taliban.

Comment by Aamir Mughal on April 8, 2009 @ 6:39 am

About Fazal ur Rahman, his Baluchistan chapter top leaders are on pay role of Iran.[Khadim Hussain]

Dear Khadim Sahab,

As per a Book by Darululoom Deoband, Hussain Ahmed Madani had a faith that Indian Muslims and Indian Hindus are one nation????

As per Indian Muslim Magazine:


The ‘United Nationalism’ of Maulana Madni - i

I hope Alvi wont censor the above post because it thoroughly exposes this Deobandi Anarchy in Northern Area because of their Old Indian Connections through Sufi Spirituality of their Elders Loyalties with Indian Congress and their animosity to the Two Nation Theory and their Fatwa of Kufr against Jinnah because Jinnah was Shia.

Comment by Aamir Mughal on April 8, 2009 @ 7:13 am

Shireen Mazari is also Rafzi [Khadim Hussain]

Dear Khadim Sahab,

I may have differences with her thoughts and ideology but she is not Shia:

Barbarism and a desensitised leadership Shireen M Mazari Wednesday, April 08, 2009

As if all that was not enough, we were confronted with the abhorrent video of the flogging of a teenage girl in Swat. Tragically, the whole debate seems to have been reduced to the timing of the event – as if that makes the crime, for that is what it is even under the Shariah laws of this country, any less horrific – and to the authenticity or otherwise of the video itself. The fact of the matter is that regardless of these issues, such inhuman acts against women have been taking place across the land, not only at the hands of the Taliban.

Which brings up the real issue – that is, of the state showing tolerance for such brutalities against women. Apart from the Taliban, many others are guilty of such barbarism in Pakistan. We have seen the tribal leaders of Balochistan and the feudals of Sindh and Punjab, as well as the elite of the Frontier, conduct equally horrendous brutalities, and only the lack of a video prevented us from literally hearing the screams of the hapless women and girl victims, either buried alive or killed by dogs or shot by their own parents – to name just a few of the ways women are abused in this country, because the state is unable to show zero tolerance.

On the contrary, male politicians from across party lines defend such crimes on grounds of tradition and “culture,” while the Taliban use a distortion of religion to defend the indefensible. Can one forget the so-called secular ANP refusing to raise its voice against honour killings because of “tradition” a few years back? Now, once again, we have seen the cowardly position taken by the ANP’s provincial minister of information, Iftikhar Hussain, in targeting a dedicated Samar Minallah, instead of those who may actually be guilty of taking the law into their own hands in the now apparently sub judice case of the flogging incident. Of course, the fact that President Zardari is still sitting on the Adl Ordinance means that there is no clarity of actual law prevailing in Swat and Malakand, but then who will get the president to behave in a rational fashion – one way or another?

Comment by Aamir Mughal on April 8, 2009 @ 8:32 am

Any incidence narrated by M M Ispahani, father of Farahnaz Ispahani is based on sectarian abhorence. He imported Iranian wife and Rafzi and black heart person who misguided Quaid e Azam alongwith Raja Mahmoodabad, First of Quaid by birth was not Athna Asari Rafzi. Rifz is a mental disease. [Khadim Hussain]

Dear Khadim Sahab,

Quite a Quaid-e-Azam - Leader we had, who can easily be fooled and by whom minions like Raja Sahab Mehmoodabad [Ameer Mohammad Khan - donated his whole Princely State for Pakistan - Agha Hasan Abidi BCCI'S Father was his Munshi and by the way the same Rafizi Agha Hasan Abidi helped through money for Afghan Jihad read his friendship with General Zia] and Isphahani [who was the main person who made PIA possible].

Quite a Quaid-e-Azam -Leader we had, whose Deputy was another Shia who moved Pakistan’s Motion in the Sindh Assembly [If I am lying then check the Sindh Assembly Website because that motion is still there on internet]. His name was G M Syed [Ghulam Murtaza Syed and he was basically Kazmi and belonged to Sann - Dadu.

As per your view that Jinnah [I dont say him Quaid-e-Azam] was misguided by Rafizis but I wonder did G M Syed also misguided Jinnah and forced him to make Pakistan. By the way if you are interested in reading get a book “Tehqeeq-e-Syed Au Sadaat” [Research on the Progney and Family of Prophet Mohammad - PBUH and his [PBUH] generation] by Mahmood Ahmed Abbasi [Pupil of Mawlvi Abdul Haq] and in a chapter it is written that Maulana Abul Ala Mawdudi great grand Father was a Rafizi [Abbasi Sahab has proved it through Chain of Early Generation and Family Tree - Shajra]

Sindh Assembly Motion for Pakistan is as under whose Mover was a Rafizi and major supporters were Rafizi Waderay of Pakistan:

Read the Sindh Assembly Resolution:





On 3rd March, 1943, Mr. G.M. Syed moved the Historical Pakistan Resolution:-

“This House recommends to Government to convey to His Majesty’s Government through His Excellency the Viceroy, the sentiments and wishes of the Muslims of this Province that whereas Muslims of India are a separate nation possessing religion, philosophy, social customs, literature, traditions, political and economic theories of their own, quite different from those of Hindus, they are justly entitled to the right, as a single, separate nation, to have independent national states of their own, craved out in the zones where they are in majority in the sub-continent of India.

“Whereas they emphatically declare that no constitution shall be acceptable to them that will place the Muslims under a Central Government dominated by another nation, as in order the order of things to come, it is necessary for them to have independent National States of their own and hence any attempt to subject the Muslims of India under one Central Government is bound to result in Civil War with grave unhappy consequences.”

Walkout by Hindu Members

The Honourable mover of the resolution stated that his resolution was intended to convey the views and sentiments of only the Mussalmans of Sind and not of the entire population of Sind. The Chair also held that it was only the wish of the Mussalmans of Sind which was going to be conveyed by this resolution. In view of this ruling of the Chair that the Hindus had no interest in the resolution and that it was only the religion and sentiments of the Mussalmans of Sind that were to be conveyed through it, the following Hindu members left the House.

Mr. Nihchaldas C. Vazirani, Mr. Dialmal Doulatram, Mr. Ghanumal Tarachand, Mr. Partabrai Khasukhdas, mr. Akhji Ratansing Sodho, Mr. Mukhi Gobindram and Rao Bahadur Hotchand Hiranand.


The Resolution was pressed to division.































The Historical Pakistan Resolution was passed by the Sindh Legislative Assembly on 3rd March, 1943 during the Session, out of 38 Members 24 Members favoured and 3 Members opposed the Pakistan Resolution.


Comment by dr.jawwadkhan on April 8, 2009 @ 11:08 am

“Maulana Abul Ala Mawdudi great grand Father was a Rafizi [Abbasi Sahab has proved it through Chain of Early Generation and Family Tree - Shajra]”

crap , crap simply crap @amir mughal! are you here to copy any material against syed abul aala modudi and paste it with out having any research? do you know the hadith regarding a person who forwards the hearsay?

Comment by Aamir Mughal on April 8, 2009 @ 7:24 pm

crap , crap simply crap @amir mughal! are you here to copy any material against syed abul aala modudi and paste it with out having any research? do you know the hadith regarding a person who forwards the hearsay? [Dr Jawwad Khan]

Dear Jawwad Sahab,

There are three books written by Mehmood Ahmed Abbasi:

1 - Khilafat-e-Muwaiyah (Razi Allah Tala Anho wa Yazeed (Rehmatullah Aleh) [Refutation of Khilafat o Malookiyat by Mawdudi] [written to refute Mawdudid's article he used to write after 60s on Yazeed [May Allah have mercy on his soul] in his publications of Jamat-e-Islami - Abbasi Sahab ripped apart the Historical References which Mawdudi used in his book [read filth] called Khilafat o Malookiyat to insult Companions of Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] and Tabai Companion of Prophet Mohammad’d Companion] like Yazeed.

2 - Haqeeqat-e-Khilafat O Malookiyat by Mehmood Ahmed Abbasi - Abbasi Sahab ripped apart the Historical References which Mawdudi used in his book [read filth] called Khilafat o Malookiyat to insult Companions of Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] and Tabai Companion of Prophet Mohammad’d Companion] like Yazeed.

3 - Tehqeeq-e-Mazeed Basilsila Khilafat o Muawiyah wa Yazeed - Abbasi Sahab ripped apart Historical References which Mawdudi used in his book [read filth] called Khilafat o Malookiyat to insult Companions of Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] and Tabai Companion of Prophet Mohammad’d Companion] like Yazeed.

4 - “Tehqeeq-e-Syed Au Sadaat” [Research on the Progney and Family of Prophet Mohammad - PBUH and his [PBUH] generation] by Mahmood Ahmed Abbasi [Pupil of Mawlvi Abdul Haq] and in a chapter it is written that Maulana Abul Ala Mawdudi great grand Father was a Rafizi [Abbasi Sahab has proved it through Chain of Early Generation and Family Tree - Shajra]rip apart the Historical References which Mawdudi used in his book [read filth] called Khilafat o Malookiyat to insult Companions of Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] and Tabai Companion of Prophet Mohammad’d Companion] like Yazeed.

5 - Maqtal-e-Hussain aka Maqtal Abi Mikhnaf by Late. Hakim Ali Ahmed Abbasi [Former Professor of Islamiat in Swat] - A research on the tragedy of Karbala where in he throws a detailed light on the good Character of Yazeed [May Allah have mercy on his soul] and also rip apart the Historical References which Mawdudi used in his book [read filth] called Khilafat o Malookiyat to insult Companions of Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] and Tabai Companion of Prophet Mohammad’d Companion] like Yazeed.

Books are available in Lahore and in Karachi at several Islamic Book shops, go, read and then raise allegation of heresy.

Comment by dr.jawwadkhan on April 8, 2009 @ 8:15 pm

aapko refrence deney ke liye “mehmood ahmed abbasi hi mila? jis ka har koee mazaq banata hey.

Comment by Aamir Mughal on April 8, 2009 @ 9:09 pm

aapko refrence deney ke liye “mehmood ahmed abbasi hi mila? jis ka har koee mazaq banata hey. [Dr Jawwad Khan]

Dear Jawwad Sahab,

Mehmood Ahmed Abbasi’s book carry the references of those books [many I have in my personal collection] which he used to refute Mawdudi’s Tabbarra [Read Khilafat O Malookiyat] on the Companions of Prophet Mohammad.

Similar things are written against Mawdudi by one of the Founder Member of JAMAT-E-ISALMI i.e. Maulana Manzoor Naimani in his book which he had written after quiting JI namely “Mawlana Mawdudi Kay Saath Meri Rafaqat Ki Sargazasht” - do read it because Naimani wasn’t ordinary scholar like Jahil Mullahs.

Another book on the honour and respect of Sahaba Karam [Companion of the Prophet Mohammad] to refute Mawdudi was written by Mawlana Noorul Hasan [Deobandi] “Khilafat O Malookiyat Aur Sahaba Kiram”.

I had already suggested “Khilafat O Malookiyat Ki Tareekihi Aur Sharaee Haisyat [700 pages] by Hafia Salahuddin Yousuf [Ahle Hadith - Salafi - Wahabi] even the preface and forwords of the book would shake you the very core due to several leading Pakistani and Indian Scholars Harsh Words on Mawdudi.

Comment by Aamir Mughal on April 9, 2009 @ 12:04 am

aapko refrence deney ke liye “mehmood ahmed abbasi hi mila? jis ka har koee mazaq banata hey.[Dr Jawwad Khan]

Dear Jawwad Sahab,

One of the Founders amongst others who left Jamat-e-Islami was Mawlana Wahiduddin Khan [he is still alive and 90 years old and lives in Azam Garh, UP - India] has also and very ruthlessly refuted not only his Former Mullah in Chief Mawdudi but also refuted Khomeini and their destructive ideologies as well in his two books.

1 - Asbaq-e-Tareekh [Lessons of History] published by Fazlee Sons Pakistan.

2 - Ta’abeer Ki Ghalti [Mistakes in Interpretation] published by Fazlee Sons Pakistan.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan [Indian Scholar and one of the founder of Jamat-e-Islami and later resigned] has written on Mawdudi, Khomeini, Azad, Qutub, Hasan Al Banna, Jamaluddin Afghani and all such Violent Deviant Political Islamists.

A glimpse:

Read Maulana Wahiduddin Khan’s Asbaq-e-Tareekh [Lessons of History]

Read Yeh Khush Khayal Muffakireen in the link below page 302

Wahid Sahab had written in 60s “Tabeer Ki Ghalti” and this whole book is on Mawdudi’s and his Deviant Jamat-e-Islami, get this book and you will know where these Political Islamists went wrong rather adopted entirely deviant ways.

Mawlana Wahiduddin Khan [Great Indian Scholar]

PDF/Audio Books (Urdu) By Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

Comment by Aamir Mughal on April 9, 2009 @ 12:17 am

I support and Love Genuine Swat Flogging and why the hell Ms Tahir Abdullah and Mr Ansar Abbasi [Friends of Free Judiciary Movement] are not crying now like Ms. Tahira Abdullah cried on GEO TV Program to save the PPP for being turned into Mullah Party from Bhutto Party.

These Pseudo Liberals needs to be fixed by Enforcing Hudd [Punishment for being mingled with Stranger Male Members without being in the company of Mehrem i.e. Husband, Brother, and Son]. Mr Ansar Abbasi [The News Internal/Jang Group of Newspapers/GEO TV] supported the Flogging therefore he should take up the Whip [Islami Durra] and must start flogging from Editor News International [because of The News Editorial against Flogging] Ms. Tahira Abdullah, Asma Jehangir, Hina Jilani, Samar Minallah, Bena Sarwar and all those ladies of NGOs with whom Ansar Abbasi [A Jounralist with Islamic Itch] was very firendly to gain cheap political points in the name of Restore the Judicary Movement.

Punishment is excellent in the news below and every Rapist deserves Punishment like this but I wonder through which Quranic Verse these Wahabi Mutawwas obtained the sentence of execution for the Rapist/Murderer. through Sword?

3 Pakistanis beheaded in Saudi Arabia Wednesday, 08 Apr, 2009 03:59 AM PST

Saudi Arabia executes two policemen for rape Sat Feb 21, 2009 3:14pm IST

Friday’s executions bring to at least nine the total number of people executed this year, six of whom were Saudi nationals, according to a Reuters tally based on announcements by the Interior Ministry.

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