Tuesday, December 21, 2010

MQM Exposes Jamat-e-Islami in Mansoora.

Coordination among political parties need of hour: Sattar

Coordination among political parties need of hour: Sattar
MQM leader Farooq Sattar said that coordination among political parties was need of the hour. Talking to media after meeting with JUI-F leader Munawwar Hassan, Sattar said that the country was passing through a difficult phase. He said that their party will continue to have contacts with other parties for the sovereignty of Pakistan. He said that time has come to work for the betterment of the country. He said that both JUI and MQM were against the feudalism in the country. JUI leader Liaquat Baloch said that it was vital to empower people for strengthening democracy in the country. He said that JUI and MQM had same stance over RGST. REFERENCE: Last Updated: 21 December,2010 09:55PM http://dunyanews.tv/index.php?key=Q2F0SUQ9MiNOaWQ9MTg0NDU=

Tuesday, December 21, 2010, Muharram 14, 1432 A.H

MQM Delegation Visit Jamaat e Islami Head Quarter Mansoora
URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9GEnVxYk8M  Kamran Khan, Geo TV on Jamat-e-Islami Terrorism (2009) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YZ3djgs_Us MQM Joins Jamat-e-Islami - Part 1 URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ut854AFpVE
THE Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) and Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) have agreed to continue opposing the Reformed General Sales Tax (RGST) and to maintain relationship for mutual interest. Both the parties reached this understanding after a telephonic contact made by MQM Quaid Altaf Hussain from London with JI Ameer Syed Munawwar Hassan on Monday. Central Secretary Information JI Anwar Niazi said both the leaders discussed the current political and economical situation in detail and developed a consensus that supporting RGST was out of question as its approval would mean another blow to the lower middle class population of Pakistan, which was fighting against constant price hike. Sources said both the parties decided to continue contacts with each other and a delegation of MQM parliamentarians would also call upon the JI Ameer very soon in this connection. Both the leaders also decided to forget the bitter past and to focus on important issues in the current circumstances, which were deteriorating gradually. The leaders also voiced concern over the current situation of the country and agreed that all parties must work together in national interest. Altaf Hussain also appreciated the protest rallies taken out by JI in the support of Namoos e Risalat. REFERENCE: MQM, JI join hands against RGST Tuesday, December 21, 2010 By Our Correspondent http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=21373&Cat=5
Saturday, April 09, 2011, Jamadi-ul-Awwal 05, 1432 A.H  http://www.jang.com.pk/jang/apr2011-daily/09-04-2011/u67728.htm (Daily Jang)

 JI chief condemns MQM’s terrorism

http://dunyanews.tv/news/2010/December/12-21-10/news_big_images/18445_24997851_Farooq_Sattar_Big.jpgLAHORE, July 6: The Jamaat e Islami chief, Syed Munawar Hasan, has said that the writ of the government in Karachi has been eroded because of the MQM’s terrorism. He was talking to the family members of JI member( Rukn) Mubinul Haq, who lost his life at the hands of the MQM terrorists in Faisalabad colony, Karachi. Syed Munawar Hasan said that the MQM’s inclusion in the government had emboldened the terrorists who were moving about freely and the law and order in the port city had been shattered. The residents of the mega city had become hostages in the hands of a few terrorists, he added. He condemned PPP government’s inaction against the MQM due to political expediency and said this was a matter of deep concern for the entire nation. He said even the PPP was afraid of MQM backlash in case the MQM was dropped from the government. He asked the PPP leadership if it had bartered away the lives of the people for its rule. He deplored that the port city which earned 70 per cent revenue for the country, was in the grip of target killing and the national economy was being ruined under a conspiracy. Syed Munawar Hasan paid homage to Mobinul Haq for his steadfastness on the path of righteousness and said Mobin had lost his life while fighting against the forces of evil and his sacrifice won’t go waste. The father of the deceased, Zamirul Haq, speaking on the occasion, said that the terrorists could not cow down the JI workers who were struggling for an Islamic revolution which was the destiny of this country. REFERENCE: JI chief condemns MQM’s terrorism http://www.smunawar.com/2010/07/ji-chief-condemns-mqms-terrorism.html
MQM Joins Jamat-e-Islami - Part 2 URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eILFwYOcW2Y Jamat-e-Islami & 12 May 2007 Killings in Karachi URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqDhg3e_maA
KARACHI, July 17: Holding the Sindh government directly responsible for the martyrdom of Allama Hasan Turabi, the secretary-general of Jamaat-i-Islami, Syed Munawar Hasan, said that a fascist group was ruling over Sindh, in presence of which, nobody else could dare to carryout terrorist activities. He was talking to newsmen on Monday after visiting the residence of the slain MMA leader Allama Turabi to offer his condolence. The JI leader said that Allama Turabi's martyrdom was a great loss for not only the MMA but for the entire country. Other MMA leaders including JI Karachi Amir Dr Merajul Huda Siddiqui, Dr Abdul Wasey Shakir, Birjis Ahmed, MNA Abdul Sattar Afghani, MPAs Nasarullah Shajee, Younus Barai and JI leaders Muzaffar Ahmed Hashmi and Muslim Pervez were also present. Mr Hasan said that Allama Turabi's martyrdom was a “message of death” for his killers and added that his martyrdom was a defeat of the plans of the US agents in Pakistan, who wanted sectarian rift among Muslims as they could never succeed in their nefarious designs. He claimed that efforts were being made to destabilise Pakistan, especially Karachi on the pattern of Iraq and conspiracies were being hatched by killing leading Shia and Sunni Ulema to ignite bloodshed of Muslims. Not a single assassin, involved in killings of noted Ulema including Mufti Shamzai and those responsible for the Nishtar Park tragedy have been arrested yet, he deplored.—PPI REFERENCE: KARACHI: JI slams govt over Turabi’s killing July 18, 2006 Tuesday Jumadi-ul-Sani 21, 1427 http://archives.dawn.com/2006/07/18/local11.htm
Capital Talk with Imran Khan : Part 1 URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wzLxaz0Z3c Recorded in May 2007
LAHORE, Aug 23: Jamaat-i-Islami chief Syed Munawwar Hasan has criticised MQM chief Altaf Husain’s announcement supporting martial law against “corrupt politicians” and termed it making a mockery of the Constitution and the law. In a press statement on Monday, he said such a statement was unbecoming of a leader whose party was a part of the ruling elite. He said the military rule in the past was much to be blamed for the prevailing disorder and chaos in the country. Pakistan, he said, was passing through difficult times with target killings in Karachi, drone attacks and blood letting in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, besides devastating floods in all the provinces. In such a situation, the martial law would only serve US interests by adding to disruption and anarchy in the country, he said. PML-N: PML-N central leader Muhammad Medhi has also criticised the MQM chief’s statement. He said Altaf spoke the language of those whom he (the MQM chief) had met a day before. REFERENCE: Munawwar criticises Altaf From the Newspaper July 8, 2010 By Our Staff Reporter http://www.dawn.com/2010/07/08/china-pakistan-vow-to-step-up-fight-against-terrorism.html
Capital Talk with Imran Khan : Part 2 URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gt4DPf-A9ok&feature=related Recorded in May 2007
However, he would not say why the MMA government was not enacting so fruitful a law and not ignoring annoyance of the federal authorities on the issue. Replying to a question on the Karachi situation, the former MNA said the MQM was facing internal rifts and its exiled leader Altaf Husain had admitted the fact in a recent speech. He claimed that Sindh Governor Ishratul Ibad was also to be replaced on Husain's insistence but the agencies intervened believing "a known devil is better than an unknown devil". He said Karachi was paying the cost of Gen Musharraf's bid to block PPP's entry in the power set-up of the province. He, however, contended that the army and the MQM had been travelling in different directions. "The army and the masterminds of Jinahpur (state) cannot go together (for long)." About divisions in the opposition, he alleged that it was the PPP which had split the joint opposition. The PPP, he said, always tried to strengthen the government against the MMA. It backed out of an understanding to vote for Maulana Fazlur Rahman as prime minister and now was illogically demanding of the Maulana to vacate the opposition leader's office for Makhdoom Amin Fahim, he said. He did not agree with the suggestion that MMA policies had resulted in reduced support for the alliance. Had this been true it would have become difficult for it to rule the NWFP province, he said. The by-election track record also contradicts the notion as the alliance has not lost any seat in the NWFP and the Punjab, he added. The alliance's policies had rather countered and cornered the ANP in provincial politics, he said. REFERENCE: Time not ripe for anti-govt movement: MMA By Amjad Mahmood 22 July 2004 Thursday 04 Jamadi-us-Saani 1425 http://dawnnews.tv/2004/07/22/nat7.htm
Capital Talk with Imran Khan : Part 3 URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYbeM-rRyuo&feature=related Recorded in May 2007
KARACHI, May 9: Jamaat-i-Islami chief Syed Munawwar Hasan has condemned the targeted killings and increasing number of missing persons, stating that peace and rule of law cannot be ensured in the city until the culprits behind the May 12 mayhem, April 9 tragedy and 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal killings are exposed and taken to task. Addressing the participants of “Road Caravan” organised by the party on Sunday, the JI chief said the coalition government had failed to deliver and that a peaceful Islamic revolution, which was the only panacea of pressing problems such as loadshedding, price hike and unemployment, was knocking at the door.Mr Hasan said: “Soon we will give a call for a ‘million march’ of people to Islamabad to highlight their problems and to show that people want to rid the country of US influence.” He held the PPP, MQM, ANP, PML-N and JUI-F responsible for the miseries of the people and said if the MQM and JUI-F quitted the government the PPP government would collapse within no time. However, he added that midterm or full-term elections as awaited by some political parties were not the solution. All such parties were subservient to the US, he said, adding that people’s miseries could not be mitigated without enforcement of a system based on justice. Led by JI leaders Syed Munawwar Hasan, Maulana Asadullah Bhutto, Mohammad Hussain Mehanti, the caravan that started on wheels from Sohrab Goth at 3.30pm was joined by small processions on its way to M.A. Jinnah Road. Holding party flags and placards inscribed with slogans such as “say no to IMF” and “let people live”, participants of the caravan converged at the Tibet Centre where JI leaders addressed them.
On the occasion, the rally adopted two resolutions, seeking payment of salaries to the employees of Pakistan Steel Mills and rejecting the policy of making Pakistan the frontline state in the so-called war against terror. Referring to attacks on FIA offices and GHQ, Mr Hasan said the country’s sovereignty had been put on stake by fighting the American war. The ongoing Jehadi movements in different parts of the world were the result of oppressive policies of rulers, he said. Condemning the statement of Hillary Clinton for threatening Pakistan if any act of terrorism occurred in the US, he said: “We expect Foreign Minister Qureshi, who continues to issue statements in favour of India, to take notice of Ms Clinton’s remarks and give a statement in support of Pakistan.” He paid tribute to the judiciary for its decision on the NRO and asked the Supreme Court to summon law and interior ministers and try them for contempt of court by not implementing its decision. Earlier, Mr Mehanti condemned the recent increase in petroleum prices. Asadullah Bhutto said that the PPP, MQM, ANP and PML-N had done nothing to provide relief to the people against loadshedding, unemployment and price hike. REFERENCE: JI rally demands carnage culprits exposed By Our Staff Rerpoter Monday, 10 May, 2010 http://news.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/the-newspaper/local/ji-rally-demands-carnage-culprits-exposed-050
Capital Talk with Imran Khan : Part 4 URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5cQuE2P_yQ&feature=related Recorded in May 2007
LAHORE, Sept 3: Jamaat-i-Islami amir Syed Munawar Hasan regrets that the Balochistan situation is explosive but the federal government is least bothered about it. Speaking at an Iftar dinner here on Thursday, he observed the US and China had their eyes on Balochistan because of its vast resources while India and Iran were also interested in it but unfortunately the Pakistan government was the only one that was taking no interest in it. He lamented that while an FIR was yet to be registered in the murder of Nawab Akbar Bugti, another Baloch leader, Rasool Bakhsh Mengal, was murdered recently. He said the Baloch people were being pushed towards wall, making them think that their loyalty with Pakistan is a crime. The JI chief said both the major political parties of the country -- the PPP and the PML-N -- had failed to serve the masses and their recent behaviour had fully exposed them. He said Mian Nawaz Sharif had in fact given up his demand for Pervez Musharraf’s trial otherwise he should have been on roads.
There was no fun in giving an ultimatum only to withdraw it, he said. The PML-N was as much a government ally as the JUI and the MQM and it was fully cooperating with the PPP, he added. He said democracy had been defeated in Sindh as the PPP men were bringing funerals to the Chief Minister’s house. He said all the political parties attending the London multi-party conference had declared the MQM a terrorist organisation and vowed not to join hands with it. He suggested that at least these parties should implement the London decisions. Mr Hasan said the present government was an elected one but it could not be termed democratic. A democratic government must have taken note of the statements being issued from Saudi Arabia and London, he added. He said the decisions in respect of important national issues were being taken outside the country, which was most shameful. The JI chief said Brig Imtiaz (retired) and Gen Naseer Akhtar (retired) had confessed their crimes and they must be put to trial without delay. REFERENCE: Govt blind to Balochistan situation: JI By Our Staff Reporter Friday, 04 Sep, 2009 http://news.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/the-newspaper/national/govt-blind-to-balochistan-situation-ji-499
Capital Talk with Imran Khan : Part 5 URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKoeo5G_45s&feature=related Recorded in May 2007
IJT MEETING: A hurriedly-called meeting of the Islami Jamiat Talaba (IJT) shura on Wednesday accused the Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) and its student wing, the All Pakistan Mohajir Students Organization (APMSO), of kidnapping and killing its activist Farhan Asif. It demanded of the Sindh government to arrest the culprits within three days, adds PPI. The meeting held with the IJT Karachi Nazim, Syed Tahir Akbar, in the chair condemned the brutal murder of its activist and said if the killers were not arrested, the government will be held responsible for any disturbance of law and order. The IJT shura further demanded of the president, prime minister, corps commander, the IGP Sindh and the DIG Operations to order the arrests of APMSO activists Shahzada Imran, Azmat, Faraz Abdullah and the SHO North Karachi, Shafiq Papa, alleging them to be behind the assassination of their activist. Farhan Asif was kidnapped along with his friend Usman from the Govt Jinnah Science College on Monday and later found in seriously injured condition at Valika Chowrangi, SITE. After remaining in coma for 13 hours, Farhan succumbed to his injuries on Tuesday at a local hospital. The IJT Nazim, Tahir Akbar, alleged the MQM and its student wing for destroying peace at educational institutions in Karachi while accusing the police of patronizing them. “The MQM and its student wing have transformed the Jinnah Polytechnic College into their party sector office and a torture cell, where they take their opponents after abduction and subject them to torture,” he further charged. He said the SHO of the North Nazimabad police station, who claimed to be the comrade of the MQM, was patronizing the APMSO activists. The APMSO activists, he said display arms and attack the IJT workers at the Jinnah College. On the other hand, he said the police refused to register FIR against the culprits. The IJT nazim alleged that the APMSO injured as many as 15 of its activists in their fresh attacks. The shura meeting warned the government to remain impartial and take action against the actual terrorists instead of arresting IJT workers. It also demanded the release of their colleagues. REFERENCE: KARACHI: MMA calls for debate on national issues By Our Reporter 21 April 2005 Thursday 11 Rabi-ul-Awwal 1426 http://archives.dawn.com/2005/04/21/local1.htm

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