Thursday, April 28, 2011

Jang Group/GEO TV Hate Sindhis but Invite Sindhu Deshi Ram Jethmalani.

Jang Group never leave any opportunity to mock Sindhi Community and Culture rather Daily Jang Columnists often spit venom against Sindhi Community but what a shameful act of GEO TV who for the sake of business invited "Sindhu Deshi Ram Jethmalani Member Rajya Sabha Chairman Indian Kashmir Committee". It wouldn't have been a problem had there been "No Sindhi" in the program altogether.

Three renowned scholars, Mr Keerat Babani (83) of Mumbai, India, Mr. Ibrahim Joyo (89) of Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan and Dr. Motilal Jotwani (68) of Delhi, India, were conferred with the prestigious “Saeen G M Syed Memorial Award” 2004, in recognition “to their exceptional contributions to Sindhi culture, identity and Sindhi rights movement.” These awards were announced during the 16 th International Conference on Sindh, held on July 31st, London. World Sindhi Congress (WSC), a UK/USA based human rights advocacy group, is the sponsor of these awards and organizer of the conference. Last year, WSC established the Saeen G. M. Syed Memorial Award, “to honor the memory of Mr. Syed.” Saeen G. M. Syed, was a visionary leader who pioneered the Sindhi freedom movement and was a beacon of the Sindhi people’s struggle for national self-determination. Mr. Ram Jethmalani, the Chief Guest of the event awarded the certificates and cash awards to the representatives of the awardees. All three recipients could not travel to UK to receive the award in person. REFERENCE: WORLD SINDHI CONGRESS 

Capital talk - 28th april 2011 part 1 - 1 / 2


Now lets read as to how this "Jang Group" portrays "Sindhi Community" in their Editorial of Daily Jang Sunday, April 17, 2011, Jamadi-ul-Awwal 13, 1432 A.H

Capital talk - 28th april 2011 part 1 - 2 / 2


Daily Jang had carried this “Purely Anti Sindhi Community” Advertisement after the death of Benazir Bhutto.

PML-Q Punjab alters ethnically exclusive ad
By Amar Guriro and Qazi Asif

KARACHI: The PML-Q Punjab has amended the language of a controversial advertisement it published on riot damage compensation for non-Sindhis in Sindh, after a bad reaction from the southern province’s party leaders and workers. The advert now says Sindhis (in bold lettering) can also apply for compensation.

But the damage has been done. The PML-Q central leaders should find out who allowed the publication of a party advertisement excluding Sindhis from claiming damages in the post-BB assassination riots, argued the party’s Sindh information secretary Saturday.

A flurry of letters has made its way to the party’s chief Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain. “The way the PML-Q started an advertisement campaign in such sensitive conditions is strange,” said Jafar al Hasan, president, PML-Q (Youth Wing) Sindh, who added that he and others registered their protest.

The PML-Q Punjab started the advertisement campaign in the national print media Friday. On the first day, four colored half-page advertisements were printed with news clippings, saying that people affected by the riots could apply for compensation. One of the news items said that during violence in Bin Qasim (Karachi) 12 girls were kidnapped and raped – however, it failed to mention which newspaper published the stories. “I don’t remember exactly which newspaper published this story but I think it was an Islamabad-based Urdu newspaper,” said Mian Abdul Sattar, senior vice president PML-Q Punjab.

“It is against the party’s basic manifesto and with such a move the PML-Q leadership is dividing the party workers ahead of the polls; that would be so dangerous,” said Ismail Rahu, a former minister and PML-Q leader. “I have collected the details of the losses in my district and most of the sufferers were Sindhis. Most of the petrol pumps, shops and vehicles set on fire were not destroyed by Sindhis.”

Others argued that it was a PML campaign tactic. According to the PPP’s Syed Naveed Qamar, after Benazir’s assassination, the people sympathized with the PPP, something the PML-Q leaders were aware of.

The PML advertisement asked non-Sindhis in Sindh (Mohajirs, Pathans, Punjabis etc) to contact it with details of the losses they suffered in the riots after Benazir’s killing. The criticism was that the advert implied that Sindhis did not suffer any losses and were to blame for the rioting and looting.

Haleem Adil Shaikh has written a critical letter to the PML-Q’s central president Chaudhry Shujaat, asking for an unconditional apology for the people of Sindh. Shaikh, who is also a settler in Sindh, said that the advertisement ignored Sindhi people of Sindh. If the advertisement campaign was a mistake, then an inquiry should be conducted to find out who is responsible and who must apologize unconditionally to the Sindhi people, Shaikh wrote. If the advertisement was deliberate, then its aim was to cause linguistic and ethnic tensions. “There was a strong feeling that the party was only for the Punjab,” he said. Hafiz Tabassi, the media coordinator for the PML-Q Sindh, said that the letter had been sent to Shujaat already. PML-Q Punjab alters ethnically exclusive ad By Amar Guriro and Qazi Asif Sunday, January 06, 2008\story_6-1-2008_pg12_1 

Sindhi cap is worn by every Pakistan from Keti Bandar to Landi Kotal. Pathans Balochs and even Punjabis wear the same cap with slight difference in design. My contention is why Sindhis have felt a cultural threat when a third grade journalist like Saleh Zafar passed derogatory remarks against cap Meray Mutabiq 21st Nov 2009 Part 4 NRO [Insuting Remarks of Jang Group Correspondent on Sindhi Cap] . Fingers should be aimed at The GEO TV channel and Jang Group for tinkering with the sentiments of the people on one hand they demand "Pakistani Behaviour" and Pakistani Dress from Zardariwhereas for 9 years US backed Martial Law Administrator General Musharraf visited different foreign countries wearing Western Suits [was that a Pakistani Dress???] and nobody objected [shame on Pakistani Media particularly GEO TV]. Sindhi Cap and Shalwar Kameez are the dress of not only Sindh but Pakistan as well, because till the last news Sindh is in Pakistan. I still remember Musharraf's Photos published in Daily Dawn main page holding 2 Dogs "Dot" and "Buddy" in 99/2000.

Is it Pakistani Culture? [I still remember Musharraf's Photos published in Daily Dawn/and Daily Jang/The News Front Page main page holding 2 Dogs "Dot" and "Buddy" in 99/2000]Is it Pakistani Dress? [Was Musharraf wearing Pakistan's National Dress?]

یہ ٹوپی باز !

اصناف: بحث, ثقافت, سیاست, پاکستان
وسعت اللہ خان 2009-12-02 ،12:23

جس طرح عالم ہونا خوبی ہے، اسی طرح ایک جید جاہل ہونا بھی ہر کسی کے بس کا کام نہیں ہے۔ ہفتے بھر پہلے میں نے ایک پاکستانی چینل پر دو جیدوں کی پونے دو منٹ کی گفتگو دیکھی اور سنی۔ جس سے اندازہ ہوا کہ صدرِ مملکت آصف زرداری نے کابل میں صدر حامد کرزئی کی تقریبِ حلف برداری میں سندھی ٹوپی پہن کر سندھ کارڈ کھیلنے کی کوشش کی۔ صدرِ مملکت چونکہ وفاق کی علامت ہیں اس لیے انہیں بین الاقوامی سطح پر ملک کی نمائندگی کرتے ہوئے علاقائی لباس کی بجائے قومی لباس اور ٹوپی زیبِ تن کرنا چاہیے وغیرہ وغیرہ۔

میں اب تک سمجھتا تھا کہ سندھ ایک وفاقی اکائی ہے اور اس ناطے وہاں کا لباس اور ٹوپی بھی وفاقی ثقافت کا حصہ ہے۔ لیکن دونوں جئیدین کی گفتگو سے پتا چلا کہ سندھ پاکستان میں شامل نہیں بلکہ نائجیریا یا انڈونیشیا یا بولیویا کا حصہ ہے۔

دوسری بات یہ معلوم ہوئی کہ اگر کوئی فوجی آمر وردی پہن کر بیرونِ ملک جائے تو یہ فوجی کارڈ کھیلنا نہیں کہلائے گا۔ اگر کوئی صدر یا وزیرِ اعظم تھری پیس سوٹ اور ٹائی میں غیر ملکی دورے پر جائے تو یہ مغربی کارڈ کھیلنے کے مترادف نہیں ہوگا۔ کوئی حکمران اگر شلوار قمیض پہن کر ریاض ایرپورٹ پر اترے تو یہ پنجابی، پختون، سندھی یا سرائیکی یا بلوچ کارڈ تصور نہیں ہوگا لیکن سندھی ٹوپی پہننے سے وفاقی روح کو اچھا خاصا نقصان پہنچ سکتا ہے۔

ایسے ہی ٹوپی بازوں نے پاجامہ کرتا پہن کر قرار دادِ لاہور پیش کرنے میں پیش پیش بنگالیوں کو شلوار، شیروانی اور جناح کیپ پہننے سے انکار کے جرم میں ملک بنتے ہی 'پاکستانیت' کے دائرے سے باہر نکال دیا تھا۔ ان ہی عالی دماغ تنگ نظروں نے سینتیس برس پہلے سندھی کو صوبائی زبان کا درجہ دیے جانے پر 'اردو کا جنازہ ہے، زرا دھوم سے نکلے' کا نعرہ لگا کر پورے سندھ کو آگ اور خون میں جھونکنے کا اہتمام کرنے کی کوشش کی تھی۔

اگر ان میڈیائی مجتہدین کا بس چلے تو وہ محمد علی جناح کی ایسی تمام تصاویر اتروا دیں جن میں وہ کھلا لکھنوی پاجامہ یا چوڑی دار پاجامہ پہن کر ہندوستانی کارڈ اور قراقلی ٹوپی پہن کر بلوچ کارڈ اور فیلٹ ہیٹ پہن کر برطانوی سامراجی کارڈ کھیلنے میں مصروف ہیں۔ علامہ اقبال کی ایسی تمام تصاویر نذرِ آتش کروا دیں جن میں وہ تہبند میں ملبوس پنجابی کارڈ یا پھندنے والی لال ٹوپی پہن کر ٹرکش کارڈ کھیل رہے ہیں۔

ان ٹوپی ڈرامہ بازوں کو تو شاید یہ بھی معلوم نہ ہو کہ جب سندھ اسمبلی میں قرار دادِ الحاقِ پاکستان منظوری کے لیے پیش ہوئی تھی تو بیشتر مسلمان ارکانِ اسمبلی نے سندھی ٹوپی پہن کر اس کی تائید کی تھی۔ انہیں غالباً یہ خبر بھی نہیں پہنچی کہ فی زمانہ سندھی ٹوپی سندھ سے زیادہ جنوبی پنجاب، صوبہ سرحد، بلوچستان اور افغانستان میں پہنی جاتی ہے۔

تو کیا ہمارے گھروں کی ٹی وی سکرینوں پر تاریخ اور ثقافتی جغرافیے سے نابلد خوخیاتے بندر استرا لہراتے ہوئے ایسے ہی ٹوپی ڈرامہ کرتے رہیں گے؟

Capital talk - 28th april 2011 part 2


Sunday, April 17, 2011, Jamadi-ul-Awwal 13, 1432 A.H

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) is carrying out propaganda campaign against Chief Justice of Pakistan and media cell of PPP is supervising this campaign. This has been revealed in a report of a sensitive institution. Some leaders and government officials have been informed about this report. It was stated in the report that advertisements were published in some newspapers on behalf of a nationalist party with the title “Appeal to Chief Justice of Pakistan” which throws light on the past of the chief justice and tried to create negative impression against CJP. It was said in the report that some nationalist leaders, backed by PPP, are launching political campaign against chief justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry. Specially an incharge of PPP media cell and an MPA is active in this regard. The report said that the purpose of providing this ‘information’ is to caution the concerned departments about it. It is to be noted that a call to stage sit-in (dharna) outside the Supreme Court on April 9 has also been given by a nationalist party. REFERENCE: PPP carrying out anti-CJP campaign Sunday, April 04, 2010 News Desk 

یپلز پارٹی عدلیہ کیخلاف پروپیگنڈا مہم چلا رہی ہے،حساس ادارے کی رپورٹ

کراچی (اسٹاف رپورٹر) پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی چیف جسٹس آف پاکستان کے خلاف پروپیگنڈہ مہم چلا رہی ہے۔ پیپلز پارٹی کا میڈیا سیل اس مہم کی نگرانی کر رہا ہے۔ یہ بات ایک حساس ادارے کی رپورٹ میں بتائی گئی ہے۔ اس رپورٹ سے پیپلز پارٹی کے بعض رہنماوٴں اور حکومتی عہدیداروں کو بھی آگاہ کردیاگیا ہے۔ رپورٹ میں کہا گیا ہے کہ بعض اخبارات میں ایک قوم پرست پارٹی کی طرف سے اشتہارات شائع ہوئے۔ ”چیف جسٹس آف پاکستان سے اپیل“ کے عنوان سے شائع ہونے والے ان اشتہارات میں چیف جسٹس کے ماضی کے حوالے سے باتیں کی گئی ہیں اور چیف جسٹس کے بارے میں منفی تاثر دینے کی کوشش کی گئی ہے۔ رپورٹ میں کہا گیا ہے کہ سندھ کے کچھ قوم پرست رہنما چیف جسٹس کے خلاف سیاسی مہم بھی شروع کر رہے ہیں جنہیں پیپلز پارٹی کی پشت پناہی حاصل ہے۔ خاص طور پر میڈیا سیل کے انچارج ایک ایم پی اے خاص طور پر سرگرم ہیں۔ رپورٹ میں کہا گیا ہے کہ یہ ”انفارمیشن“ دینے کا مقصد یہ ہے کہ متعلقہ اداروں کو صورتحال کا علم ہو۔ واضح رہے کہ ایک قوم پرست پارٹی کی طرف سے 9 اپریل کو سپریم کورٹ کے باہر دھرنا دینے کی کال بھی دی گئی ہے۔
READ THE LAST NEWS Sunday, April 04, 2010, Rabi-us-Sani 18, 1431 A.H

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) is carrying out propaganda campaign against Chief Justice of Pakistan and media cell of PPP is supervising this campaign.
This has been revealed in a report of a sensitive institution. Some leaders and government officials have been informed about this report. It was stated in the report that advertisements were published in some newspapers on behalf of a nationalist party with the title “Appeal to Chief Justice of Pakistan” which throws light on the past of the chief justice and tried to create negative impression against CJP. It was said in the report that some nationalist leaders, backed by PPP, are launching political campaign against chief justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry. Specially an incharge of PPP media cell and an MPA is active in this regard. The report said that the purpose of providing this ‘information’ is to caution the concerned departments about it. It is to be noted that a call to stage sit-in (dharna) outside the Supreme Court on April 9 has also been given by a nationalist party. REFERENCE: PPP carrying out anti-CJP campaign Sunday April 04, 2010 (0954 PST)

Capital talk - 28th april 2011 part 3


NEW DELHI, OCT. 21. After days of political unexcitment and with only the Prime Minister's wounded knee to talk about, the Capital's know-all-and-know-nothing class of self-appointed busy- bodies will have something to talk about: Mr. Ram Jethmalani's presumed revelations in his book, `Big Egos, Small Men,' to be released officially on Monday. That will be Mr. Vajpayee's first full working day in the capital, and Mr. Jethmalani's book is expected to create an artificial crisis for the ruling establishment. The city's self-appointed important crowd will be divided between the pro and anti-Jethmalani camps. The former Law Minister, who had to leave the Cabinet under unceremonious circumstances, is believed to have said quite a mouthful about the Chief Justice of India, Dr. A.S. Anand, the Attorney-General, Mr. Soli Sorabjee and the Prime Minister himself. Probably Mr. Jethmalani's idea is to provoke a stand-off between the executive and the judiciary.

Devil's Advocate: Ram Jethmalani (Courtesy: IBN)

Courtesy: Devil's Advocate: Ram Jethmalani CNN-IBN Updated Nov 20, 2006 at 01:07am IST

It is learnt that Mr. Jethmalani has repeated the allegation that Dr. A.S. Anand has under-reported his age. However, responsible persons believe that the former Minister's allegation has no basis and that there is enough documentary evidence to suggest that there is no cause for doubt about the Chief Justice's date of birth. Mr. Jethmalani's observations, nonetheless, will provoke both the Bar and the Bench, though it would be interesting to see how the Bench reacts to what can be easily construed as an attack on the institution of Chief justice. Mr. Jethmalani has also rehashed his familiar allegations against the Attorney-General, and once the book is formally released, Mr. Soli Sorabjee can be expected to return the compliment. Also, the former Law Minister's observations could provoke his successor, Mr. Arun Jaitely into setting the record straight. Above all, Mr. Jethmalani's fondest hope would be to embarrass the Prime Minister, especially on the matter of Mr. Vajpayee's long-standing friendship with the Hinduja brothers. The brothers have become controversial after the CBI decided to file a charge- sheet in the Bofors case. The most curious part in this unsavory drama is that Mr. Jethmalani himself is known to have been extremely close and partisan of the Hindujas, and there is enough public evidence to suggest that he was never apologetic about this association. Though Mr. Jethmalani may succeed in generating a first-rate political controversy, this final act of rashness may itself embolden those in the Vajpayee establishment who believe that it was time a full-investigation was sanctioned against the former Minister for allegations of misusing his official position in the infamous M.S. Shoes case. REFERENCE: Ram Jethmalani at it again By Our Special Correspondent Sunday, October 22, 2000 

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