Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Great Islamic Scholar Maulana Fazlur Rehman Curses Jang Group, GEO TV & Ansar Abbasi.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjJYm48y9YckVte1aXn4kAgmm-GNGcxKUmQ-QqdcjAerF4awdHhLCWidzsUqwybzj0cxMxspHtE_q9R5ZCDrsUR6JnvukG_5YBX8F162xPEYCnNAB391Va9ysKhUIe_FrDkKpnr9PaMsSk/s1600/JGT.jpgISLAMABAD: After WikiLeaks disclosures about Maulana Fazlur Rahman, not only the Taliban and Al-Qaeda leadership have decided to sever links with him but various religio-political parties have also hinted at staying away from him. “Maulana Fazlur Rahman, who has been an ally of the Pervez Musharraf regime and is also a partner in the present ruling coalition, had strong contacts with militant groups in Afghanistan as well as Pakistan but nobody did even imagine until now that he is constantly in touch with the Americans also,” said a former Taliban official, currently based in Peshawar, while talking to The News on Tuesday. Talking to The News via telephone, the former Taliban official said on condition of anonymity that although the Jamaat-e-Islami leadership had expressed its reservations several times about Maulana Fazlur Rahman, majority of the people believed it is because of political differences between the JUI-F and Jamaat-e-Islami. The time has, however, proven that the reservations and fears of the Jamaat-e-Islami about the JUI-F chief were absolutely genuine, he added.

Maulana Fazl ur Rahman Got Angry In Lekin

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Md-yEwMHKE&feature=related

MQM Attacks Maulana Fazlur Rehman

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqG_egdZ_Rg

“As the WikiLeaks have unmasked the truth, now Maulana Fazlur Rahman will have to be extremely careful because his acts and attitude fall in the category of betrayal,” commented the former Taliban official. A Taliban commander told The News from Afghanistan via telephone that the Taliban leaders, who have been in contact with Maulana Fazlur Rahman in the past, are extremely disappointed and angered.
http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/hs1245.snc4/157585_634311275_6092937_n.jpgHe said now all doors of the Taliban have been closed for the JUI-F chief as his real face has finally been exposed. “We may forgive him [Fazlur Rahman] for the sake of his father’s services for Islam but we have shut all doors for him,” he said. When contacted, former spokesman for Jamaat-e-Islami Ameerul Azeem, who has been attending meetings of the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA) of which the JUI-F was also a part, said now the time has come for the JUI-F chief to review his entire political life, particularly his manoeuvres to become part of every government. He said the role of the JUI-F chief in the Movement for Restoration of Democracy (MRD), when his politics was based on mere principles, is no secret. He recalled that even (late) Benazir Bhutto had once dumped (late) Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan but the Maulana had extended unflinching support to the Nawabzada. “Now the political moves of the JUI-F chief are completely different as of late he has been preferring gains to principles,” the former Jamaat-e-Islami spokesman said. “If Maulana Fazlur Rahman failed in returning to his old political path, he would remain all alone,” he remarked.

Ansar Abbasi [Jang Group] Exposes Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA)

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4hPJsAaqHI

Ameerul Azeem pointed out that currently there are many leaders in the JUI-F who strongly believe in the politics of principles and are extremely valued by different quarters. He said the Jamaat-e-Islami would definitely maintain its contacts with such leaders. The News contacted several religious figures that have been close to the Taliban leadership in the past and sought their comments on the latest situation, they were unanimous that Maulana Fazlur Rahman would pay a heavy price for what they called his deceit and betrayal. The JUI-F chief, who is facing scathing criticism from various religious circles following WikiLeaks disclosures about him, is likely to face very difficult situation in the near future because the religious parties are unanimous that he would not be included in any alliance of religio-political parties. "We have firmly decided that Maulana Fazlur Rahman or any leader of his party will not be included in the alliance of religious parties before the next general elections. Nor will we maintain any contact with the JUI-F or its leadership,” said a leader of another religious party, pleading anonymity. This correspondent made several attempts to contact the JUI-F chief for his comments but failed while any other leader of his party was also not ready to speak on the issue. REFERENCE: Fazlur Rehman getting isolated after WikiLeaks exposure By Mazhar Tufail Wednesday, December 08, 2010 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=2547&Cat=13

Ansar Abbasi [JANG GROUP] Exposes MMA & Maulana Fazlur Rehman (JUI-F ) Part 1

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fY_bzRnLWwk

ISLAMABAD: Jamiat-e-Ulema Islam (JUI-F) leader Maulana Fazlur Rehman, demonstrating visible apathy, has gone out of the domestic scene with his party’s contribution for flood victims almost to a lowest level. Maulana Fazlur Rehman is presently on a private trip to perform Umra, ignoring the catastrophe hit people at a time when his own constituency in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, were troubled hit with heavy flooding and still require a lot to survive. His decision to stay away could generate a controversy after several religious scholars gave a sort of Fatwa that fiscal help to humans, striving for life under existing circumstances in Pakistan, gets more importance than spending for Umra by the persons who have already performed Haj.

Ansar Abbasi [JANG GROUP] Exposes MMA & Maulana Fazlur Rehman (JUI-F ) Part 2

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKDkfGhkfRo&feature=related

The sources within JUI-F believe that nothing has so far been done in practical terms on the party platform except a meeting of Maulana Fazlur Rehman, along with his younger brother Attaur Rehman, with Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani, asking for provision of assistance to his hometown DI Khan. A JUI-F central leader defended Fazl’s position while contending that JUI-F workers and students from the JUI-F run religious seminaries are engaged in relief activities. However, his younger brother, Tourism Minister Maulana Attaur Rehman, was not available for a comment despite repeated attempts. Following in the footsteps of President Zardari, the Maulana followed his own track record of being out of the country on important events. They added that JUI-F has yet to give a clear opinion on setting up of a Commission proposed by Nawaz Sharif to monitor the funds being received from abroad and are being collected in the name of the flooding. “The flood intensity requires the Maulana to personally supervise the whole party work by activating workers and students from religious Madaris in the four provinces as well as Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir areas,” they said. 

Ansar Abbasi [JANG GROUP] Exposes MMA & Maulana Fazlur Rehman (JUI-F ) Part 3

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGoR-yZJUFg&feature=related

They updated that the JUI-F Amir, incumbent Chairman Kashmir Committee and a former Opposition leader, would remain in Saudi Arabia at least till August 23, 2010 after he flew for performing Umra five days back. “This is absolutely wrong that we are sitting silently, as our people not only in Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa but also in Sindh are active to help out the affected people,” the JUI-F Information Secretary Maulana Muhammad Amjad said when contacted. The JUI-F leader said that Maulana Fazlur Rehman is issuing necessary directives to the party on day-to-day basis from Saudi Arabia. “He is also in constant touch with the government authorities dealing with the flood situation,” he said. Asked as to why the JUI-F activities are invisible, he said that his party’s welfare wing Al-Khair Trust is providing all-out relief to the victims. “We are used to extend help to the people through this Trust,” he added. Instead of responding directly for Nawaz Sharif proposed Commission, the JUI-F member said that his party would support any initiative to set up a commission or any other body to monitor and step up the efforts for earliest return of normalcy in the affected areas. REFERENCE: Maulana Fazl again missing from disaster scene Friday, August 20, 2010 By Dilshad Azeem http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=25&Cat=13&dt=1/1/2011

Ansar Abbasi [JANG GROUP] Exposes MMA & Maulana Fazlur Rehman (JUI-F ) Part 4

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X67iYGVCKpg&feature=related

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjJYm48y9YckVte1aXn4kAgmm-GNGcxKUmQ-QqdcjAerF4awdHhLCWidzsUqwybzj0cxMxspHtE_q9R5ZCDrsUR6JnvukG_5YBX8F162xPEYCnNAB391Va9ysKhUIe_FrDkKpnr9PaMsSk/s1600/JGT.jpgISLAMABAD: Though Maulana Fazlur Rehman has publicly stormed out of the ruling coalition, given his track record of vacillation, there are doubts that the JUI chief will not stick to his decision. Obviously, Fazlur Rehman’s judgment that in ferocity matched the speedy kicking out of Azam Swati by Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani, has made the Presidency fearful about the collapse of the government. However, while Fazlur Rehman has also taken out his remaining two federal ministers — his younger brother Maulana Ataur Rehman and Rehmatullah Kakar — from the federal coalition, he has made no such decision as far as the Balochistan government under the PPP’s chief minister is concerned.

Ansar Abbasi [JANG GROUP] Exposes MMA & Maulana Fazlur Rehman (JUI-F ) Part 5

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmiuS6xRUGQ&feature=related

And he has no plan to call back Maulana Sherani from the office of the Chairman of the Council of Islamic Ideology and has himself not quit as the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Kashmir. For a fragile government like the present one, seven votes of Fazlur Rehman’s Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI) in the National Assembly and 13 senators mean a lot. And if the Mutahidda Qaumi Movement (MQM), which was exasperated because of Sindh Home Minister Dr Zulfikar Mirza’s plain but blunt talk of Monday, also moves away from the ruling coalition, the government is bound to plunge into a deep ditch from where it would be quite difficult for it to recover.

Maulana Fazlur Rehman & JUI (F) are Exposed in Details by Najam Sethi.

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKmYPZNEtxg

While not only the president and prime minister but also their emissaries are planning to change Fazlur Rehman’s mind and reduce anger, those keenly watching the JUI chief’s queer politics have no doubt that the Maulana has the gall and potential to come back smilingly and justify it too on the force of his own peculiar logic and argument. Zardari’s top confidant and pointman Dr Qayyum Soomro rushed without loss of a moment to his residence after the ominous announcement. There is a strong possibility that Fazlur Rehman would bury the hatchet by the time this piece appears in print. The Maulana possesses unique guts, nerve and grit to face and respond to taunts of his religious minded critics for standing with the government just because he did not want to say adieu to the massive official perks and privileges and other trappings and considerations. His was the only party that with just 20 MPs has clinched three federal ministries apart from the chairmanships of the CCI and Kashmir Committee, which also carry perks and privileges available to a federal minister.

Fazlur Rehman’s classic pragmatic and opportunistic politics were in full swing when the Mutahidda Majlis-e-Amal (MMA) used to exist and ruled for five years with Pervez Musharraf in the driving seat. His principal partner, Qazi Hussain Ahmed, kept crying at the top of his voice for years, mocking the Maulana for remaining in the government, but Fazlur Rehman would not listen to him and avoided creating even a minor problem for the dictator. Gilani’s decision, sacking Swati and Hamid Saeed Kazmi, was otherwise impressive because the open clash between the two had made a mockery of the cohesion and harmony in the cabinet. Swati and Kazmi chose to fight despite the fact that the prime minister had given a shut up call to both a few weeks ago and before Haj corruption scandal had come to the Supreme Court but they showed restraint only for a while. Only on Monday, Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, while hearing the Haj arrangements corruption scandal case, wondered that the religious affairs minister and secretary were continuing in their offices. The prime minister’s decision was also a message to the chief justice that however boomeranged.

Nevertheless, where Gilani, who heads the ruling coalition, erred in the sense was that he underrated the likely reaction of Fazlur Rehman to Swati’s dismissal. Or maybe, he knew that he and his boss, Zardari, have a lot to offer to the Maulana to take care of his angry response. This was not the first time that Swati behaved somewhat irresponsibly. In the past, he created embarrassment for the government a number of times. Frequent walkouts from the federal cabinet meetings by JUI ministers on different issues have been a regular feature of the JUI politics. It was not a number of striking academic degrees of doctorate, masters and bachelor of Pakistani and American institutions of Swati but the fact that he was the one and the only declared billionaire MP, which had fascinated Fazlur Rehman to make him a federal minister.

Swati has done masters in economics and political science, masters of law (LL.M) in International Law from University of Houston, Texas, LL.B (Bachelor of Law), and doctorate in jurisprudence from South Texas College of Law, Texas. Swati has been Attorney-at-Law (State of Texas) apart from his achievements like several medals during school, college universities and a gold medal from the Sindh Muslim Law College, Karachi. But all these impressive attributes hardly charmed Fazlur Rehman to sponsor Swati, who has never been an ideologically committed JUI man and instead had been bitterly attacking the religious lobby as District Nazim of Mansehra before associating himself with the JUI. The total worth of Swati and his spouse was estimated around Rs1.6 billion, according to the Election Commission of Pakistan. He once said: “I do not have any income and business in Pakistan. All remittances have come from American banks to Pakistani banks.” REFERENCE: Will Maulana JUI stick to his decision? By Tariq Butt Wednesday, December 15, 2010 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=2672&Cat=13

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjJYm48y9YckVte1aXn4kAgmm-GNGcxKUmQ-QqdcjAerF4awdHhLCWidzsUqwybzj0cxMxspHtE_q9R5ZCDrsUR6JnvukG_5YBX8F162xPEYCnNAB391Va9ysKhUIe_FrDkKpnr9PaMsSk/s1600/JGT.jpgISLAMABAD: The government believes that senior JUI leader Maulana Mohammad Khan Sherani, who has just been appointed as the Chairman of the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII), is its trump card in order to bring Maulana Fazlur Rehman back in the ruling coalition or at least not to oppose the government too aggressively. Sherani, who heads the Balochistan Shura of the JUI, is a powerful voice within its decision making process and none in the party can prevail upon him. “We know that a man, who waited for more than two years to finally clinch the CII stewardship as committed by the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) with the JUI, would not let the relationship of his party go to an extent where there is an open war between the two and he has to leave his present office,” sources having access to the Presidency and the Prime Minister’s House say. They say a man, who rejected the notification of his appointment merely on the ground that the specific period of three years for his stay as the CII chairman was not mentioned in it and got the official order revised as per his demand, would be the last person to obey any call from the JUI to quit his position. According to these sources, Sherani wants to fully avail his present official position and would staunchly resist any move in his own party leading to his exit. This will go to the advantage of the government, they said. Knowing Sherani’s angry reaction, these sources said, Fazlur Rehman, while quitting the coalition obviously with a heavy heart, made it clear that the CII chairmanship was a constitutional office not that of the government and, therefore, Sherani will continue. But in reality, he knew that his party would split if he announced that the JUI had also recalled Maulana Sherani. It is clear to him that the government, which has nominated Sherani as the CII chief, can revoke his appointment by just cancelling the notification.

Additionally, sources said, while departing from the government, Fazlur Rehman also did not declare that the JUI was simultaneously quitting the Balochistan coalition because he fully realised that his provincial party was under Sherani’s control and would not accept any such decision. All of 10 JUI MPAs in the Balochistan Assembly are either ministers or advisers to the chief minister and will firmly oppose any move resulting in their ouster from power. Apart from Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri and highly marginalised and rebellious Hafiz Hussain Ahmed, Sherani was the solitary top JUI leader who until his appointment as the CII chairman had no official position having perks and privileges of a federal minister despite the fact that Fazlur Rehman, his brother, and every MNA had got something substantial in the government. He was waiting for the CII chairmanship since the JUI entered into a coalition with the PPP over two years ago. Sources said the government thinks that it would press into service the good offices of Sherani to shave off the anger of Fazlur Rehman and ultimately succeed in bringing the JUI into the coalition’s fold. REFERENCE: Is Sherani the weak link in Maulana JUI’s strategy? Sunday, December 19, 2010 By Tariq Butt http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=2749&Cat=13

Tailpiece is Exclusively for Mr. Ansar Abbasi & Syed Munawar Hassan, Ameer of Jamat-e-Islami

Saturday, December 18, 2010, Muharram 11, 1432 A.H

LAHORE, Dec. 30: Referring to Maulana Fazlur Rehman’s pulling out of the government, he said for the last three years, the Maulana had been a part of a pro-US government that had been shedding the blood of the tribal people. Therefore, he was equally responsible for the bloodshed of the tribal people and all other ills of the rulers.             JI chief from Tribal areas, Sahibzada Haroonur Rashid, addressing the Jirga, said that the tribal people had been the sword arm of Pakistan, they had always sacrificed their lives for the security of Pakistan but they had never accepted US slavery.  JI deputy chief, Sirajul Haq, and provincial secretary Shabbir Ahmed khan, and notable tribal elders speaking on the occasion, thanked the JI for voicing their demands. Those addressing the Jirga included Sardar Khan from Bajaur, Zarnau Aafridi, Hakim Syed Haleemzai, Mehmand, Malik uhammd Yar Khan Salarzai, and others. http://www.smunawar.com/2010/12/military-operation-in-north-waziristan.html



Just a few days back the same "Sanctimonious Ansar Abbasi" and Jang Group had to say this on Maulana Fazlur Rehman through WikiLeaks which was used by Ansar Abbasi shamelessly.

ISLAMABAD: Against his public perception of being an anti-American, Maulana Fazlur Rehman is reflected in a cable released by WikiLeaks as a frequent and cooperative American interlocutor, who professes his support for cooperation with the United States. The JUI-F leader has been described in the secret US cable as “more politician than mulla”, and “a frequent and cooperative interlocutor” with the post (US Embassy Islamabad). The Maulana is also shown as professing his “support for cooperation with the United States.” US embassy’s CDA Peter Bodde wrote in his April 3, 2008 cable, released by WikiLeaks, that Rehman, more politician than mulla, has been a prominent and legitimate figure in Pakistani politics since the 1980s. He “has publicly denounced terrorist attacks, but prefers to use negotiations rather than military force against militants. Although he is known to have contacts with Taliban and their sympathisers, he has negotiated with religious militants on the government’s behalf, garnering him criticism from the more hard-line religious sectors.”

The primary purpose of the message was to request the FBI to recall information about Fazlur Rehman, which indicated that an individual “Fasilur Rehman” believed to be associated with Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) is behind the March 2008 bombing in Islamabad. The cable said that the information suggests that Fasilur Rehman refers to political party leader Fazlur Rehman of the JUI-F. The embassy “requests that FBI recall this information from all hardcopy and database records due to discrepancies and errors in the report.” It noted that prominent Pakistan politician Fazlur Rehman is not associated with the JI, but instead leads his own political party, the JUI-F. From 2002-2007, the two parties allied with other religious parties in the coalition Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA). However, the JUI-F and JI retained separate leadership structures as well as separate political objectives and methods, it said.

The cable said that Fazlur Rehman’s JUI-F is a conservative Deobandi religious party that has recently joined the new Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) led government. The JI is a religious party that appeals to a narrow sector of the educated, conservative urban middle class. JI, which has a vibrant student wing, began as a movement for social change based on Sharia. “The JI party policy does not support violence as a means to achieve their political agenda, however, the party quietly has supported Jihad in Afghanistan and Kashmir by providing recruits from their student corps. The party does not support violence perpetuated within Pakistan, such as the recent attack on the restaurant in Islamabad. In addition, Fasilur Rehman and Fazlur Rehman are extremely common Pakistani names, making it impossible to accurately identify the individual with the prominent JUI-F politician.” In an earlier cable, the WikiLeaks showed the Maulana approaching the then US Ambassador Anne Patterson to become the Prime Minister. It was revealed that the leader of the country’s most fiercely pro-Taliban religious party, hosted a jovial dinner for Patterson at which the Maulana sought her backing to become prime minister and expressed a desire to visit America. Maulana-like Maulana’s lieutenant Abdul Ghafoor Haideri acknowledged that “All important parties in Pakistan had to get the approval of the US (to get power).” Fazl keeps regular contact with US embassy, says cable By Ansar Abbasi Tuesday, December 07, 2010http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=2507&Cat=13

Tuesday, December 07, 2010, Zilhajj 30, 1431 A.H

Syed Munawar Hassan has asked for MQM and Altaf Hussain's help for "Blasphemy Law" 

MQM Exposes Jamat-e-Islami - Part 1

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5a16DQ-Qzc

MQM Joins Jamat-e-Islami - Part 1

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ut854AFpVE&feature=related

MQM says Syed Munawar Hasan (JI) was in Thunder Squad.

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s_aRchXVrM&feature=related

MQM is not political party just a terrorist gang: Syed Munawar Hassan

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nOv82EZCMw&feature=related

Coordination among political parties need of hour: Sattar

Coordination among political parties need of hour: Sattar
MQM leader Farooq Sattar said that coordination among political parties was need of the hour. Talking to media after meeting with JUI-F leader Munawwar Hassan, Sattar said that the country was passing through a difficult phase. He said that their party will continue to have contacts with other parties for the sovereignty of Pakistan. He said that time has come to work for the betterment of the country. He said that both JUI and MQM were against the feudalism in the country. JUI leader Liaquat Baloch said that it was vital to empower people for strengthening democracy in the country. He said that JUI and MQM had same stance over RGST. REFERENCE: Last Updated: 21 December,2010 09:55PM http://dunyanews.tv/index.php?key=Q2F0SUQ9MiNOaWQ9MTg0NDU=

Tuesday, December 21, 2010, Muharram 14, 1432 A.H

ISLAMABAD: As the JUI(F) has started facing arm-twisting by the NAB, it has several strong cards to play and is in a perfect position to hit back by declaring Article 248 of the Constitution, which provides immunity to President Zardari, as against Islam through the Council of Islamic Ideology. At the time of his appointment as chairman of the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) and as being a coalition partner, Maulana Muhammad Sheerani was not inclined to take up the question of the standing of Article 248 in the light of Islamic teachings. But now after the exit of his party from the coalition and following NAB’s decision to activate cases against the JUI leadership, the JUI(F) has got this trump card to pay back to the government in the same coin. The day he was appointed the CII chief, Maulana Sheerani told this correspondent said that the CII would rule on Article 248 of the Constitution if the case was referred to the Council by the government or parliament. He, however, at that time was reluctant to takeup the matter for consideration before the CII on its own. Article 248 pertains to the constitutional immunity of the president, prime minister, governors, chief ministers, federal and provincial ministers and others. At present, it is most pertinent for President Asif Ali Zardari, who after the quashment of the NRO by the Supreme Court in December last, faces several cases of corruption both at home and abroad but is not ready to appear before any court in view of the constitutional immunity that he enjoys under Article 248. The Council of Islamic Ideology is empowered under the Constitution to make recommendations to parliament and the provincial assemblies as to the ways and means of enabling and encouraging the Muslims of Pakistan to order their lives individually and collectively in all respects in accordance with the principles and concepts of Islam as enunciated in the Holy Quran and Sunnah. It is also empowered to make recommendations as to the measures for bringing the existing laws in conformity with the injunctions of Islam and the stages by which such measures should be brought into effect.
In the light of Islamic jurisprudence, there is no scope in the religion for the kind of immunity as is enjoyed by the president and other key public office holders in the 1973 Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. In its order in the NRO case, the Supreme Court had also referred to the Islamic teachings and ruled that all are equal before the law. Following the departure of the JUI(F), the NAB formally announced the initiation of inquiry against JUI(F)’s former minister Rehmatullah Kakar in a case of purchase of 3,000 kanals of land in the suburbs of the capital for a government housing scheme. In a strange coincidence, the NAB KP chapter also recently approached the Bureau’s headquarters in Islamabad to write to the General Headquarters (GHQ) in order to get cancelled the 1,200 kanals of military land allotted to the front-men of top JUI leaders in 2004 by the then dictator General Musharraf. REFERENCE: CII under JUI’s Sheerani can hit Zardari’s immunity By Ansar Abbasi Saturday, December 25, 2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010, Muharram 18, 1432 A.H


DI Khan lands still illegally held, more grabbed By Ansar AbbasiWednesday, January 19, 2011
http://www.pakistanileaders.com.pk/mainPhotos/Ansar-Abbasi_220.jpgISLAMABAD: The late 2008 ANP government operation, to repossess 6,049 kanals of agriculture department land in Dera Ismail Khan, illegally grabbed by men closely associated with Maulana Fazlur Rehman, was an eyewash as sources have revealed that the land continues to be in the possession of the same persons who in fact have grabbed another 500-600 kanals. It was claimed on the television screens by the provincial agriculture and revenue department officials in November 2008 that the land leased out to the JUI-F men during MMA’s regime, which was later cancelled, had been retrieved. Credible sources in the provincial government, however, said that it was all an eye-wash as within days and weeks of what was shown to the whole world in November 2008, the same state-land was given back to the men of the Maulana. These sources said the authorities in DI Khan had confirmed that not only 6,049 kanals of land continues to be in the possession of the same people but an additional 500-600 kanals of agriculture department land has been encroached by the same occupants.

Officials of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa agriculture department, police and revenue department DI Khan had jointly launched a crackdown in November 2008 to get back the possession of the said land, which was leased out to several people associated with Fazlur Rehman, in 2006 but cancelled the following year. Those in whose names the lease was signed for a period of ten years for just Rs200 per kanal per year include personal staff of Fazlur Rehman and his brother Maulana Lutfur Rehman, their relatives and party men and cousin of former Chief Minister Akram Durrani. However, despite the cancellation order, the land, which was used by the agriculture department for their seeds farm, was never returned to the provincial government as the Maulana’s men got a stay order from a civil court and continued with its possession. The stay order was vacated on October 28, 2008 following which the officials of agriculture, police and revenue departments launched the operation to get back the possession of the land. In the said operation, the land was successfully retrieved but after the issue got off the media’s focus, it was conveniently given back to the possession of the same people, who later got a favourable stay order from a lower court.

It was reported that in violation of the lease policy, approved by the Frontier government in December 2001, a total of 6,049 kanals of land mostly consisting of land in possession of agriculture department and used for seed farms in four different Mouzas — Ratta Kulachi, Rakh Zandani, Khutti and Rakh Mahra Prova — was given on lease to 11 men in mid 2006 on Rs200 per kanal per year. Those given the said land on lease included Sharifullah, son of Rehmatullah, who was PA to Lutfur Rehman and was also allotted 200 kanals of military land; Haji Obaidullah, son of Haji Rehmatullah, reportedly brother of Sharifullah; Muhammad Altaf, son of Obaidullah, reportedly nephew of Sharifullah; Muhammad Ashraf, son of Shahzad Khan, PA to Lutfur Rehman; Adam Khan, cousin of former chief minister Akram Durrani and son of Shahzada Khan, who was also allotted 200 kanals of military land under possession of Durrani; Haq Nawaz, a JUI-F supporter and father of reader tehsildar Dera; Alamgir, son of Raza Khan, a JUI-F activist; Haji Mian Khan, son of Haji Sultan Muhammad, reportedly from Loralai, Balochistan and also associated with the Maulana; Haji Shahzai, son of Haji Sultan Muhammad and brother of Haji Mian Khan; and Samiullah, son of Haji Fazal Dad.

When the leasing of the land was under process there was a considerable opposition from within the bureaucracy but nothing stopped the land from being leased out to the favourites on throwaway prices. A deputy secretary of the Board of Revenue also wrote a letter to district officer revenue DI Khan directing him not to transfer the area and possession but these instructions were ignored. Because of bureaucracy’s continued opposition to this controversial leasing out of the land including to non-locals in violation of the lease policy and on throwaway prices, provincial secretary Board of Revenue had issued a cancellation order of the lease. The operative part of the letter read as, “I am directed to inform that lease of land to the following persons vide communication noted against each are hereby cancelled on the recommendation of the committee on the ground that the land in question was utilised by the Agriculture Department for their seed farms which is still required by them for the said purpose.” The said cancellation order was issued on July 4, 2007 when the JUI-F government was in power in the Frontier province. However, despite the said order the land remained in the possession of the controversial lessees, who got a stay from the civil court against the cancellation order, which was finally vacated on OCT 28, 2008. The reported case of 1,200 kanals of military land, said to be in possession of Fazlur Rehman and Akram Khan Durrani, is different as this land belonged to the Pakistan Army and formally transferred to six men, closely associated with these top JUI-F leaders.

PESHAWAR: The chief of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F), Maulana Fazlur Rehman, on Sunday said his party could rejoin the government if its conditions were accepted. Addressing a party workers convention here at the Shahi Bagh, the JUI-F chief, who is also the chairman of the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Kashmir Affairs, said he had honoured all the commitments made with the ruling PPP, which did not reciprocate accordingly.“We did not part ways with the government over a ministry. In fact, the government breached our trust by taking one-sided steps on some important issues,” he said. The Maulana said the government was levying the Reformed General Sales Tax (RGST) on the dictates of the United States. He said his party would oppose the rulers’ bid to implement the US agenda in Pakistan. Fazlur Rehman said the country’s defence and economy were in the hands of the IMF while the rulers wanted to turn Pakistan into a US colony. “The US wants to withdraw from Afghanistan but not from the region where Pakistan is an important country,” he added. The JUI-F chief said though the military operations were being declared successful, the soldiers were yet to be withdrawn from the so-called cleared areas. He said the US did not want to resolve the Kashmir issue but was interested in the war on the western border of the country.
The Maulana also pledged to oppose any amendments to the blasphemy law or interference in the affairs of the religious institutions in the country. The workers convention was also addressed by Maulana Amanullah, Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, Maulana Attaur Rehman and other JUI-F leaders. The party leadership on the occasion announced to launch a political movement from Karachi on January 9. INP adds: Maulana Fazlur Rehman said the JUI-F had joined the government after assurances to change Musharraf’s policies. However, he said, these assurances were not met. He said the government should change its pro-US policies, and get rid of dictatorial attitude in its own ranks while dealing with its allies. Fazlur Rehman said he believes in continuing the struggle under the ambit of law and the Constitution as he had taken oath to remain loyal to the Constitution. The JUI-F chief said the use of force to curb terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was a violation of the resolution adopted by the joint sitting of parliament. He also criticised the role of Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer in the blasphemy law case, saying it was a sensitive issue and the JUI-F would not allow him to impose his agenda. REFERENCE: Fazl sets terms for rejoining govt By our correspondent Monday, December 27, 2010 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=2938&Cat=13
Monday, December 27, 2010, Muharram 20, 1432 A.H

LAHORE, Nov 2: The JUI-F leaders and activists are stunned at the land scam reported against their chief, Maulana Fazlur Rehman, as elders of other politico-religious parties are avoiding to directly comment on it. The opposition leader in the previous National Assembly, Maulana Fazl allegedly got allotted hundreds of kanals of army land in Dera Ismail Khan, NWFP, to play the role of a friendly opposition. The land was reportedly transferred to the name of his personal assistant and brother Lutfur Rehman’s secretary in January 2005. Former president Pervez Musharraf had promised to take off his uniform by Dec 31, 2004 in return of the help by the six-party MMA, of which the Maulana was the secretary general, in indemnifying the army ruler’s action of staging a coup against the PML-N’s elected government in 1999. When contacted, former JUI-F secretary-general Hafiz Husain Ahmad instead of commenting on the scandal said he was seeing intensifying of a tussle between party’s Balochistan leaders -- Maulana Muhammad Khan Sherani and MNA Rehmatullah Kakar. Central vice-president Syed Amir Husain Gilani said: “Allah knows better about the veracity of the scandal”. Information Secretary Maulana Amjad Khan sees it as a malicious campaign to disrepute the JUI-F leader for presenting Taliban’s point of view in parliament about the ongoing war on terror. The naib amir of Jamaat-i-Islami, the second largest component of the MMA, Liaquat Baloch says his party is ignorant of the issue, though it has been part of the alliance’s five-year rule in the NWFP. He suggests that as the JUI-F still has representation in parliament and provincial assemblies, its MPs should bring the issue to their respective houses for a clarification and proving the allegation false. He also proposes a foolproof mechanism at the national level for investigating such scandals and bringing to fore the facts. According to him, the Awami National Party (ANP), which is currently ruling the NWFP, also owes the responsibility to probe the issue and ‘misappropriation’ of the province’s lands. ‘Defunct’ MMA’s vice-president Senator Sajid Mir terms the allegation unfortunate. “If the allegation is true then it is deplorable.” Asked if the allegation would be considered while establishing any alliance of the religious parties, he said the issue would be discussed when the stakeholders (of the proposed alliance) would sit together in the founding session. REFERENCE: Partymen stunned: ‘Fazl in land scam’ By Our Staff Reporter Monday, 03 Nov, 2008 http://news.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/the-newspaper/national/partymen+stunned+fazl+in+land+scam

ISLAMABAD: The MQM is keenly watching the situation arising out of the unexpected departure of the JUI-F from the coalition and if the decision is not reversed, the MQM would be encouraged to decide its future on similar lines. Senior MQM leader Dr Farooq Sattar said that the party’s Rabita Committee was meeting in Karachi on Wednesday evening to discuss the fast changing political situation. The JUI-F’s departure from the coalition, overall political situation and the attitude of the PPP towards the MQM, are the three main points to be discussed by the Rabita Committee. If the MQM follows the JUI-F’s footsteps, it would mean imminent collapse of the Gilani government. A PPP source claims that the government may opt to impose emergency if it loses the majority support.

However, this report has not been confirmed from any reliable source. In case Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani loses the majority’s support in the National Assembly, the PML-N would not save the regime from collapsing and instead it would support any new political initiative based on principles of promoting good governance, eradicating corruption and reviving the economy. The PML-Q has also indicated that it would let the Gilani regime fall.Most political players are, however, unsure if Maulana Fazlur Rehman would stick to his decision or not. Almost everyone, who has been approached regarding the JUI-F’s exit, wonders if Maulana could stay outside the government. Spokesmen of both the MQM and the PML-N are saying that they are closely watching the situation arising out of JUI-F’s shocker. Ahsan Iqbal is of the view that his party has no love lost for the Gilani regime, so the question for supporting the government from collapse does not arise. Iqbal said that the PML-N would not enter into any game of power politics but would support any political initiative based on principles of curbing corruption, promoting good governance and reviving the economy of the country in the best interest of democracy and the people. Mustafa Azizabadi, the London based MQM spokesman, said that the Muttahida was keenly watching the situation. He said his party would weigh different options. He sounded really bitter on what the PPP Sindh Home Minister Zulfikar Mirza had said about the MQM a day earlier in Karachi. The MQM, whose differences with the PPP, have never been settled despite their 32-month-old coalition, are finding it really difficult to survive as coalition after the MQM opposed the NRO in late 2009.
The MQM took on the government for alleged breach of riverbanks by the PPP ministers in Sindh to save their properties and Muttahida’s opposition to the RGST furthered the gap between the coalition partners. The power politics of Karachi always served like fueling the fire but Zulfikar Mirza’s Monday’s speech was too harsh to be easily swallowed by the MQM leadership. Dr Farooq Sattar said that the Rabita Committee of the party was meeting on Wednesday evening to discuss the situation and decide the future line of action. In these situations, the PPP may try to woo the PML-Q but Q’s spokesman Kamil Ali Agha told ‘The News’ that his party would never support the Gilani government if a vote of no confidence was brought against it. He, however, believed whatever was happening was a pre-planned conspiracy to demolish the whole democratic system. “I don’t think that the stage of vote of no confidence will ever come as the PPP will succeed to take down the system with it,” Agha said. REFERENCE: All eyes on Maulana Fazl, Altaf Hussain, Ch Shujaat Wednesday, December 15, 2010 By Ansar Abbasi  http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=2671&Cat=13

Wednesday, December 15, 2010, Muharram 08, 1432 A.H

Wednesday, January 19, 2011, Safar 14, 1432 A.H 

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