Friday, July 24, 2009

Brigadier Retd. Imtiaz: Another Multifaceted Fraud.

Brigadier Retd. Imtiaz aka Billa - Former Number 2 of ISI - 1987 - 1989, and Director General Intelligence Bureau under Mian Nawaz Sharif's First Government - 1990 - 1993.

Major Amir and Brigadier Imtiaz were the two main characters of “Operation Midnight Jackal” that was reportedly launched to topple the first Benazir Bhutto government in 1989. The ISI had reportedly launched the operation to make Pakistan People’s Party MNAs support a no-confidence motion against their own prime minister. Return of the ‘Midnight Jackal’? By Shahzad Raza Wednesday, 08 Apr, 2009 05:03 AM PST

Brigadier Retd. Imtiaz aka Billa - Former Number 2 of ISI - 1987 - 1989, and Director General Intelligence Bureau under Mian Nawaz Sharif's First Government - 1990 - 1993. A former intelligence chief in Pakistan has been sentenced to eight years imprisonment for corruption. The official, retired Brigadier Imtiaz Billa, who was director-general of the Intelligence Bureau during Nawaz Shariff's first government, was found guilty of large-scale corruption and misappropriation of funds. Former Pakistan intelligence chief sentenced: Tuesday, 31 July, 2001, 14:58 GMT 15:58 UK
Brigadier Retd. Imtiaz aka Billa - Former Number 2 of ISI - 1987 - 1989, and Director General Intelligence Bureau under Mian Nawaz Sharif's First Government - 1990 - 1993.

Brigadier mentioned below was fooling everybody on GEO TV in its program Jirga whereas the numskull host Salim Safi was “Summun, Bukmun, Umyun. At the end of the program Brigadier Imtiaz had again boasted that if he is given another chance, he will again distribute money amongst politicians [like in Mehran Bank Scam] to “save the country” and Salim Safi ‘forgot’ to ask this question about this news which was relayed by the same GEO TV. By the way Kamran Khan is the creation of Brigadier Imtiaz.

Brigadier Imtiaz in Front Line - 1 (6 Sep 2009)

Brigadier Imtiaz in Front Line - 2 (6 Sep 2009)

Brigadier Imtiaz in Front Line - 3 (6 Sep 2009)

ISLAMABAD: Islamabad High Court (IHC) has exonerated former chief of intelligence bureau, Brig. (Retd.) Imtiaz in illegal assets reference under NRO and also de-frozen his assets. FIA filed cases against Brig. (Retd.) Imtiaz, his son Nadeem and a man named Adnan Khawaja who were later convicted by an Accountability court. Brig. (Retd.) Imtiaz was charged with allegations of owning more assets than what his earnings can justify and that he acquired those assets through unscrupulous means. IHC acquits Brig. (R) Imtiaz under NRO Updated at: 1902 PST, Thursday, December 04, 2008 / IHC acquits Brig. (R) Imtiaz under NRO

Brigadier Retd. Imtiaz aka Billa - Former Number 2 of ISI - 1987 - 1989, and Director General Intelligence Bureau under Mian Nawaz Sharif's First Government - 1990 - 1993.

Newspaper of GEO TV have no sense at all on one hand they relay above news and on other they also ‘publish’ this to clean the track record of Brigadier Imtiaz:

Read and Lament

Brigadier Tirmizi had thoroughly exposed these bunch of James Bond i.e. Brigadier Imtiaz, Hamid Gul, Major Amir and General Akhter Abdul Rahman, in his book Profile of Intelligence and by the way Tirmizi was number 2 in ISI much before Brigadier Imtiaz. Brigadier Imtiaz’s had gotten his Tamgha Basalat through “Sifarish” and that is also mentioned in Profile of Intelligence and involvement of Hamid Gul in Narcotics Trade.

Shame on The News International as well and Rauf Klasra as well - How a jilted Karachi woman saved Pak N-programme Thursday, May 28, 2009 Brig Imtiaz reveals 30-year-old secret

LAHORE, May 21: Intelligence Bureau former director Brig Imtiaz (retired) was on Tuesday allowed bail on medical grounds by an accountability appellate bench of the Lahore High Court.He was asked to execute two bail bonds in the sum of Rs20 million each and his name was ordered to be placed on the exit control list. Serving term at Adiala Jail, Brig Imtiaz said in his application that he was suffering from angina and other ailments which could not be treated in the jail hospital.He was convicted by a Rawalpindi accountability court for possessing property entirely beyond known sources of his income.  By Our Staff Reporter May 22, 2002

Both Ms Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif have complained about the interference of the army. Ms Bhutto’s accusation is worth paying attention to because her party has never found favour with the army. In her first tenure she chose a retired general of her liking to head the ISI but the ISI officers ignored him and in fact isolated him in the organisation. General Qazi says that the ISI boss can fire his officers if they are insubordinate. But officers Brigadier Imtiaz Billa and Major Amir took it upon themselves to side with Nawaz Sharif and topple Ms Bhutto through the rigging of a vote of no confidence in the National Assembly. The officers were caught red-handed. Ms Bhutto was likewise able to prove to the army chief General Aslam Beg that the ISI chief Hameed Gul was involved in a conspiracy to topple her, whereupon the culprit was actually promoted as he was removed from the ISI command. That army officers posted again and again to the ISI tend to misuse it is proved by the likes of Brigadier Imtiaz Billa and Major Amir, as mentioned in Brigadier Tirmazi’s memoirs, Profiles of Intelligence. The other proof of the dereliction of duty of the ISI is that three ISI chiefs were prematurely retired from the army and two others went under a cloud of suspicion. The general’s defence of the ISI falls to the ground when he admits that three ISI chiefs were retired prematurely by the army chiefs because they violated the charter of their duties. If the tenure is three years for each chief then nine years in the life of the ISI should be considered lost. General Kallu was not a serving general when he was made the ISI chief but in his tenure the ISI was in a state of revolt and there was rampant insubordination by the likes of Brigadier Imtiaz Billa and Major Amir. Reference: How blameless is the ISI? The Friday Times , Pakistan ^ Khaled Ahmed March 28, 2002

Deputy Director of IB Masud Sharif Khattak was instrumental in laying the trap for ISI officers, Brigadier Imtiaz (by that time Imtiaz had left his powerful position in ISI and was posted in Risalpur) and Major Amir (he was in charge of Islamabad detachment of ISI). The scandal known as ‘Operation Midnight Jackals’ was about involvement of active duty military officers to bribe Benazir’s party members to switch loyalties and help in passing the no confidence motion against her. Nawaz Sharif during his first term (1990-93) tried to cover both bases by appointing Lt. General Javed Nasir to head ISI and Brigadier ® Imtiaz to head IB. However, when he created a constitutional crisis by directly confronting an equally stubborn President Ghulam Ishaque Khan, army Chief forced both of them to resign. Both Nasir and Imtiaz were removed immediately from their powerful positions after the ouster of Sharif. Reference: Undercover Chaos – Role of Pakistani Armed Forces Intelligence Agencies in Domestic Arena Published Defence Journal, December 2005. Dr. Hamid Hussain is an independent analyst based in New York. ‘It must also be pointed out that ISI’s extremely good performance in the external sphere was considerably marred by its undue involvement in domestic political affairs and this must be put to an immediate end’. Air Chief Marshal Rtd Zulfiqar Ali Khan Commission Report, March 27, 1989 Undercover Chaos by Dr. Hamid Hussain

Sardar Farooq Ahmad Khan Leghari, Former President of Pakistan - 14 November 1993 – 2December 1997


Five months later in February 1997, Benazir Bhutto, clarified the same before a three-member judicial tribunal headed by Justice Nasir Aslam Zahid, as a witness. She accused President Farooq Leghari of using Brig Imtiaz, who led an intelligence agencies, of hatching a conspiracy against the Bhuttos and especially to incite hatred against her. “First they killed Shahnawaz and blamed Murtaza for his murder and now they have targeted him and my husband, Zardari, is being co-accused,” she was stated as saying.Twelve years later, murder of the ‘Prince’ remains a mystery By Aroosa Masroor Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hussain Haqqani - 24th Pakistan Ambassador to the United States April 13, 2008 – current

Haqqani, a lethal propagandist, closely worked with Nawaz for years, but the latter’s well-placed distrust led him to get rid of Haqqani during his rule in a decent manner. There are multitudes of interesting anecdotes involving Haqqani, who does too many things at a time. Way back in 1993, to get him out of his office, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had appointed his special assistant on foreign media Haqqani as Pakistan’s high commissioner to Sri Lanka. At the time, the tension between Nawaz and the then chief of the Army staff Gen Asif Nawaz Janjua was at its peak and both sides were mulling extreme action to ditch the other. When Haqqani had met Intelligence Bureau (IB) Director Brig (retd) Imtiaz during his customary calls on important government personalities before taking his ambassadorial assignment, the IB chief gave him a highly loaded written questionnaire with a recording device to be secretly used by him when he would meet the Army chief a few days later. He was asked to bring the recorded answers to him. As Haqqani entered the general’s room at the General Headquarters for the call on him, he put the recording instrument and questions before him, saying he had been given all this by Imtiaz and forced to secretly record his answer. This further fuelled tension between the two.” New NA sets anti-Musharraf tone, softly but firmly Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Brigadier Retd. Imtiaz aka Billa - Former Number 2 of ISI - 1987 - 1989, and Director General Intelligence Bureau under Mian Nawaz Sharif's First Government - 1990 - 1993.

Genuine differences of opinion are one thing but when professional and personal jealousies cloud the thinking of the intelligence officers, the working relations can breakdown very quickly paralyzing the whole organization. One outgoing Director of Counter Intelligence Bureau of ISI (Tirmazi) has these words for his successor (Imtiaz), ‘I would personally inclined to agree that General Akhtar, to square-off some of his personal grievances against General Chisti, could have asked my successor, Brigadier Imtiaz to place General under occasional watch. Imtiaz was the kind who was always on the lookout to undertake such dirty jobs’. Immersed in self-righteous attitude, deterioration of professional codes and clouding of perspectives of intelligence officers can occur quite dramatically. One example will show the slippery slope of such intelligence matters. Colonel Shuja Khanzada served in ISI for 12 years. In the last two years of his service, he was posted to a cushy appointment in Pakistan embassy in Washington. He had some differences with the ambassador and was called back to Pakistan in 1994 on orders of then Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. Politicization of intelligence officers in inevitable when they are tasked with political duties while wearing the uniform. After shedding their uniform, these officers align with various political actors for political and personal reasons. Lt. General Khawaja Muhammad Azhar served in ISI during General Muhammad Ayub Khan’s Martial Law. In this capacity, he personally interrogated many prominent people who were not considered loyal to Ayub. After retirement he joined a religio-political party Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Pakistan and served as the party’s Secretary General and Vice President. Former DG ISI Hameed Gul, former Additional Director of Political wing of ISI Brigadier Imtiaz Ahmad and head of Islamabad section Major Amir were involved in cobbling the opposition to Pakistan’s Peoples Party. Later, they were implicated in trying to organize a no confidence motion against first Benazir government (1988-1990). Reference: Brigadier ® Syed A. I. Tirmazi. Profiles of Intelligence. (Lahore: Combined Printers, 1995, Second Edition)/Pakistan: State at a Crossroads by Mohsin Hamid /

Late. General Asif Nawaz Janjua, NI(M), SBt (Bar), afwc, psc (3 January 1937 - 8 January 1993) was the 10th Chief of Army Staff of the Pakistan Army from August 16, 1991 till January 8, 1993.The untimely demise of General Asif Nawaz fuelled much controversy, with FIRs being filed against Brigadier Imtiaz, the then Director Intelligence Bureau. The issue gathered momentum following General Nawaz's widow Nuzhat Janjua's filed a formal complaint to the then President Ghulam Ishaq Khan about the unnatural circumstances surrounding her husband's death. [Courtesy: Wikipedia]
Brigadier Retd. Imtiaz aka Billa - Former Number 2 of ISI - 1987 - 1989, and Director General Intelligence Bureau under Mian Nawaz Sharif's First Government - 1990 - 1993.

Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan [Central Leader Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz Sharif and Present Leader of Opposition in Pakistani Parliament]

The Chief of Army Staff, General Asif Nawaz had begun to feel upset at many of Sharif's moves, most significant of them being his attempts to create rifts within the Army. Chaudhry Nisar Ahmad and Brig. Imtiaz, the former ISI chief, were even accused by the late General of threatening to turn him into another Gul Hasan, the army chief who was sacked by Z.A. Bhutto and bundled into a car by Ghulam Mustafa Khar and taken to Lahore by road. It is said that just when General Mirza Aslam Beg was about to topple Nawaz Sharif at the fag end of his tenure in 1991, President Ghulam Ishaq Khan agreed to name General Asif Nawaz as the new COAS, three months before he was to take over. Just when General Asif Nawaz was getting seriously worried about the Nawaz Sharif government, he died quite suddenly in January, 1993Reference: Saga of intrigue and deceit by Shaheen Shebai - Dawn - 27.5.1993 / ISLAMIC PAKISTAN: ILLUSIONS & REALITY By Abdus Sattar Ghazali

’سو چوہے کھا کر بلی حج کو چلی۔‘

آخری وقت اشاعت: Friday, 24 july, 2009, 16:02 GMT 21:02 PST

حسن مجتبٰی
’برگیڈيئر بلا‘ دو دہائيوں کی خاموشی کے بعد ایران کونٹرا اسیکنڈل والے کرنل اولیور نارتھ کی طرح طوطا مینا ٹائيپ جنگي کہانیوں سے واپس آئے ہیں۔ میں اسے ’ویمپائر اسٹرائیکس بیک‘ کہوں گا

جس نے بھی یہ کہاوت کہی کیا خوب کہی تھی کہ ’سو چوہے کھا کر بلی حج کو چلی۔‘ ضیاء الحق سے لیکر نواز شریف کی حکومتوں تک پاکستان پرخفیہ ایجینسیوں کی حکومت کے ایک طاقتور کردار ریٹائرڈ بریگيڈئير امتیاز با المعروف ’برگیڈيئر بلا‘ دو دہائيوں کی خاموشی کے بعد ایران کونٹرا سیکنڈل والے کرنل اولیور نارتھ کی طرح طوطا مینا ٹائپ جنگي کہانیوں سے واپس آئے ہیں۔ میں اسے ’ویمپائر اسٹرائیکس بیک‘ کہوں گا۔

اب وہ اپنے متعلق کہتے ہیں کہ وہ ’آدھی شب کا گیدڑ نہیں بلکہ دن دہاڑے چیتا ہے۔‘

مجھے کوئی حیرت نہیں ہوگی کہ کسی صبح کوئي پاکستانی نجی چینل آن کرنے پر سدا امر آمر جنرل ضیاء الحق بھی بیٹھا کہہ رہا ہوگا کہ دنیا و دین کی بھلائی کے لیے وہ جان سے گزر گئے تھے۔ اور یہ کہ ’پاکستان میں آمر مرتے نہیں زندہ ہوتے ہیں۔‘ مرتے صرف بھٹو ہیں، نذیر عباسی ہیں، کہ یہ سولہ کروڑ گیدڑوں کا جنگل ہے جہاں نیم شب کی کوئی صبح نہیں۔ جہاں کی نجی چینلوں پر صبح شام کوئی میجر عامر، کوئي بریگیڈیر با اللہ، کوئی جنرل با پردہ ناصر، کو‏ئي حمید گل کوئی درانی بالم بنے بول رہے ہوتے ہیں۔

نذیر عباسی کون تھا؟

نذیر عباسی پاکستان کے بائيں بازو کا وہ طالبعلم رہنما تھا جسے دوران قید مبینہ طور پر کل کے سندھ میں آئي ایس آئی کے کرنل اسی بریگيڈيئر امتیاز کے حکم پر تشدد کر قتل کردیا گیا تھا۔ نذیر عباسی کے ساتھی اور دوست اور نذیر عباسی کی بیوہ حمیدہ گھانگرو کی طرف سے بینظیر بھٹو کے دوسرے دور حکومت میں انیس سو چورانوے میں کٹوائی جانے والی ایف آئی آر بھی یہی کہتی ہے۔ تیس جولائي انیس سو اسی کو کراچی کے نارتھ ناظم آباد کی ایک بستی کے ایک کوارٹر سے نذیرعباسی کو اپنے ساتھیوں بدر ابڑو (مصنف اور ماہر آثار قدیمہ)، سہیل سانگي (صحافی)، شبیر شر (اب سندھ میں انسانی حقوق کے وکیل)، احمد کمال وارثی (مزدور رہنما) اور پرفیسر جمال نقوی کو فوجی ایجنسی اور آئی ایس آئی کے اہلکاروں نے گرفتار کیا تھا۔

سندھ نیشنل سٹوڈنٹس فیڈریشن کے صدر نذیر عباسی کی وہ کئي دنوں سے تلاش میں تھے۔ ’آج بھی وری ہو فاشی کتا مونکھے قابو کن تھا‘، شیخ ایاز کی مشہور نظم ہے۔ (آج وہ فاشی کتے مجھے پھر قابو کرتے ہیں‘)۔ دبلا پتلا کنگلا لیکن خوبصورت شکل، خوبصورت آواز ذہن و دل والا نذیر عباسی جناح ہسپتال کے قریب قائم خفیہ ایجینسوں کے نیئپیر بیرکس نام کے عقوبت گھر میں مبینہ طور پر آٹھ اور نو اگست کے درمیاںتشدد کر قتل کردیاگیا۔ نذیر عباسی اور اسکے ساتھی، پاکستانی خفیہ ایجیسسیوں کی نظروں میں را، خاد، کے جی بیکے ایجنٹ تھے۔ نذیر عباسی کا جرم یہ تھا کہ وہ پاکستان سطح پر طالب علموں، مزدوروں، کسانوں کی رابطہ کمیٹی کومنظم کرنے میں سرگرم تھا۔

نذیر عباسی کے لیے بتایا گیا تھا کہ ’حوالات میں اس کی موت دل کا دورہ پڑنے سے ہوئي‘۔ معروف سماجی کارکن عبدالستار ایدھی جس نے نذیر عباسی کی لاش کو غسل دیا تھا کا کہنا تھا کہ ایسا لگتا تھا ‘جیسے کہ اس کے سر کو کسی شیشے سے ٹکرایا گیا ہو۔ ’وہ شخص جو شبخون میں مارا گیا ورنہ اس جیسا بہادرکوئی لشکر میں نہیں تھا‘ نذیر عباسی کے ریاستی قتل پر اس کے دوست شاعر معین قریشی نے کہا تھا۔ نذیر عباسی کا قتل ضیاء الحق کے آمرانہ دور میں پہلا ماورائے عدالت قتل تھا۔

پاکستان میں حزب مخالف خاموش کردینے کی کوشش کی گئي تھی اور ایسے میں یہ بڑی جرائتمندانہ آواز بیگم نصرت بھٹو کی تھی جس نے نذیر عباسی کے ضیا حکومت اور اس کی ایجینسیوں کے ہاتھوں تشدد میں قتل کی مذمت کی تھی جسے مجھے آج بھی یاد ہے بی بی سی نے نشر کیا تھا

کئي سال بعد شجاعت نام کے خفیہ ایجینسی کے اہلکار نے نذیر عباسی کے قتل کی تفتیش کرنے والے ادراے کے اہلکاروں کے سامنے بیان دیا تھا کہ ضمیر کے بوجھنے اسے چین سے رہنے نہیں دیا اور اسنے نذیر عباسی پر تشدد اس وقت کے آئي ایس آئي کے کرنل امتیاز کے حکم پر کیا تھا۔ کئي سال بعد انیس سو چورانوے میں نذیر عباسی کی بیوہ حمیدہ گانگھرو کی درخواست پر بینظیر بھٹو حکومت کے حکم پر سندھ پولیس نے برگیڈئیر امتیاز کے خلاف نذیر عباسی کے تحویل میں تشدد کے ذریعے مبینہ قتل کا مقدمہ درج کر کے ایف آئي آر سیل کردی تھی۔ ’اصل میں آج بینظیر بھٹو حکومت کا پہلا دن ہے‘، انیس سو چورانوے میں انٹیلیجنس بیورو کے اس سابق سربراہ کی گرفتاری کے وقت میرے صحافی دوست جاوید جیدی نے کہا تھا۔ اسکی گرفتاری کے دوسرے دن اسکی خبر کے ساتھ اخبارات میں پاکستان کے صحافیوں کی وہ فہرست بھی حکومت کی طرف سے جاری کی گئي تھی جو برگیڈيئر امتیاز اور اسکی انٹیلیجنس بیورو کے پے رول اور فوائد حاصل کرنے والوں میں شامل تھے۔

وہی برگیڈئیر امتیاز جو بعد میں نواز شریف کی پنجاب میں وزرات اعلیٰ اور پہلی وزرات اعظمیٰ کے دور میں اسکے کان اور آنکھیں تھا۔ وہ اصل میں اس وقت ’جیک دی رپر‘ ٹائپ کردار تھا۔

یہ جو کراچي اور سندھ دیکھ رہے ہو اس میں بشمول ایم کیو ایم کے ٹکڑے کروانے کے ان تمام فتنوں کے پیچھے دماغ اور پے رول برگیڈئیر امتیاز ہی بتائے جاتے ہیں۔ شاید اب بھی کسی بڑے کام کیلیے پھر اس گیدڑ نیم شب کو دن دیہاڑے چیتا بنایا گيا ہے

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