Sunday, December 25, 2011

Shah Mehmood Qureshi's CIA/RAW Connections Balusa Group!

Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi addresses PTI rally amidst chants of "Go Zardari Go". Says "Quaid-e-Azam, we have failed you. But we have gathered today to protect your country. Karachi needs electricity, gas, peace. People of Karachi have a big heart. They accomodate everyone. No one can deny Karachi's economic status. If you want to see Pakistan smiling then Karachi will have to smile as well. Pakistan is in danger from our inner weaknesses. We have to fix our own home. No one will come from outside to help us and fix our problems. We have to get rid of inefficiency and corruption.When the nation is united for democracy then no institution can harm the nation. If anyone is harming democracy it is Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani.We are also united on an independent judiciary.We are also united on a free and independent media.The nation stands united on the safety of Pakistan's nuclear assets.Who is trying to harm our nuclear assets? Pakistan's nuclear assets have a 5-layered security system.Our nuclear safety standards are second to none.The nation has to pick decision-making leaders. When I was foreign minister, he expressed opinions against US-India civil nuclear deal, but President Zardari sent out a message that Pakistan will not go against any such nuclear deal.A nuclear deal between US and India severely undermines Pakistan. If Pakistan ever signs the “no first strike” agreement with India, its nuclear assets will be wasted and worthless. Zardari of ruined the deterrent value of Pakistan's nuclear program by saying "no first strike" on India.Pakistan’s nuclear assets are physically safe but are threatened by such “evil” decisions and such people. If you want see a successful Pakistan vote for a party that will not bend to anyone. I want to send a message to the whole world that we will make a Pakistan for the youth, students women, Sindhis, Balochis, Punjabis, Pathans and most of all Karachi's Pakistan...Pakistan Zindabad! REFERENCE: Shah Mahmood Qureshi addresses rally amidst chants of 'Go Zardari Go' SUNDAY, 25 DECEMBER 2011 19:16

In fervour of Enthusiasm Mr. Shah Mehmood Qureshi is completely forgetting that he was once a part of US Central Intelligence and Indian Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) backed NGO "Balusa Group" How quickly the Ultra Patriot sitting in the Jang Group of Newspapers forget their own news which they filed on Shah Mehmood Qureshi, General Mahmud Durrani and Alleged CIA-RAW Links and guess what the news was filed by non other than Mariana Baabar, a Senior Diplomatic Correspondent. The news has removed this news from their archive:), Shah Mehmood Qureshi also conveniently forget as to what Imran Khan said in an interview to Karan Thapar for Indian Media on Pakistani Establishment and Jihadi Groups. How convenient is that for Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf to declare anybody Anti-Pakistan whereas several Flaming Anti-State Elements are working within PTI with Imran Khan against the interests of Pakistan.


FM Qureshi quits American-funded Balusa Group MONDAY, 07 APRIL 2008 16:11 The News Sunday, April 06, 2008 By Mariana Baabar  ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has detached himself from the little known Balusa Group, a Track II initiative involving well known Pakistanis and Indians, funded by an American, Shirin Taherkheli. A spokesman at the Foreign Office when asked said that since Qureshi had taken charge as the Foreign Minister of Pakistan, he no longer remained connected to the Balusa Group. Another prominent Pakistani, Major General (retd) Mahmud Ali Durrani, who will take charge as the National Security Adviser, has also been part of Balusa, but it is not known whether he would still be part of this initiative after he took over as ambassador to the United States and now after his new charge in Islamabad. Some of the others are Syed Babar Ali, General Farrakh Khan, Shaharyar Khan and Toufiq Siddiqi. On the Indian side, some of the members are General Satish Nambiar, Kuldip Nayar, Raja Mohan, Bharat Bhushan and Salman Haidar. A former RAW official is also part of this group. Toufiq Siddiqi is an environmentalist and energy expert based in Hawaii and Shirin Tahirkheli, his sister, with support from the United Nations Development Programme and the Rockefeller Foundation, brought together a group of Indian and Pakistani generals, politicians, bureaucrats and others to discuss ways to bring "sense and direction" to the India-Pakistan relationship. This loose gathering that came to be known as the Balusa Group, is named after two adjacent villages in the Pakistani Punjab. In a July-August 2005 interview with the Nepalese magazine Himal, Durrani was asked how he got involved in lobbying for transnational natural gas pipelines in the Central and South Asian region. He replied, "Shirin Tahirkheli (now in-charge at the State Department for the UN reform effort) is really the 'mother hen' of all this. I was still in service when I told her of wanting to retire and devote my life to promoting India-Pakistan peace. Within two years, she and her brother Toufiq (Siddiqi) had organised a group of Pakistanis and Indians to discuss energy cooperation. I attended the first meeting with the backing of the Pakistan military. There was a feeling that we needed peace. There was even an ex-RAW chief in our group." However, DG Institute of Strategic Studies, Dr Shirin Mazari, is skeptical about the Balusa group and says, "The Americans have increased their intrusive activities on all fronts. We have had rising Predator and missile attacks from across the international Pakistan-Afghanistan border even as US-linked/supported personnel continue to occupy positions in the corridors of power. The Balusa Group members funded through an American, Shirin Taherkheli, are a key US investment in Pakistan's power echelons that continue to pay dividends for the US, and this is only one of the many influence-generating channels." Dr Ayesha Siddiqua, an independent strategic and political analyst, who seldom agrees with Mazari, recently noted that "The PPP selected Washington's dream team to run foreign relations and national security. One is not sure that appointing Durrani as the National Security Adviser will do the job. The appointment (of Durrani) is in consideration of the general's close ties with the US Pentagon. Not to mention the fact that Durrani owes his intellectual growth to Shirin Tahirkheli, a Bush administration adviser and former senior official of the UN National Security Council".


Imran Khan Propaganda Against Pakistani Establishment. (IBN/CNN)

Part - 1 . Imran Khan - Interview by Karan Thapar in Devil's Advocate - CNN-IBN  Part - 2 . Build trust, put Kashmir on back burner: Imran  Pakistan | Updated Nov 13, 2011 at 07:11am IST Zardari exposed true face of Pak politics: Imran  Pakistan | Updated Nov 13, 2011 at 07:28pm IST Will stop terror groups if elected PM: Imran 

Imran Khan Propaganda Against Religious Parties in Indian Media. (IBN/CNN)

Part - 1 . Imran Khan - Interview by Karan Thapar in Devil's Advocate - CNN-IBN  Part - 2 . Build trust, put Kashmir on back burner: Imran  Pakistan | Updated Nov 13, 2011 at 07:11am IST Zardari exposed true face of Pak politics: Imran  Pakistan | Updated Nov 13, 2011 at 07:28pm IST Will stop terror groups if elected PM: Imran 

The proposed Vajpayee-Musharraf summit should be converted into a ``Lahore Plus'' exercise as it would finally get the Pakistani military on board and also ``help undo Kargil'', the BALUSA group, a Track-II initiative by leading opinion-makers from India and Pakistan, has said. Some forward movement on Kashmir was also essential. For example, the two sides could agree on a formula under which cross-border incursions would be reduced in conjunction with a scaling down of the Indian troop levels in Kashmir. BALUSA, however, cautioned against increased expectations about the summit, saying these could not realistically be met by the ``first such meeting between two individuals who had shared suspicions of each other''. It was important that ``the impression not be that there was a quick solution''. Meeting on the margins of the conference held at Wilton Park, U.K., from May 30 to June 3, on

``The Reshaping of European Security Relations; 1980-2000 Confidence and Security Building measures and Conventional Arms Control'', BALUSA lauded ``the boldness and the leadership'' displayed by the Prime Minister, Mr. Atal Behari Vajpayee, in extending the invitation to General Pervez Musharraf. The Pakistani leader's offer to meet ``any time, any place'' was also appreciated as having created the right atmosphere. It saw the planned summit as an indication of the political will to normalise relations and suggested a series of steps by which the bilateral agenda could be advanced.

These were:

``Revival of working groups (or similar structures) in all areas as agreed to in 1998 with an institutional structure for some movement within a specified time-frame, e.g., six months. (Members of the group felt that without a time-table, there is less incentive for the two bureaucracies to move forward).

``Some forward movement on Kashmir, even if it is a statement that the two leaders are agreed on embarking on the ``long journey to find a solution''. It is important that the impression not be that there was a quick solution. However, it is important that there be some forward movement in order to demonstrate that the two sides had gone beyond Kargil. For example, both sides could find an agreed formula whereby cross- border incursions could be reduced in conjunction with a reduction in the number of deployed Indian troops in Kashmir. This way, each would achieve an important element for their respective domestic constituencies.

``The communique of the (summit) meeting should be carefully crafted to give the view that each side considered that there was no alternative to peace between the two countries. This would make the meeting a ``Lahore Plus'' as it would get the Pakistani military finally on board the Lahore process. Pakistan may not agree to simply restate all aspects of the Lahore meeting of February 1999 (given past criticism that the meeting had unnecessarily downplayed Kashmir) but a formulation allowing for the principles of that meeting (could be made) for approval by the current leadership on both sides may provide the opening.

``A statement by General Musharraf to the Indian people that Pakistan wanted to live in peace and friendship with India would go down well as had the visit of Mr. Vajpayee to the Minar-e- Pakistan during his Lahore journey in February 1999.

``Both sides must recognise the need to set up some rules of the game. For example, every event should not be touted as a ``victory'' going against the other side.

``The media preparation before the summit and subsequent to it needed to be carefully calibrated.

``Smaller agreements - visas, cricket, etc., - should accompany the summit results announcement. Others such as Siachen could be the first set of issues tackled with a view toward settlement.

``A statement that the two leaders recognise the energy needs of their respective countries and hope that future cooperation in the area was possible could be helpful in collaboration in the area that offered a great deal of possibility for future peace and cooperation in the subcontinent.''

The BALUSA group pledged to do whatever it could to convey these views to the respective sides using their individual channels. Members who attended the meeting were: Syed Babar Ali, Bharat Bhushan, General Mahmud Ali Durrani, Salman Haidar, General Farrakh Khan, Shaharyar Khan, General Satish Nambiar, Kuldip Nayar, Raja Mohan, Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Toufiq Siddiqi and Shirin Tahir-Kheli. REFERENCE: 'Make the summit Lahore Plus' Online edition of India's National Newspaper Saturday, June 09, 2001

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