Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Jang Group "Attacks" Kamran Shafi & Exploit Syed Saleem Shahzad Case.

Double Standard: any code or set of principles containing different provisions for one group of people than for another, especially an unwritten code of sexual behavior permitting men more freedom than women. A set of principles that allows greater freedom to one person or group than to another. Idioms & Phrases : A set of principles establishing different provisions for one group than another; also, specifically, allowing men more sexual freedom than women.

Government Funded Hajj Facility for Journalists - Part 1 (Apna Gareban Matiullah Jan Dawn News)


صحافیوں کا’گریبان‘ پروگرام بند
آخری وقت اشاعت: جمعرات 30 جون 2011 ,‭ 16:34 GMT 21:34 PST
اپنے گریبان میں جھانکنا کتنا مشکل ہے، یہ بات مطیع اللہ جان اچھی طرح جان گئے ہیں۔ ڈان نیوز کے اینکر پرسن نے اس عنوان سے اپنا پروگرام شروع کیا تھا جس میں کسی اور کی نہیں بلکہ اپنے ہی طبقے یعنی صحافیوں کا احتساب کیا گیا۔ لیکن یہ پروگرام زیادہ دیر نہیں چل سکا اور بقول مطیع اللہ جان کے اس کے ایک پروگرام کی ریکارڈنگ جاری تھی کہ اسے بند کرنا پڑا۔ اسلام آباد سے آصف فاروقی کی رپورٹ:

Apna Gareban "Forcibly Closed" Dawn News Censorship. (Courtesy BBC)


ST. LOUIS: The United States’ journalists joined hands with Pakistani doctors here Saturday in a walk followed by a talk to condemn the killing of Saleem Shahzad, Pakistani investigative reporter, and called for the arrest of killers who often go unpunished. An award was also announced in the memory of a slain journalist, Hayatullah Khan, and posthumously granted to Saleem Shahzad and Wali Khan Babar by an influential US Senator Bob Casey who attended one of the two events held in this respect. Umar Cheema, The News investigative journalist who was brutalised in September last year, was also granted two honors separately by the Allama Iqbal Medical College Alumnis Association in North America (AIMCAANA) and Association of Pakistani Physicians for Justice and Democracy (APPJD). Both organisations are the components of the Association of Pakistani Physicians in North America (APPNA) that held its annual convention where these events took place. The US Senator Bob Casey, chairman of sub-committee on Foreign Relations (South Asia), distributed awards acknowledging the sacrifices Pakistani journalists rendered while discharging their duty. In the meanwhile, the idea of setting up a training programme in memory of Saleem Shahzad was discussed in a discussion organized by AIMCANNA, under which Pakistani journalists would be trained every year through US trainers. The event ‘Dare to Speak’ organized by the AIMCAANA drew representation from the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), Society of Professional Journalists, the editorial staff of St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the biggest paper in Missouri State, Alfred Friendly Press Fellowship (AFPF) and Daniel Pearl Foundation (DPF). A peaceful walk was organized with the protesting doctors and US journalists wearing black ribbons to condemn the ruthless killing of Saleem Shahzad allegedly at the hands of intelligence agents. The executive editor of St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Arnie Robbins, with his colleagues attended the event and sought suggestions on ways and means the US journalists can help their Pakistani colleagues in this time of crisis. REFERENCE: Pakistani journalists honoured in US ceremony News Desk Monday, July 04, 2011

Government Funded Hajj Facility for Journalists - Part 2 (Apna Gareban Matiullah Jan Dawn News)


صحافیوں کا’گریبان‘ پروگرام بند
آخری وقت اشاعت: جمعرات 30 جون 2011 ,‭ 16:34 GMT 21:34 PST
اپنے گریبان میں جھانکنا کتنا مشکل ہے، یہ بات مطیع اللہ جان اچھی طرح جان گئے ہیں۔ ڈان نیوز کے اینکر پرسن نے اس عنوان سے اپنا پروگرام شروع کیا تھا جس میں کسی اور کی نہیں بلکہ اپنے ہی طبقے یعنی صحافیوں کا احتساب کیا گیا۔ لیکن یہ پروگرام زیادہ دیر نہیں چل سکا اور بقول مطیع اللہ جان کے اس کے ایک پروگرام کی ریکارڈنگ جاری تھی کہ اسے بند کرنا پڑا۔ اسلام آباد سے آصف فاروقی کی رپورٹ:

Wednesday, July 06, 2011, Shaban-ul-Muazzam 03, 1432 A.H;

Wednesday, July 06, 2011, Shaban-ul-Muazzam 03, 1432 A.H

Wednesday, July 06, 2011, Shaban-ul-Muazzam 03, 1432 A.H


WASHINGTON: US officials believe Pakistan’s spy agency, the ISI, was behind the killing of a Pakistani journalist who reported that Islamist militants had infiltrated the military, the New York Times reported on Monday. The newspaper quoted two senior officials as saying that intelligence showed that senior members of Pakistan’s powerful Inter-Services Intelligence agency ordered the killing of Saleem Shahzad, 40, to muzzle criticism. The report is likely to further raise tensions between the uneasy allies following the US commando raid in May that killed Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden and was carried out without Pakistan’s knowledge. One of the US officials quoted by the Times described the actions of the ISI as “barbaric and unacceptable.” It quoted another senior official as saying: “Every indication is that this was a deliberate, targeted killing that was most likely meant to send shock waves through Pakistan’s journalist community and civil society.” The ISI has denied as “baseless” allegations that it was involved in the murder of Shahzad. The reporter, who worked for an Italian news agency and a Hong Kong-registered news site, went missing en route to a television talk show and his body was found south of the capital, bearing marks of torture. A senior South Asia researcher at Human Rights Watch, Ali Dayan Hasan, said that the 40-year-old had recently complained of threats from the ISI, adding: “In the past the ISI has been involved in similar incidents.” REFERENCE: US links ISI to Saleem Shahzad murder: report Wednesday, July 06, 2011 

What the "Jang Group" doesn't mention about Syed Saleem Shahzad and never raised a question on his reporting rather ASIA TIMES Sketchy Reporting.


According to associates, Mr. Shahzad cultivated contacts inside the military and the intelligence agency and members of militant groups, some from his student days in Jamaat Islami, a religious political party. Pakistani journalists questioned the authenticity of some of Mr. Shahzad’s reporting: whether those doubts arose from professional jealousy or were well founded was never clear. REFERENCE: Pakistan’s Spies Tied to Slaying of a Journalist By JANE PERLEZ and ERIC SCHMITT Published: July 4, 2011 Jane Perlez reported from Islamabad, Pakistan, and Eric Schmitt from Washington. Mark Mazzetti contributed reporting from Washington. A version of this article appeared in print on July 5, 2011, on page A1 of the New York edition with the headline: Pakistan’s Spies Tied to Slaying Of a Journalist.

There was no indication of whether the earlier account of Sheikh Essa’s arrest in Faisalabad was wrong. If it was right, how did Sheikh Essa reach Syria in 2009? Unfortunate and absolutely horrid and condemnable as Saleem Shahzad’s death was, it would be a mistake to take his stories on face value. Despite his apparently deep contacts with the militants (partly due to his former association with Jamaat-e-Islami), the glaring contradictions in his reports and the sweeping judgements contained therein do not reflect well on the credibility of either him or Asia Times online. It may sound harsh but given that he was the only Pakistani journalist with access to chracters like Ilyas Kashmiri and some in Pakistani and international media are inclined to take everything he reported on al Qaeda on its face value without the usual due diligence, it becomes necessary to point toward what are some serious gaps or inaccuracies in Saleem Shahzad’s Asia Times stories. REFERENCE: The Glaring Inconsistencies in Al Qaeda Coverage by Asia Times and Saleem Shahzad July 1, 2011 By Yousuf Nazar  What Saleem Shahzad stories did not reveal! June 17, 2011 By Yousuf Nazar 


Senior journalist Hamid Mir told The News that the secret fund of the Information Ministry is quite old and only purpose of this fund is to buy the loyalties of the journalists and columnists. He said the federal Information Ministry managed to get published news stories and columns in favour of the government by using this fund. “Some journalists used in the hands of information ministry at times used to write such columns with fake-names on Rs15,000 to Rs20,000 per write-up. Journalists’ organizations in Pakistan have always demanded that there should be no secret fund in the Ministry of Information,” Mir said adding, “When PPP was not in power it has promised that secret fund of the information ministry will be abolished. The PPP has also promised to abolish the Information Ministry, but it forgot all its promises.” Mir said that in 2008, when Shoaib Suddle became DG-IB, it was disclosed that during the tenure of his predecessor an amount of Rs480 million was disappeared which all was used to bribe journalists. “Another fund for the same purpose was founded in 2009 in which some extremely rich industrialist contributed money, and it was also used to bribe journalists. He said that during Nawaz Sharif’s second term as the prime minister the then information minister Mushahid Hussain Syed changed the system and ordered to make it sue to maintain the record of the names of the journalists being paid from this fund along with the cheque number and date. Hamid said that later he published the whole list of journalists in his newspaper who were benefited from the generosity of the Nawaz’s regime. He said according to that list one senior journalist was being paid Rs20,000 per month while another Lahore based journalist was being paid Rs50,000 per month by Nawaz government,” Hamid Mir said. Hamid Mir further disclosed that after March 9, 2007, the then DG ISI also set up a secret fund to bribe journalists to control the media coverage of the historic lawyers’ movement for the restoration of Chief Justice of Pakistan. Mir added that at that time one senior ISI official Col Chishti has given a written note to his DG that it will be impossible to stop journalists from reporting in favour of restoration of an independent judiciary by paying them money. Mir said that many journalists, however, were paid to write against the Chief Justice by ISI. REFERENCE: Widespread condemnation of Info Ministry secret funds Ahmad Noorani Wednesday, July 06, 2011 

Government Funded Hajj Facility for Journalists - Part 3 (Apna Gareban Matiullah Jan Dawn News)


Government Funded Hajj Facility for Journalists - Part 4 (Apna Gareban Matiullah Jan Dawn News)


Government Funded Hajj Facility for Journalists - Part 5 (Apna Gareban Matiullah Jan Dawn News)


صحافیوں کا’گریبان‘ پروگرام بند
آخری وقت اشاعت: جمعرات 30 جون 2011 ,‭ 16:34 GMT 21:34 PST
اپنے گریبان میں جھانکنا کتنا مشکل ہے، یہ بات مطیع اللہ جان اچھی طرح جان گئے ہیں۔ ڈان نیوز کے اینکر پرسن نے اس عنوان سے اپنا پروگرام شروع کیا تھا جس میں کسی اور کی نہیں بلکہ اپنے ہی طبقے یعنی صحافیوں کا احتساب کیا گیا۔ لیکن یہ پروگرام زیادہ دیر نہیں چل سکا اور بقول مطیع اللہ جان کے اس کے ایک پروگرام کی ریکارڈنگ جاری تھی کہ اسے بند کرنا پڑا۔ اسلام آباد سے آصف فاروقی کی رپورٹ:

Wednesday, July 06, 2011, Shaban-ul-Muazzam 03, 1432 A.H

Now read about Muhammad Saleh Zaafir of Jang Group of Newspapers and USE OF SECRET FUND ON HIM:) Group has a staff of intelligent, well trained reporters and commentators that regularly produce useful reporting on local and national events. Why they continue to soil their reputation by falling prey to internet hoaxes, petty gossips, and political skulduggery is a question that Mr Rahman would do well to consider. Perhaps there is some personal animosity among some of their reporters, or perhaps it is simply the attempt to be the first to ‘scoop’ a juicy story. Whatever the cause, though, being the media group to take the latest internet hoax and run with it may cost them quite dearly. REFERENCE: Jang Group’s $100 Million ‘Scoop’ Guardian editor C.P. Scott observed that “comment is free, but facts are sacred”. Pakistani journalists must ask themselves: are they disseminating the whole truth or nothing but the truth, or merely presenting their own version of the truth? (Courtesy: Journalism or artistry? Hajrah Mumtaz (9 hours ago) Today 

I found the answer in a book called Secrets of the Press, in a 1999 essay ‘Dumbing up’ by British writer and broadcaster Peregrine Worsthorne, who retired from journalism as the editor of the Sunday Telegraph. He starts the essay talking about when he joined the profession, shortly after the Second World War. For the entire two years of that first job, he wasn’t allowed to write a single line, and was instead expected to content himself with subbing the writing of others, correcting grammar, fact-checking, etc. For an aspiring writer such as himself, this was frustrating in the extreme. He likens it to expecting a future virtuoso pianist to concern himself with misprints in the concert’s programme. This essay was written at the end of his career, however, and after decades of experience here is how he put the difference between then and now: “The most important qualification for being a journalist when I began 50 years ago was not an ability to write. That was even a disadvantage or a liability, since literary facility could so easily tempt a journalist into embroidering the tale which needed, above all else, to be told plainly and unvarnished.” Worsthorne writes that in that age, raking up muck was considered unworthy of a quality press, for “an adversarial stance, while being the easiest to take, might not always be the right one”. REFERENCE: Journalism or artistry? Hajrah Mumtaz (9 hours ago) Today



On one hand General Hamid Gul reject Wikileaks terming it an American Conspiracy against Pakistan and the same Hamid Gul quotes wikileaks against politicians and demand resignation from the Prime Minister:) - ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani must quit over his “disloyalty” to the country by allowing the continuation of drone attacks and deceiving the people, says a former spy chief. “Parliament must assert its authority, forcing PM Gilani to resign if he does not quit himself after WikiLeaks exposed his double face, one for Americans and the second for his Pakistanis,” ISI ex-DG Lt General (R) Hameed Gul told The News here Monday. An accountability process, he said, must be started from the top level in the aftermath of the revelations about the US Embassy cables.“Gilani befooled not only the parliamentarians but also the countrymen through his or the parliamentary condemnation.” “Parliament having all-out powers must hold the PM accountable for compromising the national interests as it is crystal-clear in the cable documentations that he asked the US officials to carry on drone strikes and that he would condemn these for public consumption in Pakistan.” The former ISI DG called to prosecute Major General (R) Mehmood Ali Durrani under the Official Secret Act for handing over the draft of in-camera session of the National Security body of Parliament. “Durrani must be taken to task without waiting for more revelations.”“We will have to set a precedent by punishing at least a few of those compromised on the national interests, and I have given you two examples—the premier and Durrani—otherwise the things may continue to go unchecked from bad to worst with repetition in future.” REFERENCE: Gilani should resign, says Gul Tuesday, December 07, 2010

The importance Americans attach to managing perceptions is evidenced by the financial deals they have signed with private media groups to broadcast programming from US government-funded mouthpieces such as VOA. At times, however, straight-forward public relations is replaced with harsher tactics involving threats of financial repercussions. In a strongly worded cable dated November 26, 2008 – and marked ‘Sensitive’ – the American embassy in Islamabad criticised the Jang Group for what it termed “consciously publishing and broadcasting false and inflammatory stories…” against not only US government policies but also a minority religious group in Pakistan. Citing specific instances of alleged sensationalism and claiming that the “utter lack of any journalistic standard or editorial restraint has now proven too much to overlook”, the cable recommended that the lucrative contract to disseminate the VOA broadcasts through the media group’s television news channel be terminated. It is not clear if the recommendation was ever followed up on. For its part, a spokesman of the Jang Group, when contacted, denied the American allegations. Nevertheless, the cable reflected the quandary that managing perceptions sometimes presented for the US government, which publicly espouses an unfettered media. “Their calculus is that we are more cowed by accusations of actively trampling their freedom of press than we are of tacitly supporting hate speech,” the US Embassy stated about the media group. “At what point do we [stop catering] to consistent, blatant hate speech and intentionally inaccurate and irresponsible reporting in major daily newspapers and a country’s largest broadcaster which threatens the safety of American citizens or US interests?” REFERENCE: Managing perceptions and the media By Hasan Zaidi | From the Newspaper June 1, 2011 (2 weeks ago) MEMOS: 2008: US criticised major media group for irresponsible reporting DAWN.COM June 1, 2011 (2 weeks ago) "Lies, Damn Lies and Hamid Mir" & Wiki Leaks on Jang Group.

Wikileaks reports-30 Nov,2010. (Jang Group/GEO TV)


2008: Extremist recruitment on the rise in south Punjab madrassahsDAWN.COM May 22, 2011 (2 weeks ago) Saudi Arabia, UAE financing extremism in south Punjab By Qurat ul ain Siddiqui | From the Newspaper May 22, 2011 (2 weeks ago)

ISLAMABAD: A spokesman of the Jang Group has contradicted the allegations levelled by the US Embassy in the shape of whatever has appeared in the press with reference to WikiLeaks in the last few days. Jang Group has made it clear that Dawn had furnished a list of allegations against the Jang Group levelled by the US Embassy and had sought our viewpoint on our demand. In the light of these lists we had contradicted the allegations in a detailed reply. The reply was based on solid arguments, facts and evidence. So much so that we even made an offer to this newspaper that they could be apprised of correspondence made so far between the Jang Group and the US Embassy. The spokesman regretted that in spite of the fact that each and every allegation was replied to and contradicted, the newspaper thought it fit to publish ex parte the list of allegations against us and that too without our reply. Besides another newspaper also published the news without getting the viewpoint of the Jang Group. The following is the detailed reply we had sent to the above-mentioned newspaper. Like large media groups elsewhere in the world that are assailed by opposing sides for both being soft and hard on a particular issue, we too have been accused of being pro-America and pro-Taliban, pro-Israel and anti-Semitic, pro-dictatorship and pro-lawyer’s movement, and pro-military and pro-India and of political partiality by various political parties, all at the same time.

We take these contradictory allegations as a positive sign that confirms our commitment to the pursuit of truth and to the plurality of ideas. It is an open secret that those accusing us of following pro-US, pro-Israel, pro-India policies are people/ parties belonging to various schools of thought, not limited to a particular group. Such allegations prove that the policies of the group are uniform for everyone and the group is trying to serve the country in line with best journalistic principles. Therefore, the allegations made in the WikiLeaks cables are vehemently denied. 1-The US embassy did write to us twice about some of our stories and talk shows. Not once have they suggested that they have “evidence the Jang group is consciously publishing and broadcasting false and inflammatory stories ...” The claim that the Jang Group ‘admitted’ that this was being done to maintain or increase market share is obviously ludicrous. Even if this accusation were correct - and we would like to stress that nothing could be further from the truth - why would we volunteer this self indicting admission?

We had, in fact, said that the market demanded that the people of the country and the world should know the role being played by the United States, and the market is of truth and credibility. The allegation that the Jang Group is pursuing market and market share alone and is not concerned about responsible journalism is strongly refuted. The allegation among other things insinuates that we are only interested in increasing our market share and revenue. The Jang Group and Geo compete using credibility, breaking news and diversity of opinion and many times these values result in less revenue and not more. Supporting the lawyer’s movement that led to Pakistan’s first independent judiciary was not popular at the time we started to support it. Our efforts resulted in over 20 million dollars worth of losses as all four of our Network’s channels were shut for three months. Within 48 hours of the Mumbai act, Geo broke the news that Ajmal Kasab was from Pakistan. This was not at all popular at the time and hundreds picketed outside our offices and a government senator tried to sue us for the ‘act of treason’. Two cases were filed against us in this regard. Similarly, when the Jang Group launched Aman Ki Asha, a campaign for peace between Indian and Pakistan, with the largest media group, the Times of India, several local media groups and political leaders accused us of being RAW and Jewish agents. Recently we have launched a much-acclaimed campaign regarding taxes, raising the question that if we want an independent foreign policy, more than 2% of us have to pay for it. This is a very unpopular stance to take for a Group that is accused of only doing what the market ordered. We had responded to each and every concern raised by the then US Ambassador Anne Patterson. In most of the incidents mentioned by her, we had provided ample opportunity to the US embassy to deny the contents of our stories or to provide their point of view. Some accusations were refuted by us, while other stories were based on foreign wire service reports.

2-It is an incorrect allegation that violence against Qadianis was advocated in a programme of Geo. The transcripts of this programme are available and can be easily checked. We do not have a policy of inciting violence against any group or religion and no one has ever been caused any harm because of our programmes or policies. In fact, we have a policy as well as a belief to respect all religions and have promoted interfaith harmony and intra-religious unity in creative and bold ways. We always respected the rights of minorities and have tried to celebrate them and their rights, which are also guaranteed by our Constitution as well as Islam. It is the part of the record that we are the first in the country who invited priests and pundits to our religious programmes to promote religious harmony. 3-The war on terror and the relationship between the US and Pakistan have been shrouded in secrecy. Both governments have faced scathing scrutiny from the local as well as international press. It has never suited the governments to reveal details of the presence of US marines, CIA operatives (like Raymond Davis), and operations of Blackwater and other US/CIA contracting security agencies etc in Pakistan. The collection of news reports is very difficult when governments observe secrecy. Despite attempts at secrecy, some of the reports carried by the Jang Group as well as some international media not only revealed details about these issues but they have also been confirmed by WikiLeaks and later developments.

4-If the US embassy recommended that the contract to broadcast VOA contents be cancelled, then obviously VOA did not see much merit in that recommendation. At no point has VOA, which has an independent board and is not run like our Pemra, ever put any pressure on us regarding editorial policies. We will cancel this contract, if pressure is exerted on us from any side to compromise journalistic ethics. Our history, specially recent history, bears testimony to our group being politically and commercially victimised because of the independent policies we have followed. Our support for the resolution of disputes through dialogue - even with India and the Taliban - is a matter of record and we have faced many accusations because of it.

We are open and transparent about our causes and policies and have even gone to court against people and organisations accusing us of wrongdoing or malafide intent. In some cases our detractors have been forced to retract and apologize, while in some cases they have been served stay orders. We are market leaders because of our accurate, credible and swift coverage and we have been recognized globally by various institutes for our balanced and at times fearless reporting including senior US representatives. Our media group faces pressure from the government and private sector but we always prefer our professional responsibilities to commercial interests. We have a history of sustaining losses from every government, including this one, which tries to influence editorial policy by financial threats. Occasionally and unwittingly we err but we then seek to correct, clarify and when warranted regret. Jang Group has always believed in improving its coverage based on constructive feedback, and we will carry this tradition in future and hope others do so as well. REFERENCE: Reality exposed, critics’ eyes should open now! Jang Group faced allegations of being pro-US, pro-Taliban: spokesman our correspondent Sunday, June 12, 2011

Special Program-Wikileaks Reports-Part 1 (Jang Group/GEO TV)


Just a few days back the same "Sanctimonious Ansar Abbasi" and Jang Group had to say this on Maulana Fazlur Rehman through WikiLeaks which was used by Ansar Abbasi shamelessly.

ISLAMABAD: Against his public perception of being an anti-American, Maulana Fazlur Rehman is reflected in a cable released by WikiLeaks as a frequent and cooperative American interlocutor, who professes his support for cooperation with the United States. The JUI-F leader has been described in the secret US cable as “more politician than mulla”, and “a frequent and cooperative interlocutor” with the post (US Embassy Islamabad). The Maulana is also shown as professing his “support for cooperation with the United States.” US embassy’s CDA Peter Bodde wrote in his April 3, 2008 cable, released by WikiLeaks, that Rehman, more politician than mulla, has been a prominent and legitimate figure in Pakistani politics since the 1980s. He “has publicly denounced terrorist attacks, but prefers to use negotiations rather than military force against militants. Although he is known to have contacts with Taliban and their sympathisers, he has negotiated with religious militants on the government’s behalf, garnering him criticism from the more hard-line religious sectors.”

The primary purpose of the message was to request the FBI to recall information about Fazlur Rehman, which indicated that an individual “Fasilur Rehman” believed to be associated with Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) is behind the March 2008 bombing in Islamabad. The cable said that the information suggests that Fasilur Rehman refers to political party leader Fazlur Rehman of the JUI-F. The embassy “requests that FBI recall this information from all hardcopy and database records due to discrepancies and errors in the report.” It noted that prominent Pakistan politician Fazlur Rehman is not associated with the JI, but instead leads his own political party, the JUI-F. From 2002-2007, the two parties allied with other religious parties in the coalition Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA). However, the JUI-F and JI retained separate leadership structures as well as separate political objectives and methods, it said.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010, Zilhajj 30, 1431 A.H
The cable said that Fazlur Rehman’s JUI-F is a conservative Deobandi religious party that has recently joined the new Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) led government. The JI is a religious party that appeals to a narrow sector of the educated, conservative urban middle class. JI, which has a vibrant student wing, began as a movement for social change based on Sharia. “The JI party policy does not support violence as a means to achieve their political agenda, however, the party quietly has supported Jihad in Afghanistan and Kashmir by providing recruits from their student corps. The party does not support violence perpetuated within Pakistan, such as the recent attack on the restaurant in Islamabad. In addition, Fasilur Rehman and Fazlur Rehman are extremely common Pakistani names, making it impossible to accurately identify the individual with the prominent JUI-F politician.” In an earlier cable, the WikiLeaks showed the Maulana approaching the then US Ambassador Anne Patterson to become the Prime Minister. It was revealed that the leader of the country’s most fiercely pro-Taliban religious party, hosted a jovial dinner for Patterson at which the Maulana sought her backing to become prime minister and expressed a desire to visit America. Maulana-like Maulana’s lieutenant Abdul Ghafoor Haideri acknowledged that “All important parties in Pakistan had to get the approval of the US (to get power).” Fazl keeps regular contact with US embassy, says cable By Ansar Abbasi Tuesday, December 07, 2010 
Special Program-Wikileaks Reports-Part 2 (Jang Group/GEO TV)


ISLAMABAD: The independent journalism being practised by the Jang Group offended both the Pakistani establishment and United States. Referring to American diplomatic correspondents, WikiLeaks disclosed that on Geo TV, criticism of the American government and its policies is increasing. The channel is also involved in anti-Jewish activities. Despite insistence by the American Embassy, the Jang Group had not changed its conduct. American secret cables published in the daily Dawn under the title ‘Managing perceptions and the media’ highlighted the concerns of the Pakistani establishment and the US government over the media. It says the Pakistani government and military officials were concerned that their talks with the American diplomats came to the knowledge of the people. In a strongly worded cable dated November 26, 2008 - and marked ‘Sensitive’ - the American embassy in Islamabad criticised the Jang Group for what it termed “consciously publishing and broadcasting false and inflammatory stories...” against not only US government policies but also a minority religious group in Pakistan. Citing specific instances of alleged sensationalism and claiming that the “utter lack of any journalistic standard or editorial restraint has now proven too much to overlook”, the cable recommended that the lucrative contract to disseminate the VOA broadcasts through the media group’s television news channel be terminated. It is not clear if the recommendation was ever followed up on. For its part, a spokesman of the Jang Group, when contacted, denied the American allegations. Nevertheless, the cable reflected the quandary that managing perceptions sometimes presented for the US government, which publicly espouses an unfettered media. “Their calculus is that we are more cowed by accusations of actively trampling their freedom of press than we are of tacitly supporting hate speech,” the US Embassy stated about the media group. “At what point do we [stop catering] to consistent, blatant hate speech and intentionally inaccurate and irresponsible reporting in major daily newspapers and a country’s largest broadcaster which threatens the safety of American citizens or US interests?” REFERENCE: Jang Group’s independent journalism offends Pak establishment, US our correspondent Sunday, June 12, 2011

Daily Jang Front Page 12 June 2011;

Special Program-Wikileaks Reports-Part 3 (Jang Group/GEO TV)

Special Program-Wikileaks Reports-Part 4 (Jang Group/GEO TV)


"QUOTE" After WikiLeaks disclosures about Maulana Fazlur Rahman, not only the Taliban and Al-Qaeda leadership have decided to sever links with him but various religio-political parties have also hinted at staying away from him. “Maulana Fazlur Rahman, who has been an ally of the Pervez Musharraf regime and is also a partner in the present ruling coalition, had strong contacts with militant groups in Afghanistan as well as Pakistan but nobody did even imagine until now that he is constantly in touch with the Americans also,” said a former Taliban official, currently based in Peshawar, while talking to The News on Tuesday. Talking to The News via telephone, the former Taliban official said on condition of anonymity that although the Jamaat-e-Islami leadership had expressed its reservations several times about Maulana Fazlur Rahman, majority of the people believed it is because of political differences between the JUI-F and Jamaat-e-Islami. The time has, however, proven that the reservations and fears of the Jamaat-e-Islami about the JUI-F chief were absolutely genuine, he added. “As the WikiLeaks have unmasked the truth, now Maulana Fazlur Rahman will have to be extremely careful because his acts and attitude fall in the category of betrayal,” commented the former Taliban official. A Taliban commander told The News from Afghanistan via telephone that the Taliban leaders, who have been in contact with Maulana Fazlur Rahman in the past, are extremely disappointed and angered.

He said now all doors of the Taliban have been closed for the JUI-F chief as his real face has finally been exposed. “We may forgive him [Fazlur Rahman] for the sake of his father’s services for Islam but we have shut all doors for him,” he said. When contacted, former spokesman for Jamaat-e-Islami Ameerul Azeem, who has been attending meetings of the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA) of which the JUI-F was also a part, said now the time has come for the JUI-F chief to review his entire political life, particularly his manoeuvres to become part of every government. He said the role of the JUI-F chief in the Movement for Restoration of Democracy (MRD), when his politics was based on mere principles, is no secret. He recalled that even (late) Benazir Bhutto had once dumped (late) Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan but the Maulana had extended unflinching support to the Nawabzada. “Now the political moves of the JUI-F chief are completely different as of late he has been preferring gains to principles,” the former Jamaat-e-Islami spokesman said. “If Maulana Fazlur Rahman failed in returning to his old political path, he would remain all alone,” he remarked.

Ameerul Azeem pointed out that currently there are many leaders in the JUI-F who strongly believe in the politics of principles and are extremely valued by different quarters. He said the Jamaat-e-Islami would definitely maintain its contacts with such leaders. The News contacted several religious figures that have been close to the Taliban leadership in the past and sought their comments on the latest situation, they were unanimous that Maulana Fazlur Rahman would pay a heavy price for what they called his deceit and betrayal. The JUI-F chief, who is facing scathing criticism from various religious circles following WikiLeaks disclosures about him, is likely to face very difficult situation in the near future because the religious parties are unanimous that he would not be included in any alliance of religio-political parties. "We have firmly decided that Maulana Fazlur Rahman or any leader of his party will not be included in the alliance of religious parties before the next general elections. Nor will we maintain any contact with the JUI-F or its leadership,” said a leader of another religious party, pleading anonymity. This correspondent made several attempts to contact the JUI-F chief for his comments but failed while any other leader of his party was also not ready to speak on the issue. REFERENCE: Fazlur Rehman getting isolated after WikiLeaks exposure By Mazhar Tufail Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Wikileaks Report by Shuja Pasha. (Jang Group/GEO TV)


"Sanctimonious Ansar Abbasi" and Jang Group/The News International and GEO TV after maligning everybody in Pakistan through Wiki Leaks is now advising "Restraint" 

ISLAMABAD: Some recent events have badly exposed our military establishment — defence forces and the ISI. Despite national shame, one after the other, serious failures and criminal actions involving defence authorities, there are good and bad aspects that need to be given a serious thought and consideration. However, the present timing is extremely critical and the whole issue cries for careful handling otherwise we may lose more. The May 2 Abbottabad debacle, the May 22 Mehran naval airbase shame, the Kharotabad shock, the mysterious killing of Saleem Shahzad and now the Sindh Rangers bloody blunder, all reflect very dismally on our military establishment. It got defamed and lost many people’s confidence. Barring those who have turned abusive against the Pakistan Army in pursuit of dollar-driven and Raw-CIA sponsored foreign agenda to fatally damage the defence establishment, many independent and otherwise patriotic voices amongst politicians, media persons and analysts are seen crossing the limits of constructive criticism. Some, just to prove their credentials as being “anti-establishment”, are cursing, abusing or ridiculing the army and the ISI. At a critical juncture where Pakistan stands today such uncouth, lethal military bashing could hurt the country instead of doing anything good to the institution and the homeland. Needless to say that the military has certain serious flaws and that the ISI has been involved in some dirty businesses but the limitless army bashing may end up serving the interest of the enemies of Pakistan and its nuclear programme.

Just recently, we have heard Iranian President Ahmadinejad issuing warning on the basis of intelligence reports that the Americans are all set to go after Pakistan’s nuclear programme. The critics of the army, whether within the parliament or outside, belonging to the media or the political parties, are required to be calculated and careful. They need to think over the question if they are not innocently contributing to preparing the ground for get-Pak nuke US operation. Can a demoralised and publicly condemned military do what is expected of it in the case of such a serious scenario? After becoming part of war on terror, the army that has been traditionally respected here started facing serious fallouts of the situation Musharraf had pushed the military into. It has become the target of terrorist attacks; and people have started criticising the army for fighting the American war and failing to stop US drone attacks whereas despite doing everything to Washington’s pleasure the US continues to suspect our military and the ISI. The recent incidents followed by the growing trend of military bashing have greatly contributed to further demoralise the Pakistani establishment and to prove it a villain for America, Pakistani people and even the terrorists alike. This must not continue. It is for the media, parliamentarians, politicians, government and even the top command of the Pakistan Army to rethink their strategies for the greater interest of Pakistan and its people.

If we don’t need our nukes and if we intend to be a country without army and intelligence agency then we should carry on with the military and ISI bashing business, ignoring their pluses and sacrifices. Otherwise everyone of us have to be suitably responsible and watchful. Starting from the military, it is for General Kayani and General Pasha to volunteer changes that are direly needed to ensure that the soldiering capability of the defence forces and the intelligence and security related work is not affected even by an iota. The military should be cautious in its official response to public reactions even if, at times, they are considered unfair. The army could win the hearts and minds of the masses by distancing itself from the US war on terror, halting immediately all the operations within the country whether in Balochistan or in the tribal areas, stopping Nato’s supply line, ending drone attacks and detaching itself from corporate businesses. Politicians including rulers or parliamentarians have the real burden on their shoulders. For being responsible, both constitutionally and legally, it is the politicians’ duty to hold independent inquiries into recent horrifying incidents to fix the responsibility and identify the flaws and weaknesses in the defence and intelligence systems for quick corrective measures. If the government does not do it, the opposition instead of turning its guns on the establishment must use its power both within the parliament and outside to press its demands. Launching confrontation with the institution of army would not mean anything.

The parliament instead of continuing as a debating club should learn the art of how to get the will of the people implemented. Two of its unanimously adopted resolutions dated Oct 22, 2008 and May 13, 2011 remain unimplemented. It has to bring pressure on the executive. Instead of creating sensation and generating senseless and directionless debates, the media has the prime duty of highlighting flaws and wrongdoings in a constructive manner. But if it fails to come out with plausible and helpful solutions and it remains inconsequential, nothing useful would be produced except chaos. Such an eventuality has to be obviated at all costs. Everyone must demonstrate a sense or responsibility before we inflict any harm on the army, which will obviously be the implementation of the agenda of Pakistan’s adversaries, having pathological hatred against our homeland. REFERENCE: Don’t cross the limits in Army-bashing Politicians should play their role, not sit back and enjoy Ansar Abbasi Sunday, June 12, 2011

Let us refresh the memory of Jang/The News International/Geo TV'S "Alleged Editorial Board" who are restraining all to open mouth on Army whereas the Jang Group/GEO TV/The News International had a field day through Wiki Leaks against Pakistan Army. Watch the Clip

Wikileaks Report-Pakistan Army Allegations. (Jang Group/GEO TV)


Daily Jang dated 12 June 2011

GEO TV collaborates with the Voice of America, which is an official news
arm of the government of the United States. Yet, GEO claims to be
independent and objective. As per Kamran Khan "Wikileaks" is acceptable on Politicians but same Wikileaks is not acceptable on Establishment rather wikileaks on establishment are highly "Objectionable" - What a Joker:)

Exposing WikiLeaks - In Defence of Gen. Kayani 1-2. (Jang Group/GEO TV)

Jang Group particularly Mr Shaheen Sehbai (Group Editor The News International), Mr Kamran Khan (Senior Correspondent Jang/The News and GEO TV) and Mr Rauf Klasra (Senior Correspondent Jang/The News International now in Express News) played a very dirty role after the murder of US Journlaist Daniel Pearl in Karachi in 2002. This very same Jang Group/GEO TV is now lecturing Pakistanis for Peace with India had itself launched a Vilification Campaign againt PPP and raised doubts on the Patiroitsm and Loyalty of PPP and President Asif Ali Zardari when they tried to formulate a policy on ISI, Kerry Lugar Bill, No First Strike, and Dialogues wih India. Now read as to how Kamran Khan with malafide intent involves Pakistan Army/ISI with Militants while giving an Interview to FRONTLINE PBS an American Public Affairs News Organization. REFERENCE: Kamran Khan & Jang Group "Prepared" Case Against Pakistan.

Exposing WikiLeaks - In Defence of Gen. Kayani 2-2. (Jang Group/GEO TV)

How "Conveniently" Mr. Azhar Abbas blamed "hidden hands" behind suddenly rising and rapidly appearance of as per him " Some analysts-cum-anchors have re-emerged from quasi-oblivion. Many journalists and analysts are briefed and encouraged to take an aggressively anti-West, especially anti-US", stance" but Mr. Azhar completely forget the Role of GEO TV, Jang Group and specifically Ansar Abbasi, Kamran Khan, Hamid Mir and that Buffoon Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain (his tongue caused Murder through GEO TV) in this regard, because Mr. Azhar Abbas is an Executive in GEO TV Network. So let us remind GEO TV/JANG Group's role in promoting Extremism. REFERENCE:  Fake WikiLeaks, Jang Group & Lies of Azhar Abbas - Part 1 Fake WikiLeaks, Jang Group & Lies of Azhar Abbas - Part 2

Aaj Kamran Khan Ke Saath - 2nd Dec 2010 part 3. (Jang Group/GEO TV)


Nobody put the Gun on Jang Group's head to File the Report of Online International News Network as Lead Headlines in Daily Jang and The News International too:) But that Protest, Apology & Retraction won't do because Jang Group's Track Record of filing canard is quite marvelous and they in the past committed hilarious acts of clumsiness rather outright Yellow Journalism and when someone pointed out they very shamelessly try to cover up the mistake and that too in a very clumsy manner instead of simple "We are Sorry" REFERENCE: Zardari's Marriage, Fake Wiki Leaks, Jang Group & Saleh Zaafir's Payroll.

Imran Khan the only politician outside US influence-, says WikiLeaks. (Jang Group/GEO TV)

ISLAMABAD: The US Ambassador in Pakistan, Cameron Munter, is in contact with important political personalities in the federal capital but the US embassy is not making any comment on these contacts. Sources revealed on Sunday that Munter held a long meeting with the Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan. Imran Khan was not available for comments despite repeated attempts. The nature and details of the meeting between Imran Khan and the US ambassador could not be ascertained. REFERENCE: Imran Khan Quotes Wiki Leaks but General (R) Hamid Gul? Munter contacting important politicians in capital By our correspondent Monday, March 14, 2011 .

Capital Talk 2nd Dec 2010 Part 1. (Jang Group/GEO TV)


ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Last November, 30 of Pakistan's most influential journalists boarded a plane bound for Saudi Arabia. The occasion was the hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca that Muslims are expected to perform at least once in their lifetimes, if they can afford it. On this trip, however, money wasn't a problem: The Pakistani government picked up the tab. For months, the story of the government-sponsored hajj went unreported. The fact that reporters were accepting gifts from the government hardly qualified as news. Plus, reporters in Pakistan have an unspoken rule, a kind of omerta: You don't write about other reporters. Unless you're Matiullah Jan. Jan, an anchor for Dawn News in Islamabad, launched a new show in January called Apna Gareban—the name means "under our collar," an Urdu idiom that translates as "our own underbelly"—in which Jan investigates the conduct of his fellow journalists. On the show, he acts as a kind of one-man ombudsman for all of Pakistan, badgering reporters, ambushing them Bill O'Reilly-style, and guilt-tripping them on air for their alleged misdeeds—behavior unheard of in the Pakistani media. "This is a very revolutionary thing," says Mehmal Sarfraz, op-ed editor at the Daily Times in Lahore. "Somebody had to do it." REFERENCE: The Ombudsman: How one TV reporter tried to reveal the underbelly of the Pakistani media. By Christopher Beam Posted Friday, May 20, 2011, at 4:17 PM ET

Capital Talk 1st Dec 2010 Part 1 (Jang Group/GEO TV)


Yesterday (4 June 2011) Mr. Haroon ur Rasheed (Jang Group) while opining on Syed Saleem Shahzad Murder in a TV Show Policy Matter with Ms. Nasim Zehra, said “Pakistani Society is being brutalized” whereas he should have blame himself and his Spiritual Partners like Irfan Siddiqui (Jang Group), Ansar Abbasi (Jang Group/Geo TV), Salim Bokhari (Nation/Nawa-e-Qaqt), Meher Bokhari (Dunya TV), Asma Chaudhry (Dunya TV), Kashif Abbasi (ARY NEWS), Asma Shirazi (Samaa TV), Sajjad Mir (News One/TV ONE and Former Artist of PTV) and last but not the least Syed Talat Hussain (PTV, ARY, AAJ, DAWN NEWS). Minus Talat Hussain everybody took part in the Cold Blooded Murder of Former Punjab Governor, Late. Salman Taseer. One mustn't forget the Ugliest Role played by Irfan Siddiqui, Haroon ur Rasheed, Ansar Abbasi and Jang Group/GEO TV as well in Salman Taseer's Brutal Murder in connivance with the Lawyers Community/Judges and Rampant Mullahs of Pakistan. Hamid Mir talking on Policy Matters (4th June 2011) against suspected killers of Syed Saleem Shahzad. He promised that if no fair investigation will be conducted than he will announce the names of Saleem Shahzad.s’ suspected killers. Differentiate between Touts and Journalists. REFERENCE: 
Anarchist Pakistani News Anchors (Read Event Reporters) & Lifafa Journalism.

Capital Talk 1st Dec 2010 Part 2. (Jang Group/GEO TV)


Pakistani journalism has evolved into an aggressive, free-wheeling business in which more than 100 television channels and a host of newspapers compete for ratings and readers. At times it can be reckless and agenda-driven; members of the media acknowledge that some journalists and outlets have in effect become mouthpieces for the security establishment, and some are even on the payroll of intelligence agencies. Reporters often put themselves in harm's way as they try to dig up the truth about Islamic militant groups, shadowy intelligence agencies and the possible links between the two. One reporter recently ended up dead; another has a harrowing tale. REFERENCE: Pakistan journalists walk razor's edge By Alex Rodriguez, Los Angeles Times June 6, 2011, 7:34 p.m.,0,723293.story
"Lies, Damn Lies and Hamid Mir" & Wiki Leaks on Jang Group.

Capital Talk 1st Dec 2010 Part 3. (Jang Group/GEO TV)


This is with reference to Hamid Mir's report (Sept 20) titled "How an ex-commando became a terrorist". It is total disinformation -- Ilyas Kashmiri neither had any association with the SSG nor did he serve in the army as a soldier. Being an ex-commando officer, I know that the SSG never indulges in such heinous crimes. It's a superior professional force of the army composed of responsible officers and men who carry out professional tasks. I would like to add that there is always an attempt by hostile agencies to defame the security forces of Pakistan with a malicious intent. Therefore, newspapers and columnists must refrain from falling prey to these fifth columnists. REFERENCE:  Colnel (r) Imam Ex-SSG officer, Rawalpindi Who is Ilyas Kashmiri? Friday, October 02, 2009

Capital Talk 1st Dec 2010 Part 4. (Jang Group/GEO TV)


I am forced to believe that some elements in the intelligence used my media colleagues against me because I was not in control of any intelligence outfit. [Hamid Mir in Washington Times] - 

Ansar Abbasi has almost indicted Hamid Mir in the case of Khalid Khawaja: Live with Talat – 20 May 2010 MAY 20, 2010 . in Live with Talat Naseem Zehra (Anchor), Zafar Abbas (Residen Editor Dawn), Kashif abbassi (Anchor) and Ansar abbasi (Analyst) in Today’s episode of Live with Talat with Talat Hussain – Ansar Abbasi and Talat Hussain’s statement telecast above which has almost indicted Hamid Mir, Ms. Nasim Zehra [Former Key Member of General Musharraf's Think Tank] has also raised doubts on Hamid Mir’s confusing and constantly changing statements. Ansar Abbasi did the same in Jasmeen's Program Ansar Abbasi says in Jasmin Manzoor Program that, he talked with Hamid Mir and Hamid said that its not his voice and then Ansar deny himself that Hamid also said that as per Hamid Mir “some of his old calls were mixed and rejoined!!! What a Tragedy. Is this what you call Colleague or Professional Courtesy. 

LAHORE: Osama Khalid, son of Khalid Khawaja, on Tuesday submitted an application in the Shalimar Police Station for registration of an FIR against TV talk show host Hamid Mir and suspected terrorist Osman Punjabi for the murder of his father, a private TV channel reported. Khalid Khawaja, a former Inter-Services Intelligence official, was murdered by a relatively less-known Asian Tigers militant group on April 23. Osama alleged that the talk show host had instigated the terrorists to murder his father. He said the application was based on the audiotape of Mir’s conversation with a member of the Taliban, and he was ready to prove in court that the audio clip was original. Khalid Khawaja, a former Inter-Services Intelligence official, was murdered by a relatively less-known Asian Tigers militant group on April 23. Osama alleged that the talk show host had instigated the terrorists to murder his father. He said the application was based on the audiotape of Mir’s conversation with a member of the Taliban, and he was ready to prove in court that the audio clip was original. REFERENCE: Osama seeks FIR against Hamid Mir, Osman Punjabi Daily Times Monitor Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir, who has been linked by several Pakistani websites to the killing of a former intelligence official by the Taliban, refutes the accusations in this e-mail sent to The Washington Times in response to an article that appeared in Tuesday's editions:

Dear Sir,

The Washington Times has published a story today "Terrorist Hit Puts Pakistani Reporter Under Fire" (by Eli Lake - Reporter - The Washington Times - 25 May 2010) WT said that Hamid Mir has old links with extremists because he interviewed Osama bin Laden. What about my interviews with Nelson Mandela, Tony Blair, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, General Richard B Myers, Richard Armitage and Hilary Rodham Clinton? First of all, I am not the only one who interviewed Osama bin Laden. Robert Fisk interviewed him before me. Peter Bergen and Rahimullah Yousafzai are other examples. Now there are contradictions to be noted. Daily Times claiming that intelligence agencies have presented a report against me to the [Pakistani] Prime Minister. Initially a government senator was also attacking me on different TV channels but Information Minister Qamar Zaman Kaira clearly said on May 25 that Hamid Mir is a target of a conspiracy and government have nothing against him. President Zardari has also cleared it to me personally that nobody from [the Pakistan People's Party] is involved in this conspiracy. Family of Khalid Kahwaja openly declared me a CIA agent and also accepted that one son of Kahwaja works for al Qaeda. Come and see that banners are hanging on Murree Road and other areas of Rawalpindi in my support. These banners have been placed by traders, students and other sections of life. Common Pakistanis are with me but a section of ruling elite is against me. I am forced to believe that some elements in the intelligence used my media colleagues against me because I was not in control of any intelligence outfit. One of my crimes was that I wrote an article against a serving general of the Pakistan Army. I am still not sure that who is my actual enemy because nobody have come out openly against me yet. There is no FIR (police complaint), no official inquiry and nobody contacted me for any investigation. According to my information, this whole drama was organized after one of my articles against a serving Army General, Nadeem Ejaz, was published in The News on April 26.This General was involved in the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. U.N. report pointed fingers towards him but President Asif Ali Zardari government failed to nab him. REFERENCE: Hamid Mir responds By Hamid MirUpdated: 5:59 p.m. on Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Videos: Asia Times on Nawaz Sharif's Politics & Memory Loss of Dawn/Ejaz Haider.

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