Monday, February 6, 2012

Mani Shankar Aiyar & Indo-Pakistan Relations & Wahabis/Salafis.

Varanasi also commonly known as Benares or Benaras , is a city situated on the banks of the River Ganges in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, 320 kilometres (199 mi) southeast of state capital Lucknow. It is regarded as a holy city by Hindus, Buddhists and Jains. It is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world and the oldest in India. The Kashi Naresh (Maharaja of Kashi) is the chief cultural patron of Varanasi and an essential part of all religious celebrations. The culture of Varanasi is closely associated with the River Ganges and the river's religious importance. The city has been a cultural and religious centre in North India for several thousand years. The Benares Gharana form of the Indian classical music developed in Varanasi, and many prominent Indian philosophers, poets, writers, and musicians resided or reside in Varanasi. Gautama Buddha gave his first sermon at Sarnath located near Varanasi (Kashi). People often refer to Varanasi as "the city of temples", "the holy city of India", "the religious capital of India", "the city of lights", "the city of learning", and "the oldest living city on planet earth." REFERENCE:

Mani Shankar Aiyar & Indo-Pakistan Relations - 1 (Capital Talk - 2nd Feb 2012)

The original name of Jamiah Salafiah was Al-Jamia-tul-Markazih, which came to be known as Markazi Darul-Uloom in Urdu. In India there are several institutions of various groups of Muslims which represent their own schools of thought. It was not evident from the name of Al-Jamia-tul-Markaziah as to which school of thought it was related with. Therefore, its founders renamed it in such a way so that there could be clear indication towards its purpose. The literal meaning of Salaf is that which has passed, and Salafiah means the followers of Salafi school of thought. They are a special group of the followers of the Prophet, Hazrat Mohammad (P.B.H.), which endeavors to receive Islamic education from its origin and foundation point, and to associate people with that religion which Prophet Mohammad (P.B.H.) has left for humanity, by presenting it in its original form. The followers of Salafiat endeavour to understand Islam in the light of the basic principles of the Quran and the Hadith in a way which is the way of the predecessors of Islam. That is to say, the early companions of the Holy Prophet;’Sahabah’, and later on the Muslim theologians, the Muslim Scholars of Holy Prophet’s traditions: Mohaddiseen and the Muslim jurists Foqhae Ezam took leading part in presenting Islam to the disciples of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.H.) in its original form. These information and contents of knowledge are spread over so many volumes of books written on this topic, and their authors belonged to different continents and states, who had been established in different parts of the world with the expansion and spread of Islam. A wast study and research programme is needed for its investigation. No Islamic education can be obtained in its original form by obeying only some particular Imam or walk in the footsteps of a learned man. That is why, it is wrong to call this group as a sect of Islam. A sect is named after the connection it makes with some personality, such as, Hanafi: the followers of Imam Abu Hanifa (R.A.), Shafai: the followers of Imam Shafai (R.A.), Malki: the followers of Imam Malik (R.A.)and Hambali: the followers of Imam Ahmad Bin Hambal (R.A.). Some people associate Salafiat with wahabiat and relate it with Imam Mohammad Bin Abdul Wahab Najadi, which is done absolutely on the basis of confusion and party feeling. Though Mohammad Bin Abdul Wahab cherished almost the same view- point and followed the same principle which a Salafi has. But a Salafi is neither the follower of Mohammad Bin Abdul Wahab nor realizes him as his Imam. A Salafi admits that the Islam which Prophet Mohammad (P.B.H.) had left with his companions was the real Islam and true religion, and its followers had proved the superiority of this religion before the world. By and by this religion had its impact on half of the population of the world with full glamour and peace and tranquility, wherever Islam reached, there reached peace, justice and brotherhood. Moreover, the honour and prestige of the people was saved. The inhabitants of those places invited the followers of Islam to release them from the cruelty of cruel rulers. When the condition of the world became worse, it cast its evil influence also on the followers of Islam; their view-point changed adversely and their thinking and apprehension changed accordingly. The rulers of the time utilized learned men, Ulama, to establish their supremacy. The door of authoritative interpretation of Islamic law was shut, and a special kind of religion was propagated, making the people follow in the footsteps of certain learned men and the Imam, in consequently some of them became Hanafi, some Shafai, some regarded Imam Malik as their Imam, and some thought it comparatively better to follow Imam Ahmad Bin Hambal. Though Islam was one and the same, but its followers were divided into four sects and held their special places in the Holy Haram and the Qibla, so that no quarrel might arise. The followers of every sect offered their Namaz in a different way; everyone declared himself true and the other false. If any suspicion arose in anybody’s mind for anything, he was made silent pronouncing that it was the verdict of his Imam. And to prove the supremacy of their Imam every sect presented false and imaginary excellence in its favour, so that no follower might leave his sect. The Salafi consider worship of graves as ‘shirk’ (to regard a personality equivalent to God), which is the greatest sin. Man in obedient to God only as His creation. It is the teaching of Islam that if a man stands in need , he should ask it from God alone who is his creator. The prophet of Islam has prohibited to build construction over a grave, and in the same way there is no place of any sort of ‘URS’ (periodical celebration to honour a dead person) in Islam. To express extreme sorrow and celebrate the death anniversary of Imam Hussain (R.A.) in the month of Moharram, Milad of the Prophet and many other customs which are prevalent in the Muslims today were not found in the people of earlier ages of Islam. These things can not be regarded Islamic and so the Salafi don’t acknowledge them. We acknowledge Jehad (fight against evils), but that Jehad only which established justice and peace in the world, by which the honour and prestige of people was protected, children and women were provided safe and secure position, dishonesty and cruelty came to an end. The same kind of Jehad is required today also. Today Jehad has been defamed. To kill innocents for no reason, to squander wealth and treasure for nothing, to frighten and terrorise people by bomb blast in a cruel and brutal way, and to regard them as Jehad or to call the doers as Jehadi is absolute craziness and bankruptcy of intelligence. This is such a crime that any punishment prescribed for it is insufficient. Everyone should blame such a heinous crime, and should bring about Jehad against inhuman acts and terrorism. The Salafi are called as Ahle-Hadees too, because they give first and foremost importance to the Quran and the Hadith, and such people have already been called Ahle-Hadees in the early books of Islamic religion. The Salafi acknowledge the authoritative interpretation of Islamic law and take decision with thinking and apprehension regarding problems of every day life in the light of the Holy Quran and the examples set for us by the Holy Prophet. We don’t admit narrow-mindedness. The problems we face today have a wide scope; it is better to acknowledge right things than to show haughtiness in accepting them. We respect all the Imams and pay our regard to them as Imam. They were those men who have served Islam and humanity, their position is very high, their services are great; but mystic knowledge and learning can not be besieged nor any person can claim to do it. So we should always make search for truth and should accept the truth that has been proved, may it be in favour of or against to the saying of any Imam. The truth is with God and the Prophet; this is our view-point, this is our principle and this is our proclamation. We teach principles, lead people on the right path, make them learned; but it is up to their own conscience whether to accept them or not, as it is their right. We pray to ALLAH to give us strength to realize truth and stick to it. REFERENCE: Meaning of Salafiat

Mani Shankar Aiyar & Indo-Pakistan Relations - 2 (Capital Talk - 2nd Feb 2012)

Mani Shankar Aiyar & Indo-Pakistan Relations - 3 (Capital Talk - 2nd Feb 2012)

KARACHI, Nov 12: Speakers at a conference on Saturday emphasised the need for working together in South Asia if the region is to tread the path of progress and prosperity. The international conference titled The Situation in South Asia – Global and Regional Implications was organised by the Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology (SZABIST) at the institute’s auditorium. The conference commenced with the welcome address delivered by Prof Dr Amanat Ali Jalbani, followed by senator Raza Rabbani’s speech in which he discussed Pakistan’s present geopolitical situation and reiterated the basic red lines, which were (1) respect for territorial sovereignty (2) issues should be dealt with sovereign equality (3) no boots on ground (4) cessation of drone attacks (5) no pressure from any power on decision-making vis-à-vis national security. The first session of the moot (Changing Situation in South Asia) was presided over by former foreign secretary Najumddin Shaikh. Dr Didier Chaudet of the Institute of Political Studies (Paris) was the first speaker of the day. He said when Pakistan came into being it was impossible to imagine to have no influence in Afghanistan. He said for Russia, Afghanistan was not the main issue: it only wanted to see what the US was doing. Global powers didn’t care much about Pakistan and Afghanistan, he said. Dr Julian Schofield of the Department of Political Science (Montreal) opined that China’s interest in Pakistan was shallow and superficial. Dr Ayesha Siddiqa contested Dr Schofield’s view and said the geo-strategic plates in the region were shifting as US-Pakistan relations were complex — there were strategic diversions and tactical conversions in the relations. She said there was an increased Chinese interest in Pakistan and the Chinese were moving very smartly. She said China wanted to get access to Pakistan’s resources but at the same time it didn’t want to take on additional liabilities. Replying to a question Ayesha Siddiqa said the military’s backing for certain non-state actors had negative implications. It could go to Afghanistan like India with options such as development and cultural exchange. She said one shouldn’t confuse equality with parity. The second session (Indo-Pak Relations: a Framework for Peace) was presided over by member of Indian parliament Mani Shankar Aiyar. The first speaker of the session historian Dr Mubarak Ali told the gathering that in the past efforts were made to write joint history textbooks, which didn’t materialise. He said our historical narratives carried hostility. There were attempts to isolate ourselves from India through history, then by using the Two-Nation Theory it was established that there’s nothing common between Hindus and Muslims. After the making of Bangladesh hostility towards India increased. He said Pakistan became an ideological state and thus liked to remain in isolation. He maintained though we read about Pakistan giving India the status of the Most Favoured Nation, it hadn’t made any effect on the life of the common man. Secretary-General of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan I.A. Rehman said there was a time when Jinnah said that Pakistan would defend India’s boundaries, but then two things changed the whole situation (1) 1947 riots which were economically motivated (2) the issue of Kashmir after which Pakistan developed the theory of security concern and relied on the US. He said today instead of cooperating in Afghanistan, India and Pakistan were determined to compete. It’s unwise for both countries to think that either didn’t have a stake in Afghanistan. He said they were creating a problem which was as difficult as Kashmir. He said we needed to unscramble the mess that we’d created. A beginning had to be made, he articulated. Ahsan Munir said trade between India and Pakistan was governed by political interests rather than economic. Mr Aiyar said Pakistan was an irreversible historical fact and that “India and Pakistan are like Siamese twins”; they couldn’t float away from each other. He said we could either carry on punching one another or work together towards a common goal. He said history didn’t divide us but historiographers did. It led to the Two-Nation theory which manifested in Pakistan and then into a three-state reality. He said there were Muslims shrines in India just as there were Hindu shrines in Pakistan. He lauded the idea of writing a joint history which was a difficult task. He commented that communalised approach to history was dangerous. “We must recognise the diversity of our heritage.” He said there were people in the Indian foreign office who were ignorant of and prejudiced against Pakistan — foreign offices of both countries were a problem. We must resume restructuring of an uninterrupted and uninterruptible dialogue and prevent hostile elements from not letting the dialogue take place. He stressed we shouldn’t let the non-state actors disrupt dialogue. He said a window of opportunity in Nov 2011 had been seen (he appreciated that the prime minister of India had called the prime minister of Pakistan a man of peace) and we must consolidate that point. For that to happen we still had two and a half years. Agreeing with I.A. Rehman on working together on different forums, he said India and Pakistan should also work with each other for UN reform and nuclear disarmament. Two presentations were made in the third session, presided over by economist Kaiser Bengali: one by Dr Tipu Sultan (on health-related issues) and the other by Iffat Ara (on matters pertaining to trade). In the concluding session Mr Aiyar delivered a longish speech in which he by giving a detailed historic perspective emphasised the point that civilizationally India and Pakistan shared more than what set them apart. He began by suggesting that two words, asymmetry and non-reciprocity, were key to coming closer — one should be friendlier to the other. He argued trade between the two had to be dealt with in a sensitive manner rather than bringing down all barriers. After tracing the centuries’ old common history, and after touching upon the phase when Indian leaders (Gandhi, Nehru, etc) suffered inferiority complex vis-à-vis Europeans and then restored self-confidence, he said it was Tagore and Iqbal who started Asian Renaissance in the region. He said in early 1947 through a conference Nehru wanted Asia to be the centre of the world. He said if Pakistan had ancestral relations with West Asia and Central Asia, it shouldn’t bother India; similarly India also had relations with these regions. But the fact remained that there were more civilisational similarities between India and Pakistan. He said Mughals ruled India for hundreds of years and during that time only 24 per cent of the population was Muslim, which clearly indicated that there was no major attempt to forcibly convert Hindus into Muslims. He said South Asia had survived on the basis of plurality whereas West Asia had survived on the basis of uniformity. He disagreed with Javed Jabbar who wrote in one his books that there’s a Muslim nation in India. He said sub-identity had to be given recognition. He said we had common civilisation and only when India’s hostility got asserted a reaction from Pakistan was witnessed. He again suggested that a structured uninterrupted and uninterruptible dialogue was necessary and for that to happen there should be a designated day (Thursday) at the Wagah-Attari border; the foreign offices of both countries shouldn’t be allowed to prevent the meetings from happening; all subjects should be discussed etc.Najmuddin Shaikh said he was a bureaucrat and remained so, but Mr Aiyar was a bureaucrat who became a politician and had now turned into a visionary. REFERENCE: Historiographers, not history, blamed for India-Pakistan dividePeerzada Salman November 13, 2011 
Mani Shankar Aiyar & Indo-Pakistan Relations - 4 (Capital Talk - 2nd Feb 2012)

These dazed and confused Political Mullahs have no idea of International Politics, International Relations and Trade Relations when they miserably try to defend Pakistan and Pakistan's National Interest through Islamic Lense. Please go through the public statements issued by two Chiefs of Jamat-e-Islami and then read the details about Saudi-India Diplomatic and Trade Relations while keeping in mind the Rampant and Deviant Statements of Jamat-e-Islami Chiefs on Diplomatic Relations with Non-Muslim States.
Qazi Hussain Ahmed, Former Amir (Chief) Jamat-e-Islami
Qazi sees international conspiracy against nuclear Pakistan GEO TV Updated at: 1719 PST, Sunday, May 10, 2009 SIALKOT: Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) former Amir Qazi Hussain Ahmed on Sunday said that international conspiracies were being hatched against Pakistan due to its nuclear capability. Addressing a news conference here, he said that United States, Israel and India were behind these conspiracies against nuclear Pakistan. He regretted that Pakistan is an ally of non-Muslim states instead of Muslim nations. Ahmed underscored that the country needed to end its alliance with the U.S. to resolve all of its problems. Former JI Amir further said that “The United States wants to see Indian dominance in this part of the world.”
Syed Munawar Hassan, Amir (Chief) Jamat-e-Islami
The JI Ameer stated this while addressing a large rally of party activists on The Mall on Sunday [Military action may lead to martial law, says Munawwar By Our Correspondent LAHORE Monday, May 11, 2009 - The News International] Speaking on the occasion, the JI Ameer said Pakistan at the moment was facing three enemies in form of US, Israel and India which were the centre of evils. Terming India a state full of conflicts, Munawwar said “India was the name of contradiction and conflict.” The JI Ameer stressed that focus should be made on the eastern border of the countries and a strict check must be kept on the evil designs of India. “Our army should concentrate on the eastern borders of the country”, said the JI Ameer.


New Delhi, January 21-26, 2006.

2006 News Story

King Abdullah receives a warm welcome in India 01/26/2006

King Abdullah, Prime Minister Singh and President Abdul Kalam at National Day
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz is currently on a state visit to India, the first such visit by a Saudi king in more than 50 years. The visit aims to expand energy cooperation and trade relations with India, one of Asia’s fastest growing economies. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh broke protocol by personally receiving King Abdullah at the airport January 22, a sign of how much importance India attaches to the royal visit, the Arab News reported. King Abdullah was also the guest of honor at India’s Republic Day celebrations in New Delhi today. King Abdullah and the Prime Minister held official talks yesterday after a ceremonial reception at the presidential palace, which included a 21-gun salute.

King Abdullah and Prime Minister Singh

The talks focused on long-term security cooperation, including fighting terrorism, international crime and energy security. The two nations signed a number of agreements, including a Memorandum of Understanding on fighting terrorism, an accord to avoid double-taxation, and a convention to promote bilateral investment. Following their meeting, King Abdullah and the Prime Minister opened a Saudi business exhibition, where Saudi and Indian businessmen signed 10 economic agreements. Yesterday evening, King Abdullah met with Indian President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam at the presidential palace in New Delhi. In remarks, the King offered his thanks for the warm reception, and expressed optimism that his visit to India would be a vital step towards closer cooperation between the two nations. “India’s economic growth has attracted world attention. We are happy that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will be one of India's major trade partners,” King Abdullah said. “Moreover, the Kingdom is also happy to host more than 1.5 million Indians who are contributing to the progress, development and prosperity of the two countries.”
King Abdullah and President Abdul Kalam
King Abdullah also expressed the hope that India would continue its supporting international efforts to achieve a fair and comprehensive resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Speaking to Saudi reporters in New Delhi Monday, Indian Minister of State for External Affairs E. Ahamed described King Abdullah’s visit as “important and historic.” He said India attached great importance to the visit, which would further strengthen longstanding relations between India and Saudi Arabia, the Arab News reported.

King Abdullah discusses trade in India
Oil Minister Mani Shankar Aiyar said that India would extend an offer to Saudi Aramco to collaborate on a Hindustan Petroleum refinery project in Visakhapatnam in India’s southern Andhra Pradesh region. Aiyar also said he hopes to discuss bilateral issues with Saudi Oil Minister Ali Al-Naimi, who is part of King Abdullah’s delegation. “The issue of hydrocarbon cooperation is also a component of bilateral talks that are going to be held between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and the Saudi king,” Aiyar said, as quoted in the Arab News. “So far as the oil component of our energy security is concerned, we have a strong assurance from Saudi Arabia that any incremental requirement will be met by them,” he said. Aiyar also said that a 26 percent dependence on Saudi Arabia is optimal and that now there is a need to diversify oil sources. Saudi Arabia accounts for nearly a quarter of India’s total oil imports, which amount to around 1.9 million barrels per day.
King Abdullah at ceremonial reception
In an interview with India’s NDTV channel over the weekend, King Abdullah discussed bilateral relations between the two countries, as well as a number of regional and international issues of common interest, including energy and terrorism. The King underscored the friendly relations between Saudi Arabia and India, and said that he hopes India and Pakistan resolve their differences peacefully. Everything can be achieved through dialogue, he said. He also said he believes India can play a role in the Organization of the Islamic Conference, possibly as an observer, like Russia. On oil, King Abdullah said that Saudi Arabia has the capability to meet the petroleum needs of India and other countries. He remarked that the Kingdom prefers lower oil prices because higher prices are not in the interest of developing countries. In the interview, King Abdullah also said that Saudi Arabia’s friendly relations with China and India would not affect its good relations with the United States, which has been a friend of the Kingdom for over 60 years. In addition, he stressed Saudi Arabia’s staunch opposition to terrorism.

OIC: Saudi king hopes Pakistan will sponsor India by Our Correspondent

NEW DELHI, Jan 22: King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has expressed the hope that Pakistan would sponsor India’s membership as an observer of the OIC even as he called on the two countries to resolve their differences. In a rare interview to India’s NDTV news channel King Abdullah did not name Kashmir as the dispute but left no doubt that he was seriously concerned about the issue. “I do believe that India can play a role in such an organisation, just like Russia does. Russia has an observer status in the Organisation of Islamic Conference and I believe that it will be very beneficial if the application of India could be put forth by a country such as Pakistan,” said the king.

Asked whether his country’s ties with Pakistan had impeded relations with India, the monarch said: “You are correct. The issue of Pakistan has had an impact on Saudi-India relations. I believe that the conflict that exists, the complication that exists, do not help the image of either country.” He said Pakistan is a “brotherly country and friendly country with which we have great ties.”

On the other hand, he said, India is a friendly country with which the kingdom has historic ties. “There is no doubt that the relationship of Saudi Arabia with Pakistan is a great relationship.”

He said Saudi Arabia was not funding terrorism directly or indirectly against India or any other country through its funds in Pakistan.

About his present visit to China, he said ties with China and India were not to come about at the expense of the United States its old ally and solid friend.

Hinting at a deeper partnership with India, King Abdullah admitted that current oil prices were too high and thus hurting developing countries. He said Saudi Arabia had the ability to meet any requirement that India may have for its energy security.

“We want to strengthen the link between India and Saudi Arabia with regards to energy and the ability to provide energy to India over the long term. From our perspective I personally feel that the current price of oil is too high.

“The price is damaging to developing countries who subsequently have to suffer. The price needs to be at a more moderate level. With regards to the export of crude oil to India, we would like to provide India’s requirement of energy in the future,” he said.

He also said he would like to move ahead with reforms in all areas, such as women’s rights. But he felt his country needed to be ready for this.

The king will arrive in New Delhi on Jan 24 and will be the chief guest at the Republic Day celebrations.
SAUDI-INDIA TRADE RELATION [Muslim Country and Non-Muslim Country]
From January 1991 to 2004, Government has approved 26,588 foreign collaboration (technical & financial) proposals with a corresponding foreign direct investment of Rs. 2,497.18 crore (US $ 67.15) billion and Cumulative inflows of FDI during 1991-2004 (up to November) is Rs. 131,387 Crore (US $ 32.15) billion.

The tables given below indicate the year-wise figures of foreign Investment approved with Saudi Arabian companies since 1991.

(* Updated up to November 2004)

(Inflow is 9.22% of the FDI approved)

The Industry-wise break-up of foreign direct investment and technical collaboration approved for Saudi Arabian companies during 01.08.1991 to 30.11.2004 is at Annex. I.

Details of FDI cases approved for Saudi Arabia during 01.08.1991 to 30.11.2004 is at Annex-II.

India-GCC Trade

Note: Imports figures for 200-2001 onwards do not include import of Petroleum Products (27100093) and Curde Oil (27090000)

Source: Directorate General of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Commerce & Industry,Government of India.

Trade between India and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

(From 1999 to 2007)

List of Indian Companies Participated in Saudi Arabia’s
List of Saudi Companies/ Government Departments participated in the

“Saudi Arabia in India” Exhibition

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