Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Jang Group Intentionally Maligns Saudi Arabia & Nawaz Sharif through ONLINE. Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) chief Nawaz Sharif has informed Saudi King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz in writing about joining practical politics because the covenant on not taking active part in politics for 10 years has ended. Sources said the former premier had written a letter to the Saudi king in this regard. Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif, after taking his elder brother into confidence, called on Saudi Ambassador to Pakistan Abdul Aziz Ibrahim al-Ghadeer and gave him the letter here in Islamabad. The sources said Nawaz Sharif had formally informed the Saudi king in the letter about his active role in the future political activities. Ibrahim al-Ghadeer, when contacted by Online, confirmed about his meeting with Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif. He also confirmed Shahbaz Sharif had given him a letter for Saudi King Abdullah. “Shahbaz also inquired about the health of King Abdullah,” he added. Following the military coup in 1999, the Sharif brothers had signed an accord with the Saudi government through the then Army chief General Pervez Musharraf that they will not take part in politics for the next 10 years. However, Shahbaz Sharif contested the 2008 general elections, dishonouring the agreement. 10-year ban has ended, Nawaz conveys to Saudi king Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011, Rabi-ul-Awwal 24, 1432 A.H

Tuesday, March 01, 2011, Rabi-ul-Awwal 25, 1432 A.H

During "Judicial Crisis in 2007" the same Saudi Arabia and their Vile, Corrupt, Pervert, Rascal Princes tried to Bribe the Chief Justice of Pakistan at the behest of Musharraf. The Honourable Chief Justice of Pakistan should have written letter to King Abdullah on this Naked Fascism of Saudi Arabia. Jang Group has removed [permanently] many news stories from their web cache to lie blatantly without being caught. Now in 2010 that lick-spittle Prince Prince Bandar bin Khalid bin Faisal Al-Saud Offices: Chairman of the board of directors, AL-WATAN newspaper is writing a letter to CJP on Corruption??? Where was this suddenly found conscience when they kept watching silently the Judicial Murder of Bhutto and not only that they also accepted rather arranged the Exile of Mr. Nawaz Sharif [why the Prince didn't write any letter], instead of writing letters these "2000" Saudi Princes should take a deep breath and do some soul searching. My intention is not to condone corruption but unearth this "double standard" because the same Jang Group had viciously attacked Saudi Diplomat and Sheikh Sudais [Imam Kaaba] when they intervened in Lal Masjid Affair.

ISLAMABAD: The Saudi Ambassador to Pakistan Ali S Awadh Asseri met the deposed Chief Justice of Pakistan, Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, to extend an invitation for Haj, an offer that was politely declined. “Saying thank you, the deposed CJ told the ambassador he could not go abroad in the present crisis,” a family source said. Asseri went to see Justice Chaudhry at 10 am and remained with him for almost half-an-hour, the source told The News. The Interior Ministry, however, said it had no knowledge of the meeting but the interior minister said the ambassador did not need any prior permission to see the deposed CJ and he could go whenever he wanted. Although, many Western diplomats have been meeting politicians, Asseri is the first diplomat who was allowed to see Justice Chaudhry since his house arrest on November 3. Deposed Justice Bhagwan Das confirmed that he was in the picture about the meeting but said he did not know its details. A close confidante of Justice Chaudhry and leading lawyer, Athar Minallah, told The News that the Saudi ambassador went to see Justice Chaudhry for extending him an invitation of Haj. Minallah said that Saudi ambassador had also invited Justice Chaudhry before March 9 when he was first sacked. Later, the Saudi government had again extended the invitation after his restoration, he said. And now when the time for performing Haj is getting nearer with many intending pilgrims already flown to Makkah, Ambassador Asseri did not forget his last commitment and again went to remind Justice Chaudhry about this standing offer.

Minallah said Justice Chaudhry thanked the ambassador for inquiring his well being and extending the Haj invitation but said he could not accept it at this point of time. Justice Chaudhry told the ambassador that the people of Pakistan were passing through a critical phase of history. It would be therefore unwise on his part to leave them alone and to go for Haj. But he said he was deeply grateful for the invitation extended by the Saudi government. Justice Chaudhry also told the ambassador that he was entirely committed to the cause of rule of law and the restoration of the judiciary. According to Minallah, Justice Chaudhry was firm on his previous stand and no let-up was noticed in his strong determination. He said the continued confinement has failed to break Justice Chaudhry and he was as optimistic today as was before November 3. Tariq Butt adds: “The former chief justice wants to perform Haj along with his family. We are prepared to facilitate his pilgrimage,” Ambassador Asseri told The News. He said Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry had requested to the embassy for visa to perform Haj, and “my meeting with him was about that.” The diplomat said there was also an outstanding invitation to Chaudhry for visit to Saudi Arabia that was extended to him five months back. At the time, he was the chief justice of the Supreme Court. On being approached by this correspondent, Caretaker Interior Minister Lt-Gen (retd) Hamid Nawaz said that to his knowledge, the deposed judge had so far made no request to the government, indicating his intention to go for Haj. “First, he has to write to the government showing his keenness for performing Haj. Only then, we will consider his case,” he said.

The government has repeatedly stated that none of the deposed judges is confined to his house and every one of them has free access to movement. However, no visitor is allowed to meet any of these justices as police continue to man different barricades on roads leading to the Judges’ Enclave and elsewhere. The latest refusal to a meeting with the former chief justice came when former prime minister Nawaz Sharif had made a bid on Thursday. “I will find out whether or not the former judge is going for Haj,” Interior Ministry spokesman Brig (retd) Javed Iqbal Cheema told The News. “I will let you know,” he said but did not call back. The Saudi ambassador said he did not discuss with the former judge any matter concerning Pakistan’s internal affairs. The deposed chief justice was not available for comment. Asseri’s meeting has assumed great importance in the prevailing situation when a logjam exists between the government and the judges of the Supreme Court and the high courts, who had either refused or were not called to take oath under the Provisional Constitution Order (PCO) that President General Pervez Musharraf issued on Nov 3. REFERENCE: Saudi envoy meets deposed CJ, invites him for Haj Umar Cheema Saturday, December 08, 2007

ISLAMABAD: Saudi Ambassador, Ali Awaz Al Asiri called on confined former chief Justice, Iftikhar Chaudhry at his residence. Intelligence sources told that this meeting between the Saudi ambassador and the former chief justice lasted for about an hour at the Judges Colony, where the demands for the re-instatement of the Judges and other options deliberated. Sources told that following the parley with the chief justice, Saudi ambassador also visited the foreign office here and discussed matters of national importance. REFERENCE: Saudi envoy meets former CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry Updated at Saturday, December 08, 2007

Saudi Arabia is ready to offer Pakistan's sacked chief justice Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry, shelter in the kingdom, Pakistani government sources told Adnkronos International (AKI). High-level sources told AKI, on condition of anonymity, that this was discussed when the Saudi Ambassador to Pakistan, Ali Awaz Al Asiri, called on the deposed chief justice at his residence in the capital Islamabad on Friday. They said that the meeting was set up by the Pakistani government. Al Asiri is believed to have invited Chaudhry and his family to make the Haj or Muslim pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, this year. The Haj is scheduled to take place this month. Al Asiri is also believed to have offered Chaudhry and his family a prolonged stay in Saudi Arabia. Sources within the Saudi consulate in Karachi, on the condition of anonymity, also confirmed to AKI the offer of shelter to Chaudhry and said that the government of Saudi Arabia had tried to bring stability to Pakistan. Chaudhry was sacked as chief justice after President Pervez Musharraf declared a state of emergency in Pakistan on 3 November, citing rising extremism and an unruly judiciary. The former head of the Supreme Court was placed under house arrest. While opposition leader and former prime minister Nawaz Sharif was prevented from meeting Chaudhry on Thursday, just a day later Al Asiri was allowed to meet him. It is believed that the potential deal would help break the deadlock within opposition parties who are divided on whether to contest the January general elections if the sacked judges are not reinstated. A Saudi-brokered deal would be a face-saving gesture for Chaudhry and the entire opposition who need to deal with Musharraf's government and also support an independent judiciary to gain public support. REFERENCE:

KARACHI: A story filed by a news agency about purported WikiLeaks cables disclosing Indiaís involvement in Balochistan and Waziristan, carried by The News, Daily Jang and many other Pakistani newspapers, has been widely criticised as not being accurate. The prestigious British newspaper The Guardian described the report as “the first case of WikiLeaks being exploited for propaganda purposes”. The report said that US diplomats described senior Indian generals as vain, egotistical and genocidal, and that India’s government was secretly allied with Hindu fundamentalists. It also claimed that Indian spies were covertly supporting Islamist militants in the tribal belt and Balochistan. The story was released by the Islamabad-based Online news agency and was run by The News and Daily Jang with the confidence that it was a genuine report and must have been vetted before release. However, several inquiries suggest that this was not the case. When contacted, the owner of the agency, Mohsin Baig, and some of the editorial staff were themselves unclear about the source of the story and said they would investigate the matter at their end. Mohsin Baig said he had just returned from Turkey where he had accompanied the prime minister on his official visit and was therefore in the dark about how the story was released. He said he would talk to his editorial staff and get back to us. After a while, Onlineís news editor contacted us and told us he too was unaware about the source of the story and would check and get back to us as soon as possible. Despite repeated requests, he declined to contact the employee who had downloaded the news, and asked us to check with them the next day. On further inquiries, we learnt from our sources that the story was dubious and may have been planted. A check on the Internet as well as The Guardian report showed that the story was not based on Wikileaks cables, and had in fact originated from some local websites such as The Daily Mail and Rupee News known for their close connections with certain intelligence agencies. The Guardian quoted Shaheen Sehbai, Group Editor The News, as describing the story as “agencies’ copy” and said he would investigate its origins. REFERENCE: News agency fails to confirm source of WikiLeaks disclosure Friday, December 10, 2010

One must accept and Tolerate everybody's point of view even Jang Group of Newspapers has the right to publish whatever they want and Yesterday's Story regarding Indian Involvement in fomenting Terror in Balochistan and Waziristan wasn't so wrong either. REFERENCES: Enough evidence of Indian involvement in Balochistan, Waziristan Thursday, December 09, 2010 Thursday, December 09, 2010, Muharram 02, 1432 A.H 
For Mohsin Baig [Read this post General (R) Pervez Musharraf, Dr. Shazia Khalid & Dirty Role of Dr. Shahid Masood. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2010

I whole heartedly accept Online Story on WikiLeaks on India which was Lifted and Filed by The News International and Daily Jang as "Headline News" but would the Daily Jang and The News International would file the following News from the same Online International News Network as its Headline.

ISLAMABAD: One Shazia Shah, a school teacher has alleged leading journalist Ansar Abbasi is backing "Qabza" group in Murree adding bother in law and some other relatives of Ansar Abbasi are part of this group. She said this along with other members of affected family while addressing a press conference here Wednesday in Islamabad Press Club. "My family belongs to Bhurbun and the Qabza group which is patronized by brother in law of Ansar Abbasi has illegally occupied a land tract of 14 kanal owned by my family", she charged. This land valued Rs 2 Lac per canal, she added. About 50 to 60 hooligans attacked our home a few days earlier and abused our family publicly, she told. Some people also attacked my car when I was traveling from Murree to Islamabad by my car a week before and I made a marrow escape", she blamed. Waqar who is brother of Shazia Shah alleged Qabza group had refused to accept the decision of Jirga. He appealed to chief minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif to take immediate notice of this illegal occupation and take action for ensuring early return of land to his family from the illegal occupants. REFERENCE: Ansar Abbasi backing Qabza group in Murree: affectees

Press Conference against Mr. Ansar Abbasi


ISLAMABAD: RIUJ (Rawalpindi Islamabad Union of Journalists) has taken strong notice of, the fact that Mr. Ansar Abbasi has written a letter to Chief Minister Punjab, in which acting as a very honest person, has returned his plot allotted to him in Media Town, Rawalpindi as a member of Press Club. He was more than welcome if his intentions were good, but unfortunately he also asked CM Shahbaz Sharif to cancel all the plots given to members of Rwp/Islamabad Press Club. In his letter he said that journalists in Pakistan belong to privileged class, while in fact 98 % of Pakistani journalists deserve sympathy of people, as they are the most depressed class of the society. The journalists in Pakistan are getting the wages of 1996. In most of newspapers they don’t even get their salary even after three months; over 400 journalists were terminated without notice across the country from various newspapers and TV Channels. He never raised voice against this, though he remember to give safe side to media owners.

Ansar Abbasi wrote in his letter that he does not feel good because this plot was given by the government, but he never asked his bosses to move out of the GEO building because this plot was also given to Mir Shakil by the then government. He did not tell the people that previous government gave the status of MODEL VILLAGE to his native town and his brother was given the contract, besides not confess that he resides in a luxury house in the posh sector of Islamabad, and neither that someone gifted three hotels to him at Faizabad. This is not the move of ANSAR ABBASI, but of the media owners to avoid implementation on 7th wage award.IS there anyone to raise voice against this man? REFERENCE: RIUJ resents Ansar Abbasi’s move of ‘surrendering’ his plot

ISLAMABAD: The CJ of IHC (Islamabad High Court), Muhammad Bilal Khan has strongly refuted all allegations against himself regarding having any connections with notorious criminal Nannu Gawaria. In a letter dispatched to the SJC (Supreme Judicial Council), the CJ, IHC has taken notice of certain allegations leveled against his person by secretary SJC, on 28th March 2008, as made public through newspapers and videotapes, terming the move as an endeavor to malign his career and reputation, alongwith move against Supreme Judiciary. He has alleged that, since he was a member of the Lahore High Court Bench, which had declared Mian Nawaz Sharif as disqualified, his brother Mian Shahbaz Sharif had used derogatory remarks against him (Justice Bilal Khan) in public gatherings and TV channel interviews. Mian Nawaz Sharif had even gone to the extent of expressing his desire of " thrashing me (Justice Bilal Khan) in the Arabian Sea" he contended, adding that CPO Gujranwala Zulfiqar Cheema was bent on proving his die-hard loyalties to Mian Nawaz Sharif for the sake of his police career.

In his 16-point letter, the CJ, IHC has also accused journalist Ansar Abbassi of mud slinging and stern remarks against Supreme Judiciary, citing his earlier derogatory and highly inflammatory report against former CJ, Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry in 2007, which perpetuated the reference against CJ (Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry). Again it was Ansar Abbasi, who launched media campaign against the outgoing Chief Justice of Pakistan, Abdul Hameed Dogar, he added. He further said that it was yet again none else than Ansar Abbasi, who tried to malign Justice Sardar Muhammad Raza Khan, Justice Fakir Muhammad Khokhar, Justice Shakir Ullah Jan and Justice Tassadaq Hussain Jilani, accusing them of being involved in the so-called plot scandal. This accusation was false, and no action was taken against them. It may be recalled that when the appointment of Justice of Sardar Muhammad Raza Khan as Chief Justice of Pakistan was being talked about, Ansar Abbasi published a write up aimed at raising a controversy about the judge. He said that it is in the same vein that when his predecessor was due to superannuate on 8th of March 2009 and his (Bilal Khan’s) name was being considered as his successor, Ansar Abbasi’s devil instinct once again precipitated. "There is not even an iota of truth in what has been written by Ansar Abbasi, he said, adding that "the material provided to me is deficient in many ways i.e it does not indicate as to when was this person (Faiz Rasool alias Nannu Goraya) present in Dubai, and to which night club I had accompanied them and to which hotel I was taken for the "purpose".

He said that during his last visit to Dubai, his wife and daughter-in-law accompanied him and throughout they stayed together. "It is so interesting that Zulfiqar Cheema used his imagination regarding purchase of a diamond necklace for the marriage of my daughter, although she got married in January 2007 and by the grace of God was blessed with a son in December 2007. "Zulfiqar Cheema even went to the extent of illegally detaining father of Ashfaq Bajwa, who was in such adverse circumstances, approached through Syed Ali Mohsin Naqvi, SP (CIA) to make a statement regarding my alleged links with Nannu Goraya" he said. It was on account of this foreknowledge that the Chief Justice, Lahore High Court, did not deem it appropriate to take any further steps in the matter on the press clippings. It goes without saying that in the entire fake story was cooked up by Zulfiqar Cheema, and the only legal document in the field is the statement of Ashfaq Bajwa made before a Court of law, in the face of which penal action merits to be taken against Zulfiqar Cheema and other concerned police officials.

A bare look at the video footage, worthless as it is, leaves no room for doubt that it has been extracted under extreme pressure, influence and indubitably in a state of total disorientation. He said that the video footage is of no consequence as there is no mechanism to satisfy a judicial mind that the voice recorded is that of the so-called Nanu Goraya nor it is ascertainable that the person shown to have been making the statement was, in fact, the person named Nannu Goraya. A 13-member Bench of the Apex Court had expressed as recently as in the year 2007, it scorn, displeasure and disdain for such like material. The advocate-on-Record attempting to produce such material was not only reprimanded and burdened with fine of Rs. One lac but also had his license suspended. He said that Zulfiqar Cheema was a crafty Police officials, who had also failed to disclose the name of "Sitting MPA (PPP) from Gujranwala city who had allegedly laid information before him and had also withheld the names of the so called dozens of other well informed persons including some journalists. He said that he must state with conviction and faith as a Muslim that the allegations against him were totally false and intended to damage his personal reputation and standing as a judge. "Speaking for myself, if these allegations had an air of truth, I would loath to hang on to the office that I hold, "he held. REFERENCE: CJ IHC strongly refutes all allegations against himself


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