Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Jamat-e-Islami/Mawdudi Murdered Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

The most lethal mix of Rawafiz and Khawarij [Jamat-e-Islami, its Founder and their Workers] often forget while lecturing Zardari and Nawaz about democracy, law and constitution that Jamat-e-Islami's Very own Pervert Chief Maulana Abul Al'a Mawdudi, Professor Ghafoor, Professor Khursheed and Mehmood Azam Farooqui were in hand gloves with a US backed Military Dictators General Ziaul Haq not only in Marital Law of 1977but also involved in the Judicial Murder of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, read the "advices" and "allegations" of JI leadership and then watch the Video Proof as to how JI Leadership [Professor. Senator Khursheed Ahmed] hailed Bhutto's Murder while talking to a Foreign Journalist in a very rare video. Read JI's history of Terrorism, Fascism, Treahery, Violence and Deceit.

LAHORE, April 4: Former chief of Jamaati- Islami Qazi Husain Ahmed Answering a question, he said all cases against beneficiaries of defunct National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) should be re-opened and the public money plundered by anyone must be returned to the masses. Seeking that President Asif Zardari should be first to be held accountable, he said reopening of Swiss cases against the PPP cochairperson were in his (Zardari’s) and his party’s best interest as the politicians would be in a position to clarify their position, He told a questioner that if the Pakistan government requested the Swiss government to re-open the cases, the latter would be bound to oblige as being a member of the United Nations. He said both President Asif Zardari and PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif were playing a hide and seek as they clashed and reconciled at their own will. He demanded that public opinion should be elicited on the draft of 18 constitutional amendment bill before its passage in the parliament. REFRENCE: Swiss cases re-opening in PPP interest, says Qazi By Our Staff Reporter Monday, 05 Apr, 2010 http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/the-newspaper/local/lahore/swiss-cases-reopening-in-ppp-interest,-says-qazi-540

BUREWALA: Amir Jamaat-e-Islmai (JI) Munawar Hassan has alleged that Nawaz Sharif has been taking a dictation and played a puppet’s role in connection with the Constitutional package. He was addressing public meeting held in connection with Seerat-un-Nabi (SAW) here on Tuesday. “Nawaz Sharif, on the directives of some elements, first raised objections and later agreed on dictation from the same elements,” Munawar Hassan claimed. He said the murderers of Ms Benazir Bhutto be brought presented to the people before reopening the (Zulfiqar Ali) Bhutto case.“How could the man who, despite being the president of the country failed to nab the assassins of her wife, will be able to serve the nation?” he asked. He said the Government, instead of implementing the court verdict on NRO, is adopting a policy of clash with the judiciary aimed to provide protection to the thieves and plunderers. Nawaz played puppet on Constitutional package: Munawar Updated at: 2045 PST, Tuesday, April 06, 2010 http://www.thenews.com.pk/updates.asp?id=102312

Tuesday, April 06, 2010, Rabi-us-Sani 20, 1431 A.H

Syed Haider Farooq Maududi Exposing Jamaat-e-Islami - 1 (28 May 2011)

Syed Haider Farooq Maududi Exposing Jamaat-e-Islami - 2 (28 May 2011)

Syed Haider Farooq Maududi Exposing Jamaat-e-Islami - 3 (28 May 2011)

Syed Haider Farooq Maududi Exposing Jamaat-e-Islami - 4 (28 May 2011)

Bhutto Hanging Reaction

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iPFulZOplQ&feature=related

A world renowned research scholar, an educationist, an economist, a versatile writer and a preacher of Islam, Prof. Khurshid Ahmed was born on 23 March, 1932. He holds Bachelor's degree in Law and Jurisprudence, Master's degree in Economics and Islamic Studies and also an Honorary Doctorate (Ph. D) in Education. Prof. Khurshid Ahmed has held the portfolio of the Federal Minister for Planning and Development and has been Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission from 1978 to 1979. He is Vice-President of Jama'at-e-Islami Pakistan and Founder and Chairman of both Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad and the Islamic Founda- tion, UK. He was elected to the Senate in 1985 and re-elected as Senator in 1991 for another six year term. He is Chairman of the Senate Standing Committee on Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs since 1991 and a member of the Standing Committees on Planning, Development and Population Welfare and Religious Affairs and Minorities Affairs. He is also a member of the Functional Committee of the Senate on Government Assurances. REFERENCE: http://www.senate.gov.pk/ShowMemberDetail.asp?MemberCode=489&CatCode=0&CatName=


Fall of Zulfiquar Ali Bhutto an his Family was due to his attaining Nuclear Power for Pakistan The explosive situation in the region is the direct or indirect result of the threat hurled by Dr. Henry Kissinger to late. Bhutto and tacit support of Ronald Reagan to the so-called Islamic Dictator General Mohammad Ziaul Haq (1977-1988). - "QUOTE" "It is generally believed that the US wanted Zoulfiqar Ali Bhutto to be removed from the political scene of Pakistan mainly on two accounts. First, for the nuclear policy that he framed and tried to relentlessly pursue and secondly, from apprehensions that ZAB was influencing the countries. He posed a serious challenge to the US interests in the region. “Tally-ho. Kill Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, “ yelled the self-proclaimed policemen of the world. During August 1976, Amercian Secretary of States, Dr. Henry Kissinger had warned Bhutto, “We will make a horrible example of you,” adding menacingly, “When the railroad is coming, you get out of the way.” The American had successfully cultivated a number of well-placed bureaucrats, PPP stalwarts and ministers who wittingly or inadvertently served as the US agents of influence. American diplomats and CIA operators not only got most of the ‘inside’ information from these ‘gentlemen’ but also utilized their good offices to ‘convey’ whatever they wanted to feed or plant. Some officers from USMAAG had also made meaningful ingresses in the General Headquarters and not only gathered the thinking in the Services Headquarters but would also drop a ‘suggestion’ here and there.

Some of the US Diplomats had established direct contacts with a number of PNA leaders whom they continued to aid, support and give day-to-day line of action. A number of US diplomats were not only actively involved but also directed the operations against Bhutto. Jan M. Gibney, Political Officer, US Consulate General, Lahore, duly assisted by a couple of Pakistanis, was extremely active and would frequently visit a number of Politicians Maulana Maudoodi of Jamat-e-Islami and Maulan Obaidullah Anwar, Jamiat-e-Ulmai- Islam of Sheranwala Gate, Lahore. Apart from holding meetings, a wireless network had been established between the USIS-US Consulate General – Maulana Maudoodi’s residence. It was Gibney who had telephoned and conveyed to Howard B. Schaffer, Chief of Political Affairs, US Embassy, Islamabad, that notorious sentence, “The party is over. Merchandise has gone.” The US had also released PL-480 funds. Over night some Jamat-e-Islami workers were seen with pockets full of money and spending lavishly. A number of businessmen, particularly those, who had suffered due to ZAB’s economic and industrial policies, had also been prompted to contribute towards the PNA funds. As there were no party accounts being maintained as such, the contributions were received personally by some of the leaders. Justice (Retd.) Kaikaus and Rafiq Ahmed Bajwa are among those who are alleged to have made millions." [PROFILES OF INTELLIGENCE by Brigadier [RETD] Syed I. A. Tirmazi, SI (M). "UN-QUOTE"

USA, General Zia, JAMAT-E-ISLAMI, Henry Kissinger [Former US Secretary of State] were all bedfellows who destroyed Bhutto in 1977 and later his daughter in 2007: [General Zia Martial Law Period 1977-1988] - Jamat-e-Islami nowadays calls for the restoration of Democracy and Restoration of Constitution of 1973 from the banner of APDM whereas the same Jamat-e-Islami under the banner of MMA gave clean chit to General Musharraf's Rampant Martial Law Regime [2002-2007] through notorious LFO and 17th Constitutional Amendment to do wahtever he likes. In the past the same Jamat-e-Islami [when its Deviant Founder Syed Abul Ala'a Maudoodi was alive] provided its very senior member Professor Ghafoor to serve General Zia ul Haq:-

Professor Ghafoor Ahmad of Jamat-e-Islami was a Federal Minister Production Industries in General Zia Martial Law Cabinet [1978-1979] [Reference Cabinet Division Pakistan] On August 23 1978 following person inducted in General Zia Cabinet: - 1- Ghulam Ishaq Khan [Later dismissed two elected government in Pakistan one at the behest of General Aslam Beg in 1990] - 2 - A.K.Brohi, 3 - Mahmood Haroon, 4 - Mohammad Khan Junejo, 5 - Sharifuddin Pirzada, 6 - Mohammad Ali Hoti 7 - Professor Ghafoor Ahmad (Jamat-e-Islami) [From 2002-2007 under MMA Professor Sahab was part of an alliance which shared government with Mr Musharraf's Martial Law] - You may find many names in the post/link below who also served in General Musharraf’s Martial Law. REFERENCE: High Treason Cases against Pakistani Military Dictators & Collaborators/Abettors http://chagataikhan.blogspot.com/2009/08/high-treason-cases-against-pakistani.html

Professor Abdul Ghafoor of Jamaat-e-Islami Exposed by Kamran Shahid about ISI & IJI
URL: http://youtu.be/oifIkorG5vg

The war in Kashmir is not jihad (May 1948; quoted in M. Sarwar, Maulana Maududi ki Tahrik-I-Islami, Lahore, 1956, pp. 331-332). Haider Farooq Mawdudi on Mawdudi and Jamat-e-Islami after Mawdudi. http://chagataikhan.blogspot.com/2009/04/haider-farooq-mawdudi-on-mawdudi-and.html Question: But the ‘Jamaat’ of your father, Maulana Abdul Ala Mawdudi declares it as ‘Jihad’.

Answer: Now, this is no more the ‘Jamaat’ of my father, this is now the ‘Jamaat’ of Qazi Hussain Ahmad. My father had categorically refused to accept the ongoing violence in Kashmir as ‘Jihad’.

Question: Haider Sahab, Maulana Mawdudi was a giant personality and a great religious scholar. We should talk about present scenario. Jamaat-e-Islami is still spending a lot on ‘Jehad-e-Kashmir’ also rendering sacrifices?

Answer: Yes, presently the situation is such that Jamaat receives Rs. 60,000/- for every militant killed in Kashmir out this, only 15,000-20,000/- are being given to the families of the martyrs, while as the remaining amount is eaten up by the JEI leaders themselves who have opened a factory of martyrs. JEI leaders have made money by getting others children killed. As far as they themselves are concerned, no son of Qazi Hussain Ahmad was killed either in Afghanistan or Kashmiri, ‘Jihad’ and his children are leading a luxurious life while studying in the United States.

Ayub’s secularism as part of the military culture of British Indian Army was like an open book without any fine print. Even the prefix Islamic attaching to the Republic of Pakistan was dropped until restored under the writ of superior judiciary. That continued to be the case until the fateful day of 1965 when India attacked Pakistan along the international border, with Lahore as its principal target. Even in his first address to the nation within hours of the Indian invasion, Ayub went on to recite the ‘Kalama-i-Tayyaba’ in a stirring, emotion-choked voice. His subsequent meeting with religious parties – mainly the Jamaat-i-Islami under Maulana ‘Abul ‘Ala Maududi – marked the beginning of the military-mullah nexus. Yahya would not have much to do with things spiritual until the induction of retired Maj.-Gen. Sher Ali Khan into his cabinet as minister in-charge of information and national affairs. He initiated Yahya into ideological lore and saddled him with the mission of protecting the ‘ideology of Pakistan and the glory of Islam’. Yahya’s intelligence chief, Major-(later Lieut.) Gen. Muhammad Akbar Khan made no secret of his close liaison with the Jamaat-i-Islami especially in respect of its pro-active role in East Pakistan. The Jamaat was to go even to the extent of certifying Yahya’s draft constitution as Islamic. The draft was authored by Justice A.R. Cornelius, Yahya’s law minister. As for Zia, he embarked on his Islamization programme even as he assumed his army command. REFERENCE: MMA and the NSC By A.R. Siddiqi 30 June 2004 Wednesday 11 Jamadi-ul-Awwal 1425 http://www.dawn.com/2004/06/30/fea.htm#1

The series of assassinations in Former East Pakistan [now Bangladesh] was started from 1969 when a Shams Duaa-Haa, professor of Chemistry in Rajshahi University, was assassinated in daylight. Let me explain what the Al-Badar and Al-Shams were and are? Al-Badar was and is militant wing of Jamait Islami and a paramilitary force formed in Bangladesh in 1971 by General Yahya INC. Al-Badar forget that what the real Jihad is? And fight against the Muslims in Bangladesh, Bengalis use to call Al-Badar as “Butcher of Bangladesh.” The Al Badar was assigned a variety of combat and non-combat tasks including taking part in the operations, spying against Bengali Intellectuals, interrogation, working as the guides for Tikka Khan and Niazi, assassination, detecting and killing Bengali intellectuals. The force was composed of madrassah students-teachers, supporters of Muslim League and Jamait Islami. History tell us that killings which began on 25 March 1971 and sparked the Bangladesh Liberation War and also led to the deaths of at least 26,000 people as admitted by Pakistan on one hand (by the Hamoodur Rahman Commission) and 3,000,000 by Bangladesh on the other hand, (From 1972 to 1975 the first post-war prime minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, mentioned on several occasions that at least three million died). Doctor Fazl Rabbi was an eye specialist; he was kidnapped by Al-Badar. Next day his body was found from a drainage line. His both eyes were vanished and there were marks of switchblade. “What should we think about such peccadilloes?” Ex-militants of Al-Badar are settled in UK and other European countries and they are appointed as cleric of mosques there. And I want to remind the readers that too, “Jamait Islami’s former leader Maulana Modudi had rejected the theory of Pakistan but since 1947, when Pakistan came into being, it is claimed by the leaders of Jamait Islami that they are playing leading role of toady.

Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark says - "Clark pointed to the CIA's activities in Iran as evidence of its willingness to support dictators over democrats. U.S. officials can justify supporting a dictatorship in Pakistan, said Clark, because it "daggers the underbelly of the Soviet Union." Almost three decades later, Bhutto fans, analysts and keen Pakistani observers suspect Clark's utterances to be true and insist they should not be trashed so easily. Says one Bhutto follower, ".....see in 1977 Bhutto was removed and hurriedly executed. and in just about 24 months, Russia was in Afghanistan (December 1979) and Pakistan, USA, Saudi Arabia et al were all there together running an "Islamic Jihad" against the Communists. It takes more than a year to plan an invasion so big or a counter-attack so effective no?......both the CIA and the KGB knew what each one of them were doing, planning.... But Bhutto was the "wild card" in the overall Western game plan. Read his book If I am Assassinated. ..it tells you all." In later years, Ramsey Clark wrote " Bhutto was removed from power in Pakistan by force on the 5th of July, after the usual party on the 4th at the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, with U.S. approval, if not more, by General Zia al-Haq. Bhutto was falsely accused and brutalized for months during proceedings that corrupted the judiciary of Pakistan before being murdered, then hanged. That Bhutto had run for president of the student body at University of California in Berkeley and helped arrange the opportunity for Nixon to visit China did not help him when he defied the U.S. (Covert Action Quarterly magazine, Fall 1998)" REFERENCE: Who Killed Bhuttos? http://chagataikhan.blogspot.com/2008/10/who-killed-bhuttos.html

Just to list a few of the alleged assassinations conducted or planned by U.S. agents exposes the crisis in confidence covert actions have created for our country. Allende, Lumumba, Diem, Bhutto, with many questioning whether President Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr., should be included, and U.S. planning for the assassination of Fidel Castro part of our public record, while air and missile attacks directed at Qaddafi of Libya and Saddam Hussein of Iraq missed their targets. CIA Director Richard Helmspleaded guilty to perjury for false testimony he gave before the U.S. Senate on the CIA' s role in the overthrow of President Allende. He was fined, but his two-year prison sentence was suspended. But the American public is unaware of it, and Chile has never been the same. U.S. support for the overthrow of Allende was the essential element in that tragedy. For years, Patrice Lumumba's son would ask me whenever we met, first in Beirut, or later in Geneva, if the U.S. killed his father. I finally gave him a copy of former CIA officer John Stockwell's In Search of Enemies, which tells the story. Justice William O. Douglas wrote in later years that the U.S. killed Diem, painfully adding, "And Jack was responsible. " Bhutto was removed from power in Pakistan by force on the l5th of July, after the usual party on the 4th at the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, with U.S. approval, if not more, by General Zia al-Haq. Bhutto was falsely accused and brutalized for months during proceedings that corrupted the judiciary of Pakistan before being murdered, then hanged. That Bhutto had run for president of the student body at U.C. Berkeley and helped arrange the opportunity for Nixon to visit China did not help him when he defied the U.S. REFERENCE: Who Killed Bhuttos? http://chagataikhan.blogspot.com/2008/10/who-killed-bhuttos.html

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan - As per another noted Islamic Scholar of repute Maulana Waheeduddin Khan [One of the founder member of Jamat-e-Islami who later resigned from JI]“Quote” "Maudoodi founded his movement on the maxim of 'Rule of Allah' and had said only Allah's rule is allowed on the people and the world and all the other laws made by human beings are wrong {BATIL}. For Muslims following such man made laws is Haram {forbidden} as for Muslims it is a must for him to work for enforcing Allah's Rule/Laws or die in the same cause. Maulana Mauddodi used to say those who make, decide, implement and enforce non-Godly Laws, all are committing forbidden {Haram} acts. Because you cannot even punish a culprit who is proved guilty under man made law, asit would not be considered punishment it’d be crime itself as nobody has the right to decide on God’s land to decide about the punishment through man made laws. Therefore such punishment e.g. punishment for the murder {hanging} would be a murder even if the punished person is proved killer because on God’s Land nobody is allowed to take life without God’s permission mean one has to conduct a murder trial under Islamic Law.

All his life Maulana Maudoodi kept demanding the enforcement of Islamic Shariah and System. During the last years of his life he got what he wanted, on 5 July 1977 General Zia implemented Martial Law and Maudoodi lent his and his party’s complete support to General Zia not only that many of his JI members were in General Zia’s Cabinet. During Zia’s tenure Zoulfiqar Ali Bhutto was tried on the persistency of Jamat-e-Islami and Maudoodi’s slogan “Accountability before Elections”. Maudoodi had full chance to try Bhutto in the PURE-ISLAMIC SHARIAH COURT as per Islamic doctrine. Had he done so he would have been the best example of Practical Shahadah of Islam which he had been claiming all his life and as per him without Shahadah Islami Dawah is incomplete. But Maudoodi and his Jamat-e-Islami and their members supported the trial against Zoulfiqar Ali Bhutto which was conducted as per man made law. The courts, which were the continuation of pre-partition days, were and still are run on the basis British Law. Maudoodi could have demanded the formation of Shariah Court for Bhutto’s trial but he didn’t not only that not a single person that included Maudoodi even raised a demand for establishing such Islamic Courts. The famous Murder Trial against Bhutto was run under the very eyes and support of Maulana Maudoodi and he was tried as per Anglo Saxon Jurisprudence not as per Islami Shariah. Bhutto was hanged on 4th April 1979 while Maudoodi was alive. As mentioned above by Maudoodi no punishment and law is justified and allowed in the presence of Islamic Laws but Bhutto was tried and hanged as per Anglo Saxon Laws which was man made. But Maudoodi not only supported Bhutto’s hanging but even supported the trial conducted under the auspices of man made law.

Zoulfiqar Ali Bhutto {1928-1979} was hanged to death in Rawalpindi allegedly for murder as jurists differ on his hanging but there is no second opinion on that so-called Flag Bearer of Islam in Pakistan committed a murder of a person name Zoulfiqar Ali Bhutto.

BBC in one of its report said that when Bhutto was taken to gallows the last words on his lips were O God! Help me I am innocent. But when a noted journalist Mark Tully reported this news and verbatim of Bhutto in Islamabad. He was chased and gheraoed in Islamabad by the so-called flag bearers of Nizam-e-Mustafa and was thoroughly beaten and that is not the end the then government registered a case against that reporter in Rawalpindi for the said report. This was the newest form of Nizam-e-Mustafa as its followers didn’t take this Hanging of Bhutto ample enough they also wanted the guarantee that Bhutto must be granted HELL [JAHANNUM] in the life hereafter.

Maudoodi denied what he had been propagating all his life i.e. Rule of Allah and Islam particularly in the Bhutto trial and that is the tragedy with all the Islamists particularly in Pakistan that they preach what they don’t practice: ASBAQ-E-TAREEKH by Maulana Waheeduddin Khan {New Delhi India}. Enjoin ye righteousness upon mankind while ye yourselves forget (to practise it)? And ye are readers of the Scripture! Have ye then no sense? {The Cow – II (Soora Al-Baqara) Verse 44}.”

Late. Maulana Muhammada Manzoor Naimani was one of the founders of Jamat-e-Islami and one of the reason of his leaving Jamat-e-Islami [many giant Islamic Scholars left Jamat-e-Islami e.g. Maulana Waheeduddin Khan, Maulana Abul Hassan Nadvi, Ameen Ahsan Islahi, Maulana Masood Alam Nadvi, Naeem Siddiqui, Dr Israr Ahmed (he is mystrey like his name) and countless others] was the comrpomise of Late Maulana Mawdudi on Religion and Manhaj [Islam and Manhaj] for the sake of Electoral Politics.

Late. Maulana Muhammad Manzoor Naumani in his book

Meri Rafaqat Ki Sargazasht - Maulana Madudoodi Kay Kay Sath Meray Shab O Roz [My Life with Maulana Mawdoodi] preface by Maulana Abul Hassan Ali Nadvi published in 1997 by Majlis-e-Nashariyat-e-Islam, Nazimabad, Karachi - Sindh Pakistan. While narrating as to why he quit Jamat-e-Islami, wrote, that in the name of Modus Operandi and Strategy [Tareeqa-e-Kaar and Hikmat-e-Amali] Maulana Mawdudi had compromised on many salient features of Islam like any other Secular Political Party. On this Maulana Naimani said Islam’s Basic Priniciples cannot be compromised for worldly benefit what to talk of Political Strategy and Maulana Mawududi’s wrong step would open the doors of Anarchy [Fitnah] in Pakistan. Late. Maulana Naimani was quite right in his opinion on Maudoodi and Jamat-e-Islami. This has now been proved in 2008 when Jamat-e-Islami [whose name is based upon Islam] is now sitting with Qadir Magsi [Sindhi Nationalist], Mehmood Khan Achakzi [Pashtun Nationalist], Afaq Ahmed and Aamir Khan [Muhajir Nationalist], Hamid Gul [Reincarnation of Devil], Whereas Jamat-e-Islami criticize PPP for being Secular, PML-N for being Opportunist, MQM for being Fascist and Ethnic Nationalist, Awami National Party for being Ethnic Nationalist and what not. Deviant Mawdudi foundede Deviant Jamat-e-Islami and its equally Deviant Student Wing IJT by exploiting these Quranic Verses for using the same for political motives:
Flag of Jamat-e-Islami Pakistan
As per The News International Dated, Tuesday, May 05, 2009:

The Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) submitted a resolution on Monday in the Sindh Assembly secretariat against the manhandling of journalists at the Karachi airport few days ago, allegedly by activists of a mainstream religio-political party. The resolution submitted by Amir Moin Pirzada and other MQM legislators before the Sindh Assembly secretary reads: “The incident occurred on May 2 at the Jinnah Terminal, Karachi. A number of journalists and reporters were beaten up brutally by activists of the Jamaat-e-Islami (JI). This only reflects the intolerance and hatred against the freedom of press by the JI, especially when ‘Freedom of Expression Day’ was observed just a day earlier. [1]

As per The News International's another news Dated, Tuesday, May 05, 2009:

Syed Munawar Hassan, 4th Vandal in Chief of Jamaat-e-Islami - Pakistan.
Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Ameer Munawwar Hasan, reflecting the party’s policy, declined to address the “Meet-the-Press” programme of the Karachi Press Club (KPC) on Monday in the wake of an acrimonious incident which took place on his arrival on Saturday night at the Quaid-e-Azam International Airport.[2]

Mawlana Mawdudi, 1st Vandal in Chief/Founder Amir of Jamat-e-Islami.

Mian Tufail Mohammad, 2nd Vandal in Chief/Amir of Jamat-e-Islami [Maternal Father in Law of Former American Backed Military Dictator of Pakistan General Ziaul Haq 1977 - 1988]

Qazi Hussain Ahmed, 3rd Vandal in Chief/Amir of Jamat-e-Islami [Coalition Partner of another American Backed Military Dictator of Pakistan General Pervez Musharraf 1999 - 2008]
Now read the news above and below while keeping in mind the Quranic Verses which were kept in mind by the Vandal in Chief Mawdudi and other Vandals who succeeded him who founded this mob on the lines of these:

1- And there may spring from you a nation who invite to goodness, and enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency. Such are they who are successful. [The Family of Imran – III (Soorah Aal-e-Imran) Verse 104]

2- Ye are the best community that hath been raised up for mankind. Ye enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency; and ye believe in Allah. And if the People of Scripture had believed it had been better for them. Some of them are believers; but most of them are evil livers {The Family of ‘Imran- III (Soora Al-Imran) Verse 110}.

3- They restrained not one another from the wickedness they did. Verily evil was that they used to do! {The Table Spread – V (Soora Al-Maida) Verse 79).

A brief recent history of Jamat-e-Islami/IJT's Vandalism:

Flag of Islami Jamiat Talaba [Student Wing of Jamat-e-Islami]

‘IJT adventurism caused Rs1 million loss’ April 18, 2007 Wednesday Rabi-ul-Awwal 29, 1428 http://www.dawn.com/2007/04/18/nat37.htm
LAHORE, April 17: Islami Jamiat Tulaba activists had not only disrupted the Pharmacy Festival 2007 at the Old Campus on Saturday last but also damaged valuables worth one million rupees, claim faculty and students of the Punjab University College of Pharmacy. Speaking at a news conference on Tuesday, college’s acting principal Prof Dr Bashir Ahmad, faculty members and students said the IJT activists had also used abusive language and thrashed faculty members, injured lecturer Zeeshan Danish and hurt a number of male and female students. The college students, wearing black dresses or black armbands as a mark of protest, said the college was celebrating the five-day festival from April 10. They said the festival involved many events like sport, exhibition of industrial units, pharmaceutical stalls, campaign against hepatitis, seminar on WTO as well as events marking the third anniversary of the college.

They said the college had constituted different committees to organise all functions in a befitting manner. The students studying in different programmes were involved in various committees to assist the management. The IJT activists were also invited to assist the management for the smooth holding of the festival. The IJT, they said, had promised to extend full cooperation. Contrary to the understanding, they said, a mob of some 60 to 70 IJT activists entered the college forcefully at about 5.45pm on Saturday and used abusive language against the dean and principal, faculty members and college administration.

The faculty and students alleged that the IJT activists immediately started smashing windowpanes of college offices, main hall and disrupted arrangements made by the contractor for the dinner, in which about 2,000 guests had been invited. They said the assailants damaged the entire crockery, candlelights and decoration pieces worth Rs350,000. Thereafter, the assailants entered the main hall decorated by the faculty and students. They alleged that the IJT activists also smashed a TV set, multimedia, computers, rostrum, a plasma screen, studio lights and sound system. The activists also unplugged by force high voltage electric wires that caused sort circuit. The university estate officer and security guards overcame the fire in half-an-hour. According to them, the worth of the damage was Rs1 million.

Meanwhile, the activists pelted stones and bottles that caused injuries to some students, including girls. They also damaged the front screen of an air-chilling vehicle. The complainants said that they had brought the matter to the notice of the vice-chancellor and other varsity officials immediately. The police was called to control the situation. They said the IJT act had brought a bad name to the oldest seat of learning. Meanwhile, PU vice-chancellor Arshad Mahmood has condemned the IJT activists for their illegal activity and added that they were damaging the peaceful atmosphere of the university. He said that stern action would be taken against all those who had damaged the varsity property.

PU registrar Prof Dr Naeem Khan said the varsity had identified some hooligans and would proceed against them under the law. He said an inquiry committee would be constituted in the light of initial fact-finding report. IJT: PU’s IJT Nazim Muhammad Ayub said that the Jamiat would never allow music and such functions on the campus. He said the pharmacy college faculty and students had invited singer Abrarul Haq and were going to hold a concert on Saturday evening. He denied that the IJT activists had thrashed any teacher or student and added that lecturer Zeeshan had faked the injuries. He said the activists had only torn down a banner besides smashing some windowpanes but denied having damaged varsity property.

Mr Ayub said that the university administration should follow the PU calendar while organising functions on the campus. Lecturer Mr Danish said the IJT activists were making threatening calls to him. College student Ms Usama said the assailants had come to the college on three university buses. She said the girls had saved their lives by taking shelter in the common room. She said the IJT’s female activists had also created a conservative environment in girls hostels. “We are not allowed to enjoy music or hold birthday parties,” she claimed. —Staff Reporter

Read as to how Jamat-e-Islami deal with their own supporters [e.g. Imran Khan i.e. with Iron Fist:

Students rise for Imran, against IJT Unprecedented campus march By Mansoor Malik November 16, 2007 Friday Ziqa’ad 05, 1428 http://www.dawn.com/2007/11/16/nat6.htm

LAHORE, Nov 15: A large number of Punjab University students on Thursday held a protest demonstration against Islami Jamiat Tulaba (IJT) for its manhandling of Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaaf Chief Imran Khan. The event was unprecedented in the history of campuses in Punjab, which have been under the Jamiat’s rule for decades. Some 3,000 students, including girls, chanted slogans against IJT for over two-and-a-half hours. They started off from the University Law College and marched to all academic departments on the New Campus of the Punjab University as well as through hostel areas. They also held a massive demonstration in front of the vice-chancellor’s office. The protesters included a number of students who resigned from the IJT following its action against Imran Khan on Wednesday on the university campus. The students were carrying placards bearing slogans: “We, PU Law College students, resign en mass from IJT membership” and “Go Jamiat Go”. They also tore down Jamiat’s posters pasted on walls in the university. The students chanted “Imran terey jaanisar - Beshumaar beshumaar”, “Prime Minister of Pakistan - Imran Khan, Imran Khan”.

Some students told Dawn that IJT leaders had threatened them with dire consequences for taking part in the anti-Jamiat demonstration. The protest march began at 11:30am, and on the way, groups of students belonging to various departments joined in. University teachers were also heard condemning Wednesday’s incident and supported the protesters on the campus.

“This is unprecedented. Thousands of students have united against IJT and compelled them (the IJT activists) to run away from the university,” a teacher said. Some of the marchers tried to damage Jamiat’s office at the Institute of Chemical Engineering and Technology (ICET), an IJT stronghold. They were, however, prevented from doing so by their fellow protesters who pleaded for a peaceful demonstration. In fiery speeches made during the protest, the students lambasted those involved in Imran Khan’s manhandling. Law College’s Rai Kashif said he had resigned from IJT membership along with many other law college students and all of them were now protesting as Imran Khan’s jiyalas. He said on Wednesday a large number of students had turned up to join Imran Khan in his protest, but the Jamiat activists disrupted the meeting and facilitated Imran’s arrest after a clash with his supporters. He said the Jamiat had thus cheated and degraded the students. Speaking to the protesters in front of the VC’s office, Rao Samiullah said the students had stood up and would not allow the Jamiat activists to continue their ‘gundaism’ on the campus.

Talking to Dawn, two girl students said they had become sick of IJT activists, “who were harassing students on the campus”. Rizwan, another student, said whosoever was working for the restoration of constitution would be welcomed in the university. “We support lifting of emergency and Imran Khan is a leader of progressive and modern Pakistan,” he said. The protesting leaders announced another demonstration on the law college ground at 9am on Friday (today). Meanwhile, PTI’s Lahore President Ahsan Shabbir visited the university and told students that Imran Khan was alright and he was thankful to the students, who were protesting in his favour on the university campus. He also invited the students to join the PTI protest in Barkat Market later in the afternoon. Talking to Dawn, PU Registrar Prof Dr Muhammad Naeem Khan said Thursday’s protest was a proof that the university was alive and that all shades of opinion were represented here. He said the university administration understood the students’ anger, calling the protest civil society’s response to Imran Khan’s manhandling.

APDM asks JI to stay away from protest By Our Correspondent November 16, 2007 Friday Ziqa’ad 05, 1428 http://www.dawn.com/2007/11/16/top7.htm
SWABI, Nov 15: The Awami National Party, Pakistan Muslim League (N) and Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf which are in the All Parties Democratic Movement (APDM) on Thursday asked Jamaat-i-Islami to stay away from their protest to be held here on Friday. Condemning the Islami Jamiat-i-Talaba, the student wing of Jamaat-i-Islami, for helping police arrest Imran Khan, PTI provincial vice-president Asad Qaisar told Dawn that opposition parties would not hold a protest demonstration with the Jamaat-i-Islami whose student wing had tried to sabotage the anti-government movement. He said the PTI leader’s arrest was a conspiracy which had harmed the APDM. He said that all APDM parties, minus Jamaat-i-Islami, would continue their struggle for the restoration of the Constitution, lifting of emergency, independence of judiciary and unity of opposition against the government. He said the ANP and PML-N were aware of the fact that a conspiracy had been hatched to create differences among APDM parties.

He said the leaders of the two parties had been informed about demonstration and the PTI’s decision. “They supported our point of view and agreed to keep Jamaat-i-Islami out of the protest.” Meanwhile, The Swabi Union of Journalist and Abaseen Union of Journalists held a protest camp here against curbs on the media. The protesters condemned the arrest of journalists. Leaders of various political parties visited the camp and expressed solidarity with journalists.

Imran Khan’s arrest November 16, 2007 Friday Ziqa’ad 05, 1428 http://www.dawn.com/2007/11/16/ed.htm#3

THE manner in which one of General Musharraf’s most vocal critics, Imran Khan, was arrested on Wednesday is highly questionable. Mr Khan, who escaped his home after being detained right after the emergency was imposed, came to Punjab University on Wednesday to mobilise students against the emergency. However, students of the Islami Jamiat-i-Tulaba, the student wing of the Jamaat-i-Islami, are said to have roughed up Mr Khan on his arrival, detained him in a classroom for 45 minutes before bundling him in a van which was handed over to the police. Mr Khan has been charged with several counts of disrupting public order, but more worryingly, he has also been booked under the anti-terrorism act. As head of his own political party, Mr Khan has the right to protest as well as mobilise people. He did not call for people to take the law into their own hands nor did he incite them to adopt violent means. Mr Khan joins a reported list of 5,000 people who have been detained since the emergency was imposed, of which very few can be described as terrorists. This double standard is not winning the government any votes. The government must pay heed to the growing resentment within the country, as well as international calls, to rescind the emergency and restore all fundamental rights.

It is also important to take note of the IJT’s behaviour. The group has more or less terrorised the Punjab University for the last year or so, bullying the administration into taking certain decisions like shutting down the musicology department or disrupting cultural functions. The self-professed morality police seem to be upset that Mr Khan was invited to the PU campus without their knowledge, as if the university is their sole turf. This self-righteous attitude coupled with coercive force — similar to another fiery ethnic student group’s in Karachi — has never been taken to task by university administrations or the political leadership of the parties the student groups belong to. This time a JI leader has condemned the behaviour of IJT but it must be followed through by stern action against them. No student group should have a monopoly on campuses.

Imran caught on the wrong foot By Asha’ar Rehman November 16, 2007 Friday Ziqa’ad 05, 1428 http://www.dawn.com/2007/11/16/op.htm#2
BORN-again Muslims are not good enough for Islamists. The sorry drama enacted on the Punjab University campus in Lahore on Nov 14 should solve the mystery for those emerging from the sidelines to claim the command of a team of motivated students in whose selection and training they have played no part. Imran Khan came to the campus in the face of ‘stay-away’ warnings from Islami Jamiat-i-Talaba. He was pushed and shoved and insulted and thrown to the keepers not long after. Did the Jamaat-i-Islami leadership know what was about to happen or was it a personal initiative of their student wing to assail the idol? While the first possibility is highly unlikely in the case of ‘the most organised political force in the country’, in either case it is as dangerous an occurrence for the Jamaat as it is for Imran Khan and his Justice Party. For the Jamaat is nothing without its ‘likeminded’ allies.

Before the brutal toss on the campus that landed Imran Khan in jail on Nov 14, he had done plenty in the last 15 years to be labelled as an enigma. For the pro-democracy purists, his biggest folly was his decision to join General Pervez Musharraf. Those, who boast of knowing the only way to the seat of power in Islamabad, say his real mistake was that he left the general too soon. For the apolitical the mere fact that he acted against their counsel to form a political party some ten years ago was an unpardonable act. Those who believed that the honest and the straight-talking should come forward to rescue Pakistan from the clutches of the corrupt, the incompetent and the insincere were happy to see him take the political plunge. Many among them were soon disillusioned by Imran’s sheer ability to lose those who gave his party a progressive look and indeed the appearance of a party rather than a one-man reform squad.

Hamid Khan, who is in the vanguard of the fight for an independent judiciary today, was not so long ago an active member of Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf as was Dr Pervez Hasan, an internationally known lawyer of standing. There were many other ‘new faces’ by his side, such as journalist and analyst Nasim Zahra for a brief period making rounds of newspaper offices in Lahore as an Imran lieutenant before, like Hamid Khan and Dr Pervez Hasan, she also turned away from a struggle from the Tehreek’s platform. The progressive dialogue Imran Khan had engaged himself in came to a halt as he made post haste to the Right. To the surprise of his early supporters who strained to see in him an alternative to the tried and sullied political leadership of the country, even as he sported this new image of his, the cricketing icon would still be known as a liberal face in Pakistani politics, not only anti-America, but liberal, with a special attraction for youth and the domestic and international media. That was an anomaly as big as an ‘alien who neither studied at the Punjab University nor taught there’ leading the student activists who owe their allegiance to the Jamaat-i-Islami.

Sadly, it was written in Imran’s fate. A couple of days before he was scheduled to make his appearance at the Punjab University, hoping to court arrest amidst thousands of cheering students, the Islami Jamiat-i-Talaba had warned him against the adventure. They had actually done the cricketing hero a great a favour by allowing him the benefit of a forewarning. Only three months ago the organised Islamists cadres had watched in silence as their ally and benefactor, Nawaz Sharif, suffered the ultimate ignominy a politician could ever face: returning home to a cold reception. Now it was the turn of another natural ally to experience the exemplary Jamaat discipline. Even after all the reverses that the all-rounder has undergone in the last decade and a half it hurts to see a rare hero being humiliated like Imran was on the Punjab University campus on Wednesday.

Despite his political leanings, Imran of late was on course to restoring to himself the old aura, that of a guerrilla commander who relied heavily on springing surprises to make an impact. His ambushes during his playing days are part of Pakistani folklore. He excelled in catching his opponents napping by sending out a soldier – the Abdul Qadirs and the Salim Yousufs -- up the order for rapid-fire action, saving his key men – the Miandads et al -- for a later onslaught. He would opt to bowl when every expert in the game would be advising him to bat. The gamble often paid and it was a crucial element of his captaincy. He does not have the same kind of men at his command now and maybe not the same luck with the coin but he did show the spark of the past in managing to keep the policemen at bay for almost two weeks. The way he was trapped in the end is perhaps a sign for him that he is far better off returning to his old uncompromising ways. Who knows he might end up rallying groups of students to his cause. The secret, as always, lies in selecting and nurturing them on their own.
Ayaz Amir - MNA - Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz/Former Columnist of Daily Dawn and nowadays writes in The News International.
Freedom doesn’t come easy By Ayaz Amir November 16, 2007 Friday Ziqa’ad 05, 1428

http://www.dawn.com/weekly/ayaz/20071116.htm [Courtesy: Daily Dawn]

http://www.newagebd.com/2007/nov/17/oped.html [Courtesy: New Age]

This brings me to Imran Khan’s manhandling at the Punjab University, Lahore, by activists of the Islami Jamiat-i-Tulaba, the student wing of the Jamaat-i-Islami. Not only was he prevented from holding a demonstration and courting arrest, as he had intended, but he was seized and confined in one of the departments before being handed over to the police. Words fail me to describe this shameful incident. But Imran has not been diminished by it. He continues to stand tall. He is a brave man who has showed great courage during the post-martial law period. It is the Jamiat and its parent body, the Jamaat, which look small. Manhandling one of the few national heroes we have and then handing him over to the police: can anything be more despicable? But even in evil there can be some good. If May 12 exposed the true face of the MQM, Nov 14 has revealed the ugly face of the Jamiat and the Jamaat. Qazi Hussein Ahmed’s populist posturing had led many simpleminded souls to believe that the Jamaat had changed its spots. The incident with Imran dispels such illusions. The Jamaat remains wedded to an ideology suspiciously close to fascism, (which makes one wonder about the uses to which Islam has been put in this country). From Gen Yahya onwards it has worked as a handmaiden of our spook agencies, the dark forces who have always undermined democracy. As a matter of policy its student wing has practiced unabashed violence to promote its political ends. Indeed, when the definitive history of the collapse of Pakistani education is written, the Jamiat’s ‘danda-bardar’ (baton-wielding) tactics will figure prominently in it.


MQM submits resolution against manhandling of journalists Tuesday, May 05, 2009 By our correspondent Karachi [1] http://thenews.jang.com.pk/daily_detail.asp?id=175887
The Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) submitted a resolution on Monday in the Sindh Assembly secretariat against the manhandling of journalists at the Karachi airport few days ago, allegedly by activists of a mainstream religio-political party.

The resolution submitted by Amir Moin Pirzada and other MQM legislators before the Sindh Assembly secretary reads: “The incident occurred on May 2 at the Jinnah Terminal, Karachi. A number of journalists and reporters were beaten up brutally by activists of the Jamaat-e-Islami (JI). This only reflects the intolerance and hatred against the freedom of press by the JI, especially when ‘Freedom of Expression Day’ was observed just a day earlier. This House condemns the ‘atrocities’ of the said Party, and proposes stern action against the culprits.”

Speaking to journalists at his chamber in the Sindh Assembly building, the MQM’s parliamentary leader Syed Sardar Ahmed said he visited the hospital and inquired about the health of two journalists who sustained fractures. He said they were performing their professional duty when the activists allegedly attacked them by labelling them “agent of America, MQM, Awami National Party (ANP) and Jews.”

He demanded that the provincial government, and especially the Sindh home department, take action against those involved in this “regrettable incident.” There is no need for an inquiry into the issue since CCTV footage of the incident is available, he said.

JI chief abruptly declines to address KPC programme Tuesday, May 05, 2009 By Shamim Bano Karachi [2] http://thenews.jang.com.pk/daily_detail.asp?id=175893
Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Ameer Munawwar Hasan, reflecting the party’s policy, declined to address the “Meet-the-Press” programme of the Karachi Press Club (KPC) on Monday in the wake of an acrimonious incident which took place on his arrival on Saturday night at the Quaid-e-Azam International Airport.

This was Hasan’s first visit to Karachi after taking oath as JI Ameer. A large contingent of media personnel was present at the airport on Saturday night for the coverage of his arrival. Supporters of the JI, Pasban, and Shabab-e-Milli were also there to receive him when some journalists were reportedly manhandled by JI activists. JI spokesman Sarfaraz Ahmed told The News that “some misunderstanding” took place between journalists and JI activists. “We apologised to the media people,” he said. The “Meet-the-Press” programme on Monday, however, was turned into a protest rally of the media outside the KPC, as media personnel reacted strongly to “the attitude of the JI.” Meanwhile, the KPC notice board stated that Hasan’s ‘Meet-the-Press’ programme was postponed “due to some unavoidable circumstances.” The JI spokesman, on the other hand, contended that the JI Chief had to pull out of the programme due to the “disrespectful attitude of the media.” It may be mentioned here that this was for the first time that a guest refused to participate in the press club programme. Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan was also to address the ‘Meet-the-Press’ programme on Monday. His talk could not materialise either, because he was not allowed to board the Karachi-bound flight from Lahore after the Sindh government had banned his entry into the province. The ban was later lifted after the intervention of Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani.

For Further Reading on Vandalism of Jamat-e-Islami:
LAHORE, April 1: Activists of the Islami Jamiat Tulaba allegedly injured Punjab University Discipline Committee chairman Prof Dr Iftikhar Husain Baloch, ransacked his office and broke windscreens of three vehicles here on Thursday. They left the official bleeding with head injury. Some 30 IJT activists earlier ransacked the vice-chancellor’s residence and broke the glass door of the VC’s office as well as other offices in the administration block. Prof Baloch was taken to the Shaikh Zayed Hospital where he was provided an initial treatment and sent to the Services Hospital for registration of a medico-legal case (MLC).

The IJT activists went berserk after the university administration notified on Thursday expulsion of four of them and rustication of two others on the recommendation of the Discipline Committee. They were: Hafiz Qasim, Malik Tariq, Saqibur Rehman, Hafiz Wajid Ali, Mamoonur Rehman and Rehan Khan. Meanwhile, PU Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Mujahid Kamran said the attack on the discipline committee chairman was a “murder attempt” and that “this day will be remembered as a black day in the history of the university”. Speaking at a news conference at the PU Executive Club afterwards, the VC quoted Prof Baloch as saying in the hospital that “the Jamiat activists while leaving him in blood said that Baloch had died”. Condemning the incident, the VC urged the chief minister to take action as the law and order situation on the varsity campus had gone out of control. Punjab University Academic Staff Association President Prof Dr Mahr Saeed Akhtar also condemned the incident, saying such a horrendous act was unacceptable. He urged the government to take action against the hooligans to ensure peaceful academic environment on the campus.

He called PUASA general body meeting on Friday (today) at 10am to discuss the situation and plan further strategy. PUASA Secretary-General Javed Samee said there would be no classes on the campus until the IJT activists were wiped out. Later, he told reporters that the teachers would not attend the meeting and observe strike. The five-member PU Discipline Committee, headed by Prof Baloch (who is also principal of the College of Earth and Environmental Sciences), had taken up the discipline violation cases with regard to cutting of barriers of underpass No 1 near Project Director office by Hafiz Qasim and Malik Tariq; kidnapping from Room No 4 (Boys Hostel No 4) by Saqibur Rehman; clash between two political groups – IJT and Insaaf Students Federation at Hailey College of Commerce – with nominated accused Hafiz Wajid, Mamoonur Rehman and Rehan Khan. The committee held its meetings on Feb 4, 22 and March 12 and gave its unanimous decision on March 30. Consequently, the vice chancellor ordered the registrar to notify expulsions and rustications.

The IJT activists began their protest by blocking Canal Road about which their spokesman informed the education reporters through SMS. However, they opened the road within a few minutes on the intervention of some IJT nazims (in the university). Later, they reached the VC office and broke glass door and flowerpots outside and threw stones at windowpanes of various offices. The IJT activists, equipped with batons, later moved towards the VC House and broke the nameplate and flowerpots, and damaged the main gate. Some activists also entered the house without any fear. As they came out, the activists snatched a cell phone from a journalist witnessing their action. On the intervention of some IJT activists known to the journalist, the cell phone was returned but with all the data in the memory erased.

The assailants refused to listen to some IJT nazims’ calls for peace and went to the College of Earth and Environmental Sciences and damaged property, including three official vehicles. Prof Baloch locked the office from inside but they broke open the door and dragged him, followed by thrashing and clubbing of the academic leading to head injury. Resident Officer Shahid Gul and other officials took Prof Baloch to the Shaikh Zayed Hospital. Dr Kamran and a number of university teachers reached the hospital and condemned the incident in strongest terms. VC: Prof Kamran says Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif should take notice of the law and order situation and wipe out political student organisations from the university campuses. He said that he would meet the chief minister soon.

He said the varsity administration had expelled and rusticated several students for violating university rules and got cases registered against them but police never took proper action against the accused. The VC said that there were only a handful of IJT activists illegally residing in university hostels trying to paralyse the varsity administration. He said the activists were even subjecting teachers to torture and humiliation. He said that on Wednesday three IJT activists humiliated a senior teacher at Shaikh Zayed Islamic Centre (SZIC), tore down his clothes and made video footage of the episode. Later, they demanded Rs1 million from the teacher “for not airing the footage on a TV channel”. The VC said an FIR was lodged with the Muslim Town police late on Wednesday. Similarly, he said, the IJT activists also thrashed a sweeper, who was removing book fair posters put up by the IJT activists. He said the administration had closed down all IJT offices in the university and had established its writ to some extent. Prof Kamran said an FIR into Prof Baloch’s incident was being lodged with the police, while an FIR about SZIC’s teacher was lodged and accused Kashif was arrested by the police. He said the university had around 300 security guards but there was no force that could tackle hooligans. PUASA general secretary Javed Samee said the SZIC teacher was humiliated by three IJT activists – Kashif, Rashid Mansoor Khan and outsider Rehan. REFERENCE: Professor injured: IJT displays brute force on campus By Mansoor Malik Friday, 02 Apr, 2010

پنجاب یونیورسٹی کےاساتذہ ہڑتال پر

آخری وقت اشاعت: جمعـء 2 اپريل 2010 , 17:49 GMT 22:49 PST
پنجاب یونیورسٹی لاہور کے تمام اساتذہ غیر معینہ مدت کے لیے ہڑتال پر چلےگئے ہیں۔اساتذہ کی جانب سے یہ ردعمل پنجاب یونیورسٹی کی ڈسپلنری کمیٹی کے چیئرمین پروفیسر افتخار بلوچ کو ایک طلبہ تنظیم سے تعلق رکھنے والے طلبہ کی جانب سے جمعرات کو مبینہ طور پر تشدد کا نشانہ بنانے کے بعد سامنے آیا ہے۔

پنجاب یونیورسٹی لاہور کے تمام اساتذہ غیر معینہ مدت کے لیے ہڑتال پر چلےگئے ہیں

پنجاب یونیورسٹی کی ڈسپلنری کمیٹی کے چیئرمین پروفیسر افتخار حسین بلوچ کو کل شام چند طلبہ کی جانب سے مبینہ طور پر تشدد کا نشانہ بنانے کا واقعہ گھمبیر صورتحال اختیار کر چکا ہے اور آج پنجاب یونیورسٹی کی اکیڈمک سٹاف ایسوسی ایشن نے ایک اجلاس کے بعد غیر معینہ مدت کے لیے ہڑتال کر دی ہے۔ ایسوسی ایشن کے مطابق جب تک اس واقعے میں ملوث طلبہ کے خلاف کارروائی نہیں کی گئی تب تک یونیورسٹی کے تمام اساتذہ کلاسوں کا بائیکاٹ کریں گے۔

پنجاب یونیورسٹی کے اکیڈمک سٹاف ایسوسی ایشن کے صدر مہر سعید اختر کا کہنا ہے دینا میں کسی یونیورسٹی میں اس طرح کا واقعہ نہیں ہوا ہوگا یہ اپنی نوعیت کا انوکھا واقعہ ہے اور کوئی بھی معاشرہ استاد کی عزت کے بغیر بقا نہیں پا سکتا۔

انہوں نے کہا کہ ہم نے اس واقعے کے خلاف آج بھی پر امن ریلی نکالی ہے اور کل بھی ریلی نکالی جائے گی۔

اکیڈمک سٹاف ایسوسی ایشن کے جرنل سیکرٹری جاوید سمیع نے بتایا کہ اس اجلاس میں نہ صرف غیر معینہ مدت کے لیے ہڑتال پر جانے کا فیصلہ کیا گیا ہے بلکہ ان تمام عناصر کو ہاسٹلوں سے بھی نکالنے کا فیصلہ کیاگیا ہے۔انہوں نے الزام لگایا کہ اسلامی جمعیت طلبہ سے تعلق رکھنے والے کئی افراد غیر قانونی طور پر یونیورسٹی کے ہاسٹلوں میں رہائش پذیر ہیں۔

پروفیسر جاوید سمیع نے پروفیسر افتخار بلوچ کو مبینہ طور پر زدو کوب کرنے کے واقعے کا پس منظر بتاتے ہوئے کہا کہ چھ طلبہ کو نظم و ضبط کی شدید خلاف ورزی پر یونیورسٹی سےنکالے جانے پر یہ واقعہ ہوا۔ان کا کہنا ہے کہ ان طلبہ نے ایک طالب علم کو مار مار کر لہو لہان کر دیا تھا۔

تحقیق کرنے اور چشم دیدگواہان کے بیان پر ان پر الزام ثابت ہوا اور انہوں یونیورسٹی سے نکال دیاگیا جس کے بعد اسلامی جمعیت طلبہ تعلق رکھنے والے بیس سے پچیس طلبہ نے چار بجے کے قریب جب یونیورسٹی تقریباً خالی ہو چکی تھی پروفیسر افتخار کے دفتر جا کر انہیں زدو کوب کیا۔

اسلامی جمعیت طلبہ کے ناظم اعلیٰ عبدالرشید کا کہنا ہے اس واقعے میں اسلامی جمعیت کے طلبہ شامل نہیں تھے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ اگر کوئی بھی تنظیم سے تعلق رکھنے والا طالب علم انفرادی حثیت سے بھی اس واقعے میں ملوث پایا گیا تو تنظیم خود اس کا احتساب کرے گی۔

عبدالرشید نے کہا کہ اگرچہ یہ واقعہ قابل مذمت ہے لیکن اس کے پس منظر کا جائزہ لینا بھی ضروری ہے۔ ان کا کہنا تھا کہ کافی عرصے سے یونیورسٹی کے طالب علموں کو بلا وجہ یونیورسٹی سے نکالا جا رہا ہے غریب والدین بڑی مشکل سے اپنے بچوں کو یونیورسٹی بھیجتے ہیں اور جب ان کی پڑھائی مکمل ہونے والی ہوتی ہے تو انہیں کوئی نہ کوئی الزام لگا کر یونیورسٹی سے نکال دیا جاتا ہے۔

اسلامی جمعیت طلبہ کے ناظم اعلی نے کہا کہ اس واقعے کی اس کے پس منظر سمیت تحقیقات عدالتی کمیشن سے کروائی جانی چاہیے جو اساتذہ کا مؤقف بھی سنے اور طلبہ سے بھی ان کے مسائل کی جان کاری کرے۔

Also, Insaaf Students Federation activists staged a protest demonstration outside PU Executive Club against IJT activists’ highhandedness. IJT: PU IJT Nazim Hassaan Bin Salman said the IJT condemned all those, who tortured the university teacher. He said the IJT had always tried to promote peaceful educational environment on the varsity campus. He said the expelled students had protested against their expulsion and blocked Canal Road, which he himself asked the protesters to open the road. He said 5 to 30 expelled students tortured Prof Baloch and damaged university property. He said it was wrong to blame IJT for these incidents. He said the PU administration was propagating against IJT ahead of a book fair being organised by the IJT.

Mr Khan said this after visiting Punjab University’s Professor Iftikhar Baloch on Sunday, who was allegedly thrashed by Islami Jamiat Talaba (IJT) activists, last week. He said such violence was being done under the very nose of Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani and Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif but they were unmoved. He alleged the IJT, a student wing of the Jamaat-i- Islami, was a terrorist group creating unrest in the otherwise peaceful atmosphere of the Punjab University. REFERENCE: PU episode Imran holds PM, CM responsible By Our Staff Reporter Monday, 05Apr, 2010 http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/the-newspaper/local/lahore/pu-episode-imran-holds-pm,-cm-responsible-540

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