Saturday, July 2, 2011

MQM-PML (N) Revolution, Brigadier (R) Imtiaz & LONDON APC.

 LAHORE: Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz (PML-N) chief Nawaz Sharif on Saturday welcomed the Muttahida Qaumi Movement’s decision to join the opposition and said the formation of a grand opposition alliance was necessary to “rid the country of the current government”. Speaking to media representatives in Lahore, Nawaz said unprincipled politics had led Pakistan into troubled waters, which was why it was important to rid the country of the present government. Responding to a question on Balochistan, Nawaz said the issues the province faced were extraordinary. He said the Baloch people could only be pacified “if action is taken against those responsible for their plight”. On another question regarding gas and power outages, Nawaz said the situation was resulting in huge losses to the country’s economy. — DawnNews. REFERENCE: Nawaz welcomes MQM decision to join opposition DAWN.COM (3 hours ago) Today 

Nawaz Sharif "Attacks" MQM.


Brigadier (R) Imtiaz Exposes Mehran Bank Scandal, IJI & Operation Cleanup 1992 Part 1


Karachi tense in calm before storm Tuesday, 25 September, 2001, 16:22 GMT 17:22 UK  Rent a Joker June 16, 2011 

Brigadier (R) Imtiaz Exposes Mehran Bank Scandal, IJI & Operation Cleanup 1992 Part 2


LAHORE: The much trumpeted 1992 operation clean-up in Sindh had actually been launched against the backdrop of the infamous ‘Major Kaleem kidnapping case’, when a serving Army major was abducted and tortured, allegedly by a group of activists belonging to the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (which was then known as the Muhajir Qaumi Movement). While the MQM leadership has recently blamed former prime minister Nawaz Sharif for the 1992 operation and asked him to apologise for the atrocities committed during his tenure, it remains a fact that the MQM high command had held at that time the military leadership responsible for the action, saying it actually wanted to avenge the honour of Major Kaleemuddin. As a matter of fact, Major Kaleemuddin of the Field Investigation Unit (FIU) of the Army had been tasked to restore peace in the trouble-stricken Landhi area of Karachi. He was abducted on June 20, 1991, along with a few subordinates, while in civvies ñ the night when the MQM-Haqiqi led by Afaq Ahmed made an abortive attempt to take over Landhi offices of the Altaf-led MQM, called Muhajir Khel. This led to a bloody gun battle between the two MQM factions, killing many from both sides. However, the Haqiqi group was forced to flee after the Altaf group unleashed all its fire power in the gun battle. A few hours after the abortive attempt by the Haqiqi group, Major Kaleemuddin was abducted from the Landhi area by armed activists of the MQM, who allegedly took him to a torture cell and subjected him to ‘mistreatment’. The Major Kaleemuddin kidnapping case is still described by many in the establishment as the bedrock of the subsequent military operations carried out against the MQM under the Sharif and the Bhutto governments. Altaf Hussain and several other MQM leaders and workers were subsequently accused of being involved in the kidnapping episode and named in the FIR registered on June 24, 1991. Altaf left Pakistan in December 1992.

But there are different versions of what exactly happened to Major Kaleemuddin. Some of the MQM leaders had claimed after the incident that the abductors were under the impression that MQM-Haqiqi leaders Afaq Ahmed and Amir Khan – had returned to the port city at the behest of the agencies and that the major was present in Landhi to supervise the establishment-sponsored operation against them. During the court trial, many of the accused had claimed that since the major was in plain clothes, he was mistaken by them for a Haqiqi activist and subsequently roughed up. But as soon he had revealed his identity, the major was allowed to go. However, according to the prosecution, Major Kaleemuddin, along with three other Army officers, was patrolling the Landhi area in an Army jeep when 20 armed youths took them hostage after seizing their weapons. The Army men were taken to a place called Muhajir Khel in Landhi where they were allegedly tortured and kept for seven hours and rescued when the police reached the place. The accused charged with kidnapping the Army officers and torturing them included Altaf Hussain, Saleem Shahzad, Dr Imran Farooq, Safdar Baqri, Nadeem Ayubi, Ayub Shah, Aftab Ahmed, Ismail alias Sitara, Ashraf Zaidi, Sajid Azad, Ashfaq Chief, Javed Kazmi, Haji Jalal Asghar Chacha, Rehan Zaidi and Mohammad Yousuf.

Whatever the truth might be, the then-Army high command’s keen interest in the prosecution of the accused gave an impression as if the traditional martial pride of the Khakis – that nobody gets away with bashing up an Army officer ñ was at work. Gen Asif Nawaz had been the Corps Commander Karachi at that time who got promoted as the Army Chief in August 1991, right before the start of the military operation. A special court for suppression of terrorist activities (STA), led by Justice Rafiq Awan, began hearing of the Kaleemuddin kidnapping case in March 1993 and delivered judgment on June 9, 1994. The court had convicted Ashfaq Chief, Javed Kazmi and Haji Jalal and sentenced them to 30 years of rigorous imprisonment, besides imposing a fine of Rs 20,000 each under the Pakistan Penal Code, the Hudood Ordinance. All other accused, including Altaf Hussain, were declared absconders and sentenced to 27 years jail and a fine of Rs 30,000 each in absentia. Almost three years later, following the 1997 general elections and the subsequent decision by Altaf Hussain to join hands with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, all the convicted MQM leaders and activists challenged afresh their conviction and sentences before the Sindh High Court. Their appeal was heard by a division bench, which found the case as one ‘of almost no legal evidence’. Relying on the provisions of the Suppression of Terrorist Activities Act, 1976, the bench upheld on trial in absentia as well as the right of the absentee accused to file an appeal. Dealing with evidence, the bench observed that the eyewitnesses’ account did not inspire confidence and the evidence of the complainant was, in particular, full of contradictions.

The bench, comprising Justice Nizam Hussain Siddiqui and Justice Abdul Hameed, noted that it is difficult to believe, a group of 15 or 20 boys could disarm four trained soldiers. Therefore, all the accused were acquitted and three convicts serving their term were ordered to be released immediately. But it is interesting to point out that after AQ Halepota, one of the counsels for the MQM leaders, concluded his arguments before the court, the then-advocate-general Sindh Shaukat Zuberi submitted that numerous omissions and contradictions had been made during the trial of Major Kaleemuddin’s kidnapping and torture case and that he would not support the convictions of the accused by the STA court. The verdict came hardly a week after the then-prime minister Nawaz Sharif had travelled to London to meet Altaf Hussain. To recall, the MQM and the PML-N had been coalition partners at that time, before finally falling apart following the assassination of Hakim Mohammad Saeed in Karachi. Major Kaleemuddin had subsequently challenged the acquittal of the MQM leaders and activists by the Sindh High Court. But the petition was dismissed as withdrawn by the apex court on August 13, 2007, mainly due to non-prosecution, as neither the petitioner nor his counsel had turned up. REFERENCE: MQM Shifts Blame for 1992 Operation From Military to Nawaz Sharif By Amir Mir The News, Daily Jang September 02, 2009 - Also, see the Urdu Edition (You’d miss that on, once again bias Jang has removed content) Also, see the Urdu Edition:

Brigadier (R) Imtiaz Exposes Mehran Bank Scandal, IJI & Operation Cleanup 1992 Part 3


LAHORE: The present animosity between the Altaf-led MQM and the Sharif-led PML has more to do with the October 1998 murder of former Sindh governor Hakim Mohammad Said and the subsequent imposition of the Governorís Rule in the province by the then prime minister Nawaz Sharif, rather than the 1992 operation clean-up, following which the two parties had mended fences and joined hands to form coalition governments in Sindh and at the federal level. The MQM is swinging between the PML and the PPP since the restoration of democracy in Pakistan in 1988, by joining almost every ruling coalition in Sindh. Having joined hands with then prime minister Benazir Bhutto after the 1988 elections, the MQM walked out of the PPP-led coalition in Sindh and at the centre in 1989. After the 1990 elections, the MQM teamed up with the Sharif-led PML, but left the coalition in 1992. After the dismissal of the second Benazir government in November 1996 and the subsequent holding of the 1997 general elections, Nawaz Sharif and Altaf Hussain had again joined forces against their common rival PPP.

On February 21, 1997, the MQM leadership signed a power sharing accord with new prime minister Nawaz Sharif and joined the coalition government at the federal level and in Sindh. As per the accord, Nawaz Sharif had agreed to hold a judicial probe into the deaths of ìhundreds of MQM workers in police custody or fake encounters besides granting compensation to the families of the deceasedî. Interestingly, the PML-MQM did not mention the 1992 military operation, for which the MQM now blames the PML. The first major development that followed the PML-MQM reunion was the Sindh High Courtís February 1997 decision to acquit Altaf Hussain and his 18 co-accused in the kidnapping and torture case of Major Kaleemuddin of the Field Intelligence Unit (FIU) of the Pakistan Army. The acquittal only became possible after Advocate General Sindh Shaukat Zuberi had submitted before the court that numerous omissions and contradictions had been made during the trial and that he would not support the convictions of the accused by a special court for suppression of terrorist activities.

On April 1, 1997, the PML-MQM coalition government in Sindh announced the formation of a compensation committee to pay compensation to the members of the affected families and their legal heirs ìwho had suffered during the period October 1993 to November 1997î. Once again, there was no mention of the year 1992 when the infamous operation clean up was launched by the Pakistan Army in Sindh. This was despite the fact that the operation clean-up had started in the rural areas of Sindh on May 23, 1992 and in the urban areas of the province on June 19, 1992. The operation had cost the government over Rs 4 billion since 45,000 military and para-military troops of the Corps V were deployed in Sindh to assist the civil administration in restoring peace. As a follow up to the PML-MQM power sharing accord of February 21, 1997, the Sharif government subsequently paid a hefty amount of Rs 500 million from the federal kitty as compensation to the families of 711 MQM activists who had either been killed or left disabled. However, the London-based MQM leadership now claims that around 15,000 MQM workers and supporters had lost their lives in the aftermath of the 1992 operation clean up. Interestingly, the MQM workers were not the only ones to have been compensated by the then Sharif government. A sum of Rs 200 million was also distributed as compensation money amongst 634 bereaved families of the Army, Rangers and the Police Jawans who had lost their lives between May 1992 and April 1998 in ìanti-terrorist operationsî carried out in Sindh.

To the amazement of many, the families of those killed (MQM-A workers) and those who had been blamed for their deaths (law enforcement agencies) were paid an equal compensation amount of Rs 300,000 each by the Sharif government. While the widows and other dependents of the army, rangers and police Jawans were given compensation money because they had lost their lives ìfighting terrorismî, the family members of the MQM-A workers were compensated for their ìextra-judicial killings by the law enforcement agencies.î But the most astonishing aspect of the whole episode was that the army had claimed a head money reward of Rs 5 million from the Sindh government for killing 368 desperados during the 1992 operation clean-up, including several MQM-A activists whose families had to be paid compensation money eventually. The PML-MQM coalition went smooth afterwards for almost a year, before some serious differences erupted between the two partners, making the MQM to quit the federal and Sindh governments in August 1998. Yet on September 20, 1998, the MQM resumed support to the PML government at federal level and in Sindh, but without joining the cabinets. However, their alliance came to an abrupt end following the October 17, 1998 murder of the former Sindh governor Hakim Mohammad Said, who was allegedly assassinated by MQM activists in Karachi. The main accused in the murder case was Zulfiqar Haider, a serving MPA of the MQM from the Sindh Assembly. On October 28, 1998, ten days after the murder and having received the initial inquiry report from the authorities, Nawaz Sharif accused the MQM legislator and seven other party activists of involvement in the Hakim Said murder and set a three-day deadline for Altaf Hussain to handover the killers, including the MPA, failing which he threatened to call-off the PML-MQM alliance. On October 31, 1998, following the MQM leadershipís refusal to meet the deadline, the then prime minister Nawaz Sharif imposed federal rule in Sindh, which was followed by a massive crackdown by the security agencies against the MQM, which led to a fresh round of hostilities between the two political parties whose leadership is at daggers drawn against each other even today. REFERENCE: The real cause of MQM-PML hostility Thursday, September 03, 2009 By Amir Mir

Brigadier (R) Imtiaz Exposes Mehran Bank Scandal, IJI & Operation Cleanup 1992 Part 4


LAHORE, Dec 28: Adding fuel to the ongoing war of words between the Pakistan Muslim League-N and Muttahida Qaumi Movement, a leader of the former has taunted the latter saying it was the only party of the country not being led by a Pakistani. Speaking at a news conference here on Tuesday, PML-N MNA Khwaja Muhammad Asif said the MQM was the only political party whose chief was a foreigner — a reference to Altaf Husain`s British nationality. Khwaja said his party was ready to accept the challenge MQM chief Altaf Husain had thrown to its leadership for holding an open debate on some controversies and that the PML-N would facilitate arranging Pakistani visa for Mr Husain. The blame game between the two political parties started after PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif in his public address at Muzafarrabad on Sunday held the MQM responsible for the Karachi violence, saying: “100 people were targeted in revenge after the killing of Dr Imran Farooq in London.”

Mr Sharif also asked that why 50 people were killed in Karachi when Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry went there on May 12, 2007, disallowing Justice Chaudhry to leave the airport building and visit the city. In his counterattack, Mr Husain alleged Mr Sharif was a product of martial law and that he was ready to debate openly with the PML-N leader the May 12 killings and other issues. A senior PML-N leader, who requested not to be named, claimed while talking to Dawn his party high command had received credible reports that the MQM had been urging `non-political forces` to wrap up the present system, arguing that politicians were failing to run the country. The MQM, he added, was stressing the establishment should take reigns of the country into its own hands to steer it out of the crises it was in. Believing it would be his party`s turn to rule after the PPP`s tenure ended, Mr Sharif could not tolerate the “unconstitutional” and “apolitical” attitude of the Karachi-based party and, after consulting his colleagues, gave a strong message to all concerned through his Muzaffarabad speech, the PML-N leader said. To a query, he admitted the party could not take on board the PPP before launching a verbal assault against the MQM. However, he said that discussing the issue with other parliamentary groups was useless as the PML-Q and the JUI-F were already prepared to lend support to non-democratic forces, and the ANP was not making its position clear on the issue. He hoped Prime Minister Gilani would be approached for discussing the issue within a couple of days. All attempts to get MQM`s comments on the issue failed as its parliamentary leader in the National Assembly, Farooq Sattar, was not taking calls on his cell phone while Haider Abbas Rizvi`s phone was found switched off. REFERENCE: PML-N vs MQM: Khwaja Asif jibes at Altaf`s nationality By Amjad Mahmood | From the Newspaper December 29, 2010 

Brigadier Imtiaz with Talat Hussain in AAJ TV - 1 (2009)

Brigadier Imtiaz with Talat Hussain in AAJ TV - 2 (2009)

Brigadier Imtiaz with Talat Hussain in AAJ TV - 3 (2009)

KARACHI: The PML-N is considering legal action against the MQM parliamentarians involved in “bad-mouthing and using un-parliamentary language” against the PML-N leadership. Ahsan Iqbal, the information secretary of the PML-N, was critical of those political parties which, in spite of being part of the coalition government, were criticising it day in and day out. The PML-N and the Muttahida indulged in a mud-slinging bout on Wednesday, slandering each other’s top leadership. “If they are really sincere, they should leave the government and do politics based on principles,” Mr Iqbal said at a press conference on Saturday. He blamed the government and its coalition partners for the worsening law and order situation. Mr Iqbal also slammed the government for the massive increase in petroleum prices, calling for a reversal of the decision. He called for removal of ‘corrupt’ officials from financial institutions, saying that new appointments should be made through a parliamentary committee. He said the economy was on its knees because of corruption. The PML-N leader said unless the government stopped wastefulness, economy would not pick up, warning that poverty would spawn anarchy and civil war.He said had President Asif Zardari acted upon the advice of Mian Nawaz Sharif, the country would not have been in dire straits. He reiterated his party’s stance that it would not be a part of the “puppet show for a mere change of face”. “My party thinks that any change should be meaningful and decisive.” REFERENCE: PML-N hints at legal action against MQM From the Newspaper January 2, 2011 

Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan on Altaf Hussain & MQM.


Expressing his deep sorrow and grief over the causalities in Karachi during the ongoing rains, he said the development funds of Sindh were being sent to Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief in London as “extortion”. He said electricity theft of millions of rupees was being going on in Karachi under the patronage of the provincial government to benefit a few and depriving millions of the basic necessity. REFERENCE: Imran says APC will be result-oriented Staff Report Thursday, June 28, 2007 

Wasim Akhtar (MQM) Exposes Nawaz Sharif & PML - Nawaz.


JI chief Qazi Hussain Ahmed agreed with most of the points made by Mr Sharif and said that in order to make the struggle against the military rule meaningful, the conference should come up with some concrete decisions like forming a united front of all opposition political parties and formulating a well thought-out strategy on how to involve the people at large in this struggle. Qazi Hussain said the bar on the return of Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto to Pakistan should be violated and the two allowed back home. He described the MQM as a fascist party and demanded that it should be banned and asked the British government to withdraw the sanctuary that it had provided to Altaf Hussain who, he said, was conducting terrorist activities inside Pakistan sitting in London. REFERENCE: MPC vows to resist military rule: Fazl criticises chief justice By M. Ziauddin July 08, 2007 Sunday Jamadi-us-Sani 22, 1428 

MQM & PML-N showing their Ethics & Character (Live on Talk shows)


The declaration says that none of the participating parties will ever have any truck with the MQM and said it held General Musharaf, the governor of Sindh, the provincial government of Sindh, and the MQM responsible for the carnage carried out in Karachi on May 12 this year. It demanded an independent judicial inquiry by a judge of the Supreme Court to ascertain and identify the persons involved. The conference condemned recent acts of terrorism in the UK. It also resolved to write a joint memorandum to the government of UK for initiating necessary legal proceedings against Altaf Hussain for his alleged role in incidents of terrorism in Pakistan. The declaration also said: “We demand that the state stop with immediate effect the kidnapping of its citizens, and; “Release immediately all those kidnapped by or through the state. In case of any substantive offence, to charge them before a competent Court of jurisdiction, allowing a defence counsel of their choice and access to family members. “Release all political prisoners, including Javed Hashmi, Akhtar Mengal, Afaq Ahmad, Amir Khan, Allama Shabbir Hashmi, Mian Aslam and others. REFERENCE: MPC declaration asks Musharraf to resign: PPP’s stand accommodated By M. Ziauddin

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