Friday, December 11, 2009

Imran Khan's Support: Then Musharraf Now Taliban!

Imran says he got positive response from Taliban Friday, December 11, 2009 By Ansar Abbasi - ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaaf chief Imran Khan, who on Wednesday offered his services and even showed the willingness to go to the tribal areas to get the mounting terrorism issue resolved through political dialogue, got encouraging response from the Taliban side. His appeal, however, seems to have fallen on the governmentís deaf ears.The cricket hero-turned-social worker, Imran Khan, told The News on Thursday that after his Wednesday’s press conference, he was contacted by some important Taliban groups, who posed their full confidence in him for political solution of the problem. Khan said that no one from the government side contacted him though. Imran Khan on Wednesday volunteered to mediate between the government and the Taliban leadership to bring peace, claiming that the menace of terrorism was bound to grow because of the military operation in South Waziristan and in the absence of a political solution. In his press conference, he had said that if the government gave him the mandate, he was willing to travel to the tribal areas and elsewhere to negotiate peace. His only pre-condition to mediation between the two sides was that the government would not let the US-pressure to ruin his peace efforts like the past. While some people believe the government has no political strategy to address the issue and is entirely dependent on the military operation that has allegedly aggravated the problem, Imran has taken a bold step amidst great chances that he would be dubbed pro-Taliban by confused Pakistanis and arrogant foreigners. Imran Khan got an encouraging reaction from some Taliban leaders. Khan said that he was now even considering convening an all parties conference (APC) on the issue. REFERENCES: Imran says he got positive response from Taliban By Ansar Abbasi Friday, December 11, 2009  - URDU TEXT IS AS UNDER:

I hope Imran Khan, Jang Group of Newspapers, and Ansar Abbasi would also accept Taliban way of dealing with sportsmen:

KARACHI, JULY 18: The Pakistan Football Federation said on Tuesday that it would not condemn an incident in neighbouring Afghanistan last week in which members of the Taliban militia shaved off heads of Pakistani soccer players for wearing “un-Islamic dress” during a friendly football match with Afghans at Kandahar. The bizarre incident occurred when the Taliban raided the third match between the players from Pakistan and their Afghan competitors in the religious capital of Afghanistan, Kandahar, and accused the Pakistani players of “spreading obscenity and inciting passions” by wearing shorts. Reference: PFF refuse to condemn tonsures Wednesday, July 19, 2000 Indian Express

I wonder is Imran Khan agreed with this as well?

A delegation of the Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) Sunday called on the party chairman, Imran Khan, here to condole with him on the death of Major General Bilal Omar, who was the PTI chief’s close relative. The general fell victim to a terrorist attack at a mosque in Parade Lane in Rawalpindi the other day along with several others. REFERENCE: PTI condoles with Imran Khan Tuesday, December 08, 2009 Our correspondent Islamabad

I’m sorry to say this, but the bombing of Benazir Bhutto’s cavalcade as she paraded through Karachi on Thursday night was a tragedy almost waiting to happen. You could argue it was inevitable. Everyone here knew there was going to be a huge crowd turning up to see her return after eight years in self-imposed exile. Everyone also knows that there has been a spate of suicide bombings in Pakistan lately, especially in the frontier region where I am campaigning at the moment. How was it ever going to be possible to monitor such a large crowd and guarantee that no suicide bombers would infiltrate it? This may sound equally harsh, but she has only herself to blame. By making a deal with Musharraf's government — a deal brokered by the British as well as the Americans, by the way — she was hoping to get herself off the corruption charges that have been levelled against her. What she hadn't taken into account was Musharraf's unpopularity. He is regarded in Pakistan as an American stooge. And the US war on terror, which he supports, is now perceived as a war against Islam. That is why there is no shortage of recruits for the fundamentalist cause here. By siding with him, Benazir was making herself a target for assassination. The sad thing is, she didn't need to do it. Musharraf was sinking and isolated. He was on the point of declaring a state of emergency. Just when it looked as if he had no lifelines left, Benazir came back and bailed him out. Worse, by publicly siding with a dictator, she has deliberately sabotaged the democratic process. We have an election coming up in January. As leader of the Justice Party, I am running in it but it will be a free and fair election if Musharraf is still in charge. He has dismantled state institutions, such as an independent judiciary and an election commission, and has introduced a controlled assembly, a controlled prime minister and a controlled media. The polls show he can only win this next election if he massively rigs it. That is what he did in 2002, as confirmed by the EU monitoring team. REFERENCE: Benazir Bhutto has only herself to blame By Imran Khan Published: 12:01AM BST 21 Oct 2007

Daring and Bold "Khawaja Asif (MNA - PML-N)" has thoroughly exposed "Alleged Che Guevara Imran Khan" and his "Un-named Properties" allotted to Imran Khan by Sharif Brothers. Recently Imran Khan dined with a Serving General?

Off The Record 3/24/11 - P1


Off The Record 3/24/11 - P2


off The record 3/24/11 - P3



As per 1973 Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan



6. (1) Any person who abrogates or attempts or conspires to abrogate, subverts or attempts or conspires to subvert the Constitution by use of force or show of force or by other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of high treason.

(2) Any person aiding or abetting the acts mentioned in clause (1) shall likewise be guilty of high treason.

(3) [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] shall by law provide for the punishment of persons found guilty of high treason.


RECENT HISTORY THROUGH DAILY DAWN [supporting Musharraf Martial Law of 1999 and then Musharraf's sham referendum in 2002], he also supported PCOed Judiciary! Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaaf chief Imran Khan has hailed the SC verdict on the Oct 12 change and said that it will provide the present government with an element of legitimacy. Mr Khan said the government should start the implementation of the seven-point agenda. He said it should give priority to the accountability process. It should declare casting of vote mandatory for every voter and undertake other needed electoral reforms to discourage the election of corrupt elements for parliamentary slots. He said the government should also set a limit for election expenditure. Imran Khan hailed PCOed Judiciary!

PESHAWAR: Chairman of the Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI), Imran Khan, has said that all parties’ conference and mid-term polls are indispensable to pull the country out of present crises. Addressing a press conference here on Monday, Khan said that he would advise the government to call an APC so that the peaceful solutions of challenges facing the nation should be found out. REFERENCE: Imran calls for mid-term elections Updated at: 2255 PST, Monday, December 07, 2009 BUT WHAT IS THIS? Islamabad, April 9: Pakistani cricket legend-turned politician Imran Khan on Tuesday backed the referendum to be held next month to decide the future of President Pervez Musharraf but his fledgling Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf headed for trouble as some of its leaders have opposed it openly. REFERENCE: Press Trust of India Posted online: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 1518 hours IST


General Pervez Musharraf has won an overwhelming victory in the referendum to extend his mandate as president of Pakistan for a further five years.Pakistan's Election Commission said General Musharraf had won with over 97% in favour of him staying in power. According to the figures, turnout was higher than originally predicted - over 56%. But the country's only independent human rights organisation says the poll has been marred by gross irregularities. The opposition, which includes the main political and religious parties, boycotted the poll, arguing that it was unconstitutional. They estimated turnout at just 5 to 7%. Ahead of the announcement, Pakistan's information minister, Nisar Memon, said the vote was "a massive victory for the people of Pakistan. "They were not affected by the negative propaganda of the opposition... The opposition has been summarily rejected, and now they should accept the verdict of the people," he said. 'Election abuses' Chief Election Commissioner Irshad Hassan Khan said General Musharraf had won 42.8 million "yes" votes, against 883,676 "no" votes, with 282,935 spoiled papers. "We are satisfied the referendum was conducted impartially and peacefully," Mr Khan said. But the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (PRCP) has issued a damning statement on the conduct of the referendum. Irregularities "exceeded its worst fears", chairman Afrasiab Khattak said. "The manner in which the people were hustled into voting and the flagrant abuse of election procedures degraded the very concept of democratic choice," his statement said. Mr Khattak said observers who were supposed to be neutral had been seen "stamping ballots themselves". "Voluntary turnout was very low," he said, with public sector workers being obliged to vote. Many journalists have reported similar irregularities. REFERENCE: Musharraf wins huge backing Wednesday, 1 May, 2002, 16:29 GMT 17:29 UK


General Pervez Musharraf's referendum is over. And whether one likes it or not, he is, and will remain, a one-man army - chief executive, chief of army staff, joint chief of army staff and, as of April 30, 2002, President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for at least another five years. Although various independent Gallup surveys ahead of the referendum indicated a decline in General Musharraf's popularity graph, and all national and international media organisations as well as independent observers reported a lacklustre turnout in the referendum, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) nevertheless reported the turnout to be as high as 71 per cent. According to the official figures released by the ECP, some 97.5 per cent of people gave a verdict in favour of General Musharraf, while a mere 2.5 per cent rejected his candidature. "What people cannot do, can always be achieved through 'angels.' Let's accept reality and say, 'farishtay zindaabad ' (long live the angels)," was the response of an incredulous journalist when he heard the final results.

As per the 1998 census, there were then 61.2 million people 18 years of age and above in the country, a number estimated to have increased to 61.9 million at present. A total of 87,074 polling stations and 163,641 additional polling booths were set up across the country and 414,356 public sector employees appointed to carry out electoral duties on polling day. The entire country was designated one constituency and all citizens aged 18 and above were deemed eligible to vote by establishing their identity through any reasonable means. "A total of 43,907,950 votes were polled, out of which 42,804,030 were in the affirmative, while the rest - 833,676 - said 'no'. These numbers translate into a 71 per cent voter turnout - the highest in the history of Pakistan," announced Chief Election Commissioner, Justice (Retd) Irshad Hasan Khan. Although General Musharraf's victory was a foregone conclusion, the entire exercise had been designed to ensure that the turnout would be large enough to put the desperately-sought seal of legitimacy on his office. To this end, the government resorted to every possible gimmick in the book; from hobnobbing with corrupt and criminal political elements in the country and holding public meetings at state expense to placing the entire state machinery at the disposal of a few individuals in order to guarantee him a thumping majority. As if this were not enough, the voting age was reduced to 18 years for the referendum and then, in one cavalier stroke, the precondition of confirming voters' eligibility through national identity cards and electoral lists was also waived. Last, but not least, hundreds and thousands of nazims and councillors were threatened with withdrawal of government support if they did not muster support for the referendum within their constituencies. Employing logic remarkably similar to US President George Bush's 'you are either with us or with the terrorists' rhetoric, General Musharraf launched his referendum campaign by drawing unambiguous battle lines between himself and his opponents. "We have to draw a clear line from today and see who is supporting our reforms and who is against our policies," he announced at his first public meeting in Lahore to which, according to credible reports, thousands of public sector employees had been forcibly bussed. REFERENCE: How the Referendum was Won [MONTHLY NEWSLINE MAY 2002]

Javed Chaudhry Exposes Imran Khan's double standards

Kal Tak- with Javed Chaudry 21st march 2011 - p1


Kal Tak- with Javed Chaudry 21st march 2011 - p2


Kal Tak- with Javed Chaudry 21st march 2011 - p3


Kal Tak- with Javed Chaudry 21st march 2011 - p4


Despite its hectic efforts, the government could not win over the major political parties in Balochistan. The only parties who hopped on to the Musharraf bandwagon were those whose leaders have been unable to secure even their own seats in the assemblies. The complete strike in the provincial capital, on the call of the opposition political parties on referendum day, really perturbed both provincial and federal governments. The strike belied the claims of parties allied with President Musharraf that the people would turn out in large numbers to vote for him. Almost all polling stations in the city precincts, except some in the cantonment and in areas with Persian-speaking Hazaras, wore a deserted look till the afternoon, while vehicular traffic remained thin. However, after the military and civil authorities swung into action, the Nazims were activated to bring in a few thousand voters from their respective areas in Quetta. The administration of the government departments was also directed to ensure the presence of employees for casting their votes.

The process of vote casting was made so easy that any document proving the identity of the voter was acceptable, and even certificates issued by Nazims of the areas, were considered good enough to fill the ballot boxes. In the evening, the polling staff in Quetta were seen allotting more ballots than one to individuals who wished to cast multiple votes. A group of journalists during their visit to one of the deserted polling stations set up in the T&T Colony girls' school in the heart of the city, witnessed some 20 ballot papers torn off from the book, lying on the table before the polling staff in the absence of voters. When asked what the papers were doing there, the staff explained that they were waiting for the voters to come and the ballot papers had been torn off from the book in advance. One of them said, "ultimately all these ballots have to be dropped in the ballot boxes."

The complaints of bogus voting by the people of the King's party were high at more than one polling station and the turnout much lower than expected. A Naib Nazim of Quetta said, "I waited for the voters to come till afternoon but the polling stations remained deserted. So I took my supporters with me and we took over the ballot books from the polling staff. I started stamping and tearing off the ballots and we did this in all seven polling stations of the area." Another nazim, from the katchi abadis, told a reporter, "I have been given four books of a hundred ballot papers each, and by 6 p.m. we have completed three books. Inshaallah, within an hour all the books will be used." Some government employees also proudly stated that they had cast four to five votes each, with the help of the polling staff. With such irregularities in polling, the Election Commission eventually announced that General Musharraf had received over 2.5 million votes. Considering a scattered population of Balochistan is 6.5 million, the figure is an incredible one. The opposition, comprising some eight political parties including the PPP and PML(N) and three different alliances - ARD, PONAM and Mutahida Majlis Amal - failed to pull together a substantial gathering in the public meeting they arranged two days before the polling day. While they had been agitating against the referendum for a while, the opposition parties then gave a call for a general strike without being sure of the response they would get. Independent observers estimate numbers at the opposition's public meeting at not more than a few thousand. The government is reported to have created hurdles in the way of arrangements for the meeting, arresting party leaders, watering the ground a couple of days before the meeting and stopping vehicles at entry points of the city.

General Musharraf and Governor Justice (R) Amin-ul-Mulk Mengal expressed their displeasure over the performance of City Nazim Abdur Rahim Kakar who had assured the strike call would go unheeded and predicted a record turnout at the polling stations. The government and its agencies were taken aback over the successful strike in Quetta and lack of enthusiasm shown by the people towards the referendum, specially since pre-referendum surveys had suggested a different scenario. The outcome was unexpected after the mammoth public meeting held by President Musharraf in Quetta, followed by a charged atmosphere in favour of the referendum and the announcement of support one after another by traders, some political parties and government employees associations. The government spent a huge amount from national resources, using all the resources of the administration, for the Musharraf public meeting and the referendum campaign. Three million rupees had been placed at the disposal of the District Coordination Officer for just the public meeting in Quetta, while over 20 million rupees were allocated for advertisements in the local press for the referendum campaign, besides earmarking millions of rupees for the polling day. As in other parts of the country, the announcement of General Pervez Musharraf granting some concessions for the common man, farmers, inhabitants of katchi abadis etc. in the shape of development activities in Balochistan had some positive impact. Justice Mengal also embarked on a whirlwind tour of the province while Corps Commander, Lt. Gen. Abdul Qadir, being a local, had earned the goodwill of the local population by addressing development issues, and seeking the support of the tribal chieftains and elders. Provincial ministers also visited the interior of the province for the same purpose.

The political parties supporting the referendum could only help the government in building its image in the media, but their practical support did not amount to much. The leaders of the Tehrik-e-Insaaf, Millat Party, Awami Tehrik, National Awami Party etc. maintained a presence in the press, but none of them were to be seen mobilising voters on the polling day. The Quaid-e-Azam group of the PML is the only party of the King's camp that mattered to some extent as far as the referendum was concerned. The group comprises the old faces that used to be seen around General Zia, Junejo and Nawaz Sharif at their peak. Now they are seen in the Musharraf's camp and will no doubt join his successor. The individuals dominating this group have their own vote bank and tribal influence, but have always been changing their loyalties with the wind. With the backing of the state machinery they stand a good chance of winning their seats in the elections. In Balochistan, unlike the other provinces, all the Nazims and Naib Nazims from the union council to district government level, barring a few, have been supporters of the policies of the present military government. Even those elected with the help of political parties or local influential personalities have deferred to the government. The Nazims of the Balochistan National Movement worked publicly in their districts for the success of General Pervez Musharraf in the referendum, although BNM head Dr. Abdul Hai Baloch had strongly opposed the referendum from the PONAM platform. The BNM swept the local bodies elections in Makran division and Awaran district and succeeded in bringing in three district Nazims and one Naib Nazim.

The Balochistan National Party (Bizenjo group) dominated by those elements who are keen to jump onto the bandwagon, recently disassociated itself from the opposition parties in an attempt to win concessions from the government for two former ministers Syed Ehsan Shah and Asad Baloch who were facing NAB corruption charges. Mir Yaqub Bizenjo, alias Imam Bheel, a drug baron of Makran, who has been a traditional ally of the BNP, also vowed to work for the success of General Musharraf through front-page advertisement in the newspapers. Instead of garnering support, the rallying of corrupt elements around him is causing great damage to General Musharraf. A number of such people who had fled abroad or gone underground to avoid their arrest and interrogation in corruption charges have now surfaced, apparently after deals have been struck. Some have been released following plea bargaining. Mir Jan Mohammad Jamali, a former Chief Minister of Balochistan is one of them. He escaped to Dubai when investigations started against him for misusing 140 million rupees from his secret fund and other alleged financial scams. Coming back to the country a few months ago, he joined the PML-Q and is now one of the pillars of Musharraf's supporting team in the province.

On the other hand, the government is deprived of the support of the political parties having both street power and a substantial vote bank. They included the Balochistan National Party (Mengal), Pushtoonkhwa Milli Awami Party, Jamhoori Watan Party, Jamiat Ulema Islam and Jamaat-e- Islami Pakistan. However, parties like the Balochistan National Movement apparently opposed the referendum in the press, but extended their tacit support to the government. Pushtoonkhwa was the only party that embarked on a mass awareness campaign against the referendum, holding corner meetings despite the ban on political activities. Other political parties confined their opposition to the press, besides holding some public meetings in the interior of the province. While the administration assisted political activities in favour of the referendum, its opponents were denied the same right. The lawyers' community in Balochistan was the only segment of society that staged rallies and marched on main roads and through bazaars against the referendum. In retaliation, the government lodged treason cases against them and arrested their leaders, including Ali Ahmad Kurd, President of the Balochistan Bar Association.

These arrests sent a wave of anger among the community who announced they would continue their protest till the withdrawal of these cases and the release of their leaders. The police went a step further by arresting 70 more lawyers after the protest. The lawyers fought back by courting arrest and resorting to a token hunger strike. Ultimately, sanity prevailed on the part of the government. Cases were withdrawn and all the arrested lawyers set free. The government directed the 1400 councillors of Quetta to get people to participate in General Musharraf's public meeting, also directing government employees to be present at the meeting. But while there was a show of numbers in the meeting, the resources of the administration could not deliver the desired results on the day of the referendum. The referendum also cost the government one of the well-reputed and competent judges of the superior courts. Justice Tariq Mahmood, a judge of the Balochistan High Court, quit when as a member of the election commission of Pakistan from Balochistan, he refused to be a part of the referendum process, terming the referendum unconstitutional. The ECP, in an apparent attempt to cover up his resignation, issued a press release saying Justice Mahmood had been withdrawn on the recommendation of the Chief Justice of Balochistan. REFERENCE: Constructing Consent - A poor turnout in Balochistan is bolstered by some help from official quarters. By Shahzada Zulfiqar [MONTHLY NEWSLINE MAY 2002] "Either I could lie to save my job, or tell the truth to save my character" Justice (Retd.) Tariq Mahmood By Savair Akram [MONTHLY NEWSLINE MAY 2002]


During 1999 Ansar Abbasi was Praising General Musharraf Martial Law regime's "Alleged Reforms" when Ansar Abbasi used to be a Correspondent in Daily Dawn, he never mentioned even a single time that Impsoing Martial Law is Treason and Violation of Article 6 of 1973 Constitution of Pakistan. Read the news reports which Ansar Abbasi filed in the Daily Dawn in 1999. Not a single time Ansar adress Musharraf as CMLA but Ansar was very respectful towards "alleged Chief Executive" Musharraf. You may not find a single personal observation by Ansar Abbasi on Constitutional Tampering by Military Regime. Musharraf was given mandate by the Judiciary to tamper with the Constitution. Everybody knows who was part of that Supreme Court Bench. REFERENCES: Special courts to try cases of accountability Ansar Abbasi 06 November 1999 Issue : 05/45 [Courtesy Daily Dawn Wire Service] Musharraf approves pre-1973 authority for FPSC by Ansar Abbasi Week Ending : 29 January 2000 Issue : 06/05 [Courtesy Daily Dawn Wire Service] Record of 100 senior officers being scrutinized Ansar Abbasi Week Ending : 4 March 2000 Issue : 06/10 [Courtesy Daily Dawn Wire Service] Sharifs lose 80pc of assets, says Qureshi by Ansar Abbasi Week Ending : 16 December 2000 Issue : 06/48 Cabinet had no idea of exile deal Ansar Abbasi Week Ending: 16 December 2000 Issue:06/48 Police reforms: Chief Executive okays interior ministry proposal by Ansar Abbasi Week Ending : 1 July 2000 Issue : 06/25 Chief Executive seeks list of 'corrupt' bureaucrats by Ansar Abbasi Week Ending : 1 July 2000 Issue : 06/25 Chief Executive to meet 'clean' politicians soon Ansar Abbasi Week Ending: 1 July 2000 Issue : 06/25 [Courtesy Daily Dawn Wire Service] Extradition talks with US expert make progress Ansar AbbasiWeek Ending: 12 August 2000 Issue : 06/30 NRB chief hints at imminent changes: Constitution being amended By Ansar Abbasi Week Ending: 19 August 2000 Issue : 06/31 Private experts to handle white-collar crime by Ansar Abbasi Week Ending: 21 October 2000 Issue: 06/40 Law soon to dismiss 'corrupt' officials by Ansar Abbasi Week Ending : 11 November 2000 Issue : 06/43 CBR yet to frame charges against suspended officers BY Ansar Abbasi Week Ending: 29 July 2000 Issue: 06/29

Watch BBC Documentary on 12 Oct 1999 Martial Law in Pakistan and please do watch while keeping in mind the Article 6 of 1973 Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Please also note as to what the BBC Correspondent has to say about Judiciary. REFERENCE: Courtesy: Mr Wusatullah Khan, Correspondent BBC, فوجی بغاوت کے دس سال

Ansar Abbasi Praising General Musharraf's Martial Law Regime's "Alleged Reforms" when Ansar Abbasi used to be a Correspondent in Daily Dawn, he never mentioned even a single time that Impsoing Martial Law is Treason and Violation of Article 6 of 1973Constitution of Pakistan As per 1973 Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan "QUOTE" PART I 6. (1) Any person who abrogates or attempts or conspires to abrogate, subverts or attempts or conspires to subvert the Constitution by use of force or show of force or by other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of high treason. (2) Any person aiding or abetting the acts mentioned in clause (1) shall likewise be guilty of high treason. (3) [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] shall by law provide for the punishment of persons found guilty of high treason. "UNQUOTE" Definition of Accomplice: An accomplice is a person who actively participates in the commission of a crime, even though they take no part in the actual criminal offense.

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