Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tribute to Late. Anwer Pirzado.

KARACHI/LARKANA, Jan 7: Leading Sindhi poet and journalist Anwer Pirzado died of lung cancer at a hospital in Karachi on Sunday morning. He was 61. He was admitted to the Liaquat National Hospital about two months ago. He is survived by his wife, three sons and a daughter. He was admired for his precious contributions to poetry and journalism. Late Pirzado was born in the tiny village of Balahreji of Larkana district on Dec 25, 1945, to labourer Shafi Mohammad. He received his early education in Larkana and later moved to Karachi. He topped his masters in English literature from the University of Sindh, Jamshoro, as an external candidate. He also served as a lecturer at the university. REFERENCE: Anwer Pirzado passes away Dawn Report January 08, 2007 Monday Zilhaj 17, 1427 [Courtesy Daily Dawn]

Anwer Pirzado: Importance of Sindh



ڈھاکہ یونیورسٹی کے بعد شاید سندھ یونیورسٹی ہی تھی جنکے اساتذہ، طالب علم اور پروفییسر حکومتی اداروں کی ’فہرست، پر تھے- ڈاکٹر غلام علی الانا، پرفیسر ارجں، نندلال وریانی اور دیگر طالب علم رہنما گرفتار کیے گۓ- یہاں تک کہ سندھ یونیورسٹی کے وائس چانسلر سید غلام مصطفی شاہ کی بھی نقل و حرکت پر پابددی ڈال کر غیر اعلانیہ طور پر انہیں انکی سرکاری رہائش گاہ پر ایک طرح سے نظربند کیا گیا- آج کے سندھی شاعر اور صحافی انور پيرزادو کو بھی سزا ہوئی۔ وہ تب پاکستان فضائیہ میں پائیلٹ تھے اور ان کو ایک دوست کو خط میں بنگالیوں کے ساتھ ہونے والی ہولناک کارروائیوں کا ذکر کرنے پر کورٹ مارشل کی سزا سنائی گئی-
سندھی رہنما اور دانشور رسول بخش پلیجو نے بنگال پر پاکستانی فوج کشی کے خلاف بیرون ملک شائع اور نشر ہونےوالی رپورٹوں کو منتخب اور سندھی میں ترجمہ کرکے ’جیکی بنگال ساں تھیو‘ ( یعنی ’جو بنگال کے ساتھ ہوا‘) کے عنوان سے کتاب شائع کی جو پاکستان میں بنگلیوں کے قتل عام پر پہلی اور واحد دستاویز تھی جس پر بعد میں بھٹو حکومت کی طرف سے ان باقی جالیس کتابوں اور جریدوں کے ساتھ پابندی لگادی گئی-‬
سولہ دسمبر کا دن، اور کچھ یادیں
حسن مجتبیٰ
سان ڈیاگو، کیلی فورنیا
وقتِ اشاعت: Thursday, 16 December, 2004, 15:13 GMT 20:13 PST

He was commissioned as a pilot with the Pakistan Air Force in 1970 but was court-martialled after he wrote a letter to a friend in which he praised Sheikh Mujeebur Rehman of the former East Pakistan as a ‘true leader’. He was sentenced to one year in jail. Later, he joined Russian embassy in Karachi as a translator and also edited the economic and business edition of Tullu. He served as the secretary of the Karachi branch of the Sindhi Adabi Sangat in 1976-1977. As a journalist, he worked for Dawn and The Star in Sukkur during 1980s. He was arrested in 1983 during the Movement for the Restoration of Democracy. REFERENCE: Anwer Pirzado passes away Dawn Report January 08, 2007 Monday Zilhaj 17, 1427 [Courtesy Daily Dawn]

Anwer Pirzado on Bhittai

Anwer Pirzada:Legendery sindhi figure. Best sindhi speaker.

He is considered to be the founder of Sindhi blank verse and his geets and nazms earned him applause. He never bothered to publish a collection of poetic works and it was only in 2005 that some admirers compiled his poems and published ‘Aay Chand, Bhitai Khey Chaijan’ (Oh moon! tell this to Bhitai).
Anwer Pirzado speaks in kachehry


Anwer Pirzado speaks in kachehry-Part 2


Veteran intellectual and political activist Sobho Giyanchandani said his death was a great loss to Sindhi literature, journalism and archaeology. “Sindh has lost an illustrious son today,” he said. Poet Anwer Abro said late Pirzado believed in charity at home, and introduced women education in his village, converted criminals into political activists. Because of his efforts, his village was once known as ‘Little Moscow’. Prominent literary figures Taj Baloch, Shamsheerul Hyderi, Rauf Nizamani, Dr Zulfiqar Siyal, secretary-general of the Sindhi Adabi Sangat, Chander Keswani, Jan Khaskheli, Imdad Solangi, Rakhial Morai and Imdad Hussaini also mourned the death of Anwer Pirzado. Pirzado’s body was taken by his family to Larkana where he was buried in his ancestral graveyard of Sakhi Shah Jamal in Balahreji village on Sunday evening. REFERENCE: Anwer Pirzado passes away Dawn Report January 08, 2007 Monday Zilhaj 17, 1427 [Courtesy Daily Dawn]

Anwer Pirzado was an enthusiastic and creative writer, poet, journalist and research scholar of the Sindhi and English language. Throughout his life he gave little thought to his personal life and prosperity, instead he struggled for the prosperity and progress of Sindh. He remained associated with Karachi’s English-language newspapers as a staff reporter for couple of years. Later, he worked with some Sindhi and regional English-language newspapers and periodicals as editor and contributed his time to several literary, cultural and social organisations. During this long association with journalism he focused on the fundamental issues and rights of Sindh. He also tried to discover Sindh of the past, made efforts for the protection and preservation of Mohenjodaro, conducted expeditions to the Indus River and Indus Delta and collected data about the land, its people, history and culture.

When he left this world, Pirzado left behind a vast treasure of writings which are now being published by the Anwer Pirzado Academy that is headed by his sons Zarar, Zaid and Amar. Out of the three books that were published posthumously, the following two were published in 2008:

Anwer Pirzado, the author of the book titled Bhittai was known as a modern interpreter of the poetry of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai. His research work on Shah Latif’s poetry is spread over almost four decades (from 1970s to 2007). He always remained in search of new baits of Shah Latif, the correct meaning of words used in his poetry, the true picture of his images and the true elaboration of his thoughts.

Shah Latif’s poetry was part and parcel of Anwer Pirzado’s blood and soul. His conversation and writings were considered incomplete without baits from the poetry of Shah. He, despite loving Shah Latif spiritually by going to his shrine once a week, logically and scientifically explained the Sufi poet’s philosophy.

Anwer Pirzado Report by manzoor-Part 1


It is true that the poetry of Shah Latif remains a great source of motivation and a force for all thoise who want social change and freedom from tyranny.

His poetry has proved to be a healing element in the days of political, social and personal tragedies. He guides each and every person whether free or imprisoned, religious or secular, man or woman, young or old.

All sections of society can receive inspiration from his verses.

Anwer Pirzado calls Shah Latif ‘the poet of the past, present and future of Sindh. In his book Pirzado has discussed the diversity of Bhittai’s thoughts on feudalism, class difference, social disparity, politics and democracy.

No doubt, the romance of martyrdom, romance of struggle and the romance of sacrifice are major subjects of Shah’s poetry. The author has elaborated on these aspects by relating them to the geo-political situation of the country.

Anwer Pirzado Report by manzoor Part 2


Anwer Pirzado finds in Bhittai’s work solutions for all problems facing society and the people. The author maintains that Bhittai was the poet of love and revolution but advocated non-violence.

All the chapters (surs) of Shah Latif’s poetry revolve around the characters of aashiq (a highest stage of involvement in love) and sacrifice. The author selected such heroic characters of Shah’s poetry and presented them before readers as the ‘heroes of all times.’

Pirzado presented his viewpoint of various issues in a series of lectures delivered on Radio Pakistan, Karachi’s weekly programme Risalo under the title ‘War’u Wai Jo Jey Laheen’.

He tried to prove that Shah Latif upheld the rights of women in his Sur Suhni and protested the abduction and imprisonment of Marvi by Umar Soomro who was trying to tempt her with the lavish lifestyle at his palace. It is interesting to note that Shah Bhittai used the word nazarbandi (house arrest) in his poetry some two and a half centuries ago. This makes his poetry, which was composed between 1689 to 1752 CE, in many respects just as relevant today. He gives voice to suppressed, degraded and exploited people. Suhni might be declared Kari according to the customs that are unfortunately still in practice today, but Bhittai made her a heroine and supported her love for Mehaar.

Anwer Pirzado Interview in Parakh-PTV by Aslam Azad


Anwer Pirzado’s book offers a new window through which to look at the poetry of and philosophy of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai.

Anwer Pirzado was also an avid tourist. He visited each and every part of Sindh during all its seasons. He visited the Thar Desert in time of famine and on rainy days. He visited Khirthar Hill Rang in the scorching month of July, as well as the Katcha area in times of floods and during the winter.

Anwer Pirzado in Parakh part 2


Mohenjodaro is situated close to his native village Balhreji where he participated in the excavation work carried out by the famous archaeologist John Dales in 1965.

The first time Pirzado stepped out of his native land was when he visited Mumbai as a member of the delegation of South Asia Free Media Association (SAFMA) led by journalists Imtiaz Alam and Dr Jabbar Khattak. The delegation visited Mumbai in May 2006 and comprised of 30 businessmen, journalists, educationists and social activists from all parts of the country.

After his return from Mumbai he wrote a travelogue for the Sindhi daily Awami Awaz. His work was published in book from in 2008. The travelogue was divided into 13 parts which cover topics such as the historical relationship of Sindh and other parts of India, the relationship of Karachi and Mumbai cities, the migration of Sindhi Hindus, the role of Sindhi Hindus in the economical development of India, and free trade between Pakistan and India.

He has also written in detail about the social and economical conditions of Sindhi Hindus who migrated to India during the partition. He says that Sindhi Hindus living in India are prosperous and retain a strong hold on business and trade in Mumbai and other parts of India, but they have never forgotten the land of their ancestors.

Their yearning for the motherland often makes them misty-eyed. Pirzado claims ‘during the partition about 1.2 millions Sindhi Hindus migrated from Sindh. Now, their population in India is about 4 million. Some say they are 8 million. Ulhas Nagar in Mumbai is popularly known as the community’s residential base.’

He writes that Mumbai is at a distance of about 200 nautical miles south-east from the coastal belt of Karachi. He suggests ferry services between Pakistan and India through the Indus Delta. But before that can happen, he advocates cordial and peaceful relationship between the two neighbouring countries.

The author mentions the debates and discussions held between the businessmen of Pakistan and India on the subject of free trade between the two countries during the visit. Referring to the long-time PPP leader he writes, ‘Taj Hyder’s point of view was that there is no harm if the capitalists of Pakistan and India get more profit from free and direct trade, but they must also keep the interest of the poor consumer in mind.’

Writing sbout the old navigation system of Sindh during the days of the Indus Valley Civilisation and after it, he says that Debal was at one time the busiest port of Sindh, just like Karachi port is today.

The author has compared Karachi and Mumbai in terms of their population and civic facilities. He writes that ‘Karachi has enough land, but Mumbai has no land. That is why, it is comprised on seven islands that were filled with mud and then Mumbai city was established on it. There are sea banks within the city and marine drives. Mumbai’s area is just 4,355 square feet.

Karachi and Mumbai are among the 20 biggest cities of the world. More than half of the population of Mumbai lives in katchi abadis, while 6.5 million people live alongside roads and beneath the open sky.’ He further adds that Mumbai has four districts, seven corporations, 13 municipal councils, seven city centers and 950 villages. The author has written the travelogue in an analytical form rather than in diary form. That is why it is highly informative in addition to being entertaining. REFERENCE: IN MEMORIAM: The world of Anwer Pirzado Reviewed by Anwer Abro Tuesday, 06 Jan, 2009 | 02:40 PM PST | [COURTESY DAILY DAWN]

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