Friday, March 13, 2009

Allama Niyaz Fatehpuri and his Faith - 8


Books and Documents 03 Mar 2009, NewAgeIslam.Com

The War Within Islam: Niyaz Fatehpuri’s Struggle Against The Fundamentalists by JUHI SHAHIN

Excerpts from a newly published book in Pakistan: The War Within Islam: Niyaz Fatehpuri’s Struggle Against The Fundamentalists


Late. Allama Niyaz Fatehpuri [1884-1966]
I have read your comments with much interest earlier, and you have pointed to other useful resources and articles. However, in the case of Allama Fatehpuri, I am afraid you are wrong. I am based in the States and am acquainted with his family. After reading your comment, I contacted them, and his son who himself is a great scholar told me that he was with his father all through his illness, and Fatehpuri sb. always remained steadfast in all that he believed. There is no one with the name Salman in the family. Please let us know more about this person. For instance, how old is he? Fatehpuri sb. died in 1966. I hope you do not make such baseless insinuations in the future.




Allama Niyaz Fatehpuri on Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Quadiani:
"Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sahib came to the defence of Islam at a time when even the greatest scholar of the Faith could not dare to confront the opponents." (Monthly Nigar, Lucknow, India, October 1960)

"What I have studied so far of the founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement, and not only me but anyone who studies his life and character sincerely and truthfully, will have to concede that he was a lover of the Holy Prophet, in the true sense, and had within him a sincere urge for the cause of Islam." (ibid., July 1960)

In a subsequent issue of the same monthly, the following comment appears about Hazrat Mirza Sahib:

"I found him to be a believer in the finality of prophethood, and a lover of the Holy Prophet in the true sense. When I studied the life of Mirza Sahib, I found that he was certainly a very active, resolute and determined man. Having understood the true spirit of religion, he presented the same practical teachings of Islam as are to be found in the time of the Holy Prophet and the early Khalifas." (ibid., November 1961)


Late. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani [1835 - 1908]

Life of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani by Safiur Rehman Mubarakpuri

Munir Commission Report (1954)


Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi Declares: Deobandis are Kaafir (Apostate)

Mirza Ghulam's Autobiography


"My birth took place in 1839 or 1840 A.D. I was one of the twins. The other one with me was a girl whose name was jannat (paradise). In my revelation 'Ya Adam uskun antaa wa zaujoka al-jannah', which was mentioned in Braheen Ahmadiyya on p.496 some 20 years ago, the word ‘jannat’ carried this special reference that the girl who was born with me, her name was jannat and this girl died after living for 7 months."

(Tiryaq-ul-Quloob, Roohani Khazain vol.15 p.479 by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani)

"My father Mirza Ghulam Murtuza, was a famous landlord. During my childhood my education started in such a way that when I was 6-7 years old a Persian teacher was employed who taught me Quran and few Persian books. His name was Fazl Ilahi. When I reached 10 years of age, an Arabic teacher, Moulvi, was appointed for my education whose name was Fazl Ahmad.

When I was 17-18 years old, I had the chance of receiving some education from my father. He taught me Grammer, logic and hikmat (Medicine) and some of the medical books were taught by my father. Because of my health, my father always used to discourage me from reading too much.

"Regarding the villages which the British Government had confiscated, my father had filed a suit in English court to retrieve them. I was made to represent in these cases. Although to it was against my up bringing and I did not want to waste my time at such bad places but I was forced to look after the estate matters. In those days, I was employed for a few years by British Government in Sialkot court as a clerk for Rs15/- per month.

"Later I resigned and once again got busy in estate management. Very often I was thinking about the meaning of Quran (Tafseer). When I reached 30-35 years of age my father died. I was in Lahore at that time. After the death of my father, series of conversation with God (Mukalimat-e-Ilahiah) started in full swing."

(Kitab-ul-Bariayh pp.134-136, Summary of commentary on margins, by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani. Roohani Khazain vol.13 p.180; TUZUK-E-AHMADI written in AKHBAR -AL-HAKAM QADIAN Special No, vol.37 No.18519, dated 21-28 May 1934 AD)

Mirza elopes with pension money:

"Bismillah ar-Rehman ar-Raheem. Hazrat Waalida Sahiba (Respected Mother i.e. wife of Mirza Ghulam) told me that once during his youth days, when Hazrat Maseeh Mowood went to recieve your grandfather's pension, Mirza Imamdeen ( a cousin of Mirza Ghulam) went after him. When you recieved the pension, then with connivance and deception he took him (Mirza) out instead of Qadian, took him here and there and when he spent all the money, Imamdeen left him and went away somewhere. Hazrat Maseeh Mowood did not come home due to shame and since your grandfather had always wanted
him to take up a j ob, therefore he took up a job at the Court of Deputy Commissioner of Sialkot City at a meagre salary."

(Seeratul Mahdi part I p.41 by Mirza Basheer Ahmad s/o Mirza Ghulam)


"My father, Mirza Ghulam Murtuza, used to sit in a chair in Governor’s Darbar, and was such a well-wisher of British Government and brave at heart, that in the Mutiny of 1857 AD, he helped the Majestic Government, beyond his means, by purchasing from his own pocket 50 horses and providing fifty mercenaries. The glory of our estate was declining day by day until in our days our family position was of a small grade landlord."

(Tohfa-e-Qaiser, Roohani Khazain vol.12 pp.270-271)

"The British confiscated our family lands and fixed honorary pension of only Rs.700/- per year in the form of cash which was reduced to Rs 180/- at the death of my Grandfather and stopped compeletely after my uncle’s (Father’s elder brother) death." (Seerat-ul-Mahdi, Part I p.41 By Mirza Basheer Ahmad s/o Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani)


"His (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani) moral teeth had caries which used to pain occasionlly; the end of one molar became pointed which caused ulcer on his tongue; it had to be fild away."

(Seerat-ul-Mahdi part ii p.135 By Mirza Basheer Ahmad s/o Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani)

"Once he fell down from a window and injured his left arm, which remained weak till the end." (Seerat-ul-Mahdi part ii p.198)


"This decrepid is suffering from weakness of brain. for long time after I got married. I used to think that Iam impotent."

(Letter By Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani date: 22/2/1887 in Maktoobate Ahmadiyya Vol. 5, p. 14 copied from Navishta-e-Ghaib By Khalid Wazirabadi)

"At the time of marriage my heart and brain were very weak and I was suffering with dizziness have been with me for long time;because of these I had bitterness (sadness) of the heart (depression)and the absence of sexual power."

(Tiryaq-ul-Quloob Roohani Khazain vol.15 p.203 By Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani)

Writng to Hakeem Nooruddin, Mirza says:

" I have great improvment with your medicines. Few diseases like lethargy and gastric acidity have been cureed by it. I had one very serious problem that the erection used to subside when I leid down for intercourse. Lack of sexual energy was it’s cause. So with your medicines my sexual power have returned."

(MAKTOOBAT-E-AHMADIYYA, Vol 5, No.2 Collection of letters by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani)

"Revelation was sent to me regarding marriage; at that time my heart and brain and body were very weak. Apart from diabetes mellitus and dizziness in the head and sadness of heart (Depression), I was suffering from tuberculosis also." (Nuzool-e-Maseeh, Roohani Khazain vo.18 p.587 footnote By Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani)

" He (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani) used to keep very few fasts during Ramadan whose redemption was paid; and because of the suffering of an attack he broke one fast exactly at Maghrib (Sunset) time. "He used to get attacks very frequenctly and his health was generally down." (Seerat-ul-Mahdi part i p.51 By Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani)

"Hazrat Saheb was a chronic melancholic. This illness was inherited. (Mirza Sahab could not bear the burden of prophethood!! - Author) Mirza sahab had a real uncle (maternal) whose name was Mirza Jamiat Baig. He had one son and one daughter and both were suffering from mental defects. Boy’s name was Mirza Sher Ali. Girl was Hurmat Bibi. She got married to Hazrat Sahab" (Mirza and Hurmat Bibi -- both mental !! It must have been great fun! and the resulting children?-one can imagine - Author) (Seerat-ul-Mahdi part I p.51)


Depression has probably been part of the human condition as long as man has inhabited the earth. Even a brief perusal of early manuscript or writing reveals descriptions of depression. Ancient writers recognized some of the same problems that we are treating 2,000 to 4,000 years later. Most Greek literature described the concept of divinely inspired depression. Yet 2,300 years ago, Hippocrates recognized that psychiatric problems originate from natural causes rather than from supernatural capriciousness. His terminology for the psychiatric disorders remain in use today: epipepsy (the sacred disease); mania (states of abnormal excitement); melancholia (states of abnormal depression due to black bile); and paranioa. Hippocrates also described a woman of melancholic turn of mind who suffered loss of sleep, aversion to food, thirst and nausea. This ancient catalogue of melancholic symptoms presages modren description of depression.

During the Roman Era, Physician Galen wrote about depresstion. In describing the melancholic state Galen commented that certain patients show fear, depression, discontent with life, and hatred for all people. He postulated that psychic functions were found in the brain, which was directly affected in melancholia. In his encyclopedic descriptions, Galen including dyshmia (ill temper) crasis (temperament), and chymos(humor).

Robert Burton’s "Anatomy of Melancholia", published in 1630, summarized what was known at that time as depression and categorized melancholy as "a disease of the head or mind" frequently associated with pain and sorrow. Burton paved the way of future scientific understanding of depression by cataloging the causes of depression, including such psychological ones as shame, disgrace, anger, self love and losses.

The next significant contribution to the description of depression was by Freud in his book, Mourning and Melancholia, published in 1917. Frued wrote that melancholia represented regression from object choice to a primitive mode of relating to objects. His description of "delusional depression " emphasizes self-reproaches replacing what should actually be outwardly directed anger. He believed that sufferers of depression torment themselves mercilessly while relating the torment to another person, such as the sexual object they may have lost. One can imagine now, what happened with our Mirza. If only Frued had the opportunity to study Mirza!

Depression has been described for thousand of years, first by the poet and philosphers and only later by the physicians. Today, we have entered an era in which the description of the disease are contributed by research oriented clinics and scientists.

"According to Hikmat and Greek oriented system, this disease occurs because of collection of black acidic material in the stomach. In whicheever organ this material collects, black vapours arise from it and climb towards the brain. The symptoms are: bitter eructations, anoxia because of weak stomach, disturbed digestion, abdominal distension, loose motions, feeling of smoke like vapours climbing inside." (Could Mirza’s revelation and inspiration be the result of these vapours? - Author).

(Guide to the causes & symptoms of Melancholia By Allama Burhanuddin Nafees)

" It was thought that this disease’s (Melancholia) symptoms are caused by the fault in sexual power of drive which are in liver & stomach. But recent research has shown that it is a mental illness just like Hysteria in female. The fault in internal organs lead to weakness of mind resulting in Melancholia in Males. Symptoms: Patient is always apathetic, worried thinking always about himself, exaggerating everything............ with no appetite and poor digestion." (Makhzan-e-Hikmat, By Hakeem Dr. Ghulam Jeelani)

" Poor Digestion bitter reuctaions, sailorhoea, abdominal distension, borbarygmi, burning sensation in stomach, false appetite , feeling of smoky vapours climbing towards head, symptoms subsiding with improvement in digestion and aggravating with indigestion, sometimes tremors of upper part of body, hands and feet and sometimes whole body becoming cold, according to the phase of disease becoming weak, occasionally seeing flashes of light in front of eyes, eyelids becomming heavy, feeling heat and burnig in head and brain, headache and sudden chocking such are the symptoms of Melancholia" (Akseer-e-azam, vol : 1 , p 189 By Hakeem Mohammad Azam Khan)

You have read the above features of this disease. I request everybody in the right mind to consider the claims of inspiration, revelation and conversation with God of this Maseeh as ramblings of a deranged person and dissociate yourself from this melancholic, so-called, prophet, so that you can become a true Muslim and from the curse of faithlessness become a believer and a faithful follower of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Prophet (PBUH) said:

" In my Ummah there will be about 30 false claimants and everyone of them will say that he is God’s prophet. Now it is upto you to find out what is the number of this man.

Now let us see what other intellectuals and Hakeems say about Melancholia.


"Melancholia is that disease in which abnormal ideas & thought occurs. Its cause if the extreme blackness of mood so that mind becomes deranged and patient is very upset by is darkness. Or else this disease is caused by too much heat liver. This is called hypochonriasis. When the waste of food and gases mixed in intestines, it gives rise to blackish substance and then vapours from them ascends towards the brain, this is called gaseous melancholia" (Canon in Medicine, Fun-e-Awwal from book 3, Bu Ali Sena (Avecina)

Treatment: It is neccessary for the patient with Melancholia to be busy in work which keeps his heart contended and surrounded by people who give him respect and deep him happy. Small quantity of wine mixed with water should be given in moderation." (Canon in Medicine By Aviecnia)

Note: Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani was using Tonic wine and opium for the same reason.

" Melancholia is the change of thoughts from normal due to fear and disease. In some patient this disease progesses so much that the patient thinks that he can tell the hidden things and often tells what is going to happen in future. Later it progresses to such an extent that he consider himself an angel."

(Guide to the Aetiology & Manifestaions of disease of Melancholia By Allama Burhanuddin Nafees)

Patient’s fanciful delusions are very frequently related to the same work he has been doing during his health eg if the patient is a religious man, he claim prophethood and miracles, talk about divinity and preaches people about it". (Akseer-e-Azam Vol 1 p 188, By Mohammad Azam Khan)

" For a claimant of inspiration, if this is proved that he suffers from Hysteria, Melancholia or Epiepsy, then you don’t need any other proof to reject his claim, because this is such a blow that his whole structure of truth is blown apart from is foundation." (By Dr. Shahanawaz Qadiani in Magazine Review of Religions, Qadiani Date, Aug. 1926 A.D.)


"Opium is so frequently used in Medicines that Hazrat Maseeh (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani) used to say that in the eyes of doctors opium is half the medicine. Hence the used of opium with medicines as treatment and not as intoxicant is not objectionable in any way. Every one of us, knowingly or unknowingly, has used opium at some stages.

"Hazrat Maseeh Mawood (promised Maseeh Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani ) made a medicine Tiryaq-e-Ilahi by instructions from God and its main constituent was opium; and this medicine, after some increase in opium content was given to Hazrat Khalifa (First Khalifa- Hakeem Nooruddin)by Hzrat (Mirza Qadiani) for more than six months and himself used it off and on during attacks of disease." (Article by Mian Mahmood Ahmad Khalifa Qadian in Akber Al Fazal, Qadian, Vol 17 no 6, 19 July 1929)

Tonic Wine:

"My Dear Brother Mohammad Hussain Saheb May God protect you, Assalam-O-Alaikum

Main Yar Mohammad is being sent now. Things to be purchased, you purchase yourself and purchase one bottle of Tonic Wine from Plommer’s Shop but I need Tonic Wine keep this in mind. Rest is O.K. (Signed: Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani)

(Letters of Imam to P.S. Collections of letters by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani to Hakeem Mohammad Hussain Qadiani, owner of Dispensary Rafiq-us-Sehat Lahore)

"True nature of Tonic Wine was inquried from Plommer’s shop in Lahore through Dr. Aziz Ahmad wrote back:

As per instructions, I inquired from plommer’s Shop and the following reply:

"Tonic Wine is a type of strong and intoxicating wine which is imported from U.K. Wilayat) in sealed bottles. Its price is Rs.5 Annas 8 (21.9.1933) !"

(Sauda-e-Mirza p. 39 By Hakeem Mohammad Ali, Principal Tibbiya College Amratsar)

See how clear it is now that claims of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of being the Promised Messiah, Mahdi and Prophethood are symptoms of disease and not the result of inspirations or conversations with God. The problem was further compounded by the use of Opium and Tonic Wine. I pray that may God give guidance and understanding to Qadianis so that they follow the right path, otherwise the followers of a melancholiaic prophet will also be melancholics.

Mirza Ghulam Qadiani His Life at a Glance Chronology of Important Events Prepared by Dr. Syed Rashid Ali

1839/40 Mirza is born to Chiragh Bibi and Ghulam Murtaza 1846 Formal education of Quran, Hadith etc begins at home by Molvi Fazl Ilahi

1849 Molvi Fazal Ahmad teaches various subjects.

1852/53 1st Marriage with Hurmat Bibi alias Phajje di Maan. She bore two sons, Sultan Ahmad and Fazal Ahmad.

1857/58 Gul Ali Shah teaches Arabic Grammer etc.

1857 War of Independence, the so-called Indian Mutiny.

To prove his loyalty to The British Raj, Mirza's father donates 50 Armed Horsemen to fight against the Muslims in the War of Independence. Mirza Ghulam Qadir, elder brother of Mirza Ghulam, who served in the 46th Division of the British Army under Gen Nicholson, killed several freedom fighters near Sialkot.

1864 Mirza runs away from home with the yearly pension of his father and spends it in undesirable pursuits.

1864-68 Mirza takes up a clerical post in the British Govt. Court at Sialkot. Takes up the Law exam but failed. Mirza befirends a Christian Padre, who later on played a role

1868 A Parliamentary Commision of Inquiry came from England to find out ways and means to control and subdue the spirit of Jihad amongst the Muslims. Mirza resigns from his job and left for Qadian Introduces himself as a Debator in Islam.

1870 Report of Parliamentary Commission 'The Arrival of British Empire in India' submitted to the British Parliament. Report recommended creating an Apostolic Prophet to subdue the Spirit of Jihad in Muslims.

1871 Mirza Ghulam selected for the 'post' of Apostolic Prophet.

1877 Criminal case registered against him by postal authorities.

1879 Claims to have been 'Appointed by God' to proves the truthfulness of Islam Announcement of writing Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya in 50 volumes.

Appeals for financial help and advance payments for publication of Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya.

1879-84 Publishes four volumes of Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya.

1884 onwards Stops writing Braheen-e-ahmadiyya. Writes books after books, wrote some 80 books over the next 25 years. Refers to Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya as the book of God.

1884 Claims to be Revivalist (Mujaddid) of Islam. 2nd Marriage to Shahjehan Begum d/o Mir Nasir Nawab, from whom three sons, Mirza Bashiruddin Mehmood (2nd Khalifa and father of Mirza Tahir, the present Khalifa), Mirza Bashir Ahmad (author of Seerat-ul-Mahdi) and Mirza Sharif Ahmad were born. Admits being impotent at the time of 2nd Marriage. Prays to God for sexual powers. God sends his Wahi for making a divine potion. Upon Divine instructions, makes a potion called 'TIRYAQ-e-ILAHI' to regain his 'energy'. Major component is 'OPIUM'.

1888 Start taking oath of allegiance (Peeri-Mureedi) by the people. Asks for the hand of Mohammadi Begum for his 3rd Marriage. Advertises that his 3rd Marriage with Mohammadi Begum is a divinely inspired proposal and that any hinderance from any quarter will result in Tragic Consequences for the girl, her family and the person to whom she is married. Mirza Ghulam announced: This should be clear to people that there can be no bette r criterion to judge my truth or falsehood than my prophecy."(Aina-e-Kamalate Islam, Roohani Khazain vol 5 p.288, by Mirza Ghulam) Mirza threatens his 1st wife and her sons of dire consequences for not helping in the marriage with Mohammadi Begum.

1891 Claims to be A Maseel Messiah (Like Messiah) and denies that he is the Promised Messiah. Labels those who accused him of it, as Liars

1891 Claims to have become Mariam.

Claims to have become pregnant by the insufflation of the soul of Eisa (Jesus). Claims to have converted to Eisa after staying for 10 months in his own (Maryam's) womb. Says: "This is how I am Jesus son of Mary."

(Kishtee Nooh, Roohani Khazain vol 19 p. 87-89)

1891 Establishes Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam.

1892 Mohammadi Begum got married to Mirza Sultan Baig.

In retaliation, Mirza:

divorces his first wife. forces his one son to divorce his wife. disinherits his second son.

[PS His first wife was related to Mohammadi Begum.]

1893 Challenged Deputy Commissioner Abdullah Khan Atham, a Christian Missionary, for a written debate to prove the truthfulness of either religion.

Feb 1893 Mirza declared: "Everyone has accepted me and affirmed my claims, except Children of Prostitutes, whose hearts have been sealed by God." (Aina-e-Kamalate Islam, Roohani Khazain vol 5 p.548) Note: Mirza's own sons from the first marriage had not accepted him as Messiah!!

22nd May -5th June '93 Written debate with Atham. Mirza recieves humiliating defeat. As a result, many Muslims become Christians! Unrepentant, Mirza issues the Divine Prophecy of Atham's death within 15 months (by 5th Sept 1894). He said: "I admit that if this prophecy turns out to be false... I am prepared to recieve any punishment, I should be disgraced, my face blackened, put a rope around my neck and hang me... I swear upon God t hat He will definitely fulfilled it, definitely fulfil it, fulfil it. Earth and heavens can move but God's word will not be annulled." (Jang-e-Muqqaddas, Roohani Khazain vol 6 p.293)

Apr 1894 Atham is still alive. Several attempts made on the life of Atham by unknown persons.

4th Sept

1894 Magic Bullet: Mirza recites a wazeefa over gram seeds and throws them in an abandoned well to kill Atham.

6th Sept

1894 Christains celebrated the victory of Abdullah Atham and ridiculed and lampooned Islam - thanks to Mirza Ghulam!!.

1896 Reiterates the divine origin of the Prophecy and Marriage with Mohammdi Begum. He said: "If I am a Liar, my death will come and this prophecy will not be fulfilled."(Anjame Atham) He published this revelation:"and they ask thee if this is true? Say: Yes, By my Lord, it is true and you cannot prevent it from taking place. We have wed thee to her. There is none to change my words." (Asmani Faisla)

27th July

1896 Declares that paternal and maternal grandmothers Jesus Christ were Prostitutes, from whose blood his was born and that was the reason for Jesus' inclination towards prostitutes!!

1897 Petition to the British Govt.

Thanksgiving to Queen Victoria on her Silver Jubilee of Coronation. Case against Mirza by Income Tax authorities. House search by police on suspicion of murder of Pundit Lekhram, criminal case agianst him and his acquittal.

1898/99 Petition to Lt Governor of Punjab reminding him that:

His forefathers have always been loyal servants. He himself is the SELF IMPLANTED & SELF CULTIVATED SEEDLING of the British Raj. From his early age till now when he is 65 years of age, he has been engaged with his pen and tongue to turn the hearts of Muslims towards true love and goodwill for the British and to remove the concept of Jehad from the hearts of stupid muslims. Criminal case against Mirz a to keep peace.

1900 Mirza Abrogates Jihad.

Named his followers 'Ahmadis' and instructs them to use the same nomenclature for census.

1900 Claimed prophethood.

25th May

1900 Mirza Ghulam announces that all those who do not accept him as prophet are disobedient of God and His Prophet and will dwell in hellfire.

1901 Mirza has still not forgotten Mohammadi Begum. Issues yet another statement that events will take strange turn and she will inevitably come into his wedlock as these are divinely ordained matters.

1902 Finally to give some reprieve to the poor Mohammadi Begum, some muslims thought of a novel idea. Jaafer Zitly published the following in his newspaper: "I saw in my dream that wife of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani is going to come into my wedlock!!" Mirza was struck dumb. After that he never said a word about Mohammadi Begum until his death in 1908. Mohammadi Begum lived happily with her husband for the next 40 years.

8th Nov

1902 Mirza announces:"The basis for my claims is not Hadiths but Quran and my own revelation; in support we also cite those Hadiths which do not contradict my revelation. All the rest of Hadiths, I throw them away like a waste paper." (Zamima Nuzoole Maseeh, Roohani Khazain vol 19 p.140)

1903 Constructs Minarat-ul-Maseeh in Qadian, 12 years after becoming the Promised Messiah!!

1904 Claims to be the Lord Krishna of Hindus.

1905 Establishes the Heavenly Graveyard in Qadian.

1906 Admits having been afflicted by Mental Illness and Excessive Urination of upto 100 times per day, since the time of claiming to have been appointed by God (1879)

1907 Prayer Duel with Molvi Sanaullah Amratsari. Advertises his prayer in Newspapers whereby he prays to God AlMighty to let the Liar die in the lifetime of truthful and that the liar's death should either be from Cholera or Plague, which in his opinion was the sign of Divine Anger.

Claims that God has named him Mohammed and Ahmad 26 years ago in Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya. (Haqeeqatul Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol 22 p.502)

Claims that God has revealed 300,000 signs to substantiate his claims.

15th May

1907 Claims that following verses of Holy Quran, revealed in the Honour nad Glory of Holy Prophet Mohammed SAAW, have now been revealed in Mirza's

Verse 7:17
Verse 55:1
Verse 9:33
Verse 53:9
Verse 17:1
Verse 3:31
Verse 48:10
Verse 48:1
Verse 73:15
Verse 107:1
Verse 36:3

(Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol 22)

Claims that God has named him after every prophet. Therefore, he said:

"I am Adam, I am Noah, I am Abraham, I am Isaac, I am Jacob, I am Ishmael, I am Moses, I am David, I am Eisa son of Maryam, I am Mohammed...(Peace be upon Them)." (Haqeeqatul Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol 22 p. 521)

1908 Publishes the fifth volume of Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya. In its preface he wrote:

"Initially I had promised to write it in 50 volumes. Since the difference between 5 and 50 is only ZERO, my promised is now fulfilled after writing the 5th volume.

1908 Mirza gives a reception to the Financial Commissioner Punjab

DEATH: Mirza suddenly develops Cholera. With remorse and disappointment he uttered his last words to his father in law:

"Mir Sahib! I have developed Epidemic Cholera." He could not utter any words after that and died within a short time.

Mohammadi Begum lived happily with her husband for next 35 years.

Molvi Sanaullah Amratsari lived for the next 40 years.

1908 Hakeem Nuruddin becomes the 1st Successor.

1914 Hakeem Nuruddin fell from the horse and died. Mirza Basheeruddin Mehmood, s/o Mirza Ghulam, becomes the 2nd Khalifa.


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