Tuesday, December 7, 2010

WikiLeaks & Memory Loss of General (R) Hamid Gul & Jang Group.

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani must quit over his “disloyalty” to the country by allowing the continuation of drone attacks and deceiving the people, says a former spy chief. “Parliament must assert its authority, forcing PM Gilani to resign if he does not quit himself after WikiLeaks exposed his double face, one for Americans and the second for his Pakistanis,” ISI ex-DG Lt General (R) Hameed Gul told The News here Monday. An accountability process, he said, must be started from the top level in the aftermath of the revelations about the US Embassy cables.“Gilani befooled not only the parliamentarians but also the countrymen through his or the parliamentary condemnation.” “Parliament having all-out powers must hold the PM accountable for compromising the national interests as it is crystal-clear in the cable documentations that he asked the US officials to carry on drone strikes and that he would condemn these for public consumption in Pakistan.” The former ISI DG called to prosecute Major General (R) Mehmood Ali Durrani under the Official Secret Act for handing over the draft of in-camera session of the National Security body of Parliament. “Durrani must be taken to task without waiting for more revelations.”“We will have to set a precedent by punishing at least a few of those compromised on the national interests, and I have given you two examples—the premier and Durrani—otherwise the things may continue to go unchecked from bad to worst with repetition in future.” REFERENCE: Gilani should resign, says Gul Tuesday, December 07, 2010 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=2517&Cat=13

On one hand General Hamid Gul reject Wikileaks terming it an American Conspiracy against Pakistan and the same Hamid Gul quotes wikileaks against politicians and demand resignation from the Prime Minister:) watch

Jamat-e-Islami & Hamid Gul are "Confused" on WikiLeaks - Part 1

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuRJU_r3HTw

The former chief of Pakistan’s spy agency has derided as “malicious, fictitious, and preposterous” the leaked United States military documents implicating him in a string of attacks against US and NATO forces in Afghanistan. Hamid Gul’s name appears no less than eight times in documents leaked Sunday by the online whistle-blower WikiLeaks. In the reports, the retired general and former head of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) from 1987 to 1989 is accused of ordering IED attacks against Afghan and international forces in December 2006 and of plotting to kidnap United Nations staff to use as hostages in exchange for militant prisoners. The ISI is mentioned in at least 190 reports, and is accused of backing attacks against US and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) forces in Afghanistan. In one report from March 2007, the ISI is alleged to have donated 1,000 motorcycles to militant leader Jalaluddin Haqqani to carry out suicide bomb attacks in Afghanistan. “This is utter nonsense,” Mr. Gul says in a telephone interview. Asked to respond to the various WikiLeaks reports in which his name appears, he replied: "Malicious, fictitious, and preposterous – and if this is the condition of US intelligence, then I am afraid it is no wonder they are losing in Afghanistan, and they will lose everywhere they try to poke their nose." REFERENCE: WikiLeaks report fictitious, says Pakistan's ex-spy chief Hamid Gul By Issam Ahmed, Correspondent / July 26, 2010 http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Asia-South-Central/2010/0726/WikiLeaks-report-fictitious-says-Pakistan-s-ex-spy-chief-Hamid-Gul

Now watch this:)

Jamat-e-Islami & Hamid Gul are "Confused" on WikiLeaks - Part 2 - Hamid Gul says that he is not against USA:)

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLXFKxw5QJM

If the WikiLeaks are nothing then why this "The former ISI DG called to prosecute Major General (R) Mehmood Ali Durrani under the Official Secret Act for handing over the draft of in-camera session of the National Security body of Parliament."

Jamat-e-Islami & Hamid Gul are "Confused" on WikiLeaks - Part 3

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RgMEmEPwLw

If its "Fiction" then why an action against Major General (R) Mehmood Ali Durrani (a colleague of General Gul during General Zia days of Afghan War) and even if Gul insists for action against Durrani [who was appointed as an Ambassador to USA by General Pervez Musharraf and by the way General Pervez Musharraf's Military Coup was supported by General Hamid Gul]

Watch this 11 Years Old Clip of General Hamid Gul talking to BBC World and "Openly", "Brazenly", "Nakedly" and Shamelessly, he supported a Military Coup i.e. violation of Article 6 of 1973 Constitution of Pakistan

General Hamid Gul supported Pervez Musharraf on 12 Oct 1999

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhchrmX8SBU REF: World: South Asia Pakistan's coup: Why the army acted Wednesday, October 13, 1999 Published at 23:20 GMT 00:20 UK

GEO TV collaborates with the Voice of America, which is an official news
arm of the government of the United States. Yet, GEO claims to be
independent and objective. As per Kamran Khan "Wikileaks" is acceptable on Politicians but same Wikileaks is not acceptable on Establishment rather wikileaks on establishment are highly "Objectionable" - What a Joker:)

Is Geo TV a CIA Agent - Part 1

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sArmm16F8h4

As per Kamran Khan "Wikileaks" is acceptable on Politicians but same Wikileaks is not acceptable on Establishment rather wikileaks on establishment are highly "Objectionable" - What a Joker:)

Is Geo TV a CIA Agent - Part 2

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDQLmsB4nbc


ISLAMABAD: Former chief of the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) Lt-Gen (retd) Hameed Gul on Saturday disclosed that the PPP could have got landslide victory in 1988 elections, if the Islami Jamhoori Ittehad (IJI) had not been formed. Talking to a private TV channel, he said: ìYes, we had such reports and apprehension of massive PPP victory.î Gul said they feared that the PPP was returning to power after the execution of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. I take the responsibility of forming the IJI, though it was not my idea,î Hameed Gul said. He said that even during Benazir Bhutto’s first visit to the ISI headquarters he told her about his role in forming the IJI. “We wanted the PPP opponents who had affiliation with the GHQ to unite them on one platform,” Gul said. He said ‘emergency’ was one of the options in 1988 after General Zia ul Haq’s plane crashed, but it was decided to go ahead with November 16 election despite request from opponents of the PPP to postpone it. He disclosed that even former Soviet Union sent a message to Pakistan that the 1988 elections could be sabotaged. Gul said: “This is for the first time I am disclosing that former Russian president Mikhail Gorbachev sent his envoy with a message regarding apprehensions of sabotaging the 1988 election through foreign intervention.”

Hameed Gul admits he formed IJI Part 1

Hameed Gul admits he formed IJI Part 2

Hameed Gul admits he formed IJI Part 3

Hameed Gul admits he formed IJI Part 4

Hameed Gul admits he formed IJI Part 5

He said he was not aware of the conditions to hand over power to former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, but said he was asked to brief her before she was handed over the power. “Benazir wanted a briefing from the Establishment so I was sent for this purpose and the meeting took place at her friend’s house in Karachi, which lasted over two hours, and I told her that the Afghan Jihad had not ended yet. There were two or three other things, which I briefed her and she said she understood the situation,” he said. He denied “Midnight Jackal” as intelligence plot and said it was Imtiaz’s personal plan. “No agency was involved but Imtiaz himself,” Gul said. The ex-ISI chief denied he ever sent a message to MQM chief Altaf Hussain to join IJI and rejected the allegation of former Intelligence Bureau director, Brig (retd) Imtiaz. “I never sent Imtiaz to Altaf with a message to join IJI but to express concern over allegations of collection of ìBhattaî by some elements,” he said. He predicted the victory of Afghans in Afghanistan and the US exit, but expressed concern over post-US Afghanistan situation and said a weak government was going to be set up there. “We failed to give up political system in Afghanistan after Soviet Union left and now I don’t see much will happen after the US exit, but Afghans will win,” he added. REFERENCE: Hameed Gul admits he formed IJI Sunday, August 30, 2009 http://www.thenews.com.pk/top_story_detail.asp?Id=24196

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