Wednesday, October 20, 2010

JANG GROUP, Kamran Khan, "Indian Agent" & Aman Ki Asha.

LAHORE: The Pakistan People’s Party leadership in the Punjab Assembly continued spewing venom against the Jang Group and Geo News channel and its senior members on Monday allegedly for targeting the Presidency. The PPP leaders termed senior journalists, attached with the Jang Group and Geo News, ‘Indian agents’ and enemies of democracy. A spokesman of the Jang Group said that the Group had played a historic and unparalleled role in the movement for the restoration of judges. The Group, he said, also not only broke the news about the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) deal but also played a leading role in exposing its ill effects on Pakistani society. He said the policy of the Jang Group to uphold the rule of law and expose corruption antagonised the former military dictator, Musharraf, who took the harshest measures against the Group, including closure of Geo channels for three months. This inflicted losses of billions of rupees on the Group. This policy of the former dictator to subjugate the Jang Group to financial crunch was followed by the present rulers in letter and spirit. As many as 99 per cent of the Group advertisements were closed, the spokesman said, adding that Geo transmissions are disrupted, distorted and its numbering is frequently changed to keep the readers confused. The spokesman said accused the Jang Group Editor-in-Chief and Chief Executive, and other senior journalists of being agents of America, India and Jews. Similar allegations are being levelled by the present rulers. These allegations are being highlighted and disseminated, as was the practice in the Musharraf rule, through Internet and wall chalking. REFERENCE: PPP rulers catch journalist agents of America, India! By Faizan Bangash Tuesday, October 19, 2010 Zi Qad 10, 1431 A.H.
PPP's Leadership About Indian Agent - 19 October 2010 - 1


REFERENCE: Wednesday, October 20, 2010, Zi Qad 11, 1431 A.H
What a joke this Jang Group of Newspapers is playing with Pakistan and India both by riding two boats at the same time. Jang Group's Urdu "RAG" Daily Jang carries a news wherein the correspondent has indirectly declared that I A Rehman (Human Rights Commission of Pakistan), Asma Jahangir (Human Rights Commission of Pakistan) and Muneeza Hashmi are Indian Agents whereas the English Version of the same "RAG" of the Jang Groups doesn't even mention the name of the three.

INDIAN High Commissioner to Pakistan Sharat Sabharwal visited the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) on Thursday. Indian High Commissioner and First Secretary Indian High Commission Binaya Srikanta Pradhan met LUMS Pro Chancellor Syed Babar Ali and other officials. The High Commissioner was given a briefing on history, schools and research centres at LUMS. He was also briefed on the scholarships and financial aid available at the varsity while he showed interest in the National Outreach Programme. Syed Babar Ali requested the ambassador to launch collaborative education programmes saying LUMS’ students had often visited India and Indian faculty had occasionally taught at LUMS. He also highlighted the fact that there was no traffic of students from the Indian side to seek education in LUMS and this should be encouraged. Indian High Commissioner stressed sending students on short-term visits across the borders on cultural visits. He added that it would not only be a learning experience but would also end all prejudices against both the cultures. REFERENCE: Indian HC for cultural visits Friday, May 14, 2010 By Our Correspondent LAHORE

Friday, May 14, 2010, Jamadi-ul-Awwal 29, 1431 A.H

Jang Group/GEO TV had played a very dirty role during Mumbai Tragedy in 2008 while relaying a bogus "Investigative Report on Ajmal Kasab" on GEO TV and the same Jang Group particularly Mr Mahmood Sham (Group Editor Daily Jang), Mr Shaheen Sehbai (Group Editor The News International), Mr Kamran Khan (Senior Correspondent Jang/The News and GEO TV) and Mr Rauf Klasra (Senior Correspondent Jang/The News International) played a very dirty role after the murder of US Journlaist Daniel Pearl in Karachi in 2002. This very same Jang Group/GEO TV is now lecturing Pakistanis for Peace with India had itself launched a Vilification Campaign againt PPP and raised doubts on the Patiroitsm and Loyalty of PPP and President Asif Ali Zardari when they tried to formulate a policy on Kerry Lugar Bill, No First Strike, and Dialogues wih India. Now read what Jang and Times of India have jointly been saying and Jang Group/GEO TV/The News International have introduced a permanent link on their websites to promote Pakistan-India Peace. READ MORE ON JANG GROUP'S ANTI PAKISTAN ARMY/ISI CAMPAIGN: REFERENCE: Mahmood Sham's Advice & Shaheen Sehbai's Anti Pakistan Army Columns & Jang Group. Mahmood Sham & Shaheen Sehbai on ISI.
Credibility of Shaheen Sehbai, Mir Shakil ur Rahman and Jang Group of Newspapers.


The Times of India Group and the Jang Group have come together to energize the process of peace between our two countries. We believe that this is an intervention whose time has come. We recognize that set backs will occur but these should not derail the process. We will need to reach out and pluck the low hanging fruit in the beginning before we aim higher. Issues of trade and commerce, of investments, of financial infrastructure, of cultural exchanges, of religious and medical tourism, of free movement of ideas, of visa regimes, of sporting ties, of connectivity, of reviving existing routes, of market access, of separated families, of the plight of prisoners, will be part of our initial agenda. Through debates, discussions and the telling of stories we will find commonalities and space, for compromise and adjustment, on matters that have bedevilled relations for over 60 years. Our subcontinent needs to follow the footprints left behind by the great poets, sufi saints and the bhakts who preached and practiced love and inclusiveness. This is the land of Tagore and Ghalib, of Bulleh Shah and Kabir, of Nanak and Moinuddin Chisti. It is their spirit that will guide us in this journey. The one and half billion people of this region await the dawning of an age where peace, equality and tranquility prevails. This will happen when every heart beats with Aman ki Asha. REFERENCE: Aman Ki Asha - Destination Peace


Jang Group/The News International/GEO TV also support this Anti Pakistan Army/ISI Campaign of Times of India. Just a Glimpse


ISI helped Taliban supremo Mullah Omar flee from Quetta to Karachi PTI, 20 November 2009, 12:53pm IST WASHINGTON: Fearing that Taliban supremo Mullah Omar might be targetted by US drones, Pakistan's ISI has helped him to flee from the border town of Quetta to the mega port city of Karachi, where he has established a new Shura council. One-eyed leader of the Afghan Taliban recently found refuge from potential US attacks in Karachi with Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) assistance, the Washington Times reported quoting US intelligence officials.

"Mullah Omar travelled to Karachi last month after the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. He inaugurated a new senior leadership council in Karachi, a city that so far has escaped US and Pakistani counter-terrorism campaigns," the officials said. The paper said the ISI helped Mullah Omar move from Quetta, where they felt he was exposed to attacks by unmanned US drones. "The development reinforces suspicions that the ISI, which helped create the Taliban in the 1990s to expand Pakistani influence in Afghanistan, is working against US interests in Afghanistan as the Obama administration prepares to send more US troops to fight there," the daily said.

Bruce Riedel, a CIA veteran and analyst on al Qaeda and the Taliban, confirmed that Mullah Omar had been spotted in Karachi recently, the daily said. "Some sources claim the ISI decided to move him further from the battlefield to keep him safe" from US drone attacks, Riedel was quoted as saying. "There are huge madrassas in Karachi where Mullah Omar could easily be kept," he said. Riedel noted that there had been few suicide bombings in Karachi, which he attributed to the Taliban and al Qaeda not wanting to "foul their own nest". At the same time, the daily said so far there has been no indication that the top Al Qaeda leadership too had moved to Karachi.

Osama bin Laden and his deputy Ayman al-Zawahri are still thought to be in the tribal region of Pakistan on Afghanistan's border, he said. However, the newspaper said according to intelligence officials, other mid-level al Qaeda operatives who facilitate the travel and training of foreign fighters have moved to the Karachi metropolitan area, which with 18 million people is Pakistan's most populous city. "One reason, [al Qaeda] and Taliban leaders are relocating to Karachi is because they believe US drones do not strike there," a official was quoted as saying adding that it is a densely populated urban area.URL:

Go to jail or join jihad against India: ISI tells surrendered Taliban Vishwa Mohan, TNN, 7 October 2009, 12:13am IST - NEW DELHI: In a new shift in tactics, Pakistan is planning to push as many as 60 "surrendered" Taliban into Jammu and Kashmir to become part of the "jihad" against India. The ISI is said to have offered the extremists the option of either going to jail or crossing the Line of Control. The "jail or jihad" option offered to the Taliban seems a useful diversion for ISI. The Pakistan military establishment has had to fight the Taliban, once its close allies in Afghanistan, but is looking to turn the situation to its advantage. Apprehensions in Indian security circles that the crackdown by the Pakistan army on Taliban — seen as a last resort after the jihadis turned their guns on the Pakistani state — could mean trouble in Kashmir are being proved correct. Not only have infiltration attempts by regular jihadi outfits like Lashkar-e-Taiba gone up, the presence of Taliban poses a new threat.

Highly placed sources said BSF and the Army had been alerted about the developments after intelligence intercepted talk about infiltration bids in the next 15 to 20 days. "Although the Taliban is yet to successfully infiltrate into India, the coming days will pose a challenge as their attempts to sneak in are expected before the onset of winter," said a senior official. The infiltration is closely controlled and monitored by the ISI and Pakistan army which is often involved in the crossings. The issue cropped up as a major security concern during the two-day visit to Srinagar by a high-powered central team led by cabinet secretary K M Chandrashekhar and comprising home secretary G K Pillai, defence secretary Pradeep Kumar and other senior officials.

Top security and intelligence officials deliberated over the move by state actors in Pakistan to utilize the Taliban for their objectives in Kashmir. Taking note of the assessment, officials are learnt to have unequivocally noted during the reviews in Srinagar that there was no change in Pakistan's support to terror groups post 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks. The Taliban, who recently fought against Pakistan army in Swat Valley and other areas along the Pak-Afghan border, were well trained and battle-hardened. They could put their experience of fighting US troops to use in Kashmir. Apart from the group of 60, there are nearly 250 to 300 jihadis — armed with sophisticated weapons, Thuraya satellite phones and Indian mobile SIM cards — poised at launch pads along LoC. This feeds into the view that violence could escalate in J&K in the winter months.

The meeting in Srinagar, attended by senior Army and paramilitary personnel, also took note of repeated use of Pakistani Air Force helicopters to evacuate injured infiltrators along the LoC and as many as 42 terror camps in PoK and Pakistan. "Such incidents (like use of choppers) clearly show the involvement of Pakistani authorities in facilitating infiltration. Though our forces are fully alert to thwart Pakistani designs, the next 15-20 days are quite crucial as this is the period when they will do everything to infiltrate as many terrorists as possible," said a senior official. That is when winter will begin to set in. URL:

CIA paid millions of dollars to ISI since 9/11: Report IANS, 16 November 2009, 12:24pm IST LOS ANGELES: The CIA has paid millions of dollars to Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) since 9/11, accounting for as much as one-third of the foreign spy agency's annual budget, says a media report. The ISI also collected "tens of millions of dollars through a classified CIA programme", which pays for the capture or killing of wanted militants, the Los Angeles Times reported on Monday citing current and former US officials. An intense debate has been triggered within the US government due to "long-standing suspicions that the ISI continues to help Taliban extremists who undermine US efforts in Afghanistan and provide sanctuary to al-Qaida members in Pakistan". But US officials have continued to make the payments as ISI's assistance is considered critical: "Almost every major terrorist plot this decade has originated in Pakistan's tribal belt, where ISI informant networks are a primary source of intelligence."

The report went on to say that the payments to Pakistan are authorised under a covert programme initially approved by then president Bush and continued under President Obama. "The ISI has used the covert CIA money for a variety of purposes, including the construction of a new headquarters in Islamabad, the capital. That project pleased CIA officials because it replaced a structure considered vulnerable to attack; it also eased fears that the US money would end up in the private bank accounts of ISI officials." "What we didn't want to happen was for this group of generals in power at the time to just start putting it in their pockets or building mansions in Dubai," a former CIA operative was quoted as saying. CIA officials argue that their own disbursements - particularly the bounties for suspected terrorists - should be considered a bargain. "They gave us 600 to 700 people captured or dead," a former senior CIA official, who worked with the Pakistanis, was quoted as saying.

"Getting these guys off the street was a good thing, and it was a big savings to (US) taxpayers." Another US intelligence official said Pakistan had made "decisive contributions to counter-terrorism". "They have people dying almost every day," the official said. "Sure, their interests don't always match up with ours. But things would be one hell of a lot worse if the government there was hostile to us." The ISI is a highly compartmentalised intelligence service, with divisions that sometimes seem at odds with one another. Units that work closely with the CIA are walled off from a highly secretive branch that has directed insurgencies in Afghanistan and Kashmir, the Los Angeles Times report said. "There really are two ISIs," the former CIA operative said. "On the counter-terrorism side, those guys were in lock-step with us," the former operative said. "And then there was the 'long-beard' side. Those are the ones who created the Taliban and are supporting groups like Haqqani."

The network led by Jalaluddin Haqqani has been accused of carrying out a series of suicide attacks in Afghanistan, including the 2008 bombing of the Indian Embassy in Kabul. URL:


Shamelessly, the senior correspondent of Daily Jang/GEOTV, Mr Muhammad Saleh Zaafir talks about [that too without quoting naming any credible source] that " The armed forces have taken very serious note of the rhetoric made by certain high ups including some ministers in recent days about the role of the armed forces of the country. The reaction has not been conveyed formally in dossier but the communication is very loud and clear, the sources told this scribe. Meanwhile, the constitutional experts pointed out that a member of the Parliament stands disqualified under the article 63 of the constitution if he/she defames or brings into ridicule the judiciary or the Armed Forces of Pakistan as the constitution states under the title of “Disqualifications for membership of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament).” REFERENCE: MPs to get red card for defaming judiciary, armed forces By Muhammad Saleh Zaafir Friday, January 08, 2010

Whereas the very same Jang Group/GEO TV had played a very dirty role during Mumbai Tragedy in 2008 while relaying a bogus "Investigative Report on Ajmal Kasab" on GEO TV and the same Jang Group is now lecturing Pakistanis for Peace with India whereas very Muhammad Saleh Zaafir and Jang Group have no shame left in them because they forget while lecturing PPP and Zardari about Kerry Lugar Bill, No First Strike, Patriotism and National Security not too long ago while running the campaign of "Joint statement by editors of the Jang Group and Times of India" Friday, January 01, 2010 Aman Ki Asha". AMAN KI ASHA - DESTINATION PEACE


Jang Group/Saleh Zaafir in fervour of supporting the Establishment have also forgotten this brazen and naked truth.

When Advocate Hashmat Habib requested the court to summon heads of the Military Intelligence and the Inter-Services Intelligence, Justice Iqbal said that last time when “we tried to summon them we were sent home for almost 16 months”. Moving scenes were witnessed in the courtroom when Mrs Amina Masood Janjua, chairperson of the Defence of Human Rights who is campaigning for the release of detained persons including her husband Masood Janjua, regretted that there was silence despite the fact that witnesses were ready to help locate her husband. --- The bench, which includes Justice Raja Fayyaz and Justice Mohammad Sair Ali, summoned the Inspector General of Frontier Constabulary and Major Ibrahim next week to explain how Mustafa Azam, an accused in the Hayatabad (Peshawar) bombing, went missing after he dad been arrested his involvement in the blast but released within an hour. The Supreme Court also wanted to know why names of brigadiers or majors always surfaced whenever cases of missing persons were taken up for hearing. Who had given them the right, it asked, to pick up individuals at will? “There is a reign of terror like Gestapo and anyone can just barge into someone’s house to pick anyone,” Justice Raja Fayyaz said. The court would be satisfied even if one person was recovered and the anxiety of one family was addressed, Justice Iqbal observed. REFERENCES: Missing persons issue more serious than NRO, says judge By Nasir Iqbal Wednesday, 06Jan, 2010 The ‘disappeared’ Dawn Editorial Thursday, 07 Jan, 2010 Judge calls it Gestapo-like reign of terror By Nasir Iqbal Thursday, 07 Jan, 2010

KARACHI, Jan 6: PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif said “Pakistan today is facing several challenges. Terrorism, poverty, unemployment, price hike and loadshedding are major issues inherited from eight years of dictatorship,” Without naming Gen (retd) Pervez Musharraf, the PML-N chief said the man who had dissolved parliament, abrogated the Constitution and pushed the country into crisis should not have been given the guard of honour. He should have been brought to justice and punished. -- KARACHI: Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) Quaid Nawaz Sharif said on Wednesday that “conspirators” should be punished as they were responsible for breaking up the country and undermining parliament. REFERENCES:PPP national asset: Nawaz By Habib Khan Ghori Thursday, 07 Jan, 2010 ‘Conspirators’ must be punished: Nawaz Terms all problems gift of dictatorship By Imtiaz Ali Thursday, January 07, 2010

GUARD OF HONOUR FOR GENERAL [RETD] PERVEZ MUSHARRAF and for what??? Making Pakistani disappear from Pakistan as mentioned above or for abrogating 1973 Constitution Pakistan twice i.e. 12 Oct 1999 and 3 Nov 2007.

As per 1973 Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan



6. (1) Any person who abrogates or attempts or conspires to abrogate, subverts or attempts or conspires to subvert the Constitution by use of force or show of force or by other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of high treason.

(2) Any person aiding or abetting the acts mentioned in clause (1) shall likewise be guilty of high treason.

(3) [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] shall by law provide for the punishment of persons found guilty of high treason.



When General [RETD] Pervez Musharraf was President of Pakistan before his resign in 2008.

As per Daily Dawn dated March 07, 2008 Friday Safar 28, 1429


Chief of the Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani announced on Thursday his institution’s complete support for the elected government and the democratic process. However, he called for avoiding schism between various pillars of the state and dispelled a perception that the army was distancing itself from the president. Alluding to a perception about ‘the army distancing itself from the president’, he stressed the importance of the constitutional relationship between the army and the National Command Structure. Highlighting the need for understanding, he pointed out that any kind of schism, at any level, under the circumstances would not be in the larger interest of the nation.” REFERENCE: ‘Army not distancing itself from president’: Gen Kayani announces support for elected govt By Iftikhar A. Khan March 07, 2008 Friday Safar 28, 1429


In my humble view the Establishment distanced iself from Mr Musharraf not only Mr Musharraf but every political party as well because that is the need of the hour since Mr Musharraf is not neutral, neutral and impartial President doesn’t address political rallies nor does they ‘predict’ the vicotry of ‘Like minded parties i.e. King Parties. Getting close to Mr Musharraf him will surely make anybody a party. Why Mr. Musharraf is not neutral. read


I change the subject. Last time I visited him here in Rawalpindi he gave me a spookily accurate prediction of the imminent election results, which suggested information more than insight. Who will win this election? His answer is definitive. The PML-Q (the party otherwise known as the King’s Party, assembled by President Musharraf himself six years ago to legitimise his “managed” democracy) allied with the Muttahida Qaumi Movement will “certainly have the majority. Whether they’ll be able to form a government is a question mark.” This contradicts all the recent opinion polls, which have shown that the popularity of his favoured party is right down, at just 12 per cent. I point out this out to him. REFERENCE: An extraordinary encounter with Musharraf As Pakistan votes tomorrow in its postponed elections, Jemima Khan is granted a rare interview with Pervez Musharraf, the country's beleaguered leader Sunday, 17 February 2008


A good advice for all and sundry is conveyed in an Editorial of Daily Dawn Dated 08-Mar-2008.


THERE is something unmistakably oxymoronic about the statement issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations directorate after the corps commanders meeting at the GHQ on Thursday. If you read the subtext, it means that though the army will support the next democratic government, the latter should not let “schisms” develop in the working of the political system; though the army will keep its distance from politics, the impression that it has distanced itself from the president is wrong; and, finally, the army should not be “dragged” into politics and be allowed to concentrate on its professional duties. There can be no two opinions on the last-mentioned wish attributed to Chief of the Army Staff Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani. However, the ISPR does not tell us who or what prompted this reaction from Gen Kayani. If the army wishes to stay out of politics then why come out with an opinion on matters purely political and constitutionally beyond the pale for generals? Pray, who is stopping the armed forces from going back to their professional duties, from returning to the barracks? Pakistan has had eight years during which the military’s running of affairs well outside its designated area of responsibility has wreaked havoc on the country. One man who led the military and the country called all the shots. Pakistan slipped deeper and deeper into anarchy, with even the economic windfall from Islamabad’s readiness to join the US-led war on terror failing to brake this slide. Little wonder then that all state institutions, including the army, received a pat on the back for organising a by and large fair (on the day at least) election on Feb 18. A tense, tentative nation heaved a sigh of relief for the result was not disputed and the country spared the turmoil which could have imperilled its very existence. The nation has spoken. Let its voice be heard. If the elected parliament wants to undo the tampering the constitution was subjected to by the former chief of army staff so be it. It is time the generals sought a complete break from the divisive role their erstwhile army chief ended up playing. It should resolutely resist being “dragged” into politics. It should be left to the parliament to sort out any “schisms” that may develop. The army should help the civilian government tackle the daunting challenges posed by the scourge of religious extremism and terrorism. One would caution General Kayani against opting for any role for himself other than that of the army chief. His is a full-time job and so much needs to be done to restore the fighting edge to the military and the morale of the soldiers. Known as a ‘thinking’ man, one hopes that he’ll not be tempted by talk of power troikas for the consequences of choosing such a path are disastrous. REFERENCE: Reading the subtext March 08, 2008 Saturday Safar 29, 1429


It is very disgusting that Prejudice take you to a level when you blatantly lie and distort history. Mr Ansar Abbasi just did that in his column in Daily Jang Monday, January 04, 2010, Muharram 17, 1431 A.H, wherein [Read the text below] he says that Political Cell of ISI was formed by Bhutto whereas in reality it was formed by General Ayub Khan. Read Ayub Khan's Information Secretary's Late Altaf Gauhar's Column on ISI published in The Nation in English 17 Aug 97 p 4. After reading the last paragraph of Ansar Abbasi's Lies on ISI. Ansar Abbasi and Jang Group have no shame left in them they forget while lecturing PPP and Zardari about Kerry Lugar Bill, No First Strike, Patriotism and National Security that Ansar Abbasi's very own Jang/The News and GEO are running the campaign of "Joint statement by editors of the Jang Group and Times of India" Friday, January 01, 2010 Aman Ki Asha". AMAN KI ASHA - DESTINATION PEACE

Read Ayub Khan's Information Secretary's Late Altaf Gauhar's Column on ISI published in The Nation in English 17 Aug 97 p 4 - Islamabad The Nation in English 17 Aug 97 p 4 Article by Altaf Gauhar.


"How Intelligence Agencies Run Our Politics"

I had an opportunity to watch quite closely the working of our intelligence agencies during the 1965 war with India. At that time the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) was headed by Brigadier Riaz Hussain, who later became the Governor of Balochistan, the Military Intelligence (MI) was under Brigadier Muhammad Irshad and A.B. Awan was the Director of the Intelligence Bureau (DIB). Each agency had its own sphere of duties but they had a common goal -- preserving the national security. Since there is hardly any significant political activity, domestic or foreign, national or international, which does not, directly or indirectly, impinge on national security, there was much overlapping in the work of the three agencies. Despite the all-embracing definition of national security unnecessary conflict in day to day working was avoided as the lSl and the MI confined themselves to matters of direct military interest and the IB concentrated on domestic political activities. The DIB reported directly to the Prime Minister and the two military agencies to the Commander-in-Chief of the Army (C-in-C). It was left to the C-in-C to bring all matters of interest to the notice of the Prime Minister through the Ministry of Defence. This arrangement continued fairly smoothly until the imposition of Martial Law in 1958. I was in the Prime Minister's Secretariat during the last days of parliamentary government in 1957-58 and Malik Feroz Khan Noon used to get reports of the contacts which military intelligence agencies were making with the political leaders of different parties. There was little that he could do about it since President Iskander Mirza was drawing up his own plan of action to put an end to parliamentary rule in collusion with the C-in-C, General Ayub Khan. Noon was resisting Mirza's pressure to grant a four-year extension of term to Ayub Khan. I remember Ayub Khan bursting into my office one afternoon in full, uniform. I was relieved when he said: "Since the Principal Secretary has gone for lunch I thought I would ask you to request the Prime Minister to stay with me in Rawalpindi when he comes on a formal visit next week." He left the room before I could recover my breath. When I conveyed the message to the PM he said: "I know he wants me to give him an extension of term. His term does not end till 1959. Why is he in such a hurry?" Years later when I mentioned this incident to Ayub Khan he said: "The fellow was under the influence of his wife. He wanted to promote General Sher Ali. My boys were keeping tabs on him."

Once the Martial Law was promulgated in 1958 all the intelligence agencies came under the direct control of the President and Chief Martial Law Administrator. The maintenance of national Security, which was the principal function of these agencies, came to mean the consolidation of the Ayub regime; any criticism of the regime was seen a threat to national security. The three intelligence agencies started competing with each other in demonstrating their loyalty to Ayub Khan and his system of government. Since Ayub Khan was reluctant to increase the military budget, neither the ISI nor the MI could post their officers in the districts and because of that limitation their domestic activities remained quite restrained. But they continued to be assigned specific duties to keep a watch on 'undesirable' politicians and civil servants. When I came to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, I found a psychological warfare unit under operation in the office of the Secretary. It was, headed by Col Mujibur Rahman, who later became the Secretary of the Ministry in the Ziaul Haq regime. Was it an intelligence plant meant to keep an eye on the working of the civil government? Whatever its purpose, I found it a complete waste of time and I was able to persuade the President to have it recalled by the GHQ.

The President used to receive regular reports on the political situation in the country from the ISI and the MI. These reports in sealed envelopes marked 'Eyes Only' were usually handed over to the President by the C-in-C. On a few occasions the President gave me these reports and it seemed to me that the agencies were keeping the politicians, particularly the East Pakistanis, under close surveillance. I rarely found anything insightful in these reports. The DIB had direct access to the President and his weekly reports used to be fairly exhaustive. It was during the presidential election in l964 that the ISI and the MI became extremely active.. While the DIB gave the President a detailed, assessment of his prospects in the election the ISI and the MI kept him informed of the trend of public opinion based largely on gossip. The election results showed that the three agencies had seriously under estimated the popularity of Mohtrama Miss Fatima Jinnah and given Ayub Khan too optimistic a picture of his prospects.

The crisis of intelligence came during the 1965 war. Brigadier Riaz was good enough to show me his set-up, an impressive affair judging by the sophisticated equipment and the operators at work. He told me that he had contacts inside the Occupied Kashmir and in other major Indian cities. "I will flood you with news. Don't worry". When the war started there was a complete blackout of news from all the intellience agencies. When I got nothing out of the ISI for two days I went to Brigadier Riaz only to learn that all his contacts had gone underground. The performance of the MI was even more frustrating. The mobile transmitter which the MI had acquired to broadcast the Voice of Kashmir conked out and Brigadier Irshad came to me to find him a spare transmitter. When I told him that it would take at least a month to import another transmitter he pleaded with me to take over the broadcast part of the operation. "How can I do that I know nothing about the operation?" I protested. "But that is the beauty of it." said Irshad, "even I know very little about it." It did not take the Indians long to extract the whole operational plan out of the 'infiltrators' whom they captured the moment they entered the Indian occupied territory in Kashmir. Four of them were put on All India Radio to make a public confession. I heard the details of the operation on the air in utter disbelief. I rushed to Muzaffarabad to acquaint Irshad with what I had heard. He fell back in his chair and moaned: "The bastards have spilt the beans."

After the cease-fire I brought these incidents to Ayub Khan's notice and urged him to review the working of these agencies. "They have no idea of intelligence work," I submitted "all they can do is investigative work like sub-inspectors of police, tapping telephone conversations and chasing the suspects." Much later Ayub Khan set up a committee to examine the working of the agencies under General the Yahya Khan. Both A.B. Awan and I were members of the committee. The GHQ tried to put all the blame on IB for their own incompetence. Yahya wanted the committee to recommend that officers of ISI and the Ml should be posted at district headquarters. Awan strongly opposed the idea and I backed him. We could not understand the purpose of getting the military agencies involved in domestic administration. As we left the meeting Awan said to me "They are planning to impose martial law." He proved right though it took the Army quite some time to get rid of Ayub Khan after unleashing a popular campaign against him.

The intelligence agencies got even more deeply involved in domestic politics under General Yahya Khan. The ISI jumped headlong into the Political crisis in East Pakistan. A National Security Council was created under the chairmanship of General Yahya Khan with Major General Ghulam Umar as second in command to control the intelligence operation which was meant to ensure that no political party should get an overall majority in the general election. An amount of Rs 29 lac was put at the disposal of General Umar for the purpose. Before the Army action General Akbar, who was the head of the ISI and with whom I had good relations when I was in service, requested me that I should introduce him to some Bengali academics and journalists. The ISI was trying to infiltrate into the inner circles of the Awami League. Had I given him any names they too have been put on Rao Farman Ali's hit list of Bengali intellectuals. The operation proved a total disaster. Lawrence Ziring says: "New efforts at a political solution might have been attempted later, but army intelligence failed time and again to correctly assess the situation, and the demeanor of the generals was hardly conducive to rational decision-making." (Lawrence Ziring, The Tragedy of East Pakistan, OUP, 1997). For General (retd) Aslam Beg to claim on solemn oath before the Supreme Court of Pakistan that the ISI got involved in the internal politics of the country only after a special cell was created by Prime Minister Bhutto in 1975 is a culpable attempt at concealing the truth and distorting the record of the operations of the military intelligence agencies since independence. The present government has only to report to the Supreme Court that the ISI deals with matters relating to Pakistan's national security and that would be the end of Asghar Khan's writ petition against Aslam Beg. Who will provide a definition of national security to rule out the involvement of the ISI and the MI in domestic politics which is seen as the biggest threat to the security and solidarity of Pakistan?



When one tries to keep everybody happy through lies then this effort is often result in worst kind of Intellectual Dishonesty of which Mr Ansar Abbasi, the Senior Correspondent of Jang Group of Newspapers is a glaring example in particular and Jang Group in general. READ ANSAR ABBASI ON ISI AND THEN READ HIS OWN NEWSPAPER/GROUP ON ISI and Pakistan Army.

Although October 12, 1999 events were the outcome of the known mistrust between the then prime minister and the Army chief following the Kargil adventure of General Musharraf, in the present scenario the incumbent Army chief, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, is widely respected for his professionalism and pro-democracy stance. General Kayani is not only highly popular within the Army but is also admired by political parties for the excellent role that he had played during the last year’s general elections and later on the occasion of the judges’ restoration. In a situation when the Army as an institution has regained its respect and there is absolutely no sign of the military’s attempt to destabilise the democratic set-up, any effort by the president to make key changes in the Army top command would be extremely dangerous for the system. Last year, the government’s abrupt shifting of the ISI under the Interior Ministry was unacceptable to all and sundry, including the media, which resulted into the immediate cancellation of the government’s notification. Perhaps foreseeing the dangers ahead, different views were being expressed in the media as a reaction to the president’s speech such as, “There are only so many possibilities about where the threat Mr Zardari keeps referring to can come from. With his public comments, Mr Zardari may in fact be alarming the persons in those institutions that they could be the target of impending attacks themselves and, therefore, need to strike before they are struck against. Our advice: put up or shut up. The president is supposed to be a symbol of the federation, a unifying force rather than a hyper-partisan figure fuelling conspiracy theories. More presidential, less political - that’s what the county needs from Mr Zardari.” REFERENCE: Why the ‘put up or shut up’ calls to Zardari? Wednesday, December 30, 2009 Comment By Ansar Abbasi


ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Army has presently more than 125 general officers in its strength. While a lot is said and written about the civilian bureaucracy, not many know about the military bureaucracy, which is today far more bloated compared to what it was a few decades back. Today we have three full four-star generals, 30 three-star generals also called lieutenant generals while the number of two-star generals — major generals — is said to be almost 100. This number, however, includes those serving generals who are also presently occupying civilian posts including the Presidency. Although the serving general officers currently holding civilian positions are not in a huge number,there are hundreds of retired soldiers including dozens of ex-generals who are now occupying civil service positions including the key posts like ambassadors in Pakistan’s missions abroad, heads of authorities, corporations and departments. A list of ex-servicemen, serving against the civil posts, last presented before the Parliament and also published by some newspapers included almost 600 names. According to sources, the number of General officers in the pre-1965 Pakistan Army was about 30. But in the aftermath of the 1965 war the military was restructured and new formations were raised that took the number of general officers to almost 60.

The 1971 war yet again resulted into further growth in the number of General officers. However, it was during General Ziaul Haq’s tenure when a major expansion of army was done. During the present military rule, these sources said, the expansion was done in two areas — Army Strategic Force Command and Air Defence System. Promotions in the army and in the topmost ranks, it is said, are strictly done against the posts that are sanctioned by the government. “There is no such thing that you start promoting the officers and sending them to the civilian side,” a source said adding that besides clear vacancies certain promotions are made against “pool vacancies”. Unlike the distortions that are characteristics of the civilian bureaucracy and which furthered during the last eight years, the systems in the military have not been played with. While in the civilian bureaucracy no top mandarin gets retired and is generously allowed extension in complete violation of the law and rules, the Pakistan Army, during the last eight years, has seen just three cases of extensions. These exceptional military extensions include the case of General Musharraf himself who continues to be the Army Chief since 1998. The second extension that the top General granted during his rule was that of his Chief of Staff Lt Gen (retd) Hamid Javaid, who when offered another year’s extension a few years back preferred to hang his boots instead of depending on a leased military life. The third case of extension is that of Lt Gen Khalid Kidwai, who is presently heading the strategic planning division. Kidwai was to retire last year but Musharraf gave him one-year extension reportedly because of his technical assignment.

Amongst the full Generals that we presently have in the military, General Pervez Musharraf, who for being the Chief of Army Staff, tops the list. The two other four star Generals include General Ahsan Saleem Hayat, Vice Chief of Army Staff and General Ehsan ul Haq, Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee.

The three star Generals, who are also appointed as Corps Commander, presently serving the Pakistan Army include Lt Gen Khalid Ahmed Kidwai, Director General Strategic Planning Division, Lt Gen Malik Arif Hayat, Director General C4I (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence), Lt Gen Ashfaq Pervez Kiani, Director General Inter-Services Intelligence, Lt Gen Tariq Majeed, Corps Commander Rawalpindi, Lt Gen Safdar Hussain, Chief of Logistics Staff General Headquarters, Lt Gen Salahuddin Satti, Chief of General Staff General Headquarters, Lt Gen Mohammed Sabir, Director General Military Services General Headquarters, Lt Gen Waseem Ahmed Ashraf, Corps Commander Gujranwala, Lt Gen Syed Athar Ali, Director General Joint Staff at Joint Staff Headquarters, Lt Gen Hamid Rab Nawaz, Inspector General Training and Evaluation General Headquarters, Lt Gen Imtiaz Hussain, Adjutant General General Headquarters, Lt Gen Afzal Muzaffar, Quarter Master General, General Headquarters, Lt Gen Syed Sabahat Hussain, Chairman Pakistan Ordnance Factories, Lt Gen Masood Aslam, Corps Commander Peshawar, Lt Gen Shafaatullah Shah, Corps Commander Lahore, Lt Gen Israr Ahmed Ghumman, Director General Heavy Industries Taxila, Lt Gen Raza Muhammad Khan, Corps Commander Bahawalpur, Lt Gen Hamid Khan, President National Defence University, Lt Gen Mushtaq Ahmed Baig, Surgeon General, General Headquarters, Lt Gen Sikandar Afzal, Corps Commander Multan, Lt Gen Sajjad Akram, Corps Commander Mangla, Lt Gen Nadeem Ahmad, Deputy Chairman Earthquake Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Authority (ERRA), Lt Gen Muhammad Zaki, Director General Infantry General Headquarters, Lt Gen Ahsan Azhar Hayat, Corps Commander Karachi, Lt Gen Ijaz Ahmed Bakhshi, Director General Weapons and Equipment General Headquarters, Lt Gen Mohammad Ashraf Saleem, Commander Army Air Defence Command, Lt Gen Shahid Niaz, Engineer-in-Chief Frontier Works Organisation, Lt Gen Khalid Shameem Wynne, Corps Commander Quetta, Lt Gen Muhammad Yousaf, Vice Chief of General Staff General Headquarters and Lt Gen Syed Absar Hussain, Commander Army Strategic Forces Command. REFERENCE: Steady growth in Army bureaucracy By Ansar Abbasi Saturday, September 01, 2007


Former highly controversial deputy ISI chief Maj-Gen (retd) Nusrat Naeem is the latest addition to this bunch whose ‘adventurism’ and ‘innovations’ had finally led to their boss’s ouster. Naeem, however, when contacted categorically denied this charge and said he met the incumbent president only once during Asif Zardari’s visit to the ISI office before he was elected as the head of the state. It is a strange coincidence that Nusrat Naeem, Sharifuddin Pirzada, the Law Ministry and the Presidency both in 2007 as well as in 2009 are standing on the same position vis-a-vis the superior judiciary of the country. At that time, however, Musharraf enjoyed the complete support of the establishment, which is neutral today. According to sources, Nusrat Naeem, who had played an active role under Musharraf to target the independent judiciary, including Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, has been in contact with President Zardari even before his becoming the head of the state. One of these sources even insist that last time the former deputy DG ISI met the president, was only a week when in the late evening he was escorted to the presidency by one of its security officials named Col (retd) Babar.

The sources also alleged that Nusrat Naeem’s hobnobbing with the president also led to the latter’s negativity towards Army chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, who has been Naeem’s boss in the ISI during Musharraf days. A respected retired lieutenant general, who was course mate of General Kayani, told this correspondent recently on condition of not being named that once Nusrat Naeem, after being superseded by Kayani, was using what he termed foul language against the Army chief. The retired general said that Naeem was snubbed for the same reason. Naeem, who had sought early retirement after his supersession, when contacted said he never met President Zardari after their only interaction in the ISI when the latter visited the prime agency’s headquarter. He also denied to have ever used foul language against the Army chief and instead showered all sort of praise on General Kayani, whom he dubbed as a highly professional soldier. He also denied to have played any role in poisoning the president against the Army chief. President’s spokesman Farhatullah Babar also denied that Nusrat Naeem was in contact with Zardari or had visited him recently. He believed that these reports were perhaps part of the rumour mongering that was already going on against President Zardari. REFERENCE: Those who sank Musharraf now advising Zardari By Ansar Abbasi Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mr. Ansar Abbasi seldom bother to check history that's why he miserably fails to even hide his efforts and his motives to save somebody, read news from his very own Jang/The News to expose Mr. Ansar Abbasi.

ISLAMABAD: There were at least a dozen principal players, who had roles in clinching the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) that was issued hours before the 2007 presidential polls in which Pervez Musharraf was re-elected. Apart from the then desperate and cornered Musharraf, Lt-Gen (retd) Hamid Javed, Tariq Aziz, Farooq H Naek, Makhdoom Amin Fahim, Rehman Malik, Safdar Abbasi, the then Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) chief Lt-Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain and Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi played varying roles, an aide of the then president told The News on condition of anonymity. He said that these actors gave their inputs at different stages in the process of finalising the NRO. The controversial NRO is now before parliament for a final decision about its fate. Petitions are also pending in the Supreme Court. As the story narrated by the former Musharraf aide, who opted to be in the background since his ouster, the substantive talks about quashing corruption and criminal cases against Benazir Bhutto, Asif Ali Zardari and a multitude of others were held when Musharraf met the Pakistan Peopleís Party (PPP) chairperson for the first time in Abu Dhabi in July 2007. The meeting followed a hectic campaign by senior American and British officials to bring about a rapprochement between Musharraf and Benazir Bhutto and intense talks between Hamid Javed with Benazir Bhutto and her confidants in London. As Musharraf sought PPPís support in his October 2007 re-election, Benazir Bhutto expressed willingness, by boycotting the polls, but demanded two things in exchange ñ undoing of the embargo on her to serve as prime minister for the third term and all corruption and criminal cases registered in Pakistan and abroad against her, Zardari and others. REFERENCE: The many other players of NRO saga Thursday, October 22, 2009 By Tariq Butt

Interestingly, General Kayani was the only senior officer present with President Pervez Musharraf when he had the historic meeting with Benazir Bhutto at the Musharraf palace in the suburbs of Abu Dhabi in July this year. Then he was the director general inter-services intelligence (ISI). General Kayani also took part in the interactions and deliberations with different political leaders, including Benazir Bhutto, for quite sometime till his promotion as the four-star general. The meeting at the Presidency was also attended by the prime intelligence agencies and other heads of the law-enforcement agencies. The initial report that was submitted to the high-level meeting disclosed that Benazir Bhutto was hit by the ball bearings of the suicide bomber’s jacket that hit and cut her jugular vain. REFERENCE: It was not a bullet, president told at high-level meeting Friday, December 28, 2007

Here’s what I wrote two years ago: “By now, the dynamics set in place by America seem immutable: what Washingtonwants, it gets. Never mind about the people of Pakistan and what they wanted. Benazir Bhutto made Washington her second home this summer. And it paid off. The State Department turned a brokerage house facilitating political deals between Bhutto and the Pakistan Army led by General Musharraf’s heir-in-chief, General Kayani. The broker, that is America, stands to reap huge dividends… Secretary of State Rice admitted that America was pressing General Musharraf “very hard” to allow for free and fair elections. When asked if Benazir Bhutto had a role in the future political setup, she answered, “Well, I don’t see why not”. When asked how the corruption cases against Benazir Bhutto would play into the new equation, Condi Rice deflected it by going off on a tangent: “There needs to be a contested parliamentary system, but whether or not she is able to overcome that and whether Pakistanis are willing to allow that is really up to them.” The reason for her gobbledygook response is now as clear as the blue sky. Washington was working around the clock to get Musharraf to pass an ordinance providing amnesty to Bhutto for her alleged corruption. And Ms Rice was the one pushing the general to go for it.” REFERENCE: Last tango in Washington — II Wednesday, October 28, 2009 Anjum Niaz

Pakistan’s cadre of elite generals, called the corps commanders, have long been kingmakers inside the country. At the top of that cadre is Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, General Musharrafís designated successor as Army chief. General Kayani is a moderate, pro-American infantry commander who is widely seen as commanding respect within the Army and, within Western circles, as a potential alternative to General Musharraf. General Kayani and other military leaders are widely believed to be eager to pull the Army out of politics and focus its attention purely on securing the country. REFERENCE: If Musharraf falls… Friday, November 16, 2007 US making contingency plans

Sources other than Jang Group/The News are also vital to evaluate and analysis.


Musharraf recalls in his memoir, “In the Line of Fire.” Within months Kiyani had unraveled the two plots and arrested most of the participants. He was rewarded in 2004 with a promotion to chief of ISI, and the next year his agency scored big with the arrest of Abu Faraj al-Libbi, the senior Qaeda lieutenant who masterminded the attempts on Musharraf’s life. A former U.S. intelligence official who dealt personally with Kiyani says the ISI “took a lot of bad guys down” under his leadership. Kiyani has earned his boss’s confidence, even serving as Musharraf’s personal envoy in recent talks with exiled opposition leader Benazir Bhutto. A former U.S. intelligence official who dealt personally with Kiyani says the ISI “took a lot of bad guys down” under his leadership. Kiyani has earned his boss’s confidence, even serving as Musharraf’s personal envoy in recent talks with exiled opposition leader Benazir Bhutto. REFERENCE: The Next Musharraf A Westernized, chain-smoking spy could soon become the most powerful man in Pakistan. By Ron Moreau and Zahid Hussain NEWSWEEK From the magazine issue dated Oct 8, 2007

THERE is something unmistakably oxymoronic about the statement issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations directorate after the corps commanders meeting at the GHQ on Thursday. If you read the subtext, it means that though the army will support the next democratic government, the latter should not let “schisms” develop in the working of the political system; though the army will keep its distance from politics, the impression that it has distanced itself from the president is wrong; and, finally, the army should not be “dragged” into politics and be allowed to concentrate on its professional duties. There can be no two opinions on the last-mentioned wish attributed to Chief of the Army Staff Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani. However, the ISPR does not tell us who or what prompted this reaction from Gen Kayani. If the army wishes to stay out of politics then why come out with an opinion on matters purely political and constitutionally beyond the pale for generals? Pray, who is stopping the armed forces from going back to their professional duties, from returning to the barracks? Pakistan has had eight years during which the military’s running of affairs well outside its designated area of responsibility has wreaked havoc on the country. One man who led the military and the country called all the shots. Pakistan slipped deeper and deeper into anarchy, with even the economic windfall from Islamabad’s readiness to join the US-led war on terror failing to brake this slide. Little wonder then that all state institutions, including the army, received a pat on the back for organising a by and large fair (on the day at least) election on Feb 18. A tense, tentative nation heaved a sigh of relief for the result was not disputed and the country spared the turmoil which could have imperilled its very existence. The nation has spoken. Let its voice be heard. If the elected parliament wants to undo the tampering the constitution was subjected to by the former chief of army staff so be it. It is time the generals sought a complete break from the divisive role their erstwhile army chief ended up playing. It should resolutely resist being “dragged” into politics. It should be left to the parliament to sort out any “schisms” that may develop. The army should help the civilian government tackle the daunting challenges posed by the scourge of religious extremism and terrorism. One would caution General Kayani against opting for any role for himself other than that of the army chief. His is a full-time job and so much needs to be done to restore the fighting edge to the military and the morale of the soldiers. Known as a ‘thinking’ man, one hopes that he’ll not be tempted by talk of power troikas for the consequences of choosing such a path are disastrous. REFERENCE: Reading the subtext March 08, 2008 Saturday Safar 29, 1429

How is it that those behind the deal-making based on this unconstitutional and illegal ordinance were not named and shamed/charged outright? Indeed, as reported widely at the time, the present chief of army staff was the DG ISI when the final draft of the NRO was being presented to Benazir in Dubai and was part of Musharraf’s team sent to convince her. REFERENCE: Let us be grateful for small mercies By Kamran Shafi Tuesday, 22 Dec, 2009


Mr. Ansar Abbasi conveniently "forget" that he himself had filed these "Damaging News" against the same ISI/Pak Army in his own newspaper and with full of mistakes and void of any facts.

ISLAMABAD: The announcement of head-money in millions on all the top commanders of the Taliban in Swat presents a perfect case of intelligence agencies’ failure to hunt down the extremist-cum-terrorist networks, as all the top commanders are still wanted and none has been apprehended or killed. Background interactions reveal despite the great challenge the country’s intelligence agencies are confronted with, average and below average defence and police officers have been posted in leading spy agencies, rendering them incompetent. In view of this situation, faulty reports have been generated, which led to wrong decisions. By announcing head-money on the key militant figures, the government has admitted that it has no knowledge of their whereabouts. It was a serious lapse on the part of the government and security agencies that they had launched the Swat operation but without ascertaining as to where the likes of Maulana Fazlullah, Muslim Khan, Ibne Amin and Shah Doraan were. So far, the Army claims to have killed more than 1,000 militants but none of the top militant commanders was included in this huge number of killings. Sources said the top posts, particularly in the military-dominated agencies — the Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI) and the Military Intelligence (MI) — are generally held by career generals, two-star and three-star. However, against the mid-level and most importantly field posts, those defence officers who do not have a promising career are appointed. “Without talented and career officers, the field intelligence apparatus of the country cannot meet the challenge they are entrusted,” a source said, adding only career officers with promising future would prove to be effective spies as in case of failures their career prospects would be affected. Rarely career officers of the level of captain, major and even colonel of the Pakistan Army, Air Force or Navy were posted to the ISI and the MI. Assigning them field positions was simply out of question. The Military Intelligence is a pure Pakistan Army’s baby; however, the ISI despite being a civilian agency is ruled by Army officers, who hold almost all its key positions: whether in the field or at its headquarters at Aabpara. REFERENCE: Head money on top terrorists shows failure of spy agencies By Ansar Abbasi Saturday, May 30, 2009

Even if that was not enough Mr Ansar Abbasi had to say this:

ISLAMABAD: The country’s elite intelligence agency — the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) — has initiated a probe into the Punjab Auqaf Department’s land-leasing controversy. The ISI is digging into the matter to get to one of its former deputy chiefs — a retired major-general, who by using his influence had tried to grab Punjab Auqaf Department’s commercial land on a 30-year lease on nominal rent. Sources said the ISI officials have started contacting various sources to collect details of the case reported in this newspaper. The auction for the Auqaf land in Rawalpindi was scheduled for February 15 but it was cancelled at the eleventh hour after this newspaper reported on the same day. Tens of Kanals of the Auqaf’s commercial land in Rawalpindi was all set to be added to the fortunes of the retired major-general and former deputy of the ISI, and member of the Punjab Public Service Commission in the cancelled auction. REFERENCE: ISI looking for its ex-deputy chief Ansar Abbasi Saturday, February 17, 2007

Mr. Ansar Abbasi in his very first story above was behaving like the "Defender of Pakistan Army" whereas the same Mr Ansar Abbasi used to file stories like these and not very long ago:

ISLAMABAD: Serving and retired officers of the armed forces continue to dominate the top civilian set-up and their number has crossed the figure of 500. Despite the Feb 18 election mandate and indications by the army high command that men in uniform were being pulled out, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani continues with majority of political appointments made by the previous government. Following prime ministerís direction, the Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani has recalled a considerable number of serving Army officers back to the barracks but hundreds of ex-servicemen continue to serve on key government posts that were offered to them by Musharrafís military regime. This is the first-ever civilian set-up to have inherited not only a record number of political appointments but is also continuing with the same. Traditionally new governments do not carry the extra-luggage and resort to termination of the contracts of political appointments made by the previous regime. However, the incumbent regime of Yousuf Raza Gilani seems to be status quo-oriented. While the total number of political appointees runs into thousands, the number of Khakis, both serving and retired, occupying civilian posts, is more than 500. The dominant majority of these appointees fall in the category of ex-servicemen, most of them appointed without prior clearance from the GHQ. A number of serving army officers are presently holding the positions, which have been offered to the military officers traditionally. Details show that more than 50 key civilian posts are currently held by the serving or retired General or their equivalents in the Navy and Air Force; 91 by retired or serving brigadiers or equivalent; while there are hundreds of serving/retired colonels, majors and captains or their equivalent in Navy and Air Force in different civilian institutions.

Amongst others the retired/serving Generals serving the Gilani government include Lt Gen (retd) Muhammad Zubair, Member Planning Commission; Lt Gen (retd) Prof Dr KA Karamat, advisor (Health), Planning Commission; Lt Gen (retd) Javed Hasan, Rector National School of Public Policy (NSPP); Chairman FPSC Lt Gen (retd) Shahid Hameed; Lt Gen (retd) Abdul Ahad Najmi. Member FPSC; Rear Admiral (retd) Nishat Rafi, Member FPSC; Vice Admiral (retd) Ahmad Hayat, Chairman Karachi Port Trust; Air Marshal(retd) Shahid Hameed, Chairman Alternate Energy Development Board (recently removed); Vice Admiral (retd) M Asad Qureshi, Chairman Port Qasim Authority; Lt Gen Nadeem Ahmad, Deputy Chairman ERRA, repatriated to Army by the present regime; AVM (retd) Muhammad Ateeb Siddiqui, MD Federal Employees Benevolent and Group Insurance Funds; Rear Admiral Ahsanul Haq Chaudhry, Chairman Gwadar Port Authority; Lt Gen Syed Sabahat Husain, Chairman Pakistan Ordinance Factories; Air Marshal Khalid Chaudhry, Chairman Pakistan Aeronautical Complex Board, Kamra; AVM (retd) Ayaz Mahmood, Director General Ministry of Interior; Vice Admiral Interior Iftikhar Ahmad, MD Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works; AVM Sajid Habib, Deputy DG Civil Aviation Authority; AVM Iqbal Haidar, Ambassador to Libya; AVM Interior Shahzad Aslam Chaudhry, Ambassador to Sri Lanka; Admiral (retd) Shahid Karimullah, Ambassador to Saudi Arabia; Lt Gen (retd) Khateer Hasan Khan, Ambassador to Thailand; Lt Gen (retd) Shahid Siddiq Tirmizi, Secretary Defence Production; Maj Gen (retd) Syed Asif Riaz Bukhari, DG Civil Service Reforms Unit; DG NIPA Lahore Maj Gen (retd) Sikandar Shami; Maj Gen (retd) Farooq Ahmad Khan, Chairman Prime Ministerís Inspection Commission; Maj Gen Akhtar Iqbal, Deputy Chief of Staff to President; Press Secretary to President Maj Gen (retd) Rashid Qureshi, who had actually retired as Brigadier from Army but was given shoulder promotion as Maj Gen by Musharraf; Maj Gen Tariq Salim Malik, Additional Secretary Defence Production Division; Maj Gen (retd) Muhammad Jaweed, Chairman Evacuee Trust Property Board; Maj Gen Mahmud Ai Durrani, Ambassador of Pakistan to US and now adviser to Prime Minister on National Security; Maj Gen Asif Ali, Surveyor General, Survey of Pakistan; Rear Admiral (retd)(retd) Syed Afzal, G Ports and Shipping wing, Port Qasim Authority; Maj Gen (retd)Syed Haider Jawed, Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam; Maj Gen (retd) Tahir Mahmud Qazi, Ambassador to Malaysia; Maj Gen (retd) Syed Shua-ul-Qamar, Chairman National Telecommunication Corporation; Maj Gen (retd) Ali Baz Khan, Ambassador to Indonesia; Maj Gen (retd) Ghazanfar Ali Khan, Ambassador to Ukraine; Maj Gen (retd) Muhammad Yasin, Member Administration, Federal Bureau of Revenue; Maj Gen (retd) Fahim Akhtar, DG Intelligence and Investigation, FBR; Maj Gen (retd) Syed Shahid Mukhtar Shah, DG National Institute of Science and Technology; Maj Gen (retd) Inayatullah Khan Niazi, Chairman Federal Lands Commission; Maj Gen (retd) Shahzada Alam, Chairman Pakistan Telecommunication Authority; AVM Tariq Matin, MD Stedec Technology Commercialization Corporation of Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd; Maj Gen Imtiaz Ahmad, Chairman National Highway Authority (NHA); Maj Gen (retd) Zaheer Ahmad Khan, Chairman State Engineering Corporation; Maj Gen (retd) Zafar Abbas Chairman National Fertilizer Corporation Ltd; Maj Gen (retd) Muhammad Javed, Chairman Pakistan Steels (recently removed); Maj Gen (retd) Shahida Malik, DG Health; Maj Gen (retd) Masood Anwar Executive Director National Institute of Health; Maj Gen Wajahat Ali Mufti, DG MI&C, Ministry of Defence; AVM M Kamal Alam, Director PIA; Maj Gen Syed Khalid Amir Jaffery, DG Anti-narcotics Force; Maj Gen Muhammad Siddique, Deputy Chairman NAB reverted to Army by the present regime; Maj Gen Aftab Ahmad, reverted to Army from NAB by the present regime; Maj Gen Mukhtar Ahmad, DG NAB, reverted to Army from NAB by the present regime; Maj Gen Shahid Ahmad Hashmat, DG NAB, also reverted to Army by this government.

The Brigade of the serving and retired Brigadiers include Brig Javed Iqbal Ahmad, DG Federal Directorate of Education; Brig Bilal Hameed, Inspector General Development Projects, Planning Commission; Brig Abdul Qadir, Secretary Health Gilgit; Brig (retd) Syed Ghulam Akbar Bukhari, MD PEAC; Brig (retd) Muhammad Sarfaraz, MD Baitul Maal; Brig (retd) Muhammad Younus, Deputy MD Baitul Maal; Brig (retd) Tariq Hamid Khan, DG National Security Council; Brig (retd) Faroghuddin Anjum, Director Education; Brig (retd) Atiqur Rahman, GM PTDC; Eng Brig (retd) Usman Shafi, GM Planning PTDC; Brig (retd) Dr Khaliqur Rahman Shah, Project Coordinator Higher Education Commission; Commodore (retd) Muhammad S Shamshad, Chairman Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Islamabad; Brig Shahryar Ashraf, GM NHA; Brig Zaheer Ahmad Rashad, GM NHA; Brig (retd) Hafeez Ahmad, MD Utility Stores Corporation; Brig (retd) Allah Ditta, Coordinator Franchise Utility Stores Corporation; Brig (retd) Naseem Ahmad, Incharge Development Cell, State Engineering Corporation; Brig (retd) Abdul Qayyum, Principal Executive Officer Pakistan steel; Brig (retd) Akhtar Zamin, Chairman Employees Old-Age Benefit Institute; Brig (retd) Shakeel Ahmad, Consultant Pemra; Brig Riaz Ahmad Noor, DG Frequency Allocation Board; Brig (retd) Muhammad Mazhar Qayyum Butt, DG PTA; Brig (retd) Aslam Shahab Hasan, DG PTA; Brig (retd) Muhammad Zubair Tahir, Consultant PTA; Brig (retd) Asad Munir, Member CDA; Brig Nusratullah, Member CDA; Brig Zahid Ahmad Malik, Secretary NTISB, Cabinet Division; Brig Raja Imitaz Ayub, Cabinet Division; Brig Shahid Majid, Member NHA; Brig (retd) Ghulam Haider, GM NHA; Brig Sohail Masood Alvi, DG NHA; Brig Arshad Wahab, GM Pakistan Steel; Brig (retd) Asad Hakeem, DG PASB Department; Air Cdre M Najib Khan, GM PIA; Brig (retd) Sikandar Javaid, Project Director CDWA; Brig (retd) Muhammad Musaddiq, Director NAB; Brig (retd) Inayatul Ilyas, Consultant NAB; Brig (retd) Khalid Pervaiz, Consultant NAB; Brig (retd) Muhammad Ashfaq Ashraf, Consultant NAB; Brig (retd) Muhammad Irfan, Consultant NAB; Brig (retd) Farooq Hameed Khan, Consultant NAB; Brig (retd) Amir Najeed, Consultant NAB; Brig Abdul Rahman Raza Khan, COS NAB Headquarter, returned to Army by the present regime; Brig Sajjad Bakhshi, Director NAB, now returned to Army; Brig Tariq Suhail, director NAB; Brig Ihsanul Haq, Director NAB; Brig Gul Farid Khan, COS NAB; Brig (retd) Muhammad Ali Asif, GM OGDC; Brig (retd) Muhammad Khalid S Khokhar, MD Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation; Brig (retd) Mukhtar Ahmad, GM Sui Southern Gas Company; Brig (retd) Zulqarnain Ahmad, GM Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Ltd; Brig (retd) Syed Tariq Hassan, Director Punjab ASB Department; Brig (retd) Muhammad Akram Director Punjab ASB Deptt; Brig Babar Idress, ANF; Brig Sultan Mahmood Satti, Director ANF; Brig Pervez Sarwar Khan, Director ANF; Brig Amjad Pervez, Director ANF; Brig Faizul Karim Khan Kurki, ANF; Brig Pervez Khalid, ANF; Brig Muhammad Asif Alvi; Brig Saleem Mahmood; Brig (retd) Muhammad Younas, DG Board of Investment; Brig Riaz Arshad, Additional DG, Cabinet Division; Brig Ahmad Nawaz Zafar, Chief of Staff, PMís Secretariat; Brig Muhammad Anwar Khan, Director Civil Works, Ministry of Defence Production; Brig Ijaz Mahmood, Commandant, Ministry of Industries, Production and Special Initiative; Brig (retd) Saleem Ahmad Moeen, Chairman Nadra; Brig (retd) Shahid Akram Kardar, Member Directing Staff, Pakistan Administrative Staff College; Cdre M Saeed Kureshi, DG Ministry of Ports and Shipping; Air Cdre Zafar Iqbal Haider, OSD, Ministry of Defence Production; Brig Pervez Sarwar Khan, Director, Narcotics Ministry; Brig Ghulam Hafiz, Chief Engineer, Ministry of Information Technology; Brig Sher Afgan Khan Niazi, Member Erra; Brig Muhammad Salik Javed, Member Erra; Brig Shahid Saleem Lone, GM, Karachi Port Trust; Brig Abid Husain Bhatti, OSD, Defence Production Division; Brig Waqar Iqbal Raja, DG Erra; Air Cdre Abbas Petiwala, Chief of Calibration, Defence Ministry; Brig Akhtar Javed Warraich, DG Erra; Brig Muhammad Arshad Abbasi, Director General Wafaqi Mohtasib Secretariat; Brig Javed Iqbal, GM Ministry of Information Technology; Cdre Muhammad Ali, DG Gawadar Port Authority; Brig (retd) M Ashraf Siddiqi, DG Defence Production Division; Brig (retd) Muhammad Anwar Khan, DG, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Brig (retd) Tariq Hamid Khan, DG National Security Council; Cdre Azhar Hayat, GM Ministry of Ports and Shipping; Brig Nadeem Mahmood, Chief Medical Officer, Ministry of Ports and Shipping; Brig (retd) Javed Iqbal Cheema, DG National Crisis Management Cell, Interior Ministry; Brig (retd) Javed Iqbal Sattar, Directing Staff, NSPP; Brig (retd) Anwar-ul- Haq, Directing Staff NSPP; Brig (retd) Zubair Ahmed Chaudhry, Directing Staff NSPP and others. The above list may include some names of serving officers, already repatriated to GHQ, or those ex-servicemen, who may have left during the recent weeks and months. Besides the long list of Khakis, a large number of re-employed retired civilian bureaucrats, contractual appointees from private sector and several dozen of those political appointees carrying huge salary package under MP scales have also been inherited by the present regime, which so far remains indifferent to such appointments. REFERENCE: The men in uniform still ruling the roost By Ansar Abbasi Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mr Shaheen Sehbai, Ansar Abbasi, Rauf Klasra have forgotten while being Sanctimonious that what they all used to contribute for SOUTH ASIA TRIBUNE. Mr Shaheen Sehbai (former correspondent of Daily Dawn; former editor of The News; ex Director News of ARY ONE TV Channel; former director of GEO News Network; and presently Group Editor the News), escaped from Pakistan to save himself from the so-called wrath of the establishment headed by General Musharraf, after the controversy surrounding his story about the murder of Daniel Pearl. It was apparently simply to obtain the Green Card for himself, and his family in the United States. Mr Sehbai then started to run a web based news service, i.e., South Asia Tribune, funded through dubious sources, but he suddenly reappeared and closed his website. During his self-imposed exile in the USA, he used to raise hue and cry against the military establishment that he and his family members’ life was in danger, but the so-called danger suddenly vanished after the whole family getting the Green Cards. He then returned to Pakistan and that too under the same Musharraf regime, and joined ARY TV channel, then GEO, and then the News, where he is presently working.

In the same Magazine, Mr Ansar Abbasi had filed the following report and do note what Mr. Ansar Abbasi had to say about National Accountability Bureau which he is nowadays praising.


The Updated List of Grabbed Civilian Jobs by Army Men Ansar Abbasi Issue No 26, Jan 20-26, 2003 ISSN:1684-2075

ISLAMABAD: Finally an astounding, but still incomplete, list of serving and retired uniformed military officers occupying government and semi-government posts, which should normally be held by qualified civilians, is now available. Majority of these military men were appointed during the three years tenure of General Musharraf but are continuing even during the present set-up. This is said to be the largest ever number of such appointments under any civilian government in Pakistan. The posts they are holding range from secretarial positions in the President’s House to telecommunications experts, printing corporation (where no military experience is needed), employees benevolent fund, establishment division, food and agriculture, housing and works, utility stores (which provides groceries to households), telephone department, labor ministry, Minorities , Culture, Sports, Tourism, Youth affairs, oil and gas, mineral development, planning division et al. To the surprise of many even military men are serving in women’s divisions and special education department for handicapped people. Even the trucking service NLC has army officers running it. The long and short of the story is that General Musharraf has grabbed every job which was available and has given it to a serving or a retired military person, without worrying about the rights of the civilians or those qualified to hold these posts in the interest of professionalism or efficiency.

Though the information received by the prime minister’s secretariat include the names of 487 such appointees including those serving on contract or on secondment, the list is still said to be incomplete. What will the PM Secretariat do with the list is not yet clear but there seems to be no intention to replace these military men with competent and deserving civilians for obvious reasons. Organisations like national accountability bureau (NAB), foreign ministry, NADRA and crisis management cell of the interior ministry etc., which have large number of serving and retired military officers, did not provide their list of military employees. Only in NAB, according to a report, there are almost 100 military men. The list of 487 mostly covers the nature of appointments that are totally opposed to the background of the appointees. There are, however, dozens of positions that have been traditionally occupied by the retired or serving military men. The list includes the names of almost 50 Generals and 100 Brigadiers or their equivalents from other services. But it misses some prominent names like Lt Gen Hamid Nawaz, Chief of Staff to President Musharraf, President Secretariat; Chairman NAB Lt Gen Munir Hafeez; DG NAB Punjab Maj Gen Abdul Jabbar Bhatti; DG NAB NWFP Air Vice Masud Akhtar; Maj Gen Ijaz Ahmad Bakhshi, DG NAB, Sindh; DG NAB Balochistan Maj Gen Owais Mushtaq Qureshi; DG NAB Rawalpindi Rear Admiral Saeed Ahmad; Maj Gen ® Fazle Ghafoor in North Korea; Brig ® Abdul Majeed Khan in Tajikistan; Maj Gen ® Saleemullah in United Arab Emirates; Maj Gen ® Muhammad Hasan Aqueel in Thailand; Admiral ® Abdul Aziz Mirza in Saudi Arabia; Vice Admiral ® Shamoon Aalam Khan in Ukraine; Air Marshal ® Najeeb Akhtar in Brazil; Maj Gen ® Syed Mustafa Anwar Hussain in Indonesia; Lt Gen ® Muhammad Shafique in Behrain; member FPSC Lt Gen ® Arshad Hussain; and Managing Director Karachi electricity supply corporation (KESC) Brigadier Tariq Mehmood Khan Sadozai.

The list also misses the names of Vice Chancellor Punjab university Lt Gen ® Arshad Mehmood; VC Engineering university Lahore Lt Gen ® Arshad Muhammad; VC university of Engineering Technology Peshawar Air Vice Marshal ® Sardar Khan; VC Quaid-e-Azam University Capt ® UAG Isani.

This is purely a federal list so it naturally does not include such appointees at the provincial level and thus excludes the names like; chairman Punjab public service commission Lt Gen ® Jehangir Nasrullah; member PPSC Major Gen ® Arshad Chaudhry; member PPSC Maj Gen ® Arshadullah Tarar; home secretary Ejaz etc.

The following is the incomplete list of 487 serving and ex-servicemen officers (as available with the PM secretariat) working on contract in BS 17 and above posts and on secondment in BS-19 and above posts in ministries/divisions/autonomous bodies/attached departments/other organizations.

Cabinet Division: Pakistan Telecommunication Authority include its chairman Major Gen ® Shahzada Alam Malik, BS 22; Lt. Col. Muhammad Iftikhar, Director (Administration), BS-19; Col. Nayyar Hassan, Director (Licence Enforcement); Col. Rizwan Ahmad Hydri, Director (Licence Enforcement). National Communications Security Board (NCSB), Brig. Muhammad Pervaiz Azhar, Secretary NCSB, BS-20; Brig. Muhammad Iqbal, Joint Secretary (MW), BS 20; Brig. Muhammad Ilyas, Joint Secretary (Awards), 20; Lt. Col. (Retd) Shahryar Nawaz Haque, Deputy Secretary (MW), 19; MW’s Capt Munir Sadiq, BS 19; Managing director Printing Corporation of Pakistan Press, Lt. Col. (Retd) Sher Afgan Khan, M-III (BS-20); Additional DG Department of Communications Security, Brig. Qazi Muhammad Idris, BS-20. National Commission for Human Development has Brig ® Muhammad Aslam Khan, MP II.

National Reconstruction Bureau include Maj Gen ® Syed Asif Riaz Bukhari, member, MP-II; Brig Munawar Ahmad Rana, COS to Chairman NRB; Brig ® Muhammad Saleem, Rs 150,000; Col ® Ghulam Rasul, Rs 125,000; Maj ® Ashraf Ali, Rs 50,000; Col ® Muhammad Sadiq, Rs 50,000; Brig ® Hafeezullah Khan, Rs 140,000.

Commerce Ministry: Export Promotion Bureau include Capt. (Retd) Naveed Akram Cheema, BS 20;

Communications Division: Port Qasim Authority, Rear Admiral Sikandar V. Naqvi, Chairman, PQA, M-1 (BS 21); Rear Admiral Muhammad Asad Qureshi, Director General (Ops), BS 21; Cdre. Fazal-i-Qadire Siddiqui, Director General (Tech), BS 21-; Brig. Muhammad El-Edroos, D.G (Admn), 20; Cdr. Sajid Naseer Abbasi, Manager Security; Col. (R) Mughanee Mahmud, Manager Transport, 19; Lt. Cdr. ( R) Karamat Hussain, 2nd Officer, 17; Rear Admiral (Retd) Zafar Alvi, G.M. Workshop.

Karachi Port Trust, Rear Admiral Ahmed Hayat HI (M), BS 21; Rear Admiral Nashat Raffi, General Manager, BS 21; Brig. Shafiq Mujeed, General Manager, BS 20; Brig. S. Jamshed Zaioq, General Manager (P&D), BS 20; Cdre. Abrar Hussain, General Manager (E), BS 20; Cdre. Muhammad Naeem CMⅇ Brig. Jehangir Anwar Khan, Chief Medical Officer, BS 20; Cdre S. Hussain Bin Khamus, BS 20; Capt. Aziz Ahmad Tamimi. Dredger Chief Engineer, BS 19; Cdre. S. Hassan Taj Trimiz, Manager Stores, BS 19; Lt. Col. Tariq Mehmood, Supdt. Watch and Ward. BS 19; Lt. Col. Muhammad Aslam, Asstt. Manager, BS 19.

Pakistan Marine Academy, Said Akbar Siddiqui, Commodore, Commandant, BS 20; Lt. Cdr. Sarfraz Ahmed Khan, Engg. Instructor, BS 19. Pakistan National Shipping Corporation include Vice admiral ® S Tauqir H Naqvi, chairman, M-I (BS 22); Rear Admiral Bakhat Ali Jumani, Executive Director (Ship Management); Brig. Rashid Siddiqui, Executive Director; Commodore Shaikh Rashid Ullah. Gawadar Port Authority include, Cdre. Khawaja Abdul Hamid, Director General (Planning & Development), BS-20; and Lt. Cdre. Sarfraz Ahmed Khan,Engg. Instructor, BS 19.

National Highway Authority include Maj. Gen. Farukh Javed, Chairman, BS 21; Brig. Imtiaz Hussain, DG(Admn); BS 20; Brig. Shamshad Ahmed Khan, GM (NWFP), 20; Lt. Col. Aziz-ul-Haq Mirza, Gm Engr, 20; Brig. (Retd) Ghanzafar Ahmed, GM (Engr.), 20; Col. ( R) Muhammad Saifullah Khan, Director (Engr), 19; Col (R ) Zulfiqar Ali Rana, Director (Engr), 19; Maj. (R) Abdul Razzaq, DD (Gen) (Admn), 18; Col (R ) Saif ur Rehman Afridi, DD, 18; Lt. Col. (Retd) Attaullah Khan, AD (Admn), 17; Lt. Col. Farooq Ahmad, Director (Estb), BS 19; Lt. Col. Muhammad Azim Sr. Director (M-I), BS 19; Lt. Col. Salman Rashid, Director Engr., BS 19; PPO Department, Lt. Col. Anib Gul, Joint Director, (Vigilance) Office of DG., BS 19; Lt Col ® Muhammad Iqbal, Rs 50,000.

National Highways & Motorways Police has Col. Ehsanur Rehman, SSP, BS 19.

Gwadar Port Authority include Rear Admiral (R) Sarfraz Khan, Chairman Gawadar Port Authority, BS-21; Lt. Cdr. ( R) Imtiaz Afzal, Deputy Director (Hydrography), BS-18. Pakistan post office DG is Maj Gen ® Agha Masood Hassan.

Railways Division include Lt Gen ® Saeeduz Zafar, secretary railway, BS 22; Pakistan Railway include Maj. Gen. ® Hamid Hassan Butt, General Manager, 21; Brig. ( R) Muhammad Omar, Secretary Railways Board, 20; Brig. ( R) Tariq Mahmood, Director Vigilance, 20; Brig. (R ) Iftikhar Ahmed, Chief Personal Officer, 20; Brig. ® Ghulam Akbar Khan, Chief Manager Dry Ports, 20; Brig. (R) Akhtar Ali Beg, Director/Property and Land, 20; Brig. Shaukat Aslam, Divisional Superintendent workshop, BS 20; Lt. Col. Pervaiz Akhtar, Dy. D.S/Workshop, 20; Lt. Col. Khalid Hussain, Joint Director Vigilance, 19; Lt. Col. Muhammad Amir Hashmi, Joint Director Vigilance, 19; Lt. Col. Amjad Zaman, 19; Col. ( R) Sakhawat Hussain Shah, Chief Controller of Purchase and Procurement., 20; Col. ( R) Tariq Aziz, Deputy Chief Controller of Store, 19; Lt. Col. ( R) Muhammad Tariq, Deputy Chief Controller of Stores, 19; Lt. Col. ® Muhammad Rafique, Dy. Chief Personnel Officer/Coord, 19; Lt. Col. ® Zahid Mehmood Khan, Joint Director/Vigilance, 19; Lt. Col. ( R) Hashmat Abbas, Joint Director/Vigilance, 19; Lt. Col. ® Khalid Hussain, Director/Sports, 19; Lt. Co. (R ) Javed Akhtar, Joint Director/Signal Projects , 19; Maj. ( R) Syed Riaz Ali Shah, DD/Vigilance, 18; Maj. ® Muhammad Javed Khan, DD/Vigilance, 18; Maj. (R ) Shams-ur-Rehman, DD/Vigilance, 18; Maj. (R )Hassan Akhtar Kiani, DD/Vigilance, 18; Maj. (R) Muhammad Tariq Javed, SPO/Coord., 18; Maj. ( R) Gul Rehman, Works Manager/Carriage Factory, 18; Maj. (R) Shahid Aziz Mirza, SME/Track Machine, 18; Maj. (R) Furrukh Humayun Mufti; DCOS/Carriage Factory, 18; Maj. (R) Zia-ur-Rehman Masood, Electrical Engineer, 18; Maj. (R) Muhammad Bashir Khan, DD/Vig., 18; Maj. (R) Iftikhar Ahmad, DEN/P&L,, 18; Maj. (R ) Asim Beg, DEN.P&Lm Karachi & Quetta, 18; Maj. (R) Ghulam Shabbir, DEN/P&L Mughalpura Workshop, 18; Maj. (R) Muhammad Gulzar Khan, 18. Brig. Muhammad Saleem, Director Health & Medical Services, BS 20.

Defence Division: Lt. Gen. Hamid Nawaz Khan, Secretary Defence, BS-22; Maj. Gen Muhammad Ashraf Chaudhry, Additional Secretary-I`, 21; AVM Rashid Kalim, Additional Secretary-II, 21; Rear Admiral Irfan Ahmed, Additional Secretary-III, 21; Cdr. (Retd) Akbar Hassan Jalali, Deputy Secretary, 19; Maj. (Retd) Zulfiqar Ahmed Bhatti, BS-18; Maj. (Retd) Muhammad Anwar, Section Officer, 18; Maj. (Retd) Khaleeq-uz-Zaman Kayani, Section Officer, 18; Maj. (Retd) Karim Gil, Section Officer, BS-18; Capt. PN (Retd) M. Iqbal Malik, Deputy Chief, BS-19.

Airports Security Force, Brig. Javed Iqbal Sattar, S.Bt. Force Commander, 20; Lt. Col. Farhat Pervez Kayani, Deputy Director, 19; Lt. Col. Saleem Sarwar, Deputy Director, 19; Capt. (Retd) PN. Javed Iqbal. GM (Corporate affairs), 8600-490-14480; Lt. Commander (Retd) Shaukat ali Khan Dy. G.M(Maintenance), 6900-402-1092.

Pakistan Armed Services Board include Brig ® Zahid Zaman, DG, 20; Brig. (Retd) Muhammad Akram, Director Punjab, ASB Dte. Lahore, BS-20; Col. (Retd) Jamshed Khan, Director ASB Dte., Lahore, BS-19; Col. (Retd) Muhammad Shakir, Director Sindh ,Kar., BS-19; Lt. Col. (Retd) Sayied Mushtaq Ali, Director Balochistan ASB Dte., BS-19; Lt. Col. (Retd) Zulfiqar Ali Khan, Director General PASB Sectt. Rwp., 19; Lt. Col. (Retd) Afzal Mehmood , Asstt. Director, 19; Lt. Col. (Retd) Hameed Afzal Khan, Asstt. Director Regional Dte, RWP, BS-18; Lt. Col. (Retd) Muhammad Furqan, Secretary DASB, RWp., 18; Maj. (Retd) Shahid Hussain Asaf, Secretary, DASB Mianwali, 18; Maj. (Retd) Muhammad Iftikharullah Khan, Sumbal, Secretary DASB, Lahore, 18; Lt. Col. (Retd) Zafar Iqbal Malik, Secretary DASB, Sargodha, 18; Lt. Col. (Retd) Muhammad Farooq, Secretary DASB, Chakwal, 19; Maj. (Retd) Muhammad Khurshid Bhalli, Secretary DASB, Sialkot, 18; Lt. Col. (Retd) Naseemullah Cheema, Secretary DASB, Gujranwala, 19; Maj. (Retd) Syed Mubarak Ali, Secretary DASB, Gujrat, BS-18; Lt. Cdr. (Retd) Muhammad Nawaz Jaffery, Secretary DASB Tuba Tek Singh, BS-18; Maj. (Retd) Muhammad Anwar Khan Abid, Secretary, DASB, Bhakkar, BS-17; Maj. (Retd) Muhammad Javed Iqbal, Secretary DASB Kasur, 17; Maj. Retd Talib Sher Rahi, Secretary DASB, Bahawalnagar, 17; Maj. Retd. Muhammad Salim Raza, Secretary DASB R.Y. Khan, 17; Sqn, LDr. (Retd) Muhammad Iqbal Saqib, Secretary PASB, DG Khan, 17; Maj. (Retd) Fateh Muhammad , Secretary, DASB, Jhang, 17; Maj. (Retd) Waheed Asghar Khan, Secretary DASB, Sheikupura, 17; Lt. Col. (Retd) Yousuf Zahid Gul, Asstt. Director, NWFP DASB, Peshawar, BS-18; Lt. Col. (Retd) Mushtaq Ahmed, Secretary, DASB, Kohat, 18; Flt. Lt. (Retd) Allah Dad Khan, Secretary, DASB Bannu, BS-17; Maj. (Retd) Ashfaqullah Khan, Secretary DASB, D.I. Khan, 17; Maj. (Retd) Khan Sher, Secretary DASB Swabi, BS-18; Maj. (Retd) Zafar Iqbal Bashir, Secretary DASB, Hyderabad, 18; Maj. (Retd) Tareen Khan, Secretary DASB, Sukkur, BS-17; Capt. (Ratd.) Amjad Mehmood, Sanghar, 17; Lt. Col. (Retd) Syed Shahid Hussain, Secretary DASB Quetta, BS-18; Capt. (Retd)Humayun Sajid, Secretary DASB Khuzdar, BS-17; Capt. (Red) Jawaid Khan, Secretary DASB, Diamir, 17.

Karachi Shipyard & Engg. Works Ltd. Include Rear Admiral ® Arshad Munir Ahmed, chief, M-I (22); Commander PN. Mansab Ali Khan, GM (Shippner); Commander PN, Jawad M. Malik, GM (Design). Maritime Security Agency, Cdr. Bakhtia Mohsin, Director General, BS-20.

Survey of Pakistan include Maj. Gen. Tariq Javed Surveyor General, 21.

Pakistan International Airlines Corporation include AVM S. Javed Raza, Director Precision Engineering; Group Capt. S.S.A Hashmi, Manager Logistics; Major (Retd) M.M. Malik, Security Manabger, London; Major Naseer Ahmed, Staff Officer, Chairman, PIAC.

Civil Aviation Authority include its chairman Air Marshal ® Salim Arshad, M-I; Brig. Zafar Mehmood, Director Commercial, PG-II (BS-20); Brig. Tariq Mehmood, Director Airport, PG-II; Air. Cdre. Javed Iqbal, Director Technical, PG-II; Air Cdre. Javed Ishaq Khan, Director AT, PG-II; Brig. Syed Muhammad Arif, Director Administration, PG-II; Brig. (Retd) Tauseef-uz-Zaman, Project Director, (12160-760-19760); G.P Capt. Mirza Fahim Baig, G.M, 11400-635-17750; Air Commodore (Retd) Qamaruddin, G.M, 11400-635-17750; Lt. Col. (Retd) Syed Farooq Haider Pasha, G.M, 11400-635-17750; Lt. Col. (Retd) Naveed Kausar, Sr. Estate Officer, 9505-510-16645; Lt. Col. (Retd) Malik Akmal Yousuf, Sr. civil Engineer, 9505-510-16645; Wg. Cdr. (Retd) Sarfraz Hussain Butt, Sr. Accounts Officer, 9505-510-16645; Wg. Cdr (Retd) Shahzad Ahmed, Sr. Accounts Officer, 9505-510-16645; Lt. Col. (Retd) Asad Kayani, Sr. Admin Officer, 9505-510-16645; Wg. Cdr. (Retd0 Muhammad Ali Syed, Deputy Manager, 7045-330-11665; Sqn Ldr. (Retd) Asad Khan, ATCO, 7045-330-11665; Sqn Ldr (Retd) Mansoor Ali Khan, ATCO, 7045-330-11665; Major (Retd) Hasan Aftab Vigilance Officer, 7045-330-11665; Sqn. Ldr. (Retd) Akhtar Abbas, ATCO, 7045-330-11665; Lt. Col. (Retd) Inayatullah Khan, ATCO, 7045-330-11665; Wg. Cdr (Retd0 Qamar-uz-Zaman Bhatti, ATCO, 7045-330-11665; Wing. Cdr. Khalid Fareed Lodhi, GM (Commercial), PG-10 (BS 19); Lt. Col. Syed Safdar Ali, GM Vigilance, PG-10; Wing Cdre. Nishat Hussain, G.M Vigilance, PG-10; Group Capt. M. Sardar Khan, GM Supply, PG-10; Lt. Col Shahid Abbas Khan, G., PG-10; Civil Aviation Authority include Air. Cdre (Retd) Shahid Naveed Director (12160-760-19760).

Pakistan Ordinance Factories chief Lt Gen Abdul Qayyum, 22; PAC Kamra chairman Air Vice Marshal Aurangzeb Khan, 21; DG AMP Rear Admiral Azhar Hussain, 21; and Maj Gen Zaheer Ahmed Khan of Military Vehicle Research and Development Establishment, 21.

Military Lands & Cantonment Department include Maj. Gen. Muhammad Jawed, Director General, 21; Capt. Aftab ahmed, S.O to DG ML&C, 17; and Col ® Hafiz Abdul Rehman Malik, project director.

Defence Production Division include Air Marshal ® Zahid Anis Secretary, 22; Maj. Gen. Ali Baz, Addl. Secretary, 21; DESTO include Maj. Gen. Akbar Saeed Awan, HI(M) Chief Scientist & Scientific Advisor, 21; Cdre (Ops) Shabbir Ahmed, 20; Maj. Fazal Hussain Javed, System Analyst, 18; Major.® Saleem Akhtar, Section Officer, 18; Major.® Qalbe Abbas- Kazmi, Section Officer, 18; Maj. ( R) Nasim Ahmad, Section Officer, 18. HIT chairman Maj Gen Israr Ahmad, 21.

Ministry of Education, Main, Lt. Col. Anwar Adil, , BS-19; Federal Directorate of Education, Brig. (R) Maqsud-ul Hassan, Director General Education, BS-20 Rs. 30,000/- on fixed pay.

Establishment Division has in NIPA, LAHORE Maj. Gen (Retd) Sikandar Shami as Director General, 21; Col (Retd) Ali Sher Khan Addl. Director (Coordination), 19; Lt.Col (Retd) Zahid Rashid Addl. Director(Administration), 19 Lt.Col (Retd) M. Saeed Addl. Director(I.T), 19. Civil service academy has Wing Cdr ® M Saqib Qazi, Joint Director, 19; Col ® Sajjad Azam Khan, senior instructor, fixed salary 38,950. Pakistan administrative staff college, Lahore has Lt. Col (Retd) Bashir Ahmad, Dir (admn), 19; Pakistan Baitul Maal has Lt. Col. Gulzar Ahmad Ch. Director (Admn), 19.

Chairman Federal Public Service Commission is Air Marshal ® Shafique Haider.

Federal employees benevolent funds has Maj Gen ® Rehmatullah as its chairman, BS-21.

Finance Division: Maj. (Retd) Sher Ghani, 18. SBP Banking Services Corporation(Bank) has Lt. Col. (R) Nasir Riaz Shaikh, Security Officer Islamabad Office, Rs.21,000; Maj. (R) Qaiser Majeed Bhatti, Security Officer, Gujranwala Office, R s 21000; Maj. (R) Shahzad Khalid, Security Officer, Lahore Office, Rs 21000; Maj. (R) Sajid Hussain, Security Officer, Faisalabad Office, Rs 21000; Lt. Col. ( R) Ghulam Farooq, Security Officer, Head Office, Karachi, Rs 21000; Lt. (R) Mir Zahid Arshad, Security Officer, Rawalpindi Office, Rs. 21,000; Maj. (R) Khalid Mehmood, Security Officer, Quetta Office, Rs 21000; Lt. (Retd) Zulfiqar Ali, Security Officer, Peshawar Office, Rs 21000.

Ministry of Food and Agriculture include Marine Fisheries Department, Karachi’s Syed Qamar Raza, T.I (M), Commodore Director General., 20; and PASSCO has Maj Gen Muhammad Iqbal Khan, MD, BS 21; and Lt. Col. ® Muhammad Amir, Deputy General Manager, 19.

Ministry of Housing and Works: Pakistan Public Works Department has Brig. Muhammad Khalid Sohail Cheema, Director General, 20; and National Construction Ltd has Brig ® Dilbar Hussain Naqvi, 20.

Ministry of Industries and Production: PITAC include Brig® M. Akram Khan, GM, D-III (14634-1216-31658). Pakistan Machine Tool Factory has Lt.Cdr ® Abdul Jabbar, Manager , EPS IV (Rs.1256-688-26216). Heavy Mechanical Complex has Brig® Zubair, Head F&F Works, Consolidated package of Rs. 40,000. Pakistan Machine Tool Factory has Lt.Col ® M. Mohsin Khan, Head HRM, Consolidated package of Rs. 40,000.

Pakistan Steel has Lt Col ® Muhammad Afzal Khan, chairman, equivalent to BS 22; Lt .Col.® Mujahidullah Khan, DGM (Sports); Lt.Col ® Mazhar ul Haq, DGM (ZSO, North) Islamabad; Lt.Col ® Sajjad Anwar Butt, DGM(Stores).

Utility Stores Corporation of Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. has Brig ® Hafeez Ahmed, Managing Director , M-III; Col ® Abdul Ghaffar, GM ( Distribution), BS-17; Gp. Capt ® Waqar A. Nasir, GM, BS-17; Gp.Capt ® Shabbir Ahmad, GM (Marketing), BS-17; Lt .Col.® Qazi Muhammad Ishaq, GM (SO&S), BS-17; Lt.Col ® A.M. Jawad, Regional Manager USC Lahore Region, BS-17; Lt.Col® Naseer Ahmed Raja, Regional Manager, USC Islamabad Region, BS-17; Lt.Col® Muhammad Idrees, RM USC Multan Region, BS-17; Major ® Muhammad Yaqub Malik, Insurance Manager , BS-17. Lt Col ® Syed Akbar Hussain, chairman EPZA, Karachi, M-I. NFC’s chairman is Maj Gen ® Muhammad Mohsin, BS-21/22 and its MD is Brig ® Ch Shoukat Hayat.

Ministry of information has Maj Gen ® Jamshed Ayaz Khan, president, institute of regional studies, 22.

IT & Telecom Division: Special Communication Organization has Maj Gen Muhammad Waheed as its DG, 21. Frequency Allocation Board include Brig .Muhammad Mazhar Qayyum Butt, Executive Director, 20; Air Cdre Saleem Rehman Director General, BPS-20; Lt. Col. Zafar Masud Director, BPS-19; Gp Capt(R) Muhammad Iftikhar, Director, BPS-19; Lt.Col(R) Hamid Javed, Director, BPS-19; Lt.Col(R) Abdul Hameed Asghar, Director, BPS-19. NTC has AVM Azhar Masud, chairman, M-II; Wg. Cdr. Wajahat Ali Suri, Director, 19. Wg. Cdr. Wajahat Ali Suri, Director, 19.

NRTC include Brig Muhammad Javed Malik GM/Chief Executive, BS-20; Gp. Capt(R) Aftab Ahmed Khan, Director, 19; Gp. Capt(R) Agha Saifullah Khan, Director, 19; Lt.Col(R) Farrukh Jawed Butt, Director, 19; Maj(R) Shamsuddin, D.E, 18; Maj(R) Waqar Ahmed, D.E, 18; Sq Ldr(R) Rahat Bashir Qureshi, D.E, 18; Col(R) Ejaz Ahmed Saleem, D.E, 18; Wg.Cdr(R) Mubashir Iqbal Naqvi, D.E, 18; Maj(R) Sher Muhammad, A.D.E., 18.

Carrier Telephone Industry has Lt.Col (R) Tariq Rashid Bhatti, Rs.16,500; Maj(R) Muhammad Jehangir(SO), Rs.13,200; Sqd. Ldr ® Iqbal Hussain Bukhari, consultant, Rs 25,000. NRTC has Wg. Cdr. Wajahat Ali Suri, Director, 19. NRTC include Brig Muhammad Javed Malik GM/Chief Executive, BS-20; Lt.Col(R) Pasand Hussain Shah, DCE, BS-18; Lt.Col(R) Muhammad Anwar, Deputy Chief Engineer, Rs.17500.

PTCL has Brig.(R) Muhammad Amjad Idrees Mir, General Manager (Admn), BPS-20; Brig.(Retd) Mazhar Hussain Kawish General Manager (I&I), BPS-20; Lt. Col. (Retd) Abdul Qadir General Manager (NSS), BPS-20; Lt. Gen. (Retd) S. A. Jafri Medical Adviser, BPS-20; Brig. (Retd) Muhammad Akram D.M.S.(S/Z), BPS-19; Lt. Col. (Retd) Karim Haider Bokhari Director (Coord), BPS-19; Lt. Col. (Retd) Riaz Ahmed Qureshi Director (Staff-I), BPS-19; Lt. col. (Retd) M. Aslam Baluch Director Security, BPS-19; Wing Com. (Retd) Noor Sahib shah DMS(C/Z), BPS-19; Col. (Retd) Zamir Hussain Bhatti Dy. G.M. (NSS), BPS-19; Wing Comdr. (Retd). Javed Hafeez Ch. Dy. Chief Engg. (Liaison), BPS-19; Col. (Retd) Zahoor ahmed Khan Manager, BPS-19; Lt. Col. (Retd) Aurangzeb Manager, BPS-19; Lt. col (Retd) Mohammad Zaman Manager, 19; Lt. Col (Retd) Mohammad Shafiq Manager(Admn), 19; Lt. Col (Retd) Mohammad Sarwar Abbasi Manager(Card Production), 19; Col. (Retd) Sajjad Zaheer Registrar, 19; Col (Retd) Dr. Muhammad Shafiq Dental Surgeon, BPS-18; Maj (Retd) Dr. Ahmed Imran Dental Surgeon, BPS-18; Maj (Retd) Farzana Sajjad Dental Surgeon, BPS-18; Maj (Retd) Abdul Aziz Javed Dy. Director Security, BPS-18; Maj (Retd) Munawar Hussain Dy. Director Security, BPS-18; Maj (Retd) Sohail Jameel Sheikh Dy. Director Security, BPS-18; Maj (Retd) Qazi Zia Mehmood Hashmi Inventory Control Officer, BPS-18; Maj (Retd) Sikandar Zaman Khan Deputy Director (Security), BPS-18; Maj (Retd) Mazhar Hussain Security Officer, BPS-18; Maj (Retd) Nayyar Saleem Security Officer, BPS-18; Maj (Retd) Muhammad Riaz Security Officer, BPS-18; Capt. (Retd) Mrs. Kausar Saleem, Lady Medical Officer, 17; Col. (R ) Dr. Gulzar Hussain,Medical Officer, 17.

Labor ministry’s National Training Bureau has Brig ® Sarfraz Khan as director general, 20.

Intelligence Bureau: DG Intelligence Bureau, Maj. Gen. Talat Munir, 21; Brig. (Retd) Jehangir Nawaz, BS-20; and Maj. (R ) Muhammad Farooq, BS-18.

Interior Division: Brig. Muhammad Ahmed Zafar, Principal CJSTI, Lahore, BS-20.

Capital Development Authority, Islamabad has Capt. (Retd) Rahem Raza, Director Security and Inquiries), 19; Maj. (Retd) Rizwan Ullah Beg, Director Municipal Administration, BS-19.

Pakistan Rangers has Major General Hussain Mehdi, BS-21; Brig. Sheri Marjan, BS-20; Col Nusrat Kursehy, Arty., BS-19; Lt. Col. Tariq Saeed, BS-19; Lt. Col. Rana Sajjad Ahmed Khan, 19; Lt. Col. Tahir Islam, 19; Lt. Col . Agha Sibtain Kazmi, 19: Lt. Col Inam Ezad, 19; Lt. Col. Abul Nasir, 19; Lt. Col. Muhammad Sarwar Abid, 19; Col Muhammad Aslam Mohsin, 19; Lt. Col. Manzoor Hussain, 19; Lt. Col. Sher Zaman Khan, 19; Lt. Col. Adnan Janjua, 19; Lt. Col. Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, 19.

Pak. Rangers, Sindh include Major General Salah-ud-Din, S Bst., Director General Headquarters Pakistan Rangers, Sindh, 21; Brig. Abdul Matin Usmani, Deputy Director General, Karachi , BS-20; Brig. Muhammad Masud, Deputy Director General Interior Sindh, Karachi, 20; Col Tanvirul Hassan BS-19; Col. Muhammad Akhtar, 19; Col. Muhammad Khalil Malal, 19; Col. Hafeez Akram, 19; Col. Muhammad Hafeez Dar, BS-19; Col. Rashid Ahmed Malik, 19; Col Tafseer Ahmed, 19; Col. Fazal-e-Maqbool Afridi, 19; Col. Naeem Sadiq, 19; Col. Tariq Shareef, Commandant Abdullah Shah Ghazi, 19; Lt. Col. Imtiaz Hussain, 19; Lt. Col. Naeem Ahmed Khan, 19; Lt. Col. Rogers Tahir, 19; Lt. Col. Riaz Ahmed Khokhar, 19; Lt. Col. Adnan Yusuf Khan, 19; Lt. Col. Muhammad Sajid, 19; Lt. Col. Kamran Jalil Baloch, BS-19; Lt. Col. Sardar Shahbaz, 19; Lt. Col. Khawar Amin Malik, 19; Lt. Col. Saqlain Baqar, 19; Lt. Col. Muhammad Altaf Tahir 19; Lt. Col. Tahir Pasha, 19; Lt. Col. Naseem Akhtar Awan, BS-19; Lt. Col. Syed Ali Haider Shah, 19; Lt. Col. Shujah Salah-ud-Din, 19; Lt. Col. Shakil Ahmed Cheema, 19; Lt. Col. Shahid Hussain, 19; Lt. Col. Arshad Kamal Mustafa, 19; Lt. Col. Javed Hassan Khattak, 19; Lt. Col. Taqweem Akhtar, 19; Lt. Col. Humayun Zafar, 19; Lt. Col. Ghazanfar Abbas Shah, 19; Lt. Col. Imran Muhammad Khan, 19; Lt. Col. Muhammad Khalid Naeem Malik, 19; Lt. Col. Jamshed Hayat, 19; Lt. Col. Ghulam Raza, 19; Lt. Col. Sohail Anjum, Baloch Wing Commander, 19: Lt. Col Shoaib Siddiqui, 19; Lt. Col. Shah Qamarul Islam, 19; Lt. Col. Sakhi Muhammad, 19; Lt. Col. Nisar Ahmed Hashmi, 19; Lt. Col. Muhammad Mumtaz.

M/o Minorities , Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth affairs. Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation has Maj. Gen. Anis Ahmed Bajwa, M-I.

Evacuee Trust Property Board Evacuee Trust Property Board has Lt Gen ® Muhammad Naeem Akbar Khan, 22; Col. (Retd) Tajamal Wahid, Superintending Engineer, 19 Major (Retd) Raja Arshad Ali, Senior Sales Officer; Major (Retd) Fazal Karim, Sales Officer; Lt. Col. (Retd) Iftikhar Hussain, Senior Sales Officer; Major (Retd) Qaseem-uz-Zaman, Sales Officer; Brig. (R) Muhammad Humayun Khan, General Manager (Proc & Stores).

Pakistan Sports Board has Brig Saulat Abbas, Director General, BS-20.

Narcotics Control Division: This division has Cdr. (Retd) Abbas Akhtar, Deputy Secretary, BS-19.

Anti Narcotics Control Force has Maj. General Zafar Abbas, DG ANF, BS-21; Brig. Sikandar Ali, Dir. HQ ANF, BS-20; Brig. Sareen Akhund, RD Karachi, 20; Brig. Ashfaq Ur Rashid, RD, Lahore, 20; Brig. Irfan-ul-Haq, RD Peshawar, 20; Brig. Liaqat ali Toor, RD, Quetta, 20; Lt. Col. Muhammad Naeem Akhtar. JD, BS-19; Lt. Col. Zahoor Ahmed malik, JD, 19; Lt. Col. Muhammad Afzal Shaheen,JD, 19; Lt. Col. Shaukat Hussain, JD, 19, 19; Lt. Col. Arshad Siddique, JD, 19; Lt. Col. Abdur Razaq Amjad, ID, 19; Lt. Col. Muhammad Zafar Khan, JD , 19; Lt. Col. Abdur Rashid Khan, JD, 19; Lt. Col. Waseem Raza, JD, 19.

KANA & SAFRON Division, Main Division, Lt. Col (Retd) Zahid Pervaiz. P.S to Minister for KANA & SAFRON, BS-19.

Afghan Refugees Organization, Balochistan, Quetta, has Brig. (Retd) Mumtaz Ali Raja, Commissioner Afghan Refugees, BS-20, 8-11-2001 (2 years); Brig. (Retd) Mushtaq Ahmed Alizai, Commissioner Afghan Refugees, BS-20.

Labour, Manpower & Overseas Pakistanis Division. Overseas Pakistanis Foundation, Islamabad has Lt. Col (Retd) Muhammad Farooq, BS-19; Brig. (Retd) Ghulam Rasool, Principal, OPF Boys College, Islamabad, 19; Brig. (R ) Sarfraz Khan, Director General, 20.

Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources: Oil & Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) has Major General Pervez Akmal, Managing Director, 22/M-I; Col. Mansoor Azam, Manager (Regulation & Coordination) AGM (Projects), 19; Col. (R) Kanwar M. Sherbaz Khan, General Manager (C&ESS), EG-VIII (19); Brig (Retd) Mukhtar Ahmed Tariq, General Manager (Admn), EG-VIII; Air Commodore (R ) Saleem Iftikhar, General Manager (System), EG-VIII; Brig (Retd) Rizwan Ashraf Manager (Security & Coordination), EG-VII: Sqn Ldr. Irfan Ul Haq, Manager (Software), EG-VII; Brig. ( R) Dr. Abdul Qaddus, Manager (Medical Services, EG-VII; Col (R ) Muhammad Mazhar Ul Islam, Chief Security Officer, EG-VI; Lt. Col. ( R) M. Anwar Rana, Deputy Chief Security Officer, EG-V; Lt. Col. Muhammad Jamil, Manager (Procurement), 19; Lt. Col. Naqeeb Amjad Malik Manager (Projects), 19; Lt. Col. Tariq Hussain Sheikh, Manager (Communication), 19; Lt. Col. Tariq Hussain Sheikh, Manager (Communication), 19; Lt. Col. Mian Mahmood Yousaf, Manager (Administration), 19.

Pakistan Mineral Development Authority has Brig ® Ishtiaq Ali Khan, managing director, 20.

Planning and Development Division: Federal Dera Unit has Lt. Col. ( R) Muhammad Arif, Deputy/Director Transport and Marketing, Rs 30,000; Col. (R ) Sarwar Ali Khan, Asstt. Director Dry Ports, BS-18; Maj. ® Moeen Uddin Hamun, Company 2 IC, BS-17.

National Logistic Cell has Maj Gen Khalid Zahir Akhtar, DG, 21; Brig. (retd) Khadim Hussain Malik, DD, MT&R, Rs. 20,000; Lt. Col. (Retd) Menhaj-ul Husnain, SO-I (C), Rs. 15,7444; Lt. Col. (Retd) Shahid Mehmood, SO-I (P&D), Rs. 35,750; Maj. ( R) Khurshid Anwar (SO-II (C), Rs. 20,000; Maj. (Retd) Rehan Akhtar, (SO-II) (Equip/PROC), Rs. 15,900; Lt. Col. (Retd) Muhammad Iqbal Sheikh, STR Manager, Rs. 28,950; Maj. (Retd) Nasrullah Nisar, Manager Road Work., Rs. 20,600; Maj. (Retd) Zaheeruddin Mughal, Process Officer, Rs. 20,600; Maj. (Retd) Bashir Ahmed Coord Officer, Rs. 20,600; Lt. Col. Zahid Hussain, PM Tooling, Rs. 37,000; Wing Comdr Pervaiz Ajmal, P.M Tooling, Rs. 15,900; Maj. (Retd) Zargoon Gul, Sec Comdr., Rs. 15,900; Major. (Retd) Zaheer Ibn-Yaqoob, Sec Comdr., Rs. 15,000; Lt. Col. (Retd) Ayub Jafery, Project Manager, Rs. 35,750; Lt. Col. (Retd) Pervez Hafeez, Project Manager, Rs. 35,750; Col. (Retd0 Muhammad Iqbal Khalid, Manager, Rs. 25,000; Maj. (Retd) Muhammad Arshad, Porc Officer, Rs. 22,000; Capt. (Retd) Agha Muhammad Ahsan, Admn Officer, Rs. 18,000; Maj. (Retd) Syed Javed Hussain Rizvi, Sec Comdr., Rs. 15,000; Maj. (Retd) Muhammad Ayub Khan, Admn Officer, Rs.10,000.

President’s Secretariat (Public) include Maj General Nadeem Taj, Military Secretary to the President, 21; Col. Hasan Immad Muhammadi, 19; Lt. Col. Mirza Kamran Zia, Deputy Military Secretary to the President, 19; Lt. Col. Faheem Ul Aziz, Officer on Special Duty (Admn), 19; Lt. Col Muhammad Ilyas, Chief Security Officer to the President, 19; H/Capt. (Retd) Muhammad Nazir, PS to Ex-President (Mr. Farooq Ahmed Khan Leghari), 18; H/Copt (Retd) Muhammad Aslam Shah, Addl. Asstt. Secy. (Admn), 17.

S&TR Division. NUST has Lt Gen ® Syed Shujaat Hussain Rector NUST, 22; Col.® Muhammad Anwar Tariq, Dy.Dir Adm, NIIT, BS-19; Col ® Tariq Javed Kakar, Dy.Dir (Estb), BS-19; Lt.Col ® Syed Muhammad Razi, Coord Offr, IESE., BS-19; Maj. ( R) Nasir Hussain, Asstt. Dir. Admn, BS-19.

Ministry of Water and Power. WAPDA include Lt Gen ® Zulfiqar Ali Khan, chairman, BS-22; Brig. Muhammad Tariq Arshad, Chief Executive Officer, HESCO, 20; Brig. Khalid Khan, Chief Executive Officer, PESCO, 20; Brig. Waseem Zafar Iqbal, Chief Executive Officer IESCO, 20; Brig. Abbas Ali Khan, Chief Executive Officer MEPSCO, 20; Brig. Riaz Ahmed Toor, Chief Executive Officer, LESCO, 20; Brig. Saeed Ahmed Malik, GM (M&S), BS-20; Brig. Tassadiq Hussain, Chief Executive Officer, QESCO, 20; Brig Taj Muhammad Khan, GM(Admn), 20; Brig. Muhammad Zareen, GM(GBHP)/TDP, 20; Brig. Muhammad Iqbal, GM (Project) South, Water, 20; Brig. Saif Ullah Khalid, Chief Executive Officer, GEPCO, 20; Col. Abdul Qayyum Khan, Director (HR&A) IESCO, BS-19; Col Nadeem Rustam, Director (HR&A)NTDC, 19; Col. Shahbaz Ahmed, Director (HR&A)NTDC, 19; Col Ghazanfar Ali Khan, Director (HR&A) LESCO, BS-19; Col Anjum Seikoh Qazi, Director HR &A) PESCO, 19; Col. Umer Hayat Khan, Director HR &A) QESCO, 19; Col. Malik Suhail Ahmed, Director HR&A) FESCO, 19; Lt. Col. Farrukh Mehmood, Director Security, 19; Lt. Col. Talat Mehmood, Director Intelligence, 19; Lt. Col Sajid Ali Mustafvi, Medical Specialist, TDP, Tarbella, 19; Ministry of Water and Power. WAPDA has Brig (Retd) Mushtaq Ahmed, PSO to Chairman/GM (Project) North, Water; Col. (Retd) Muhammad Safir Tarar, Director Public Relations, BS-19; Col. (Retd) Fazal Mahmood, Director (Investigation), 19.

KESC Ltd include Lt. Col. Sardar Khan, EME, 19; Lt. Col. Muhammad Aslam Arty., 19; Lt. Col. Mushtaq Ahmed, 19; Lt. Col. Farooq Hussain, 19; Lt. Col. Asad Ali Shah, 19; Lt. Col. Malik Zahid Hamid, 19.

Women Development and Special Education: MD National Trust for the Disabled Brig ® Attaur Rehman; and MD Pakistan Baitul Mal Brig ® Muhammad Sarfaraz.



Seven years ago Mr Shaheen Sehbai was also quoted in The New York Times as well his Editor in Chief i.e. Mir Shakil ur Rehman, and do note what Mir Shakil ur Rehman had to say about the Patriotism and Loyalty of Shaheen Sehbai with Pakistan. Should we believe Mr Shaheen Sehbai or his Editor in Chief Mir Shakil ur Rahman’s Letter Addressed to Mr Shaheen Sehbai asking for his resign on filing Concocted Stories in The News International that ANTI-PAKISTAN ARMY/ISI Story [Kamran and Shaheen involved Pakistan Army in Daniel Murder] on Daniel Pearl went very well in Times of India [story was filed by Kamran Khan in Washington Post, The News and Jang with the consent of Shaheen Sehbai], read the background. REFERENCES: Shaheen Sehbai VS Mir Shakil ur Rahman on Daniel Pearl. Credibility of Shaheen Sehbai, Mir Shakil ur Rahman and Jang Group of Newspapers.

Jang Group/GEO TV had played a very dirty role during Mumbai Tragedy in 2008 while relaying a bogus “Investigative Report on Ajmal Kasab” on GEO TV and the same Jang Group particularly Mr Mahmood Sham (Group Editor Daily Jang), Mr Shaheen Sehbai (Group Editor The News International), Mr Kamran Khan (Senior Correspondent Jang/The News and GEO TV) and Mr Rauf Klasra (Senior Correspondent Jang/The News International) played a very dirty role after the murder of US Journlaist Daniel Pearl in Karachi in 2002. Jang Group/The News International/GEO TV also support this Anti Pakistan Army/ISI Campaign of Times of India. Just a Glimpse. REFERENCE: Jang Group – Times of India joint Campaign against ISI. Whereas the very same Jang Group/GEO TV had played a very dirty role during Mumbai Tragedy in 2008 while relaying a bogus “Investigative Report on Ajmal Kasab” on GEO TV and the same Jang Group is now lecturing Pakistanis for Peace with India whereas very Muhammad Saleh Zaafir and Jang Group have no shame left in them because they forget while lecturing PPP and Zardari about Kerry Lugar Bill, No First Strike, Patriotism and National Security not too long ago while running the campaign of “Joint statement by editors of the Jang Group and Times of India” REFERENCE: Jang Group, Neutrality of Commander & Jang Group’s Peace with India [Aman Ki Asha]

Now read as to how Kamran Khan with malafide intent involves Pakistan Army/ISI with Militants while giving an Interview to FRONTLINE PBS an American Public Affairs News Organization.

What was [Abu Zubaydah] doing in Faisalabad?

He was just hiding there. They were having a very low profile there. They didn’t have weapons, a lot of weapons, with them. They why they wanted to just stay cool there and waiting for their chance to react. …

They’ve also come to Karachi, and we had an event here [on Sept. 11. 2002]. What happened?

There were many, many incidents there. The incident two days ago in Karachi, there was an information from neighborhood to the police that there are some suspicious people living here. Police did some reconnaissance, and then they went for a raid early morning Sept. 11. They faced fierce resistance from these guys. They are all definite Al Qaedas in the sense that they are Tajiks and they are Central Asians and two Arabs and all.

The ISI is in the Binori Madrassa?

Yes, yes, yes. They know what’s going on there. But at the same time, you must understand that some of the key people are already with the ISI. I mean, they report back to the ISI. Maybe they are in the forefront of the anti-U.S. campaign or whatever–

So some of the Islamists are inside the ISI? And the ISI is looking–

And they report back to the ISI, yes, yes.

How does that work?

It works quite good, yes. I think that they have a very reliable penetration source of information. The bottom line here is that, “Look. Whatever you are doing, whatever you do, we understand. But mind you, we cannot afford to harbor Arabs here. We cannot afford to harbor non-Pakistanis here. So please, please cooperate with us on that count.” There is a very deep connections between the religious madrassas, and the key religious scholars, and the establishment. …

Doesn’t President Musharraf need the Islamists in order to prosecute the Indians? Doesn’t he need them to keep pressure on the Indians in Kashmir?


So he can’t offend these groups that are akin to Al Qaeda in their sympathies?

By all means. … It’s also because there are 50,000 strong, militant, armed people. That most of these people have deep connections with the establishment, with the security–

Security — ISI?

–operators of Pakistan, the security operators, yes. The intelligence agencies. And they just can’t do things which may provoke them, and which may create an internal rebellion of sorts. Not only that. Of course, these people have devoted themselves to jihad in India, at least, to jihad in Kashmir. …

A lot of Pakistani security people say that no country has such a tremendous fifth column. You have 50,000 armed people who are ready to give their lives without asking for any favor or anything. These motivated people are an asset for any country with such a massive, such a big enemy. And with such a major problem boiling there. Of course, yes.

So can Americans trust Musharraf to crack down on his own people to rat out terrorists in Pakistan?

I don’t know, because my perception is the Americans are basically interested in Al Qaeda — people who were in Afghanistan, who have an anti-West, anti-America agenda. I’m not sure if the U.S. is really terribly interested about the people who were fighting in Kashmir. …

IN SEARCH OF AL-QAEDA -INTERVIEW KAMRAN KHAN - URL: Kamran Khan [Jang Group]'s Malicious campaign against ISI.

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