Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Fourth Reich.

NEW YORK: President All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) and former president Pervez Musharraf, criticizing PML-N’s Nawaz Shaif said, he made a blunder as he messed with four ex-army chiefs, two presidents and the chief justice during his government, Geo News reported Sunday. Musharraf was addressing APML’s mass gathering here on Sunday. Former President, responding to threats of filing a lawsuit incessantly posed to him by Nawaz Sharif, said, “As Nawaz knows that neither will he regain power nor will he be able to try me in a court of law therefore he takes resort to blow this trumpet time and again.” He said he doesn’t regret killing of Nawab Akbar Bugti and attack on Lal Mosque and neither will he seek apology over those actions, adding that he was ready to replicate all what he did during his tenure in the face of similar situation. Musharraf said, on one hand Nawaz Sharif chant slogan of ‘Jaag Punjabi Jaag’ to accumulate votes in Punjab and on the other hand, he has worn criminal silence over killings of Punjabis in Balochistan. Also, Musharraf alleged Nawaz Sharif of handing refuge to Talal Bugti in Lahore whom (Bugti) he termed ‘lawbreaker’. The supporters of PML-N and APML were also present on the occasion and were chanting slogans against chiefs of both parties. REFERENCE: Don’t regret Bugti’s murder: Musharraf Updated at: 1150 PST, Sunday, November 07, 2010 http://www.thenews.com.pk/latest-news/4448.htm Don’t regret Bugti’s murder: Musharraf Updated at: 1217 PST, Sunday, November 07, 2010 http://www.geo.tv/11-7-2010/74006.htm

A Murderer receives "Guard of Honour"

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXJUceqBDV8&feature=related

NO LESSON LEARNED FROM 1958-1969, 1969-1971, 1977-1988, and 1999-2007.

ISLAMABAD, Nov 8: The National Assembly appeared shocked to hear from opposition leader Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan on Monday that two soldiers had insulted a federal minister in his flag-bearing car earlier in the day by training their guns at him at a checkpoint near parliament when a four-star general too was in the area. The government acknowledged that this “serious” incident had happened, which Petroleum and Natural Resources Minister Naveed Qamar said would be taken up with “appropriate authorities”. Deputy Speaker Faisal Karim Kundi, chairing the proceedings at the time, called for a report about what he called an incident of “highhandedness” before the house concludes its current session after four days. But neither of the three men who spoke about the matter identified the minister involved in the incident, which the opposition leader said happened some time in the afternoon, when he also drove around 2pm through the Constitution Avenue, on which the Parliament House is located and where one of the checkpoints normally manned by police checks vehicles going towards the Parliament House as well as the nearby presidency and the Prime Minister’s House. REFERENCE: National Assembly in shock Two soldiers `train` guns at minister By Raja Asghar http://public.dawn.com/2010/11/09/national-assembly-in-shock-two-soldiers-train-guns-at-minister.html

Rigging Pakistan's Election: Justice Delayed is Justice Denied - Part 1

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vzSaQLg4Lg

ISLAMABAD: The main wheeler and dealer of the ISI during the 2002 elections, the then Maj-Gen Ehtesham Zamir, now retired, has come out of the closet and admitted his guilt of manipulating the 2002 elections, and has directly blamed Gen Musharraf for ordering so. Talking to The News, the head of the ISI’s political cell in 2002, admitted manipulating the last elections at the behest of President Musharraf and termed the defeat of the King’s party, the PML-Q, this time “a reaction of the unnatural dispensation (installed in 2002).” Zamir said the ISI together with the NAB was instrumental in pressing the lawmakers to join the pro-Musharraf camp to form the government to support his stay in power. Looking down back into the memory lane and recalling his blunders which, he admitted, had pushed the country back instead of taking it forward, Zamir feels ashamed of his role and conduct. Massively embarrassed because he was the one who negotiated, coerced and did all the dirty work, the retired Maj-Gen said he was not in a position to become a preacher now when his own past was tainted. He said the country would not have faced such regression had the political management was not carried out by the ISI in 2002. But he also put some responsibility of the political disaster on the PML-Q as well. The former No: 2 of the ISI called for the closure of political cell in the agency, confessing that it was part of the problem due to its involvement in forging unnatural alliances, contrary to public wishes. Zamir’s blaming Musharraf for creating this unnatural alliance rings true as another former top associate of Musharraf, Lt-Gen (retd) Jamshed Gulzar Kiyani has already disclosed that majority of the corps commanders, in several meetings, had opposed Musharraf’s decision of patronising the leadership of the King’s party. “We had urged Musharraf many times during the corps commanders meeting that the PML-Q leadership was the most condemned and castigated personalities. They are the worst politicians who remained involved in co-operative scandals and writing off loans. But Musharraf never heard our advice,” Kiyani said while recalling discussions in their high profile meetings. REFERENCE: The man, who rigged 2002 polls, spills the beans By Umar Cheema Sunday, February 24, 2008 http://www.thenews.com.pk/top_story_detail.asp?Id=13159

Rigging Pakistan's Election: Justice Delayed is Justice Denied - Part 2

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RD0hNJNGKvE&feature=related

Also none of them named the general for whom troops came to control traffic, although Chief of Army Staff Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani met President Asif Ali Zardari on Monday afternoon. Chaudhry Nisar said he saw “a lot of military activity” on the avenue at the time, giving him the impression that “some four-star general” was coming to meet either the president or Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and that he was informed by some witnesses later on coming to his office in parliament about a minister’s car flying the national flag having been stopped along with other cars by two soldiers “carrying bandooks (rifles)” and controlling traffic at the checkpoint instead of police. “The soldiers did not have the courtesy to salute the national flag… which is the duty of every uniformed Pakistani,” he said. REFERENCE: National Assembly in shock Two soldiers `train` guns at minister By Raja Asghar http://public.dawn.com/2010/11/09/national-assembly-in-shock-two-soldiers-train-guns-at-minister.html

Rigging Pakistan's Election: Justice Delayed is Justice Denied - Part 3

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hR8eSf2ZvHU&feature=related

He said one of their colleagues, who was an accountability chief at that time, had sought permission many times for proceeding against the King’s party top leaders but was always denied. Kiyani asked Musharraf to quit, the sooner the better, as otherwise the country would be in a serious trouble. Ma-Gen (retd) EhteshamZamir termed the 2008 elections ‘fairer than 2002’. He said the reason behind their fairness is that there was relatively less interference of intelligence agencies this time as compared to the last time. But he stopped short of saying that there was zero interference in the 2008 polls. “You are quite right,” he said when asked to confirm about heavy penetration of ISI into political affairs during the 2002 elections. But he said he did not do it on his own but on the directives issued by the government. Asked who directed him from the government side and if there was somebody else, not President Musharraf, he said: “Obviously on the directives of President Musharraf.” Asked if he then never felt that he was committing a crime by manipulating political business at the cost of public wishes, he said: “Who should I have told except myself. Could I have asked Musharraf about this? I was a serving officer and I did what I was told to do. I never felt this need during the service to question anyone senior to me,” he said and added that he could not defend his acts now. REFERENCE: The man, who rigged 2002 polls, spills the beans By Umar Cheema Sunday, February 24, 2008 http://www.thenews.com.pk/top_story_detail.asp?Id=13159

Rigging Pakistan's Election: Justice Delayed is Justice Denied - Part 4

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zu8LCqPZZio&feature=related
Rigging Pakistan's Election: Justice Delayed is Justice Denied - Part 5

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvU7UDAlAc8&feature=related

“The matter did not end there,” he said, and added that when the driver of the minister — who too he thought was heading towards the presidency or the prime minister’s house — “tried to move his car forward, the two soldiers trained their guns” (towards the inmates). “Is it the national army or an individual’s army,” the opposition leader asked and stressed the troops had no business to assume police job. “If they stop me tomorrow, I will not stop.” REFERENCE: National Assembly in shock Two soldiers `train` guns at minister By Raja Asghar http://public.dawn.com/2010/11/09/national-assembly-in-shock-two-soldiers-train-guns-at-minister.html

Rigging Pakistan's Election: Justice Delayed is Justice Denied - Part 6

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FXbLFMIclc

“It was for this reason that I have never tried to preach others what I did not practice. But I am of the view that the ISI’s political cell should be closed for good by revoking executive orders issued in 1975,” he said. Responding to a question regarding corruption cases that were used as pressure tactics on lawmakers, he said: “Yes! This tool was used, not only by the ISI. The NAB was also involved in this exercise.” Former corps commander of Rawalpindi, Lt-Gen (retd) Jamshed Gulzar Kiyani said majority of corps commanders had continued opposing Musharraf’s alliance with top leadership of the PML-Q. “Not just in one meeting, we opposed his alignment with these corrupt politicians in many meetings but who cared. Now Musharraf has been disgraced everywhere, thanks to his political cronies.” REFERENCE: The man, who rigged 2002 polls, spills the beans By Umar Cheema Sunday, February 24, 2008 http://www.thenews.com.pk/top_story_detail.asp?Id=13159

Rigging Pakistan's Election: Justice Delayed is Justice Denied - Part 7

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N4-El4hD1c

Rigging Pakistan's Election: Justice Delayed is Justice Denied - Part 8

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbl5ekS0yXs

Rigging Pakistan's Election: Justice Delayed is Justice Denied - Part 9

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2_ybR3C9vE

The army would enjoy the nation’s respect only if it complied with its constitutional duty of defending the borders, Chaudhry Nisar said, drawing cheers from his PML-N colleagues as well many PPP members. Minister Naveed Qamar said it was a “serious matter” to stop the car of a minister with the national flag or of any elected member of the house and added: “The government takes it seriously. We will take up the matter with appropriate authorities.” REFERENCE: National Assembly in shock Two soldiers `train` guns at minister By Raja Asghar http://public.dawn.com/2010/11/09/national-assembly-in-shock-two-soldiers-train-guns-at-minister.html

1 comment:

  1. Mughal
    we are just seeing Tom and Jerry cartoons in our political setup.Sharif is doing same what Musharraf was doing when he was in power.Just doing propaganda against sharif who had once full authority of punishing him what he is now claiming.So now what sharif are claiming can be prosecuted but they restricted themselves just for verbal attacks.
    So how long these episodes of tom and jerry would be part of our fate as it is taking us decelerating us from our real goals as nation.
    Ch nisar is big liar who is now raising objections on COAS road security.This scene of gunned security is since the time of Musharraf The security men on duty are briefed by higher authority to shoot any kind of civilian trying to come near to them or convoys of military heads and US officials too.When both are on roads of twin cities whole traffic is blocked in the range of 3 to 4 miles.At this time even traffic police is not allowed to take control of roads and MP and special commando force is on the traffic control.
