Tuesday, October 26, 2010

PML - Q League becomes Nawaz League/PPP League.

LAHORE: Two senators of the former ruling party PML-Q met Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif to discuss economic and political crisis faced by the country. Senator S.M Zafar and Tariq Azeem held a meeting with Shahbaz Sharif on Sunday. Opposition Leader in the National Assembly Chaudhry Nisar, Khwaja Asif and Senator Ishaq Dar also attended the meeting. The meeting discussed the role political parties could play for the betterment of the country. The meeting also agreed that the federal government should change its attitude and play a positive role by implementing the orders of the judiciary.—Dawn News - REFERENCE: PML-Q leaders discuss political crisis with Shahbaz Sunday, 17 Oct, 2010 http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/news/pakistan/12-pml-q+leaders+discuss+political+crisis+with+shahbaz--bi-02

Way back in 2003, Mr Ayaz Amir (PML - N) wrote in Daily Dawn.

Nothing else explains the birth and rise of the Q or Qainchi League. Most of the stalwarts in this party were flag-bearers of the Nawaz League. Many of them held important positions in Nawaz Sharif's government and usually let no opportunity go by without singing Nawaz Sharif's praises. Well, lo and behold, the day came when that government fell and from the Prime Minister's House Nawaz Sharif found himself in army custody charged with a crime - hijacking - carrying the death penalty. The military agencies, more at home with politics than anything connected with intelligence gathering, got busy and started working on the Nawaz League. Soon from the same politicos who had held high office under Nawaz Sharif and had sung his praises, came loud voices of disagreement with Nawaz and his policies. When I was MPA in Punjab, an error I am unlikely to repeat, it was funny seeing the antics of a Lahore mafia, comprising MPAs from Lahore, around the chief minister, Shahbaz Sharif. In season and out these guys would be proving themselves more loyal than the king. If any MPA was in the least bit critical of what was then known as 'the heavy mandate', (where the hell has it gone?), the members of this mafia would be on their feet hollering and brandishing their fists. Well, guess what? The Nawaz government fell and much before anyone else, this mafia almost to a man was the first to bolt to the other side. I have seen switchovers before but this one left me gasping.

Let me make it plain that there was little to commend the Nawaz government. It made more than its share of blunders and by its actions paved the way for another military takeover. But as long as he was in power no one pointed out his mistakes. And few had the guts to speak up at party meetings. If anyone felt any disquiet he kept it closely to his chest. Only when Nawaz Sharif was down and out did these patriots brush the crumbs from their clothes and walk over to the other side. Time-servers are bad in two ways. They don't speak up when the sun is shining on someone. And they walk away when the clouds gather. Nawaz Sharif could have made a thousand blunders and they would still have stuck by him and sung his praises if he had remained in power. When he slipped from the greasy pole, their support slipped too.

But the thing I am pointing to in Pakistani politics is not confined to the Nawaz League. It runs like a constant through our history. Governor-General Ghulam Muhammad dismissed Khawaja Nazimuddin as prime minister, and most of the ministers in the dismissed cabinet felt no qualms about accepting office under Nazimuddin's successor, Muhammad Ali Bogra. When Field Marshal Ayub Khan - famous more for his political than military exploits - set about forming a king's party, there was no shortage of Muslim Leaguers who hoisted him on their shoulders and proclaimed the birth of what came to be known as the Convention Muslim League. Since then the name Convention League has stuck as a description of all king's parties, the Q League now rallying to General Musharraf's support being the latest incarnation of the Convention League.

Four things Pakistani dictators have never lacked. (1) The support of a section of the political class which readily declares that the country has been saved. (2) The support of the judiciary which legitimizes the new order at the altar of necessity. (3) The assistance of some of the country's best legal brains who, while working closely with the judiciary, strive to provide some sort of legal cover to what at best is a coup d'etat. (4) And the support of a section of journalists who are ready to sing hosannas to the new leader and say that he is the messiah the nation was waiting for.

How many times has this routine not been repeated? How many more times are we destined to see it repeated? Why this problem of spine or rather the lack of spine in our body-politic? Has it something to do with our soil or our climate? If overriding necessity were behind this lack of spine it would still be something. We could say that such and such a person was jumping ship to save his skin or better his lot. Most of the time, however, fair-weather loyalists are comfortable people who lack nothing. They simply want to be on the right side of power. To use Nawaz Sharif as a metaphor, suppose he were to make a comeback - something not about to happen anytime soon. Chances are, the very people who were the first to leave him and join the Q League, will be the first to give a departing kick to the Q League and, jostling with each other and using their elbows, line up to shower him with rose petals. What's more, they'll get away with it. REFERENCE: The problem of spine in Pakistani politics By Ayaz Amir 26 September 2003 Friday 28 Rajab 1424 http://www.dawn.com/weekly/ayaz/20030926.htm

LAHORE, Oct 25: Two bitter political rivals — the PPP and PML-Q — on Monday tried to give a new meaning to the adage, “Politics is the art of the possible”, by expressing intent to “find a way forward through reconciliation in view of the crisis besetting the country”. The drama unfolded with a visit to the residence of Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi, leader of the Pakistan Muslim League-Q, by Law Minister Babar Awan. As if this were not enough, the two men addressed a joint press conference in which they dropped hints that the two parties were exploring prospects of forging a “working relationship”. Political observers interpreted the development as an attempt by the People`s Party to pre-empt the efforts for reunification of all Muslim League factions spearheaded by Pir Pagara. Pervaiz Elahi, once named as her possible killer by slain PPP chairperson Benazir Bhutto in a letter to Mark Siegel, her lobbyist in Washington, welcomed the Babar Awan-led PPP team, arguing “doors cannot be shut (on opponents) in politics”. REFERENCE: PPP courts PML-Q in bid to derail unification From the Newspaper (15 hours ago) Today By Amjad Mahmood http://public.dawn.com/2010/10/26/ppp-courts-pml-q-in-bid-to-derail-unification.html PPP, PML-Q on same page over national issues: Babar, Elahi Updated at: 1956 PST, Monday, October 25, 2010 http://www.geo.tv/10-25-2010/73395.htm

Learn how this PML - Q League was created by the Establishment during General Musharraf's Martial Law.

Watch the Dawn News on “Horse Trading” and back-door Politics to remove the government. “Meesaq-e-Pakistan” Code Name: IJI of 21st Century but which Bank because Mehran Bank is no more:)

A general election was held in Pakistan on 18 February 2008, after being postponed from 8 January 2008. The original date was intended to elect members of the National Assembly of Pakistan, the lower house of the Majlis-e-Shoora (the nation’s parliament). This DAWN News TV Investigation Report was aired just before that election and features people who have affected past elections and Pakistan’s democratic process in many ways including General Ali Kuli Khan Khattak, General Hamid Gul, Maj (Retd) Masood Sharif Khan Khattak, General Roedad Khan, Air Marshall Asghar Khan, Brig Imtiaz Ahmed, Maj Aamir and more. One of the main topics is Midnight Jackals, an operation conducted by the Intelligence Bureau to thwart an attempt to overthrow the democratically elected government of Benazir Bhutto. Other topics include the rigging of elections, involvement of the Pakistan Army in democracy and elections, intelligence agencies involvement in elections and democracy and more. REFERENCE: DAWN News TV Investigation Report with Masood Sharif – 6th January 2008 http://www.sharifpost.com/2008/01/06/dawn-news-tv-investigation-report/


[NOTE: Hamid Gul admits that ISI political role was pre Bhutto DAWN News TV Investigation Report with Masood Sharif -- 6th January 2008]

ISLAMABAD: The main wheeler and dealer of the ISI during the 2002 elections, the then Maj-Gen Ehtesham Zamir, now retired, has come out of the closet and admitted his guilt of manipulating the 2002 elections, and has directly blamed Gen Musharraf for ordering so. Talking to The News, the head of the ISI’s political cell in 2002, admitted manipulating the last elections at the behest of President Musharraf and termed the defeat of the King’s party, the PML-Q, this time “a reaction of the unnatural dispensation (installed in 2002).” Zamir said the ISI together with the NAB was instrumental in pressing the lawmakers to join the pro-Musharraf camp to form the government to support his stay in power. Looking down back into the memory lane and recalling his blunders which, he admitted, had pushed the country back instead of taking it forward, Zamir feels ashamed of his role and conduct. Massively embarrassed because he was the one who negotiated, coerced and did all the dirty work, the retired Maj-Gen said he was not in a position to become a preacher now when his own past was tainted. He said the country would not have faced such regression had the political management was not carried out by the ISI in 2002. But he also put some responsibility of the political disaster on the PML-Q as well. The former No: 2 of the ISI called for the closure of political cell in the agency, confessing that it was part of the problem due to its involvement in forging unnatural alliances, contrary to public wishes. Zamir’s blaming Musharraf for creating this unnatural alliance rings true as another former top associate of Musharraf, Lt-Gen (retd) Jamshed Gulzar Kiyani has already disclosed that majority of the corps commanders, in several meetings, had opposed Musharraf’s decision of patronising the leadership of the King’s party. “We had urged Musharraf many times during the corps commanders meeting that the PML-Q leadership was the most condemned and castigated personalities. They are the worst politicians who remained involved in co-operative scandals and writing off loans. But Musharraf never heard our advice,” Kiyani said while recalling discussions in their high profile meetings. REFERENCE: The man, who rigged 2002 polls, spills the beans By Umar Cheema Sunday, February 24, 2008 http://www.thenews.com.pk/top_story_detail.asp?Id=13159


[NOTE: Hamid Gul admits that ISI political role was pre Bhutto DAWN News TV Investigation Report with Masood Sharif -- 6th January 2008]

He said one of their colleagues, who was an accountability chief at that time, had sought permission many times for proceeding against the King’s party top leaders but was always denied. Kiyani asked Musharraf to quit, the sooner the better, as otherwise the country would be in a serious trouble. Ma-Gen (retd) EhteshamZamir termed the 2008 elections ‘fairer than 2002’. He said the reason behind their fairness is that there was relatively less interference of intelligence agencies this time as compared to the last time. But he stopped short of saying that there was zero interference in the 2008 polls. “You are quite right,” he said when asked to confirm about heavy penetration of ISI into political affairs during the 2002 elections. But he said he did not do it on his own but on the directives issued by the government. Asked who directed him from the government side and if there was somebody else, not President Musharraf, he said: “Obviously on the directives of President Musharraf.” Asked if he then never felt that he was committing a crime by manipulating political business at the cost of public wishes, he said: “Who should I have told except myself. Could I have asked Musharraf about this? I was a serving officer and I did what I was told to do. I never felt this need during the service to question anyone senior to me,” he said and added that he could not defend his acts now. REFERENCE: The man, who rigged 2002 polls, spills the beans By Umar Cheema Sunday, February 24, 2008 http://www.thenews.com.pk/top_story_detail.asp?Id=13159


[NOTE: Hamid Gul admits that ISI political role was pre Bhutto DAWN News TV Investigation Report with Masood Sharif -- 6th January 2008]

“It was for this reason that I have never tried to preach others what I did not practice. But I am of the view that the ISI’s political cell should be closed for good by revoking executive orders issued in 1975,” he said. Responding to a question regarding corruption cases that were used as pressure tactics on lawmakers, he said: “Yes! This tool was used, not only by the ISI. The NAB was also involved in this exercise.” Former corps commander of Rawalpindi, Lt-Gen (retd) Jamshed Gulzar Kiyani said majority of corps commanders had continued opposing Musharraf’s alliance with top leadership of the PML-Q. “Not just in one meeting, we opposed his alignment with these corrupt politicians in many meetings but who cared. Now Musharraf has been disgraced everywhere, thanks to his political cronies.” REFERENCE: The man, who rigged 2002 polls, spills the beans By Umar Cheema Sunday, February 24, 2008 http://www.thenews.com.pk/top_story_detail.asp?Id=13159



[NOTE: Hamid Gul admits that ISI political role was pre Bhutto DAWN News TV Investigation Report with Masood Sharif -- 6th January 2008]

Short Term Memory Loss of PML - Nawaz and Pakistan Peoples Party.

In the letter, according to The News, she named Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi, Director General, Intelligence Bureau, Ejaz Shah, former director National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Waseem Afzal and former ISI chief Gen. (Rtd) Hameed Gul as conspirators. Last Thursday, two explosions went off a minute apart shortly after midnight near Karsaz close to the vehicle Bhutto was travelling in. “The blasts hit two police vehicles which were escorting the truck carrying Bhutto. The target was the truck,” said a senior Karachi police official. The attack reportedly bore the hallmarks of al Qaeda and resembled assassination attempts by militants linked to the terrorist network on President Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz in recent years. The Pakistan Interior Ministry has confirmed the deaths of 70 people in the attack.

Officials at six hospitals in Karachi reported over 130 dead and about 600 wounded, making it one of the deadliest bombings in Pakistan’s history. Bhutto was leading the procession to Qaid-e-Azam’s mausoleum, where she was to give a speech. However, after the two explosions, she was rushed to the safety of Bilawal House in Karachi’s uptown Clifton area. According to witnesses, the bomber tried to enter the inner security cordon of the PPP workers around Bhutto, but was stopped. He then set off the explosion. The second blast originated from a golden-coloured Pajero parked on the road, witnesses added. Earlier, Intelligence reports had warned of threats of suicide attacks against Bhutto by militants linked to al Qaeda, the Taliban and Baitullah Mehsud. (ANI)REFERENCE: Benazir names Pervaiz Elahi, Ejaz Shah, Afzal and Hameed Gul as conspirators Wed Nov 14 2007 01:47:18 GMT+0500 (West Asia Standard Time) http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/world-news/benazir-names-pervaiz-elahi-ejaz-shah-afzal-and-hameed-gul-as-conspirators_1002416.html#ixzz13NtKFIWS

LAHORE, Dec 29: The Pakistan People’s Party has said that the investigation into the assassination of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto must be based upon the letter she had written to President Pervez Musharraf before her return to Pakistan. The letter had named a number of people in an alleged plot to kill the PPP chairperson. “It (the letter) was a dying declaration,” PPP Senator Latif Khosa told Dawn by phone from Larkana. He said former Punjab chief minister Pervaiz Elahi, former Sindh chief minister Arbab Ghulam Rahim, Intelligence Bureau chief Ijaz Shah and ex-ISI chief Hameed Gul should be named in the FIR on the basis of that letter. The police, he said, should have allowed Makhdoom Amin Fahim or Naheed Khan, political secretary to Ms Bhutto, to lodge an FIR. The police had washed the crime scene at the Liaquat Bagh with water to erase the evidence which would have led to the killer(s), he added. REFERENCE: PPP demands probe based on Benazir’s letter By Syed Faisal Shakeel December 30, 2007 http://www.dawn.com/2007/12/30/top12.htm

He said that the matter should be referred to Punjab Police. The application was filed by Chaudhry Muhammad Aslam, the protocol officer of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, through his counsel Manzoor Ahmad advocate. Other respondents include former Intelligence Bureau Director General Ejaz Shah, former Punjab Chief Minister Pervez Elahi, former Interior Minister Hamid Nawaz, former Interior Secretary Kamal Shah and former spokesman for the Interior Ministry, Javed Iqbal Cheema. - Online REFERENCE: ustice Asif refuses to hear FIR of Benazir murder case Monday, 31 Aug, 2009 http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/news/pakistan/06-justice-asif-refuses-to-hear-fir-of-benazir-murder-case-rs-09

A people without spine must look to creative disorder as the great god of change. We are entering interesting times. The farce that is the Q League — the nominal ruling party, the real ruling party being the army headquarters — is crossing the last frontiers of its relevance. For the future a new set-up is required, or so think the president’s men, for which purpose, as we keep hearing, presidential emissaries are in touch with the PPP (through PPP point man Rehman Malik). The presidential camp is split between ‘forward-lookers’ and ‘reactionaries’, advocates and opponents of this deal. The former comprise the president’s principal secretary Lt-Gen. Hamid Javed (Rtd), presidential aide Tariq Aziz, and the ISI chief Lt-Gen Kayani. The circle of ‘reaction’ revolves around the Gujrat cousins, Shujaat Hussain and Pervaiz Elahi, and the Intelligence Bureau chief Brigadier Ejaz Shah. REFERENCE: A New Year wish by Ayaz Amir December 29, 2006 http://www.dawn.com/weekly/ayaz/20061229.htm

The government of her now widowed husband has no other choice but to investigate and bring to book all those involved in this conspiracy of assassination and subsequent cover-up. With the UN commission categorically announcing that it has no part to play in the subsequent criminal proceedings, the ball is in the government’s court. If proper investigations point the finger of accusation at the government of the time, the registration of FIRs on everybody even remotely linked to the killing and/or cover-up from Musharraf right down to the then Punjab chief minister Pervaiz Elahi and responsible officials cannot be shirked. * REFERENCE: Second Editorial: Mohtarma’s last sigh Saturday, April 17, 2010 Daily Times http://dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2010\04\17\story_17-4-2010_pg3_1

On October 19, 2007, a day after the Karsaz suicide bombing on her welcome procession, Benazir disclosed at a press conference that she had informed Musharraf in a confidential letter, written on 16 October, 2007 that three senior officials of his government were planning to assassinate her upon her return. “However, I had further made it clear to Musharraf that I won’t blame (the) Taliban or al-Qaeda if I am attacked, but I will name my enemies in the Pakistani military establishment,” she told journalists. Although Benazir did not publicly name the three persons, PPP circles later told the media that they were the then director general Intelligence Bureau, Brigadier (retd) Ejaz Hussain Shah, chief minister Punjab Pervaiz Elahi and chief minister Sindh Arbab Ghulam Rahim. While concluding the letter, she reportedly asserted that her life was in great danger, particularly from Ejaz Shah. Significantly, on December 30, 2007, two days after Benazir’s murder, a visibly furious Asif Zardari had accused [at a press conference in Naudero] the PML-Q leadership of his wife’s murder besides describing the party as “Qatil League”. Hitting back in the same tone the same evening (on December 30, 2007), Pervaiz Elahi had charged Zardari for Bhutto’s murder, saying: “Who has benefited the most from the assassination? Zardari, and only Zardari. Check the authenticity of Benazir’s will. Find out the amount for which she was insured.” By that time, Zardari had already been elected as the Co-chairman of the PPP. On October 18, 2008, on the first anniversary of the terrorist attack made on Bhutto’s procession, the Karachi Police finally lodged a second FIR of the Karsaz attacks on the basis of her letter, naming three persons as those who could be involved in her assassination. National newspapers reported on October 20, 2008 that those named in the second were Pervez Elahi, Ejaz Shah and Hameed Gul. Confirming the lodging of the second FIR, Sindh Chief Minister Qaim Ali Shah said Bhutto’s own attempts to lodge a second FIR of the Karsaz tragedy were foiled by the PML-Q government. The same day, Qaim Ali Shah declared in Karachi that the three persons nominated by Benazir Bhutto would be arrested soon for interrogations. REFERENCE: Why is everyone mum about the Bhutto killer? Sunday, December 27, 2009 By Amir Mir http://www.thenews.com.pk/daily_detail.asp?id=215600

However, no consensus could be reached on the role of other political personalities mentioned in the UN report, which include Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi and Rehman Malik. A final decision may likely be made at the next meeting of the committee. The sources confirmed that action would be sought against then Punjab home secretary Khusro Pervaiz, then Rawalpindi DCO Irfan Elahi, then Rawalpindi CPO Saud Aziz, then IB director general Brig (r) Ejaz Shah, then federal interior secretary Kamal Shah, Major Imtiaz and others. Interior Minister Rehman Malik has been asked to put the names of these officials on the ECL, while the establishment secretary has been asked to transfer to the OSD pool all officials nominated in the report. REFERENCE: ‘Musharraf responsible for BB’s murder’ * PPP core committee asks PM to take legal action against all those involved in Benazir’s assassination, including Musharraf * Malik asked to put nominated officials on ECL By Saeed Minhas Sunday, April 18, 2010 http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2010\04\18\story_18-4-2010_pg1_1

The news is that SP Ashfaq Anwar who had been deployed to provide security to the late and much lamented Benazir Bhutto has turned approver against other senior policemen suspected of having a hand, if not in her cold-blooded and horrific murder, at least in its criminal cover-up. SP Ashfaq has reportedly denied this impression. The most damning of all is his allegation that, as we thought, it was none other than a senior police officer who gave the orders to hose down the scene of the crime almost immediately after the assassination, obliterating any and all forensic evidence that might have been collected from there as should have happened, and as does happen when the target(s) are not high-profile political leaders who are on the wrong side of the Deep State. Cases in point: the suicide hit on the good and well-spoken of surgeon general of the army on The Mall in Rawalpindi when the road was closed off for a whole day, the hit on the bus carrying ISI personnel in Westridge when that road was closed off for several days; even when lawyers were hit by a blast in GPO chowk, Lahore.

The second most shocking revelation in his statement is that a plain SHO stood in the way of an autopsy on poor Benazir. We are Pakistanis who have lived and grown old in this country — can we ever believe that a lowly inspector of police could on his own prevent the autopsy of as powerful a political leader as Benazir Bhutto? Or that a senior superintendent of police could order the hosing down the scene of the crime all on his own? No sirs, no! Both the orders had to come from the very top because the people at the top apparently knew well that it was no suicide bomber whose detonation of his charge made Benazir fall down into the jeep and hit her head on the sun-roof lever so hard that her brains oozed out. They knew that it was the pistol shooter, plainly visible in video-film record of the murder, who shot her in the upper left side of her neck, the bullet exiting from the right side of her head. I am sorry for being so graphic, reader, but what do you do other than kick the Deep State in the teeth when it not only is at least an accessory to a crime of this proportion, but takes us lay citizens for so many fools? As an aside, how many of us remember Brigadier Cheema (I think his name was), trying to sell the theory of the lever at a press conference after being briefed by none other than a director of the Mother of All Agencies as he himself later admitted?

The man’s mouth was dry; he was groping for words; his hands were shaking, and he generally looked as if he had seen several ghosts a mere minute ago. What a sorry and shameful performance that was, by a hanger-on of a sorry and shameless dictatorship. Why, you might ask, is it that I say that this is even better news than the SC judgment? Because, friends, far too many of Pakistan’s political leaders have been done to violent death without the perpetrators ever coming to justice. Start from Liaquat Ali Khan, go to Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and then to Benazir, and you will see the dark and dirty hands of the Deep State behind every one of those awful assassinations. One hopes that the deposition of SP Anwar will be acted upon and that the case will reach a conclusion in a court of law, in which everyone even remotely connected with the case, no matter what their station at the time of the killing of that brave woman, will be questioned and if remotely suspect will be proceeded against. This country has seen enough bloody interventions by those that would not let democracy grow and prosper. REFERENCE: Good news at last Kamran Shafi (15 hours ago) Today By Kamran Shafi http://public.dawn.com/2010/10/26/by-kamran-shafi-3.html




Please explain the dirty and very dangerous advertisement campaign which was initiated by PML-Q after the death of Benazir Bhutto after her assassination in 2007. Reference : Reports said that PML of Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain had given ads, asking all the non-Sindhis living in the province to provide the details of losses they suffered during the riots following the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. The party intended to compensate their losses. After a strong reaction from all sides, the party the very next day removed the term non-Sindhis and said that Sindhis could also apply for the same. EC asked to take notice of controversial ad Thursday, January 10, 2008 By Mumtaz Alvi http://www.thenews.com.pk/daily_detail.asp?id=90407 , KARACHI: The PML-Q Punjab has amended the language of a controversial advertisement it published on riot damage compensation for non-Sindhis in Sindh, after a bad reaction from the southern province?s party leaders and workers. The advert now says Sindhis (in bold lettering) can also apply for compensation. PML-Q Punjab alters ethnically exclusive ad By Amar Guriro and Qazi Asif http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2008%5C01%5C06%5Cstory_6-1-2008_pg12_1 .

Please explain the fraudulent Ad campaign in the national newspapers against Benazir Bhutto, which was initiated by your party before her death? Reference: ISLAMABAD: A letter forged by an over-smart opposition leader against Benazir Bhutto 18 years ago, came back to haunt him on Wednesday when the ruling PML used it in an ad campaign against the PPP but in vain. A PPP spokesperson said Benazir Bhutto and the PPP would take firm legal action against the advertisement. The letter, said to have been written by PPP leader Benazir Bhutto to her friend Peter Galbraith in late 1990, was then circulated by the Islami Jamhoori Ittehad (IJI) to defame Benazir Bhutto before the 1990 elections. The letter was forged by then opposition activist Naveed Malik, who now is an opposition leader. The letter was used on Wednesday by the Pakistan Muslim League (Q) in huge half-page ads in different newspapers. A senior marketing expert said at least Rs 5 million was spent on the ad. The letter was first released by Naveed Malik, political adviser to the then Punjab chief minister, with the aim to demoralize PPP voters in the 1990 elections. The PPP lost by a big margin but later the polls were declared as massively rigged. PML ad campaign against Benazir backfires By Muhammad Ahmad Noorani http://www.thenews.com.pk/top_story_detail.asp?Id=11162

What do you have to say on the statements of Talal Akbar Bugti and Nawab Aali Bugti, son and grandson of Nawab Akbar Bugti respectively, have alleged that Shaukat Aziz, PML-Q President Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain and PML-Q Secretary General Mushahid Hussain Sayed are the real killers of the 22nd chieftain of the Bugti tribe. Reference: Trial of Shaukat, Shujaat, Mushahid sought for Bugti?s murder By Mazhar Tufail Wednesday, June 24, 2009 ISLAMABAD: Despite being sworn enemies of one another, two immediate heirs of slain Nawab Akbar Bugti have together accused former Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz and two top leaders of the Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q) of involvement in the killing of the veteran Baloch leader and have demanded their trial. http://www.thenews.com.pk/top_story_detail.asp?Id=22908

There was a news against you for being bank defaulter. Reference: [News Clipping is attached] More References: Top guns got Rs 54bn loans written off By Rauf Klasra Tuesday, October 23, 2007 http://www.thenews.com.pk/print3.asp?id=10768 ISLAMABAD: As the present government completes its five-year term in office on November 15, it has been officially disclosed in a secret report that the top guns of Pakistan got Rs 53.499 billion bank loans written off on the basis of a decision taken by the financial team of Gen Pervez Musharraf in October 2002. PML-N urges SC to take action on loan write-offs * Ahsan says 2 sitting CMs also beneficiaries of loan writing-off Staff Report Daily Times - Site Edition Wednesday, October 24, 2007 http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2007\10\24\story_24-10-2007_pg7_24 ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court must take suo motu action and ask the government to make public the names of all those who have benefited through the writing off of over Rs 53 billion in loans, said PML-N Information Secretary Ahsan Iqbal. He termed the writing off of over Rs 53 billion in loans a ?plunder of public money?. In a statement issued here on Tuesday, he said, ?This is yet another mega scandal of the Musharaf regime which has come out in public.

How would you define PPP Reference against you filed in NAB when PPP was in opposition? Reference:


Reference dated 19-6-2004 ? Billion Rs Loan Write-Off http://www.ppp.org.pk/refs/ref0407.html


Reference dated 19-6-2004 ? Billion Rs Loan Write-Off

To: The Chairman
National Accountability Bureau
Pakistan Peoples Party ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPLAINANT


Ch Shujaat Hussain

Ch Mansoor Elahi

Ch Parvez Elahi

Ch Gulzar Mohammad

Ch Wajahat Hussain

Ch Sabahat Elahi

Mrs Qaisra Elahi

Mrs Kausar Hussain

Mrs Khalida Begum (1 through 9 - Purportedly the Directors / Owners of Punjab Sugar Mills )

Daewoo Corp of Pakistan and others

Chief Executive of National Bank of Pakistan and other financial institutions (who have written off the loans)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCUSED



1. The daily ?The News? in its publication of 19 June 2003 (Copy enclosed with the complaint) gave the details which were given by the Jamali government to the National Assembly Secretariat wherein it was revealed that an amount of Rs 18 billion was written off during the last three years (1999-2002) of the military regime.

2. The accused respondents where some of them being holders of public offices in the terms of Section 2 of the NAB Ordinance 1999 and the rest of the accused which are business enterprises had obtained loans from the different financial institutions.

3. The accused respondents had siphoned off the depositors money from the financial institutions which were written off collusively by the respondents and financial institutions authorities and thus plundered the public money.

4. That the financial institutions had maintained only those loans were written off which were totally irrecoverable which does not give the clear picture and policy of the financial institutions for recovery of loans whereas small farmers were taken in custody for only recovering 9 millions rupees and the people having influence and collusion with the regime and financial institutions were not only set at liberty but were also given huge financial benefits.

5. That the accused / respondents being the holders of public office and the beneficiaries have caused a huge loss to the financial institutions who were the custodians of public money and have badly effected the performance, economy, trust and confidence of the public in the financial institutions.


Based on the above facts and grounds respondents have shown willful indulgence in corrupt practices under Section 9 of the Ordinance. Such persons are subject to punishment under Section 10 of the Ordinance. As such the Chairman of the NAB is called upon to initiate investigation in connection with the matters set out herein above and further proceed to file a reference against respondents for violating the provisions of Section 9 of the Ordinance punishable under Section 10 of the Ordinance in competent court of law and proceed against those concerned for violating Section 9 of the Ordinance.


Pakistan Peoples Party


Syed Nayyar Hussain Bokhari Advocate
Islamabad Dated : 19-6-2004


Why did you approach the Lal Mosque Mullahs when your government wiped them out during Musharraf Military Regime? Reference: A dangerous game February 14, 2008 Thursday Safar 06, 1429 http://www.dawn.com/2008/02/14/ed.htm#1 DOES Chaudhry Shujaat realise what a dangerous game he is playing? He and several PML personalities have met Maulana Abdul Aziz of Lal Masjid fame and there are reports that the hard-line cleric is to be released. Whether or not he is guilty of any crime is to be decided by the court. But there are cases against him relating to his involvement in the Lal Masjid insurgency last summer. The ?deeds? of the brainwashed commandos wearing polka dotted kaffiyehs and led by him and his dead brother, Ghazi Abdul Rashid, have included arson, murder, kidnapping (including those of some Chinese nationals), illegal use of firearms, etc. Only a court can release him if it acquits him of the charges. Maulana Fazlur Rahman, too, visited him, and one of Abdul Aziz?s relations told a press conference that his family expected him to be released. On the eve of the general election?

Did ISI or General Aslam Beg offered you money for ulterior motives? Reference: Shujaat says Beg offered him massive fundsDAWN/The News International, KARACHI 23 April 2003, Wednesday, 20 Safar 1424 http://www.karachipage.com/ http://karachipage.com/news/Apr_03/042303.html ISLAMABAD: Leading politician Ch Shujaat Hussain has reopened the controversy over Army's role in politics by admitting that he and his cousin Ch Pervez Elahi were offered millions of rupees by the then Army chief General Mirza Aslam Beg in 1991 for political purposes from Mehran Bank accounts. Mehran Bank scandal had cost Rs 9.92 billion to the national exchequer. Ch Shujaat is the first politician to openly confirm that he was offered massive money for political purposes by a sitting Army chief in 1991 for political purposes.

Tell us something about Co-operative Companies Scam of 90s.


Some Facts about C Shujat and Co. http://www.attocknews.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=368&Itemid=168

The Chaudhry and his fellow Chaudhry, Pervez Elahi, will have to face the charges levelled against them which warrant disqualification from the political scene in Writ Petition No.18463/2002, Mian Sajid Pervez, president, [of Imran Khan's] Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf Punjab versus Federation of Pakistan, Election Commission of Pakistan, Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain [Respondent No.3], Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi [Respondent No.4], Returning Officer, NA105 Gujrat II and PP 110 Gujrat III, filed in the Lahore High Court in the second half of September, by Advocate Hamid Khan, the president of the Supreme Court Bar Association. It has been cited that under Clause (o) of sub-Article 2 of Article 8D of the Conduct of General Elections Order 2002 pertaining to the disqualification of members of our assemblies, it is stipulated that a person stands disqualified if "he has obtained a loan for an amount of two million rupees or more, from any bank, financial institution, cooperative society or corporate body in his own name or in the name of his spouse or any of his dependents, which stands unpaid for more than one year from the due date, or has had such loan written off." Similarly, Representation of People Act 1976, Section 12(2)(c), provides that a member is not qualified to sit in our assemblies if he makes: "a declaration that no loan for an amount of two million rupees or more obtained from any bank, financial institution, cooperative society or corporate body in his own name or in the name of his spouse or any of his dependents, or any business concern mainly owned by him or the aforesaid, stands unpaid for more than one year from the due date, or has got such loan written off" This makes it quite clear that any person who has obtained a loan of Rs 2 million or more from any bank and had it written off, stands disqualified from being a member of the national or provincial assemblies. The writ petition relates that Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain and Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi obtained a loan in the name of the company of which they were both directors, Punjab Sugar Mills Limited of Mian Channu, from the National Bank of Pakistan. In 1999, Rs.37.987 million was written off, which fact is recorded in the annual report of the bank for that year. At the time, Shujaat was the federal minister of interior and Pervaiz was speaker of the Punjab Assembly. The two Chaudhrys obtained another loan from the Muslim Commercial Bank Limited for their Punjab Sugar Mills Limited and in 2000 a sum of Rs 22.792 million was written off, which fact is recorded in the annual report of the Bank for that year. According to the law, as it stands today, it appears that both the Chaudhrys fully qualify for disqualification. Technically speaking, Imran's writ petition filed in the Lahore High Court - not heard and decided - is now infructuous, but the disqualification, if established, is a continuing one, and can be invoked at any time by any concerned or aggrieved person in appropriate proceedings before the Election Tribunal or the Supreme Court. Now what? Are the Chaudhys worth a further amendment in the laws of our pure but poor Republic of Pakistan? As white as driven snow By Ardeshir Cowasjee 03 November 2002 http://www.dawn.com/weekly/cowas/20021103.htm

High treason case against Nawaz *From Shujaat Ali Khan Week Ending : 15 June, 1995 http://www.lib.virginia.edu/area-studies/SouthAsia/SAserials/Dawn/1995/15Je95.html

LAHORE, June 12: Former prime minister Mian Nawaz Sharif has been charged with high treason in a complaint lodged with police by the Punjab Home Secretary, Hafeez Akhtar Randhawa.Also cited as the opposition leader's co-accused are the former federal interior secretary, Senator Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain and former provincial governor Mian Muhammad Azhar.The complaint has been filed in the Qila Gujjar Singh police station, Lahore, under Section 2 of the High Treason (Punishment) Act 1973, enacted pursuant to Article 6 of the Constitution which prescribes death as the only punishment for the offence.The complaint was produced on Monday before a five-member full bench of the Lahore High Court as it took up the bail petitions of the treason case accused.

The military's alliance with some of Pakistan's most corrupt politicians has also raised serious questions over President Musharraf's pledge to fight corruption. The military regime's backing of Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain has evoked strong criticism from political parties. The Chaudhries are allegedly, not only involved in the infamous multi-billion rupee cooperative scam, but have also had numerous loans written off. Similarly, the military has propped up Imtiaz Sheikh, a notoriously corrupt former bureaucrat, to counter the PPP in Sindh. The leader of the Sindh Democratic Alliance (SDA), Sheikh is believed to be one of the most corrupt civil servants who rose to power under former Sindh Chief Minister, Jam Sadiq Ali. Sheikh is now seen as the military's candidate for Sindh's chief ministership. Reference: The General's Selection By Zahid Hussain [Monthly Newsline Oct 2002] http://www.newsline.com.pk/NewsOct2002/cover1.htm

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