Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mr. Ansar Abbasi's Tribute to General Pervez Musharraf & Martial Law in DAILY DAWN [11 YEARS AGO].

ISLAMABAD: While Musharraf continues to embarrass Pakistan and its authorities, including the Pakistan Army, an important source has revealed that the General Headquarters (GHQ) and its most vital arm, the Military Operations Directorate, was bypassed by the former dictator, both in the Lal Masjid operation and Bugti killing.
The source said that none of these extremely controversial operations, which sowed the seeds of terrorism in Balochistan and the rest of the country, were the brainchild of the MO Directorate. The source said that in both these military operations, the GHQ and concerned field command were not directly involved. “In both the cases, General Musharraf bypassed the GHQ and its MO Directorate, and gave direct orders to the relevant field commanders,” said the well-placed and well- informed source. Ideally and as per the military’s established rules, no such operation could take place without being conceptualised and cleared by the MO Directorate. However, Musharraf, the all powerful dictator that he was, did not engage the MO Directorate. In the case of Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti’s killing, the source said, General Musharraf involved the then Military Intelligence chief Major General Nadeem Ejaz and the top command of 12 Corps. REFERENCE: Ex-MI chief, commanders Quetta, Pindi involved By Ansar Abbasi Wednesday, November 10, 2010 Zilhajj 03, 1431 A.H.

Mr. Ansar Abbasi [Senior Correspondent of The News International/Daily Jang/GEO TV] hitting right and left on General Pervez Musharraf whereas see for yourself how "soft" Mr. Kamran Khan [Senior Correspondent of The News International/Daily Jang/GEO TV] was on a "Military Dictator" and compare the same Kamran Khan's program with any "Elected Representative" and you may note that he not only misbehave rather put the guest in embarrassing position [shame on our Politicians who accepts insults from a two bit TV Anchor]. Such Interviews should be called "Press Conferences".

President Musharraf interview GEO TV with Kamran Khan Part 1


President Musharraf interview GEO TV with Kamran Khan Part 2


In a briefing on Balochistan issue by the then DGMO and much before the killing of the Baloch Nawab, General Musharraf once talked about the idea of killing Bugti but the idea was not agreed to by the DGMO, who warned that it would lead to unrest. Later, Musharraf never engaged the GHQ and executed his plot to kill Bugti through the MI and the Commander of the 12 Corps. After the Bugti killing, some key generals in the GHQ in their in-house interactions expressed their dismay over the Kohlu military operation. The Lal Masjid operation, which killed over a hundred persons and led to the escalation of terrorism cases manifold, was no different from that of the military operation aimed at killing Bugti. The source said that the planning of the Lal Masjid operation was done by Commander 10 Corps Tariq Majid on the direct instructions of the ousted dictator. “The GHQ and its MO Directorate were not involved in any such planning,” the source said, adding that a day after Lieutenant Colonel Haroon became the first casualty of the pre-Lal Masjid operation, Musharraf convened a meeting of top political and military authorities and given his mind that a full-fledged operation had to be carried out. REFERENCE: Ex-MI chief, commanders Quetta, Pindi involved By Ansar Abbasi Wednesday, November 10, 2010 Zilhajj 03, 1431 A.H.

An important member of the GHQ spoke against this option and asked Musharraf to review his decision because it involved the lives of more than 100 persons. The dictator was told that when the military was taught to leave some exit point even in case of its enemy, then why should not the extremist elements holed up in Lal Masjid. Musharraf was also warned that if the Lal Masjid operation was executed, it would throw the country into a muddle for quarter of a century. Instead of listening to his key GHQ adviser, the source said Musharraf snubbed the officer and asked him to mind his own business. Later, the assignment to do the massacre in Lal Masjid was given to 10 Corps without getting the military operation cleared by the GHQ. It has also been revealed that Musharraf wanted to mislead the masses about the number of casualties by burying the dead unannounced and in unknown places. He was of the view that the CDA authorities would do the task of silent and hidden burial of those killed in the Lal Masjid operation. Musharraf, who has recently formally joined politics, has lately said that if given the chance, he would repeat the Lal Masjid and Bugti operations. These two operations brought enormous disrespect for the Army and caused retaliatory attacks against the military personnel and installations in all parts of the country. REFERENCE: Ex-MI chief, commanders Quetta, Pindi involved By Ansar Abbasi Wednesday, November 10, 2010 Zilhajj 03, 1431 A.H.

The first-ever suicide attack in a military unit in Dargai where dozens of soldiers were killed in 2006, was also the consequence of Musharraf’s announcement owning the American missile attack on a Madrassa in Bajaur where more than 80 children were killed. Under pressure from his American masters, whom he served against the interest of Pakistan, Musharraf said that they were not the American forces but the Pakistan Army, which attacked and killed such a large number of children, including the age of 10. Musharraf lied that they were terrorists but not even a single bullet was found from the rubble of the Madrassa. Many in the military today admit that the post 9/11 policies and Musharraf’s controversial decisions like the Lal Masjid operation, killing of Bugti and owning up of Bajaur massacre not only fuelled extremism and terrorism but made the military controversial. REFERENCE: Ex-MI chief, commanders Quetta, Pindi involved By Ansar Abbasi Wednesday, November 10, 2010 Zilhajj 03, 1431 A.H.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010, Zilhajj 03, 1431 A.H

During late 90s, Mr. Ansar Abbasi used to be a correspondent of Daily Dawn and do note in his reports which he filed for the same General Pervez Musharraf and his Martial Law Regime [1999 - 2007] whom he is now portraying as the worst creature walking on earth but during Mr. Ansar Abbasi's stay at Dawn as it's Correspondent and he didn't even mention words like "Article 6 of 1973 Constitution, Martial Law, Autocratic, Military Dictator, Treason Trial and what not. General Pervez Musharraf was just a "Chief Executive" for Mr. Ansar Abbasi, pure and simple. Ansar Abbasi Praising General Musharraf's Martial Law Regime's "Alleged Reforms" when Ansar Abbasi used to be a Correspondent in Daily Dawn, he never mentioned even a single time that Impsoing Martial Law is Treason and Violation of Article 6 of 1973Constitution of Pakistan

As per 1973 Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan



6. (1) Any person who abrogates or attempts or conspires to abrogate, subverts or attempts or conspires to subvert the Constitution by use of force or show of force or by other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of high treason.

(2) Any person aiding or abetting the acts mentioned in clause (1) shall likewise be guilty of high treason.

(3) [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] shall by law provide for the punishment of persons found guilty of high treason.


Definition of Accomplice: An accomplice is a person who actively participates in the commission of a crime, even though they take no part in the actual criminal offense.


ISLAMABAD, Oct 14: There is no martial law in the country, an Inter-Services Public Relations officer said. Talking to Dawn at 2:15am, the ISPR official, however, said that he had nothing to add to what was said in the cabinet division's notifications, issued in the wee hours of Friday, with regard to the "proclamation of emergency" and "provisional constitutional order No. of 1999." When asked whether it's the martial law or emergency in the country, he said, "we did not use the words 'martial law' in these notifications." He, however, said that further explanations would be made on Friday. The ISPR spokesman's attention was drawn to the section (e) of para 2 of the "proclamation of emergency" in which it was stated that the prime minister, chief ministers and their cabinet members shall cease to hold office, and was asked whether the prime minister was still the chief executive of the country after the Oct 12 address of Chief of the Army Staff General Pervez Musharraf, he replied that he had nothing more to add. REFERENCE: No martial law in country: ISPR Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending : 16 October 1999 Issue : 05/42

ISLAMABAD, Oct 31: The military government is planning major amendments to the Ehtesab Act to plug the loopholes that had allowed an embezzler, defaulter or a corrupt to escape the arm of law, it is learnt. However, according to a reliable source, the accountability cases would continue to be placed before the civilian court. "There will be no military courts to try the defaulters and the corrupt, including corrupt politicians," the source said. It further said that special courts would be set up, as envisaged in the Constitution, to ensure prompt disposal of accountability cases. The Supreme Court and the high courts would be asked to monitor the performance of these special courts so that speedy justice could be ensured, it added. The higher judiciary would be requested to appoint the best possible judges as presiding officers of these special courts. Lt-Gen Mohammad Amjad Hussain, who had been asked to suggest amendments to the Ehtesab Act, was busy preparing the draft, the source said. It said that the military leadership had decided that as per demand of the people of Pakistan, the plunderers of national wealth should be taken to task in the shortest possible time. The accused, it is said, would, however, be given the right to defend himself as envisaged in the Constitution. "We want to ensure that the legal lacunas that help the corrupt to escape should be removed," the source said. To avoid uncalled for delays in the disposal of accountability references, he said, an amendment was being introduced so that the defendant must appear before the court once the summon was served on him/her. "Unlike past they will not find loose ends anymore," the source said.

Besides targeting corrupt politicians and bureaucrats, the military leadership had also decided to attack the "life style of businessmen." Those who had earned their wealth through legal means would not be touched but the rest would have to cough up the looted money. The source said that a very large number of businessmen had got hundreds of millions from banks but they either got them written off or refused to re-pay them by showing losses to their so-called registered companies. "On the contrary the life-style of these businessmen is improving and new model Mercedeze cars are being used by them," the source said and added, "such people now can't have the protection of law." REFERENCE: Special courts to try cases of accountability Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending : 06 November 1999 Issue : 05/45

ISLAMABAD, Dec 13: The military government has decided to introduce a money laundering scheme on December 15 by offering amnesty to holders of black money in the country, it is learnt. Reliable sources told Dawn the announcement was expected to be a part of the chief executive's much awaited Dec 15 speech on the economic reform package prepared by the finance ministry and approved by the last joint session of the national security council and the cabinet. Under the scheme, the people will be given a deadline by which time they would be asked to bring out in the open their undeclared assets. Those who will avail the opportunity will be allowed to launder their black assets at a price. The people at large will be given three to six months to take advantage of the scheme with a warning that after the expiry of the deadline their undeclared assets would be impounded by the government. All the declared money under the scheme, on the other hand, will stand laundered.

The authorities believe that the total volume of black/undeclared economy was in the vicinity of Rs1500bn and the scheme will widen the tax-net. A similar scheme was introduced in India during the government of Prime Minister I K Gujral and it had met with tremendous success, the sources said. In Pakistan, it had become a routine practice to offer such amnesty schemes by governments from time to time since it was first introduced soon after the first military take over in 1958. In early 1980s, however, the then finance minister Ghulam Ishaq Khan refused to grant such amnesties any more to black money holders on the grounds that the practice only encourage the dishonest and served as a disincentives for honest tax payers.

The last such amnesty was offered in 1985 when the late Dr Mehbubul Haq became Pakistan's finance minister in the first Junejo government under which holders of black assets were offered medium term black bonds at a discount. The former prime minister, Nawaz Sharif who was then chief minister of Punjab had publicly admitted to having bought black bonds worth millions to whiten his family's black assets under the scheme. The 1999 economic reform package, already approved by the government, reportedly contains about 150 reform clauses but the chief executive's Dec 15 speech will cover only the main features. The package, the sources said, includes proposal to club the agricultural and non-agricultural assets for wealth tax purposes. Presently the two are treated separately for wealth tax purposes. Pakistan is perhaps one of the few countries in the world where wealth tax is collected. In most civilised countries taxes are collected on incomes and property only and not on wealth. Wealth tax reportedly serves as a disincentive against savings and encourages rich people in Pakistan to stash away their savings out of the country.

Another major announcement that is expected to be made by the chief executive on December 15 concerns reduction in the bank interest rate. It has already been decided to reduce the interest rate by 2 per cent to rationalize the input costs in agriculture, manufacturing and services. The current domestic rate of inflation which is said to have come down to almost 3-4% lately is said to have provided an elbow room for cutting bank interest rate. The imposition of general sales tax at retail level is likely to be delayed. It has, however, been decided to conduct a survey to ascertain the annual turnover of the retailers. Small retailers, who make no more than Rs 50 million annually will be kept out of the GST net when it is finally applied. REFERENCE: Economics reform package: Money laundering scheme on agenda Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending : 18 December 1999 Issue : 05/51

ISLAMABAD, Jan 27: In a major initiative to strengthen the civil bureaucracy and ensure good governance, Chief Executive General Pervez Musharraf on Thursday agreed to restore the pre-1973 authority of the Federal Public Service Commission. During his visit to the FPSC, the chief executive also agreed to grant administrative and financial autonomy to the FPSC; enhancement of the FPSC's role; fixation of non-extendable five- year service tenure for the chairman and members of the FPSC and restoration of their oath; reduction of the maximum age limit for appearing in the CSS competitive examination; all recruitments in grade 11 and above through the FPSC; and recruitment to all the posts, including those in the ISI, IB and defence division, through the FPSC, etc.

The chief executive asked the chairman of the FPSC, Lt-Gen (retd) Mumtaz Gul, to give a presentation to the National Security Council for a formal approval to all these decisions. The secretary of the establishment and other authorities were asked to work out modalities for the implementations of the decisions taken in principle during the chief executive's over three-hour stay in the FPSC. When contacted, the FPSC chairman confirmed to Dawn that the chief executive had agreed to almost all the proposals presented before him by the FPSC. The chairman was overwhelmed with this development and hoped that it would usher a new era for strengthening the country's civil institutions. REFERENCE: Musharraf approves pre-1973 authority for FPSC Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending : 29 January 2000 Issue : 06/05

ISLAMABAD, Feb 17: At a high-level meeting on foreign policy chaired by the Chief Executive, General Pervez Musharraf, here on Thursday, the government endorsed the policy of engaging India in a dialogue to resolve peacefully the core issue of Kashmir and to remove all other irritants harming the relations between the two countries. Sources in the foreign ministry told Dawn that Chief Executive General Pervez Musharraf told the meeting that Pakistan wanted the resumption of dialogue with India but New Delhi was not ready for it. The meeting, according to a foreign office press release, undertook a broad review of important foreign policy issues, particularly Kashmir and Afghanistan. According to the brief press release issued by the FO, "Foreign Secretary Shamshad Ahmad made a detailed presentation. He highlighted the important considerations underpinning the approaches and the direction of the foreign policy which were, after discussion, endorsed by consensus." The sources, however, said that the chief executive told the meeting that Pakistan wanted peace in the region and would support every effort towards this end.

The CE said that the tension between Pakistan and India needed to be decreased but he believed that this could only be done by resolving the core issue of Kashmir. The meeting agreed that peace in the region could not be ensured unless the issue was resolved. The meeting regretted that India was not interested in the resumption of dialogue. It was felt that India was deliberately avoiding serious discussions because that would lead to talks on the core issue of Kashmir. Kashmir, it was said, was the main irritant between the two countries while all the other pending issues were the result of this core irritant. The meeting also maintained that Pakistan would welcome any third party mediation to get the issue resolved. It was observed thatPakistan's position on Kashmir was morally, ethically and legally strong whereas India was playing on a very weak wicket due to which it was hesitant to accept any sort of mediation. REFERENCE: Pakistan reaffirms policy of peace talks Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending : 19 February 2000 Issue : 06/08

ISLAMABAD, March 1: Different intelligence agencies of the country are currently busy collecting information on almost 100 senior grade 21 officers who are in the run for promotion to grade 22. Chief Executive Gen Pervez Musharraf, on the basis of the reports submitted by these agencies and also after considering the already available personnel record of these officers, will make selection of limited number of officers for promotion to grade 22. The intelligence agencies have been involved for the first time in the promotion process and this exercise, it is believed, will have significant impact on the elevation of the officers. Previously, the promotion of bureaucrats to this highest echelon of bureaucracy, were made purely on the basis of record available with the establishment division. Personnel from different intelligence agencies are currently visiting various government offices to inquire about the conduct, reputation, behaviour and working style of the officers whose names were under consideration for promotion.

Though this snooping exercise is conceived as embarrassing by many senior bureaucrats, the sources in the chief executive's secretariat believe that this is necessary to make the proper selection. They say that since the chief executive had the full power to select anyone for promotion so he wanted to exercise his power judiciously and in the best public interest. Recently, the military government had amended the relevant clauses of the Civil Servant Act to empower the chief executive with these powers. Previously, a high-powered Central Selection Board was recommending promotions for the approval of the competent authority. The establishment division has already sent, a few weeks back, a panel of almost 100 grade 21 officers to the chief executive's secretariat for selection of "suitable" officers for promotion to grade 22 by Gen Musharraf. The establishment division was not allowed to recommend a panel of suitable officers, rather, it was asked to send names of all those grade 21 officers belonging to the regularly constituted groups/service of Central Superior Services who joined the service till 1969. The establishment division, in all, has communicated 18 vacancies but so many officers are not likely to be promoted in one go. REFERENCE: Record of 100 senior officers being scrutinized Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending : 4 March 2000 Issue : 06/10

ISLAMABAD, May 10: The government has constituted a high-level steering committee, headed by Finance Minister Shaukat Aziz, to implement the World Bank's proposed civil service reforms in the country. The bank had asked Pakistan to implement the report "A Framework for Civil Service Reform in Pakistan", which was presented to the government of Pakistan in December 1998 but was not implemented. Some senior bureaucrats, including the secretary-general finance, the secretary establishment and the secretary cabinet, etc, are the members of the steering committee which has made some sub- committees to work out the modalities for the implementation of different aspects of the report. Agencies like the National Reconstruction Bureau (NRB) have also been engaged by the steering committee so that there is no overlapping of work.

The WB report, prepared in response to Pakistan's request, covers the following main topics: the need for reform; employment and personnel expenditure; downsizing; accountability and performance; pay and benefits; pensions; and preparing, sequencing, and managing comprehensive reform. To reduce the increasing public sector wage costs which, according to the WB report, are straining the high-priority non-wage expenditures, irreversible downsizing of civil bureaucracy is necessary. For effective downsizing scheme, the WB suggests the removal of ghost workers and pensioners by undertaking payroll audits; maintaining and tightening the existing recruitment freezes; stopping new work-charged employment and not regularising the existing work- charged staff; terminating all ad hoc appointments and contractual appointments at the end of the contract period; denotifying all unfilled sanctioned posts which have remained vacant for more than one year; ending the practice of 'moveovers'.

Identifying corruption as a pervasive and deep-rooted problem in Pakistan affecting the civil service and most other institutions, the WB said that there were twelve laws to deal with corruption apart from the disabling provisions in the constitution. It said that very few corrupt officials were ever convicted. Pressing for a reliable accountability mechanism, the World Bank insists that "it would be preferable if early evidence of corruption were dealt with under the efficiency and discipline rules of the federal and provincial establishment codes which provide for the penalty of dismissal of corrupt civil servants." The report also discussed the role of the Public Service Commissions; the Ombudsman; the Ehtesab Commission; the Pakistan Audit Department; and the PM's (currently CE's) Inspection Commission with regard to the accountability of civil servants. The report says that the government should commission a thorough survey of private sector pay by independent advisers on the basis of which it should consider increasing the basic pay as a measure to attract staff with specific skills and to combat corruption. REFERENCE: Move to meet World Bank terms: Civil services to be revamped Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending : 13 May 2000 Issue : 06/18

ISLAMABAD, June 27: Interior Minister Moinuddin Haider said on Tuesday that the chief executive would start holding meetings with "clean"politicians from next week to develop consensus on various issues. Talking to newsmen here, the minister explained that the chief executive would meet only the "clean politicians filtered through a sieve". The politicians, he stressed, needed to feel their responsibilities and behave accordingly, adding that the future of the country belonged to them. He said the military had to leave office, as ultimately a democratic government would be in place. In reply to a question, the minister said the government would not contact those politicians who had been involved in corruption, tax evasion or plunder of national wealth.

Mr Haider said that politicians, traders, bureaucracy, etc., would have to play their roles for the development of the country, adding that every body would have to share the burden equally. APP adds: Asked to define the "good politicians,"he said people were the best judges and the government would act according to their aspirations. Referring to de-weaponization, the minister said that display of arms was contrary to the norms of civilized societies. REFERENCE: Chief Executive to meet 'clean' politicians soon Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending : 1 July 2000 Issue : 06/25

ISLAMABAD, June 29: The Chief Executive, Gen Pervez Musharraf, has shown in principle his agreement to the police reforms proposed by the interior ministry but avoided its immediate implementation owing to the government's devolution plan. At a meeting held here on Wednesday evening, the chief executive agreed to the recommendations formulated by the interior ministry's focal group on police reforms. However, on the insistence of the National Reconstruction Bureau (NRB) no decision was taken on the implementation of the reforms pursued by the interior minister. Interior Minister Lt-Gen (retd) Moinuddin Haider, NRB chief Lt-Gen (retd) Syed Tanvir Naqvi, and senior officials of the chief executive secretariat and interior ministry attended the meeting. Reliable sources in the chief executive secretariat told Dawn that the interior minister pressed for the immediate implementation of these reforms as, he argued, the country badly needed independent but accountable police.

The NRB chief, however, said that he intended to finalize his recommendations on district government plan by the end of August so the government should refrain from introducing these reforms until the plan, which also covered reforming district police, was given shape. Since there are two sets of police reforms - one proposed by the interior ministry and the other considered by the NRB under its district government plan - currently under consideration of the government but both contradicting each other, the chief executive asked the two sides to remove the contradictions through consultation.

Final decision on police reforms, it was decided, would be taken later. However, contrary to what was discussed at the meeting, the NRB publicised through newspaper advertisements on Thursday its own system of police reforms which totally negates what was proposed by the interior ministry. The interior ministry wants the police to be under an independent national/provincial/metropolitan safety commission to ensure the depoliticization of the force and ensure its impartiality. But the NRB as publicised in the newspapers not only put the police under the proposed chief mayor's control but authorised him (mayor) and the district assembly to select a police officer of their choice.

The NRB proposes that even the ACR of the district police chief will be written by the chief mayor. At the same time the inspector general of police of the province, the NRB proposal said, would write technical report of the district police chief. The interior ministry sources seemed perturbed over the premature publication of this advertisement at a time when it was not even accepted by the ministry. They said this advertisement was also in complete disregard to what had already been agreed between the NRB and the ministry. REFERENCE: Police reforms: Chief Executive okays interior ministry proposal Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending : 1 July 2000 Issue : 06/25

ISLAMABAD, June 25: A large number of bureaucrats, found to be corrupt or inefficient, are to be placed under suspension anytime after July 31, reliable sources told Dawn on Sunday. The Chief Executive, Gen Pervez Musharraf, has directed the secretary of establishment division to seek lists of such unwanted members of the civil bureaucracy both from federal and provincial authorities by the date for an 'immediate action', it is learnt. The CE chaired a meeting of the top functionaries here on Saturday to review the performance of the civil bureaucracy. Gen Musharraf wanted all the government institutions to follow the precedence set by the Central Board of Revenue which recently placed more than 1,000 officials, including over 100 senior bureaucrats associated with customs and income tax groups, under suspension after establishing charges of corruption and inefficiency against them, the sources revealed.

The CE, it is also learnt, intended to talk personally to the governors and federal ministers to help speed up the process of 'cleansing' the bureaucracy. The establishment secretary told the CE that the federal and provincial authorities had already been directed to make such lists available to the the establishment division at the earliest but their response was not so encouraging. On his contention, the chief executive asked the secretary to issue a reminder with stress on the urgency of the task. During the meeting, officials apprised the CE of the progress on the government's plan aimed at restructuring and reforming the civil services. Those who attended the meeting included Sahibzada Imtiaz, a member of the National Security Council, Lt-Gen (retd) Mumtaz Gul, chairman of the Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC), Lt-Gen Ghulam Ahmad, chief of staff to the CE, Tariq Aziz, principal secretary to the chief executive and Tariq Saeed Haroon, the establishment secretary. They informed Gen Musharraf of the measures taken for the implementation of the plan. Restructuring the FPSC, encadrement of occupational groups, career planning for bureaucrats, disciplinary proceedings, promotion and transfer policies and rightsizing in government departments were the other issues discussed at the meeting. REFERENCE: Chief Executive seeks list of 'corrupt' bureaucrats Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending : 1 July 2000 Issue : 06/25

ISLAMABAD, July 27: The central board of revenue (CBR) has not yet initiated disciplinary proceedings against its officers suspended on corruption charges two months back. Lack of evidence is said to be the main cause of delay. The CBR chief on May 27 had suspended 1,045 officials, including 300 from income tax and customs groups in grade 17 to 21, on charges of corruption and malpractices. But, none of them have so for been issued even the charge sheet. "We have not yet even framed charges against any of the officer," a CBR source, who has been engaged in the suspension exercise, told Dawn. He admitted that the authorities were finding it hard to bring up concrete evidence against the officials that could stand the independent inquiry and ultimately justify the CBR's action.

Framing of charges, serving of these charge sheet and constitution of committees for initiating inquiry against the accused officers are the three main steps required to be taken during the disciplinary proceedings, he said. But nothing has been done so far, he added. There is a great realization within the bureaucracy that indecent haste was shown by the CBR administration in compiling the list of "corrupt" officials and in their suspension. In an apparent effort to separate the wheat from the chaff many innocent officials might have been victimised because of the personal liking and disliking of those involved in the exercise, a source commented.

He said initially the government had decided to dismiss, straight away, these officials by issuing a stringent legislation but later the decision was reviewed and the authorities were convinced to suspend them and give them a fair trial. The chief executive, the sources said, was even told that most of the suspended officials would be reinstated as the CBR would not be able to back these suspensions with concrete evidence that could stand a fair trial. The framing of charges is also said to be a tedious and technical job. The uncalled for delays in disciplinary proceedings, they said, would further spoil these cases because of possible tempering of records by some well connected suspended officers. The CBR chief, who is also revenue division secretary, had acted under the newly-promulgated ordinance - Civil Servants (Special Power) Ordinance 2000 - to suspend the 1,045 officers. Under the rules, the secretary will issue charge sheet to officers in grade 17 to 19 and in case of grade 20 and above he will seek the chief executive's approval before issuing the charge sheet.

The officials in lower grades will be issued the charge sheet by their respective regional bosses. The officials were suspended initially for a period of six months. The suspension period can be extended by the revenue division secretary. Though the Civil Servants (Special Power) Ordinance, 2000, was issued to ensure swift proceedings against the corrupt, there is no time limit set by the ordinance for the completion of the inquiry proceedings after the suspension of an officer. However, once the inquiry committee is constituted it is required under the law to give its recommendations as to impose penalty or exonerate the accused within 30 days. REFERENCE: CBR yet to frame charges against suspended officers Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending : 29 July 2000 Issue : 06/29

ISLAMABAD, Aug 18: The government said on Friday that two amendments would be made to the Constitution to provide safeguard to the devolution plan. It would also be ensured that the future governments should not bulldoze the amendments, the National Reconstruction Bureau (NRB) chairman Lt-Gen (retd) Tanveer Naqvi told a news conference. He said the two amendments were necessary at this stage. One of the proposed amendments, he said, would provide constitutional protection to the local government system and the other would ensure that the Constitution should not be amended by the future governments in 10 minutes as had happened in the past. "We will take all possible measures to ensure that the local government system could not be reversed by the succeeding governments," the NRB chief said in response to a question. Mr Naqvi also said that the NRB would now start work on the second phase of the plan under which the powers would be shifted from the federation to the provinces. In the same phase, to be completed by August 2001, the question of provincial autonomy would also be addressed. He hinted that the constitution might also be amended to meet the necessities arising out of the second stage of the plan.

To a question, Mr Naqvi said the politicians, intelligentsia, academics and people from all walks of life would be consulted to prepare a framework for the transfer of powers from the centre to the provinces. The NRB chief disclosed that the bureau had also drafted a proposed law on local government in line with the devolution plan, which, he added, would soon be given to the provinces for promulgation. He said by Sept 30, the law would be enacted so that the local bodies elections could be held on schedule. The NRB, he said, was also preparing electoral rules on the basis of which the election commission would hold the local bodies elections. In a few months time the bureau would also evolve six major systems to be adopted by the local governments, the NRB chief said. These systems, he added, would address to the financial, administrative, planning, and legislative aspects of the local governments besides introducing citizens' monitoring system. An incentive system for government employees would also be introduced on the basis of reward and retribution concept. About police reforms the NRB chief said a new law would be introduced by replacing the outdated Police Act of 1861. He said the NRB was currently shaping up the new act and would promulgate it when finalised.

He said the NRB was also contemplating reforms in the police service to improve the existing induction procedure, career, term of engagement, training, and pay structure of the police force. Answering a question, Mr Naqvi justified the elections on non-party basis and insisted that the candidates fielded by political parties did not serve the people. "They serve their political leaders and the parties," he argued and maintained that those elected independently "actually serve" the people. To another question, he said, a member of any political party could contest the forthcoming local bodies elections. But, he disclosed, no such candidate would be allowed to use the party's influence for his/her elections. When asked about the nature of appointments of district coordinating officers (DCOs), he said any one from any service group could be inducted at the district level bureaucracy. This post, he said, had not been specified for any particular group or service of the civil bureaucracy.

APP adds: Naqvi assured that the elected members of the union councils would not be made an electoral college for election to any highest slot in the country. Responding to a question, he said the government had neither any intention in the past nor harbour it now and would not mull it even in future, to turn the elected councillors into an electoral college to elect the president as was done by President Ayub Khan. The 'basic democracy' system was used in Ayub Khan era to elect the president. The local government, he said, would be financially self-reliant. On the administrative system, he said, we are looking into matter as to what was the effectiveness of the department of magistracy, which was part of the colonial system. "We are looking whether there is a need for the administration to have the judicial power," he added. The chairman on developing the planning system said, they were working on the approach to start the process of planning from the lower tier to the upper level. On the legal system, he said as in the past, there should have the legal power at the district, Tehsil and the Union level.

He said that the elections will be held in accordance with the 1998 census and at present the provincial government were carrying out delimitation of the union councils. He said all the union councils would comprise almost the same population to ensure equal representation of the people at district level. Gen Naqvi dismissed the contention that the present system was against the Islamic injunctions, saying the power devolution plan was to provide justice to the people. To a question if the government would be able to put police stations under an assistant superintendent of police (ASP), he said, it was possible as an officer of this rank needed training of six to one year. More officers of this rank would be recruited. This can be done either through lateral entry or some other way, he added. Replying to a question on first information report (FIR), he said, under the local government system this could be registered even outside the police station.

Answering a question why the government decided to continue with the separate electorate for the minorities, he said this was one way of giving them representation. Mr Naqvi conceded that joint electorate was another way of allowing minorities to choose their representatives. Asked who decided to continue with the separate electorate, Mr Nagvi said, it was the government's decision. Replying to a question on the 1979 Local Bodies Act, he said, that only those provisions relating to the elections would be implemented. He said holding of local elections under the devolution plan would not violate Article 32 of the Constitution. To a question, he said, the party-based elections only bring in rich people to the fore as only they can afford to buy party tickets, leaving no room for the poor to contest the polls. TAXES: Responding to a question, he said, no district would be allowed to impose any import or export tax. "No tax will be allowed on the movement of goods from one district to another," he said. To another question, he said, the people of tribal areas were devising their own plan in the light of the local government system. Once they were able to conceive such a plan, he said, the government would help them in this regard. REFERENCE: NRB chief hints at imminent changes: Constitution being amended By Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending : 19 August 2000 Issue : 06/31

ISLAMABAD, Aug 28: The Chief Executive, General Pervez Musharraf, asked the interior ministry and the National Reconstruction Bureau (NRB) to reconcile their remaining differences pertaining to police reforms. Credible sources told Dawn that the CE, while presiding over a high-level meeting held at the ministry of interior, said that most of the differences between the two sides on different aspects of police reforms had already been narrowed down. The interior minister reportedly told the Chief Executive that the interior minister at the center and home minister in the provinces should be made the chairman of the national and provincial public safety commissions respectively, as proposed by the interior ministry's focal group on police reform.

The minister, the sources said, wanted an amendment in the devolution plan which envisaged that the national as well as provincial commissions would select their respective chairman on a rotation basis every quarter. The CE asked the minister and the NRB chairman, who was also present in the meeting, to sort out their differences through mutual consultation. The CE complimented the interior minister and his team who in coordination with the NRB had succeeded in formulating a comprehensive and implementable strategy to achieve this end. "Induction and promotions on merit, better facilities, improved pay and salary, equipment and a fool-proof system of monitoring and overseeing are some of the steps that are being initiated and would lead to greatly improving the functioning of the police, " the CE was quoted as saying.

The CE directed that the proposed police reforms should be finalized and presented before the federal cabinet at an early date for approval. He stated that he intended to visit various police training institutions to meet the police officials of all grades and see the pace of implementation. The CE also appreciated the steps being taken by the ministry of interior and its departments to curb smuggling and said that maximum assistance would be given to them in this regard. Earlier the interior minister briefed the CE on the role and functions of the ministry with particular reference to police reforms and anti-smuggling measures being taken. He informed the meeting that after extensive consultations with the provinces, a new Police Ordinance was being finalized on the recommendations of the focal group and the NRB, to replace the 140- year-old Police Act of 1861. The minister also informed the meeting about the measures being taken to curb smuggling which not only resulted in loss of revenue but also damaged local industry, eroded respect for law and impeded the tax-paying culture.

The CE, according to the press release, appreciated the interior ministry's initiative on arms control. The CE was told that with effective measures the display of arms had remarkably come down. The CE was also briefed on various measures being taken to create sectarian harmony. REFERENCE: NRB, interior ministry told to mend fences By Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending : 2 September 2000 Issue : 06/33

ISLAMABAD, Sept 13: The chief executive, Gen Pervez Musharraf, had met 15 world leaders on the sidelines of the recently-concluded UN Millennium Summit in New York. The CE had met the presidents of Italy, Turkey, Algeria, Russia, Senegal, Iran, Sudan, China, and Comoros; King of Jordan, Amir of Qatar, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, prime ministers of Nepal and Bhutan, and the UN secretary-general, according to the foreign ministry sources. Mandarins in the ministry were reluctant to reveal which countries had rejected Pakistan's request for such a meeting. "This is sensitive information," an official stated.

Another said the country's diplomatic wing in New York must have full information whom did they approach for Gen Musharraf's meeting. Though none of those leaders have much influence in moulding global politics, observers attach great importance to the meeting between Gen Musharraf and Russian President Vladimir V. Putin. There was an effort by the Pakistan officials for a meeting between US President Clinton and the chief executive, but the two leaders could only have a brief informal chat at a reception. According to a source, in normal circumstances one hardly cares for the number of such meetings at a multilateral forum. However, because of the peculiar situation Pakistan is facing in its foreign relations currently such meetings do have an impact. "Today Pakistan is facing big challenges and it is at the receiving end so it was required of it to show through these meetings that it has many friends around."

Because of hostile and unwelcoming circumstances after the nuclear tests and the Oct 12 military takeover, the foreign ministry officials feel that the routine diplomacy could not do much to improve the situation. Policymakers tried to take maximum advantage of the millennium summit to attain the foreign policy objectives that are otherwise hard to chase. The basic objective of the visit was to attend and address the UN summit, which, the government sources believed, had been achieved well as Gen Musharraf's speech at the General Assembly was received well, particularly his offer for a tension-free and nuclear-free South Asia. Many were looking forward to the summit meeting for a Musharraf- Vajpayee encounter but it could not happen "despite Washington's reported efforts in this respect". On the contrary, the Indian Prime Minister's speech at the UN was very hostile towards Pakistan and it set conditions to the no-war pact offered by Gen Musharraf. REFERENCE: Musharraf met 15 World Leaders in New York Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending : 16 September 2000 Issue : 06/35

ISLAMABAD, Oct 14: The Chief Executive General Pervez Musharraf has sought President Clinton's immediate intervention to stop Israel's latest wave of aggression against innocent Palestinians and to get the Middle East peace process back on track. In a letter, he sent to the US President on Saturday, the chief executive urged President Clinton "to persist in the revival of the peace process for which he has made an outstanding contribution in the past". Gen Musharraf has also sent a separate letter to President Yasser Arafat to convey the sympathies and condolences over the loss of valuable Palestinian lives in Israeli army attack. He also expressed his anguish and dismay over the Israeli violence.

In his letter to President Clinton the chief executive, according to a foreign office press release, conveyed the deep concern of the government of Pakistan over the explosive situation obtaining in the Middle East, resulting in the loss of 100 innocent Palestinians and injuries to over a thousand others as a result of Israel's indiscriminate use of military force. The CE message, the FO said further conveyed the sympathy and condolence over the loss of US Naval personnel as a result of the attack on USS Cole in Aden. Though the FO release did not give further details of the letter's contents, sources in the foreign ministry said that the communication also conveyed to the US President of Pakistan's perception on the issue. These sources said that the letter reflected what was stated by the foreign office spokesman, in his briefing a few days back, on the subject.

Pakistan has condemned the Israeli violence against unarmed Palestinians and reiterated its support for Palestinians in their just struggle to regain their inalienable rights. Pakistan has also backed the Palestinians demand for an impartial international inquiry into the recent troubles and Israeli violence. Islamabad has also emphasised that Israeli must honour all agreements reached with Palestinian leadership in accordance with the Security Council resolutions 242 and 338. Pakistan has also asserted that once again Israel had resorted to aggression and use of force violating the principle of justice and international law to impose its own preferences in the Middle East conflict. This, however, it was said, would not bring durable peace. Foreign minister Abdul Sattar told newsmen on Friday that hopes for durable peace in Middle East that were encouraged by President Clinton's peace process had been threatened with serious setback.

YASSER ARAFAT: In his letter to President Yasser Arafat, the CE conveyed the sympathies and condolences over the loss of valuable Palestinian lives in Gaza and West Bank as a result of indiscriminate use of excessive force by Israeli armed forces. The latter also conveyed Pakistan's anguish and dismay at the upsurge of violence in Palestinian territories and condemned Israel's highhandedness for its bombing of Palestinian authority offices and populated neighbourhoods. It called for the international community to take appropriate steps to put an immediate end and complete cessation of the spate of violence against the Palestinians and for a resumption of dialogue for peace. REFERENCE: Musharraf wants Clinton to intervene Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending : 21 October 2000 Issue : 06/40

ISLAMABAD, Nov 9: The government is currently busy in finalising a draft law that will equip the government with the power of summarily dismissing "corrupt" and "inefficient" bureaucrats. Official sources told Dawn here on Thursday that the draft being discussed by the authorities, suggested the removal of "known corrupt" by merely issuing the show-cause notice. The authorities intend to avoid being dragged into normal disciplinary proceedings which include holding of proper inquiry to judge whether the accused officer is really involved in the charges he is facing.

Sources said that the draft law had already been discussed at the highest level during the last week. A high-level committee headed by law minister Aziz A Munshi and comprising Tariq Aziz, principal secretary to the chief executive and secretaries of the law, cabinet and establishment divisions as members is assigned by the CE to evolve the strategy for getting rid of known corrupt who are otherwise untouchable owing to non-availability of concrete documentary evidence. The military government is reportedly finding its hands legally tied up in tightening the noose around the corrupt officials. The authorities admit that the government is facing a dilemma - it knows the bureaucracy contains corrupt officials but cannot remove them owing to the non-availability of the evidence. The new legislation, according to a source, was being contemplated to get a solution to this problem. The draft law, which was not yet final, suggested that the corrupt officials should be removed from service merely by issuing a show-cause notice, the source added. REFERENCE: Law soon to dismiss 'corrupt' officials Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending : 11 November 2000 Issue : 06/43

ISLAMABAD, Dec 10: The exile of the Sharif family to Saudi Arabia following the pardon announcement by the government, has deprived the Raiwind dwellers of their 15 assets, worth billions of rupees. A spokesman for the government, Maj-Gen Rashid Qureshi, told Dawn on Monday that almost 80 per cent of the Sharifs' property had been "taken over" by the government. According to Mr Qureshi, the 15 assets that have been taken over by the government in return for providing a safe "exit" to the Sharif family include Rs300 million in cash; industrial assets including Brother Steel Mills; Ilyas Enterprises; Hudaybia Paper Mill; Hudaybia Engineering Company; Hamza Spinning Mills; residential property including the Model Town bungalow; three houses at Mall Road Murree; property at 135 Upper Mall Lahore; a plot at Model Town Lahore; a plot at Upper Mall, Lahore; agricultural property including 10.2 kanals of land at Khanpur Sheikhupura Road Lahore; 41 acres and 7 kanals of land at Sheikhupura; 14.2 kanals of land and another 35 kanals at Bhaipharu in Chunnian and 88 kanals of land at Raiwind.

The Raiwind palace of the Sharif family, which ruled the country for almost 15 years, has however not been confiscated by the government. Mr Qureshi dispelled the impression that there had been any underhand deal between the government and the Sharif family. He said the government had simply responded to the repeated mercy petitions filed by the Sharifs. Contrary to what the Sharifs were pretending before the public and in their statements to the media, Mr Qureshi said they had been writing to the government including the chief executive and the president, appealing for pardon. "We were receiving their requests for mercy in the past three to four months particularly after the courts handed over decisions against Nawaz Sharif," he said. These requests were renewed recently following Nawaz Sharif's reported ailment. Mr Qureshi stated that since the chief executive had repeatedly said that he was not vindictive so he recommended to President Tarar that the imprisonment of the Sharifs be pardoned and turned into exile while the rest of the punishments including fines, forfeiture of property and disqualification should stay.

When told that the people in streets felt as if they had been betrayed by the government for allowing a safe exit to the Sharifs, the government spokesman said, "the government has actually taken a compassionate view of the situation and converted the imprisonment into exile." Qureshi dispelled the impression that a "deal" was 'brokered' either by a Saudi prince or was the exit the consequence of Saudi Arabia's pressure. REFERENCE: Sharifs lose 80pc of assets, says Qureshi Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending : 16 December 2000 Issue : 06/48

ISLAMABAD, Dec 12: The government did not consult the cabinet but took into confidence the military elite while granting pardon to Nawaz Sharif and sending the family into exile. A well-placed government source confided to Dawn that the dramatic decision had been taken purely by the men in uniform. The matter was discussed in the closed circles of the military before being put to the corps commanders at their two-day meeting last week. Asked whether the matter was placed before the cabinet, the source said: "No". It was too sensitive a matter to be discussed by the cabinet, he added. The military elite's support to the idea came when it was explained that the pardon and the exile was being allowed following Saudi Arabia's request.

It was said that the Saudi government had given assurance that the Sharifs would not take part in politics "for quite some time". "Besides, the Sharifs, too, had given the undertaking in writing not to take part in politics," the source said. Asked how Saudi Arabia would prevent any of the Sharifs to travel to London and issue political statements from there against the military regime, the source said: "If the Saudis can get the Sharifs freed, they can also make them behave accordingly. They (the Saudis) are very strict in their commitments." The source, however, refused to accept that there was any Saudi "pressure" on the government to get the Sharifs off the hook. In reply to a question, the source said that those exiled to Saudi Arabia would remain there. "If anyone of them goes to some other country he would be bound to come back to the country of exile," the source said. "We have the best example of Idi Amin who lives in Saudi Arabia with his 19 wives but as a completely non-political entity." Persuading the government for pardon, the Saudi authorities had said that not only would it be an Islamic act to set Nawaz Sharif free after the payment of Qisas but it would also be politically helpful to the military regime. "We were told by the Saudis that they had also tried to get Zulfikar Ali Bhutto freed but Pakistan's response in negative had plunged the country in an unending political turmoil," the source said. He stated that the military government was expecting that the departure of Sharifs' from politics would set things, particularly economic situation, right for the country. The government, he said,hoped that the present state of "shock" and "uncertainty" would not last long. "Don't you agree with the idea of throwing the dirt out to get the house in order," the source commented. REFERENCE: Cabinet had no idea of exile deal Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending : 16 December 2000 Issue : 06/48

ISLAMABAD, Dec 15: The government's devolution plan has hit a major constitutional snag threatening the reversal of the scheme, it is learnt. "The implementation of the plan would require a fundamental amendment in the constitution to devolve the law and order responsibility of the provinces to the proposed district governments," a source said, adding such an amendment would deface the existing provinces. The source in the national reconstruction bureau (NRB), which conceived the much-publicized devolution plan, confided to Dawn that the plan unveiled on Aug 14 could not be implemented through an ordinance proposed by the NRB. The provinces on the other hand, according to sources, are also not ready to sacrifice their major responsibility for the maintenance law and order.

The NRB has engaged some constitutional lawyers to find a solution to the problem. Zila nazims would require powers of a chief executive to exercise authority in the district and in fulfilling their responsibility towards the maintenance of law and order. The NRB wanted to delegate these powers through an ordinance, but it is not so simple. The transfer of province's authority over matters of law and order, to the district government is only be possible through a constitutional amendment. "But such an amendment will be of fundamental nature and would change the face of the provinces," the NRB was told. Sources said it was proposed that the said amendment could be avoided if zila nazim was made subordinate to the provincial chief executive. But the authors of the devolution plan were not ready to accept this. In their view, this would weaken the office of zila nazim. REFERENCE Govt may reverse devolution scheme: Constitutional changes needed Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending : 16 December 2000 Issue : 06/48

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