Thursday, June 11, 2009

US CIA, Leon Panetta, Osama bin Laden, Alan & Cindy Thompson

Leon Panetta, 19th Director of the US Central Intelligence Agency
Leon E. Panetta, The Panetta Institute and its annual lecture series were the inspiration of former congressman and White House chief of staff Leon E. Panetta, who recently returned to full-time government service as director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – CIA Director Leon Panetta said on Thursday the U.S. intelligence agency believes al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is hiding in Pakistan and hopes joint operations with Pakistani forces will find him. Asked whether he was sure that bin Laden was in Pakistan, Panetta told reporters: "The last information we had, that's still the case." CIA chief says bin Laden in Pakistan (Reporting by Tabassum Zakaria; Editing by Bill Trott) Laden in Pakistan /

Osama bin Laden

Staged Capture of Bin Laden Coming Soon Paul Joseph Watson

It has become apparent that the global theatrical stage is being prepared for the presence of the CIA troublemaker Osama bin Laden. With the benefit of hindsight we can look back to the pre-cursor of the arrest of Saddam Hussein and draw some interesting parallels.

Before Saddam was rolled out, public officials were bragging that the arrest was about to take place. Congressman LaHood told his local newspaper, the Pantagraph, that 'he knew something they didn't' about the imminent capture of Saddam.

Around 16 months ago nationally syndicated radio talk show host Alex Jones was told by a source close to the Bush family that bin Laden was already dead and that the body had been handed over after an agreement with the bin Laden family. The source said bin Laden was on ice and his death would be announced only right before the 2004election.

Madeleine Albright recently told Fox News that Bush already has bin Laden and is waiting to roll him at a politically expedient time. Understand that when she said this she was stern faced, she wasn't joking.

The Associated Press reported the comments of Lt. Col. Bryan Hilferty, who stated that bin Laden's general location was known and that he would be found within months. The recent rumblings about troop movements into northern Pakistan betray the fact that such an operation is in the works.

However, they've known where bin Laden was all along. I have featured numerous articles on the website where the troops on the ground has his location pinpointed, were about to swoop in, but the raid was suddenly called off because bin Laden had mysteriously disappeared.

In the spring of 1999, A British couple called Alan and Cindy Thompson were driving through Pakistan, in the very area that they're now talking about as being bin Laden's location. After driving for 11 hours on dirt roads they came to a checkpoint and were detained by armed Pakistani guards.

The next day the Dawn newspaper, one of the biggest newspapers in Pakistan, reported that this couple had found the secret lair of Osama bin Laden.

More interesting is that they reported that this location had been visited by US consulate officers, British, Australian, and Swiss ambassadors, and that it was guarded by a team of US commandoes.

After the couple were picked up by the British embassy they were invited to a garden party where all the British ambassadors and aid workers were bragging that they were stationed in the same area as bin Laden's secret hideout.

After the couple got back home to England they saw a newspaper article calling for the capture of bin Laden. This was a few months before Clinton signed an executive order mandating bin Laden to be killed on sight.

The couple immediately contacted Scotland Yard in London; they contacted the FBI and the Pentagon and in every case got nothing. No response, no request for an interview. Nothing.

Let us recap. We have British ambassadors visiting Osama bin Laden, whose location is guarded by elite US commandoes, and when the couple that witnessed all this try to report it, they are blackballed.

They know where bin Laden is and they have known for at least 5 years.

It's important to note that by blowing the whistle on this, it may cause them to change the script and not announce the capture of bin Laden. However, both George Bush and Tony Blair are reeling from the failure to find any WMD in Iraq. They need something to take the headlines away from their transparent lies.

I for one hope they choose to roll out bin Laden's dead body. The only other option for them right now is to launch another staged terror attack on US soil.

Look out for more 'We got him' headlines soon.


Paul Joseph Watson is a writer and researcher based in Sheffield, England. He is the webmaster at both Propaganda and Alex Jones' His debut book is 'Order Out Of Chaos'. Contact him

Previously by this author: Silverstein, FDNY Decided to 'Pull WTC 7': An In-Depth Analysis


The Staged capture of Bin Laden, featuring Alan and Cindy Thompson by oceanlblue@ 2009-05-22 – 09:20:45 Staged Capture of Bin Laden Coming Soon Paul Joseph Watson

It has become apparent that the global theatrical stage is being prepared for the presence of the CIA troublemaker Osama bin Laden.

With the benefit of hindsight we can look back to the pre-cursor of the arrest of Saddam Hussein and draw some interesting parallels

Before Saddam was rolled out, public officials were bragging that the arrest was about to take place. Congressman LaHood told his local newspaper, the Pantagraph, that 'he knew something they didn't' about the imminent capture of Saddam.

Around 16 months ago nationally syndicated radio talk show host Alex Jones was told by a source close to the Bush family that bin Laden was already dead and that the body had been handed over after an agreement with the bin Laden family. The source said bin Laden was on ice and his death would be announced only right before the 2004 election.

Madeleine Albright recently told Fox News that Bush already has bin Laden and is waiting to roll him at a politically expedient time. Understand that when she said this she was stern faced, she wasn't joking.

The Associated Press reported the comments of Lt. Col. Bryan Hilferty, who stated that bin Laden's general location was known and that he would be found within months. The recent rumblings about troop movements into northern Pakistan betray the fact that such an operation is in the works.

However, they've known where bin Laden was all along. I have featured numerous articles on the website where the troops on the ground has his location pinpointed, were about to swoop in, but the raid was suddenly called off because bin Laden had mysteriously disappeared.

In the spring of 1999, A British couple called Alan and Cindy Thompson were driving through Pakistan, in the very area that they're now talking about as being bin Laden's location. After driving for 11 hours on dirt roads they came to a checkpoint and were detained by armed Pakistani guards.

The next day the Dawn newspaper, one of the biggest newspapers in Pakistan, reported that this couple had found the secret lair of Osama bin Laden.

More interesting is that they reported that this location had been visited by US consulate officers, British, Australian, and Swiss ambassadors, and that it was guarded by a team of US commandoes.

After the couple were picked up by the British embassy they were invited to a garden party where all the British ambassadors and aid workers were bragging that they were stationed in the same area as bin Laden's secret hideout.

After the couple got back home to England they saw a newspaper article calling for the capture of bin Laden. This was a few months before Clinton signed an executive order mandating bin Laden to be killed on sight.

The couple immediately contacted Scotland Yard in London; they contacted the FBI and the Pentagon and in every case got nothing. No response, no request for an interview. Nothing.

Let us recap. We have British ambassadors visiting Osama bin Laden, whose location is guarded by elite US commandoes, and when the couple that witnessed all this try to report it, they are blackballed.

They know where bin Laden is and they have known for at least 5 years.

It's important to note that by blowing the whistle on this, it may cause them to change the script and not announce the capture of bin Laden. However, both George Bush and Tony Blair are reeling from the failure to find any WMD in Iraq. They need something to take the headlines away from their transparent lies.

I for one hope they choose to roll out bin Laden's dead body. The only other option for them right now is to launch another staged terror attack on US soil.

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