Monday, October 4, 2010

Tribute to Late. Allan Faquir [A Folk Singer from Sindh]

Allan Fakir, A singer in the traditional mannerism of Sindh, Allan’s early career was spent singing in villages and marriage ceremonies. His voice had a high range of vocal expressions. Allan Fakir particularly known for his ecstatic style of performance marked with extreme devotional rhetoric and sufi dance singing. His peculiarly funny body language and distinctively pleasing facial expressions marked with a broad smile, were always amusing for his audience at live performances.

Alaf Allah, Meem Muhammad Aen Ali


Allan Fakir was born in 1932 in the ancient village of Aamari in Jamshoro District, taluka Manjhand, Sindh. His mother died soon after his birth. He spent his childhood in Manjhand, a town between Sehwan and Hyderabad. He belongs to the Mangrasi tribe the Mangarhars are believed to bring happiness and welcomed on festive occasions for their gift of melody. According to the traditions of this caste, Allan Fakir's father used to beat the drum and sing traditional songs at weddings and Faqir's brothers still do the same job.

Allan Faqir, Live stage perfomance, HO Allah ho allah


Fakir is an Arabic word, and implies a Sufi or a mystic. Thus in the real sense of the word, a Fakir is a person, who leads an independent life marked by piety, abstinence from material needs, and contentment in the available resources. It must not be confused with the rather loose usage of the same word implying a begger, in the local languages Urdu, and Sindhi.

Alfee Ishq'a Ji Allan Faqir


When he was only a teenager, Allan Fakir developed a habit of singing melancholy songs which his father did not like. Deprived of a mother's love, he went off in search of someone who could replace that love. He arrived at the tomb of Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai in Bhit Shah and started living there.Faqir's memory was sharp even though he could not read and write. Hearing the traditional Latifi Raag sung every night touched his heart. Encouraged by Faqir Zawar Qurban Ali Lanjwani and Moolchand Maharaj, he began singing Bhitai's poetry at the shrine and ultimately spent twenty years there until meeting Mumtaz Mirza, who introduced him to Radio Pakistan and ptv in Hyderabad and helped him to learn the correct pronunciation of Bhitai's poetry. Eventually, he became a performing legend. In appreciation of his services to folk culture, he was given a job and a small house at the Institute of Sindhology. He was originally appointed as an officer to help promote Sindhi culture, but due to his illiteracy, he was eventually demoted to the post of peon. Allan Fakir received the President's Pride of Performance award in 1980, the Shahbaz Award in 1987, the Shah Latif Award in 1992 and Kandhkot Award in 1993. Allan Fakir died on 4 July 2000. [References: OPF Almanac/Wikipedia ممتاز علي وگهيو]

Allan Faquir - soye kam kareinde


KARACHI: Sindh's most charismatic son Allan Faqir, who popularised the music of Sindh without letting it lose out on its inherent folk or its intrinsic mystical elements, died in Karachi on Tuesday. He was 64. One of the most celebrated Sindhi folk artist, Allan leaves behind a wife Badan Bibi and five children -- Feroz, Faheem and Waseem and two daughters Farzan and Suhana. His earthly remains were taken to Hyderabad in the evening and then to Bhitshah for burial.

Allan Faqueer - Yaar Wikhu


He lay at the Liaquat National Hospital, very frail, a slight reed of a man and at 64 had few physical reserves left to fight the onslaught of the multiple complications. Last week, Allan Faqir was brought to Karachi from Jamshoro after he suffered a stroke, which was progressive. The blood flow to his brain was insufficient, said the hospital doctors. Allan had a medical history. He underwent a by-pass surgery in 1985. He was a diabetic patient. He suffered from hypertension in addition to his liver condition.



The recipient of the Pride of Performance 1987, Life Long Achievement Award 1999, the Bhitai Award in 1991, Allan Faqir had toured China, former USSR, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Brussels, Belgium, South Korea, Japan, Turkey and Italy. He grew to be a rage. When touring the USA in the 70s, it was announced via radio that when Alan sang "Rim Jhim Barsay Badal Aaya" it would rain. The meteorological department did not forecast rain, but after Alan sang his piece, it did rain that day. He walked down the Manhattan in New York dressed in his regalia and people thronged the streets behind him awestruck.

Allan Faquir - Echoes Of Sufi Chants

Courtesy: Mr. Saqib Tahir

Probably the most celebrated Sindhi folk artist, Allan lay critically ill and totally neglected by the government, according to his admirers. The "Vai" wizard who spun his magic within the country and outside it had been ignored by them, one grief-struck admirer said. No medical facilities were provided to him as a matter of policy, he added. The government has not immediately clarified his admirers' accusation. To his lot fall visitations from eminent people, careful to have their pictures taken but unwilling to make provisions for artistes of his calibre to be looked after when so gravely ill.




The Federal Health Minister and the Sindh Law Minister Shahida Jameel visited him in the hospital but took no initiative to make provisions for the financial care of this great artist and neither was the provincial government forthcoming with any monetary assistance. The Secretary of the Department of Culture Hamid Akhund was his only benefactor - but that was on a personal level.

Allan Faquir علڻ فقير وائي ٻولي منهنجي


The music wizard with his black flowing hair and beard, flashing eyes, comic gestures and delightful dances lies still. Allan, who mesmerised thousands with his antics, was a mere wisp of a man in a hospital bed. Painter-writer Zafar Kazmi who shares a birthday with this singer of the Bhitai raag has mentioned time and again that he too was nursed by Allan's mother along with Allan when both were babies, and those children nourished by her showed remarkable health and resilience.

Alan Faqueer with Qasim Maka


Born in the little village of Amri near Khairpur [Correction: ancient village of Aamari in Jamshoro District, taluka Manjhand, Sindh], Allan put the hamlet on the map since he began singing on the Bhitshah stage in 1967 clad in his blue ajrak, a black "lathi" with bells jangling at one end in his ring embellished hand, and his Faqir's trademark the "kashkol" around his neck. He was the son of Dayam Ali, a famous "dhol" player.



Late. Allan Faqir & Late. Zarina Baloch


The playful Allan was what is called a chakar or a comedian in the early part of his career and his mischievous smile and mannerisms reflected this even as he soared to success singing the Shah's Vai. He sang folk songs at weddings and enacted the various ceremonies that are customary at such functions and gained much popularity and love but it was his renditions of the 'Vai', a lyrical poem, accompanied by the "dhamboor" that gained him appreciation and recognition here and internationally.



Report: Allan Faqir's 9th Death Anniversary


It was Allan's irresistible renditions of the Shahjo raag in his unique style that caught the attention and the imagination. His song "Huma Huma" with Mohammad Ali Sheiki became one of the most popular numbers ever as did his "Rim Jhim Barsa Badal Aaya" penned by Zafar Kazmi and sung with much love. His "sur Sumundi" is incomparable. Allan Faqir's most remarkable contribution is his inimitable way of rendering Bhitai's "Vai" making it easier to understand than that which is sung at the Mazar. REFERENCE: Allan Faqir passes away DAWN/The News International, KARACHI 5 July 2000, Wednesday, 2 Rabi-us-Saani 1421

Extremely Thankful to Saaeen Xafar Sindhi for his guidance 

علڻ فقير سنڌ جي اداس روح جو راڳي

الهه بخش راٺوڙ

ڀٽ ڌڻي جو هي فقير پي ٽي وي جي ڪنهن موسيقي جي پروگرام ۾ جنهن جي ميزبان مهتاب چنا هئي، ان ۾ امر گيت ”اتني بڙي جيون ساگر ۾“ ڳائي رهيو هو، هن اڃا پنهنجو گيت ڳائي بس ئي ڪيو ته کيس ”االله الله ڪر ڀيا“ جي فرمائس ٿي ۽ هو محمد علي شهڪي سان گڏ اهو گيت ڳائي رهيو هو، علڻ فقير ڏانهن مهتاب چنا پنهنجو هٿ وڌايو ۽ چيو فقير منهنجي قسمت جي باري ۾ ڪجهه ٻڌائي سگهين ٿو؟ فقير مسڪرائيندي سندس هٿ ڏسڻ لڳو ۽ پوءِ وري هو ٻيو ڪلام ڳائڻ لڳو، هي ساڳيو علڻ فقير هو جنهن جو سنڌ جي ديسي سرن سان عشق هو، هو ڳائيندو هو ته سندس دلين جي سڀئي راز ان جي مک ۽ نرڙ تي اچي ويندا هئا. ان جي من ۾ جيڪي اداسي، محبت ۽ پيار هوندو هو اهو ڄڻ گيت جي صورت ۾ اوتجي ٻاهر اچي ويندو هو.

علڻ فقير جنهن جو آمري جي ميراثي خاندان سان واسطو هو ان جا وڏڙا شادين مرادين ۾ ڳائي وڄائي پيٽ گذر ڪندا هئا. پر هي فقير ننڍي هوندي کان ئي بي چين ۽ اداس هو. هو اداسي ڀريا گيت ڳائيندو هو، جيڪا هن جي والد کي نه ڀائجندي هئي ۽ کيس تڪليف ٿيندي هئي ته سندس پٽ ايترو ويڳاڻو ڇو آهي ۽ پوءِ علڻ فقير پنهنجي ان اداسي جو علاج ڀٽ ڌڻي جي مزار تي ڳولي لڌو. هو سڄي سڄي رات ڀٽائي جي پڌر تي ويٺي لطيفي راڳ ٻڌندو هو ۽ جڏهن ٽيڙو غائب ٿي ويندو هو ۽ ڪَتي نڪري نروار ٿيندي هئي ته هن جي مک تي هلڪي ٿڪاوٽ ٿيندي هئي ۽ اتي ئي سمهي پوندو هو. هن فقير اهو چلو ڪيترن ئي سالن تائين پچايو ۽ ڀٽائي جي راڳ کي پنهنجي من ۾ سمائيندو رهيو ۽ پوءِ هڪڙو اهڙو ڏينهن آيو جو هن جي نينهن اڇل کاڌي ۽ ڀٽائي جون وايون ڳائڻ شروع ڪيائين. ڄڻ ڀٽائي جا سمورا سر هن جي اندر ۾ پيهي ويا هئا. هن جي موسيقي سان محبت ۽ تڙپ کي ڏسي ڀٽائي جي فقيرن، فقير زوار قربان علي لنجواڻي ۽ مولچند مهاراج هن کي لطيفي رستو ڏيکاريو ۽ هي فقير رواني سان ڳائيندو رهيو. ڪيترن ئي ڏهاڪن تائين هو ڀٽائي جو مهمان بڻجي راڳ جي سيوا ڪندو رهيو ۽ آخرڪار هو ڪنهن جواهري جي ور چڙهيو ۽ کيس پهريان ريڊيو پاڪستان ۽ پوءِ پي ٽي وي تي آندو ويو، هن سنڌي ۽ اردو ۾ گيت ڳايا جيڪي گهڻو ڪري مقبول ٿيا، شيخ اياز جو مشهور گيت ”عشق اسان وٽ آرائين جيان آيو جهول ڀري، آيو جهول ڀري ڪوئي ڪيئن ڪري“ ڳاتو ته ڄڻ سڀني جي من کي آواز ملي ويو.

اداس دل رکندڙ هي فقير دنيا جي ڪنڊ ڪڙڇ تائين وڃي پهتو، هن جي راڳ ٻڌندڙن جو هڪ خاص حلقو پيدا ٿيو، اهي جيڪي ڀٽائي شناسي جا پارکو هئا انهن ته علڻ فقير کي پنهنجي من ۾ ويهاري ڇڏيو، هو جڏهن ”سچل جي وائي تن ۾ الله او من ۾ ا لله “ ڳائيندو هو ته سندس مک جا سمورا ايڪپريشنس ڏسڻ وٽان هوندا هئا، هو پنهنجي سموري جسماني، روحاني ۽ دماغ جي سگهه سان ڳائيندو هو، ائين لڳندو هو ته ڄڻ هو راڳ جي تپسيا ڪري ٿو. راڳ ڄڻ هن جي عبادت بڻجي وئي هئي ۽ ان ۾ ئي هن هر شئي کي ڳولي لڌو هو، هن جي دل کي تڏهن ئي سڪون مليو ٿي، جڏهن هن صوفي شاعرن جي ڪا وائي يا ڪو ڪلام ڳاتو ٿي، هي فقير جنهن سنڌ ۽ هند کان سواءِ ڏيهه ۽ پرڏيهه جي خاڪ ڇاڻي ان کي ايتري ته محبت ۽ پنهنجائپ ملي جو هن جو راڳ سان پيار وڌي ويو، هو سنڌي راڳڻين کي ڳائيندو رهيو ته جيئن دنيا وارن کي اها سڌ پئجي سگهي ته سنڌ موسيقي جي معاملي ۾ ڪيتري نه شاهوڪار ۽ پاڻڀري آهي. پر ان کي سر جي ضرورت هئي جيڪو علڻ فقير جي صورت ۾ ملي ويو.

اڄ جڏهن علڻ فقير جي يارهين ورسي ملهائي پئي وڃي ته ان موقعي تي کيس ڀيٽا ڏيڻ لاءِ شايد اهڙا لفظ نه هجن جيڪي ارپي سگهجن. هن جو ڀٽائي، سچل ۽ ٻين صوفي فقيرن سان محبت جو تسلسل سندس پٽ جي صورت ۾ موجود آهي. علڻ فقير جي پٽ کي وري به شابس هجي جو هو ساڳي خاص ڪاسٽيوم ۽ انداز سان پنهنجي والد جي راڳ کي جاري رکي رهيو آهي پر ماسٽر چندر جهڙو وچولي پرڳڻي جو مها راڳي جڏهن ڀارت هجرت ڪري ويو ۽ هن کي پنهنجي ڌرتي ماتا سنڌ ڇڏڻي پئي ته ان دوران هن پنهنجي پٽ گوپي چندر کي راڳ جي تربيت ته ڏني پر هن کي مايا ايترو ته موهيو جو ڀارت ڇڏي آمريڪا هليو ويو ۽ واپس ورڻ جو نالو به نه ورتائين. پر گهٽ ۾ گهٽ علڻ فقير جي پٽ پنهنجي پيءَ جي لڄ رکي ۽ پنهنجي ان ورثي کي اڳتي وٺي وڃي رهيو آهي. علڻ فقير جنهن کي ڪيترائي ايوارڊ مليا هن کي صدارتي ايوارڊ، پرائيڊ آف پرفارمنس، شهباز ايوارڊ، شاهه لطيف ايوارڊ ۽ ٻيا ڪيترائي ايوارڊ ڏنا ويا، هو هينئر انهن ايوارڊن جي ڪري زنده ناهي پر اها سندس موسيقي سان محبت ئي هئي جنهن کيس هينئر تائين عوام ۾ جيئرو رکيو آهي، هينئر به جيڪڏهن ڪو علڻ فقير جو ڪلام جهونگاريندو آهي ته ٻڌندڙن کان دانهن نڪري ويندي آهي ۽ چوندا آهن ته اڙي هي ته علڻ فقير جو ڪلام آهي. هنن کان ته شاعر ئي وسري ويا آهن ۽ صرف راڳي ياد رهجي ويا آهن. علڻ فقير هينئر به لکين دلين تي پنهنجي سر ذريعي راڄ ڪري ٿو ۽ هن جو ديسي رقص ماڻهن جي اکين اڳيان ڦري رهيو آهي.

(هي پيس علڻ فقير جي ورسي جي موقعي تي لکيو ويو)

Courtesy: Ab Rathore

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