Thursday, December 8, 2011

Imran Khan's Mossad Connection Khurshid Kasuri.

LAHORE: Former foreign minister and a key leader of Muttahida Muslim League Khurshid Kasuri is expected to join Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) soon. He has already had a meeting with PTI chief Imran Khan in Islamabad. According to sources, Kasuri also held a meeting with Mian Azhar in Lahore on Wednesday. The details of the meeting could not be known but the developments are seen as a clear indication that Kasuri would soon join the PTI. The former foreign minister is expected to get the seat of secretary general in PTI, the sources said, adding that Kasuri was motivated by family pressure. His sister-in-law Fauzia Kasuri is the president of PTI Women’s Wing president. The other motivating factor is that Khurshid Kasuri’s vote bank in Kasur is in favour of Imran Khan. The sources said that he would also force some other heavy weights to join Imran Khan. They added that former NA speaker and PML-Q leader Chaudhry Ameer Hussain, Malik Niaz Jhakkar and Shaukat Lalika were also expected to join PTI. According to sources, many old players, including Khawajas of Taunsa, Dera Ghazi Khan, and Punjab Assembly’s former speaker Afzal Sahi, Sheikupura’s ex-nazim Mian Jalil Sharqpuri, Lagharis of Dera Ghazi Khan, and a group of Jehangir Tareen camp and few people from the PML-Q (Like-Minded Group) and Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid’s former MNA Marvi Memon were weighing their options. Shah Mehmood Qureshi is also likely to bring in major political figures belonging to south Punjab, the sources said, adding that former state minister Zafar Iqbal Warraich joined PTI due to Qureshi’s efforts. According to the sources, Awami Muslim League (AML) chief Sheikh Rasheed Ahmad has requested for a merger between AML and the PTI, but no decision has not been taken in this regard. The sources claimed that Hamid Nasir Chatha, Gohar Ayub and some other heavy weights were also in contact with Imran Khan to join his party. REFERENCE: Kasuri may join PTI By Moazam Baig Thursday, December 08, 2011

CNN IBN Khurshid Mahmood Kasuri 23 7 2006

ISLAMABAD: Israeli President Shimon Peres is desperately trying to help his friend President Pervez Musharraf and is putting indirect pressure on the coalition government through different diplomatic channels not to impeach him, Foreign Office sources reveal. The sources claim that Peres wants a safe exit for Musharraf and he is also ready to provide security to his friend outside Pakistan. These sources also claim that Peres and Musharraf are in regular contact with each other for the last three years. Both met first in Davos in January 2005 and since then they have been writing letters to each other and exchanging pleasantries on telephone regularly. According to the sources, Peres wrote his first-ever official letter to Musharraf in October 2007, appreciating his efforts in the fight against terrorism. Musharraf, in his response, thanked the Israeli president for his support and good wishes. These letters were exchanged through diplomatic channels of Turkey. Peres called his Pakistani friend again a few days ago. Though the details of their conversation were not available with the Foreign Office yet it is believed that Peres offered his friend some help. Informed sources are of the view that Israel has strong friendly relations with Turkey and is in a position to provide security to Musharraf in Turkey. One close friend of Musharraf is also busy in lobbying for him in the Jewish lobby in the US these days. This friend of Musharraf has met many leaders of the World Jewish Congress recently. Musharraf even praised this friend publicly in recognition of his services for facilitating him to address the Jewish lobby in New York. This special friend still enjoys ministerial status in Pakistan without being elected and despite the fact that he is an American citizen. It has been learnt that the same friend is requesting his American Jewish contacts to do something for the safe exit of Musharraf through Israeli President Shimon Peres. Peres had openly said in October 2001 that he prayed for the life of Musharraf every morning as he (Musharraf) had signed his death warrant by changing the Afghan policy of Pakistan. After that, Musharraf also came into contact with the late Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon. He also met Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak in January this year in Paris. Diplomatic sources claim that Musharraf is the most popular Pakistani leader in Israel. He was the first Pakistani leader who was invited to address the World Jewish Congress in the US in 2005. After that historic event, the then foreign minister of Pakistan Khurshid Kasuri met his Israeli counterpart Silvon Shalom in Turkey in 2005. Musharraf had asked the Foreign Office in early 2007 to prepare a plan for the recognition of Israel but it did not materialise due to the political turmoil started in March 2007. It is also pertinent to mention here that Indian National Security Adviser MK Narayanan was the first foreign leader to come out openly in support of Musharraf on Wednesday, saying his impeachment would only help extremist elements in the country. The same Indian leader had declared on December 19, 2007 that India could trust Musharraf but not Benazir Bhutto. Musharraf knows that he is still popular among the Indian and Israeli establishments and has a lot of friends in Western capitals as well. If provided a safe exit, he can find a new role for himself in international diplomacy. Highly placed sources in the coalition government claim that Musharraf is now completely isolated and he has informed Asif Ali Zardari, through the governor Punjab, that he would resign if provided special indemnity. However, the coalition government is not ready to provide him indemnity and in that case he would face the first-ever humiliating impeachment process, which would definitely make history in Pakistan. End. REFERENCE: Israel ready to provide security to Musharraf?

Khursheed Kasuri with PTI Imran Khan, Kasuri was one of those who Filed Nomination Papers for General Pervez Musharraf

LAHORE: A third meeting between the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and Pakistan Muslim League-Likeminded on making an alliance or merging the two parties remained inconclusive. On Wednesday, PTI Chairman Imran Khan and PML-Likeminded leader former foreign minister Khursheed Kasuri met in Islamabad to discuss mode of cooperation. While Imran Khan tried to convince Kasuri to merge the two parties, the former minister insisted that making an alliance would be a better option, sources familiar with the matter told The Express Tribune. Before PTI’s October 30 rally at Minar-e-Pakistan, PML-Likeminded faction led by MPA Hamid Nasir Chatha had met Imran in which they agreed to make an alliance. However, after PTI’s monumental rally, Imran became reluctant to do so. Meanwhile, the PML-Q Likeminded also split up into two. One group is led by Kasuri and Chatha who want to join the PTI, while the other is led by former minister Humayun Akhtar Khan, who has announced to join the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz. After PTI’s Lahore rally, Chatha along with senior leaders of his faction met Imran and held negotiations. The sources said that Kasuri recently held a meeting with his party members, including Chatha, and sought permission to meet Imran. The former foreign minister suggested that the party can be called Pakistan Muslim League Junejo (PML-J). Kasuri is said to have given a list of veteran politicians, including Chatha, former speaker National Assembly Chaudhry Ameer Hussain, former speaker Punjab Assembly Afzal Sahi, Nasrullah Dareeshak, Mian Asif and a few serving parliamentarians from Sindh, for the new party. Kasuri tried to persuade Imran to make an alliance but the latter is understood to have called such a move premature. The sources also quoted Imran as telling Kasuri that since elections are to be held after a year, an alliance can be discussed next winter. The two, however, have agreed to continue negotiations. In the coming days, Kasuri will hold a meeting with his party to discuss Imran’s suggestions. The time to make an alliance has passed and whoever wants to stand with the PTI should join the party, PTI’s General Secretary Dr Arif Alvi told The Express Tribune. He insisted that his party will never make an alliance with any such faction. He, however, said Imran’s meeting with Kasuri was “positive”. Likeminded central information secretary Mian Asif said that PML-J has been revived and they wanted to make an alliance with PTI. Published in The Express Tribune, December 8th, 2011. REFERENCE: Imran, Kasuri meeting yields no result By Abdul Manan Published: December 8, 2011

Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri in Jawab Deyh - 1 (GEO TV)

Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri in Jawab Deyh - 2 (GEO TV)

RAWALPINDI: Former president and head of the All Pakistan Muslim League General (retd) Pervez Musharraf has justified having relationship with Israel saying “why we should buy enmity when the Arab countries themselves had been developing friendship with that country.” In an interview with Geo News anchor Salim Safi, he said he had introduced changes with regard to policies towards Israel. Asked how he became near and dear to Mossad, he said: “We had decided to improve ties with Israel with the speed the Palestinian peace plan moved ahead. In accordance with that policy, I had addressed the American Jewish Congress and requested the Turkish PM to arrange a meeting between the foreign ministers of Pakistan and Israel.” To a question about Indo-Pak ties, he said his government approached towards a solution of the Kashmir conflict through back channel diplomacy. “A lot of progress was made but it went into doldrums with the defeat of Vajpayee in the elections,” he said. “We had discussed withdrawal of troops from Siachen and the issue of Kashmir was also taken up. It included talks on three stages. The first being withdrawal of troops and the next was granting internal autonomy followed by making the Line of Control irrelevant.” He said through back channel diplomacy he held talks with Manmohan Singh also and it is wrong to infer that the Pakistani establishment was unaware about it. Musharraf defended his adventure over Kargil saying that had positive effects because after that episode India had agreed to talks over an issue that it had avoided for the last 50 years. When asked about the war against terrorism, he said no body had created the Taliban. The onus had fallen on Pakistan because the then interior minister used to call them his children. Recalling the accusations that he was playing double game with Washington, he explained that he was serving Pakistan’s cause, neither for America nor for the Taliban. “Just to salvage the country, I launched jirgas to alienate Pakhtuns from the Taliban and that had created misunderstandings in America.”

“This is wrong that after 9/11, Gen Mehmood had gone to Kandahar and advised the Taliban to keep standing firmly. Instead, the General, Ulema and members of the Council of Islamic Ideology were sent to convince them. Gen Mehmood was transferred from ISI because of nearing retirement, not due to playing double game,” Musharraf insisted. He set aside the notion that the army had organised the Jihadi outfits. “On the contrary they had come into existence under government policy. It was because of Kashmir that Jihadi organisations had been coming into existence,” Musharraf said. He said the lower strata of the American leadership were against him, not the top leadership. “They were of the impression that I was playing double game with them.” He said he was unaware that the US or the army had accorded no objection for his removal by President Zardari. To a question about Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan, he said he speaks lies over TV. “Documentary proofs and pictures are available with regard to his deals with Iran and Libya. They were also shown to Dr Khan.” Likewise, he said, Dr Khan’s photographs, along with his front men in Libya and Malaysia, are also available.  “Dr Khan is telling lies although I have saved him,” Musharraf said, adding: “Because of him I had confronted pressure from world over which demanded his handing over or permission to investigate him by intelligence agencies from different countries. I foiled all those attempts.” Musharraf said not a single agency was allowed to probe Dr Khan and we conducted the entire investigation process. When asked how Dr AQ Khan could have carried out the alleged activities without cooperation from the generals, he said none of the generals were involved. He said Dr AQ Khan had his own security and he also handled financial matters. “His cargo was never checked. Everything is possible when he was in charge of every thing and had all the powers.” He said he never handed over a single Pakistani to America, nor he knew about Dr Aafia Siddiqui. “On the contrary her mother used to pray for me,” he said. “Those mentioned in my book as being transferred to US, were foreigners and their own countries were not ready to receive them,” he added. “With the grace of God I have no problem to run the party,” he said when asked did he have sufficient funds to run party affairs. When asked where from he acquired that much of money, he explained “my lectures are not a charity, they earn handsome amount and take me world over”. He said the agency that plans lectures for him also does for Bill Clinton. He avoided answering when asked how much he gets from lectures but said the amount is handsome. “My friends are also a source for funding,” he said. About the National Security Council created during his tenure, he said, that could block the imposition of martial law in the country. “In the absence of a forum where the army could express itself, it would come out through its action.” About claims made by General (retd) Ziauddin Butt, Musharraf said they are baseless. In fact, he said, General Butt himself had destroyed the whole game. REFERENCE: Musharraf justifies relationship with Israel News Desk Monday, January 03, 2011

Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri in Jawab Deyh - 3 (GEO TV)

Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri in Jawab Deyh - 4 (GEO TV)

ISLAMABAD: Israeli President Shimon Peres is desperately trying to help his friend President Pervez Musharraf and is putting indirect pressure on the coalition government through different diplomatic channels not to impeach him, Foreign Office sources reveal. The sources claim that Peres wants a safe exit for Musharraf and he is also ready to provide security to his friend outside Pakistan. These sources also claim that Peres and Musharraf are in regular contact with each other for the last three years. Both met first in Davos in January 2005 and since then they have been writing letters to each other and exchanging pleasantries on telephone regularly. According to the sources, Peres wrote his first-ever official letter to Musharraf in October 2007, appreciating his efforts in the fight against terrorism. Musharraf, in his response, thanked the Israeli president for his support and good wishes. These letters were exchanged through diplomatic channels of Turkey. Peres called his Pakistani friend again a few days ago. Though the details of their conversation were not available with the Foreign Office yet it is believed that Peres offered his friend some help. Informed sources are of the view that Israel has strong friendly relations with Turkey and is in a position to provide security to Musharraf in Turkey. One close friend of Musharraf is also busy in lobbying for him in the Jewish lobby in the US these days. This friend of Musharraf has met many leaders of the World Jewish Congress recently. Musharraf even praised this friend publicly in recognition of his services for facilitating him to address the Jewish lobby in New York. This special friend still enjoys ministerial status in Pakistan without being elected and despite the fact that he is an American citizen. It has been learnt that the same friend is requesting his American Jewish contacts to do something for the safe exit of Musharraf through Israeli President Shimon Peres. Peres had openly said in October 2001 that he prayed for the life of Musharraf every morning as he (Musharraf) had signed his death warrant by changing the Afghan policy of Pakistan. After that, Musharraf also came into contact with the late Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon. He also met Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak in January this year in Paris. Diplomatic sources claim that Musharraf is the most popular Pakistani leader in Israel. He was the first Pakistani leader who was invited to address the World Jewish Congress in the US in 2005. After that historic event, the then foreign minister of Pakistan Khurshid Kasuri met his Israeli counterpart Silvon Shalom in Turkey in 2005. Musharraf had asked the Foreign Office in early 2007 to prepare a plan for the recognition of Israel but it did not materialise due to the political turmoil started in March 2007. It is also pertinent to mention here that Indian National Security Adviser MK Narayanan was the first foreign leader to come out openly in support of Musharraf on Wednesday, saying his impeachment would only help extremist elements in the country. The same Indian leader had declared on December 19, 2007 that India could trust Musharraf but not Benazir Bhutto. Musharraf knows that he is still popular among the Indian and Israeli establishments and has a lot of friends in Western capitals as well. If provided a safe exit, he can find a new role for himself in international diplomacy. Highly placed sources in the coalition government claim that Musharraf is now completely isolated and he has informed Asif Ali Zardari, through the governor Punjab, that he would resign if provided special indemnity. However, the coalition government is not ready to provide him indemnity and in that case he would face the first-ever humiliating impeachment process, which would definitely make history in Pakistan. REFERENCE: Israel ready to provide security to Musharraf? Hamid Mir Friday, August 15, 2008

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