Friday, January 8, 2010

Jang Group, Neutrality of Commander & Jang Group's Peace with India [Aman Ki Asha]

Shamelessly, the senior correspondent of Daily Jang/GEOTV, Mr Muhammad Saleh Zaafir talks about [that too without quoting naming any credible source] that " The armed forces have taken very serious note of the rhetoric made by certain high ups including some ministers in recent days about the role of the armed forces of the country. The reaction has not been conveyed formally in dossier but the communication is very loud and clear, the sources told this scribe. Meanwhile, the constitutional experts pointed out that a member of the Parliament stands disqualified under the article 63 of the constitution if he/she defames or brings into ridicule the judiciary or the Armed Forces of Pakistan as the constitution states under the title of “Disqualifications for membership of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament).” REFERENCE: MPs to get red card for defaming judiciary, armed forces By Muhammad Saleh Zaafir Friday, January 08, 2010

Whereas the very same Jang Group/GEO TV had played a very dirty role during Mumbai Tragedy in 2008 while relaying a bogus "Investigative Report on Ajmal Kasab" on GEO TV and the same Jang Group is now lecturing Pakistanis for Peace with India whereas very Muhammad Saleh Zaafir and Jang Group have no shame left in them because they forget while lecturing PPP and Zardari about Kerry Lugar Bill, No First Strike, Patriotism and National Security not too long ago while running the campaign of "Joint statement by editors of the Jang Group and Times of India" Friday, January 01, 2010 Aman Ki Asha". AMAN KI ASHA - DESTINATION PEACE


Jang Group/Saleh Zaafir in fervour of supporting the Establishment have also forgotten this brazen and naked truth.

When Advocate Hashmat Habib requested the court to summon heads of the Military Intelligence and the Inter-Services Intelligence, Justice Iqbal said that last time when “we tried to summon them we were sent home for almost 16 months”. Moving scenes were witnessed in the courtroom when Mrs Amina Masood Janjua, chairperson of the Defence of Human Rights who is campaigning for the release of detained persons including her husband Masood Janjua, regretted that there was silence despite the fact that witnesses were ready to help locate her husband. --- The bench, which includes Justice Raja Fayyaz and Justice Mohammad Sair Ali, summoned the Inspector General of Frontier Constabulary and Major Ibrahim next week to explain how Mustafa Azam, an accused in the Hayatabad (Peshawar) bombing, went missing after he dad been arrested his involvement in the blast but released within an hour. The Supreme Court also wanted to know why names of brigadiers or majors always surfaced whenever cases of missing persons were taken up for hearing. Who had given them the right, it asked, to pick up individuals at will? “There is a reign of terror like Gestapo and anyone can just barge into someone’s house to pick anyone,” Justice Raja Fayyaz said. The court would be satisfied even if one person was recovered and the anxiety of one family was addressed, Justice Iqbal observed. REFERENCES: Missing persons issue more serious than NRO, says judge By Nasir Iqbal Wednesday, 06Jan, 2010 The ‘disappeared’ Dawn Editorial Thursday, 07 Jan, 2010 Judge calls it Gestapo-like reign of terror By Nasir Iqbal Thursday, 07 Jan, 2010

KARACHI, Jan 6: PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif said “Pakistan today is facing several challenges. Terrorism, poverty, unemployment, price hike and loadshedding are major issues inherited from eight years of dictatorship,” Without naming Gen (retd) Pervez Musharraf, the PML-N chief said the man who had dissolved parliament, abrogated the Constitution and pushed the country into crisis should not have been given the guard of honour. He should have been brought to justice and punished. -- KARACHI: Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) Quaid Nawaz Sharif said on Wednesday that “conspirators” should be punished as they were responsible for breaking up the country and undermining parliament. REFERENCES:PPP national asset: Nawaz By Habib Khan Ghori Thursday, 07 Jan, 2010 ‘Conspirators’ must be punished: Nawaz Terms all problems gift of dictatorship By Imtiaz Ali Thursday, January 07, 2010

GUARD OF HONOUR FOR GENERAL [RETD] PERVEZ MUSHARRAF and for what??? Making Pakistani disappear from Pakistan as mentioned above or for abrogating 1973 Constitution Pakistan twice i.e. 12 Oct 1999 and 3 Nov 2007.

As per 1973 Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan



6. (1) Any person who abrogates or attempts or conspires to abrogate, subverts or attempts or conspires to subvert the Constitution by use of force or show of force or by other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of high treason.

(2) Any person aiding or abetting the acts mentioned in clause (1) shall likewise be guilty of high treason.

(3) [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] shall by law provide for the punishment of persons found guilty of high treason.



When General [RETD] Pervez Musharraf was President of Pakistan before his resign in 2008.

As per Daily Dawn dated March 07, 2008 Friday Safar 28, 1429


Chief of the Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani announced on Thursday his institution’s complete support for the elected government and the democratic process. However, he called for avoiding schism between various pillars of the state and dispelled a perception that the army was distancing itself from the president. Alluding to a perception about ‘the army distancing itself from the president’, he stressed the importance of the constitutional relationship between the army and the National Command Structure. Highlighting the need for understanding, he pointed out that any kind of schism, at any level, under the circumstances would not be in the larger interest of the nation.” REFERENCE: ‘Army not distancing itself from president’: Gen Kayani announces support for elected govt By Iftikhar A. Khan March 07, 2008 Friday Safar 28, 1429


In my humble view the Establishment distanced iself from Mr Musharraf not only Mr Musharraf but every political party as well because that is the need of the hour since Mr Musharraf is not neutral, neutral and impartial President doesn’t address political rallies nor does they ‘predict’ the vicotry of ‘Like minded parties i.e. King Parties. Getting close to Mr Musharraf him will surely make anybody a party. Why Mr. Musharraf is not neutral. read


I change the subject. Last time I visited him here in Rawalpindi he gave me a spookily accurate prediction of the imminent election results, which suggested information more than insight. Who will win this election? His answer is definitive. The PML-Q (the party otherwise known as the King’s Party, assembled by President Musharraf himself six years ago to legitimise his “managed” democracy) allied with the Muttahida Qaumi Movement will “certainly have the majority. Whether they’ll be able to form a government is a question mark.” This contradicts all the recent opinion polls, which have shown that the popularity of his favoured party is right down, at just 12 per cent. I point out this out to him. REFERENCE: An extraordinary encounter with Musharraf As Pakistan votes tomorrow in its postponed elections, Jemima Khan is granted a rare interview with Pervez Musharraf, the country's beleaguered leader Sunday, 17 February 2008


A good advice for all and sundry is conveyed in an Editorial of Daily Dawn Dated 08-Mar-2008.


THERE is something unmistakably oxymoronic about the statement issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations directorate after the corps commanders meeting at the GHQ on Thursday. If you read the subtext, it means that though the army will support the next democratic government, the latter should not let “schisms” develop in the working of the political system; though the army will keep its distance from politics, the impression that it has distanced itself from the president is wrong; and, finally, the army should not be “dragged” into politics and be allowed to concentrate on its professional duties. There can be no two opinions on the last-mentioned wish attributed to Chief of the Army Staff Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani. However, the ISPR does not tell us who or what prompted this reaction from Gen Kayani. If the army wishes to stay out of politics then why come out with an opinion on matters purely political and constitutionally beyond the pale for generals? Pray, who is stopping the armed forces from going back to their professional duties, from returning to the barracks? Pakistan has had eight years during which the military’s running of affairs well outside its designated area of responsibility has wreaked havoc on the country. One man who led the military and the country called all the shots. Pakistan slipped deeper and deeper into anarchy, with even the economic windfall from Islamabad’s readiness to join the US-led war on terror failing to brake this slide. Little wonder then that all state institutions, including the army, received a pat on the back for organising a by and large fair (on the day at least) election on Feb 18. A tense, tentative nation heaved a sigh of relief for the result was not disputed and the country spared the turmoil which could have imperilled its very existence. The nation has spoken. Let its voice be heard. If the elected parliament wants to undo the tampering the constitution was subjected to by the former chief of army staff so be it. It is time the generals sought a complete break from the divisive role their erstwhile army chief ended up playing. It should resolutely resist being “dragged” into politics. It should be left to the parliament to sort out any “schisms” that may develop. The army should help the civilian government tackle the daunting challenges posed by the scourge of religious extremism and terrorism. One would caution General Kayani against opting for any role for himself other than that of the army chief. His is a full-time job and so much needs to be done to restore the fighting edge to the military and the morale of the soldiers. Known as a ‘thinking’ man, one hopes that he’ll not be tempted by talk of power troikas for the consequences of choosing such a path are disastrous. REFERENCE: Reading the subtext March 08, 2008 Saturday Safar 29, 1429


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