Thursday, December 16, 2010

Shaheen Sehbai, Dr. Maleeha Lodhi & Fugitive Brother Amir Lodhi.

KARACHI: The Jang Group and Geo Network are proud to announce that Dr Maleeha Lodhi has rejoined the organization as Special Adviser International Affairs. Dr Lodhi will lead efforts to establish new platforms for global discourse and enhance the Group’s global engagement and international profile. Dr Maleeha Lodhi brings extensive experience in diplomacy, media and teaching to this role. She is the Founding Editor of The News and she held the position for many years. Her diplomatic experience spans 11 years representing Pakistan twice as Ambassador to the US and more recently as High Commissioner to the UK. She also served as a member of the UN Secretary General’s Advisory Board on Disarmament for six years. She was a Fellow at Harvard University’s Kennedy School in 2008 and until earlier this year a Public Policy Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington. Dr Lodhi is a recipient of the Hilal-e-Imtiaz for Public Service, having also received several international honours for her diplomatic and academic work. She has just completed an edited book, Pakistan: Beyond the ‘Crisis State’ due to be published jointly by Hurst (London), Columbia University Press and OUP (Pakistan). Officials of Jang Group and Geo are extremely proud and excited to have Dr Lodhi as part of the senior editorial team. REFERENCE: Dr Maleeha Lodhi joins Jang Group, Geo Thursday, December 16, 2010 Thursday, December 16, 2010, Muharram 09, 1432 A.H

Maleeha Lodhi with "Kamran Khan" - Part 1

Maleeha Lodhi with "Kamran Khan" - Part 2


Mr Shaheen Sehbai, the Group Editor, The News International (Jang Group of Newspapers) had written in the year 2000 that, "Every one in the present morally, intellectually and financially depleted Pakistan --the print media and its well-entrenched "gurus" among the foremost --- is shouting from the roof top for accountability of every one else.Yet no one has seriously demanded, nor does any one appear to be contemplating, any accountability of the media itself. The peers, naturally those who come out unscathed and "clean", should sit down to formulate lists of those who have been publicly demonstrating a lack of intellectual, moral and professional integrity. Big names like Minhaj Barna, Mushahid Hussain, Maleeha Lodhi, Wajid Shamsul Hassan, Nazir Naji, Ataul Haq Qasmi, Ayaz Amir, Hussain Haqqani, Irshad Ahmed Haqqani, Najam Sethi, Nasim Zehra, Jamiluddin Aali and many others who sought or accepted political, diplomatic or government jobs, or joined political parties as activists, should be asked to explain why they did not quit journalism to do so and why they continued to use the profession to get, keep or regain lucrative jobs or positions of power. How do they retain, or claim to retain, their objectivity and credibility, once they have demonstrated their political ambitions. In the least they should have apologised to the profession".REFERENCE: Who will Bell the Bad, Fat Cats? by Shaheen Sehbai January 5, 2000 Shaheen Sehabi on the Accountability of Media/Press.


Issue No 66, Nov 9-15, 2003 | ISSN:1684-2057 |

Musharraf Fires US Spy Agency for Pushing Amir Lodhi's Arrest

Maleeha's Fugitive Brother Allowed to Sneak Away from Embassy in Washington

Special SAT Report

ISLAMABAD: A major scandal about the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) of General Musharraf's military government came to light last week when a private US spying company disclosed that wanted fugitive Amir Lodhi, brother of the Pakistan High Commissioner to UK Maleeha Lodhi, had been tracked down several times but allowed to sneak out by the Government, once from the Pakistan Embassy in Washington.

According to Pakistan's influential Daily 'Dawn', Amir Lodhi, an arms dealer, was wanted by the Government of Pakistan in the French submarines case in which a former Pakistan Navy Chief, Admiral Mansurul Haq had been nabbed by the same spy agency and made to pay $7.5 million to the Pakistan Government.

Dawn reported, quoting unnamed sources, that the US company, Broadsheet, a private spy tracking agency hired by NAB, had protested as it had tracked Amir Lodhi, the brother of Maleeha Lodhi, a number of times, but the NAB was not ready to get him extradited.

"In one instance, officials quoted company sources as saying, he was allowed to sneak away from Pakistan's Embassy in Washington," Dawn said.

It reported: "Pakistan recently terminated the contract of US assets recovery company, Broadsheet, as the company had raised objection on NAB's "selective approach."

The paper said Pakistan had exposed itself to costly international arbitration in Ireland by terminating the contract of Broadsheet because of political favoritism.

Dawn quoted officials saying the US company was frustrated at the approach of the National Accountability Bureau, as it was governed by what it termed political expediency.

The NAB had entered into an agreement with Broadsheet, a specialist in asset recovery, for regaining the plundered national wealth stashed in foreign banks by public office holders.

The bureau had agreed to pay 20 per cent of the amount recovered with the help of the company. Under the contract, the government was required to hand over a list of its "targets" to the company.

The sources said US company was not happy how its good work for nabbing the wanted men like, Amir Lodhi, and Abdullah Shah, was squandered by NAB for political expediency.

Similarly, Dawn said, NAB showed no interest in the arrest of Abdullah Shah, former chief minister of Sindh, when the company had tracked him down as well. Sources said the company, which was getting paid only on the recovery of the stolen wealth, wanted to lay hands on at least eight Pakistani bureaucrats, and politicians hiding in foreign lands, but the NAB advised the company to "hold on."

The NAB is reportedly negotiating a similar agreement with a British law firm for the same purposes. So far, the best catch in the NAB's history, former naval chief Mansurul Haq, was made possible with the help of the US company, and for that the company was paid 20 per cent of the recovered $7.5 million.

The company, which was provided a list of 250 "targets" of politicians, and bureaucrats, was also miffed at the government's deals with some of its potential targets. One of its target, Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao, became a minister with the change of government.

The unilateral termination of the contract, sources said, in all probabilities would be raised before the arbitrators sitting in Ireland as per the agreement. Pakistan has been losing millions of dollars to foreign companies because of inept decisions. Its disputes with Saba Shipyard, Bayinder of Turkey, Impregilo of Italy, and SGS of Switzerland is costing Pakistan millions of dollars on litigation with these companies in foreign jurisdictions, Dawn reported. URL:


Please keep one thing in mind while going through the article below that Mr Shaheen Sehbai had complained about the Falling Standards of The News International in 2002 [the standards fell when Mr Shaheen Sehbai resigned during Musharraf's Tenure in 2002] now standard of The News International is again risen since Mr Shaheen Sehbai has agin joined and now it can be compared with The New Yorker/ The Washington Post and The New York Times. Mr Shaheen's Magazine's story above on Dr. Maleeha Lodhi, raised finger onher integrity.

Dr. Maleeha Lodhi [1990-93: Editor, The News, Islamabad/1997-99: Editor, The News, and often contribute as a columnist for The News International and that too when Mr Shaheen Sehbai is Group Editor of The News International]

Opinion Archive The News International Pakistan

Testing times for Pakistan-US relations 10-November-2009

South Waziristan: risks and opportunity 3-November-2009

The shadow of the past 27-October-2009

Terms of friendship 20-October-2009

The Afghan quagmire 13-October-2009

The Afghan fallout 6-October-2009

Obama's test in Afghanistan 29-September-2009

Redefining moment for PML-N? 15-September-2009

Evaluating the Swat test 8-September-2009

Criticism, conspiracy and public cynicism 1-September-2009

One step forward, two steps backwards 25-August-2009

The power of the past 18-August-2009

Parliament and the media 11-August-2009

Kashmir -- at a crossroads, again? 4-August-2009

The limits of power 28-July-2009

More talks about talks? 21-July-2009

Pakistan's leaderless moment 14-July-2009

The governance deficit 7-July-2009

Window of consent 30-June-2009

Terms of re-engagement 23-June-2009

Dilemmas of expanding the war 16-June-2009

Turning a new page? 9-June-2009

Winning the peace 2-June-2009

The Swat operation: peril and possibility 26-May-2009

Making parliament more effective 19-May-2009

The costs of delayed action 6-May-2009

The retreat of Jinnah's Pakistan 22-April-2009

Beyond the 'war on terror' 15-April-2009

The Obama strategy: risks and opportunity 4-April-2009

The challenge of governance 25-March-2009

Pause or turning point? 19-March-2009

State of despair 12-March-2009

The costs of confrontation 3-March-2009

Rule without governance 5-February-2009

Back to the future 29-January-2009

The crisis management test 17-January-2009

Review of 2008: between hope and despair 8-January-2009

Obama’s foreign policy challenges 17-November-2008

1 comment:

  1. Syed Talat Hussain was classmate of Dr. Maliha Lodhi at Quaid Azam University & apple of her eyes also :)
