Friday, March 18, 2011

Imran Khan Quotes Wiki Leaks but General (R) Hamid Gul? The US Ambassador in Pakistan, Cameron Munter, is in contact with important political personalities in the federal capital but the US embassy is not making any comment on these contacts. Sources revealed on Sunday that Munter held a long meeting with the Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan. Imran Khan was not available for comments despite repeated attempts. The nature and details of the meeting between Imran Khan and the US ambassador could not be ascertained. REFERENCE: Munter contacting important politicians in capital By our correspondent Monday, March 14, 2011

Imran Khan in Capital Talk - Part - 3 (17 March 2011) The Chairman of Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI), Imran Khan, on Thursday claimed the PPP, PML-N and the United States had fixed the ‘match of Raymond Davis release’, leaving the nation in total shock and disbelief. Speaking to media persons here at the party’s central secretariat, Imran condemned the deal and questioned as to why at this juncture the leadership had gone abroad. “The Raymond Davis departure is a fixed match of PPP, PML-N and US,” he charged. About PML-N position on the issue, he said if PML-N government was not involved in the deal, how come a provincial law minister announced the freeing of US national in the evening, when Davis was reported to have already left Pakistan in a plane waiting since the previous night. Regarding the possible fallout of the deal, Imran contended that among other things, militancy in Pakistan would grow further. He noted evidence pointed to the collusion and complicity of the government in Islamabad and in Punjab and the latest events had proved that the PPP and PML-N leaderships could not protect the life and property of Pakistanis. REFERENCE: Imran takes PPP, PML-N to task on release Mumtaz Alvi Friday, March 18, 2011
Jamat-e-Islami & Hamid Gul are "Confused" on WikiLeaks - Part 1


The news of Mr Davis's release yesterday left them in a state of shock. Hamid Gul, a former head of the country's powerful intelligence service, the Inter-Services Intelligence directorate, and now a critic of the service, called the release a "sell-out". Imran Khan, the famous cricket player-turned-politician, joined the call for protests and said Mr Davis's freedom would increase extremism in Pakistan. Dozens of his party members clashed briefly with police in Lahore on Wednesday. REFERENCE: Outrage in Pakistan at release of CIA man who killed two Salman Masood Last Updated: Mar 18, 2011

Jamat-e-Islami & Hamid Gul are "Confused" on WikiLeaks - Part 2

URL:, Pakistan The former chief of Pakistan’s spy agency has derided as “malicious, fictitious, and preposterous” the leaked United States military documents implicating him in a string of attacks against US and NATO forces in Afghanistan. Hamid Gul’s name appears no less than eight times in documents leaked Sunday by the online whistle-blower WikiLeaks. In the reports, the retired general and former head of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) from 1987 to 1989 is accused of ordering IED attacks against Afghan and international forces in December 2006 and of plotting to kidnap United Nations staff to use as hostages in exchange for militant prisoners. The ISI is mentioned in at least 190 reports, and is accused of backing attacks against US and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) forces in Afghanistan. In one report from March 2007, the ISI is alleged to have donated 1,000 motorcycles to militant leader Jalaluddin Haqqani to carry out suicide bomb attacks in Afghanistan.“This is utter nonsense,” Mr. Gul says in a telephone interview. Asked to respond to the various WikiLeaks reports in which his name appears, he replied: "Malicious, fictitious, and preposterous – and if this is the condition of US intelligence, then I am afraid it is no wonder they are losing in Afghanistan, and they will lose everywhere they try to poke their nose."Gul has in the past called himself Washington's "darling" for playing a key role in the CIA's covert support of the Afghan mujahideen against the Soviet-backed government in Kabul the 1980s, and he was a principle architect of Pakistan's foreign strategy in Afghanistan. He has held no official position since 1992, though he is still seen as a well-connected military adviser.“It’s a bloody shame for [the US] if a 74-year-old general sitting in his small house who has nothing to do within the ISI can pull this off,” he says, adding: “If I can pull off the defeat of America in Afghanistan, then history books will record it to my credit, and my future generations will rejoice over it.” REFERENCE: WikiLeaks report fictitious, says Pakistan's ex-spy chief Hamid Gul WikiLeaks' release of classified US documents include claims that Pakistan's former spy chief Hamid Gul ordered attacks against NATO troops. Mr. Gul speaks with the Monitor about the WikiLeaks reports. By Issam Ahmed, Correspondent / July 26, 2010
Jamat-e-Islami & Hamid Gul are "Confused" on WikiLeaks - Part 3


On one hand General Hamid Gul reject Wikileaks terming it an American Conspiracy against Pakistan and the same Hamid Gul quotes wikileaks against politicians and demand resignation from the Prime Minister:)

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani must quit over his “disloyalty” to the country by allowing the continuation of drone attacks and deceiving the people, says a former spy chief. “Parliament must assert its authority, forcing PM Gilani to resign if he does not quit himself after WikiLeaks exposed his double face, one for Americans and the second for his Pakistanis,” ISI ex-DG Lt General (R) Hameed Gul told The News here Monday. An accountability process, he said, must be started from the top level in the aftermath of the revelations about the US Embassy cables.“Gilani befooled not only the parliamentarians but also the countrymen through his or the parliamentary condemnation.” “Parliament having all-out powers must hold the PM accountable for compromising the national interests as it is crystal-clear in the cable documentations that he asked the US officials to carry on drone strikes and that he would condemn these for public consumption in Pakistan.” The former ISI DG called to prosecute Major General (R) Mehmood Ali Durrani under the Official Secret Act for handing over the draft of in-camera session of the National Security body of Parliament. “Durrani must be taken to task without waiting for more revelations.”“We will have to set a precedent by punishing at least a few of those compromised on the national interests, and I have given you two examples—the premier and Durrani—otherwise the things may continue to go unchecked from bad to worst with repetition in future.” REFERENCE: Gilani should resign, says Gul Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Watch this 11 Years Old Clip of General Hamid Gul talking to BBC World and "Openly", "Brazenly", "Nakedly" and Shamelessly, he supported a Military Coup i.e. violation of Article 6 of 1973 Constitution of Pakistan

General Hamid Gul supported Pervez Musharraf on 12 Oct 1999

REF: World: South Asia Pakistan's coup: Why the army acted Wednesday, October 13, 1999 Published at 23:20 GMT 00:20 UK

More tragic is this:)

On one hand Mullahs reject Wikileaks terming it an American Conspiracy against Pakistan and the same Mullahs quotes wiki leaks against political opponents:) WikiLeaks exposed true faces of Pak leadership: JI Updated at 2335 PST Sunday, December 05, 2010
Analysis: Musharraf's referendum gamble
Friday, 5 April, 2002, 20:34 GMT 21:34 UK

General Pervez Musharraf before the beginning of his speech
Musharraf follows a precedent set by General Zia

General Pervez Musharraf hopes the referendum will give his presidency legitimacy. A referendum win would allow him to remain in office until 2007 and he could well stay on even longer.After his coup in 1999, General Musharraf declared in a press conference that he would remain in office for just three years. But like many military rulers before him he is reluctant to give up power.He argues that his staying in office is the only way to ensure economic recovery, social stability and the eventual establishment of "true" democracy in Pakistan. But he is also motivated by a fear that, if he were to stand down in favour of democratically elected politicians, he could face a treason charge. The army has never been able to deny that the 1999 coup was unconstitutional. 

Military precedent
A referendum win, however, might not give President Musharraf the legitimacy he is seeking. A former military ruler in Pakistan, General Zia, also called a referendum but the tactic brought him few benefits. In 1984, Zia put this question to the Pakistani people: "Do you endorse the process initiated by General Mohammed Zia ul Haq, the President of Pakistan, to bring in laws in conformity with the injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Holy Koran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and for the preservation of the ideology of Pakistan". 

Pakistanis watch Musharraf speech on TV
The military fears a low turn-out
Even though Zia won, the question was so loaded, and the turnout so low, he still faced sustained challenges from the politicians right up until the moment he died in suspicious circumstances in a 1988 air crash. President Musharraf has indicated that this time the referendum will be in the form of a simple "yes" or "no" question.But the military fears a low turn out. All the main political parties and religious groups have called for a boycott of the vote. 

Politicians fight back
The politicians now believe the army will deny them power for the foreseeable future. When the referendum result is announced next month, the turn out figures will almost certainly be disputed. Ever since the 1999 coup, the major political parties have played a muted role, for the most part accommodating themselves to the military government. Now, President Musharraf is clearly determined to remain in power they are likely to oppose him with greater vigour. Under Pakistan's constitution, the president should be elected by the membership of the National Assembly and the Senate. The politicians had hoped that, after the parliamentary elections due this October, they could use that power to deny President Musharraf another term. But by opting for a referendum, President Musharraf is calculating that he will be able to by-pass the constitutional procedure and remain in office even if the politicians oppose him. 

How "Conveniently Mr. Imran Khan Forget" his very own Unlawful Act of supporting a Military General/Dictator and that too after 911.

test hellotest

By Owen Bennett-Jones
BBC Pakistan analyst
line cricket legend-turned politician Imran Khan on Tuesday backed the referendum to be held next month to decide the future of President Pervez Musharraf but his fledgling Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf headed for trouble as some of its leaders have opposed it openly. After considerable dithering, Imran Khan declared that his party has decided to support Musharraf's referendum. In a statement issued from Karachi, Imran said he has decided to support the referendum as he believed that Musharraf wanted "to make Pakistan a modern Islamic, welfare state". Imran said his party wants to play its real role as "we desire that democracy is promoted in the country and a clean leadership come to the fore". Imran launched his party with a lot of fanfare in the last general elections but ended up in a great disappointment after he failed to win a single seat even though he himself contested 22 seats from different regions.

A bitter critic of former Prime Ministers Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif, Imran alleged that politicians in the country minted money through corruption during the last 12 years. The referendum has been opposed by all the major political parties including Bhutto's Pakistan Peoples Party, (PPP) and Sharif's Pakistan Muslim league (PML). While Imran announced the support to the referendum, a section of his party headed by General Secretary Miraj Muhammad Khan openly opposed the party decision to back it. Pakistan Daily quoted a party sources as saying that Miraj was bitterly critical of the party accepting the "undemocratic" move of Musharraf trying to get elected for a five year term through a referendum. REFERENCE: Imran backs Musharraf's referendum, party members oppose Press Trust of India Posted: Apr 09, 2002 at 1518 hrs IST

WikiLeaks exposed true faces of Pak leadership: JI

Updated at: 0055 PST, Monday, December 06, 2010
WikiLeaks exposed true faces of Pak leadership: JI
ISLAMABAD: Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Sunday staged a peaceful rally and sit-in on the Constitutional Avenue in protest against the price-hike, sentence of Dr. Afia, drone attacks, target killing in Karachi and Balochistan, RGST bill and recovery of missing persons. The speakers urged the government to check inflation, corruption, target killing in Karachi and Balochistan, stop drone attacks and recover missing persons. Addressing on the occasion, JI Chief Munawwar Hassan said that WikiLeaks exposed true faces of Pakistan’s military, political, democratic leadership, adding, however, that the people will reject all kinds of attempts of adventurism. He said the next sit- in would be staged in Peshawar. He said that they strongly condemn the act of terrorism and do not believe in un-democratic steps.

He said that if operation was lunched in North Wazirstan it would foment terrorism in the country and have serious consequences. Munawwar resolved to continue the protest until the government finds the missing persons. The former JI Chief Qazi Hussain Ahmed said the Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry should look into the cases of missing persons. JI leaders Fareed Paracha, Liaquat Baloch, Sirajul Haq, DrFouzia Siddiqui, Amina Masood Janjua and others also addressed the JI workers. JI's started sit-in demonstration at 10 am and it culminated in front parliament House at around 4 pm. Strict security measures were taken for safety of the protestors. A large number of security personnel were deployed to avert the possibility of any untoward incident. All the routes leading to the Parliament House were sealed off, while walk through gates and metal detectors were installed. Earlier, Interior Minister Rehman Malik directed the chief commissioner of Islamabad to ensure foolproof security on the routes and no hurdles should be created.

US behind WikiLeaks disclosures: Munawar

Updated at: 1209 PST, Wednesday, December 01, 2010
US behind WikiLeaks disclosures: Munawar
MULTAN: Jamat e Islami Ameer Syed Munawar Hassan has said that the US orchestrated the WikiLeaks disclosures, adding that the purpose of the mass release is to destablise Pakistan. He was taking to media personnel in Multan Airport. Munawar said that US wanted to hide its defeat in Afghanistan and wished to give new agenda to the people through the mass leaks. He told that Jamat e Islami will protest on Friday against the possible release of Aasia Bibi, who was convicted for saying blasphemous remarks. Munawar said that government would not be able to restrain the Jamat e Islami sit-in on December 5 in Islamabad. If democracy exists in the country then the government should welcome the upcoming long march, he added.

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