Friday, March 13, 2009

Allama Niyaz Fatehpuri and his Faith - 10


Books and Documents 03 Mar 2009, NewAgeIslam.Com

The War Within Islam: Niyaz Fatehpuri’s Struggle Against The Fundamentalists by JUHI SHAHIN

Excerpts from a newly published book in Pakistan: The War Within Islam: Niyaz Fatehpuri’s Struggle Against The Fundamentalists


Late. Allama Niyaz Fatehpuri [1884-1966]


Hasan Iqbal wrote:

In your response to Mr. Sayedda Kaneez's and Mr. Mehraj Ziya's comments questioning your stand, instead of clarifying your position vis-a-vis the article, you have out of your hatred towards a particular sect of Islam, childishly raised the question of Ahlulbait in the Quran and referred to an earlier article on the 12th Imam. If Juhi Shahin has gone out of her mind so as to write a book on a man who dared to question the basic tenets of Islam, instead of reprimanding her if she happens to be related to you in any way, you have chosen to promote her book and Fatehpuri's nonsense. [Hasan Iqbal]


Dear Hasan Sahab,

Why condemn only Ms. Juhi Shahin, Mr Sultan Shahin about posting an article on an alleged Atheist Questioning the Basic Tenets of Islam????

What about this?


Nuri Tibiris, one of the most renowned Shi'ite scholars and mujtahids, wrote a book against the present Quran. The book is entitled: 'Faslul Khitab Fi Tahreefi-Kitabi Rabbil Arbaab' (The Final Verdict on the Distortion of the Book of the Lord of Lords).

The Shiites assert that the existing Quran must have been altered, since there is no reference to any of their strayed beliefs in it. One of the first to explicitly state this view was Mirza Hussein Muhammad Taqiy al-Noori al-Tabrasi (d. 1320 AH) in his book The Final Verdict on the Distortion of the Book of the Lord of Lords. [Faslul Khitab Fi Tahreefi-Kitabi Rabbil Arbaab].

Original Quran will not come into view till the manifestation of Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) (Na’uzubillah). [Anwaar-ul-Na' umania, Vol 2, Pg 360 - Published Iran]

Collectors of Quran eliminated virtues of Prophet’s progeny from Surah Al-Ahzab which was about to the length of Surah Al-Bakrah.[Haq- ul-Yaqeen, Pg 66 - Published Iran]

The Munafiqeen (i.e. Sahaba) took very much out of Quran (took out the verses). (Ihtijaj-e-tibri, page #382).

When Imaam Mehdi comes he will bring with him the real and original Quran. (Ahsan-ul-maqaal, page #336, safdar Husain najfi).

The person who says that the present Quran is complete is a liar because the “complete Quran†was compiled by Hazrat Ali. (Fasl-ul-khitaab fee tahreef kitaab rab-ul- arbab, page #4, Noori Tibri).

"Abu Baseer reported that he said to Imam Ja'far, "O Abu Abdullah (Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq) What is Mus-haf Fatimah?" He replied "It is a Qur'an containing three times what is found in your copy of the Qur'an; yet by Allah, it does not contain even a single letter from your Qur'an. (Al-Kafi vol.1 p.457)

No one possess complete knowledge of Holy Qur'an except Imams. (Al Kafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 228)

God mentions in the Quran that He revealed Scriptures to the Prophets which they taught and recited to their people. Some of these Prophets and Scriptures are mentioned in the Quran:

Say, “We believe in Allah and that which has been sent down to us and that which has been sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and to the tribes, and that which has been given to Moses and Jesus, and that which has been given to the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have submitted (in Islam).” (Quran 2:136)

“It is He (God) Who has sent down the Book to you with truth, confirming what came before it. And He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.” (Quran 3:3)


Shiites believe that there was a scripture revealed after the Quran before the death of the Prophet, which they call the ‘Tablet of Fatimah’. They claim, that in it were the names of all those who were to be their Imams in the future [Al-Kulaini, Al-Kaafi, 1/527-8]

Important Note: Usool al- Kafi that is a collection narrations and traditions attributed to the Shiite Imams, Ahlul Bayt and the Prophet. Al-Kafi is the MOST reliable Shia Book, as the reliable Shia Scholars said and declared . Its author is Thiqat al-Islam Muhamad Ibn Yaqoob AlKulayni (A VERY reliable Shia Scholar, died in 328 H). Shi'ites scholars believe usool Al-Kafi was presented to the legendary Imam Qaem who liked it and said: "It suffices our Shi'ites" (al-Tharee'ah ela Tasaneef al-Shi'a: Agha Buzurg al-Tahraani; vol.17, p.245)

Shia directly challenge the authenticity of the Quran by stating that its has not been preserved, and that the Quran today is incomplete, and that the complete version is with their 12th Imam who has been in hiding for the past 900 years in ‘the cave’. They believe that when he emerges he will bring forth the complete version. [Usul Kafi 1:228, Al-Anwar al-Nu’maniah, 2: 360-2]

Important Note: Usool al- Kafi that is a collection narrations and traditions attributed to the Shiite Imams, Ahlul Bayt and the Prophet. Al-Kafi is the MOST reliable Shia Book, as the reliable Shia Scholars said and declared . Its author is Thiqat al-Islam Muhamad Ibn Yaqoob AlKulayni (A VERY reliable Shia Scholar, died in 328 H). Shi'ites scholars believe usool Al-Kafi was presented to the legendary Imam Qaem who liked it and said: "It suffices our Shi'ites" (al-Tharee'ah ela Tasaneef al-Shi'a: Agha Buzurg al-Tahraani; vol.17, p.245)

This, as should be clear to all, is in direct opposition to the teachings of Islam, as God clearly states that the Quran is under the direct protection of God:

“Verily it is We Who have sent down the Reminder and surely, We will guard it (from corruption)” (Quran 15:9)

Shiites assert that the existing Quran must have been altered, one of the first to explicitly state this view was Mirza Hussein Muhammad Taqiy al-Noori al-Tabrasi (d. 1320 AH) in his book The Final Verdict on the Distortion of the Book of the Lord of Lords [Faslul Khitab Fi Tahreefi-Kitabi Rabbil Arbaab]

The Shiites became so extreme in their beliefs, that they even attempted to insert chapters about Ali, may God be pleased with him, in the Quran, since they could not find any clear texts. One of them is what they called “The Chapter of Succession”.


Shiites believe that there was a scripture revealed after the Quran before the death of the Prophet, which they call the ‘Tablet of Fatimah’. They claim, that in it were the names of all those who were to be their Imams in the future [Al-Kulaini, Al-Kaafi, 1/527-8]

Important Note: Usool al- Kafi that is a collection narrations and traditions attributed to the Shiite Imams, Ahlul Bayt and the Prophet. Al-Kafi is the MOST reliable Shia Book, as the reliable Shia Scholars said and declared . Its author is Thiqat al-Islam Muhamad Ibn Yaqoob AlKulayni (A VERY reliable Shia Scholar, died in 328 H). Shi'ites scholars believe usool Al-Kafi was presented to the legendary Imam Qaem who liked it and said: "It suffices our Shi'ites" (al-Tharee'ah ela Tasaneef al-Shi'a: Agha Buzurg al-Tahraani; vol.17, p.245)

Shia directly challenge the authenticity of the Quran by stating that its has not been preserved, and that the Quran today is incomplete, and that the complete version is with their 12th Imam who has been in hiding for the past 900 years in ‘the cave’. They believe that when he emerges he will bring forth the complete version. [Usul Kafi 1:228, Al-Anwar al-Nu’maniah, 2: 360-2]

Would you care to define this latest Shia Sect?

Evidence of Tehreef (Alterations) in Quran

Wain kuntum fee raybin mimma nazzalna AAala AAabdina fatoo bisooratin min mithlihi wadAAoo shuhadaakum min dooni Allahi in kuntum sadiqeen

2:23 And if ye are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to Our servant, then produce a Sura like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers (If there are any) besides Allah, if your (doubts) are true

Tafseer:-In the Book Kaafi it has been narrated to Imam Mohammad Baqir AS that he said that this verse has been revealed in this way on to the Prophet Mohammad SW by the Angel Gibrael,

Wain kuntum fee raybin mimma nazzalna AAala AAabdina fi Ali ibne Abitalib fatoo bisooratin min mithlihi wadAAoo shuhadaakum min dooni Allahi in kuntum sadiqeen

And if ye are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to Our servant in the context of Ali ibne Abitalib, then produce a Sura like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers (If there are any) besides Allah, if your (doubts) are true.

Shia Imamia ithna ashari

Among the shia sect, what are the differences between Usooli & Akhbari that had led to a discord between them?

To end this confusion & to unveil the truths under the guidance of Quran & Hadees Saelebabulyaqeen is ready to have a discussion with the head of Majlis e Ulooma & Zakereen Hyderabad Deccan & also with all Usooli Ulemas & mujthaedeens on Saturday the 9th of June 2007 at Alawe Sartauq-e-Mubarak, Darulshifa.

(Will wait from 8pm till 10pm)

An Aalim is one who passes his jurisdiction under the guidance of Quran & Hadees but not by means of boycott, using gunda elements, murder, etc. All these things is the proof of helplessness of you people.

The discussion will be held on the following topics:

1) Did Rasool-e-Quda(SA) presented among us Quran & Hadees OR Quran – Hadees – Aql – Ijmah.

2) What is the Law for Shias?

3) Can Non-Masoom be a Nayab-e-Imam or Imam? Also what is the difference between Nayab-e-Rasool and Nayab-e-Imam?

4) Any one hadees glorifying a Mujtahid?

5) Any hadees on doing taqleed of a mujtahid. Who was the first mujtahid? And till he reached the norms of ijtihad, whose taqleed did he do?

6) Did Rasool-e-Quda(SA) has passed on the Complete Deen or ma’azallah He did not? If he has given the Complete Deen then what’s the meaning of new masa’el?

7) What is Shia Personal Law? Do Shia Law give permission for this?

8) What is the basis for differences among fatwas of mujtahedeens? If the fatwa is issued under the guidance of Quran & Hadees then why is their a difference?

9) Can the person who gives fatwas against Azadari Hussain(AS)-e-Mazloom-e-Karbala and Khooni Matam be called as Shia-e-Ali(AS). For the above type of person, is it correct to perform Isaale sawab, Fateha Khwani or Majlis?

10) Ali(AS)-an-waliullah is not a part of Azan ¬– Explain this using any hadees as proof.

All Shia persons please attend and after hearing the discussion decide on the Right & Wrong paths.

IMP. NOTICE: Employees of Wakf Board, Minister of Minority Affairs Mr. Mohd. Ali Shabbir, Persons of authority in Police force and Akhbari Community are requested to attend the discussion.

NOTICE FROM: Anjuman-e-Alavi Shia Imamia Ithna Ashari (Akhbari) Registered. 22-3-885, Koche Saelebabulilm, Darulshifa, Hyderabad.

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