Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Punjabi Judiciary or Sindhi Judiciary - 3

On Mon, 3/23/09, Mohammad Khan Sial wrote:

A recently article by our friend Mr Aajiz Jamali has appeared in Sindhi daily headlined " Punjab Chhaa Thho Chahi" has claimed that when Sindhi students go to Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad for admissions, they were asked the question like: "If you were given admissions, you may kidnap the girls." I am sorry to say Mr Aajiz's comments are obviously based on speculations. My son has studied two years during the tenure of Gen Musharraf in QAU but he has never made such complaint.Hundreds of Sindhi students are already studying in QAU for the last many years. However, no one has raised such complaint.

Mohammad Khan Sial


Dear Sial Sahab,

Sial Tribe was a warrior clan of Multan but settled in the area around Khairpur Mirs and this new Theory of Pure Sindhis would ultimately sack you from this Title of Pure Sindhis. Asif Ali Zardari's stepmother Timmi Zardari is the daughter of Late Z A Bukhari.

Radio Pakistan's first Director, Zulfiqar Ali Bukhari (second on the right side of Ms Fatima Jinnah) - Father in Law of Hakim Ali Zardari f/o Asif Ali Zardari

Marsiya Part - 02 - Zulfiqar Ali Bhukhari

Marsiya Part - 02 - Zulfiqar Ali Bhukhari

Marsiya Part - 03 - Zulfiqar Ali Bhukhari

Syed Ahmed Shah Patras Bokhari [Urdu humourist, essayist, broadcaster and diplomat from Pakistan] Elder b/o of Z A Bokhari.

[brother of Patras Bukhari basically from Peshawar but Hindko speaking a dialect of Punjabi] Mr Aajiz Jamali and Mr Manzoor Chandio should go to Mr Hakim Ali Zardari and ask for the certificate of loyatly with Sindh from him about Tehmina Zardari and then see what happens.

Mr Aajiz Jamali used to work for Daily Ummat - Karachi [a breakaway Newspaper of Weekly Islamic Fascist Magazine of Karachi Founded by a Neo-Islami Fascist and Jamat-e-Islami Leader Syed Salahuddin]. I hope you know as who was in the editorial board of both the publications the one and only Anal Retentive Lt. General Hamid Gul and guess what another member of that Editorial Board was Maulana Wali Razi [Taqi Usmani and Company].

Late. Ghulam Murtaza Syed - Ghulam Murtaza Shah Kazmi aka G M Syed [He moved Pakisatn resolution in Sindh Assembly]

Shaheed Pir Sabeghatullah Shah Rashidi The father of Shah Murdan Shah II, (Present Pir Pagaro)

Kholi, Bheel & Meghwar - Original and Genuine Sindhis

How would Mr Aajiz Jamali [being a blue blooded Sindhi and Since when Jamalis become Sindhi when you are talking of Pure Sindhi then only Kholi, Bheel & Meghwar and Samma Stocks are acceptable] justify working for that Fascist Newspaper Ummat. If we talk of Pure Sindhis then G M Syed [Ghulam Murtaza Shah Kazmi]'as forefathers came to Sindh from Multan, Peer Pagara Forefathers are of Banu Rashid of Najdi Area - Riyadh Saudi Arbaia [infamous Wahabi Area], how about Makhdoom Talibul Maula [Siddiqui - since when Siddiquis became Sindhis].

Makhdoom Talibul Mawla (in Jinnah Cap) with Bhutto.

Mr Aajiz Jamali and Mr Manzoor Chandio should try Sultan Kot, Shikarpur and should try to prove this "Pure Sindhi Theory" in front of Durrani, Kansi and Pathan [all Sindhi speaking Pashtuns settled in Shikarpur are since last 250 years and arrived here from Afghanistan and Quetta]. Let both [Jamali Sahab and Chandio Sahab] ask these questions from Durranis and then see what happens.

Mirza Qalich Beg

Mirza Qalich Beg [extremely Rafizi Type of Shia - family arrived from Georgia - Russia and since when Butcher Mughals/Tartar/Mongol became Sindhi] should be declared Non-Sindhi as well. Mr Aajiz Jamali and Mr Manzoor Chandio should try this in front of Mughals settled in Jacobabad and Shikarpur and also try this Pure Sindhi Theory in front of Zoulfiqar Mirza of Badin. List goes on and on and Jamali Sahab and Chandio should ask these questions from the Baloch settled in Jacobabad [Bijaranis, Jhakranis, Dahanis, Bugtis, and Marris] and see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. I usually do not comment on such blogs, because I think we are inheritors of a great tradition of reason, rationality and common-sense. We have debased ourselves, denies us our own tradition by arguing in non-sensical, ideologically driven discourses. I have no objection to dissension of thought and opinion: in fact I think it is healthy. But I seriosly object to Muslims, Pakistanis, Asians arguing over illogical ideologies.

    Anyhow, what made me comment on this post was your remarks about Sindhi-ness of Tehmina Zardari. The Hindko speaking Sayyed Bukhari family of Peshawar are not Sindhis, that is obvious. But they are not Pathans either, and not Uzbeks by any standard, and though Hassani Sayyeds, they won't be classified as Arabs or Hijazis either. They can call themselves Hijazi but the Saudi government wouldn't hear of it. So where do they go? Presumably the same place as Pir Pigaro (whose family is also of Arab extraction!)
    True, the original people of Sindh are Kholi, Bheel and Meghwar, and what scientists now call Darawar or Dravidian people: also Sahsi. But all these people also live all over Punjab, and the Bheel in very large numbers.
    Then you have the problem of all of your aristocrats, mirs, nawabs, all the rulers of Sindh, the great heroes of battles agains the British, Mughals, Mongols and what-have-yous. All, every man Jack of them are of either Turkic extraction (like Tarkhans, Talpurs, etc) or Arab.
    Now come to Punjab and you see the same thing. People like Jaats and Rajputs (there are Rajputs in Sindh also) can be classified as authentic Punjabis because they have lived in the country for long enough. Still, only Bheel, Sahsi and people we generally call either Mirasi or Deen-daar (Darawar) are true sons of the soil. Then you have Seraiki speakers. Then you have mixed tribes who claim to be Punjabi in Punjab and Sindhi in Sindh (with a minor name change, partiularly the last -o). But the biggest problem comes with Turkic and Arab people who have lived in Punjab for much much longer than Mughals: all the Mirzas, all the Baigs, all the Kambohs, all the Awans... still that's a smaller problem. The larger problem is 1. The Baluchis: you may know there are more Baluchis living in Punjab (and not only since the time of Mir Chakar Rind who lived the last half of his life in Punjab) but since much before that. And then 2. you have Pathans living in Punjab. Many of these Pathans, in fact most don't even speak Pashto, like Mianwali Pathans (Imran Khan, Attaullah Eisakhelvi, etc.). What to do with them?
    Then you have transmigrations: all the Powinda Pathans who come to Punjab in winter, all the nomad Baluchis who winter in Punjab, many of the Bheels, Maachis, Sahsis who constantly move between Punjab and Sindh...
    The list goes on and on. At the end we will have only the Dravidian people left, everyone else will have to get out.
    As with animals, there is no such thing as purity in the human race. Look at the greatest Arab family, the Sayyeds, the ones who ALWAYS lived in Madinah and Mecca, who are called Sharifs of Mecca. They have, since the earliest times, intermarried with Syrians, Iraqis, Moroccans, Circassians, Bosnians, Turks, and others. Lately also British, Americans, etc. King Abdallah of Jordan (from Sharif Mecca's descent): mother, English, grandmother, Arab, great-grandmother, Turkish, great-great-grandmother, Circassian, etc. But that makes him no less Arab, no less Sayyed, no less Muslim...
    Please, as they say in Urdu, aqal ke nakhun lein. Be nationalistic. Be proud of being Sindhi. Demand your rights, demand justice, and if you don't get it, yes, even demand independence but be just, rational, sensible. If you're not just now, you will not be just as independent Sindhis either.

    A very aggrieved Pakistani
