Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jang Group, Alleged Hajj Scandal & Hypocrisy of Aal-e-Saud.

ISLAMABAD: The letter written by Saudi Prince Bandar bin Khalid bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud to the Chief Justice of Pakistan alleging that substandard accommodation on exorbitant rates was provided to the Haj pilgrims from Pakistan in Makkah by the Government of Pakistan has turned up to be genuine. The foreign ministry has been informed about this by Pakistan Ambassador in Saudi Arabia, Alhaj Umer Khan Ali Sherzaie, through his D/O letter. The official confirmation from the Saudi Foreign Office is being followed, as the ambassador took up the matter with Alla-Din Al-Askari, chief of protocol Royal State of Saudi Arabia. Well-placed sources told The News here that the envoy had verified the authenticity of the communication to the Foreign Office here upon the information supplied by Pakistan’s Consul General in Jeddah Abdul Salik to him, who has reported to the embassy after a probe that the letter has been duly written by His Royal Highness, the Prince, who has a distinguished status in the Royalty. The letter was dispatched to the Chief Justice of Pakistan late last month and Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhary ordered the Ministry of Religious Affairs to report to the court within 15 days. The orders were made on 3rd of November. Later, the matter was also referred to the Foreign Office.

The Supreme Court, in its communication on the day, declared, “The Hon’ble Chief Justice of Pakistan received a letter purportedly written by Prince Bandar Bin Khalid Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud, alleging that substandard accommodation on exorbitant rates was provided to the pilgrims of Pakistan to Makkah-tul-Mukarramah by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Government of Pakistan. It has further been alleged that hired buildings were 3.5 km away from Haram whereas he had offered to the Government of Pakistan to provide the buildings nearer to the Haram on cheaper rates. On the letter, the Hon’ble Chief Justice of Pakistan passed the order, This issue seems to be serious and may cause bad name for our government. Call for comments from the Ministry of Religious Affairs and this matter may be brought in the notice of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.” Accordingly, comments were received from the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Hon’ble Chief Justice of Pakistan passed the following orders: Copy of the comments be sent to Ministry of Foreign Affairs to look into this case in continuation of our earlier order. Let Foreign Office take up this matter on government to government level.” The Saudi prince told the Supreme Court that Pakistan’s Ministry of Religious Affairs is indulging in corruption while dealing with Haj pilgrims, the reports said. ‘’We offered cheaper accommodation within two kilometres of the Haj congregation venue but (this was rejected).’’ ‘Our offer was 3,500 Saudi Riyals per pilgrim but the Pakistani authorities rented out the accommodation,” he said. ‘The Pakistani pilgrims are still being charged 3,500-3,600 Saudi Riyals for this accommodation although the rent at such a far-off location is not more than 1,500 Riyals under any circumstances,’ he stated. Prince Khalid said in the letter that “there (is) concrete evidence of financial bungling and departmental corruption as far as the Haj affairs of Pakistani ministry is concerned”. He urged the court to take note of the alarming situation. Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry directed the secretary in-charge of the ministry to furnish a detailed response on the accusations made in the letter within 15 days. Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Hamid Saeed Kazmi told the National Assembly on the following day: “We have not received any such letter from the Saudi prince.”

“I have seen such reports only in the media. I want to assure that we will hold a thorough probe and stringent action will be taken against officials if proven guilty.” As many as 160,000 Pakistanis went to Saudi Arabia this year. Interestingly, secretary religious affairs ministry disputed the credentials of the letter as he was also supported by the minister subsequently. Now the minister has gone to Saudi Arabia to perform Haj with his family members as the leader of Pakistan’s delegation. Well-placed sources told this scribe that the federal secretary was part of the team that accorded the approval to the hiring of disputed accommodation and the officials of the same ministry are carrying out the investigations. REFERENCE: Saudi prince’s letter to CJ is genuine Updated at Thursday, November 11, 2010 By M Saleh Zaafir http://beta.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=2005&Cat=13

Real Face of Saudi Arabia

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Qzx_cHNx4o&feature=related
During "Judicial Crisis in 2007" the same Saudi Arabia and their Vile, Corrupt, Pervert, Rascal Princes tried to Bribe the Chief Justice of Pakistan at the behest of Musharraf. The Honourable Chief Justice of Pakistan should have written letter to King Abdullah on this Naked Fascism of Saudi Arabia. Jang Group has removed [permanently] many news stories from their web cache to lie blatantly without being caught. Now in 2010 that lick-spittle Prince Prince Bandar bin Khalid bin Faisal Al-Saud Offices: Chairman of the board of directors, AL-WATAN newspaper http://www.pbs.org/wnet/wideangle/shows/saudi/cards10.html is writing a letter to CJP on Corruption??? Where was this suddenly found conscience when they kept watching silently the Judicial Murder of Bhutto and not only that they also accepted rather arranged the Exile of Mr. Nawaz Sharif [why the Prince didn't write any letter], instead of writing letters these "2000" Saudi Princes should take a deep breath and do some soul searching. My intention is not to condone corruption but unearth this "double standard" because the same Jang Group had viciously attacked Saudi Diplomat and Sheikh Sudais [Imam Kaaba] when they intervened in Lal Masjid Affair.
ISLAMABAD: The Saudi Ambassador to Pakistan Ali S Awadh Asseri met the deposed Chief Justice of Pakistan, Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, to extend an invitation for Haj, an offer that was politely declined. “Saying thank you, the deposed CJ told the ambassador he could not go abroad in the present crisis,” a family source said. Asseri went to see Justice Chaudhry at 10 am and remained with him for almost half-an-hour, the source told The News. The Interior Ministry, however, said it had no knowledge of the meeting but the interior minister said the ambassador did not need any prior permission to see the deposed CJ and he could go whenever he wanted. Although, many Western diplomats have been meeting politicians, Asseri is the first diplomat who was allowed to see Justice Chaudhry since his house arrest on November 3. Deposed Justice Bhagwan Das confirmed that he was in the picture about the meeting but said he did not know its details. A close confidante of Justice Chaudhry and leading lawyer, Athar Minallah, told The News that the Saudi ambassador went to see Justice Chaudhry for extending him an invitation of Haj. Minallah said that Saudi ambassador had also invited Justice Chaudhry before March 9 when he was first sacked. Later, the Saudi government had again extended the invitation after his restoration, he said. And now when the time for performing Haj is getting nearer with many intending pilgrims already flown to Makkah, Ambassador Asseri did not forget his last commitment and again went to remind Justice Chaudhry about this standing offer. Minallah said Justice Chaudhry thanked the ambassador for inquiring his well being and extending the Haj invitation but said he could not accept it at this point of time. Justice Chaudhry told the ambassador that the people of Pakistan were passing through a critical phase of history. It would be therefore unwise on his part to leave them alone and to go for Haj. But he said he was deeply grateful for the invitation extended by the Saudi government. Justice Chaudhry also told the ambassador that he was entirely committed to the cause of rule of law and the restoration of the judiciary. According to Minallah, Justice Chaudhry was firm on his previous stand and no let-up was noticed in his strong determination. He said the continued confinement has failed to break Justice Chaudhry and he was as optimistic today as was before November 3. Tariq Butt adds: “The former chief justice wants to perform Haj along with his family. We are prepared to facilitate his pilgrimage,” Ambassador Asseri told The News. He said Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry had requested to the embassy for visa to perform Haj, and “my meeting with him was about that.” The diplomat said there was also an outstanding invitation to Chaudhry for visit to Saudi Arabia that was extended to him five months back. At the time, he was the chief justice of the Supreme Court. On being approached by this correspondent, Caretaker Interior Minister Lt-Gen (retd) Hamid Nawaz said that to his knowledge, the deposed judge had so far made no request to the government, indicating his intention to go for Haj. “First, he has to write to the government showing his keenness for performing Haj. Only then, we will consider his case,” he said. The government has repeatedly stated that none of the deposed judges is confined to his house and every one of them has free access to movement. However, no visitor is allowed to meet any of these justices as police continue to man different barricades on roads leading to the Judges’ Enclave and elsewhere. The latest refusal to a meeting with the former chief justice came when former prime minister Nawaz Sharif had made a bid on Thursday. “I will find out whether or not the former judge is going for Haj,” Interior Ministry spokesman Brig (retd) Javed Iqbal Cheema told The News. “I will let you know,” he said but did not call back. The Saudi ambassador said he did not discuss with the former judge any matter concerning Pakistan’s internal affairs. The deposed chief justice was not available for comment. Asseri’s meeting has assumed great importance in the prevailing situation when a logjam exists between the government and the judges of the Supreme Court and the high courts, who had either refused or were not called to take oath under the Provisional Constitution Order (PCO) that President General Pervez Musharraf issued on Nov 3. REFERENCE: Saudi envoy meets deposed CJ, invites him for Haj Iftikhar declines invitation; says he cannot leave country in present situation By Umar Cheema Dec 8th, 2007 07:46 PM http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=11593&Cat=13&dt=12/8/2007
ISLAMABAD: Saudi Ambassador, Ali Awaz Al Asiri called on confined former chief Justice, Iftikhar Chaudhry at his residence. Intelligence sources told that this meeting between the Saudi ambassador and the former chief justice lasted for about an hour at the Judges Colony, where the demands for the re-instatement of the Judges and other options deliberated. Sources told that following the parley with the chief justice, Saudi ambassador also visited the foreign office here and discussed matters of national importance. REFERENCE: Saudi envoy meets former CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry Updated at Friday, December 07, 2007 1330 PST http://thenews.jang.com.pk/updates.asp?id=33504 REFERENCE: Jang Group has removed [permanently] many news stories from their web cache to lie blatantly without being caught, here is the source for the above Umar Cheema's quote : http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=11593&Cat=13&dt=12/8/2007
Saudi Arabia is ready to offer Pakistan's sacked chief justice Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry, shelter in the kingdom, Pakistani government sources told Adnkronos International (AKI). High-level sources told AKI, on condition of anonymity, that this was discussed when the Saudi Ambassador to Pakistan, Ali Awaz Al Asiri, called on the deposed chief justice at his residence in the capital Islamabad on Friday. They said that the meeting was set up by the Pakistani government. Al Asiri is believed to have invited Chaudhry and his family to make the Haj or Muslim pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, this year. The Haj is scheduled to take place this month. Al Asiri is also believed to have offered Chaudhry and his family a prolonged stay in Saudi Arabia. Sources within the Saudi consulate in Karachi, on the condition of anonymity, also confirmed to AKI the offer of shelter to Chaudhry and said that the government of Saudi Arabia had tried to bring stability to Pakistan. Chaudhry was sacked as chief justice after President Pervez Musharraf declared a state of emergency in Pakistan on 3 November, citing rising extremism and an unruly judiciary. The former head of the Supreme Court was placed under house arrest. While opposition leader and former prime minister Nawaz Sharif was prevented from meeting Chaudhry on Thursday, just a day later Al Asiri was allowed to meet him. It is believed that the potential deal would help break the deadlock within opposition parties who are divided on whether to contest the January general elections if the sacked judges are not reinstated. A Saudi-brokered deal would be a face-saving gesture for Chaudhry and the entire opposition who need to deal with Musharraf's government and also support an independent judiciary to gain public support. REFERENCE: Saudi envoy meets deposed CJ, invites him for Haj Iftikhar declines invitation; says he cannot leave country in present situation By Umar Cheema Dec 8th, 2007 07:46 PM http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=11593&Cat=13&dt=12/8/2007
PBS Frontline Black Money Pt 1 of 6 URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65rYQEsXXwU&feature=related PBS Frontline Black Money Pt 2 of 6 URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMZqqpST4I8&feature=related PBS Frontline Black Money Pt 3 of 6 URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiEWMIcBjTc&feature=related PBS Frontline Black Money Pt 4 of 6 URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvKKSiYHGrQ&feature=related PBS Frontline Black Money Pt 5 of 6 URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgWI25RpIxs&feature=related PBS Frontline Black Money Pt 6 of 6 URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKobqEnSNmI&feature=related
Jang Group's/GEO TV Correspondents particularly the Mob of Kamran Khan, Ansar Abbasi, Shaheen Sehbai and Saleh Zaafir are very fond of quoting Transparency International on Pakistan's Corruption - ISLAMABAD: Foreign funding to Pakistan, especially under the Kerry-Lugar package of $7.5 billion and $170 million committed by the World Bank for the Sindh Irrigation System, may be directly hit if the government cuts its contacts with Transparency International Pakistan (TIP). The move would also, obviously, open the floodgates of corruption of billions of rupees in public sector procurement. Secretary Interior Chaudhry Qamar Zaman, when contacted, said that he was not aware of any such directive issued by the Interior Ministry. The TIP Chairman, Adil Gillani, was also clueless about this reported decision. Yet the sources warned that in case of such an eventuality, Pakistan would be a great loser at the hands of corrupt. Severing contacts with the TIP would mean undoing all those Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs), which were signed between the TIP and several major public sector enterprises to check corruption by ensuring transparency in the procurement process involving the taxpayers’ money. Besides this, these sources said that in case of the Kerry-Lugar aid package of $7.5 billion, the USAID had formally engaged the TIP, which had been assigned the task of maintaining an anti-fraud hotline and fraud awareness programme to ensure that the US funds does not go into the pockets of corrupt and the money is spent for the purpose it is given to the Government of Pakistan. REFERENCE: Cutting links with Transparency to cost billions Updated at Monday, November 22, 2010 By Ansar Abbasi http://beta.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=2200&Cat=13&dt=11/22/2010
Express News Exposing Transparency International Pakistan (Point Blank 21st Sept 2010)
URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JLA32jSDwY Real Face of Aal-e-Saud - Part 1 URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4Kpm-yHCzw&feature=related Real Face of Aal-e-Saud - Part 2 URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWpu2heJf6M&feature=related
This is "EXCLUSIVELY" for that Sanctimonious Prince Bandar Bin Khalid Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud who "FORGOT" to write Letter to King Abdullah about the Corruption in Saudi Arabia. This should also be an eye opener for Jang Group's/GEO TV Correspondents particularly the Mob of Kamran Khan, Ansar Abbasi, Shaheen Sehbai and Saleh Zaafir are very fond of quoting Transparency International on Pakistan's Corruption.
Saudi Arabia: Arm Sales & Corruption (1/3) URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFCAHscyYfA&feature=related Saudi Arabia: Arm Sales & Corruption (2/3) URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pqrdVF1rVw&feature=related Saudi Arabia: Arm Sales & Corruption (3/3) URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOk_6INKhEE&feature=related Saudi Corruption - Criminal Politicians Exposed UK TV URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7BBMxzIBAc&feature=related "QUOTE"
TI(UK) is greatly concerned by the decision of the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) to terminate the investigation into the affairs of BAE Systems plc as they relate to the UK-Saudi Al Yamamah arms deal. The SFO stated that it had been necessary to balance the need to maintain the rule of law against the wider public interest. It is worrying that the Government should see a conflict between the two. The Attorney General (AG) referred to Article 5 of the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, which precludes investigations and prosecutions being influenced by considerations of national economic interest or the potential effect upon relations with another State. Although he claimed that the SFO had not been influenced by those considerations, the remainder of the AG’s statement and the Prime Minister’s statement today would suggest otherwise. TI(UK) of course takes no view on the likely outcome of the investigation and notes that the company has throughout denied any wrongdoing. It is the pressure applied to the SFO prematurely to terminate an investigation that has been diligently pursued by a large SFO and MOD Police team for over two years that is worrying. By terminating the investigation rather than allowing it to be completed, the AG has relieved himself of the duty of deciding whether or not to prosecute.
The termination of the SFO’s investigation calls into serious question the Government’s commitment to enforce the OECD Convention, a factor that the OECD will not fail to notice when the UK responds in writing in March next year to the critical report on the UK’s poor compliance with the Convention. Nor will it have assisted the credibility of the UK’s position at the first Conference of States Parties to the UN Convention against Corruption that finished yesterday in Jordan. Since this decision has been taken in the wider public interest, the Government has a duty to explain in far greater detail how the public interest was endangered by the continuation of the SFO’s criminal investigation. “Sadly, the Government’s decision conveys a disturbing message: while other countries are expected to observe their obligations under international anti-corruption conventions, the UK reserves the right to ignore its obligations when this is politically expedient. It will be hard to dispel the perception that this constitutes a double standard”, said Laurence Cockcroft, Chairman, TI(UK). REFERENCE: Serious Fraud Office Investigation of UK-Saudi Arabia Arms Deal Statement by Transparency International (UK) London, 14 December 2006
Saudi prince 'received arms cash' - Arms deals with the Saudis have been worth billions to the UK BBC investigation - A Saudi prince who negotiated a £40bn arms deal between Britain and Saudi Arabia received secret payments for over a decade, a BBC probe has found. The UK's biggest arms dealer, BAE Systems, paid hundreds of millions of pounds to the ex-Saudi ambassador to the US, Prince Bandar bin Sultan. The payments were made with the full knowledge of the Ministry of Defence. Prince Bandar "categorically" denied receiving any improper payments and BAE said it acted lawfully at all times. The MoD said information about the Al Yamamah deal was confidential. Sir Raymond Lygo, a former chief executive of BAE, told the BBC's World Business Report that there had been "nothing untoward" about the arms deal. "I was the one who won the contract," he said. "I don't know anything about him (the prince) at all. I would have remembered that name."
All that BAE has ever rejected is any suggestion that the commission payments were illegal Robert Peston BBC Business Editor
Read Robert Peston's blog When asked about the secret payments, Sir Lygo said that it was not going on when the deal was signed. "I would have known if it was going on at the time. I was not aware of it, so as far as I am concerned it was not occuring. "Yes, we paid agents. Nothing illegal about that. It was absolutely in accordance with the law at the time... there was nothing untoward about the deal whatsoever."
Private plane
The investigation found that up to £120m a year was sent by BAE Systems from the UK into two Saudi embassy accounts in Washington. There wasn't a distinction between the accounts of the embassy or official government accounts... and the accounts of the royal family David Caruso American bank investigator
Timeline: BAE Systems probe
The BBC's Panorama programme has established that these accounts were actually a conduit to Prince Bandar for his role in the 1985 deal to sell more than 100 warplanes to Saudi Arabia. The purpose of one of the accounts was to pay the expenses of the prince's private Airbus. David Caruso, an investigator who worked for the American bank where the accounts were held, said Prince Bandar had been taking money for his own personal use out of accounts that seemed to belong to his government. He said: "There wasn't a distinction between the accounts of the embassy, or official government accounts as we would call them, and the accounts of the royal family." Mr Caruso said he understood this had been going on for "years and years". "Hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars were involved," he added.
Investigation stopped
According to Panorama's sources, the payments were written into the arms deal contract in secret annexes, described as "support services". They were authorised on a quarterly basis by the MoD. Prince Bandar was Saudi ambassador to the US for 20 years It remains unclear whether the payments were actually illegal - a point which depends in part on whether they continued after 2001, when the UK made bribery of foreign officials an offence.
The payments were discovered during a Serious Fraud Office (SFO) investigation.
The SFO inquiry into the Al Yamamah deal was stopped in December 2006 by attorney general Lord Goldsmith. Prime Minister Tony Blair declined to comment on the Panorama allegations. But he said that if the SFO investigation into BAE had not been dropped, it would have led to "the complete wreckage of a vital strategic relationship and the loss of thousands of British jobs". The SFO's inquiry is thought to have angered Saudi Arabia, to the point where there was a risk that BAE could lose a contract to sell the new Typhoon fighter to Riyadh. Prince Bandar, who is the son of the Saudi defence minister, served for 20 years as US ambassador and is now head of the country's national security council. Panorama reporter Jane Corbin explained that the payments were Saudi public money, channelled through BAE and the MoD, back to the Prince. The SFO had been trying to establish whether they were illegal when the investigation was stopped, she added. She believed the payments would thrust the issue back into the public domain and raise a number of questions.
'Bad for business'
Labour MP Roger Berry, head of the House of Commons committee which investigates strategic export controls, told the BBC that the allegations must be properly investigated. If there was evidence of bribery or corruption in arms deals since 2001 - when the UK signed the OECD's Anti-Bribery Convention - then that would be a criminal offence, he said. He added: "It's bad for British business, apart from anything else, if allegations of bribery popping around aren't investigated." Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesman Vince Cable said that if ministers in either the present or previous governments were involved there should be a "major parliamentary inquiry". "It seems to me very clear that this issue has got to be re-opened," Mr Cable told BBC Radio 4's The World Tonight. "It is one thing for a company to have engaged in alleged corruption overseas. It is another thing if British government ministers have approved it." Panorama will be broadcast on Monday 11 June 2007 on BBC One at 2030 BST REFERENCE: Saudi prince 'received arms cash'Last Updated: Thursday, 7 June 2007, 18:09 GMT 19:09 UK http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/6728773.stm
King Abdullah has ruled oil-rich Saudi Arabia since 2005.
Saudi king arrives in U.S. for blood clot treatment By the CNN Wire Staff November 23, 2010 2:43 a.m. EST - NEW: The king lands at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport "We hope for his speedy recovery," the U.S. State Department says Officials say Saudi King Abdullah has a herniated disc and blood clot Abdullah is healthy and in stable condition, the nation's health minister says (CNN) -- Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah has arrived in the United States for medical treatment, the State Department said.
"We hope for his speedy recovery," the State Department said in a message from its official Twitter account late Monday. The king left Saudi Arabia earlier Monday for treatment of a herniated spinal disc and a blood clot that was causing him back pain, state media said. Saudi dignitaries met him when he arrived at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport, the state-run Saudi Press Agency said. The agency's report did not specify which hospital would be providing treatment to the ruler. "The medical team recommended that he leaves for the U.S. to visit a spine-specialized medical center in order to complete medical examinations and for follow-up treatment," Health Minister Abdullah al-Rabeeah said during an interview Sunday with Saudi state television. "But I assure everyone that he is in a stable condition, and that he is enjoying health and well-being, and God willing, he will be back safe and sound to lead this proud nation."
Doctors performed tests on the 86-year-old monarch Friday after he complained of back pain, and he underwent more tests Sunday, the Saudi Press Agency reported. His doctors have advised him to rest, but he took calls from Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in which the regional leaders wished him a speedy recovery, the news agency reported.
King Abdullah named Crown Prince Sultan to administer the state's affairs in the monarch's absence, the news agency said. The prince was expected to return to Riyadh while the king is overseas, the Saudi Press Agency said. But there are also questions about the crown prince's health: He has lived in Morocco for much of the past year-and-a-half after surgery for an undisclosed ailment in February 2009.
The top three figures in the kingdom -- Abdullah, Sultan and Prince Nayef, the country's interior minister and second deputy prime minister -- are all sons of King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud, who founded modern Saudi Arabia in 1932. Abdullah has ruled the oil-rich kingdom since the August 2005 death of his half-brother, King Fahd. But Abdullah ran most of the kingdom's affairs for a decade before that on behalf of his ailing half-brother. Since coming to power, he has sought to establish rules and procedures for many Saudi institutions, giving him a reputation as a reformer in the highly conservative nation. REFERENCE: Saudi king arrives in U.S. for blood clot treatment By the CNN Wire Staff November 23, 2010 2:43 a.m. EST http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/11/23/saudi.king.treatment/index.html?npt=NP1
For the Third World Muslim Countries they "talk in term in Shariah i.e. Daarul Harab and Daarul Kufr" read this news: RIYADH: Saudi Crown prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz has returned to the kingdom from Morocco as King Abdullah prepares to leave for the United States for treatment of back ailment, SPA news agency reported Monday. Saudi crown prince returns as king prepares to leave for US AFP Yesterday http://www.dawn.com/2010/1

Read what the "Sanctimonious Ansar Abbasi" filed in Dawn 11 years ago on Aal-e-Saud Nawaz Deal: REFERENCE: Cabinet had no idea of exile deal Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending : 16 December 2000 Issue : 06/48 http://www.lib.virginia.edu/area-studies/SouthAsia/SAserials/Dawn/2000/dec1600.html#cabi REFERENCE: Sharifs lose 80pc of assets, says Qureshi Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending : 16 December 2000 Issue : 06/48

1 comment:

  1. Again you put the name of jang group in haj scandal.This fraud is being for many years in the name of Haj in Islamic republic of Pakistan.Jang and other groups jsut got clues via saudi govt and then they are making and digging stories.Saudi role is obvious to all.They are purposely doing this to harass this govt.It is all done via CIA offices based in Saudi.This way they are black mailing this govt for some kind of illegitimate favor from this govt.Things are very simple but you miss no chance of involving jang group only .In haj all fraud is done under religious ministry, and Secretariat and via Pakistani embassy in Saudia.This was same platform where Musharraf and his son made billion dollar deals on the name of Pakistan but this ale saud never pointed this high profile crime.I hope you would nt link this with jang group.This is troika of saudia, CIA and present rulers of Pakistan who are reasons of such shameful scandals in our land and media groups just follow the updates provided to them through different sources.
