Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Who is being AIMED by Jang Group & Hamid Mir?

ISLAMABAD: WikiLeaks have not unmasked all the political secrets. Many secrets are still confined only to a few individuals and to some top-secret files and these secrets will come out only when these individuals will themselves speak. WikiLeaks has revealed that President Asif Ali Zardari feared a military coup in 2009 and considered the US as his ultimate saviour. US Ambassador in Pakistan Anne W Patterson sent cables to Washington in support of Zardari. But WikiLeaks did not expose the storm created in the White House and Pentagon by her cables, which warned Washington about a possible military coup in 2009. President Obama asked one of his top military commanders many times to speak with General Kayani and get the truth. US Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen inquired from his Pakistani counterpart General Kayani not once but more than three times about the possibility of any military coup and every time Kayani said that he was not planning any coup. At one stage, Mullen spoke to Kayani from Washington and said that “the US administration thinks that I am too close to you and I know everything about you, please let me know in advance if you have any political plans.” This time, Kayani responded back in a lighter way and said that “Don’t worry, you will be the first person to know if anything unusual happens in Pakistan”. The situation changed in just one year. In 2010, the Zardari-led government started suspecting US diplomats as the “mastermind” behind all the anti-government moves. Then President Asif Ali Zardari asked his Interior Minister Rehman Malik in September 2010 to monitor the activities of a second tier US diplomat, who was meeting different politicians frequently those days. The Intelligence Bureau and ISI informed the government that the diplomat had completed his tenure and went back to the US but suddenly came back and again started meeting politicians and journalists, raising some red flags. The IB and ISI informed the government that the diplomat was discussing the possibility of mid-term elections with opposition parties as well as some government allies. This created so much alarm in the Zardari camp that one fine morning, Rehman Malik wrote a letter to US Ambassador Anne W Patterson about the “un-diplomatic” activities of the US diplomat. Within 48 hours, Patterson arranged a meeting between Rehman Malik and the diplomat. Interestingly, Rehman Malik produced documentary evidence in front of the US ambassador and claimed that the diplomat was instigating not only the opposition leaders but also some govt allies against the government. Malik claimed that the diplomat had discussed the possibility of some top political changes in the government, which was not his diplomatic mandate. The diplomat tried to defend himself by saying that he had only discussed the reasons of differences within the coalition partners with some MQM leaders and he had never hatched any conspiracy against the government. Rehman Malik was not satisfied with this answer. He got satisfied only when the diplomat was sent packing to Washington. REFERENCE: Big secrets not exposed by WikiLeaks By Hamid Mir Wednesday, December 08, 2010

GEO TV collaborates with the Voice of America, which is an official news arm of the government of the United States. Yet, GEO claims to be independent and objective. So Intellectual Dishonest this "Jang Group of Newspaper" is that they Often Lecture Pakistanis on Principles, Rule of Law and Fair Play but "conveniently" omitted the name of that US Diplomat in their English Rag i.e. The News International whereas the Urdu Version of the Rag i.e. Daily carries the name of US Diplomat Brian D Hunt. Is JANG GROUP [GEO TV] a US CIA Agent? You Decide. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2010

Wednesday, December 08, 2010, Muharram 01, 1432 A.H

Peoples of Pakistan, India want peace: Bryan D. Hunt
Updated at: 1848 PST, Monday, December 22, 2008
Peoples of Pakistan, India want peace: Bryan D. Hunt
LAHORE: Principal officer of U.S. Consulate, Bryan D. Hunt Monday said SAARC member countries should come forward and play their role towards improving relations between Pakistan and India. Talking to Geo News after attending a Christmas celebration ceremony in Fatima Talim-ul-Islam urged both the countries to work in unison for ensuring peace and stability in the region. He said peoples of the both the countries are against war and all they want is peace.

US Diplomat Bryan D. Hunt meets MQM Quaid Altaf Hussain in London


Samaa TV:Ejaz Haider 'American Movement in Pakistan' (1/4)


Samaa TV:Ejaz Haider 'American Movement in Pakistan' (2/4)


Samaa TV:Ejaz Haider 'American Movement in Pakistan' (3/4)


Samaa TV:Ejaz Haider 'American Movement in Pakistan' (4/4)


Altaf asks ‘patriotic generals’ to act - KARACHI: Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain has demanded of ‘patriotic Pakistan Army generals’ to take action against corrupt politicians, as was done in the past martial laws in the country, saying “MQM will openly support such generals.” He expressed these views during a telephonic address from London at an emergent meeting of workers held at Lal Qila Ground on Sunday. He said that in the past, no political leaders were held responsible for corruption, either in the interest of the US or the West by the Army generals who took over power. Altaf said that the Army generals ruled Pakistan directly or indirectly through martial laws and for more than half of the age of the country. “If these Army generals can topple political and democratic governments, they should also bring a similar martial law to weed out these corrupt political leaders,” he stressed. Altaf demanded that assets assessment of political leaders should be made to find out how they collected so much wealth and property. He also asked the ISI high-ups and patriotic Army generals“now we should decide once and for all that Pakistan will not take dictation from the USA and will not compromise over its solidarity and integrity”. Lashing out at the foreign policy of the country, he said it was ineffective when compared with the policy of the neighbouring country. According to him, when the policymakers go abroad, they spend most of their time in shopping. Altaf said these generals were also unable to change the foreign policy. Referring to the flood situation, he said flood had caused great devastation but a conspiracy was hatched by feudal lords to divert the direction of floodwaters to save their lands. He demanded that these landlords should be tried for this act of ìcrime against humanity. The MQM chief also appealed to the patriotic Army generals to stop supporting feudal lords and corrupt politicians for the sake of Pakistan. He also lauded the role of the Army in relief efforts and saving human lives. He also underlined the need for a revolution similar to the French Revolution in the country and said the MQM would go for the accountability of corrupt politicians to bring back all the wealth of the country to the national exchequer. Criticising the role of the United States, Altaf demanded of US President Barack Obama to review his policies and stop supporting feudal lords and extend support to the people of Pakistan. REFERENCE: Altaf asks ‘patriotic generals’ to act Monday, August 23, 2010 By Fasahat Mohiuddin

It may be mentioned that MQM chief’s call for martial law-like actions had come a day after his meeting in London with Brian D. Hunt, the US official in charge of the South Asia desk. Mr Hunt had earlier served as political consul at the US embassy in Islamabad and principal officer at the consulate in Lahore. REFERENCE: Flood relief funds: PML-N gears up for battle in NA By Amir Wasim Wednesday, 01 Sep, 2010

One day before this statement?


Bryan Hunts met Altaf Hussain in London: 21 August 2010
US must never forget the bold sacrifices of Pakistan-Altaf Hussain
MQM played a very pivotal role in the October 2005 earthquake-Brian Hunt

Former Consulate General of US in Lahore and currently a Political Liaison Officer at the US Embassy in Islamabad. Mr. Brian D Hunt had a comprehensive and detailed meeting with Founder and Leader of MQM Mr. Altaf Hussain at MQM international Secretariat in London. The meeting lasted for more than 3 hours, and the key issues discussed were the floods in Pakistan, bilateral US-Pakistan relations, the War on Terror, the role of the armed forces in the relief efforts for the flood victims, the role of Local government in the relief efforts and the current political situation in Pakistan...More

Former Consulate General of US in Lahore and currently a Political Liaison Officer at the US Embassy in Islamabad. Mr. Brian D Hunt had a comprehensive and detailed meeting with Founder and Leader of MQM Mr. Altaf Hussain at MQM international Secretariat in London. The meeting lasted for more than 3 hours, and the key issues discussed were the floods in Pakistan, bilateral US-Pakistan relations, the War on Terror, the role of the armed forces in the relief efforts for the flood victims, the role of Local government in the relief efforts and the current political situation in Pakistan.

The profound loss of lives and property was deeply felt by Mr. Brian Hunt. Mr. Altaf Hussain vividly expressed the fact to Mr Brian D Hunt that, the current floods and deluge has left millions of Pakistanis without food and shelter. The situation is getting dire with time and people are taking the risk of drinking the tainted water of the flood owing to lack of resources and aid. Rather these millions of souls, who have suffered heavily owing to the floods and deluge, are still in a very dismal state of affairs on a general basis. Mr Altaf Hussain, further stated that Pakistan’s citizens and armed forces are making pertinent sacrifices in the war on terror, and the west especially the US must never forget the bold sacrifices of the gallant nation of Pakistan.

Mr Altaf Hussain was of the view that now is the time that the international community, must unite and help Pakistan unconditionally and in a magnanimous manner, in it’s hour of need on fiscal and material basis, so that millions of lives can be saved and rehabilitated. Pakistan is passing through a very adverse situation, and members of the US Congress especially the Senate, must be quick in giving US aid to Pakistan and not link it in any manner with the Kerry-Lugar Bill. To a question of Mr. Hunt, Altaf Hussain responded that if the local body system was intact and functional the quantum of the damage to the people and property could have been reduced. The local body system was a guarantee parse, that the people’s mandate and benefit would be pursued on a prompt basis.

However Mr. Altaf Hussain was critical of US policy on some regional and geo-political issues, rather he suggested that US policy must be pragmatic with respect to the ground realities. MQM is the only secular, liberal and democratic party in Pakistan that not only represents the poor and middle class of the country. Also it is the only party that has stood against religious extremism since its inception and will continue to do so. MQM is striving for a more tolerant, liberal and democratic society at large. Mr. Hunt assured Altaf Hussain that the US honors and respects the sacrifices made by Pakistan in the war on terror. Mr. Hunt further went on to say, that the US shall never waiver in it’s support for Pakistan and shall continue to help Pakistan especially with these floods. Mr. Hunt also stated that the MQM played a very pivotal and monumental role in the October 2005 earthquake, which was also a profound tragedy parse and is still upholding its track record in light of the floods. Members of the MQM central coordination committee were also present in the meeting. REFERENCE: U.S Counselor Brian D. Hunt met Altaf Hussain in London The floods in Pakistan, bilateral US-Pakistan relations, the role of Local government in the relief efforts and the current political situation in Pakistan were broadly discussed in the meeting US must never forget the bold sacrifices of the gallant nation of Pakistan-Altaf Hussain MQM played a very pivotal and monumental role in the October 2005 earthquake-Brian Hunt London: 21-August, 2010


As per one of my friend who is in GEO TV. During Judicial Crisis [Musharraf Days] it was Hamid Mir who got out of the office and slapped one policeman in Islamabad to instigate Policemen to enter GEO office to create a scene. These anchors often create a situation where they made their guests to say what they themselves [anchors] want to say. Why we forget that Nazir Naji and Ahmed Noorani Tapes were also made available on internet. Who tapped the conversation???? Hamid Mir and many other leading anchors in several Pakistani Private TV Channels [who are also leading correspondents in Newspapers] are ASSETS and when assets don’t follow the line then such leaks are also used. Hamid Mir is a known time server. Many of us have now forgotten that it was Hamid Mir who filed a lead story [and story was false] in Daily Dawn [Hamid Mir wasn't even a Contract Employee of Dawn] after 911 that ” OBL has more than 30 Nukes [as if Nukes are .22 Caliber Pistols and can easily be carried around when half of the leading Military around the world were looking after for OBL. Above all Hamid is an expert in quick somersaults: Read the contents of this story when Hamid Mir and Col Imam were exchanging allegation.

Who is Ilyas Kashmiri? Friday, October 02, 2009

This is with reference to Hamid Mir's report (Sept 20) titled "How an ex-commando became a terrorist". It is total disinformation -- Ilyas Kashmiri neither had any association with the SSG nor did he serve in the army as a soldier. Being an ex-commando officer, I know that the SSG never indulges in such heinous crimes. It's a superior professional force of the army composed of responsible officers and men who carry out professional tasks. I would like to add that there is always an attempt by hostile agencies to defame the security forces of Pakistan with a malicious intent. Therefore, newspapers and columnists must refrain from falling prey to these fifth columnists.

Colnel (r) Imam

Ex-SSG officer,


How an ex-Army commando became a terrorist By Hamid Mir Sunday, September 20, 2009

ISLAMABAD: Once he was a blue-eyed boy of President General Pervez Musharraf. He got a cash award from the president for slitting the throat of an Indian Army officer in the year 2000 but after 9/11, he became a suspected terrorist. This terrorist was Ilyas Kashmiri, reportedly killed in a US drone attack in North Waziristan last week. US officials claimed that Ilyas Kashmiri was a senior al-Qaeda commander and his death was a huge loss for the militants fighting against the foreign forces in Afghanistan. Very few people know that Ilyas Kashmiri was a former SSG commando of Pakistan Army. He was originally from Kotli area of Azad Kashmir. He was deputed by Pakistan Army to train the Afghan Mujahideen fighting against the Russian Army in mid-80s. He was an expert of mines supplied to Afghan Mujahideen by the US. He lost one eye during the Jihad against Russian invaders and later on he joined Harkat-e-Jihad-e-Islami of Maulvi Nabi Muhammadi.

Ilyas Kashmiri was based in Miramshah area of North Waziristan where he was working as an instructor at a training camp. After the withdrawal of Russian Army from Afghanistan, Ilyas Kashmiri was asked by Pakistani establishment to work with Kashmiri militants. He joined the Kashmir chapter of Harkatul Jihad-i-Islami in 1991. After a few years, he developed some differences with the head of HuJI Qari Saifullah Akhtar. Ilyas Kashmiri created his own 313 Brigade in HuJI. He was once arrested by Indian Army from Poonch area of Indian held Kashmir along with Nasrullah Mansoor Langrial. He was imprisoned in different Indian jails for two years and finally he escaped from there after breaking the jail. His old friend Langrial is still imprisoned in India. Ilyas Kashmiri became a legend after escaping from the Indian jail. It was 1998 when the Indian Army started incursions along the Line of Control and killed Pakistani civilians many times by crossing the border. Ilyas Kashmiri was given the task to attack the Indians from their back. He did it many times. Indian Army killed 14 civilians on February 25, 2000 in Lonjot village of Nakial in Azad Kashmir. Indian commandos crossed the LoC, spent the whole night in a Pakistani village and left early morning. They slit the throats of three girls and took away their heads with them. They also kidnapped two local girls. The next morning, the heads of the kidnapped girls were thrown towards Pakistani soldiers by the Indian Army.

The very next day of this massacre, Ilyas Kashmiri conducted a guerilla operation against the Indian Army in Nakyal sector on the morning of February 26, 2000. He crossed the LoC with 25 fighters of the 313 Brigade. He surrounded a bunker of Indian Army and threw grenades inside. After one of his fighters Qudratullah lost his life, he was able to kidnap an injured officer of the Indian Army. That was not the end. He slit the throat of the kidnapped officer. He came back to Pakistan with the head of the dead Indian Army officer in his bag and presented this head to top Army officials and later on to the then Army Chief General Pervez Musharraf, who gave him a cash award of rupees one lakh.

The pictures of Ilyas Kashmiri with the head of a dead Indian Army officer in his hands were published in some Pakistani newspapers and he became very important among the Kashmiri militants. Maulana Zahoor Ahmad Alvi of Jamia Muhammadia, Islamabad, issued a fatwa in support of slitting the throats of Indian Army officers. Those were the days when Corps Commander, Rawalpindi, Lt Gen Mehmood Ahmad, visited the training camp of Ilyas Kashmiri in Kotli and appreciated his frequent guerilla actions against the Indian Army. His honeymoon with the Pakistan Army generals was over after the creation of Jaish-e-Muhammad. Gen Mehmood wanted Ilyas Kashmiri to join JeM and accept Maulana Masood Azhar as his leader but the one eyed militant refused to do so. The militants of JeM once attacked the training camp of Ilyas Kashmiri in Kotli but he survived that attack. His outfit was banned by Musharraf after 9/11. He was arrested after an attack on the life of Pervez Musharraf in December 2003. He was tortured during the interrogation.

The United Jihad Council led by Syed Salahuddin strongly protested the arrest of Ilyas Kashmiri and on the pressure of Kashmiri militants, Ilyas Kashmiri was released in February 2004. He was a shattered man after his release. He disassociated himself from the Kashmiri militants and remained silent for at least three years. It was the Lal Masjid operation in July 2007, which totally changed Ilyas Kashmiri. He moved to North Waziristan where he spent many years as a Jihad instructor. This area was full of his friends and sympathisers. He reorganized his 313 Brigade and joined hands with the Taliban but he was never close to al-Qaeda leadership. He attracted many former Pakistan Army officers to join hands with him. The strength of 313 Brigade in North Waziristan was more than 3,000. Most of his fighters were hired from the Punjab, Sindh and Azad Kashmir. It is alleged that he organised many terrorist attacks in different areas of Pakistan, including the assassination of Major General (retd) Faisal Alvi in Rawalpindi. Alvi was also from the SSG and he led the first-ever Army operation in North Waziristan in 2004. Kashmiri planned attacks on Alvi on the demand of Taliban in North Waziristan. Sources close to his family have yet not confirmed his death in a US drone attack but there is no doubt that Ilyas Kashmiri was actually a creation of the Pakistani establishment like Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi of the banned LeT. The Pakistani establishment abandoned and arrested most of these militant leaders without realising that they had followers all over Pakistan and they could create problems for Pakistan anytime. The establishment is still without any policy about all those who were once declared “freedom fighters” and were honored by the top Army officials like Pervez Musharraf.

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