Monday, December 19, 2011

Imran Khan's Dancing & Lota (Turncoat) Feudal Revolutionaries.

ISLAMABAD, Dec 19: Known for changing sides, a group of politicians mostly hailing from south Punjab and who have been returning to the assemblies for almost two decades on Monday joined Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf (PTI), improving the party`s chances of at least getting representation in the legislatures in the next polls. The 30-member group comprising dissidents from the `Q`, `N` and `F` factions of Pakistan Muslim League and led by MNA from Rahimyar Khan Jahangir Tareen announced their decision to join the party at a press conference at the National Press Club which was also attended by PTI chief Imran Khan. And as if to dispel the impression that only the PML-Q dissidents were mostly joining the PTI, the cricketer-turned-politician claimed that a number of sitting lawmakers and leaders from the Pakistan People`s Party (PPP) and the PML-N, the country`s two largest parties, were in contact with him and waiting for an appropriate time to jump out of their parties as they feared an action against them. The new entrants to the PTI included MNA Awais Leghari and his brother Senator Jamal Leghari, the two sons of former president Farooq Leghari. They announced that they were considering resigning their seats in the National Assembly and the Senate apparently to avoid possible disqualification under the defection clause as given in the Constitution. The group comprise PML-Q dissidents who parted ways with the Chaudhrys after their decision to join the PPP-led coalition in May. Other prominent figures who have joined the PTI are former federal ministers Ghulam Sarwar Khan, Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan, Ishaq Khan Khakwani, Dr G.G. Jamal, Col (retd) Ghulam Sarwar Cheema, Syed Nusrat Ali Shah, former PML-N senator Saadia Abbasi and a former MNA from D.I. Khan Umar Farooq Khan Miankhel. The PML-Q faced a double jeopardy as a number of its senior leaders, including central office-bearers, announced joining the Like-Minded group of the party headed by Senator Salim Saifullah Khan in Karachi. Responding to various questions, Imran Khan claimed that the politicians joining him were clean people who had left their parties as these strengthened family cults. On the occasion, Mr Khan admitted that most of the heavyweights who had recently joined his party belonged to the “political elite club”, but said they had decided to shun traditional politics and to join his mission of bringing about a change in the system. “Our politics is not politics of compromise as we are struggling to achieve a mission, mission of change, policy reforms and establishing rule of law through independent judicial system,” he added. The PTI chief claimed that all of these people were joining his party without setting any preconditions. He reiterated the party`s earlier announced policy that allotment of party tickets would be subject to strict screening by the party`s parliamentary board. Without naming PPP chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Mr Khan criticised his induction into politics, saying the 23-year-old man had no experience of politics as he had spent most of his time out of the country. Responding to a query about a “silent ceasefire” against the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), the PTI chief said in the present circumstances he was only targeting those in power and it did not mean that he had compromised on principles or he would ally with anyone with whom he had policy clash. He made a startling disclosure that a recent survey had put the PTI and the MQM vote-bank in Karachi on equal level and said the tide would further be turned after December 25 rally at Mazar-i-Quaid. Giving reasons for joining PTI, former minister in the military regime of Gen Pervez Musharraf, Jahangir Tareen said that actually he had been planning to launch a new party comprising clean politicians to strive for ameliorating the lot of the people. However, he said, when they saw similarity of views and strategy between his group and PTI, they decided to join it. Former MNA Umar Farooq Khan Miankhel said he was joining the PTI on getting a commitment from Mr Khan that he would establish a classless education system in the country and uplift the working class to bring them at par with others and strengthen the middle class. The event became somewhat distasteful when some supporters of former federal minister Ghulam Sarwar Khan started hooting a journalist for asking why the former minister had kept a precious watch that he had received as gift during an official foreign visit instead of depositing it in the government kitty. The former minister justified the act by saying that he had done it within the rules. Others who announced joining the PTI are former MPAs Hasnain Haider Khan Bosan (Multan), Shaukat Hayat Khan Bosan (Multan), Muhammad Shafique Khan, Taimur Masood Akbar (Taxila), Javed Lund (D.G. Khan), Aleem Shah (D.G. Khan) and two retired bureaucrats and former federal secretaries Ahmad Waqar and Mirza Hamid Hasan. REFERENCE: 30 members of `elite club` join PTI Ahmad Hassan

Mafia is also Joining PTI:)

(SANA): Nawabzada Aurangzeb Hoti resident of Mardan who has recently joined Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf had completed three year jail sentence in United States in the case of drugs smuggling and his father colonel ( retd) Abdul Ghafoor Hoti had resigned from the office of governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in 1986. Nawabzada Aurangzeb Hoti in the decade of 80’s arrested in US for drug smuggling; later on an American convicted him for three years imprisonment. It is worth mentioning here that some days before Aurangzeb Hoti along with his cousin Khawaja Muhammad Khan Hoti joined PTI in public meeting in the presence of Imran Khan and Shah Mehmood Qureshi; meanwhile Aurangzeb Hoti is brother of IG police Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Akbar Hoti. It is worth mentioning here that Aurangzeb Hoti was serving the PML-Q prior to joining PTI. It is also pertinent to mention here that father of Aurangzeb Hoti, Abdul Ghafoor Hoti had held the office of governor KPK in 1985, while in 1985 when his son was convicted in the drug smuggling case he resigned from the post of governorship. REFERENCE: PTI leader Aurangzeb Hoti faced three years conviction in US South Asian News Agency (SANA) ⋅ December 19, 2011

Imran Khan, Tyrian & Sita White

From the outset Imran Khan's marriage to Jemima Goldsmith would face the severest of tests. Their contrasting background, age and upbringing meant that it would always be under pressure. At the time of her engagement in 1995, Jemima Goldsmith was a 21 year old socialite, more than two decades younger than Imran Khan. She was the daughter of one of the richest men in the world, Sir James Goldsmith, and from a Jewish background. He had just retired from international cricket, earning legendary status in Pakistan for his role in winning the 1992 cricket world cup. Their different lives prior to marriage meant that both had to make radical changes after their wedding. He would have to abandon the itinerant playboy image acquired during his bachelor years, and she would have to adjust to living in Pakistan and adopting the Muslim faith. Jemima may have come from a wealthy background, but her new husband - a proud man - was not interested in taking any of his father-in-law's money. She would have to get used to living with an extended South Asian family in a middle class Pakistani household in Lahore, with uncertain water and electricity supplies. The tabloid press in Britain reported that she did not even have a washing machine and slept in the same bed as her two sons. Imran Khan may be a cricketing aristocrat who dated some well known British heiresses, but he has never lived a life of grandeur. His father was an engineer who taught him always to watch the financial outgoings. Initially it seemed that she was adjusting to her new lifestyle despite the difficulties, playing a prominent role in her husband's cancer hospital. She also became an ambassador for the United Nations Children's Fund in 1991. But it was not too long before the difficulties emerged. Imran may have abandoned his nomadic cricketing existence, but his time on the road had not come to an end. He was constantly travelling in the early years of their marriage to promote his political career and the Tehreek-e-Insaf party which he founded in 1996. There were reports that Jemima was becoming increasing frustrated over Imran's fledgling political career, and wanted him to spend more time at home. REFERENCE: A parting of the ways By Ivo Tennant, Imran Khan's biographer Last Updated: Tuesday, 22 June, 2004, 16:06 GMT 17:06 UK

Imran Khan's Illegitimate Girl Child & Corruption Reference (Bolta Pakistan 2007)

On top of that, she always seemed to miss Britain - where she had started a designer clothes company - and was reportedly keen for her children to be educated in her homeland. Like her friend Diana Princess of Wales, past girlfriends of her husband always seemed to hover over the marriage. In May 2004, one of those old girlfriends, the millionairess Sita White, died suddenly of a heart attack. Her daughter Tyrian was proven to be Imran Khan's child in 1997. Imran denied he had fathered the little girl until a legal suit proved otherwise. He did not meet Tyrian until she was six years old. Jemima was reported to be "highly upset" about the court case, even though she and Imran are now reported to have developed a close relationship with Tyrian. In the later years of her marriage Jemima spent more and more time in Britain, ostensibly to study but also mixing with celebrity friends including the actor Hugh Grant, Princess Rosario of Bulgaria and supermodels Elle Macpherson and Laura Baily. She celebrated her 30th birthday in February surrounded by supermodels, superstars and society figures, but her husband remained 4,000 miles away in Pakistan. The pressures on her life seemed to mount up in recent years. In January 2001 a mentally ill passenger attempted to seize control of a plane in which she was travelling with her family in Africa. It plunged nearly 10,000 feet before air staff reclaimed control of the plane. The Goldsmith family were all convinced that they were about to die. Just over a year later, a knife wielding burglar broke into her London house - despite multi-million dollar security measures. While all these factors undoubtedly would have placed a strain on the marriage, ultimately the break-up appears due to the differences of east and west. Culturally, socially and financially Imran and Jemima were always worlds apart. REFERENCE: A parting of the ways By Ivo Tennant, Imran Khan's biographer Last Updated: Tuesday, 22 June, 2004, 16:06 GMT 17:06 UK

PTI Member Abdullah Yousuf Dancing in front of General Pervez Musharraf.

Source Daily Express Dated 16 Dec 2011

A thorough Gentleman, a Former IB Chief, Major (Retd) Masood Sharif Khan Khattak had suffered in a worst possible way during the Caretaker Cabinet of Farooq Laghari in 1996. Some of the key members within Imran Khan's Bandwagon (Bhan Mati Ka Kunba) are responsible for Mr. Khattak and his Family's suffering in 1996

ISLAMABAD: As Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan presided over a press conference Monday, taking into arms yet another flock of politicians, it appeared to be the repeat telecast of the early days of PML-Q. All of the new entrants, with very few exceptions, were the leftovers of the famous King’s Party, PML-Q, midwifed allegedly by the ISI’s political wing to counter Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto in 2002. Surrounded by the former ministers of previous cabinet like Jehangir Tareen, Ishaq Khakwani, Awais Laghari, Ghulam Sarwar Khan, Dr Waseem and others, it sounded as if Imran had joined the PML-Q instead. “Are you swarming the PTI or reviving the PML-Q,” said a question to Imran, it went unheard though.If you intend to bring change through these faces, shouted a female journalist from the backbenches, they are already tested and a failed lot. But, while criticism was abundant for being in bed with Musharraf or Q-League, there was little to attack the newcomers on charges of corruption or making money or misusing authority. Imran had no plausible answer: “PTI was taunted for not having familiar faces. As we have them now, this stuff is being criticised.” People under question were desperate for a change but devoid of capable leadership, and this was the reason behind their joining the PTI, explained Imran. The crowded hall was filled with frustration being vented out by the party activists and journalists alike. Many thought the PTI exercise is doomed to fail. Some even speculated that stage is being set to nurture a party by the intelligence agencies only to be controlled by them later. “Even if Imran persists, the new entrants with known allegiance to the establishment could serve as his counterweight in decision-making,” said an experienced journalist who has seen the rise and fall of different governments. The questions being thrown at Imran also gave voice to the party old guards who say they are being thrown out of mainstream as the opportunists team up to join.Responding to such a question, Imran didn’t care for the old guards: “This is a party. This is not a club (where people get seats on first-come-first basis).” A PTI activist referred to the fate of Mian Azhar, who was sidelined upon arrival of Chaudhrys of Gujrat in King’s Party. Incidentally, Azhar has already joined the PTI. One of his old associates, Col (r) Ghulam Sarwar Cheema, was the new entrant into party during Monday’s show. Col (r) Cheema has flip-flopped with three parties; namely, the PPP, PML-N and PML-Q. So quickly, he changed parties that people at his constituency would often ask “which party is he in these days?” Other new entrants during Monday’s press conference also have an impeccable record of changing loyalties all the time. Jehangir Tareen was the head of group that announced allegiance to Imran, together with two dozens of politicians, prominent among them were Q-Leaguers who served under Pervaiz Musharraf. Tareen had been dreaming of forming a separate group but finally submitted to the PTI. Before, Tareen has been in the PML-Q and PML-Pagaro. He served as federal minister and was a PM-hopeful under Musharraf. IN present dispensation, Tareen was Punjab Chief Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s adviser and Task Force Chairman. One probable reason of Tareen’s joining PTI is his reported dispute with Makhdoom Ahmad Mahmmood, his brother-in-law, as the two had serious trouble over business share. Sons of former President Farooq Leghari, Awais and Jamal, have also joined the ranks. Before this, they have been with Millat Party and PML-Q. Ghulam Sarwar Khan, former federal minister, has served with PPP and PML-Q before coming to the PTI. Ishaq Khakwani, former state minister during Musharraf time, has remained with Millat Party and then PML-Q. Dr GG Jamali from Fata was also minister at Musharraf’s time. Sikandar Hayat Bosan, former PML-Q member, was also federal minister under Musharraf’s watch. REFERENCE: Watching the PTI newcomers from the sidelines Umar Cheema Tuesday, December 20, 2011 

Masood Sharif in Investigation Report with Dawn News 2008

Details of Imran Khan Properties & Plots Jang 8 Dec 2011 (Daily Jang)

Imran Khan, a poor man, requests the Punjab government for a residential plot because he does not have a house and wants to construct one for his own use.

On 13 December 2011, one of the Alleged Senior Correspondent Mr. Kamran Khan of The News International, Daily Jang and Contributor to The Washington Post and GEO TV while talking to a known turncoat (Lota) Mr. Shafqat Mahmood alleged that many Ill reputed politicians are joining Imran Khan's party and ultimately this would harm Imran Khan's reputation and his party's as well. Kamran Khan conveniently forget to mention that Mr. Shafqat Mahmood is also one such person who earlier had served PPP, and then Farooq Laghari Caretaker Cabinet in 1996, and then also served General Pervez Musharraf's Illegal Martial Law Regime and Shafaqt Mehmood while serving Illegal Martial Law Regime of Musharraf had violated article 6 of 1973 constitution of Pakistan and committed a crime which is punishable by death. Mr. Kamran Khan without any evidence also attacked Former IB Chief, Major (Retd) Mr. Masood Sharif Khan Khattak. Lets hope Kamran Khan still remember his own dirty and third class past which is riddled with black mailing and Fifth Columnist Activities also full of Yellow Journalism. Kamran Khan (Senior Correspondent of The News International/Jang Group of Newspapers/GEO TV and Washington Post) was one of the asset of Brigadier (R) Imtiaz of Cold War Days and after the end of Cold War Mr Kamran Khan remained in touch with Brigadier (R) Imtiaz, he was a regular guest of Brigadier (R) Imtiaz when he became Director Intelligence Bureau and used to meet him regularly in his office way back in 1990/1991. Turncoat (Lota) Shafqat Mahmood with Imran Khan!  Anti Pakistan Kamran Khan (Jang) VS EX IB Chief Masood Sharif Khan Khattak One can differ with the politics of Mr. Masood Sharif Khan Khattak (I proudly say that he was my boss and also proudly say that I have the honour to serve Pakistan under him), I have also differed with my Former Boss on his joining PTI and its Chief Buffoon Imran Khan but I have given reason not just wild rhetoric and wrongfully accused a person who valiantly served not only Pakistan Armed Forces as a Major but also one of its Intelligence Agency.

Anti Pakistan Kamran Khan (Jang) VS EX IB Chief Masood Sharif Khan Khattak (AKKKS 13 Dec 2011)

If you think Imran Khan to be a super saint who will only allow saints to join him, think again. Granted IK is untainted, untried and unfamiliar to statecraft, he alone cannot save Pakistan as many of us, me included, wish. Even if he is the messiah we have waited for, where does he get his team of disciples from? People who could be called true to life, true to reality, true-dealing, true-devoted, true-disposing, true-souled, true-spirited and truehearted. I can wager right now that none can pass the truth test. Old skeletons rattle in their closets. Open and they will fall out in plenty. We already hear of old guns, who served dictator Musharraf loyally, wanting a trip to New Atlantis on IK’s wooden ark. He’s the Noah and these fellas are the herd who want to be saved from the Great Flood. Better for IK to let them drown. Here’s a sample of the menagerie that the cricketing legend may collect. That chap with flashing eyes and foul temper, Musharraf’s former Faisalabad-bred law minister, and people who advised the Gen to sack the Chief Justice; retired generals who kowtowed to their chief but stabbed him. Pretty Pollies dressed to kill but empty-headed. Bribable bankers and expert book-fiddlers. Sleazy businessmen with sleaziest deals. I don’t need to direct you to the junkyard where the gangsters await recycling. You know them well, but does IK? Don’t forget, Pakistan is a country whose leaders lack shame, memory and brain. Old recycled crooks are always available for rehire and resale. Reference: View from US: A rally does not a victor make Anjum Niaz November 20, 2011 First to join the PTI was columnist Shafqat Mahmood, who has been former PPP senator, a caretaker minister in president Farooq Leghari’s cabinet and finally minister during Pervez Musharraf’s regime. He invited Khan to his residence to announce his decision to join the PTI. Mahmood said the law and order had collapsed and corruption knew no bounds. “In such circumstances only a clean and upright leadership can save the country and Khan is the only leader who fits the frame. He is a clean leader and no one can question his integrity,” he told media men who gathered there. Khan, on his part, welcomed the new entrant to the PTI, saying that “time would prove his decision right”. Currently, the leadership of both main parties is vested in two families, who have turned into “political mafias, anointing their kids for leadership and it is very crucial to clear politics of them if country has to prosper”, he said. Mahmood has of late been very close to the PML-N leadership and has reportedly been a consultant on many projects in the Punjab government. The PML-N was expecting him in the party because of his closeness to the Punjab chief minister and party president Nawaz Sharif. Both of them have been his supporters despite reservations of many second ring leaders. “It is hugely embarrassing for the PML-N leadership, which has been acting on his advice on many issues and receiving assurances of sincerity,” says a party leader. With him jilting the PML-N, Nawaz and Shahbaz must have felt personally betrayed, he claimed. REFERENCE: Imran greets five new entrants to PTI Ex-senator, others on PTI bandwagon Our Correspondent Thursday, November 24, 2011

With utmost humility and respect: Fast Rewind to refresh the Memory of my former boss i.e. Mr Masood Sharif Khan Khattak who also has recently joined this bandwagon (Bhan Mati Ka Kunba) i.e. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (Pakistan Justice Party) and I hope he would appreciate that one of the colleague i.e. (Shafqat Mahmood) of his and this nation's tormentor i.e. Sardar Farooq Laghari, is now Mr. Khattak's party colleague and it means whatever Laghari did was right and what Laghari did is as under:

He is Masood Sharif Khan Khattak, better known as Major Masood Sharif, director-general of the Intelligence Bureau in PM Benazir Bhutto’s second term. He has asked a significant question: if a public servant adequately met a challenge to the state by terrorists, and, risking his life, overcame the gruesome horror, and was then punished for it by dismissal from service, who will want to take up any future challenge to the state? To worst patch of terrorism that Pakistan has ever faced, says Masood Sharif, was in Karachi during 1984-95. Peace and the writ of Pakistan were finally restored in that city in 1995-96 through essentially an IB-spearheaded operation under his command. For the people of Karachi there is no need to repeat what they went through all these years. On August 14, 1996, President Leghari conferred the Hilal-i-Shujaat on Masood Sharif and on Saeed Khan, IGP, Shoaib Suddle, DIG Police, and Major General Muhammad Akram, DG Rangers. But what happened after the fall of the PPP government in November 1996? Leghari, on the advice of PM Nawaz Sharif, in an act unprecedented as well as contemptible, withdrew the awards from the three civilian officers but did not have the guts to do the same to the military general. Masood Sharif was held in Karachi jail for three years. No charges could even be drawn up against him, and was finally released on bail by the Supreme Court. In the process he was humiliated, insulted and tortured, his family literally thrown out of government accommodation, and he was dismissed from service without a trial. All because he was considered close to Benazir Bhutto. Asks Masood Sharif: “Where was the state that I had defended against terrorism when I and my family were meted out a treatment that was disgraceful and utterly humiliating? While I defended the state when it was vulnerable, the state did not defend me when my family and I were vulnerable and needed to be defended against vicious and vindictive people.” This was a sample, though a very cruel and base sample, of what an officer can face from the successors of a political regime which he tried to serve to the best of his ability. As a retired public servant, all that I can say is, “May the Almighty protect the services from such victimization.” REFERENCE: Victimized for loyalty By Hafizur Rahman April 10, 2002 Wednesday Muharram 26, 1423

Masood Sharif Khattak does not agree with me. He has joined Imran Khan whom he addresses reverently as the “Party Chief”. Before he joined, I asked Khattak in an email if he would still support him should IK usher in trainloads of crooks? Calling my question “hypothetical,” Khattak fired back, “I have unflinching confidence in Imran Khan that, no matter what the political costs may be to him, he will never accept crooks in the fold of the PTI. Acceptability of crooks in the PTI is an impossibility in the light of my understanding of the PTI and its dynamic chief Imran Khan.” Khattak began his career in the army. The last post he held was as the chief of Intelligence Bureau during BB’s second term. When her government fell, he was thrown in jail. Later, he was made a member of the central executive committee and a vice president of PPP. He was known to be close to the former first couple but had a falling out weeks before BB’s assassination. REFERENCE: View from US: A rally does not a victor makeAnjum Niaz | Opinion | From the Newspaper November 20, 2011 Judge Asif from today by By Masood Sharif Khan Khattak - Former Director General Intelligence Bureau

As per Daily Dawn dated 20 Oct 2007 Former President of Pakistan Sardar Farooq Ahmed Khan Leghari [a former central member of PPP] while addressing a press conference at Leghari House on Raiwind Road on Friday said, Mr Leghari opposed the National Reconciliation Ordinance. He said he had proposed national reconciliation a month ago but amnesty for corruption looked strange. He said amnesty could not be justified if army officers, bureaucrats and politicians who had plundered national resources did not return the money stolen by them. He said the ordinance had been challenged in the Supreme Court and its fate depended on its verdict. He said corruption was one of the reasons for which he had dismissed the Ms Bhutto’s government in 1996 and the Supreme Court had upheld his decision. He said an accountability commission constituted by him had found corruption of $1.5 billion by Ms Bhutto. Evidence of corruption of Nawaz Sharif was also collected but Saifur Rehman destroyed evidence against him. [1] REFERENCES: Ghaddar Kaun? Author: Sohail Warraich - Nawaz Sharif opens up to Sohail Warraich in a big way READ THE BOOK sohail waraich - ghaddar kaun Former President of Pakistan [uncle/father and father in law of many who are sitting with those members of the government of Musharraf/PML-Q who were earlier with PPP and PML-N whom Mr Leghari is condemning by saying them corrupt half of [PML-Q Cabinet have cases of corruption and loan default on 12 Oct 1999] Tumandar Sardar Farooq Ahmed Khan Leghari [as per news and articles] was involved in several nastiest scandal in the history of Pakistan. So it seems that whoever who is supporting the present regimes' wrong policies which are detrimental for the Federation of Pakistan are one way or another were and are part of the permanent establishment of Pakistan and used by the same and even they were saved when in trouble by the same establishment and Lagharis are one of those.

As per the dark pages of dark history of Pakistan.

During the so-called Lost decade of 90s as per Former Governor of State Bank of Pakistan Dr. Ishrat Hussain and often repeated by Mr. Musharraf. Following event is also from the lost decade but no action was taken.


The controversy over the sale of a 531-acre farm in Darkhwast Jamal Khan owned by President Leghari and his family to six people from Karachi alleged to be fronting for jailed banker Yunus Habib, gave a new and dramatic twist to the Mehran gate scandal. The president's integrity and his image, as an honest politician, came under question when Nawaz Sharif alleged that Farooq Leghari was involved in the Mehran Bank scandal. Releasing photocopies of bank drafts worth 17 million rupees deposited in Mr. Leghari's account in Mehran Bank, Sharif charged that the money was a pay off by Yunus Habib in return for Leghari's bailing out Mehran bank.[Newsline June 1994]

On June 4, 1994, President Leghari conceded that the documents produced by the opposition were related to the sale of a farm that had been owned by him and several of his family members. He defended the deal, saying that there was nothing illegal about it. After much delay, the government set up two judicial commissions to enquire into the Mehran Bank affair and the 140 million rupees paid to the ISI by Yunus Habib in 1990 while he was provincial chief of Habib Bank.

President Leghari told the Newsline, Karachi: "I did ask Mr. Yunus Habib to see if he could arrange for any buyers for the land ... But I didn't know those six people (who eventually bought the land). I am not aware of whether they were fronting for Mr. Yunus Habib or if the land was actually bought by Mr. Yunus Habib and his family.... As a seller, my only interest was to make sure that I got the price of the land." President Leghari, however, admitted, that he was approached by Yunus Habib in April, 1993, when he was Finance Minister in the interim government (April/May 1993) to save Mehran Bank from collapsing. Mr. Leghari referred Yunus Habib's request to the State Bank, but before getting any reply, the interim government was dissolved and Mr. Sartaj Aziz, who became the Finance Minister in the revived government of Nawaz Sharif in April, 1993, ordered the relief given to the Mehran Bank. "The allegation of my having helped Yunus Habib and saved Mehran Bank is false. It was done by Mr. Sartaj Aziz and Mr. Nawaz Sharif. But I have the moral courage to say that yes, I also wanted to do the same and if I had a longer stay as finance minister I would have done the same."[Newsline June 1994]

On Dec. 14, 1995 Younus Habib was awarded 10 years rigorous imprisonment and fined Rs 36.7 million in a fraud case by the Special Court for Offenses in Banks in Sindh.[Dawn 15.12.1995]

However, two years after the appointment, the judicial commission did not complete its enquiry into the Mehran Bank scam. The Mehran Bank scam exemplifies the increasingly corrupt political culture that has taken root in this country. And Mehrangate is just the tip of the iceberg. There are hundreds of banking and financial scams involving politicians that have yet to surface. It seems that all politicians -- whether they belong to the ruling coalition or the opposition -- are part of this corrupt political culture. The charges and counter-charges made by both seem to have only one aim: to cover-up their own crimes. [Newsline, June 1994]

In July 1994 a commission, comprising five judges, was formed to investigate the Mehran Bank scandal. It took eight months to complete its inquiry in February 1995 but its report was never published. However, parts of the reports were released on December 8, 1996, according to which the commission exonerated President Leghari from any wrong doing in his so-called benami deal. But the commission did not mention to whom the land was sold by the president for Rs. 15 million and from which account the money was debited to make the payment. The Commission also cleared the former chief minister of the North West Frontier Province, Aftab Sherpao and Senator Anwar Saifullah, who were accused of being the main beneficiaries of the Mehran Bank, of all the allegations. (DAWN 9.12.1996) On May 13, 1997, the Commerce Minister, Ishaq Dar informed the Senate that the report was missing from the Law Ministry. According to Dar, the Mehran Bank scandal cost a total of Rs. 9.92 billion to the national exchequer.

During the Mehrangate investigations of 1993 which led up to the Supreme Court case, Younas Habib (YH) of HBL/MBL, as per his statement filed in court (recorded in Karachi under section 161 Cr.P.C), disclosed that the following political and other pay-offs were made between 1991 and 1994:

Sardar Farooq Leghari 12/12/93 (payment set/off) Rs 30 million - 6/1/94 Rs 2.0856 million - 19/3/94 Rs 1.92 million."

Farooq Leghari PO Issued 1,50,00,000. Another 1,50,00,000 paid through Bank. {2} For further graphic details see the notes and references.

Sardar Farooq Ahmad Khan Leghari, former president of Pakistan. and his son Awais Ahmed Khan Leghari were elected from NA-172 and NA-173, and Sardar Farooq's first cousin, Sardar Mohammad Jaffar Khan Leghari, won elections from NA-174 under the banner of the National Alliance. Meena Ehsan Leghari, wife of Sardar Jaffar, and Ayla Malik, niece of Sardar Farooq Leghari, have been accommodated on women reserved seats. Whereas, Sumaira Malik, sister of Ayla Malik, has won elections from NA-69 from the platform of National alliance. The wife of Farooq Leghari belongs to the family of Aftab Ahmad Sherpao, who is also a member of National Assembly and federal minister for water and power. Sikandar Sherpao, son of Aftab Ahmad Sherpao, is member of the NWFP assembly.

BETWEEN 1996 TO 1999:

It is widely believed that when Nawaz Sharif met with President Farooq Laghari in the third week of December, a deal was struck by which Nawaz agreed to continue the process of turning Pakistan's political system into "guided democracy' which the interim government was about to initiate and supreme court judgments were about to facilitate. In return, Nawaz was promised the removal of barriers to his comeback and modification of the accountability process in a way that adversely affected only his opponent Benazir Bhutto's People's Party. Farooq Laghari dismissed Benazir to let Nawaz Sharif come back into power. Short of imposing martial law, this was the only course available. But simply letting one "corrupt and irresponsible" political leader to be replaced by another of the kind and leaving the things as they are did not make any sense at all. There had to be a sweetener in the deal for the establishment. The agreement to impose a supra-cabinet, military-dominated body (now called the Council for National Defense and Security) to oversee the day-to-day running of the government, and the continuation of Article 58 (b) 2 and other unsavory elements of the Eighth Amendment, must have been reached before Farooq Laghari announced the overthrow of Benazir Bhutto and the dissolution of the parliament.

It is hard to believe that Farooq Laghari simply dragged the military into joining the CNDS, prompting General Jehangir Karamat to say that the parliament would be free to dispense with it. Regardless of whether and when Nawaz Sharif struck a deal with the establishment, it is clear that the context in which Nawaz Sharif is stepping into Prime Minister's House has all the earmarks of guided democracy, the contours of which have been clearly drawn by the interim government. Like it or not, this is the mother of all constraints under which Nawaz Sharif is expected to function.

Farooq Laghari's proclamation laid primary emphasis on the extra-judicial killings in Karachi and the Supreme Court accepted that as a valid basis for the dismissal of the Benazir government, even though the President's counsel failed to produce any evidence in support of the allegation. It goes without saying that human rights violations of all kinds must be stopped and the culprits must be punished. However, in this particular case, the "extra-judicial" killings are just being used most brazenly to victimize one side. Farooq Laghari's human rights concern, and its validation by the Supreme Court, can open a Pandora's box for Nawaz Sharif unless he chooses to become a henchman for Laghari's operation vendetta. As anyone not suffering from amnesia knows, the Operation Clean Up was started during Nawaz Sharif's first term and the army was involved in it. With the army's withdrawal in late 1994, the messy situation in Karachi was off-loaded on Benazir Bhutto. To the extent the federal government was involved in it, President Laghari cannot absolve himself of the responsibility for the violations. This is, perhaps, the most cynical ploy from Laghari's arsenal of artifacts. Nawaz Sharif need not buy into it.


“Farooq Leghari, his son Awais Leghari and other members of their family, should be held accountable for their various corruption scandals such as cooperatives and PTCL scandals” but it should be done alongside the holding accountable PPP and PML-N and other NRO beneficiaries and not instead of it, as seems to be the plan. Farooq Leghari’s corruption did begin when PPP was in power. Also, how is PPP going to deal with the fact that Zardari’s henchman Malik Riaz of Bahria Town is a business partner of Farooq Leghari?

Senator Jamal Leghari, the elder son of Farooq, who is no less corrupt. That Farooq and Awais are guilty of corruption, there is no doubt about that either. It is a fact that Farooq Leghari (and Jamal and Awais jointly) had less than 1250 acres of land when he became president but today Farooq Leghari alone has acquired more than12,500 acres of agricultural land (I have no clue about the acquisitions by Awais and Jamal Leghari but they have been on a land buying spree as well). And this does not include other property and bank accounts. His cousin Sumaira Malik of the "Cat House" fame has spent twice that. PML-Q removes chief of women’s wing by Our Staff Reporter [ Former federal minister Sumera Malik has been removed from the post of the chief of the women’s wing of the Pakistan Muslim League-Q. She had attended a dinner at the presidency and again met President Zardari on Saturday -] Her sister Ayla Malik’s (these days with DunyaTV) husband (now ex) Sardar Rind has bought another 12,500 acres in the same area as Farooq Leghari. Farooq’s cousins of course are not only among NRO beneficiaries but also big loan defaulters (but sitting pretty in the National Assembly or as Nazims)


WASHINGTON, October 17: Dear Readers, this is the final piece on the South Asia Tribune, as this site is now being closed for good. I understand that it may come as a rude shock to many and may create despair and depression for all those who had started to look up to SAT as a beacon of courage and resistance, but this decision has been based on many factors, which I will explain briefly. SAT would be on line for the rest of this month, till the end of October. On November 1, 2005 it will disappear from the Internet. All those who may be interested in keeping a record of any SAT article or report can save it any time before that date. REFRENCE: The Final Word from theSouth Asia Tribune By Shaheen Sehbai WASHINGTON DC, Oct 17, 2005 ISSN: 1684-2057

Mr Shaheen Sehbai [Present Group Editor, The News International]'s web based magazine South Asia Tribune [Shaheen Sehbai Founded this magazine after he escaped from Pakistan in 2002 to seek political asylum in USA]. From the website of Shaheen Sehbai [link is dead text is as under]

Prime Minister Jamali Orders a Probe on Secret Report - How a Present Minister Leaked a $25 Million Phone Tender to His Party SOUTH ASIA TRIBUNE - By Rauf Klasra - August 3-9, 2003

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Zafarullah Jamali has directed the Intelligence Bureau (IB) to probe the unprecedented leakage of international tenders worth $25 million prior to opening of bids for the expansion program of government-owned mobile telephone service, U-Fone. Young Federal Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunications, Awais Leghari, son of former President Sardar Farooq Leghari, who had appointed the Board of Directors of both PTCL and U-Fone, is being accused of giving favors to some of his favorite companies. Pakistan Telecommunication Limited commonly referred to as U-Fone is a 100 per cent owned subsidiary of PTCL. It came into existence in 2001. Government owns 88 percent shares in PTCL. It is a GSM-based technological enterprise with almost 500,000 customers nationwide. Mobilink is its main competitor whereas other competitors,Paktel and Instaphone, are based on Analog system.

MS Nortel of Canada provided the equipment to U-Fone under an agreement. It was a turn key project agreement. The said Canadian company provided the entire network by virtue of which U-Fone is operating in the market today. U-Fone has to increase its network in Pakistan.

Although, a smart and young minister from Dera Ghazi Khan, Awais Leghari denies these charges but secret reports sent to the Prime Minister have clearly indicated his name in the scam.

According to an official estimate, people involved in the leakage of the tenders and bids to a particular firm could pocket at least $4m to $5m out of the deal which has become a cause of serious political tussle between theJamali Government and former President Farooq Leghari.

General Pervez Musharraf is said to be displeased with these corruption reports about Leghari and a clear hint has been given to the elder Leghari by PM Jamali that Awais could be out of the Government in a cabinet reshuffle likely next week.

But, Farooq Leghari has threatened to walk out of the Government alliance if his son was replaced on charges of corruption.

A highly classified report sent to the Prime Minister has advised the Prime Minister to immediately intervene in the first financial scam of his government, otherwise, tax payers would suffer a massive loss of $10m on purchase of equipment from a particular firm at much higher prices for the expansion of mobile service in other cities of Pakistan.

This classified report sent to Prime Minister has been prepared by a ministerial level person in the Jamali cabinet who is not ready to disclose his name. This report clearly establishes the link of Awais Leghari with those who were leaking the tenders to a particular international company.

The PM has also been asked in the secret report to get the copy of the agreement of $25 million regarding expansion of official mobile service from U-Fone and pass it on to National Accountability Bureau (NAB) to maintain transparency.

When contacted by South Asia Tribune, Spokesman PTCL Sultan Hassan said that he had no information about any such inquiry or other details of the developments as claimed to be part of a report to the PM by some concerned government quarters.

Chief Executive of U-Fone, Arshad Khan strongly defended the performance of his company saying it had done a good job in the past and would continue to perform its duties in the greater interests of the entire nation. He said only people with vested interest were spreading such rumors to malign the company. He also lectured this scribe on the benefits of reporters staying away from such issues as this was against the interests of the country.

Mr Khan who actually helped launching of U-Fone mobile service and making it a success story, said the company had been doing everything in a transparent way and concerned quarters had already been conveyed our view point on the issues involved. On the question of an inquiry, he said he could not give the details and those should be asked from whoever had either ordered the inquiry or started the probe. He repeatedly made it clear that the company was being run on professional and commercial lines.

Meanwhile sources in the Prime Minister Secretariat confirmed that Mr. Jamali had ordered Director General IB to inquire into the matter and submit him the report after it was brought to his notice that tenders were leaked before the formal opening of the bids. According to available copy of the report submitted to the Prime Minister regarding irregularities in the U-Fone expansion program, tenders were invited for the “new cities expansion” category. It was planned to expand the network of

U-Fone service.

In order to procure equipment for these new cities under the third phase, five new vendors were pre-qualified by the board and management of the mobile service company for the bidding process. They were Alcatel,

Ericsson,Huawei Technologies, Motorola and Siemens.

PM was informed that tenders were invited and subsequently bids were opened on March 26, 2003. But prior to opening of bids, papers of one of the bids were found to have been opened. This matter was agitated. PM was informed that the Board of Directors decided not to go for the re-tendering process as it would consume time and official phone service might lose the prospective market/potential customers. The Board, it may be added, has several members appointed by the young minister under probe.

Moreover, it was told that it would also not be in the financial interests of the U-Fone company since its rival,Mobilink, was already ahead of the U-Fone, as it was actively involved in the process of commissioning the equipment for its proposed expansion. U-Fone probably will be in a position to do so in six to nine months, PM was told with the apprehension that there were chances that the Government-owned mobile service may lose its market.

The PM was also informed that there were doubts about the honesty levels of some of the Directors of U-Fone, since they owed their recent appointment to Minister Awais Leghari. Fears were conveyed to the PM, that these Board members may work even against the interests of the company, if the situation so demanded. The PM was informed that this can be very aptly verified from the record if there is any, as the word in the market was that even the minutes of the meeting of the U-Fone Board were not circulated to some of the Directors. The PM was told that this Board had already decided about the procedure of bidding which was not fair and if the Government did not intervene, U-Fone will suffer an irreparable loss, according to some estimates close to $10-12 million. The PM was told that the negotiations being carried out at the U-Fone Headquarters showed equipment worth $24 to $25 million may be bought for $28 million or more and the extra amount will end up in the safe accounts of many. The report to the PM said the expansion program, commonly referred to as the Third phase of U-Fone, can be categorized under two schemes:

(a) the existing network expansion category

(b) The New Cities expansion category.

Since both these categories are included under the same expansion program, therefore, this concern, amongst others, has caused reason to prepare the report.

The Existing Network Expansion Category: The inexorable logic from the afore stated will be that the cities ofPakistan in which U-Fone is already operational will inevitably be equipped with the network of MS Nortel. So, theneighboring cities of such areas where the services of mobile phone is already available have to be provided with the equipment of Nortel. It is logical and will of-course be cheaper too. These cities have been included in the further expansion program now being termed as the third phase.

The Board of Directors of U-Fone has approved this. The report said it might be worth mentioning that the Federal Minister for IT&T Awais Leghari recently appointed the majority of the Directors of the Board of both PTCL and U-Fone.

With these considerations, one is poised with an important issue and that is of the price i.e. will U-Fone pay the same price which it paid at the time of its start on, or will it be any other price. The report says that Nortel will and should remain as the solve vendor for the proposed expansion under this category.

The New Cities Expansion Category: The report said the government is trying to provide network in order to enable the U-Fone mobile telephone services to the people in other cities in addition to major ones.

Therefore, in order to procure equipment for these new proposed cities under the third phase, five new vendors were pre-qualified by the Board and the management of U-Fone for the bidding process namely Alcatel, Ericsson, HuaweiTechnologies, Motorola and Siemens.

But, the bids were leaked. The report has now suggested that the government may immediately constitute a committee to ensure something like this does not happen again. At the same time, we must also ensure that U-Fone does not lose its prospective customers either. But in any event, before the conclusion of the agreement, the NAB should approve it.

We may have recourse to any of the following:

(i)We can either recall for the entire re-tendering. This might cause a further delay of at least four to six months but as it is our main competitor Mobilink has won the race. It is opening its market to its customers in a couple of weeks.

(ii) Since the vendors will remain the same, we may alternatively ask all the remaining four to compete with each other in the presence of a committee especially constituted for the purpose. If this proposal is accepted, then the entire exercise should be over within a week and U-Fone may invariably save millions of US$ with our small efforts.

Moreover, Nortel will have to match the same price and it will.

(iii) it must be categorically borne in mind that there is no technological difference in the equipment of all these vendors. At least U-Fone’s management should not have any problem since they were the ones who pre-qualified all these categories after technical evaluation.

(iv) by this exercise, an important factor will also be elucidated. Nortel who has been enjoying monopoly status so far in supplying equipment and has been charging their desirable charges in connivance with PTCL management, this would have to be settled scores with us at our terms. This exercise will also unveil the magnitude of the corruption in which our management has been actively involved.


Notes and References.

Leghari suggests national govt for fair polls By Our Reporter [1]

October 20, 2007 Saturday Shawwal 7, 1428
KARACHI: Nadir supports dams on Indus By Our Reporter {2}

We never learn from history By Ardeshir Cowasjee {4}

21 July 2002 Sunday 10 Jamadi-ul-Awwal 1423

We never learn from history-2 By Ardeshir Cowasjee {4}
04 August 2002 Sunday 24 Jamadi-ul-Awwal 1423

We never learn from history-3 By Ardeshir Cowasjee {4}

11 August 2002 Sunday 01 Jamadi-us-Saani 1423

We never learn from history-4 By Ardeshir Cowasjee {4}

18 August 2002 Sunday 08 Jamadi-us-Saani 1423

We never learn from history-5 By Ardeshir Cowasjee {4}

25 August 2002 Sunday 15 Jamadi-us-Saani 1423

Nawaz Sharif's Opportunities and Challenges Feroz Ahmed {5} [link is dead]

1 comment:

  1. I'm a old Swede living far from your country but, in a sense, connected to Pakistan. By business, though. Growing up Mr. Gandhi was, in my book, the good guy in the events that led to the splitting up of India. That was until I rediscovered Mr. Jinnah. I literally devoured his life and work and found something extremely modern, tolerant, smart, no, brilliant, and most important empathic. (That goes to show how a small bullet can in fact change the concept of history). Anyway, I then cast a covetous eye in the direction of today’s Pakistan… and I’m taken aback! Have I really correctly understood Pakistani politics if I think a bear garden is a place of silence, peace, and mutual respect on comparison? They say that fact is stranger than fiction and I say Pakistani politics is beyond anything I ever encountered! I think to myself – “WTF is wrong with these people?” After Mr. Jinnah’s unfortunate departure everything went terribly wrong, right? Pakistan has honored Mr. Jinnah with a holyday, a huge mausoleum, fancy titles, and stamps but his lifetime achievement and his outstanding guidance is worth nothing! I strongly believe that Mr. Jinnah would have swapped all that against clean water to all the poor people still suffering from the flooded Indus River. There’s no doubt in my mind that had Pakistan implemented his model you had been one of the most modern states on the planet and consequently much better off than today. What’s the problem then? I think it was a morbid craving for power and gold among the ruling families that formed Pakistan. I’m sad to say but the Pakistani people I deal with belong to the English speaking elite and their greed is only surpassed by their fear to lose money. On the other hand I know a man from an old Pakistani merchant family of Muslim faith that I would give the keys to my home anytime. My notion of Pakistan is the following: I have a picture where you can see the Bhutto family mausoleum in the distance showing a giant beautiful dome, shining white like innocence or snow but in focus there’s an old man sitting outside his home. It’s not even a hut but a hovel or ramshackle made out of old boards and other junk. I don’t think Mr. Bhutto would have accepted that! The US$ is NOT the answer to the Pakistani people’s needs!
