Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fantasies of Mr. Shah Mehmood Qureshi & Mr. Umar Cheema (Jang Group).

[KHALID+HASAN.bmp]In Washington we had formed a small group and regularly met at a restaurant that sort of replicated “Pak Tea House” of yesteryears of Lahore. Khalid was always at the centre stage of lively discussions on wide range of subjects there. In his dispatches to Pakistan, he called it “Kabab Masal” group after the name of the restaurant. We rotated chairmanship with every meeting. Several years ago when Shah Mahmood Qureshi came to Washington, it was Khalid’s turn to preside. He recalled his first meeting with him in Vienna while Qureshi was finance minister Punjab. “I had my gut reaction that he is a prime ministerial stuff”, Khalid said. Shaheen Sehbai mixed up this remark and attributed it to Qureshi himself in his report to Dawn. Qureshi was very upset and a clarification was made next day. I told Shaheen: “You have perhaps permanently destroyed Qureshi’s career in the PPP.’ When Ms.Bhutto named him as ARD’s candidate to the office in 2002, I recounted this episode to him in the presence of Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan. He was again in the reckoning when PPP won elections last year. REFERENCE: LATE. MR. KHALID HASAN - IN MEMORIAM 1934-2009 – A MESSAGE FROM HIS SON -
Wednesday, February 16, 2011, Rabi-ul-Awwal 12, 1432 A.H

Senator John Kerry on controversial Kerry-Lugar bill s.1707

What's the TRUTH about Kerry-Lugar?


ISLAMABAD: Former foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said the US employee Raymond Davis doesn't enjoy blanket immunity as sought by the US, Geo News reported. He was addressing the media after meeting with the US Senator John Kerry. Qureshi said the meeting was arranged on the senator's request. Senator Kerry was a friend of Pakistan, he opined. 'Pakistan and America need each other's help.' The issue of killing two Pakistani citizens in Lahore in broad daylight by a US embassy employee has become a matter of national respect, he added. Qureshi said that I was instructed to stay quit on the burning issue. Addressing the press conference, former minister said the foreign office had briefed him on January 31st that the blanket immunity that the US was demanding for Raymond Davis could not be provided. REFERENCE: Davis doesn't enjoy blanket immunity: Qureshi Updated at 1240 PST Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Raymond Davis, Shah Mehmood Qureshi & Kerry Lugar Bill (Part - 1)


Visiting Card of Zain Qureshi… working Under John Kerry.. You can see the Six Pointers David Star of Jews too in the Logo! is he Freemasonry too!—The debate on the controversial John Kerry-Lugar Bill has taken a new critical turn after lawyer Ahmad Raza Kasuri revealed in a private television talk show that son of the foreign minister is on staff of Senator John Kerry in Washington, working as Legislative Fellow. Foreign Minister’s son Mr. Zain H. Qureshi’s assignment is clearly linked with John Kerry’s legislature work. Against this backdrop, foreign minister’s vociferous defence of John Kerry-Lugar Bill tends to lose all lustre. Political observers in the federal capital point out that the foreign minister might have been aware of the John Kerry-Lugar Bill’s formative stages through Mr. Zain H Qureshi. If that was the case the analysts have reason to ask as to what was the rationale of foreign minister’s rushing to Washington to seek “ clarification” or in-depth briefing from the horse’s mouth. If all this was Act One of a melodrama, Act Two was rushing back to Islamabad with John Kerry’s assurance. Based on that was foreign minister’s rhetorical statement in the parliament. The analysts say, supporters of the Bill are trying to weave a tale which at best can be termed as cow-and-bull story. They point to the posture of our ‘His Excellency’ in Washington, our ambassador Hussain Haqqani who sounds more like John Kerry’s spokesman than Pakistan’s envoy. Whatever the shades and shadows, the debate over the John Kerry-Lugar Bill will enter decisive phase very soon with foreign ministry cutting a sorry figure with embarrassment writ large on the faces of those trying to defend the Bill in the forefront”, one analyst observed. REFERENCE: Kureshi-Sons-V.-Card - Foreign Minister’s Son lobbying against Pakistan October 20, 2009

ISLAMABAD: Three high-profile cases of Raymond Davis, Pervez Musharraf and Moonis Elahi have been treated by three important individuals, all named Qureshi, and all of them have exposed the real face of the government by doing that was not desired by their top bosses. These figures are: Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Khalid Qureshi and Zafar Qureshi. The former is a politician who refused to bow down before any pressure in the Raymond Davis case whereas Khalid Qureshi, second in line mustered courage through indicting Pervez Musharraf in the Benazir Bhutto assassination case, despite the government’s unwillingness. Zafar Qureshi, third in the row, has earned the ire of big bosses by issuing arrest warrants for Moonis Elahi, the scion of PML-Q leadership, the covert ally of the PPP. While Shah Mehmood Qureshi is a politician, the remaining two Qureshis are senior police officers known for their integrity, presently at the disposal of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA).

Raymond Davis, Shah Mehmood Qureshi & Kerry Lugar Bill (Part - 2)

Raymond Davis, Shah Mehmood Qureshi & Kerry Lugar Bill (Part - 3)


Shah Mehmood Qureshi and Khalid Qureshi belong to South Punjab, from Multan and Muzaffargarh respectively, and Zafar Qureshi hails from Sargodha. Shah Mehmood Qureshi put up a brave face by saying a big ‘No’ to all sorts of external and internal pressure for granting immunity to American killer Raymond Davis, whose diplomatic status has not been established by any record in the custody of the Foreign Office. Qureshi, who was first removed from the ministerial slot, is now being accused of being hands in glove with former President Pervez Musharraf to whom, it is alleged, he did not want to be indicted in Benazir Bhutto’s assassination case. However, the real story of the indictment of the former dictator is altogether different and points the finger at the top political bosses instead of Qureshi. As the matter of fact it was the federal government that did not want this to happen. But as Musharraf has been indicted in the murder case, the federal government is maligning Qureshi, saying he felt upset over this indictment, but ‘fabricated’ other excuses to protest his removal from cabinet. Officials privy to the Musharraf’s indictment say the former dictator could not have been named in the case, had the federal government taken into confidence. Khalid Qureshi, the head of Joint Investigation Team (JIT) of Benazir murder case, is said to have kept the federal government in dark until the supplementary challan was submitted to the anti-terrorist court, fearing sharing information in advance could thwart his efforts regarding indictment that was in line with his investigation.

Raymond Davis, Shah Mehmood Qureshi & Kerry Lugar Bill (Part - 4)

Raymond Davis, Shah Mehmood Qureshi & Kerry Lugar Bill (Part - 5)


The Interior Ministry officials, even DG FIA, came to know of this development when the news was flashed on TV, said a report that has not been denied to-date. Interestingly, the two prosecutors dealing with the case had two different opinions on naming Musharraf. Chaudhry Zulfiqar, the main prosecutor in the case, believed the former dictator has rightly been declared as accused. Another prosecutor Chaudhry Azhar was not available for comments, but previously quoted as saying that Musharraf should not be indicted and instead be sent a questionnaire. Incidentally, the same line was echoed by Chaudhry Fawad, a spokesman for Musharraf, while talking to The News, who believes that there was no point of indicting his boss. Another case making headlines these days is NICL land scam that also has serious implications for Moonis Elahi, son of PML-Q leader Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi. As Zafar Qureshi, the head of team investigating this land scam, issued arrest warrants for Moonis Elahi, it was done contrary to the federal government’s wishes. Although a brave officer like Zafar Qureshi could not be pressured into submission, the federal government has joined the chorus of the Chaudhrys of Gujrat, blaming PML-N leadership for implicating Moonis. REFERENCE: Three Qureshis expose the real face of govt By Umar Cheema Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Raymond Davis, Shah Mehmood Qureshi & Kerry Lugar Bill (Part - 6)

Raymond Davis, Shah Mehmood Qureshi & Kerry Lugar Bill (Part - 7)


Newsmaker: Foreign Minister of Pakistan on Kerry-Lugar


Pakistan, Drones and the Sovereignty Debate


TAIL PIECE is for Mr. Umar Cheema and Jang Group of Newspapers

Shakeel Anjum, a senior journalist of The News, will record his statement next week. Umar Cheema and Ansar Abbasi, editor investigation of The News, were the first recording their statements as the Commission was set up for fact-finding with respect to the torture on Cheema and threats issued to Ansar Abbasi by the same attackers. Cheema, in his statement, said he took a considerable time in determining the alleged involvement of a particular intelligence agency in attack on him. He said the following four factors helped him in pointing fingers towards the said agency: information gathered from different sources about the culprits; his experience of dealing with that particular agency; the perception as well as history of that agency. He also gave the name of those agency officers who either met or contacted him during this year for ‘brotherly advice’. Ansar Abbasi said he was not so optimistic that the culprits would be apprehended, given the half-hearted measures of the government. He suggested that the head of particular intelligence agency should be directed to investigate into the matter and determine who were the culprits, regardless they belong to his agency or from outside the agency. Hamid Mir, in his statement, narrated how he suffered at the hand of intelligence agencies over the period. Not only he but his family and children were also harassed. Mir gave examples of two journalists—Hadayatullah Khan from tribal area and Musa Khankhel from Swat. Incidentally, both of them shared with him life threats from the intelligence agencies and their fear turned true as they were killed later on. He said he had also learned about a likely attack on some journalists of The News, short before Cheema was attacked. “I had passed this information to the resident editor of The News. A day after, I learned it was Cheema as he was abducted and tortured,” Mir said. He said he had previously warned Cheema of the possible consequence of his bold reporting, and it finally happened. REFERENCE: Torture of Umar Cheema By Ahmad Noorani Thursday, October 21, 2010 Zi Qad 12, 1431 A.H.

REFERENCE: Thusday, October 21, 2010, Zi Qad 12, 1431 A.H

Group Editor of The News International, Mr Shaheen Sehbai [Former Founding Editor/Owner of South Asia Tribune - USA]


Would Mr. Shaheen Sehbai, Mr. Hamid Mir and last but not the least Mr. Ansar Abbasi like to explain as to who did this?

Umar Cheema, 34, a reporter for The News, was kidnapped and beaten on the outskirts of Islamabad on Sept. 4 after having written several articles that were critical of the Pakistani Army. ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — An investigative reporter for a major Pakistani newspaper was on his way home from dinner here on a recent night when men in black commando garb stopped his car, blindfolded him and drove him to a house on the outskirts of town. There, he says, he was beaten and stripped naked. His head and eyebrows were shaved, and he was videotaped in humiliating positions by assailants who he and other journalists believe were affiliated with the country’s powerful spy agency. At one point, while he lay face down on the floor with his hands cuffed behind him, his captors made clear why he had been singled out for punishment: for writing against the government. “If you can’t avoid rape,” one taunted him, “enjoy it.” The reporter, Umar Cheema, 34, had written several articles for The News that were critical of the Pakistani Army in the months preceding the attack. His ordeal was not uncommon for a journalist or politician who crossed the interests of the military and intelligence agencies, the centers of power even in the current era of civilian government, reporters and politicians said. “I have suspicions and every journalist has suspicions that all fingers point to the ISI,” Mr. Cheema said, using the acronym for the Inter-Services Intelligence agency, the institution that the C.I.A. works with closely in Pakistan to hunt militants. The ISI is an integral part of the Pakistani Army; its head, Gen. Shuja Ahmed Pasha, reports to the army chief of staff, Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

Officials at the American Embassy said they interviewed Mr. Cheema this week, and sent a report of his account to the State Department. In response to an e-mail for comment, a spokesman for the ISI said, “They are nothing but allegations with no substance or truth.” Mr. Cheema had won a Daniel Pearl Journalism Fellowship to train foreign journalists in 2008 and worked in The New York Times newsroom for six months at that time. He has worked at The News since 2007. The attack was believed at the time to be unpopular in the army ranks because many soldiers were reluctant to fire on fellow Muslims. Moreover, courts-martial are rarely mentioned in the Pakistani news media, and reporters have been warned not to write about them. In his article, Mr. Cheema reported that two members of the Special Services Group, an elite commando squad, were being denied fair justice during the court-martial proceedings. In another article, Mr. Cheema wrote that the suspects in a major terrorist attack against a bus carrying ISI employees were acquitted because of the “mishandling” of the court case by the intelligence agency. In an article in early August, the reporter described how Army House, the residence of the chief of army staff, was protected by 400 city police officers and not by soldiers, as required by law. In January, in Islamabad, the home of Azaz Syed, a reporter for Dawn, the main English-language daily, was attacked by unknown assailants days after he was threatened by supposed ISI agents over an investigative article he was researching related to the military.

Kamran Shafi, a leading columnist and himself a former army officer who writes critically of the military, was harassed and his house was attacked last December by “elements linked to the security establishment,” according to his own account. In the last several years, journalists in the tribal areas, where the army is fighting the Taliban, have faced special risks and found it increasingly difficult to work for fear of offending either side. In September two journalists were killed in or near the tribal areas, under circumstances that remain unclear. Pakistan has developed a rambunctious news media spearheaded by round the clock television news channels in the last decade. The military and the ISI are treated with respect by the powerful television anchors, and by newspaper reporters who extol the deeds of the army in battling the Taliban. The ISI is rarely mentioned by name but referred to as “intelligence agencies.” One reason for the deference, according to a Pakistani intelligence official who has worked with the media cell of the ISI, is that the agency keeps many journalists on its payroll. Unspoken rules about covering the military and its intelligence branches are eagerly enforced, Babar Sattar, a Harvard-trained lawyer, said. A journalist who trespasses over the line is told to behave, Mr. Sattar said. Earlier this year, Mr. Cheema said he was called to a coffee shop in Islamabad by an ISI officer and warned to fall into line. At a journalists’ seminar in Lahore, the editor of a weekly newspaper, Najam Sethi, said it was up to the ISI to declare who had attacked Mr. Cheema. “If the ISI hasn’t done it, they should tell us who did it because they’re supposed to know,” Mr. Sethi said. “If they don’t tell, the presumption remains they did it.” But in a column titled “Surprise Surprise” in Dawn, Mr. Shafi said, “We will never find out what happened to poor Umar Cheema because the Deep State does not want us to find out.” REFERENCES: EDITORIAL Who Attacked Umar Cheema? A version of this editorial appeared in print on September 29, 2010, on page A30 of the New York edition. September 28, 2010 After Pakistani Journalist Speaks Out About an Attack, Eyes Turn to the Military By JANE PERLEZ Published: September 24, 2010 A version of this article appeared in print on September 25, 2010, on page A7 of the New York edition.


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