Friday, December 2, 2011

Anti Pakistan Rasul Bux Rais VS Pakistan in Indian Media.

Fifth Columnist: a member of a clandestine subversive organization who tries to help a potential invader, a subversive group that supports the enemy and engages in espionage or sabotage; an enemy in your midst, someone who betrays his country by committing treason, First applied in 1936 to rebel sympathizers inside Madrid when four columns of rebel troops were attacking that city. Mr. Rasul Bux Rais (Professor of political science at LUMS, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan) has basically plead case against Pakistan, its Armed Forces and it's Prime Intelligence Agency in Indian Media and that too without even a proper enquiry and court proceedings, confirmed and authenticate the Baseless Allegations of a Person who is Rabidly Anti Pakistan i.e. Mansoor Ijaz, lets have a glimpse what the Supreme Court of Pakistan is saying on 02, Dec 2011 on the Alleged Memo and compare the thoughts of Mr. Rasul Bux Rais on an Indian Media and that too without any proofs. He should be booked for treason.

Mansoor Ijaz Venomous Tongue Against Pakistan Army & Islamists (Fox News 2007)

ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court after the initial hearing of the memogate petitions has issued its written order, Geo News reported. The Supreme Court has given 15 days for respondents to reply which included the president, federation, COAS, DG ISI and others. A commission has also been formed to gather evidence relating to the memogate scandal. Husain Haqqani Pakistan’s former Ambassador to the US has also been asked to cooperate with the investigation and has been barred from leaving the country without the court’s authorisation. It is stated that the apex court did not want to relate any negative thing to the former ambassador because he is respectable person. In the 10-page order it is stated that Interior Minister Rehman Malik had accepted text message and communication between Hussain Haqqani and the US citizen. The order further says that if the allegations leveled in the petitions are proved, action should be taken against those involved. According to the order, Attorney General said that he was not against the investigation into memogate scandal, however, they should wait for the results of the parliamentary committee. It also stated that the memo was delivered to Mike Mullen through James Jones and that both had confirmed its transcript. The issue is vital for the national security, sovereignty and integrity, it added. REFERENCE: SC issues written order in memogate case Text of SC order in memogate

Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry ILLEGALLY Favours Nawaz Sharif

Nawaz Shareef didn't Walk through Security Gates in Supreme Court

ISLAMABAD: Former Director-General of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Tariq Khosa has refused to head a one-man commission to investigate the memo scandal, DawnNews reported on Saturday. The commission was set up by the Supreme Court. Khosa, who has also served as inspector general of Balochistan police, is a brother of Justice Asif Saeed Khosa and Punjab Chief Secretary Nasir Khosa. Earlier, former law minister Babar Awan had questioned Khosa’s nomination at a press conference by saying that he was a brother of the Punjab chief secretary and a judge of the Supreme Court. But those who worked with Khosa called him an ‘upright’ man and a ‘clean’ government officer. The scandal erupted when US citizen of Pakistani origin, Mansoor Ijaz, accused Pakistan’s former ambassador to the United States, Husain Haqqani, of masterminding an alleged memo sent to a senior US military official asking for help to rein in the Pakistani military after the American raid that killed Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad in May. Haqqani denied the allegation and resigned from his position of ambassador in the wake of the controversy. REFERENCES: Tariq Khosa refuses to head commission on memogate December 3, 2011 •One-man commission named •PPP’s angry reaction •President, COAS, ISI chief to explain position: SC orders memogate inquiry, tells Haqqani not to go abroad December 2, 2011

Friday, December 02, 2011, Moharram-ul-Haram 06,1433 A.H. Updated at: 1815

Geo Report-SC issues order in memogate case (02 Dec 2011)

ISLAMABAD: In an interview with Charlie Rose on Bloomberg TV Thursday, Gen James Jones, who The News confirmed as the conduit between Mansoor Ijaz and Admiral Mike Mullen, said Ijaz was a mere acquaintance. This comes contrary to Ijaz’s claims in several interviews that Jones is a close friend of his. Responding to a question, Jones said “Pakistan is a country hell bent on self destruction” which refuses to listen to advice that might help it. Asked about the memo controversy, he said he had played a small part in it. Jones said Mansoor Ijaz is a “Pakistani American” who lives in Europe and remains involved in the affairs of Pakistan. He is an acquaintance and on May 10 asked Jones to deliver a letter to Mullen. Jones did not say that the letter was initiated by President Asif Ali Zardari or former ambassador Husain Haqqani. Asked if Ijaz was considered credible in the US National Security Council, Jones stopped at saying he was a mere acquaintance. REFERENCE: Pakistan bent on self destruction: James Jones

Friday, December 02, 2011, Moharram-ul-Haram 06,1433 A.H. Updated at: 1200

Geo Report - Pakistan Bent on Self Destruction (02 Dec 2011 )

Now note Mr. Rasul Bux Rais on an Indian News Channel where he is authenticating without any proof that Memo is Authentic.

Debate Fall guy in 'Memogate' - 1

Debate Fall guy in 'Memogate' - 2

In a debate moderated by TIMES NOW's Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami, panelists -- Mahroof Raza, Strategic Affairs Analyst; Sushant Sareen, Consultant, Pak Project, IDSA; Prof. Dr Rassol Bakhash Rais, Columnist & Defense Analyst and Lt. Gen. Hamid Nawaz, Former Interior Minister, Pakistan -- discuss Haqqani getting marching orders in Memogate controversy and if Pakistan's 'memogate' thoroughly exposed the fragile foundation of its so called democracy. Pakistan's ambassador to the US Husain Haqqani was today (Nov 22) forced out of office over his suspected role in a secret memo seeking American help to prevent a possible coup in Pakistan, which had angered the powerful army. Summoned home 3 days back, Haqqani was asked by PM Yousuf Raza Gilani to quit when the envoy met the country's top civilian and military leadership to explain his position on what the media is describing as the "Memogate" controversy. The ouster of Haqqani, 55, considered close to President Asif Ali Zardari indicated that in the tussle between the civilian govt and the armed forces over the confidential memorandum, it is the latter that prevailed. The meeting was attended by President Asif Ali Zardari, army chief Gen Ashfaq Kayani and Inter-Services Intelligence chief Lt Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha. Gilani directed authorities to conduct a "detailed investigation at an appropriate level" and asked Haqqani to "submit his resignation so that the investigation can be carried out properly", said a spokesman for the PM's House. The spokesman for the PM's House said "all concerned would be afforded sufficient and fair opportunity to present their views and the investigation shall be carried out fairly, objectively and without bias". Reports have said that the powerful military has been pressuring the civilian govt to remove Haqqani since Pakistani-American businessman Mansoor Ijaz claimed he had drafted and delivered the memo to former US military chief Admiral Mike Mullen in May on the instructions of the envoy. Haqqani had dismissed Ijaz's claims and said he was considering legal action against the businessman. The memo made public by Ijaz said the Pak govt had sought US help to stave off a military coup in the wake of the American raid that killed Osama bin Laden in the garrison town of Abbottabad on May 2. The memo further said the govt would revamp Pak's national security set-up by removing elements with links to militants. REFERENCE: Debate: Fall guy in 'Memogate'?-1 Debate: Fall guy in 'Memogate'?-2

Mr. Rasul Bux Rais (Professor of political science at LUMS) has basically pleaded case against Pakistan, its Armed Forces and it's Prime Intelligence Agency in Indian Media and that too without even a proper enquiry and court proceedings and confirmed and authenticated the Baseless Allegations of a Person who is Rabidly Anti Pakistan i.e. Mansoor Ijaz, lets have a glimpse what are the thoughts of Mansoor Ijaz and his cohorts about Pakistan.

Mansoor Ijaz is against Pakistan Nuclear Deterrence. (Fox News 2007)

A deeply disturbing picture of terrorist intent has emerged in recent weeks as blueprints for building nuclear weapons have been discovered in the wreckage of abandoned Al Qaeda safe houses. These blueprints and other documents, while largely available in the public domain, sharpen the need for a vigorous American policy to deal with unsecured nuclear, chemical and biological materials. Even if terrorist manufacture of nuclear bombs is unlikely, substantial dangers remain of terrorists using radioactive material in low-tech "dirty" bombs. The main nuclear security problem posed by Al Qaeda today is access to radioactive materials in Pakistan. However, for a decade we have focused on the former Soviet Union. Since the end of the cold war, approximately 175 incidents of smuggling or attempted theft of nuclear materials there have been thwarted. But the threat remains, as the Russian Defense Ministry reported on Nov. 6, when the last attempt at theft was made. For Russia, a sensible solution is available — the Nunn-Lugar "cooperative threat reduction" program to improve the security of Russia's nuclear materials, technology and expertise. This week, the House Republican leadership will decide whether to finance the next phase. The program is only 40 percent complete; finishing it will take another quarter of a century at the current rate of funding. It is past time to fully implement and finance this important legislation. The Nunn-Lugar initiative can serve as a valuable precedent in addressing security problems in Pakistan. Neither Pakistan nor India has signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty or the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. Nor has either country engaged in negotiations, under the auspices of the United Nations Conference on Disarmament, to protect against theft of fissile materials. This reluctance in India and Pakistan to recognize international norms, however, should not alter our resolve to improve the security of nuclear materials in South Asia. While Islamabad is widely believed to have the material for 25 to 40 medium-yield bombs, most of its nuclear devices are kept in component parts, not as assembled warheads. The storage procedures, quite elaborate prior to Sept. 11, were altered again on Oct. 7 when the American bombing of Afghanistan began. Separately stored uranium and plutonium cores and their detonation assemblies were moved to six new secret locations around the country.

The new storage patterns were designed to allow for rapid assembly and deployment, but attackers will nonetheless find it much more difficult to confiscate Pakistan's nuclear weapons. Even if Al Qaeda obtained radioactive materials from a sympathizer at one of Pakistan's plants for making weapons-grade nuclear materials, as some reports have suggested, the material would still have to be shaped into a fissionable core with detonation switches and delivery housings. Such a complex effort would be difficult to carry out in an Afghan cave. But we can hardly count on terrorists always being under bombardment in caves. Pakistan's nuclear command hierarchy, overhauled in 2000, was also revamped on Oct. 7 in the wake of a broad military-intelligence shake-up. Pakistan's president and army chief, Pervez Musharraf, created the strategic planning division and appointed a moderate general, Khalid Kidwai, to oversee Pakistani nuclear assets.

Self-policing, however, is not enough. Since 1990, American sanctions have blocked sale or transfer of any technology that might have a military use — including technologies that would improve nuclear security. American export license controls — and, where necessary, Non-Proliferation Treaty and Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty compliance rules preventing United States exports — should be waived to transfer the technology needed to protect Pakistan's nuclear arsenals and materials from unauthorized use. The Bush administration should make available American vaults, sensors, alarms, tamper-proof seals, closed-circuit cameras and labels to identify, track and secure Islamabad's nuclear materials. Such precautions would dramatically reduce the probability that even the most devoted bin Laden supporter inside a Pakistani nuclear enrichment facility would get very far in trying to deliver stolen uranium or plutonium to terrorists. There is a real risk that Pakistan's fanatics might collaborate with Al Qaeda; the plans, recently discovered in Kabul, for a helium balloon armed with anthrax have been attributed to a Pakistani nuclear scientist turned Taliban philanthropist. But the risk is manageable if we can help the Musharraf government focus on this threat, as Russia has done in the Nunn-Lugar cooperative threat reduction program. Unless we follow such a course, we face the very real possibility of terrorist militias obtaining not just blueprints but the materials to fashion and detonate weapons of mass destruction. We also risk sharpening the debate in Pakistani military and political circles about whether its nuclear expertise should be shared with other Muslim countries. It is hard to think of two developments that are less in our interest. Mansoor Ijaz, a nuclear scientist, is chairman of Crescent Investment Management in New York; his father was an early pioneer in Pakistan's nuclear program. R. James Woolsey, an attorney, was director of central intelligence from 1993 to 1995. REFERENCE: How Secure Is Pakistan's Plutonium? By MANSOOR IJAZ and R. JAMES WOOLSEY Published: November 28, 2001

Mansoor Ijaz Poisonous Propaganda Against Pakistan Army (FOX NEWS May 2011)

The Margalla Hills offer breathtaking vistas of Pakistan's federal capital, Islamabad. On a clear day, picnic-goers can see from historic Faisal Mosque to Rawalpindi, home of Pakistan's military nerve center. One day soon, however, this national park's densely forested hills could also provide perfect cover for Taliban fighters to rain down rocket-propelled grenades and shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles on Islamabad itself. The Taliban's bid to seize control of Pakistan is now clearly mapped out after its forces this week overtook Buner district, home to about a million Pakistanis just 70 miles from the capital. Top US military official Mike Mullen is in Islamabad for emergency meetings, and Pakistan has sent in troops to restore order. But the damage from earlier appeasement is done. As one politician from Buner told The New York Times, "We felt stronger as long as we thought the government was with us, but when the government showed weakness, we stopped offering resistance to the Taliban." Many Tajik followers of Al Qaeda occupying Buner will now surely join forces with the Taliban to beef up their next wave of attacks. Altogether, the Taliban may soon control nearly 1,000 square miles of safe territory within Pakistani borders.

The failure of Pakistani political leadership to stem the Taliban's tide now brings Washington's 3 a.m. wake-up call – nuclear weapons in the hands of extremists – closer than ever to becoming reality. The United States has given its allies in Islamabad political and financial assistance in every way possible for far too long with too few meaningful constraints, only to watch Pakistan destroy itself. In eight short months since coming to office, President Asif Ali Zardari has managed to cede large parcels of Pakistan's land to the Taliban; to release Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, the most dangerous nuclear proliferator in history; to permit the flogging of a 17-year-old girl whose wails are now etched in the world's memory as the image of modern-day Pakistani jurisprudence; and to allow publicly funded gatherings of Pakistan's equivalent of the Ku Klux Klan in Punjab government buildings. Surely this was not the Pakistan his slain wife, Benazir Bhutto, would have ever tolerated presiding over as a democratically elected leader. Pakistan's politicians have lost all sense of duty to their constituents. Unchecked power appears to be their only objective, not providing vital services or protecting inalienable citizen and human rights. Decisions appear to be about self-preservation, not preservation of the state. Every move seems to be tactical, designed to keep a seat at the table, not to strategically ensure that the table still stands. Where is the blueprint for a stable, prosperous Pakistan that reflects its founder's vision for a secular, moderate Muslim nation? Ironically, Mr. Zardari's failed leadership is rooted in the admirable commitment by Pakistan's current Army chief, Gen. Ashfaq Kayani, to keep the military out of politics. General Kayani's importance to Pakistani stability was underscored recently when he settled the tempest over the reinstatement of Pakistan's former chief justice without a bullet being fired. But today, Kayani's deference to the undisciplined and self-serving political elites in Islamabad is bringing his country to the brink of failure. His time, and that of his country, is running out. Kayani retires in 15 months. The mutual distrust between him and Zardari over the military's role in Pakistan's affairs has compelled the insecure president to start looking at wholesale replacements in the senior ranks in order to insure the Army watches his back. If he serves a full term, until 2013, Zardari will have had to, by law, replace all 33 of the lieutenant generals serving in the 10 Corps Commands of the Pakistan Army. Unfortunately, by the time Zardari has taken full control of the Army by populating it with loyalists, the Taliban's Tajik, Uzbek, and Chechen rebels could be sipping tea at the president's house. Pakistan needs a radical plan to turn back the Taliban. Zardari, Kayani, and former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif should convene a meeting outside Pakistan before Zardari and his Afghan counterpart, President Hamid Karzai, go to the United States in May, preferably in a Muslim country so as to not give the overt appearance of American interference. They should develop a plan to combat what US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton yesterday termed an "existential threat." An American observer (Secretary Clinton or US national security adviser Gen. James Jones, for example) should be secretly invited to attend. No one leaves the room until they all agree on a plan. At the outset, the American observer should frame an important component of the three-way discussion: the terms and conditions of continued US aid to Pakistan. It would be made clear that US taxpayers won't pay for Zardari to cede more Pakistani territory to the Taliban, nor will Mr. Sharif be allowed to offer political cover for Saudi Arabia's clerics to launder petro-dollars through Pakistan's hate-preaching madrasas.

The plan should have the following attributes:

•The Taliban are redefined as the foreign fighters (Tajik, Uzbek, Chechen, Afghan, etc.) they are rather than as Pakistani madrasa students waging jihad against American infidels and other assorted imaginary villains.

•Zardari (from the far left) and Sharif (from the far right) jointly declare all-out war on Taliban mercenaries, giving Kayani the political cover he needs to act within Pakistan's borders. The joint political declaration allows Kayani to appear to be taking direction from the country's political leaders without interjecting the Army into its politics. The objective of the declaration would be to retake Buner, Swat Valley, and any other areas that have fallen under Taliban control, and to reverse implementation of sharia law anywhere in Pakistan it has been applied.

•Kayani would prepare a comprehensive eradication plan for targeting Taliban strongholds, but now with American agreement to add a distinct advantage: US military equipment – lots of US military equipment. This could include night vision goggles, signals intelligence technology, and predator drones – in short, everything Pakistan's military would need to fight the ground war as if America and her allies were there conducting the campaign.

•To reassure Pakistan's neighbors, Washington would grant access to this technology only on condition that nothing be given to Islamabad that could be used against India or Afghanistan. In the first instance where that was determined to be the case, all military assistance would cease.

•The dollar value of assistance would soar to cold war levels. If America is prepared to spend $100 billion to bail out bankrupt auto companies, spending $5 to 10 billion is a small price to pay for ensuring that Pakistan's nuclear materials don't fall into Taliban hands.

•US civil aid would also be increased dramatically and targeted much more specifically. Such aid could help promote secular schools in place of Saudi-sponsored extremist academies. It could also provide social services to disenfranchised Pakistani citizens. These steps would improve baseline conditions and thus renew trust between Pakistan's government and its people.

This plan, once set, would then be ratified by Pakistan's National Security Council and Army corps commanders, and implemented. If no plan is agreed upon, America walks out and previews its contingency plan for securing Pakistan's nuclear weapons on the front page of The New York Times. Pakistan stands on the brink of systemic failure. Urgent action is needed, and a few good men and women still have the capacity to pull this nuclear-armed, increasingly intolerant nation away from inevitable failure if they act now. REFERENCE: A rescue plan for Pakistan Without bold, urgent action, the country – and its nuclear weapons – could fall to the Taliban. By Mansoor Ijaz / April 24, 2009 Mansoor Ijaz, an American of Pakistani descent, is a venture capitalist and financier.

Mansoor Ijaz is Imran Khan's Friend.

Ijaz is the same person who called for declaring the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) a terrorist organisation, Haqqani was quoted as telling the president. A few days later, the same person then reportedly met the head of ISI Lt. General Ahmed Shuja Pasha, Haqqani reportedly added. “What does this indicate?” he was quoted as rhetorically asking the president. Haqqani, sources added, also referred to a statement of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chief Imran Khan on October 30, where he was implicated in the scandal for the first time. “I was summoned on November 15 … how could Imran know about it on October 30,” Haqqani was quoted as saying. REFERENCE: Memogate: Adamant ambassador set to face troika By Kamran Yousaf Published: November 21, 2011

Credibility of Mansoor Ijaz: He is being quoted and authenticated by Rasul Bux Rais, Mohammad Malick, Kamran Khan, Shaheen Sehbai, Ansar Abbasi, GEO TV/Jang Group of Newspapers/The News International and Imran Khan as if Mansoor's Memo is a Holy Scroll


Who is Mansoor Ijaz, the Pakistani-American businessman at the center of this twisted tale? Born to a family of Pakistani immigrants in Tallahassee, Florida, Ijaz grew up in rural Virginia, the son of two college teachers. After getting an undergraduate degree in nuclear physics from the University of Virginia and an MA in engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in the early 1990s Ijaz founded Crescent Investment Management, a New York investment firm. Crescent was politically well-connected. Ijaz's partner in the firm was retired Air Force Lt. General James Alan Abrahamson, who played an instrumental role in President Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative ("Star Wars"). Another Washington heavyweight, the former CIA director R. James Woolsey, was chairman of the board of Ijaz's publicly listed company, Crescent Technology Ventures PLC, based in London. In the mid-'90s, Ijaz gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Democratic Party, and hobnobbed with the Clintons at fund raising events. In 2003, journalist Richard Miniter, in a book titled "Losing Bin Laden: How Bill Clinton's Failures Unleashed Global Terror", relied on Ijaz as the principal source for the key part of his thesis, which concerned the five years Osama bin Laden spent in Sudan in the early and mid- 1990s. Miniter described multiple attempts Ijaz made between August 1996 and 1998 to interest the Clinton administration in improving relations with Sudan, as well as Sudanese offers to hand over intelligence on al Qaeda. In his account to Miniter and in later writings, Ijaz claimed to have helped draft a proposal for Sudan to provide intelligence on al Qaeda to the Clinton administration, and that Sudan had offered to arrest bin Laden. Clinton administration officials did not take Ijaz up on any of his offers to help because they viewed him as "a Walter Mitty living out a personal fantasy," according to Miniter. And the 9/11 Commission, which interviewed Ijaz, concluded that were was no "credible evidence" that the Sudanese had made any offer to hand over bin Laden. In a 2004 interview with Fox News about Iraq, Ijaz, in his then-capacity as a foreign affairs analyst for the network, made another sensational claim: Chemical warheads were being smuggled into Iraq for a potentially catastrophic attack against American troops. And to top it off, Ijaz strongly suggested that the whole plan was given the green light by hardline Iranian mullahs. The story had everything to attract attention -- Mad mullahs! WMD on the loose in Iraq! (At last!) And the threat of thousands of potential American casualties. Ijaz now concedes, "This was an erroneous report based on information I had received from a former intelligence official on the ground in Iraq. I did not second source this story." Ijaz also told CNN, "I have written over 170 op-ed columns, appeared over 200 times on television and have not once had a word of what I said retracted due to factual errors." (Ijaz has written one op-ed for Ijaz told Fox in 2003 that "eyewitness sources" placed Osama bin Laden and his deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, in Iran. Asked by host Brit Hume about the sourcing of the story, Ijaz responded, "I can just tell you that the source is unimpeachable. It is from inside Iran. These are eyewitness accounts." There was, of course, nothing to this story. Ijaz now says, "At the time I made it, I believed the source who had given the data to me." Described as a "U.S. nuclear proliferation and terrorism expert," Ijaz told the Gulf News newspaper in 2006 that Iran not only had a nuclear bomb, it was seeking to "duplicate them in large numbers before revealing their existence to the world." Five years later, Iran still does not have a nuclear weapon, but Ijaz asserted to CNN, "They had in my view then, and it remains my view now, at least one nuclear weapon stored in component parts." In August 2003 Ijaz told the British newspaper The Guardian that he had learned that the Bush administration had brokered a deal with Pakistan's dictator, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, not to capture or kill bin Laden so as not to cause unrest in the Muslim world. Ijaz told The Guardian "There was a judgment made that it would be more destabilizing in the longer term (if bin Laden were captured or killed). There would still be the ability to get (bin Laden) at a later date when it was more appropriate." Ijaz provided no evidence for this claim, and the idea that the Bush administration would do a deal to let bin Laden go free is ludicrous on its face. Ijaz told CNN "I stand by my comments, taken in full context, throughout that article." REFERENCE: What's behind the furor in Pakistan? By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst, and Andrew Lebovich, Special to CNN November 25, 2011 -- Updated 1216 GMT (2016 HKT)


1 comment:

  1. How on earth do you do it Mr. Khan? My better half would kill me if I spent so much time on the net even collecting all the material that you do. In fact I have to slip out of bed in the dead of night to even read all that you post.
    All I can do is to thank you for posting material from so many different sources for those like me who are in peril. Your write-ups too are very good. Please keep it up. For whatever its worth please also visit my blog ( )for I seem to share with you opinion on our dry-cleaned Chief Justice.
