Saturday, February 4, 2012

Jamat-e-Islami's Violent Ideology & Siege of Holy Ka'aba in 1979.

For example, after the 9/11, the former JI Amir Qazi Hussain Ahmad stated that al-Qaeda was a figment of the Americans’ imagination. On the contrary, the then JI Secretary General Syed Munawar Hassan, the current chief of the party, said that al-Qaeda leaders were our brethren (Nawa-i-Waqt, October 13, 2002). Commenting on these statements, Prof. Ahmad said: ‘There is no contradiction between the two. The Muslims in al-Qaeda are our brethren. They should be punished if they are criminals!’ He sounded mightily reluctant to hold Al-Qaeda responsible for 9/11. He even refused to give any credence to Gulbadeen Hikmatyar’s statement that Al-Qaeda was responsible for 9/11. (It may be added here that Hikmatyar is Jamaat-i-Islami’s favorite Afghan leader.) Instead, he finds “dozens of scholarly books” casting doubt on the official version more credible. REFERENCE: The Muslims in al-Qaeda are our brethren, says the top Jamaat-i-Islami ideologue Prof. Khurshid Ahmad Dec 16th, 2010 By Shakil Chaudhary and Mohammad Shehzad

WAY BACK IN 1979: Some foreign observers thought in 1979 that traditionalism was no longer a strong force in Saudi Arabia. This idea was disproved when at least 500 dissidents invaded and seized the Grand Mosque in Mecca on November 20, 1979. The leader of the dissidents, Juhaiman ibn Muhammad ibn Saif al Utaiba, a Sunni, was from one of the foremost families of Najd. His grandfather had ridden with Abd al Aziz in the early decades of the century, and other family members were among the foremost of the Ikhwan. Juhaiman said that his justification was that the Al Saud had lost its legitimacy through corruption, ostentation, and mindless imitation of the West--virtually an echo of his grandfather's charge in 1921 against Abd al Aziz. Juhaiman's accusations against the Saudi monarchy closely resembled Ayatollah Ruhollah Musaui, Khomeini's diatribes against the shah. The Saudi leadership was stunned and initially paralyzed by the takeover. The Grand Mosque surrounds the Kaaba, symbol of the oneness of God and believed by Muslims to have been built by the Prophet Abraham. The courtyard is one of the sites where the hajj, the fifth pillar of Islam, is enacted. Because of the holiness of the place, no non-Muslims may enter the city of Mecca. Furthermore, all holy places come under a special injunction in Islam. It is forbidden to shed blood there or to deface or to pollute them in any way. Despite careful planning on Juhaiman's part, a guard was shot dead by one of the nervous dissidents. Such a desecration is a major violation under Islamic law and merits crucifixion for the convicted offender. Juhaiman's party included women as well as men, other peninsular Arabs, and a few Egyptians. A score of the dissidents were unemployed graduates of the kingdom's seminary in Medina. They had provisions for the siege they expected as well as extensive supplies of arms. The government's initial attempts to rout the dissidents were stymied. Before any military move could be authorized, the ulama had to issue a dispensation to allow the bearing of arms in a holy place. When the religious problems were solved by announcement of the ulama's ruling, logistical problems bogged down the efforts of the military and the national guard for several days. Finally, two weeks later the military effort succeeded, and the dissidents were dislodged. All the surviving males were eventually beheaded in the squares of four Saudi cities. REFERENCE: 1979 Juhaiman ibn Muhammad ibn Saif al Utaiba

Ka'aba under siege - 1 (1979 Grand Mosque Seizure)

Riyadh (10 January 1980). "63 Zealots beheaded for seizing Mosque". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Retrieved 12 November 2010.

Ka'aba under siege - 2 (1979 Grand Mosque Seizure)

Juhayman Bin Mohamed Bin Seif al-Otaibi was born in a Brotherhood settlement in the area of Quseim, close to the city of Ghatghat, the headquarters of Sultan Bin Bijad who was killed by the forces of the founding King Abdel-Aziz during the famous Sibla battle. Juhayman had a strict religious upbringing. He married the daughter of prince Sajer Al Mohaya who was arrested after the Haram incident, then later married the sister of Mohamed Ibn Abdullah al-Qahtani. He work for about two years on the national guard forces. Juhayman studied at the Islamic university in Medina and was the student of Sheikh Abdel-Aziz Bin Baz, former Mufti of Saudi Arabia. Juhayman returned to Qusaim in 1974 with a number of students and started promoting the establishment of a fundamentalist movement that he called “The Brothers’ Movement” at the time (different from the Egyptian group the Muslim Brotherhood). Juhayman exceeded the teachings and methodology of his teacher Sheikh Bin Baz, expressing direct criticism of Ibn Soud. Juhayman said that Sheikh Bin Baz never objected to the Brothers’ Movement teachings, but that he had blamed them for focusing on Saudi issue alone. Juhayman then stopped attending Sheikh Bin Baz’s meetings and lectures. In his third message “The Brothers’ Call” he said that they (he and his colleagues) had to educate themselves when they couldn’t find “pure” Sharia education in the official Sharia school. They promoted their movement in tribal areas and grew in number. They then moved to the capital Riyadh in 1976 where Juhayman published his first message under the title “The Law of Loyalty and Obedience: Corrupt Government” in which he attacked jurisprudents. In this message he said “People should not obey, but fight, Muslim rulers who do not adhere to the teachings of Quran and tradition. These corrupt rulers use Sharia to serve their own personal objectives and deal with unbelievers”. These ideas led to his arrest with 98 of his followers in the summer of 1978. However, they were not put on trial. Sheikh Bin Baz was asked to examine their ideas and discuss with them. After listening to them, Bin Baz refused to consider them traitors, thus the authorities had to release them after they spent six weeks in prison. They promised to stop preaching and attacking rulers. Contrary to Osama Bin Laden who has no significant writings, Juhayman wrote 14 fundamentalist messages that included his ideas, parts of which where published under the title “The Seven Messages”. The messages were banned in Saudi Arabia. According to these messages, Juhayman believed that Saudi religious education as was conducted at that time should be stopped. Many Wahabis said that Juhayman said that “he saw hundreds of the graduates of these schools became preachers, as if preaching was a government profession where employees look forward to receiving their monthly salaries.” He believed that such schools only produce religious representatives of the government, but not real ulama (religious scholars) or sheikhs, as he believed these should be independent leaders who think and act in accordance with the interests of Islam and society rather than the authorities as was the case in Saudi Arabia. In his first message Juhayman talked about the emergence of the awaited Mahdi. In 1979 he wrote that prophet Mohamed visited him in a vision, then God talked to him and ordered him to announce that he was the Mahdi, sent to purify the earth from corruption. Qahtani also claimed he had the same vision. Qahtani then married Juhayman’s sister. To be fair, not all Juhayman’s writings were of that type. In his 11 messages he expressed his position towards rulers of Muslim countries in general, and the Saud family in particular; he also addressed major Islamic jurisprudence issues, such as Jihad, in addition to his position towards emirs and obedience. In his message Juhayman wonders: “Can jihad be declared against atheist countries when we have exchanged ambassadors and experts? How can we promote Islam when we have Christians for professors? Can we contradict our professors? Can we call for raising the jihad flag while the Christian flag stands side by side with the monotheism flag? We shouldn’t be deceived to that extent, as there should be a clear distinction between what is right and what is wrong. We should stay away from these people, we should fight them.” This is the same logic that Bin Laden used 20 years later in the speech broadcast by Al Jazira where he divided the world into two “areas”: the area of Islam and the area of atheism. He described the issue as a “crusade” against Islam and Muslims. Thus he follows the same line as Juhayman, and finds justifications in the older literature of al-Mawdudi, Qutb, and others. On 20 November 1979, 500 dissidents led by the grandson of the leader of the Ikhwan rebellion – 38-year old Juhayman – seized Mecca’s Grand Mosque. Almost fifty years to the day, Juhayman reiterated his ancestor’s grievances as he grabbed the mosque’s loudspeaker and announced that the House of Saud had lost its claim to legitimacy through corruption, ostentation, and mindless imitation of the West. His words were chilling to the royal family, all the more so because they closely resembled Khomeini’s diatribes against the Shah. The Saudi leadership was initially paralysed by the takeover. The Grand Mosque surrounds Islam’s holiest shrine. Accordingly, no non-Muslim may enter the city of Mecca and shedding blood on such holy grounds is considered blasphemy. The Saudi royal family’s hands were tied for days as they deliberated how to dislodge the dissidents. The Ulema had to issue a dispensation to allow the bearing of arms in a holy place before any military move could be authorized. Once more, the traditional alliance of convenience between the religious establishment and the House of Saud served its purpose. The fatwa issued by the highest religious authority, Mufti Bin Baz, legitimised the unthinkable – spilling blood in Islam’s holiest site. But even when the religious dilemma was solved, the Saudi military failed to end the siege. This time, the House of Saud had to ask the Ulema to sanction that the mosque be stormed by ‘infidels’. This second fatwa set a precedent that was to be invoked again during the Gulf War.

US Embassy's Confidential/Secret Memo on the siege of Holy Ka'aba Nov/Dec 1979 - Research for The Siege of Mecca involved requesting the declassification of hundreds of secret State Department, Central Intelligence Agency and British Foreign Office documents that contain previously unknown details about the bloody events of 1979 and their consequences. The State Department was particularly forthcoming in releasing these documents. A selection of previously classified diplomatic cables below sheds unexpected new light on the Middle East’s political dynamic.

Siege of Mecca and Juhayman al-Otaibi - 1

Courtesy: Footage of Juhayman Al Otaybi Thursday, September 27, 2007

Juhayman ibn Muhammad ibn Sayf al-Otaibi believed that an Islamic uprising was needed in order to create a more fundamentalist Sunni Islamic state. From an outside point of view this may appear rather strange given the fact that Islamic Sharia law governs Saudi Arabia and not one single Christian church or Buddhist temple is allowed. However, according to Juhayman al-Otaibi the ruling elites in Saudi Arabia were self-serving and radical change was needed. This single event in late 1979 still shakes the Sunni Islamic world today and the same applies to covert work done by CIA operatives. After all, the government of America violated the Constitution because CIA operatives were allowed to be converted to Islam in order to enter Mecca and to participate in quelling the uprising. The French government, the so-called bastion of secularism, allowed their commandos to be converted to Islam also in order that they could help different Saudi units to kill the jihadists. Religion and state is meant to be separate in America but CIA operatives were told to convert to Islam. This fact is a side issue but it shows you the clandestine nature of certain agencies in America and it signifies that government elites will do anything in order to protect Saudi Arabia. Of course, the same applies to France which participated in killing Sunni Muslim conservatives who believed that all non-Muslims must be expelled from Saudi Arabia. Therefore, the most powerful majority Christian nation in the world (America) and the most potent secular state (France) were involved in the attack on the Grand Mosque in Mecca. It must also be stated that apart from one individual connected with the bin Laden family, every other militant was beheaded within a very short period after being captured. This fact, shows the nature of Saudi Arabian law and how fickle human rights are in America, France, and the United Kingdom, because Western nations were involved in crushing this revolt and they understood the consequences of what would happen. Therefore, Juhayman al-Otaibi and his followers were written out of the history books and why so little footage given the severe nature of this event in the Western media? If you fast forward to September 11 then it is clear that it doesn’t matter if the American government is Democrat or Republican. This applies to nearly every national who did September 11 coming from Saudi Arabia. Also, it is clear that ratlines existed between certain elites in Saudi Arabia and terrorist networks which did the terrorist attack against the people of America. However, this event meant little within powerful circles in Washington with regards to the role of Saudi Arabia and instead secular Iraq, with a Christian Deputy Prime Minister, was attacked and bombed. The irony being that Western powers re-installed Islamic Sharia law in Iraq, just like they had in Afghanistan and radical Sunni Islamists (the majority from Saudi Arabia) entered the Sunni-Shia civil war in this nation. REFERENCE: Siege of Mecca and Juhayman al-Otaibi: CIA and GIGN operatives converted to Islam by Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times

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Courtesy: Footage of Juhayman Al Otaybi Thursday, September 27, 2007

Turning back to the Siege of Mecca in 1979 when Juhayman al-Otaibi and his followers stormed Mecca. It becomes clear that this galvanized America and Saudi Arabia to further bankroll Sunni Islamic terrorists in Afghanistan and bordering regions of Pakistan. After all, the elites in Saudi Arabia needed a distraction and America was worried about the repercussions of this extremely important event. The year 1979 in the Islamic world was dramatic and this applies to the Iranian Revolution, the Soviet Union entering Afghanistan, and the Siege of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. However, the greater event was the Siege of Mecca because for America and Saudi Arabia the crisis in Afghanistan was a welcome distraction. Therefore, funding Sunni Islamic terrorism was a great way to take the “heat” of elites within Saudi Arabia and to unify Sunni Islamists into their version of an Islamic jihad. At the same time, it is also clear that the Islamic ulema violated the words of the prophet Mohammed because killing is forbidden in the Grand Mosque. However, the Islamic ulema supported the attack against the jihadists and Saudi units, the French National Gendarmerie Intervention Group (GIGN), CIA operatives who were involved in the planning, and other covert security agencies, stormed the Grand Mosque and killed hundreds of Sunni jihadists. The true extent of the attack was hidden in general from the outside world but the repercussions remain powerful today. In an earlier article published by Modern Tokyo Times it was stated that “The Saudi Arabian regime in 1979 faced a major crisis because the siege of Mecca could have led to severe pressure on the House of Saud. Therefore, the regime turned to America in order to crush the uprising. CIA operatives were sent to help.” Ziauddin Sardar states in his article called “The battle at Islam’s heart” (1 November 2007 – The New Statesman) that “A horde of CIA operatives was quickly converted to Islam so that they could enter the Holy City to assess the battlefield for themselves. They recommended chemical warfare.” Therefore, the French GIGN which is a specialist counter-terrorism unit and which is trained in hostage taking events, alongside CIA operatives, were converted to Islam with the blessing of political elites in both America and France. The conversions lacked sincerity and is clear evidence that the House of Saud, the Islamic ulema in Saudi Arabia, the slave mentality of America and France which would do anything for the monarchy, all worked hand in hand. Irrespective if individuals agree with crushing the jihadist uprising, it is clear that individuals like Osama bin Laden would understand this event from “an Islamic point of view” and this applies to violating the Grand Mosque of Mecca. The trade-off between the Saudi regime and the religious leaders of Saudi Arabia was that they would be allowed to do whatever they liked apart from threatening the ruling elites. Therefore, terrorism in “not our backyard” was implemented and radical organizations were allowed to spread their ideology throughout the world and clearly with great success. Ziauddin Sardar further comments that “Thus began, on the morning of 20 November 1979, the Siege of the Sacred Mosque. What happened during the next two weeks has had a profound impact on most of the Muslim world.” He continues by stating that “The insurgents were led by a Bedouin preacher, Juhayman bin Seif al-Uteybi, and his brother- in-law Mohammed Abdullah al-Qahtani, the alleged Mahdi. The rebels included Egyptians, Pakistanis and American converts, but most were Saudis from the Oteiba tribe, which had actually helped King Abdul Aziz, founder of Saudi Arabia, to seize control of the Arabian Peninsula in 1902. They believed that the royal family had become corrupt, that the state was promoting heresy, that religious scholars were collaborating with the royal family in spreading immoral practices and that Saudi Arabia had become obsessed with money and consumerism. I knew their kind rather well.” It was also reported that you had a connection with the bin Laden family because “In the 1960s Osama bin Laden’s half-brother Mahrous bin Laden joined a rebel group opposed to the Saudi government. With his assistance, in 1979 the rebels smuggled weapons into Mecca using trucks belonging to the bin Laden family company. Five hundred rebels then seized the Grand Mosque in Mecca (sic), Islam’s holiest mosque in its holiest city. They try, but fail, to overthrow the Saudi royal family. All the men who took part are later beheaded except Mahrous. Eventually he is released from prison because of the close ties between the bin Ladens and the Saudi royal family. Mahrous apparently abandons the rebel cause and joins the family business. He is eventually made a head of the Medina branch and a member of the board. He will still hold these positions on 9/11. But a newspaper reports that “his past [is] not forgiven and most important decisions in the [bin Laden family business] are made without Mahrous’ input.” (Collection of sources – Sunday Herald (Glasgow), 10/7/21; Ha’aretz ,12/18/2002; and New Yorker, 11/5/2001) Juhayman al-Otaibi was a powerful leader despite the lack of followers who supported his logic. He believed firmly that the House of Saud was polluting Islam and that materialism was destroying the fabric of society alongside other important factors. Therefore, he and his followers stormed Mecca in order to challenge the ruling elites and this event led to shockwaves within the Sunni Islamic community. Over two weeks you had an Islamic jihad against the Saudi regime and hundreds of Islamists were killed by a mixture of forces. Mecca had become a battleground and a place full of blood and devastation. Accounts vary about the forces which were instrumental in protecting the House of Saud but America, France, and Pakistan played their role and the CIA gave powerful support. Shortly afterwards, Afghanistan would become a rallying call in spreading radical Sunni Islam and clearly America had a shared objective with the House of Saud. Therefore, “several birds could be killed with one stone.” This applies to a much needed distraction for Saudi Arabia; the need to retake the mantle of being the guardians of Sunni Islam; to undermine the role of Iran within the Muslim world because they followed the Shia faith; and to defeat communism in Afghanistan and unleash a brutal war for the Soviet Union. Therefore, from the siege of Mecca to the war in Afghanistan you had a shared geopolitical interest for both America and Saudi Arabia, alongside the CIA and other security operatives, who would covertly support Islamic terrorism via Pakistan. Firm objectives and ties were being made and Pakistan would also witness Islamization under General Zia- ul-Haq and once more it is clear that America favored General Zia-ul-Haq over democratic forces in India.  REFERENCE: Siege of Mecca and Juhayman al-Otaibi: CIA and GIGN operatives converted to Islam by Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times

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Courtesy: Footage of Juhayman Al Otaybi Thursday, September 27, 2007

US Embassy's Confidential/Secret Memo on the siege of Holy Ka'aba Nov/Dec 1979

Therefore, from 1981 to 1987 the USA provided over US$3.2 billion dollars in order to support radical Sunni Islam and this was followed by a further $4.2 billion dollars. More important, the CIA, MI6, the SAS, and other international covert agencies, were involved in training radical Islamists in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The outcome being a multi-ethnic jihadist movement which would be armed and trained by America, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, and other nations. However, America and Saudi Arabia would be the cornerstone and Pakistan would become the binding factor because of geopolitics. America and the United Kingdom would also allow Saudi Arabia to spread their version of Islam in both nations. This can be seen by huge funding to vast numbers of Sunni Islamic causes and even in jails both America and the United Kingdom would allow radical Sunni Islamic preachers to convert prisoners. Turning back to the Siege of Mecca then clearly the Cold War was still in full swing. Therefore, this event was sidelined despite the importance of this crisis and Afghanistan was a godsend to all interested parties. However, in late 1979 the Grand Mosque in Mecca was a battleground where blood was spilled in many areas of this mosque. The House of Saud, CIA, GIGN, and other international security agencies, were allowed to plan and assist in the killing of jihadists who had stormed Mecca. From this moment, al-Qaeda would be given “the green light” along with so many Sunni international terrorist organizations. The first rallying call would become Afghanistan and then America would allow the same Islamists to slit the throats of Orthodox Christians in Bosnia and once more these images were hidden to the outside world. If images of the Siege of Mecca had been shown throughout the Islamic world, then it would have shown dead bodies all over Mecca. Also, with CIA operatives and the French GIGN being allowed to convert to Islam then this would have gone down badly because these conversions were a sham. Not only this, the government of America is not meant to promote the conversion of people to any faith and this is a clear violation of the Constitution of America and the same applies to France. If media outlets had shown images of hundreds of Islamists being killed in Mecca whereby Saudi security forces and non-Saudi units were bombing Mecca, then clearly this would have inflamed the Sunni Islamic world. The House of Saud in time would completely finish the job by beading all captors apart from one individual who was a member of the bin Laden family group. Therefore, Juhayman al-Otaibi was turned into a non-entity whereby he disappears from history and nothing more remains. In an earlier article by Modern Tokyo Times it was stated that “The relatively unknown event which happened in Mecca in 1979 certainly can be linked to events in Afghanistan and the Balkans. This applies to the push for supporting radical Sunni Islam after this event in order to crush an internal Islamic threat. Therefore, Afghanistan became a convenient unifying factor. In turn, the Islamic network system and the use of Islamic charities in this conflict would be used in order to spread and support the Muslim cause in Bosnia.” “America and the green flag of Islam which is being led by Saudi Arabia may have different long-term objectives despite sharing similar goals since (and before) 1979 to the current period. However, Islamists are now embarking on a stealth jihad within the democratic world and America, Germany, India, the United Kingdom, and others, need to understand that while certain nations may have long term goals it is clear that Islamists have long term objectives and this applies to Islamization.”  REFERENCE: Siege of Mecca and Juhayman al-Otaibi: CIA and GIGN operatives converted to Islam by Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times

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Courtesy: Footage of Juhayman Al Otaybi Thursday, September 27, 2007

“Even September 11 was manipulated by America because we all know that the majority of the Islamists came from Saudi Arabia and Bosnia was also an Islamic stepping stone in enabling this to happen. Therefore, former allies who supported terrorist networks in Afghanistan, Bosnia, and Pakistan, in order to boost the foreign policy objectives of America and Saudi Arabia now became enemies after September 11.” Afghanistan was a way of crushing internal Islamic factions in Saudi Arabia by giving them a free hand to export radical Sunni Islam internationally. In a similar way September 11 was manipulated by the government of America and security agencies. Also, the media was utilized in order to create a new threat. This convenient threat was Iraq but the main purpose was to distract internal political movements in America who wanted to focus on the Saudi angle and the role of Saudi Arabia in spreading radical Sunni Islam. Not one individual from the regime of Iraq was involved in September 11 and the issue of human rights doesn’t enter the equation. After all, when the Iraqi regime used chemical weapons against the Kurds little was said. Given this, Iraq became a distraction whereby Saudi Arabia would escape the wrath of September 11. Therefore, the Siege of Mecca enabled the international Sunni Islamist movement to spread their ideology externally on condition that they never threatened the elites of Saudi Arabia. At the same time, Sunni Islamic ratlines and Western powers manipulated Afghanistan and Bosnia by covertly supporting radical Sunni Islamists. However, September 11 was evidence of not only “blowback” but of the ratline links because nearly everybody involved were Saudi nationals. Also, several Islamists who were involved in September 11 had been based in Bosnia and obtained valuable experience in killing not only Orthodox Christians, but in terrorist activities and all courtesy of “a blind American policy.” The spirit of Juhayman al-Otaibi was alive within individuals like Osama bin Laden but from a different perspective. Juhayman al-Otaibi wasn’t concerned about exporting radical Sunni Islam because his concern was Saudi Arabia. More important, Juhayman al-Otaibi didn’t support killing innocents on the grounds of so-called Islamic jihad. Instead, he was focused on Islamic jihad because he believed that the Muslim ulema and elites in Saudi Arabia were turning against the Koran. However, the spirit of Juhayman al-Otaibi was within Osama bin Laden when it came to outside forces influencing and protecting Saudi Arabia. In the mindset of Osama bin Laden it was a violation of Islam to allow America and other non-Muslim majority nations to protect the well being of Saudi Arabia. Juhayman al-Otaibi was also scornful about this and he wanted all non-Muslims to be expelled from Saudi Arabia. However, Juhayman al-Otaibi was a much bigger threat than Osama bin Laden because he wanted to overthrow the ruling elites in the House of Saud. Therefore, the Siege of Mecca was the real turning point in the covert war in Afghanistan which received greater funding and attention because of this event. The period of late November and December in 1979 in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan remain potent today. If Juhayman al-Otaibi and his loyal forces hadn’t stormed Mecca then the potency of Afghanistan would have been reduced and the power of Islamism would have been kept in check more in Saudi Arabia. Yet the Siege of Mecca threatened the status quo therefore a trade-off was made and from this period you have many murky deals between several nations involved in spreading radical Sunni Islam. For conservative clerics in Saudi Arabia and organizations it is their duty to spread the Sunni Islamic faith because they deem all non-Muslims and non-Sunni Muslims to be infidels. At the same time, Sunni Islamic terrorist ratlines could co-exist alongside American foreign policy objectives and the foreign policy objectives of other Western nations. Therefore, Afghanistan and Bosnia are clear evidence of the link between both competing forces which united in a common cause. September 11 over-stepped the mark and after this America would turn against Sunni Islamic terrorism which was aimed at America. However, America and Saudi Arabia would remain aloof providing events didn’t threaten either nation internally. Despite this, the spirit of Juhayman al-Otaibi remains alive within parts of the international Sunni Islamist movement. This applies to his thinking that all foreign influence should be forced out of Saudi Arabia, the ending of the reliance on Western powers to protect this nation, the eviction of all non-Muslims, the ending of rampant materialism amongst the elites of Saudi Arabia, preventing female equality in law, and so forth. Juhayman al-Otaibi was a threat to the Saudi elites but the policies of powerful Western nations have created a bigger threat which expressed itself by the events of September 11, when blowback happened against innocent American civilians. The reverberations of the Siege of Mecca remain today with elites in Saudi Arabia being concerned by domestic issues and foreign powers have been engulfed by not understanding the bigger picture. Therefore, the attack which happened in 1979 during the Siege of Mecca remains within the internal convulsions of the Sunni Islamic world and nations which sold their soul during this event continue to have learned nothing.  REFERENCE: Siege of Mecca and Juhayman al-Otaibi: CIA and GIGN operatives converted to Islam by Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times

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Courtesy: Footage of Juhayman Al Otaybi Thursday, September 27, 2007

Jamat-e-Islami Links with Al-Qaeda

Terror mastermind captured – Terror mastermind captured – Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is thought to be the man who masterminded the attacks on 11 September. His capture in Pakistan was seen as a key success in the US fight to counter al-Qaeda. BBC News Online presents key video reports following the arrest. Tuesday, 4 March, 2003, 22:56 GMT  - KARACHI – Under immense pressure from the United States, a slow and gradual operation has begun in Pakistan against the strongest political voice of Islamists and the real mother of international Islamic movements, of which Osama bin Laden’s International Islamic Front is the spoiled child. In a surprise move this week, Pakistan’s federal minister of the interior, Faisal Saleh Hayat, listed a number of incidences in which members of the Jamaat-i-Islami (JI), the premier fundamentalist party in the country, had been tied to al-Qaeda, and called on it to “explain these links”. “It is a matter of concern that Jamaat-e-Islami, which is a main faction of the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal [MMA], has neither dissociated itself from its activists having links with the al-Qaeda network nor condemned their activities,” Faisal said, adding that “one could derive a meaning out of its silence”. The MMA is an alliance of six religious parties that gained unprecedented electoral victories in national elections in 2002. One of its members is the leader of the opposition in the Lower House, while the MMA controls the provincial government in North West Frontier Province. It also forms part of a coalition government in Balochistan province. The MMA has 67 seats in the 342-seat National Assembly, with just under a third of them held by the JI. Asia Times Online predicted that the JI would be targeted (Jihadi’s arrest a small step for Pakistan , Aug 10) and now contacts confirm that moves have already started against associates of the JI in its strongest political constituency, Karachi. The next phase will most likely be in Rawalpindi and southern Punjab. Several close affiliates are believed to have been arrested by the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) without charges being laid against them. Pakistan turns on itself By Syed Saleem Shahzad Aug 19, 2004  Khalid: A test for US credibility By Syed Saleem Shahzad Mar 6, 2003  Profile: Al-Qaeda ‘kingpin’ Page last updated at 14:04 GMT, Friday, 13 November 2009 ‘THE MASTERMIND’ For smug KSM, federal court could be perfect arena By Peter Finn Washington Post Staff Writer Saturday, November 14, 2009

ISLAMABAD: One of the top security agencies on Wednesday picked up Raja Ehsan Aziz, a member of Tehrik-e-Islami (TI), for his alleged connections with terrorists who had attacked the Parade Lane Mosque in Rawalpindi and Moon Market in Lahore. Tehrik-e-Islami is a splinter group of the JI. Two female members of the Tehrik have already been taken into custody. Sarwat Wahid, another female member whose son’s car was used in the Parade Lane Mosque attack, is missing. Also her son, Jawad, who was studying in Faisalabad after doing A Level from Beacon House School System, is missing. Aziz, a graduate of Columbia University who also served on senior positions at the Foreign Office, is a retired professor of International Relations, Quaid-i-Azam University. His elder son is an Army doctor. Aziz was taken away from his house in G/10-3 on Wednesday evening by sleuths of the Counter-Terrorism Cell, his wife Amira Aziz told The News. Amira, an ex-MNA of Jamaat-e-Islami and now a Shura member of the Tehrik, is a religious scholar and writes columns in an Urdu daily. Aziz’s driver, Phool Zeb from Nowshera, has already been arrested as investigators found a mobile SIM allegedly used for conversation during the attacks on the Parade Lane Mosque and Moon Market, was issued in his name. Likewise, the car used in the mosque attack belonged to Jawad, the son of a Tehrik-e-Islami woman, Sarwat Wahid, a resident of I-8 Sector, Islamabad. Both of them are missing since then. Likewise, Aziz’ son, Omer, a student of Islamic International University, has not returned home for the last five days. JI splinter group leader, females held for links to suicide attackers Friday, December 18, 2009 By Umar Cheema

Jamat e Islami Terrorist Dr. Usman was mastermind of Attack on GHQ

Aziz has been picked up for the second time, his wife said, denying any links of the family with terrorism incidents. “I’m a sworn enemy of America and can pay any price for it but I strongly oppose terrorism within Pakistan,” Amira Aziz told The News. She said the intelligence operatives had been following the women activists of Tehrik-e-Islami for the last six months and harassed them. She alleged that her husband was beaten black and blue when picked up last time and kept in illegal custody for a night. Amira said her son, Omer, a heart patient, was very upset when intelligence guys kept his father in their custody for a night. A female member of Tehrik, Najma Sana, who lives in G-9/1, is already in the agency’s custody for the last 10 days. Sarwat Wahid, after being chased by the intelligence agency, left Islamabad for Karachi where she was again pursued by the police. Her sister and children in Karachi have been arrested to press for recovery of Sarwat who has gone underground there. Sarwat’s son, Jawad, is also missing. Tahira Mumtaz, another female member of the Tehrik, was twice called for investigation over her alleged assistance to Sarwat to flee the capital. Altaf Aziz Khattack, SHO, said he was not aware of any such incident. He asked this correspondent to take up the matter with the R A Bazaar police in whose jurisdiction the mosque was attacked. When contacted, officials of the concerned police station said that they had not arrested Ehsan Aziz, adding the Army was investigating the attack and the matter may be taken up with them. The DG ISPR could not be contacted. REFERENCE: JI splinter group leader, females held for links to suicide attackers Friday, December 18, 2009 By Umar Cheema Saudi Fatwa on Usaamah Ibn Laadin Al Khaarijee
Saudi Fatwa on Usaamah Ibn Laadin Al Khaarijee

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