Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Azam Khan Swati & Imran Khan Revolution.

KARACHI: The Imran Khan wave, which the cricketer-turned-politician prefers to call ‘tsunami’, reached Karachi on Sunday with a large turnout at a Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaaf (PTI) meeting which surprised many political analysts, some of whom termed it one of the largest rallies recently held in the city. Imran Khan was accompanied on the dais by the new entrant to his party, the firebrand Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) heavyweight Javed Hashmi who had left his party on Saturday to join the PTI bandwagon and former PPP foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi. In his speech, PTI chief Imran Khan dropped a bombshell by announcing that senior PPP leader and another former foreign minister, Sardar Assef Ahmed, had called him earlier in the day to confirm that he was joining his party. - The News - KARACHI: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Pakistan member Azam Swati Sunday said the name of President Asif Ali Zardari be placed on Exit Control List (ECL), Geo News reported. Addressing the rally of PTI near Mazar-e-Quaid, Azam Swat who has recently joined PTI said the present regime has destroyed all the state-run organizations like Railways, PIA, Pakistan Steel. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s new entrant Azam Khan Swati said on Saturday Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani had criticised the Pakistan Army in his speech in parliament to show America that he was “faithful” to them. “His words echo that of the controversial memo,” he said while speaking at a press conference at the Karachi Press Club. He said he had requested the Supreme Court to include the president’s and the former American ambassador’s names in the Exit Control List. “He [Gilani] forgot the Hajj scandal, mega thefts in rental power projects, plundering of the Pakistan Railways and Pakistan International Airlines, and irregularities in the Pakistan Steel Mills. He only remembered Osama bin Laden for his American masters.” Pakistan’s rulers had completely destroyed the country’s economy, he added. “Eighty billion rupees have been lost to corruption and advertising of the Vaseela-e-Rozgar Scheme. No audit has so far been done.” Swati said the PTI’s public rally of December 25 would be the “beginning” of a new and better Pakistan. He claimed that 100,000 people from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa alone would attend the rally. REFERENCE: Place President Zardari's name on ECL: Swati  ‘Tsunami’ sweeps Karachi December 26, 2011  Swati criticises Gilani’s speech our correspondent Sunday, December 25, 2011 

Azam Swati & Million US Dollars - 1 (KYUN - Duniya News 6-2-12)

Azam Swati & Million US Dollars - 2 (KYUN - Duniya News 6-2-12)

Azam Swati & Million US Dollars - 3 (KYUN - Duniya News 6-2-12)

PTI Chairman Imran Khan Exposed by Journalist Saleem Safi

ISLAMABAD: After welcoming many NAB-tainted individuals into the party, the Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) chief has now warmly accepted Sardar Assef Ahmad Ali, former education minister who was the key man standing between fake degree holders and Abid Sher Ali, chairman NA standing committee on education. As Imran Khan proudly announced Sunday night in Karachi taking yet another wicket, that of Sardar Assef, it left many surprised as the new entrant is also a relic of the rotten system. With ‘electables’ joining the PTI in quick succession the slogan of change is coming under critical scrutiny. The News has already reported that a NAB-tainted former police chief, Malik Naveed Ahmad, has also joined Imran’s team. PTI’s scrutiny committee head for Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, Rustam Shah Mehmand, facilitated his entrance as both are brothers-in-law, though with entirely opposite reputation as bureaucrats. As for Assef Ahmad Ali, he made headlines as cabinet minister of Yusuf Raza Gilani, mostly for the wrong reasons. As education minister, Assef first emerged as a villain in the Farah Dogar scam and later on the issue of fake degree holder lawmakers. In Farah Dogar case where she was given extra 20 marks illegally to enable her to get admission in a medical college, Assef had strongly opposed its investigation when Abid Sher Ali ordered a probe into the matter. So much so he said since the case involved the daughter of the then sitting Chief Justice, it shouldn’t be discussed, let alone probed. Finally, the issue was thrown into the cold storage and Farah Dogar continues to be in medical college, courtesy Assef. Assef again emerged as the stumbling block when Abid took up the issue of fake degrees of lawmakers. He also bullied the chairman Higher Education Commission (HEC), Javed Leghari, into submission and pressured the government for his removal. The PPP government also arrested Leghari’s brother. Not only this, media reports at that time also indicated that Assef wrote to the Punjab University directing it not to comply with the HEC directives for verification of degrees. The fake degree case has also been swept under the carpet, again courtesy Assef. The HEC was sent the record of some 500 lawmakers and 70 of them had fake degrees but no action was taken against them. Again, Assef was instrumental in handing over the control of National University of Modern Languages (NUML) to the army chief as its chairman board of governors. Before assuming the portfolio of education, Assef was made deputy chairman of planning commission where his performance was pretty ordinary. He failed in his main task of reforming the Public Sector Development Programme, and was later shifted to education ministry. REFERENCE: PTI embraces another ‘relic of the past’ Umar Cheema Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Azam Khan Swati (PTI) Exposing Sardar Aseff Ahmad Ali (PTI)

ISLAMABAD: A multi-million dollar impending purchase of an old ship purportedly at an “inflated price of millions” for the Ministry of Science and Technology created ugly scenes in the federal cabinet meeting on Wednesday when three ministers blamed one another for the scam. High-profile sources confirmed to The News that Minister for Science and Technology Azam Swati and Minister for Ports and Shipping Babar Ghauri accused Deputy Chairman Planning Commission Sardar Assef Ahmed Ali of pressurising them to buy an old ship at an inflated price of millions, which otherwise was available at a much cheaper price. Swati and Ghauri blasted Sardar Assef in his absence in the meeting. Prime Minister Gilani has now summoned the deputy chairman to explain his position about the alleged scam that jolted the cabinet. Talking to The News, Sardar Assef Ahmed Ali strongly rejected allegations levelled against him in the federal cabinet meeting. The details, which he shared with this correspondent, give a totally new picture to the subject. He lambasted Azam Swati for pointing finger at him, arguing how he could be singled out in the matter that had nothing to do with him or his Planning Division. He said that a three-member technical committee of science and technology was scheduled to visit some foreign country to buy an old ship. This committee was constituted by the Ministry of Science and Technology itself. But all of sudden, Sardar Assef said, Swati cancelled the tour of the committee and instead he went to Dubai on a personal visit and inspected the ship along with his Egyptian technical friend. Sardar Assef said he had nothing to do with the buying of this ship, which was a project of the Ministry of Science and Technology. But the Planning Division came into the picture when it came to the Central Development Working Party (CDWP) for approval. It was approved by the CDWP. He said there was a task force on maritime affairs in the Planning Division that raised some objections after going through the whole process, which was violated by the minister himself by visiting Dubai to inspect the ship at night. The minister, the secretary and the Planning Division were not authorised to give approval to this purchase unless cleared by the technical committee. Sardar Assef accused the JUI minister of trying to settle scores with him because of his ìfrequent criticism on JUI policiesî. The cabinet sources said when the meeting started, Azam Swati revealed that he was facing pressure from Sardar Assef Ahmed Ali to buy a specific ship meant for gathering scientific data. He claimed that Assef was so keen to buy this old ship that he had even told him if the approval in this regard was not given in line with his personal wishes, neither would he approve any of their development projects which come to the Planning and Development Division nor would he let a single penny be released. The sources said upon this, Babar Ghauri, too, shared the views of Azam Swati but did not name Sardar Assef Ahmed Ali. Ghauri told the meeting that he, too, was under pressure from the deputy chairman to let him buy a particular ship for the Institute of Oceanology. Sources said Swati went a step ahead and directly accused Assef of involvement in the scam. He told the cabinet that this old ship was proposed to be purchased from Dubai at a price of Rs 500 million, which otherwise was available for a few million rupees. Source said upon hearing these serious allegations against Assef Ahmed Ali, Gilani asked the secretary cabinet to contact the deputy chairman and ask him to hold a meeting with him on this serious issue. When asked why Babur Ghauri talked against him in the cabinet, Sardar Assef replied that actually he, too, wanted him to give approval of a project of $500 million at the Karachi port areas that was not feasible. He said he had raised objections over certain projects, which the Ministry of Ports and Shipping was planning to execute without consulting the concerned agencies. He said even the naval chief who was adviser to the PM on such important issues was not consulted before undertaking some strategically important projects which in the long run might harm the citizens of Karachi. “My job is to raise objections over the faulty projects in the ministries as the Deputy Chairman Planning Division and would continue to do my duty irrespective of these laughable charges against me,” Sardar Assef said. All efforts to contact Azam Swati and Babar Ghauri went futile as their cell phones were switched off. However, SMS were left for them. The telephones at their official residences went unanswered. These columns, however, would be available to present their version. REFERENCE: One ship, three ministers, a dirty fight! By Rauf Klasra Thursday, May 21, 2009 Assef accuses Ghauri of forcing an unviable $500m project; Swati blames Assef for forcing him to buy a ship for Rs 500m

Monday, December 26, 2011, Moharram-ul-Haram 30, 1433 A.H.

Please keep in mind the Quranic and Hadith Commandments in view of Musical Gathering and Mix Gatherings of Men and Women in Imran Khan's "Alleged Islamic Welfare Political Processions" and also keep in mind that Mr. Ansar Abbasi have written that Imran Khan and obviously Practising God Fearing Muslims with no tilt towards vice and that also include Gambling.

 Monday, November 07, 2011, Zil Hajj 10, 1432 A.H.

Imran Khan is on the march. As I reported yesterday, 15 years after entering politics he believes his time has come. At a rally in Karachi – far from his political heartland – he attracted at least 100,000 noisy supporters on Sunday. With elections expected towards the end of 2012 his Tehreek-e-Insaf (Movement for Justice) party is likely to make a breakthrough. While it might not deliver Imran to prime minister's house it will almost certainly herald his arrival as a major player in Pakistan's politics after a decade and a half in the wilderness. But just how close he came to being defeated before he'd even started is spelled out in his book, Pakistan, published earlier this year. It records the extraordinary way in which he saved his party from bankruptcy after elections in 2002 emptied his war chest. And it could yet come back to haunt him. I cleared our last debts in an unusual way; I was with my family in England, and my brother-in-law, Ben Goldsmith, kept asking me about what would happen in an England versus South Africa test match. I discovered his interest came from his 'spread-betting' on the game. I decided to watch the match, and learned he'd already lost about £10,000 on the game, so I told him that in order to give him tips I would have to watch the match, and that every pound he made after recovering the £10,000 he'd lost would go towards clearing my party's debt. I have never gambled in my life and have never understood it's attraction, but for the sake of clearing my party's debts I watched the rest of the test match with Ben for the next two days, telling him what to do and when. Not only did he clear his debt, but we made enough money to clear my party's debt as well. At one point the bookie asked, "Mr Goldsmith, you don't happen to be sitting with your brother-in-law do you?" Not only is gambling frowned upon by Islam and illegal in Pakistan where cricket stars have been linked to betting scams, but Imran's campaign finances have been pored over by rivals in the past and used in ugly attempts to smear the former cricket captain. There is nothing to suggest he has done anything wrong this time around. That won't stop his nervous opponents questioning whether Imran is quite the good Muslim he appears to be. REFERENCE: How betting on cricket saved Imran Khan's political dream By Rob Crilly World Last updated: December 27th, 2011

EX PTI Leader Meraj Muhammad Khan on Imran Khan General Musharraf Alliance.

Way Back in 2003

KARACHI: The leader of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), Mairaj Muhammad Khan, has resigned from the office of Secretary-General and as member of Central Executive Committee in protest against the attitude of party chief Imran Khan who, he says, is managing party affairs through his non-political friends. Mairaj announced his resignation at a Press conference on Friday at the Karachi Press Club. He said after working for over five years with Imran Khan, he had come to the conclusion that the party chief and some of his "non-political" colleagues wishing to build and run the party affairs beyond the realm of experience and comprehension of the Secretary-General. He said it was tragedy that Imran failed to build a party that could lead the people in the struggle to change the oppressive system while the great goals and objectives could only be achieved by great struggle and sacrifices through a strong and organised set-up. The PTI leader said that unfortunately those at the helm of affairs did not share a common vision and many of them were devoid of all conviction and commitment and were not interested even in rendering the slightest sacrifice. He said that the Imran and his friends knew that they would lose their monopoly and control over the party if it developed into a real democratic force as then genuine political workers would join the PTI. He alleged that these elements were creating factionalism, disunity, and lack of discipline in the organisation, and didn't refrain from facilitating the entry of dubious characters, and even criminals into the party, so as to render it ineffective. Mairaj said that the party could have trained and created excellent leaders and workers but there was no collective leadership, no political direction, no political activity or struggle, or enforcement of decisions and accountability. The rank and file, therefore, became disillusioned and the party was gradually reduced to a 'fan club'. He said that the party chief nominated his friends as chief organisers and chief campaign managers who were not really interested in building the party image and made no serious preparations for the local bodies polls or general elections. Mairaj pointed out that the basic strategy and efforts of these elements were to seek government support to reach the corridors of power. He pointed out they gave the analysis that as Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif were out in the wilderness, the PTI, was the best choice of the military regime, which would then be forced to send strong "constituency candidates" to contest the elections on behalf of the PTI. He said that the party chief and his friends supported the referendum of Gen Musharraf to achieve this task which had no moral, legal, or political justification, and which lowered the standing in the democratic circles and completely alienated the party from the masses. He said the public meetings in Lahore and Rawalpindi, and the strategy for both the local and general elections also flopped. According to him, the "miracle" they expected did not take place and when it become clear that the government was in fact patronising the PML-Q, Imran strongly rejected the strategy of 'collaboration' and started attacking the Chaudhury's of Gujrat. It was, however, already too late, Mairaj said, adding, "cricket is by chance but politics certainly is not." He said during the last many years the country had been in the grip of severe inflation, unemployment, "honour" killings, ethnic and sectarian violence, and terrorism. He said the 1973 Constitution had been violated by the LFO and the supremacy of parliament itself had been undermined but the party did nothing to protest, demonstrate, and mobilise the masses on these burning issues. He said that the duality, lack of discipline, and disorder had paralysed the party and party was working as a commercial or social welfare organisation. Mairaj advised Imran that a political party could not lead the people if it was being run through personal friends, retired civil and military officials, and professional managers, like a pressure group or an NGO. He said that Imran was the hero of the World Cup for the people but they did, not accept him as a deliverer (Nijaat Dahanda) or the political leader. He pointed out that for the present, there was no elected organ in the party other than the central office-bearers while all other elected provincial organisations had been unnecessarily dissolved which created a leadership crisis. He said the ambiguity and lack of clarity in the policies had created confusion within the party, whether it was an Islamic democratic, social-democratic party or a Left-wing, Right-wing, or Centrist party. Mairaj said that Imran and he jointly finalised the names for the Central Executive Committee last month but Imran subsequently violated and announced that all those invited to the meeting on April 6 in Islamabad, would become members of the CEC, for six months. He said being Secretary-General of the party, he disagreed on this step of the party chief and decided to resign from the CEC and SG posts. REFERENCE: Mairaj resigns from post of PTI secretary-general
By our correspondent

PTI Leader Azam Swati & Zardari Hate Osama Bin Laden (Capital Talk - GEO TV)

Khurshid Kashur was Foreign Minister under General Pervez Musharraf when Aafia Siddiqui was handed over to the USA - KARACHI: The Sindh Home Department has alleged Military Intelligence (MI) detained Dr Aafia Siddiqui in 2003 and then handed her over to United States-based agencies, Daily Times learnt on Thursday. Dr Siddiqui is under trial in New York, accused of Al Qaeda involvement and attempting to kill FBI agents while detained in Afghanistan. Sources close to the matter claimed the Interior Ministry asked the provincial home departments for detailed reports on missing persons a couple of weeks ago, and that the list prepared by the Sindh Home Department included Dr Siddiqui and her three children, Maryam, Ahmed and Suleman. The report confirmed MI detained Dr Siddiqui and her three children in Gulshan-e-Iqbal on March 30, 2003, later handing her over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The FBI declared the arrests of Siddiqui and her teenage son Muhammad Ahmed, while her other two children, Maryam and Suleman, remain missing. Dr Fauzia, Siddiqui’s younger sister, declined to comment when asked about the missing children. Dr Siddiqui’s mother, Ismat, told Daily Times that she did not know who detained her daughter but said she was told an officer from the law enforcement or intelligence agency admitted he arrested Dr Siddiqui. After Dr Siddiqui’s arrest, FBI officials apologised and promised to release her, but this promise has yet to be honoured. “If Aafia was genuinely a criminal, our lawyer would not have taken the case as he did a thorough investigation into our family and found no evidence of any wrongdoing,” she said. When contacted for comment, no senior official in the Sindh Home Department was available. REFERENCE: ‘MI handed Dr Aafia over to US’ By Faraz Khan Friday, August 08, 2008

PTI Leader Azam Khan Swati Funded US War on Terror. (Lekin - GEO TV)

ISLAMABAD: A multi-million dollar impending purchase of an old ship purportedly at an “inflated price of millions” for the Ministry of Science and Technology created ugly scenes in the federal cabinet meeting on Wednesday when three ministers blamed one another for the scam. High-profile sources confirmed to our sources that Minister for Science and Technology Azam Swati and Minister for Ports and Shipping Babar Ghauri accused Deputy Chairman Planning Commission Sardar Assef Ahmed Ali of pressurising them to buy an old ship at an inflated price of millions, which otherwise was available at a much cheaper price. Swati and Ghauri blasted Sardar Assef in his absence in the meeting. Prime Minister Gilani has now summoned the deputy chairman to explain his position about the alleged scam that jolted the cabinet. Talking to our sources, Sardar Assef Ahmed Ali strongly rejected allegations levelled against him in the federal cabinet meeting. The details, which he shared with this correspondent, give a totally new picture to the subject. He lambasted Azam Swati for pointing finger at him, arguing how he could be singled out in the matter that had nothing to do with him or his Planning Division. He said that a three-member technical committee of science and technology was scheduled to visit some foreign country to buy an old ship. This committee was constituted by the Ministry of Science and Technology itself. But all of sudden, Sardar Assef said, Swati cancelled the tour of the committee and instead he went to Dubai on a personal visit and inspected the ship along with his Egyptian technical friend. Sardar Assef said he had nothing to do with the buying of this ship, which was a project of the Ministry of Science and Technology. But the Planning Division came into the picture when it came to the Central Development Working Party (CDWP) for approval. It was approved by the CDWP. He said there was a task force on maritime affairs in the Planning Division that raised some objections after going through the whole process, which was violated by the minister himself by visiting Dubai to inspect the ship at night. The minister, the secretary and the Planning Division were not authorised to give approval to this purchase unless cleared by the technical committee. Sardar Assef accused the JUI minister of trying to settle scores with him because of his ìfrequent criticism on JUI policiesî. The cabinet sources said when the meeting started, Azam Swati revealed that he was facing pressure from Sardar Assef Ahmed Ali to buy a specific ship meant for gathering scientific data. He claimed that Assef was so keen to buy this old ship that he had even told him if the approval in this regard was not given in line with his personal wishes, neither would he approve any of their development projects which come to the Planning and Development Division nor would he let a single penny be released. The sources said upon this, Babar Ghauri, too, shared the views of Azam Swati but did not name Sardar Assef Ahmed Ali. Ghauri told the meeting that he, too, was under pressure from the deputy chairman to let him buy a particular ship for the Institute of Oceanology. Sources said Swati went a step ahead and directly accused Assef of involvement in the scam. He told the cabinet that this old ship was proposed to be purchased from Dubai at a price of Rs 500 million, which otherwise was available for a few million rupees. Source said upon hearing these serious allegations against Assef Ahmed Ali, Gilani asked the secretary cabinet to contact the deputy chairman and ask him to hold a meeting with him on this serious issue. When asked why Babur Ghauri talked against him in the cabinet, Sardar Assef replied that actually he, too, wanted him to give approval of a project of $500 million at the Karachi port areas that was not feasible. He said he had raised objections over certain projects, which the Ministry of Ports and Shipping was planning to execute without consulting the concerned agencies. He said even the naval chief who was adviser to the PM on such important issues was not consulted before undertaking some strategically important projects which in the long run might harm the citizens of Karachi. “My job is to raise objections over the faulty projects in the ministries as the Deputy Chairman Planning Division and would continue to do my duty irrespective of these laughable charges against me,” Sardar Assef said. All efforts to contact Azam Swati and Babar Ghauri went futile as their cell phones were switched off. However, SMS were left for them. The telephones at their official residences went unanswered. These columns, however, would be available to present their version. REFERENCE: One ship, three ministers, a dirty fight! 21 May, 2009!-215107.html

Imran Khan (PTI) Supports Baseless Indian Allegation against Pakistan.

Najam Sethi (Aapas Ki Baat 27 Dec 2011) said: Sardar Assef Ali in press conference had said that Raymond Davis enjoyed immunity:) Now what did Shah Mehmood Qureshi Said? :) Confusion in PTI  - LAHORE – Former Federal Education Minister Sardar Asif Ahmed Ali has proposed constitution of a high-level legal committee comprising senior lawyers, retired judges and jurists to seek legal opinion on immunity to Raymond Davis.Sardar Aseff Ahmed Ali, while talking to APP here Sunday, said that the Counselor and Diplomatic Relations Act 1972 was ambiguous, that was why the court had asked the government to take a stance on the issue of immunity to US citizen Raymond Davis.He said that laws of the land on immunity to diplomats were subordinate to the Vienna Convention. He said that laws of a land did not apply to other countries and international law must be applied to the issue of immunity for Raymond Davis. To a query, he said that public opinion should not be a yardstick to decide immunity, fearing that the same might happen to our diplomats abroad. “If Raymond Davis does not enjoy immunity, he should be tried but he will have to be repatriated in case he enjoys immunity,” he added. Regarding the foreign policy, he said that it should serve national interests. He said that some elements in the media somehow had influenced public opinion on the issue About the murder of Minister for Minorities Affairs Shahbaz Bhatti, he said that attention was being focussed to the lack of security while the aspect of extremist tendencies was being overlooked by certain sections of the media. The former minister said that he, at the same time, was proud of independent, vibrant media in the country, expressing the hope that it would play a positive role in this regard. On the fake degrees issue, he said it was immoral to defend fake degree holders. Regarding the PML-N decision to part ways with PPP and removing PPP ministers from the Punjab cabinet, he said the PPP government always pursued a policy of reconciliation as per the vision of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto, adding that the PPP had implemented most suggestions put forth by PML (N) Chief Muhammad Nawaz Sharif in his 10-point national agenda.– Agencies He said that Nawaz Sharif had used his 10-point agenda as a pretext to part ways with the PPP since it was practically impossible to implement the agenda in a short time by any government. Regaridng the creation of the Unification Bloc, he said that it was saddening to see that the PML (N) was involved in horse trading in Punjab. Sardar Aseff said that he was among signatories to the Charetr of Democracy (CoD) and the foremost condition of signing CoD by Nawaz Sharif was the elimination of horse trading from politics. He said that PML (N) Chief Nawaz Sharif did not realize that he was fast transforming his party into a party of the Central Punjab which would hurt the two party system in the country, adding that it was not good from the federation point of view. He said the PML (N) had lost its little bit influence in Southern Punjab while it also had its appeal on the issue of Hazara province.PML-N leader should realize that today’s Pakistan is different from the 90’s as people demand high moral values from their leaders, he said. REFERENCE: Sardar Aseff for committee to decide immunity to RAD Staff Report

PTI Leader Azam Khan Swati & FBI Enquiry - 1 (Kal Tak 21st Dec 2010)

WASHINGTON, Sept 21: JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman and a senator from his party were prevented from boarding a plane to the United States at Doha airport, official sources told Dawn. Maulana Fazlur Rehman, who also heads the parliament’s Kashmir Committee, was scheduled to attend an OIC committee meeting on Kashmir on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session in New York. He was reportedly told that he could not travel to the United States because his name was on a list of persons who advocated terrorism. Federal Minister for Science and Technology Azam Khan Swati was also prevented from boarding the flight because US officials believe he provided false information to immigration officials during a previous visit to North America. Mr Swati, who once was a US citizen but had given up his citizenship in 1979, allegedly told US immigration officials that he was still a citizen. When US authorities conveyed their decision to the Pakistan Embassy in Washington, the embassy asked them to reconsider the move. US authorities agreed to allow Mr Swati to attend the General Assembly on a special arrangement reserved for visitors who otherwise cannot enter the United States, such as Iranian officials, but are allowed to attend UN meetings. An arrangement with the United Nations requires the US administration to allow all those who are invited to a UN meeting to enter New York. This entry permit, however, is not a visa and those entering New York on this permit, cannot go outside the city. Meanwhile, the Pakistan Embassy is trying to make a similar arrangement for Maulana Fazlur Rehman and hopes that he would also be able to attend the OIC meeting. REFERENCE: Fazl, Swati in US entry dispute By Anwar Iqbal Wednesday, 22 Sep, 2010,-swati-in-us-entry-dispute-290

PTI Leader Azam Khan Swati & FBI Enquiry - 2 (Kal Tak 21st Dec 2010)

Recently Mr. Azam Khan Swati has sworn in as a Minister for Science and Technology. He belong to JUI-F of Maulana Fazlur Rehman. Initially I was amazed that an important ministry like S&T is given to somebody from JUI-F, however, going through his profile, I have a feeling that Mr. Swati is actually over-qualified for the position and he should contest for the post of Prime Minister. As per his profile at Senate of Pakistan’s officialwebsite. Mr. Muhammad Azam Khan Swati has various degrees, including, M.A. Economics, M.A. Political Science, LL.B (Gold Medalist), LL.M (International Law from University of Houston (Texas-USA), Doctor of Jurisprudence from South Texas College of Law (Texas U.S.A), Attorney-at-Law (State of Texas).

Ex-Nazim of district Mansehra, Azam Khan Swati was elected senator for the tenure of 2006 – 2012.

He is one of the richest parliamanterian in the history of Pakistan. His declared assets are:

Rs25m Abbottabad house;

Rs0.45m another Abbottabad house;

10 plots worth Rs12m in Bahria Town;

Rs13 million of worth 8 plots in Top City;

Rs11m four plots;

total current assets US$4.8m including personal banks accounts, note receivable etc;

US$15m worth fixed assets including real estate, 46% equity in Swati Enterprises and 100% equity in Swati Investment co.;

other assets worth US$0.59m include household furniture, jewellery etc.

His liabilities are US$5.2m.

Worth of Azam Khan Swati’s total assets comes to US$20.5m (about Rs1.6 billion).

Mr. Swati, during his stay in America, owned a chain of stores, was a member of Pakistani American Congress, played important role in high-profile charity events: Nobody should be amazed why JUI-F with all of its anti-US agenda has taken in and gave Senate ticket to somebody who has been taken US as second home and seems to be of some influence there. REFERENCE: Who is Azam Khan Swati? January 30th, 2009 by Kashif Aziz

PTI Leader Azam Khan Swati & FBI Enquiry - 3 (Kal Tak 21st Dec 2010)
Azam Khan Swati's Alleged Links with NEOCON OIL LOBBY of Pro-Israel Former US Vice President Dick Cheney

PTI Leader Azam Khan Swati & FBI Enquiry - 4 (Kal Tak 21st Dec 2010)

Former minister for religious affairs Hamid Saeed Kazmi has accused Azam Swati for leasing out 33 acres land owned by ministry of science and technology located in Gulshan-e- Iqbal at Karachi to his favorites at throwaway rate of Rs 4000 per annum. Kazmi said this while talking to media men here in Sukkur Monday. He held reality of the allegations leveled against him stands exposed now. This was a preconceived conspiracy and campaign of character assassination against him, he alleged. Dr A Q Khan had testified about my innocence, he underlined. Azam Swati and Omar Ali Sherzai, Pakistan ambassador in Saudi Arab were behind mud slinging campaign against him, he stated. Sherzai was expelled from Saudi Arabia 10 years before on corruption charges, he pointed out. Had any mismanagement taken place in Hajj arrangements, Saudi government would have not handed over compensation cheque to him, Kazmi added. The government where inheritors of Sufia and Walis lineages were included could not amend blasphemy law, he said. If any such situation arises, the amendment can not be made without taking the Ulema into confidence, he underlined. Party leadership would take any decision about my come back to ministry, he maintained. REFERENCE: Kazmi accuses Swati of leasing out 33 acres land to his favorites December 27, 2010

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