Friday, March 25, 2011

Target Killings in Karachi & Ethnic Hatred before & after "DEATH"! 18. Combined Opposition Parties (COP) stuns Ayub’s camp by nominating Miss Fatima Jinnah, popularly called "Mother of the Nation" as presidential candidate for the elections to be held in Jan, 1965. The 9 point program of COP includes restoration of direct elections, adult franchise, democratization of 1962 Constitution. After suffering a brief ban, the Jamaat-e-Islami does an about-turn on its established dogma of not accepting the leadership of a woman and supports Miss Fatima Jinnah for head of state against Ayub Khan. November. A round of political meetings with the Basic Democrats is underway, in which Ayub Khan and Fatima Jinnah appear before their electors in each area at different times but usually on the same days. While Ayub Khan is probably groomed by his oratorial Foreign Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto not to be bogged down by statistics (Ayub's tragic flaw) and instead focus on emotionalizing his speeches to his limited capacity, the Opposition Leader Miss Fatima Jinnah is coming out as a bitter critic of everything that smacks of a dictatorial stamp on it - from the personal traits of Ayub Khan to his son's alleged abuse of power for strengthening his 'Gandhara Motors' to the general character of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto whom she recently dubbed as 'inebriate and a philanderer.' Even Ayub stooped below his usual level of decorum when, at a press conference in Lahore, he exclaimed that Miss Jinnah has been leading an 'unnatural' life (obviously a reference to her spinsterhood) and was surrounded by 'perverts.' November 19. The elections for the Basic Democrats have ended today. Under the Constitution in force in Pakistan since 1962, it is these elected representatives of the people and not the people themselves who will vote in the forthcoming Presidential Elections. The Government earlier decided not to issue party tickets to the contestants of these elections, and the opposition is seeing it as a shrewd move: it is now more convenient to purchase the Basic Democrats. In the absence of a definite categorization of the Basic Democrats both parties are claiming victory. The official Muslim League claims that 80% of the BDs were Ayub's supporters while the Combined Opposition Party (COP) claims 90% of the winners to be its own. December 1. Ayub warns Urdu-speaking BD members from Karachi against voting for his opponents: "Agay samandar hai…" - Courtesy: Mr. Khurram Ali Shafique - The Chronicle of Pakistan Compiled by Khurram Ali Shafique 1964 

January 1964: As results of presidential elections are announced, Fatima Jinnah loses with 28,345 votes against Ayub’s 49,647. Mian Bashir Ahmad gets 65 and K.M.Kamal 183 votes. In a press statement issued on the eve of her defeat, Miss Jinnah says: "The system under which these elections were fought was initially devised to perpetuate the… incumbent of the Presidential Office. Neither does it provide room for the free expression of the popular will, nor does it conform to the known and established principles of democracy in the civilised world… There is no doubt that the elections have been rigged. I am sure that the so-called victory of Mr. Ayub Khan is his greatest defeat. The election campaign… was only the beginning of our march for the emancipation of the country from the shackles of an authoritarian rule. We shall, therefore, continue to work with renewed faith for the achievement of our destined goal and restore to the people their sovereignty which will usher in true democracy in the country." January 4. Ethnic riots erupt in Karachi as citizens protest against violation of Section 144 by President’s son and Pukhtoon transporters, who took out a procession to celebrate election victory. Aggressors raid colonies in the night. Bloody massacres are witnessed, yet official sources claim only six dead. Courtesy: Mr. Khurram Ali Shafique - The Chronicle of Pakistan Compiled by Khurram Ali Shafique 1965

Please also see the following report from Milwaukee Journal of January 19 1965 regarding Gohar Ayub Khan’s shamefule role in the violence in Karachi following the 1964-65 elections. He is a politician whose entire political career seems to consist of pitting his own constituents against other groups in the country just for his own short-term political gain. (Captain Gohar Ayub Khan shaking hands with his own Father i.e. Field Marshal (without fighting any war) and American Backed Martial Law Administrator of Pakistan "General Ayub Khan" (1958 to 1969), March 23: While parts of the city have been in the grip of ethnic violence once again for the past many days, it is observed that the victims of targeted attacks as well as patients belonging to certain communities were usually not taken to the nearest government hospital. The alarming trend where people with a certain ethnic background avoid some hospitals even if they are in a precarious condition has developed over the years, though it becomes noticeable during spates of ethnic killings and violence that the city often witnesses. “Yes, there is a clear pattern that Pakhtun victims of targeted attacks are not taken to the Abbasi Shaheed Hospital for treatment; they even don`t allow the bodies of targeted killing victims to be taken to the ASH,” said a senior official of the medico-legal section of the Sindh government on the condition of anonymity. REFERENCE: Ethnic divide hits city hospitals By S. Raza Hassan | From the Newspaper March 24, 2011 (2 days ago) 

A warning for Trigger Happy "Alleged Muslim Ummah of Pakistan" than two hundred thousands civilians have been killed in Bosnia and Croatia since the beginning of the war. Tens of thousands of women were raped, some of them more than a hundred times, while their sons and husbands were beaten and tortured in concentration camps like Omarska and Manjaca. Millions lost their homes due to a process called "ethnic cleansing." 

Who is behind the Massacres of Aligarh Colony, Qasba Colony & Hyderabad in 1986/1988 Part 1


'شریف النفس'
ڈاکوؤں کیساتھ حکومت کے یہ مذاکرات کیٹی جتوئی کے ریسٹ ہاؤس سے خفیہ فوجی ایجنسی کے ایک کرنل اور ایک میجر کی نگرانی میں ہوئے ھے۔
چينی انجنیئروں کو اغوا کرنے والا ڈاکو لائق چانڈیو اس سے قبل ان سندھی قوم پرستوں اور جانو آرائيں سمیت ڈاکوؤں کیساتھ مل کر حیدرآباد سندھ میں تیس ستمبر انیس سو اٹھاسی کے قتل عام میں شامل رہا تھا جس میں تین سو افراد قتل کیے گئے تھے۔ اس کارروائی کا مقصد ملک میں اعلان شدہ وہ عام انتخابات ملتوی کروانے تھے جو ضیا الحق کی موت کے بعد ہونے تھے۔
کہتے ہیں کہ جانو آرائیں کیٹی جتوئی کی زمینوں پر کبھی منشی رہا تھا
حسن مجتییٰ | 2009-11-25 ،12:36

جس روز شہر کا قتل ہوا۔۔۔
حسن مجتبی
سان ڈیاگو، کیلیفورنیا
کہتے ہیں کراچی میں حیدرآباد کے ردعمل میں قتل عام کے ہدایت کاروں میں مبینہ طور ایم کیو ایم کے رہنما سلیم شہزاد اور اشفاق چیف شامل تھے۔ کہتے ہیں کہ رات گئے تک الطاف حسین کی صدارت میں ایم کیو ایم کی مرکزی کمیٹی کے اجلاس میں اس شام حیدرآباد کے واقعات کے ردعمل کو روکنے کیلیے انہوں نے (الطاف حسین نے) بہت بحث کے بعد ایم کیو ایم کی زیادہ انتہا پسند مرکزی کمیٹی کے اراکین کے سامنےگھٹنے ٹیک دیے تھے اور ایسے 'ردعمل' کی 'مجبوراً توثیق' کر دی تھی۔
وقتِ اشاعت: Friday, 30 September, 2005, 16:59 GMT 21:59 PST

Following the Hyderabad massacre, violence has erupted on ethnic lines throughout the province. 78 were killed in Karachi alone on October 1, and the news from the interior is also alarming. The government, for its part, has set up tribunal headed by Justice Abdur Rehman of the Hyderabad High Court to probe into the killings, but nobody really expects the findings to be made public.REFERENCE: Sindh succumbs to violence The Chronicle of Pakistan Compiled by Khurram Ali Shafique 1988 official cited the recent killing of ANP general secretary of district west Advocate Mohammad Hanif Khan, saying that the victim was attacked in SITE`s Metroville area but was taken all the way to the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre, where he was pronounced dead. A senior doctor of the JPMC also confirmed the pattern, saying that the JPMC received patients, including those with gunshot wounds, from as far as central and west districts of the city. “There have been several instances where the body of a targeted killing victim was shifted to the Abbasi Shaheed Hospital mortuary but the heirs took away the body to another hospital,” charity workers said. REFERENCE: Ethnic divide hits city hospitals By S. Raza Hassan | From the Newspaper March 24, 2011 (2 days ago) 

`Ambulance workers know`,+Pakistan,+on+Friday,+Feb.+5,+2010.+A+bomb+tore+through+a+bus+carrying+Shiite+Muslim+worshippers..jpgSenior official of the Edhi Foundation Anwer Kazmi also confirmed to that the trend had been in evidence for the past many years. He said people belonging to a certain community avoided going to some hospitals. “Now even ambulance drivers have learnt as to which hospital the body of a victim from a certain ethnic background should be shifted,” Mr Kazmi said, adding that in case a friend or relative of the victim was present at the time of shifting the driver acted on their advice. “Generally people belonging to the Pakhtun community go to the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre for treatment, while those belonging to the Urdu-speaking community by choice visit the Abbasi Shaheed Hospital,” he said. Former President of the Pakistan Medical Association Dr Habibur Rehman Soomro confirmed the trend, saying that certain ethnic communities avoided visiting some hospitals. “Everyone is witness to this alarming trend but no one is ready to point it out,” he said, citing the air of mistrust prevailing in the metropolis. He said the practice was followed not only by the Pakhtun community, but also by people from other ethnic backgrounds. He explained that if there was a conflict going on between the Urdu-speaking and Sindhi-speaking people, the Sindhi-speaking people would avoid visiting certain hospitals. The former PMA president said that the trend had been there for the past 10 to 15 years. He went on to say that certain private-sector hospitals were also following such a trend and were offering community-based services. REFERENCE: Ethnic divide hits city hospitals By S. Raza Hassan | From the Newspaper March 24, 2011 (2 days ago) 

A warning for Trigger Happy "Alleged Muslim Revolutionaries of Pakistan" discussion of genocide or ethnic cleansing would seem to be straightforward, both in the subject matter itself and in the myriad examples one could bring to mind. As these topics are studied in greater depth, however, the discussion invariably becomes far more complicated. Defined as "the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group," genocide tends to evoke thoughts of the Holocaust of World War Two--the most egregious and infamous example of the mass killing of people based on their ethnic or religious background. For many people, that is the full extent of what genocide means. Today, however, the word genocide draws upon an even more complex body of history and scholarship, focusing on the motivation of the perpetrators. By narrow definition, genocide can only occur when there is a deliberate attempt to completely destroy all members of a particular group. As such, there are few clearly identifiable examples of genocide. The phrase "ethnic cleansing" may embody just the opposite. Ethnic cleansing has been defined as "the elimination of an unwanted group from society, as by genocide or forced migration." This definition is inherently broader than that of genocide alone, and thereby encompasses mass killings and forced removals in far greater number and scope. The U.S. State Department, in a recent report on Kosovo, concluded that ethnic cleansing "generally entails the systematic and forced removal of members of an ethnic group from their communities to change the ethnic composition of a region." The latter definition, while accurate for that particular situation, is seemingly too narrow to be a useful descriptor of a majority of situations which are encompassed in the broader definition. Ethnic cleansing, then, may involve death or displacement, or any combination thereof, where a population is identified for removal from an area. REFERENCE: Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing By Karyn Becker 50th Session Issues
Who is behind the Massacres of Aligarh Colony, Qasba Colony & Hyderabad in 1986/1988 Part 2


'شریف النفس'
ڈاکوؤں کیساتھ حکومت کے یہ مذاکرات کیٹی جتوئی کے ریسٹ ہاؤس سے خفیہ فوجی ایجنسی کے ایک کرنل اور ایک میجر کی نگرانی میں ہوئے ھے۔
چينی انجنیئروں کو اغوا کرنے والا ڈاکو لائق چانڈیو اس سے قبل ان سندھی قوم پرستوں اور جانو آرائيں سمیت ڈاکوؤں کیساتھ مل کر حیدرآباد سندھ میں تیس ستمبر انیس سو اٹھاسی کے قتل عام میں شامل رہا تھا جس میں تین سو افراد قتل کیے گئے تھے۔ اس کارروائی کا مقصد ملک میں اعلان شدہ وہ عام انتخابات ملتوی کروانے تھے جو ضیا الحق کی موت کے بعد ہونے تھے۔
کہتے ہیں کہ جانو آرائیں کیٹی جتوئی کی زمینوں پر کبھی منشی رہا تھا
حسن مجتییٰ | 2009-11-25 ،12:36

جس روز شہر کا قتل ہوا۔۔۔
حسن مجتبی
سان ڈیاگو، کیلیفورنیا
کہتے ہیں کراچی میں حیدرآباد کے ردعمل میں قتل عام کے ہدایت کاروں میں مبینہ طور ایم کیو ایم کے رہنما سلیم شہزاد اور اشفاق چیف شامل تھے۔ کہتے ہیں کہ رات گئے تک الطاف حسین کی صدارت میں ایم کیو ایم کی مرکزی کمیٹی کے اجلاس میں اس شام حیدرآباد کے واقعات کے ردعمل کو روکنے کیلیے انہوں نے (الطاف حسین نے) بہت بحث کے بعد ایم کیو ایم کی زیادہ انتہا پسند مرکزی کمیٹی کے اراکین کے سامنےگھٹنے ٹیک دیے تھے اور ایسے 'ردعمل' کی 'مجبوراً توثیق' کر دی تھی۔
وقتِ اشاعت: Friday, 30 September, 2005, 16:59 GMT 21:59 PST
Following the Hyderabad massacre, violence has erupted on ethnic lines throughout the province. 78 were killed in Karachi alone on October 1, and the news from the interior is also alarming. The government, for its part, has set up tribunal headed by Justice Abdur Rehman of the Hyderabad High Court to probe into the killings, but nobody really expects the findings to be made public.REFERENCE: Sindh succumbs to violence The Chronicle of Pakistan Compiled by Khurram Ali Shafique 1988

`Just an impression`, Sindh Health Minister Dr Saghir Ahmed dispelled the impression that Pakhtuns avoided going to the Abbasi Shaheed Hospital for treatment. “A visit to the hospital would show you that the Pakhtuns are under treatment at the Abbasi Shaheed Hospital,” he said. He added that if statistics from the police surgeon office were examined, they would also dispel this impression. “There may be an impression, but it`s not true in reality,” he insisted. REFERENCE: Ethnic divide hits city hospitals By S. Raza Hassan | From the Newspaper March 24, 2011 (2 days ago) 

A warning for Trigger Happy "Alleged Muslim Racist of Pakistan" interahamwe also attempted to destroy the Tutsi race through genocidal rape. Sexual violence in times of war is a very common way for soldiers to dominate women in post-colonial Africa, but the interahamwe had a more sinister plan. They used genocidal rape as a tool of terror. The women were living in constant fear that they would be raped. For many, it was not a matter of if, it was a matter of when it would occur. The purpose of the rape was to produce children of mixed race. The interahamwe, made up of Hutu men, raped and impregnated the Tutsi women so that they had children who were not pure ethnic Tutsis, and so that the children would be a constant reminder of the war and the rape. In Rwanda, it is commonly believed that a child will inherit the father’s ethnicity, so the women gave birth to children who were considered Hutu. This has had a great impact on the notion of the traditional family in Rwanda because as a result of genocidal rape, the woman’s husband is not the child’s father. Another motivation for genocidal rape was to humiliate Tutsi men. Men, who are known as the protectors of the family, were forced to watch helplessly as the interahamwe raped their wives and daughters. The men were powerless, and some interahamwe militia members forced them to have intercourse with their own daughters. The girls were no longer able to look at their fathers with the same love and admiration due to the memory of the heinous act of incest that their fathers were forced to commit against them. REFERENCE: 1994 Rwanda Genocide: Destruction of a People Oct 6, 2010 Annique Daniel City Nazim Mustafa Kamal considers ethnic Pushtun a “threat” to Karachi and believes that they are plotting to take over the city. These opinions came to light in an interview with National Public Radio’s Morning Edition host Steve Inskeep who is in Karachi for their ‘Urban Frontier’ series. Daily Times reproduces the story, ‘Karachi’s Growth Fuels Demand for Illegal Housing’: Karachi is one of the world’s most populous cities and getting more crowded all the time. New neighborhoods are being built as quickly as people can pour the concrete. Near the farthest reaches of the Pakistani city, a cement mixer hums and spins in a dusty lot. A workman drops some of the concrete into a wheelbarrow. He then dumps that load into a metal frame and pulls down a handle. A steel mold stamps out eight concrete blocks for one more Karachi home. Many of these neighborhoods are built illegally on vacant land. Millions of people find homes this way. They generate an entire off-the-books economy. REFERENCE: Pashtuns are plotting to take over Karachi, Kamal tells NPR Daily Times Monitor Friday, June 06, 2008\06\06\story_6-6-2008_pg12_1

Who is behind the Massacres of Aligarh Colony, Qasba Colony & Hyderabad in 1986/1988 Part 3


'شریف النفس'
ڈاکوؤں کیساتھ حکومت کے یہ مذاکرات کیٹی جتوئی کے ریسٹ ہاؤس سے خفیہ فوجی ایجنسی کے ایک کرنل اور ایک میجر کی نگرانی میں ہوئے ھے۔
چينی انجنیئروں کو اغوا کرنے والا ڈاکو لائق چانڈیو اس سے قبل ان سندھی قوم پرستوں اور جانو آرائيں سمیت ڈاکوؤں کیساتھ مل کر حیدرآباد سندھ میں تیس ستمبر انیس سو اٹھاسی کے قتل عام میں شامل رہا تھا جس میں تین سو افراد قتل کیے گئے تھے۔ اس کارروائی کا مقصد ملک میں اعلان شدہ وہ عام انتخابات ملتوی کروانے تھے جو ضیا الحق کی موت کے بعد ہونے تھے۔
کہتے ہیں کہ جانو آرائیں کیٹی جتوئی کی زمینوں پر کبھی منشی رہا تھا
حسن مجتییٰ | 2009-11-25 ،12:36

جس روز شہر کا قتل ہوا۔۔۔
حسن مجتبی
سان ڈیاگو، کیلیفورنیا
کہتے ہیں کراچی میں حیدرآباد کے ردعمل میں قتل عام کے ہدایت کاروں میں مبینہ طور ایم کیو ایم کے رہنما سلیم شہزاد اور اشفاق چیف شامل تھے۔ کہتے ہیں کہ رات گئے تک الطاف حسین کی صدارت میں ایم کیو ایم کی مرکزی کمیٹی کے اجلاس میں اس شام حیدرآباد کے واقعات کے ردعمل کو روکنے کیلیے انہوں نے (الطاف حسین نے) بہت بحث کے بعد ایم کیو ایم کی زیادہ انتہا پسند مرکزی کمیٹی کے اراکین کے سامنےگھٹنے ٹیک دیے تھے اور ایسے 'ردعمل' کی 'مجبوراً توثیق' کر دی تھی۔
وقتِ اشاعت: Friday, 30 September, 2005, 16:59 GMT 21:59 PST
Following the Hyderabad massacre, violence has erupted on ethnic lines throughout the province. 78 were killed in Karachi alone on October 1, and the news from the interior is also alarming. The government, for its part, has set up tribunal headed by Justice Abdur Rehman of the Hyderabad High Court to probe into the killings, but nobody really expects the findings to be made public.REFERENCE: Sindh succumbs to violence The Chronicle of Pakistan Compiled by Khurram Ali Shafique 1988 few houses are under construction on this barren patch of desert. An Urdu-language banner advertises a model home for the equivalent of $5,000. A look inside one of the houses reveals a two-bedroom home with a tile-floor washroom. Before long, hundreds of houses likely will squeeze onto this dusty parcel of land in the desert. They’re built of a few simple materials, most of which can be purchased from a single dealer nearby. You could think of it as a sort of extralegal Home Depot. What it’s called locally is a “thalla,” and the boss is called the “thallawalla.” The boss of this thalla is named Wahab Khan, and he was dropping off a truckload of concrete blocks from his store. Khan is a newcomer to Karachi. He hails from northern Pakistan, in the tribal areas near the border. Half his family still lives there. REFERENCE: Pashtuns are plotting to take over Karachi, Kamal tells NPR Daily Times Monitor Friday, June 06, 2008\06\06\story_6-6-2008_pg12_1 

A warning for Trigger Happy "Alleged Muslim Racial Purists of Pakistan"

The men offered us horses for the rest of the journey and we rode through the heat of the day into the heart of Darfur. The rebels fanned out in front of us in case the Janjaweed militia were in the area. But it was silent here. The villagers had already left or been killed. The villages were burnt, their schools were empty, the books torn up, and the wells had been destroyed so no-one could come back. There were abandoned shoes and cooking pots. The place resounded with its own emptiness. I had spent weeks before my trip trying to find a way of accessing an area nearby, from where stories were filtering out of execution-style massacres. But it was simply too dangerous to go there. So I had asked if an eyewitness to a massacre could get here to meet us. The message miraculously had travelled and one came. The killers tore Fadidja's clothes off, beat her, broke her arm and then raped her, one by one. REFERENCE: Ethnic cleansing blights Sudan Last Updated: Thursday, 27 May, 2004, 12:11 GMT 13:11 UK By Hilary Andersson BBC correspondent, Sudan  Documenting 'Ethnic Cleansing' in Sudan By Nora Boustany Friday, May 28, 2004; Page A16 years ago, he joined the other half of the family as they moved to the city. Now, he rents a tiny patch of dirt by the road, where he has set up a cement mixer. Khan’s employees are rural men who came to Karachi just a few months ago. They live under a little thatch roof a few feet from the cement mixer. The concrete blocks cost the equivalent of 14 cents each. A bag of mortar costs about $4. Throw in some concrete roofing material, hire some workers for about $3 a day, and you’re on your way to building and selling a house. Because most locals have no money saved, everything is sold on credit. The electricity, at least, is free. Khan demonstrates how nearby power lines are tapped and how those taps are temporarily removed when government officials visit. REFERENCE: Pashtuns are plotting to take over Karachi, Kamal tells NPR Daily Times Monitor Friday, June 06, 2008\06\06\story_6-6-2008_pg12_1 

A warning for Trigger Happy "Alleged Muslim Defenders of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui" 1982 massacres of Palestinians at Sabra and Shatila refugee camps claimed the lives of at least 800 civilians, murdered by Lebanese Christian militiamen allied to Israel during its brief occupation of the Lebanese capital, Beirut. The killings are considered the worst atrocity of Lebanon's 15-year civil war and perhaps during the entire Middle East conflict. Survivors say that the killers went from house to house, threatening to blow up buildings if the residents did not come out. The survivors reported overhearing the Phalangists telling one another to use axes to kill their victims, because the sound of gunfire would alert others to their fate. "They killed my sister's husband in front of me," said survivor Nadima Nasser. "I saw them shooting at the men. They killed them all. I fled." Mrs Nasser is one of 23 survivors who have lodged a legal case against Mr Sharon in Belgium, where the law allows him to be tried for alleged crimes committed abroad. Her testimony, along with others is included on a newly-launched internet site about the massacres, Justice for the Victims of Sabra and Shatila. Flashback: Sabra and Shatila massacres Thursday, 24 January, 2002, 19:05 GMT 

Who is behind the Massacres of Aligarh Colony, Qasba Colony & Hyderabad in 1986/1988 Part 4


'شریف النفس'
ڈاکوؤں کیساتھ حکومت کے یہ مذاکرات کیٹی جتوئی کے ریسٹ ہاؤس سے خفیہ فوجی ایجنسی کے ایک کرنل اور ایک میجر کی نگرانی میں ہوئے ھے۔
چينی انجنیئروں کو اغوا کرنے والا ڈاکو لائق چانڈیو اس سے قبل ان سندھی قوم پرستوں اور جانو آرائيں سمیت ڈاکوؤں کیساتھ مل کر حیدرآباد سندھ میں تیس ستمبر انیس سو اٹھاسی کے قتل عام میں شامل رہا تھا جس میں تین سو افراد قتل کیے گئے تھے۔ اس کارروائی کا مقصد ملک میں اعلان شدہ وہ عام انتخابات ملتوی کروانے تھے جو ضیا الحق کی موت کے بعد ہونے تھے۔
کہتے ہیں کہ جانو آرائیں کیٹی جتوئی کی زمینوں پر کبھی منشی رہا تھا
حسن مجتییٰ | 2009-11-25 ،12:36

جس روز شہر کا قتل ہوا۔۔۔
حسن مجتبی
سان ڈیاگو، کیلیفورنیا
کہتے ہیں کراچی میں حیدرآباد کے ردعمل میں قتل عام کے ہدایت کاروں میں مبینہ طور ایم کیو ایم کے رہنما سلیم شہزاد اور اشفاق چیف شامل تھے۔ کہتے ہیں کہ رات گئے تک الطاف حسین کی صدارت میں ایم کیو ایم کی مرکزی کمیٹی کے اجلاس میں اس شام حیدرآباد کے واقعات کے ردعمل کو روکنے کیلیے انہوں نے (الطاف حسین نے) بہت بحث کے بعد ایم کیو ایم کی زیادہ انتہا پسند مرکزی کمیٹی کے اراکین کے سامنےگھٹنے ٹیک دیے تھے اور ایسے 'ردعمل' کی 'مجبوراً توثیق' کر دی تھی۔
وقتِ اشاعت: Friday, 30 September, 2005, 16:59 GMT 21:59 PST
Following the Hyderabad massacre, violence has erupted on ethnic lines throughout the province. 78 were killed in Karachi alone on October 1, and the news from the interior is also alarming. The government, for its part, has set up tribunal headed by Justice Abdur Rehman of the Hyderabad High Court to probe into the killings, but nobody really expects the findings to be made public.REFERENCE: Sindh succumbs to violence The Chronicle of Pakistan Compiled by Khurram Ali Shafique 1988 asked about the danger of using hooks to tap into the lines illegally, he says, “What can we do? We have no choice.” Because the whole system is outside the law, builders here say they also have no choice in another matter. They say that police, who have a way of dropping by, will threaten to tear down an illegal house unless they’re paid a few dollars. Occasionally, a whole construction crew will be thrown in jail. It takes a couple hundred dollars to get them out. The provincial police chief, Inspector-General Muhammad Shoaib Suddle, was not surprised to hear the claims that his men take protection money. “Of course we all understand that without protection, these things cannot prosper,” he says. The inspector-general says he recently suspended three mid-level officers for their alleged involvement in land deals. It’s widely assumed that corrupt officials play a role in most of these deals. The illegal housing system in Karachi has its defenders. A leading urban planner says millions of poor people who otherwise might be homeless find shelter this way. Still, the new settlements have caused some anxiety. Many of Karachi’s new arrivals have come from the north — from the area bordering Afghanistan, a region that supports the Taliban. REFERENCE: Pashtuns are plotting to take over Karachi, Kamal tells NPR Daily Times Monitor Friday, June 06, 2008\06\06\story_6-6-2008_pg12_1
Who is behind the Massacres of Aligarh Colony, Qasba Colony & Hyderabad in 1986/1988 Part 5


'شریف النفس'
ڈاکوؤں کیساتھ حکومت کے یہ مذاکرات کیٹی جتوئی کے ریسٹ ہاؤس سے خفیہ فوجی ایجنسی کے ایک کرنل اور ایک میجر کی نگرانی میں ہوئے ھے۔
چينی انجنیئروں کو اغوا کرنے والا ڈاکو لائق چانڈیو اس سے قبل ان سندھی قوم پرستوں اور جانو آرائيں سمیت ڈاکوؤں کیساتھ مل کر حیدرآباد سندھ میں تیس ستمبر انیس سو اٹھاسی کے قتل عام میں شامل رہا تھا جس میں تین سو افراد قتل کیے گئے تھے۔ اس کارروائی کا مقصد ملک میں اعلان شدہ وہ عام انتخابات ملتوی کروانے تھے جو ضیا الحق کی موت کے بعد ہونے تھے۔
کہتے ہیں کہ جانو آرائیں کیٹی جتوئی کی زمینوں پر کبھی منشی رہا تھا
حسن مجتییٰ | 2009-11-25 ،12:36

جس روز شہر کا قتل ہوا۔۔۔
حسن مجتبی
سان ڈیاگو، کیلیفورنیا
کہتے ہیں کراچی میں حیدرآباد کے ردعمل میں قتل عام کے ہدایت کاروں میں مبینہ طور ایم کیو ایم کے رہنما سلیم شہزاد اور اشفاق چیف شامل تھے۔ کہتے ہیں کہ رات گئے تک الطاف حسین کی صدارت میں ایم کیو ایم کی مرکزی کمیٹی کے اجلاس میں اس شام حیدرآباد کے واقعات کے ردعمل کو روکنے کیلیے انہوں نے (الطاف حسین نے) بہت بحث کے بعد ایم کیو ایم کی زیادہ انتہا پسند مرکزی کمیٹی کے اراکین کے سامنےگھٹنے ٹیک دیے تھے اور ایسے 'ردعمل' کی 'مجبوراً توثیق' کر دی تھی۔
وقتِ اشاعت: Friday, 30 September, 2005, 16:59 GMT 21:59 PST
Following the Hyderabad massacre, violence has erupted on ethnic lines throughout the province. 78 were killed in Karachi alone on October 1, and the news from the interior is also alarming. The government, for its part, has set up tribunal headed by Justice Abdur Rehman of the Hyderabad High Court to probe into the killings, but nobody really expects the findings to be made public.REFERENCE: Sindh succumbs to violence The Chronicle of Pakistan Compiled by Khurram Ali Shafique 1988’s mayor, Syed Mustafa Kamal, considers these ethnic Pashtuns a threat. In his eyes, they are plotting to take over the city. “These Pashtuns means like fundamentalist — religiously fundamentalist, religiously extremist,” Kamal says. “They are coming in. When it comes to ethnicity, when it comes to Islam they all are ... the same.” The mayor gives a tour of the area, driving past squatter neighborhoods and Islamic schools. He passes the area where the journalist Daniel Pearl was found slain. And he points out the window at a bearded man. “The man who’s coming in front of you ... look at him, look at his face,” Kamal says. The mayor says he is convinced that Pashtuns are planning the locations of the illegal housing settlements. He says they are choosing strategic spots that block his own plans for the city. REFERENCE: Pashtuns are plotting to take over Karachi, Kamal tells NPR Daily Times Monitor Friday, June 06, 2008\06\06\story_6-6-2008_pg12_1“It’s a very strategic location, you see?” Kamal asks. “The superhighway is there. They can control the whole highway. ... They had a master plan before me. And they definitely have a master plan.” Speaking with several residents of the city’s new settlements, it’s clear that not all are Pashtuns. And they seemed to have no master plan beyond their next meal. Two of the first residents in the desert neighborhood were outside on their knees cutting firewood. They hacked it out of scraggly bushes they’d found. Shinaz Begum and Razia Begum live side by side with their families. Between them, they have 16 children, none of whom goes to school. Their husbands are a fisherman and a fruit-drink vendor. Both women work cleaning houses, and they each earn about 2,500 Pakistani rupees per month, equivalent to $37. The monthly installment on each of their houses is 2,000 rupees, or just under $30. Look at our children’s faces, they say. Don’t you think they’re underfed? Even so, the women say their precarious existence on this sandy lot in Karachi is better than their past circumstances. REFERENCE: Pashtuns are plotting to take over Karachi, Kamal tells NPR Daily Times Monitor Friday, June 06, 2008\06\06\story_6-6-2008_pg12_1 

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