Sunday, February 6, 2011

Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (F), Kashmir, Kashmir Committee, MMA & PLOTS.

hafiz saeedCHIEF of banned Jamaat-ud-Dawa Hafiz Saeed Ahmad has warned India to leave the held-Kashmir or get ready to face jihad by the Mujahideen of all religious organisations. Addressing a large number of participants of a rally held on Kashmir Solidarity Day on The Mall on Saturday, Hafiz Saeed pledged to provide all-out moral, physical and financial support to Kashmiris in their legitimate right to self-determination being denied by India for the last 63 years by keeping Kashmir under unlawful and forcible occupation. It is worth mentioning here that political parties, including Pakistan Muslim League-N and the PPP badly failed to show their strength on Kashmir Solidarity Day as compared to Jamaat-ud-Dawa. Religious parties, including Jamaat-e-Islami and Jamiat-e-Ulema Islam, also joined the big solidarity show of Jamaat-ud-Dawa but none of the major political parties except Tehreek-e-Insaf participated in the rally. The members of the PML-N and the PPP set up only stalls in front of the Punjab Assembly but failed to show strength of people on Kashmir issue.

Ahl-e-Hadith Scholar Issues Fatwa Against Jihad in Kashmir religious leaders have condemned the policy of Punjab and federal governments on Kashmir issue and asked them to learn a lesson from Egypt, Sudan and Tunisia. Addressing the rally, Hafiz Saeed Ahmad said that the governments of Pakistan had been under international and Indian pressure on Kashmir issue for the last many decades. He said the decisions of Pakistani government were not public friendly which would result in uprising of Pakistanis like Egyptians, Tunisians and Sudanis. Hafiz Saeed Ahmad while drawing the attention of Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh in his fiery speech said that Pakistani people were united with Kashmiris in their freedom movement and the show of people on The Mall was the same as on Lal Chowk in Sri Nagar. The JD chief further claimed that India had tried its best to accuse him in Mumbai incident but it had badly failed to prove the accusations. He added that Indian government also tried hard to hide Samjhota Express conspiracy but even its secret agencies failed to do so.

Deobandi Azam Khan Swati Funded War on Terror. Saeed Ahmad warned Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh that America would not support India further as it, after facing defeat in Afghanistan and Egypt, had decided to call its troops back. Saeed said the 5th February of 2011 was very important for the occupied Kashmir as America and its allies had started facing historic defeats. It was also said that the cause of Kashmir was affected during the 10 years regime of Pervez Musharraf due to his new formula but now once again the circumstances were taking fast U-turn and America would be unable to save India as it had failed in the case of Husni Mubarak and Zain-ul-Abideen. “Leave Kashmir or face Ghazwa-e-Hind,” Hafiz Saeed warned India. Hafiz Saeed also rejected the misconception about Islam saying that Islam preaches peace and Jamaat-ud-Dawa’s mission was to bring about peace in the universe. He added that it was imperative for the Muslims to start jihad when enemies of Islam stood against it and Jamaat-ud-Dawa had the same principles. Hafiz Saeed said that he and his organisation was not against talks on Kashmir but as the history showed that India was doing politics of polarisation, now there was no way other than jihad. “The way of defence, progress and survival goes through Kashmir and jihad for Kashmir will not only result in the freedom of the held-Kashmir but also supremacy of Islam,” concluded Hafiz Saeed Ahmad. Addressing the rally, Maulana Hafiz Abdul Rehman Makki said that the government of Pakistan should establish a ministry for jihad-e-Kashmir in new federal cabinet for resolving the issue of Kashmir. He added that the UN was no more a neutral institution as it was working under the command of America. He said Pakistani government should once again take strong stance on the issue of Kashmir. He also said that Jamaat-ud-Dawa would provide one million trained people to the proposed ministry of jihad besides providing budget for it. The Jamaat-e-Islami secretary general on this occasion said that talks should not be initiated till India considered the held-Kashmir as disputed issue. Jamaat-e-Islami, Lahore sector, leader Ameer-ul-Azeem, Kashmiri leader Shabir Shah, Rana Nasrullah, JUI leader Hafiz Hussain Ahmad, Central Convener Jamaat-ud-Dawa Amir Hamza, Tehreek-e-Insaaf leader Malik Zaheer Abbas, Maulana Abdul Salam and Ghulam Muhammad Safi also addressed the rally. Earlier, the rally started from Nasir Bagh and reached in front of Punjab Assembly. A large number of men, women and children participated in it. Children were wearing Jihadi dress and carrying toy guns. The participants of the rally were carrying flags inscribed with Kalima and monogram of Jamaat-ud-Dawa. The Kashmiri leaders also resolved to continue their struggle for liberation of their motherland from the Indian occupation in order to reach their ultimate destination - Pakistan. It may be mentioned here that the Kashmir Solidarity Day is observed every year on February 5 in continuation of the first call given by the then Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in 1975. REFERENCE: JD chief, religious leaders back Kashmir movement By Arshad Dogar Sunday, February 06, 2011 LAHORE

Corrupt Deobandi Maulana Fazlur Rehman is Exposed (Wiki Leaks)

Sunday, February 06, 2011, Rabi-ul-Awwal 02, 1432 A.H

Maulana Fazlur Rehman Curses Jang Group, GEO TV & Ansar Abbasi

Army Chief Bribed JUI with Land

November 2, 2008 in Featured Articles
Ex-Army Chief, General Pervez Musharraf bribed JUI with hundreds of acres of state land, in return of friendly opposition. The price of hundreds of acres of land is considered to be in millions of rupees. Ansar Abbasi of The News reports that:

This was done all because JUI’s Maulana Fazlur Rehman had been allotted hundreds of acres of state land, mostly in the name of his relatives, staff and employees. Documents of these allotted lands, now in the possession of The News, reveal the blatant corruption of the JUI leaders, who use Islam to fool the people but never stop from compromising themselves and their principles for material and monetary gains.
The ousted dictator is now known to have secretly allotted 1,200 Kanals of military land in D I Khan to his opposition leader in the last National Assembly Maulana Fazlur Rehman and his chief minister in the NWFP Akram Khan Durrani in 2004. Though the military land was transferred in the names of those who are either closely related to these two JUI-F leaders or are their relatives, the Revenue Department in DI Khan confirmed that both these leaders had at least 600 Kanals each in their personal possession. (Link is Dead)

Maulana Fazlur Rehman & JUI (F) are Exposed in Details by Najam Sethi.


ISLAMABAD: The mystery behind General Pervez Musharraf’s success in convincing Maulana Fazlur Rehman of the JUI in 2004 not to oppose his uniform has been partially solved — the general had doled out hundreds of acres of military land worth millions of rupees to the near and dear ones of the Maulana. Documents of these land allotments obtained by The News explain why the Muttahida Majlis Amal (MMA) always remained a friendly opposition to General Pervez Musharraf, bailed him out at critical times and why its JUI-led provincial government was able to complete a five-year term in the NWFP. The scale of the buyout price of the JUI, which has now been confirmed, is massive in terms of state land and money paid to the JUI leaders and their relatives. It is not clear whether the Pakistan Army could actually cancel these allotments of its lands to relatives of a politician even if it wanted to.

Ansar Abbasi [JANG GROUP] Exposes MMA & Maulana Fazlur Rehman (JUI-F ) Part 1’s dubious promise of taking off his uniform by December 2004 was first quietly accepted by the MMA and then when he went back on his promise the JUI-led MMA never created any problem, except for low-level noises made off and on for public consumption. This was done all because JUI’s Maulana Fazlur Rehman had been allotted hundreds of acres of state land, mostly in the name of his relatives, staff and employees. Documents of these allotted lands, now in the possession of The News, reveal the blatant corruption of the JUI leaders, who use Islam to fool the people but never stop from compromising themselves and their principles for material and monetary gains. The ousted dictator is now known to have secretly allotted 1,200 Kanals of military land in D I Khan to his opposition leader in the last National Assembly Maulana Fazlur Rehman and his chief minister in the NWFP Akram Khan Durrani in 2004.

Ansar Abbasi [JANG GROUP] Exposes MMA & Maulana Fazlur Rehman (JUI-F ) Part 2 the military land was transferred in the names of those who are either closely related to these two JUI-F leaders or are their relatives, the Revenue Department in DI Khan confirmed that both these leaders had at least 600 Kanals each in their personal possession. A senior member Board of Revenue in the Frontier government was also allotted 400 Kanals of the same land for his role in this highly controversial allotment from the land earmarked for soldiers, who are given this land for their services and in line with the policy derived by the GHQ.  The allotment letters, relating to 1200 Kanals, were issued by the Army’s General Headquarters Adjutant General (Welfare and Rehabilitation Directorate), Rawalpindi under the signatures of Lt-Col Muhammad Zafar on behalf of the adjutant general and countersigned by Brigadier DWR-I Zafar Iqbal Shah on Oct 23rd 2004 — a little over two months prior to the deadline set for Musharraf’s stepping down as Army chief. Maulana Fazlur Rehman could not be reached for comments despite all efforts. However, his party spokesman categorically said that there was no truth in this and that it was a vilification campaign launched against the party and its leader.

Ansar Abbasi [JANG GROUP] Exposes MMA & Maulana Fazlur Rehman (JUI-F ) Part 3 spokesman said that the land was neither allotted in the name of the two leaders nor in the names of their close associates or relatives. Former JUI chief minister Akram Khan Durrani, however, admitted that some of his close associates/relatives were allotted lands but he said he had nothing to do with those. But the documents, available with The News, confirm that six men connected with Maulana Fazlur Rehman and Akram Durrani were allotted 200 Kanals each whereas a senior Revenue officer, serving in DI Khan, also acknowledged that the said land was actually in the possession of these two leaders. Maulana Fazlur Rehman’s main ally in the MMA at that time Qazi Hussain Ahmad of the Jamaat-e-Islami, when approached, said that he and his party did not have the hint of this wheeling and dealing. The documents show that whole of this land was allotted in Rakh Ghass, Tehsil and district Dera Imail Khan where the provincial government had allotted almost 136,000 Kanals of land to the Pakistan Army for its scheme under which the officers and JCOs and their families are allotted agriculture land of different sizes on the basis of their performance, seniority, sacrifice etc under a well determined formula. Adjutant General’s Branch, W&R Directorate, in its six separate letters dated Oct 23, 2004 and clearly tagged as “restricted”, allotted 200 Kanals of agriculture land in Rakh Ghass D I Khan to each of the following beneficiaries:

1. Abrar Ahmad Khan son of Muhammad Ismail Khan, street 41 Sector I-9/4 Jamia Masjid Farooq-e-Azam, Islamabad.

Generally known as Mufti Abrar, this allottee is the personal assistant of Maulana Fazlur Rehman. He has been allotted land in Khasra No 717, 716 and 715, the document shows;

2. Sharifullah son of Mr Rahmatullah, Mohallah Mehmood Khel, village Abdul Khel, district D I Khan. He is attached with the brother of the Maulana, Maulana Lutfur Rehman, and is considered as their family member. He has been allotted land in Khasra No 718, 719 and 720;

3. Muhammad Ramzan son of Mr Feroz Khan, Mohallah Mehmood Khel, village Abdul Khel district D I Khan. He is closely related to Sharifullah and is also close with the Maulanas. He was allotted land in Khasras No 715 and 714;

4. Ibrar Ali Shah son of Asghar Ali Shah, Mewa Khel, Fazal Haq Malwana, Bannu. He is cousin of Durrani, who admitted the same and asserted that his father is a retired soldier so the son got the land. He was allotted land in Khasra No 718, 719 and 720;

5. Muhammad Ashraf Ali Khan son of Muhammad Shahzad Khan, village Khutti, Tehsil and dist D I Khan. He is included in the personal staff of Maulana Fazlís brother Maulana Lutfur Rehman. He was allotted land in Khasra No 717, 716 and 715; and

6. Muhammad Shahzad Khan son of Alam Sher Khan, Hibak Sharzah Khan P/O Sikandar Khel Bannu. He is the uncle of Durrani as admitted by the former chief minister. Durrani said that his uncle was a retired soldier so was given land by the GHQ. Shahzad Khan was allotted land in Khasra No 715 and 714.

Following these allotment letters issued by the GHQ, the land was formally transferred by the concerned Revenue officer to the above mentioned on 26 January, 2005.

After the issuance of the allotment letters, the provincial government referred the case of Reayat Khan, the then senior member Board of Revenue, to the GHQ for the allotment of 400 Kanals of land in the same Moza for the officer, who had reportedly played an important role in getting 1200 Kanals transferred in favour of the men of JUI-Fís top leaders. Though Maulana Fazlur Rehman was not accessible, party spokesman Maulana Amjad told this correspondent that this was all disinformation and aimed at maligning the name of the Maulana. He said that neither the land was transferred to the two top JUI leaders nor to any of their front men. Maulana Amjad said that they did not believe in the politics of opportunism.

Ansar Abbasi [JANG GROUP] Exposes MMA & Maulana Fazlur Rehman (JUI-F ) Part 4 Durrani clarified that the land was actually allocated to the Pakistan Army before he took over as the chief minister of the province. He said that during his rule, he tried his level best to get the decision reversed but in vain. He denied that the land allotted in 2004 to his close men belonged to him. He argued that his uncle was allotted plot because he was a retired soldier whereas his other relative was gifted 200 Kanals because his father was in the Army. “I have nothing to do with all this,” he said. Durrani, when asked about Maulana, said that he would not respond on behalf of his party head. The former chief minister of the Frontier province suggested to this correspondent that the media should focus on what is going on in Islamabad. When asked if he was the beneficiary of the four Agro-plots that the CDA was recently pressurized to allot, he said that it was just media gossip. A senior district Revenue official, serving in the D I Khan, however, said that the land in question was in possession of the Maulana and Durrani. He said he did not know under what law the then Army chief had made this allotment because such a military land was only allotted to army officers and NCOs or to the families of the martyred. REFERENCE: Hundreds of acres of Army land given as bribe to JUI by Musharraf By Ansar Abbasi Sunday, November 02, 2008 Akram Durrani admits his people got it; JUI spokesman denies; Qazi Hussain shocked (Link is Dead)

ISLAMABAD: Maulana Fazlur Rehman and his close associates were allotted another 6,000 kanals of agricultural land in 2006 but when in 2007 the authority of the Musharraf regime was challenged, the allotment was cancelled. Now, the NWFP authorities will carry out a massive operation to get possession of the land on Friday. “A shock and awe operation is being launched on Friday morning by the provincial police, Revenue and Agriculture departments to regain the possession of 6,049 kanals of the Agriculture Department land in DI Khan from the men closely associated with Maulana Fazlur Rehman, who got this land on lease but never returned it despite the cancellation of the lease,” a senior official said on Thursday. The earlier reported case of 1,200 kanals of military land, said to be in possession of Maulana Fazlur Rehman and former chief minister Akram Khan Durrani, is different as this land belonged to the Army and was formally transferred to six men closely associated with these top JUI-F leaders. The joint operation on Friday will try to recover the land given on lease for a period of 10 years for just Rs 200 per kanal per year. The personal staff of Maulana Fazlur Rehman and his brother Maulana Lutfur Rehman, their relations and party men and cousins of former chief minister Akram Durrani, have kept this land in their possession despite the cancellation order after they obtained a stay order from a lower civil court.

Ansar Abbasi [JANG GROUP] Exposes MMA & Maulana Fazlur Rehman (JUI-F ) Part 5

The stay order was vacated on Oct 28, 2008 and now after a meeting between the officials of Agriculture, police and Revenue Departments, a decision has been taken to launch an operation on Friday to get back the possession of the land. Secrecy is being maintained to ensure that the other party does not get another stay order from the Sessions Court in DI Khan. District Agriculture Officer, DI Khan, Ahsanullah Khan Gandapur, when contacted, confirmed that the government agencies were on the move to get the precious land back from its illegal occupants. He said he wanted to get the possession soon after the vacation of the stay order but it was delayed because of some wavering by the Revenue officials of DI Khan. He hoped all would go well on Friday morning.

Documents reveal that in violation of the lease policy approved by the NWFP government in December 2001, a total of 6,049 kanals of land, mostly possessed by the Agriculture Department and used for seed farms in four different Mouzas, Ratta Kulachi, Rakh Zandani, Khutti and Rakh Mahra Prova, was given on lease to 11 men in mid-2006 on Rs 200 per kanal per year. Those given the said land on lease included Sharifullah, son of Rehmatullah, who is the PA to Lutfur Rehman and was also allotted 200 kanals of military land, Haji Obaidullah, son of Haji Rahmatullah, reportedly brother of Sharifullah, Muhammad Altaf, son of Obaidullah, reportedly a nephew of Sharifullah, Muhammad Ashraf, son of Shahzad Khan, PA to Lutfur Rehman, Adnan Khan, cousin of former chief minister Akram Durrani and son of Shahzada Khan, who had been allotted 200 kanals of military land under possession of Durrani, Haq Nawaz, a JUI-F supporter and father of reader Tehsildar Dera, Alamgir, son of Raza Khan, a JUI-F activist, Haji Mian Khan, son of Haji Sultan Muhammad, reportedly from Loralai, Balochistan, and also associated with Maulana, Haji Shahazai, son of Haji Sultan Muhammad and brother of Haji Mian Khan, and Samiullah, son of Haji Fazal Dad.

When the leasing was under process, there was considerable opposition from within the bureaucracy but nothing stopped the land from being leased out to favourites on throwaway prices. A deputy secretary of the Board of Revenue also wrote a letter to the district officer (Revenue), DI Khan, directing him not to transfer the area and possession but these instructions were ignored. Because of the bureaucracy’s continued opposition to this controversial leasing to some non-locals in violation of the lease policy and on throwaway prices, the secretary, Board of Revenue, NWFP, finally issued a cancellation order of the lease. operative part of the letter reads: “I am directed to inform that lease of the land to the following persons vide communication noted against each are hereby cancelled on the recommendation of the committee on the ground that the land in question was utilised by the Agriculture Department for their seed farms which is still required by them for the said purpose.” The said cancellation order was issued on July 4, 2007 when the JUI-F government was in power in the NWFP. However, despite the said order, the land remained in possession of the controversial lessees, who got a stay from a civil court against the cancellation order, which was finally vacated on Oct 28, 2008. While the issue was taken up in the provincial assembly, the NAB NWFP (chapter) also initiated a probe into the matter. However, it is not clear if the NAB would take this inquiry to its logical conclusion or would leave it halfway. REFERENCE: JUI men hold on to another big chunk of land By Ansar Abbasi Friday, November 07, 2008 Operation to recover property today (Link is Dead)


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