Sunday, May 1, 2011

Imran Khan Rally with Rape Abettor Dr Shahid Masood.

In all probability he doesn’t know. I am talking about the great Imran Khan. I hope he doesn’t know that he’s being used. I say this because that’s the way he is. Naïve and vulnerable – especially to the instant wonders of some of the most worn-out right-wing clichés this side of Westophobia. But then, of course, as the large number of politicians and media personnel suspected to have been ‘propped up’ by the shadowy ones (or what Kamran Shafi calls the ‘Deep State’) would tell you, nobody’s an innocent prey in this respect. One just cannot be used by the shadowy ones without showing eagerness and the will to proceed with what one is being propped up for. Secondly, Imran Khan is mouthing a rather bizarre post-Cold War ‘revolutionary’ rhetoric in Pakistan in which leftist sloganeering is weaved together with gung-ho right-wing gibberish! No wonder, the scene at the sit-in seemed rather surreal. Tehreek-i-Insaaf fan boys rubbed shoulders with Jammat-i-Islami activists and even with supporters of a few banned sectarian organisations, as some so-called leftist youth nodded their heads while the glorious Khan spoke to a crowd at a madressah. Also present on the stage were known TV anchors. So much for objective reporting. REFERENCE: Smokers’ Corner: Revolutionary nuisance - Nadeem F. Paracha - Sunday 1st May 2011

Dr Shahid Masood Exposed in Dr Shazia Khalid Rape Case (Bolta Pakistan 13th July 2011)

Arms exposure in PTI procession ....!!!


Sindhi Taliban Saeen Maulana Mumtaz Bhutto with Punjabi Taliban Saeen Imran Khan
Sunday, May 01, 2011, Jamadi-ul-Awwal 27, 1432 A.H (Daily Jang Updates)

As per news above Mr. Mumtaz Bhutto "entering into an alliance with PML-Q" is tantamount to compromise on the Murder of Bhuttos:) Would he like to tell us all as to why he Joined the Caretaker Cabinet of Sardar Farooq Laghari in 1996? Was that Farooq Laghari backed up by "Sheikh Abdul Majeed Sindhi" or what? NFC Awards is the job of Elected Representative whereas Mr. Mumtaz Bhutto had it passed without the consent of Elected representative during his Alleged "Snow White Clean CM Ship after BB was dismissed" in 1996/1997 before General Elections. Guess what the Tummandar Farooq Laghari who sacked BB Government appointed Mumtaz then and after 2002 Tummandar joined General Musharraf "Bandwagon" - These numskulls don't have single idea that nowadays everything is available in Black and White all over the place, his mentor Sardar Farooq Laghari was also a beneficiary in Mehran Bank Scandal - Mr. Mumtaz says in the above news that PML-Q consist upon Bhutto Murderers ! OK agreed - but would he like to tell as to who was APDM (All Pakistan Democratic Movement)? and the same Mumtaz Bhutto - back in 2008 

As per the News International dated February 16, 2008, Saturday. - He alleged that PPP co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari was ready to strike deals with the PML-N, the MQM and even President Pervez Musharraf. Mumtaz Bhutto said begging for votes, in the name of the blood of Benazir Bhutto, was against the sacrifice she had rendered. They should pursue her killers and expose them before the nation, he told the PPP leaders. PPP exploiting Benazir’s name: SNF chief By our correspondent Saturday, February 16, 2008

LAHORE: Noted TV show host Dr Shahid Masood is surrounded by yet another controversy after the surfacing of allegations regarding his role in forcing Dr Shazia Khalid out of the country. Shazia had alleged that an army officer had raped her in a hospital while she was serving in Balochistan in 2005. The controversy is associated with an email circulated with the name of noted defence analyst Dr Ayesha Siddiqa. The email said Dr Shahid Masood and another person, Mohsin Baig, harassed Dr Shazia, warning her that she and her family would be assassinated if they did not leave the country immediately and if the proceedings of her case were not halted in Pakistan. Dr Shazia was quoted as saying that Dr Shahid and Mohsin Baig made her rush out of the country. Daily Times tried contacting Dr Shahid a number of times for comments, but failed to get through. British refusal: Also, documents obtained from reliable sources in the British Home Office revealed that Masood was denied asylum in the United Kingdom for fraudulent practices.

According to the documents, he travelled to the UK on April 26, 2000, with his family. Masood sought asylum in Britain on May 3, 2000, but his request was denied by the British authorities who stated, “On June 9, 2000, a decision was made to give directions for his removal from the United Kingdom as mentioned in Section 16(1) of the Immigration Act 1971 and to refuse to grant asylum under paragraph 336 of HC 395.” Paragraph 336 of HC 395 authorises British officials concerned to remove any individual who enters the UK illegally. While giving the reasons for the rejection, the authorities wrote, “He claimed to have entered the United Kingdom on April 26, 2000, using a Pakistani passport of which he was not the rightful owner, accompanied by his daughter and his sister and her two children.” Dr Shahid attached a statement of evidence form SEF3 dated May 16, 2000, asylum interview record SEF4 dated June 5, 2000, and other documents supporting his application. The document mentioned Home Office Reference Number M1045053, and Port Reference Number EDD/00/4390. REFERENCE: Another controversy surrounds Dr Shahid Masood * Email claims TV anchor had role in forcing rape victim Dr Shazia out of country * Masood denied UK asylum for faudulent practices Staff Report Saturday, June 19, 2010\06\19\story_19-6-2010_pg7_4 

Former PTV chief Dr Shahid Masood. — File - ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Television Corporation has served legal notice on its former chief Dr Shahid Masood for recovery of Rs5.1 million which he had to pay as per his contract before leaving the organisation. Acting Secretary Information and Broadcasting Mansoor Sohail informed the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) on Tuesday that on May 27 the PTVC had sent the legal notice to the former PTV managing director, who also held the additional charge of its chairmanship for some time. The issue came before the PAC when it was scrutinising the ministry’s audit report for the year 2008-09. The cabinet secretariat vide its notification dated June 21, 2008, appointed Dr Shahid Masood as managing director of PTVC with the additional charge of chairmanship. He assumed the charge on the same date. As per appointment letter dated June 27, 2008, his contract period was five years and in case of early termination of the contract a notice of six months was required from either side or gross salary in lieu thereof. The gross salary of the officer was fixed at Rs850,000 per month.

Dr Masood tendered resignation which was accepted by the prime minister with effect from November 3, 2008. The officer did not serve the notice of six months and, therefore, was liable to pay the gross salary amounting to Rs5.1 million in lieu of the notice period. The irregularity was reported to the management on April 2, 2009, and to the ministry on June 1, 2009. PAC Chairman Chaudhry Nisar Ali said when it came to public money no favour should be done to anybody; therefore, the committee backed PTVC’s decision to serve legal notice on Dr Masood. Commenting on the overall working of the information ministry, the PAC chairman said the ministry was keeping its various operations secret which over the years had cast shadow over its affairs. Accepting that the ministry during PML-N’s two terms in power also remained involved in such activities, Mr Nisar called for a serious re-examining of its working. “Until this day, I am unable to understand why the ministry keeps a secret fund,” he said, warning that next time the PAC would like to know each and every penny spent by the ministry.

PTV FOUNDATION: The PAC directed the secretary information, who is also chairman of the PTV, to wind up its foundation whose affairs over the years had gone from bad to worse. Mr Sohail informed the committee that since taking over the charge of the ministry, he had a couple of meetings with the foundation’s board of directors and found it was not a viable option. In response, the PAC chairman said the committee also recommended the same and was willing to extend help to the PTV administration. The PTV board of directors in its meeting held on August 28, 2001, had approved incorporation of the PTV foundation. As per its charter, the foundation was established to carry on the business of advertising, publishing, film making, drama production to establish, operate studios, theatres and other institutions for the promotion of science, art and culture. So far the foundation has consumed Rs30 million loaned money but failed to start even a single project. REFERENCE: Notice served on former PTV chief Shahid Masood By Khawar Ghumman Wednesday, 02 Jun, 2010

KARACHI: Renowned anchorperson and news analyst, Dr Shahid Masood, has assumed the responsibilities of President of ARY Digital Network, ARY NEWS has reported. “Dr Shahid Masood has joined ARY Digital Network as President. He will be the administrative head of all the sub companies of the network,” said an announcement by the group issued here Thursday. Salman Iqbal, CEO and MD of the group, has felicitated Dr Masood on assuming new responsibilities and wished him a good luck, the channel reports. Dr. Shahid Masood will also host the ARY News programme Views on News. REFERENCE: Dr Shahid Masood joins ARY Network Updated: Thursday June 3, 2010 8:48:25 PM

’انصاف ملنے تک لڑتی رہوں گی‘
وقتِ اشاعت: Saturday, 10 September, 2005, 07:46 GMT 12:46 PST
ڈاکٹر شازیہ کا پہلا ویڈیو انٹرویو منیزے جہانگیر
وقتِ اشاعت: Friday, 09 September, 2005, 20:06 GMT 01:06 PST

سوال: پاسپورٹ آپ کے کس پاس تھے؟

مسٹر خالد: پاسپورٹ ہمارے شاہد مسعود کے پاس تھے اور جب اس کو انہوں نے نکال دیا تو اس نے پاسپورٹ جو تھے کسی دوست کو دئیے تھے اور ان کا دوست ہمارے پاس تقریباً رات ایک بجے آیا تھا اور پاسپورٹ ہمیں دے کر چلا گیا۔

سوال: ویزہ کس نے لگوایا تھا۔

جواب: دونوں نے۔ شاہد مسعود نے
مسٹر خالد: شاہد مسعود نے، محسن بیگ نے لگوایا ہے۔ اب کس نے لگوایا ہے ہمیں نہیں پتہ اس بات کا۔
ڈاکٹر شازیہ: دو دن میں وہ ہمارا پاسپورٹ لے کر گئے اور دو دن میں واپس کر دئیے۔ تو دو دن میں ویزا کون لگوا سکتا ہے۔

Dirty role of Dr Shahid Masood: Q. How did you end up in the UK?

Dr Shahid Masood and Mohsin Baig came from Islamabad to see us in Karachi. They told us they had met with the high authorities there and that we had no choice but to leave Pakistan as our lives were in danger.

They asked us where we wanted to go. We argued that we did not wish to leave, but they insisted our lives were in serious danger and we could not stay in Pakistan. We said Canada was the logical choice. I have a sister-in-law and a brother-in-law and family friends there, but I had never been out of Pakistan before. So they brought us the forms for Canadian immigration which they said they would submit on our behalf. Not much time had passed since the incident so I was still in shock. REFERENCE: Shazia Khalid and the fight for justice in Pakistan Zainab Mahmood, Shazia Khalid, and Maryam Maruf, 25 September 2005
Rape of Dr Shazia Khalid and General Pervez Musharraf - 1 (BBC 2005)


Rape of Dr Shazia Khalid & General Pervez... by SalimJanMazari

Rape of Dr Shazia Khalid and General Pervez Musharraf - 2 (BBC 2005)


Rape of Dr Shazia Khalid & General Pervez... by SalimJanMazari ستمبر میں اپنے دورہ امریکہ کے دوران اخبار واشنگٹن پوسٹ کو انٹرویو دیتے ہوئے جنرل مشرف نے جنسی زیادتی کا شکار عورتوں کے بارے مبینہ طور پر ایک ایسا غیر ذمہ دارانہ بیان دے دیا جس کی مبصرین کے مطابق کم از کم کسی سربراہ مملکت سے توقع نہیں کی جاسکتی۔ ان کا کہنا تھا کہ ’ریپ پاکستان میں اب ایک کاروبار بن گیا ہے۔ بہت سے لوگ کہتے ہیں اگر آپ امیر ہونا چاہتے ہیں یا کنیڈا کا ویزا درکار ہے تو خود کو ریپ کرالیں‘۔
ونی، ریپ اور جنرل مشرف کا بیان
ندیم سعید
بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، ملتان
وقتِ اشاعت: Friday, 16 December, 2005, 02:09 GMT 07:09 PST
ڈاکٹر شازیہ نے کہا کہ شناخت پریڈ کے دوران ملڑی انٹیلجینس کے ایک میجر ان کے پاس آئے تھے اور ان کو کہا کہ وہ ملک سے چلے جائیں کیونکہ ان ( ڈاکٹر شازیہ) کی جان کو خطرہ ہے۔

ڈاکٹر شازیہ نے کہا کہ فوجی افسر نے کہا تھا کہ ان کو پتہ ہے کہ ملزم کون ہے اور وہ فوج کی حراست میں ہے اور جوں ہی دوسرے ملک پہنچیں گی تو ان کو اچھی خبر سنے کو ملے گی۔
فوجی نے کہا ملک چھوڑ دو‘
صدر جنرل پرویز مشرف نے اس کیس میں فوجی کپتان کی نامزدگی کو غلط اور بے بنیاد قرار دیا ہے اور اس کیس میں ہائی کورٹ کے جج کی زیر نگرانی بنائے گئے ٹریبیونل کا فیصلہ آنے سے پہلے ہی فوجی کپتان کو بے گناہ قرار دے دیا تھا۔

تحقیقاتی ٹریبیونل نے اپنی رپورٹ میں اس بات کی تصدیق کی ہے کہ ڈاکٹر شازیہ کے ساتھ زیادتی کی گئی ہے۔
ڈاکٹر شازیہ بیرونِ ملک روانہ
مبشر زیدی
بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام اسلام آباد
وقتِ اشاعت: Friday, 18 March, 2005, 17:05 GMT 22:05 PST
یہاں انصاف سے قاتل بڑا ہے‘
حسن مجتبی'
سان ڈیاگو، کیلیفورنیا
وقتِ اشاعت: Tuesday, 01 March, 2005, 21:50 GMT 02:50 PST
’ بنے ہیں اہلِ ہوس مدعی بھی منصف بھی، کسے وکیل کریں کس سے منصفی چاہیں‘
پاکستان کے صدر پرویز مشرف نے سوئی میں ڈاکٹر شازیہ خالد کے ساتھ ہونے والے ریپ میں مبینہ طور پر ملوث فوجی کپتان حماد کو ’ بیچارہ اور بے گناہ‘ قرار دے ہی دیا- جنرل صاحب خود ہی جج ، جیوری اور عدالت بنے اور فتویٰ بھی صادر کر دیا۔
کہنے والے اسے ’ بنے ہیں اہلِ ہوس مدعی بھی منصف بھی، کسے وکیل کریں کس سے منصفی چاہیں‘ نہ کہیں گے تو کیا کہیں گے! اسی کو سندھی میں کہتے ہیں ’ جہان خانی انصاف‘۔

لیڈی ڈاکٹر کے ساتھ ریپ کی تصدیق
اعجاز مہر
بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، کراچی
وقتِ اشاعت: Friday, 28 January, 2005, 14:58 GMT 19:58 PST
کراچی پولیس نے سوئی میں لیڈی ڈاکٹر کی آبرو ریزی کی تصدیق کردی ہے۔
کراچی کے پولیس سرجن نے طبی معائنے کے بعد اپنی رپورٹ میں صوبہ بلوچستان کے علاقے سوئی میں خاتون ڈاکٹر شازیہ خالد کی آبرو ریزی ہونے کی تصدیق کردی ہے۔
پولیس سرجن نے صوبہ سندھ کے محکمہ صحت کے سیکریٹری کو ایک خط لکھا ہے جس کے ساتھ ’میڈیکل رپورٹ، کی کاپی بھی ارسال کی ہے، جس میں یہ تصدیق کی گئی
بلوچستان کی صوبائی حکومت نے ڈاکٹر شازیہ خالد کی آبروریزی کے معاملے کی تحقیقات کے لیے ہائی کورٹ کے جج پر مشتمل تحقیقاتی کمیٹی قائم کر رکھی ہے جو متعلقہ حکام اور افراد کے بیانات قلمبند کرچکی ہے۔

Dr Shazia Khalid is the victim of the much-publicised Sui rape case that precipitated a bloody confrontation between the Bugti tribesmen and the Pakistan Army in January 2005. The people of Sui town were almost unanimous in their belief that Shazia was raped by Captain Imaad, an officer in the contingent of the army’s Defence Security Guards unit posted at the gas installations of the Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) in Sui. However, General Pervez Musharraf denied the claim, insisting that Imaad was innocent. This gave rise to speculations that Shazia may have been a pawn in a conspiracy by antisocial elements to malign the Pakistan Army. Even so, the most glaring feature of the episode were the attempts by the PPL management and the security agencies to thwart the investigation. No headway was made in the case until the evidence was destroyed, leading to suspicions that the authorities were sacrificing transparency in order to protect the image of the army. REFERENCE: “How can they conduct an investigation when they have destroyed the evidence?” By Dr. Shazia Khalid

KARACHI, Feb 3: The role of the Pakistan Petroleum Limited was disappointing in the alleged rape case in Sui, the husband of Dr Shazia Khalid said in an interview with Dawn here on Thursday. Khalid Aman, a petroleum engineer working for a Chinese petroleum company in Libya, accused PPL officials of putting pressure on her wife to keep silent on the alleged incident. She was advised to call it a simple robbery incident. He said that even the brother of the doctor was not informed about the incident on the day it took place and told about it only after Dr Shazia was taken to Karachi from Sui and admitted to a psychiatric hospital three days later. Mr Aman said that the PPL management had also advised the brother not to pursue the rape case and just have a robbery case registered. Mr Aman said: "We need justice and want the man responsible to be arrested and punished in accordance with law."

About his wife being declared a 'kari', Mr Aman said: "We belong to Khuhra Town, taluka Gambat, district Khairpur. My wife's family migrated from there to Karachi some 40 years back. My grandfather lives there and he has been putting pressure to declare Dr Shazia as a 'kari' and that I should part ways with her. I am with my wife but she was very disturbed after his statements appeared in a section of press and we now feel insecure." Mr Aman denied that a jirga was held at his native town and said there were just some statements from his grandfather that were published in a section of the press. Recalling the night between Jan 2 and 3, Mr Aman said his wife was on call and had left her room at around 7.30pm on Jan 2, taken a round of the ward, and came back to her room after half an hour. She offered her prayers, watched TV, and went to bed by 10pm. He quoted Dr Shazia as saying: "I was fast asleep when I felt someone pulling my hair. I woke up and got frightened. Somebody grabbed my neck and did not allow me even to move.

I managed to pick up the receiver of the phone on the bedside table, but he snatched it from my hand, hit my head with it, and tied my wrists with the telephone wire. He also made a noose round my neck with the telephone wire and tightened it so that I had a problem in breathing. "I resisted but he overpowered me. I then begged him to leave me for the sake of Allah. I asked him as to what my fault was and why was he doing this to me. He ordered me to keep quiet otherwise a man was standing outside with kerosene and he had a matchbox. He said if I raised an alarm, he would set me on fire. I could not see him as it was dark and he had blindfolded me with my dupatta. He beat me brutally, then assaulted me and wrapped me in a blanket." Mr Aman said that after an hour, the intruder again assaulted his wife. The doctor begged him again to leave her alone. The man replied: 'It is now 3 o'clock and I will leave in the morning.' He ordered her to keep silent. He asked for cash and jewellery from her, and she told him that the cash and jewellery were in the cupboard.

She heard the sound of the cupboard being opened. She again asked him to leave her room but he did not say anything. After a while, she heard the sound of a match being struck. She got afraid of being killed and started reciting the kalima and other Quranic verses. She again begged the man to spare her and said: "You have destroyed my life, now why are you setting me on fire?" Mr Aman said that according to his wife, the man did not reply and she heard some sounds from the bathroom. Then the TV was switched on and she heard channels being changed. The man watched TV till the Fajr call to prayer. She heard the outer steel gate being opened and closed. She remained in bed for 15 to 20 minutes and then tried to compose herself.

She removed the covering from her eyes first with her tied hands and later she managed to cut the telephone wire with a pair of scissors. She unlocked the door as her keys had not been touched. She went straight to the nursing hostel and knocked on the door of a nurse, Sakina. Sakina's husband opened the door and found the lady doctor badly injured. Sakina then informed the administration of the PPL and the DCMO, Dr Mohammad Ali, Dr Irshad, Dr Saima Siddiqui, nurse Firdous and Salimullah came to see her in Sakina's room. She asked them to call her brother and his wife and she would tell them everything. She was told that they could not be called to the Sui gas field. The chief medical officer, Usman Wadha, advised her not to report anything as the defence security guards (DSG) and police would investigate, and she would have to appear in court and it would lead to a lot of hue and cry.

She was later given an injection and she became drowsy. She was told not to see anyone. She was kept in Sakina's room and not in the hospital and even her injuries were not treated. On the night of Jan 4, Dr Irshad and his wife took Dr Shazia to Kandhkot, where they stayed overnight and in the morning of Jan 5, she was shifted to a psychiatric hospital in Karachi, her husband said. Later, her brother was informed, and on Jan 11, Dr Aman said he came to Pakistan from Libya when an examination was conducted. He said Dr Shazia had joined the PPL Sui gas field on June 23, 2003. During her interview, she was asked about her husband, and she had told them that her husband was a petroleum engineer. "I was called for an interview and asked if I would join PPL if I agreed to be posted at Sui. I expressed my happiness over this, but I was not appointed", Dr Aman said. "The company on one way or the other refused all the time whenever I applied for a job and finally I got a job with a Chinese company on June 23, 2004. I was first sent for training to Sudan for two months and then to Libya." REFERENCE: Rape victim under pressure to keep mum By Arman Sabir 04 February 2005 Friday 24 Zilhaj 1425

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