Sunday, December 26, 2010

General Hamid Gul wanted to become Prime Minister: General Pervez Musharraf.

My sources say a blitz against Nawaz is coming in the media by ex-military experts, who are still in touch with Rawalpindi. Musharraf may also jump at him. But Maulana Fazlur Rehman, Ch Shujaat, Altaf Hussain, Imran Khan and all others, except Nawaz Sharif, now believe the Zardari freight train has to be stopped. Only Nawaz has to be convinced and I was surprised when an informed person recently said Nawaz had been approached by the right quarters “numerous times” but he was stuck with the Musharraf phobia. These quarters see a falling out between the Sharif brothers, Shahbaz and Nawaz, on many issues but they are clear that if Nawaz does not come around and leaves no political option to stop the Zardari train, he would be the one to blame if non-political actors make a definite move. Shahbaz would then be the good boy for the next set-up and both Zardari and Nawaz would be treated alike. Some food for thought for both of them! And us all. REFERENCE: Why Zardari became a red rag for the president; Altaf scores in the heart of Sindh over PPP; Nawaz unable to see coming freight train Sunday, December 26, 2010 By Shaheen Sehbai

Shaheen Shebai, Ansar Abbasi and their "Alleged Sources":)

KARACHI: Former ISI chief Hameed Gul wanted to become prime minister, said former president Pervez Musharraf in an exclusive interview to Geo News. Hameed Gul not only aspired to become prime minister of Pakistan but also army chief of the country, Musharraf told Geo News anchor Salim Safi in an exclusive interview. REFERENCE: H Gul aspired to become PM: Musharraf Updated at 010 PST Sunday, December 19, 2010

General Hamid Gul supported Pervez Musharraf on 12 Oct 1999

REFERENCE: World: South Asia Pakistan's coup: Why the army acted Wednesday, October 13, 1999 Published at 23:20 GMT 00:20 UK

Shaheen Sehbai's very own "Ansar Abbasi" files this:)

ISLAMABAD: Musharraf, you are a hypocrite. You are the Abdullah Bin Ubai of our times. Each and every word that you have uttered on the occasion of launching of your party, sounded simply hollow because your dirty past is like an open book before us. We hate you for what you did to our country, our people and our brothers in Islam. It is unbelievable that a man like this ageing commando, whose stink cannot be avoided from even thousands of miles, because of his tainted past and whose long list of crimes against Pakistan, its people and humanity have no limit, had the cheeks to promise a great future like his past, as if we lived in heaven during his tenure. Pervez Musharraf’s remarks show that the self-exiled ousted dictator continues to live under the illusion as if he is still an extra-constitutional ruler of this country and perhaps the most popular leader here. One wishes that such illusions go on with him to enable him to come to Pakistan and face the trial for his long list of crimes, some of which conspicuously include the abrogation of Constitution, the selling of Pakistani nationals including the country’s daughter Dr Aafia Siddiqui to America for dollars, the Lal Masjid massacre, Nawab Akhbar Bugti’s murder, the May 12, 2007 bloodshed, removal and arrest of respected independent judges of the superior judiciary, strangulation of the Pakistani media and his post-9/11 policies that compromised the country’s sovereignty and led to all-time high US interference in our internal affairs. How can he raise the slogan of “Pakistan first” when for his own self and to perpetuate his rule, he first toppled an elected government in Oct 1999 and then imposed extra-constitutional emergency in Nov 2007 and removed all independent judges? How can he promise the moon to the people in future when he did not produce even one single watt of electricity, constructed no dam, did nothing to ameliorate the lot of the poor, politicise the bureaucracy like never before during his nine-year misrule? REFERENCE: Hypocrite, coward Musharraf blows hot air but will never return By Ansar Abbasi Saturday, October 02, 2010

Same Ansar Abbasi used to file this on "General Pervez Musharraf" when he overthrew an elected Government of Mr. Nawaz Sharif, read the post. Mr. Ansar Abbasi's Tribute to General Pervez Musharraf & Martial Law in DAILY DAWN [11 YEARS AGO].
If that was not enough watch the Interview of General Pervez Musharraf by Kamran Khan and do note "not even once Kamran Khan asked about Martial Law:)
President Musharraf interview GEO TV with Kamran Khan Part 1


President Musharraf interview GEO TV with Kamran Khan Part 2


Musharraf struck with Benazir Bhutto’s world-infamous NRO deal just to stick to power for five more years. It created turmoil and chaos in the country and the nation is facing its repercussions today. This deal has given boost to corruption in our country. Musharraf is welcome to Pakistan. His illusions would turn into disillusions as soon as he arrives back. Expecting a sea of people welcoming him upon his return, he may find himself behind the bars. No matter from where he gains the strength, the people of Pakistan want to see him punished for the crimes he committed. Our disappointment from the present rulers, do not make Musharraf a choice of future. He tenders an apology for what he called his past mistakes but we demand his trial under Article 6 of the Constitution and other offences that he committed. A day before the launching of his party, he warned that the country is at risk of a new military coup and suggested the recipe of the Army’s constitutional role in politics. He termed it the only solution if Pakistan wants stability and a system of check and balances in democratic structure.

President Musharraf interview on GEO TV Part 1


President Musharraf interview on GEO TV Part 2


Instead of being ashamed of what he did in the past and how he misused the institution of the Army and the military led intelligence agencies, including the MI and ISI, to strengthen his misrule at the cost of the national interest, Musharraf has set his eyes on the military under General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani to get a strong shoulder for his re-entry into the Pakistani politics. It took General Kayani one full term, three years, to redeem the lost respect of Pakistan Army but now the retired general is alluring the military to help him getting to the corridors of power from backdoor, which has been his hallmark in the past, too. Only an insane person can shout for a constitutional role of the Army to run democracy. But by saying such freakish things, this ageing military commando wants to hit the headlines back home and to create his soft corner in the institution of Pakistan Army that he grossly misused to prolong his dictatorial rule. Perhaps he does not realize that a lot of water has flown down the bridges. He also does not realise that he has not many takers, whether among civvies or in the khakis. But the old man has gone crazy. Nature will take its course if he returns to Pakistan, but despite the hot air that he blew in London, he is a coward and will never dare to do so. REFERENCE: Hypocrite, coward Musharraf blows hot air but will never return By Ansar Abbasi Saturday, October 02, 2010

What Ansar Abbasi "conveniently" forget:)


Musharraf recalls in his memoir, “In the Line of Fire.” Within months Kiyani had unraveled the two plots and arrested most of the participants. He was rewarded in 2004 with a promotion to chief of ISI, and the next year his agency scored big with the arrest of Abu Faraj al-Libbi, the senior Qaeda lieutenant who masterminded the attempts on Musharraf’s life. A former U.S. intelligence official who dealt personally with Kiyani says the ISI “took a lot of bad guys down” under his leadership. Kiyani has earned his boss’s confidence, even serving as Musharraf’s personal envoy in recent talks with exiled opposition leader Benazir Bhutto. A former U.S. intelligence official who dealt personally with Kiyani says the ISI “took a lot of bad guys down” under his leadership. Kiyani has earned his boss’s confidence, even serving as Musharraf’s personal envoy in recent talks with exiled opposition leader Benazir Bhutto. REFERENCE: The Next Musharraf A Westernized, chain-smoking spy could soon become the most powerful man in Pakistan. By Ron Moreau and Zahid Hussain NEWSWEEK From the magazine issue dated Oct 8, 2007

THERE is something unmistakably oxymoronic about the statement issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations directorate after the corps commanders meeting at the GHQ on Thursday. If you read the subtext, it means that though the army will support the next democratic government, the latter should not let “schisms” develop in the working of the political system; though the army will keep its distance from politics, the impression that it has distanced itself from the president is wrong; and, finally, the army should not be “dragged” into politics and be allowed to concentrate on its professional duties. There can be no two opinions on the last-mentioned wish attributed to Chief of the Army Staff Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani. However, the ISPR does not tell us who or what prompted this reaction from Gen Kayani. If the army wishes to stay out of politics then why come out with an opinion on matters purely political and constitutionally beyond the pale for generals? Pray, who is stopping the armed forces from going back to their professional duties, from returning to the barracks? Pakistan has had eight years during which the military’s running of affairs well outside its designated area of responsibility has wreaked havoc on the country. One man who led the military and the country called all the shots. Pakistan slipped deeper and deeper into anarchy, with even the economic windfall from Islamabad’s readiness to join the US-led war on terror failing to brake this slide. Little wonder then that all state institutions, including the army, received a pat on the back for organising a by and large fair (on the day at least) election on Feb 18. A tense, tentative nation heaved a sigh of relief for the result was not disputed and the country spared the turmoil which could have imperilled its very existence. The nation has spoken. Let its voice be heard. If the elected parliament wants to undo the tampering the constitution was subjected to by the former chief of army staff so be it. It is time the generals sought a complete break from the divisive role their erstwhile army chief ended up playing. It should resolutely resist being “dragged” into politics. It should be left to the parliament to sort out any “schisms” that may develop. The army should help the civilian government tackle the daunting challenges posed by the scourge of religious extremism and terrorism. One would caution General Kayani against opting for any role for himself other than that of the army chief. His is a full-time job and so much needs to be done to restore the fighting edge to the military and the morale of the soldiers. Known as a ‘thinking’ man, one hopes that he’ll not be tempted by talk of power troikas for the consequences of choosing such a path are disastrous. REFERENCE: Reading the subtext March 08, 2008 Saturday Safar 29, 1429

How is it that those behind the deal-making based on this unconstitutional and illegal ordinance were not named and shamed/charged outright? Indeed, as reported widely at the time, the present chief of army staff was the DG ISI when the final draft of the NRO was being presented to Benazir in Dubai and was part of Musharraf’s team sent to convince her. REFERENCE: Let us be grateful for small mercies By Kamran Shafi Tuesday, 22 Dec, 2009


LAHORE: Former president Gen (retd) Pervez Musharraf on Monday said some soldiers, not politicians, had disappointed him. In an interview with Geo programme “Jirga”, conducted by Saleem Safi, he said that he did not feel betrayed by politicians as they were not related to him, like soldiers. He named two of his former aides and retired lieutenant generals, Mehmood and Usmani, saying each one of the two wanted to become vice chief of the army, and both of them quit when refused a loyalty reward as demanded by them. Musharraf also came down hard on Lt-Gen Hamid Gul (retd) and termed him extremely ambitious person, who wanted to lead the religious forces of Pakistan. Musharraf disclosed that Gul advised him to take a back seat after the 1999 coup and give him the helm to rule the country.

General Hamid Gul wanted to become Prime Minister: General Pervez Musharraf - Part 1


He termed PML-N Quaid Nawaz Sharif dangerous for Pakistan, not foreign powers. When asked to comment on WikiLeaks report which called President Asif Zardari dirty and Nawaz Sharif dangerous, Musharraf refused o speak about Zardari, but chose to call Nawaz a “closet Taliban” and a threat to the country. He said Nawaz could not get along with any army chief or any president, and alleged that the PML-N chief ordered attack on the Supreme Court. He revealed that Nawaz was never wanted to go for nuclear explosions. He was actually forced to order nuclear explosions, he added.

General Hamid Gul wanted to become Prime Minister: General Pervez Musharraf - Part 2


Musharraf did not spare the PML-Q leaders, the Chaudhrys of Gujrat, and said that they were part of all decisions, taken regarding Lal Masjid and the late Nawab Akbar Bugti. He admitted that issuing the infamous National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) on Chaudhrys’ advice was a bad idea. He said he did not want to meet the late Benazir Bhutto in person, but did so as wrongly advised by the Chaudhrys. Musharraf wouldn’t say that the Chaudhrys had gone personal against him, rather, he said, they were into the zigzag of politics, and he was confident that they would revert to if it suited them politically.

General Hamid Gul wanted to become Prime Minister: General Pervez Musharraf - Part 3


Speaking about the character of his opponents, Musharraf said that he found Imran Khan and Mehmood Achakzai men of character, but described ANP leader Asfandyar Wali as not a man of his word. He praised the MQM, saying that the party, the 90’s record regardless, did a good work when it assumed power through elections. Musharraf also denied accepting all US demands at once. He said he had no other choice of joining and supporting the war against terrorism in the wake of 9/11 because he saw India joining hands with the US and its allies to the detriment of Pak sovereignty.

General Hamid Gul wanted to become Prime Minister: General Pervez Musharraf - Part 4


He also rejected the revelations made by an American author Bob Woodword and former US president George Bush that all American demands were accepted by Pakistan. He admitted that Pakistan had no objection to drone operations by the coalition forces in Afghanistan to the extent of seeking information about terrorists’ locations alone, but denied having allowed them missile strikes inside Pakistan. On his ouster from power, Musharraf said in retrospect that the lawyers’ movement, the NRO, and curbs on media had brought about his fall. He defended his decision of moving against the judiciary and his reference against Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry, but regretted that his decisions had created turmoil in the country. He said he chose to quit the presidency on realising that there was no point in continuing as a powerless man sustaining curses coming from Parliament sessions and cabinet meetings. He vowed to stage a comeback before elections whenever held. He said he faced threats from militants, as ever, and politicisation of legal issues by his opponents, who wanted to use the judiciary against him to settle their score. He, however, hoped that the courts would be just to him. REFERENCE: Brothers in arms, not politicians, betrayed me: Musharraf Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010, Muharram 14, 1432 A.H

Hitherto dubbed and considered urban, the MQM of Altaf Hussain went and struck a knockout blow to the PPP in the heart of Sindh at Bhit Shah, located east of Hala, west of Tando Adam, south of Nawabshah and north of Hyderabad. President Asif Zardari picked the MQM’s stronghold to deliver a speech which conceded more political points than it earned. The key admission was that he no longer wanted pro-Zardari slogans but wanted to use the Bhutto name. No more “Aik Zardari, Sub par bhaari” slogan, he said. Only “Jiye Bhutto”. For him as well, Zardari has become a taboo, a red rag.

George Galloway Blasts MQM


Altaf Hussain was greeted by Sindhis and others alike in large numbers and it was because he had gone into a head-on confrontation with Zardari’s cronies, especially Zulfiqar Mirza and company. What a sea change in politics and attitudes that Sindhis of all the parties are flocking to the MQM to express their hate and dissent against Mirza and company, who virtually run the province as warlords. Altaf Hussain said these people will be dragged on the sands of Sindh and I will save Sindh from these people who will be jailed and shackled.

George Galloway Blasts MQM -PART 2/3

George Galloway Blasts MQM -PART 3/3


Altaf Hussain repeatedly asked the question whether the MQM should quit the PPP coalition and warned that fears of Mujahir-Sindhi riots were being raised if that decision was taken. But the public meeting practically showed that both Sindhis and Mujahirs were together and were raising the same slogans when Altaf Bhai was attacking Zardari and his friends. The meeting also pledged to stand by the MQM if it was attacked after quitting the coalition. Altaf Hussain struck hard on burning issues and took positions which resonate with the masses. He demanded release of Dr Aafia Siddiqi, said a big no to the RGST, spoke emotionally about handing over the ISI chief to the US, called for tax on agriculture and feudals, spoke against runaway inflation, talked of a French Revolution, accused Zardari of throwing Pakistan to the wolves of the World Bank and IMF. REFERENCE: Why Zardari became a red rag for the president; Altaf scores in the heart of Sindh over PPP; Nawaz unable to see coming freight train Sunday, December 26, 2010 By Shaheen Sehbai

Sunday, December 26, 2010, Muharram 19, 1432 A.H

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