Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Comedy Show Called "Imran Khan/Justice Party".

ISLAMABAD: After years of political animosity, Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and Altaf Hussain’s Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) appear to be coming closer as the two leaders held their first telephonic conversation and exchanged good will with each other. In a rare move, Imran Khan called Altaf Hussain on Saturday and appreciated the ‘bold’ stance taken by the latter on national issues, separate but identical statements issued by media offices of both the parties said. The two leaders agreed to bury their past differences and vowed to work together for the betterment of the country, the statements added. PTI and MQM have been considered staunch rivals in the past, at times holding public rallies and resorting to personal attacks against each other’s leadership. Recently, however, the two parties have come closer, mainly due to back-channel efforts by some common friends and political leaders in Pakistan, observers say. The second-tier leadership of the two parties prepared the ground that culminated in direct interaction between their leaders. During their conversation, both sides discussed common agenda points and vowed to work together to achieve their goals. Altaf Hussain has recently started taking a tough stance in public, on issues like unabated US predator attacks inside Pakistani territory, release of CIA contractor Raymond Davis and Dr Aafia Siddiqui. The same issues take centre-stage in Imran Khan, and several right-wing parties’, political agendas. REFERENCE: Burying the hatchet: Imran calls up Altaf, agrees to work together Published: March 20, 2011 Published in The Express Tribune, March 20th, 2011.

Now watch and note the "Contradiction" & "Memory Loss"

Imran Khan on MQM in Jawab Deyh - 1 (GEO TV 3rd Jun 2007)


The MQM Quaid Mr. Altaf Hussein had repeatedly desired to talk with the PTI Chairman Mr. Imran Khan in the recent past. The MQM Leader’s desire for a telephone conversation with the PTI Chairman was communicated to the PTI Sindh Leadership. The PTI requested clarity on the following issues before such a contact could be established:

1. The MQM’s stance on the Raymond Davis issue;

2. The MQM’s stance on the release of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui,

3. The MQM’s stance on the drone attacks; and

4. The overall issue of the present state of Pakistan’s sovereignity.

The telephone contact was established only after MQM Quaid’s speech on March 18, 2011 during which he spelled out the MQM’s stance on the above mentioned issues of national concern which was in broad consonance with the longstanding PTI stance on these issues. The conversation between the two leaders lasted little over 10 minutes during which Mr. Altaf Hussein praised the PTI Chairman’s bold and without fear political struggle. He said there is need to put behind the bitter past at a time when the nation faces critical challenges which demand national unity. Mr. Imran Khan commended the latest stance taken by the MQM Leader in his speech of March 18, 2011. He said there is need to speak with one voice to stop the killing of innocent Pakistanis through drone attacks and stressed the need for collective efforts to restore Pakistan’s lost sovereignity.

The two leaders agreed on the following:

1. The drone attacks must cease immediately and the affected families in FATA should be compensated by the Government of Pakistan;

2. Dr. Aafia Siddiqui must be released immediately; and

3. Condemnation of the complicity of the PPP led federal government and the PML(N) led provincial government in Punjab for the facilitation in the release of Raymond Davis.

The two leaders agreed to remain in contact in future to build a broader consensus on national issues. There were no other issues discussed. PTI Political Affairs Spokesperson Akbar S. Babar. REFERENCE: Chairman's talk with Altaf Hussain only to discuss Pakistan's Sovereignity: Akbar S. Babar By Imran Ghazali Sunday, March 20, 2011

Contact between Altaf Hussain and Imran Khan to discuss Raymod Davis and drone attacks issues (Urdu) By Umar Saturday, March 19, 2011

Imran Khan on MQM in Jawab Deyh - 2 (GEO TV 3rd Jun 2007)

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan Saturday said WikiLeaks has made the greatest disclosure that the Pakistani politicians, whether they are in government or in opposition, are American stooges. Imran, who has come clean like a handful of other politicians, alleged Pakistani politicians proved themselves as Mir Jaffars and Mir Sadiqs (two hated characters in the Islamic history for they betrayed the valiant Muslim ruler Sultan Tipu). Speaking at a news conference here after his foreign visit, the cricketer-turned-politician regretted that the incumbent was a dummy parliament and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani had proved it by asking the US authorities to continue with drone strikes, as he would take care of the legislature. Referring to the startling cable disclosures, Imran said neither the people of Pakistan were free nor the nation had a free and independent foreign policy. He added a political party, which was a part of the movement for the judiciary’s independence, had supported the government in undermining the judiciary’s independent character through the 18th Amendment. His reference was towards PML-N. The PTI chief went on to say that the NRO-tainted politicians involved in money-laundering could never safeguard the national interests. REFERENCE: WikiLeaks proves Pak politicians US stooges: Imran Mumtaz Alvi Sunday, December 12, 2010

Imran Khan's Press Conference After WikiLeaks

He said that the on-going peaceful protest demonstrations of the PTI against price hike in consumer goods, corruption in high places and against RGST, would lead to civil disobedience soon. He claimed that the corrupt political elite had obtained as many as 0.4 million electricity connections and Wapda had no will to lay a hand on them. Replying to a question, Imran ridiculed the idea of giving powers to parliamentarians under the parliamentary committee to approve appointment of superior court judges. He charged that one of the committee members had grabbed 80-kanal piece of land in Bani Gala. Imran also has his residence in the picturesque locality near Rawal Lake. The PTI chief welcomed the formal joining of the PTI by 40 lawyers of Rawalpindi bar on the occasion and cautioned them to beware of the government’s efforts to divide them for which money was being doled out. “Majority of those named in the committee are corrupt and how can corrupt people be authorised to appoint judges,” he said. REFERENCE: WikiLeaks proves Pak politicians US stooges: Imran Mumtaz Alvi Sunday, December 12, 2010

LONDON: The chief of Muttahida Qaumi Movement and Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf leader Imran Khan exchanged views over telephone and discussed national politics. Reports said the two highups, whose parties had been at odds with each other, shared views over current political scenario in the telephonic chat. Sources said they talked about Aafia Siddiqui’s issue, aftermaths of Raymond Davis’s release and US drone attacks in Pakistan’s tribal belt. Reference: Altaf, Imran share views on telephone Updated: Saturday March 19, 2011 10:22:33 PM
Saturday, March 19, 2011, Rabi-us-Sani 13, 1432 A.H

2009: US assessment of Karachi violence

203530 4/22/2009 11:52 09KARACHI138 Consulate Karachi SECRET “VZCZCXRO6005
DE RUEHKP #0138/01 1121152
O 221152Z APR 09


E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/22/2019

.4 b and d.

1. (S) Summary: The police in Karachi are only one of several armed groups in the city, and they are probably not the most numerous or best equipped. Many neighborhoods are considered by the police to be no-go zones in which even the intelligence services have a difficult time operating. Very few of the groups are traditional criminal gangs. Most are associated with a political party, a social movement, or terrorist activity, and their presence in the volatile ethnic mix of the world,s fourth largest city creates enormous political and governance challenges.

MQM (Muttahida Quami Movement)
2. (S) The MQM is an ethnic political party of the Urdu speaking community (known as “Mohajirs,” which is Arabic for immigrants) that migrated from India at the time of partition; Mohajirs make up around fifty percent of the total population in Karachi. MQM is middle-class, avowedly secular, and anti-extremist (the only party to publicly protest the recent Swat Nizam-e-Adl regulations). It has a long history of clashes with the Pakistan People,s Party (PPP), which controls the Sindh province in which Karachi is located, and with the Awami National Party (ANP), which represents MQM,s rival ethnic Pashtuns. 

3. (S) MQM’s armed members, known as “Good Friends,” are the largest non-governmental armed element in the city. The police estimate MQM has ten thousand active armed members and as many as twenty-five thousand armed fighters in reserve. This is compared to the city’s thirty-three thousand police officers. The party operates through its 100 Sector Commanders, who take their orders directly from the party leader, Altaf Hussain, who lives in exile in the United Kingdom. The Sector Commanders plan and monitor the activities of the armed elements. MQM’s detractors claim these armed men are involved in extortion, assassination of political rivals, shootings at campaign rallies, and the murder of people from other ethnic communities.

4. (S) Low to middle-ranked police officials acknowledge the extortion and the likely veracity of the other charges. A senior police officer said, in the past eight years alone, MQM was issued over a million arms licenses, mostly for handguns. Post has observed MQM security personnel carrying numerous shoulder-fired weapons, ranging from new European AKMs to crude AK copies, probably produced in local shops. MQM controls the following neighborhoods in Karachi: Gulberg, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Korangi, Landhi, Liaquatabad, Malir, Nazimabad, New Karachi, North Nazimabad, Orangi Town, Saddar and Shah Faisal.


Imran Khan on MQM in Jawab Deyh - 3 (GEO TV 3rd Jun 2007)

Imran Khan on MQM in Jawab Deyh - 4 (GEO TV 3rd Jun 2007)


LONDON, July 19: The Karachi situation was discussed "threadbare" at a meeting in London on Tuesday night between the leader of the Mohajir Qaumi Movement, Altaf Hussain, and his team and Gen Hameed Gul, former chief of the 1st. The five-point formula which Gen Gul had discussed with Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, before coming to London for his meeting with Mr Hussain, had already been conveyed to the MQM leadership and considered by them. Mr Hussain is said to have assured the general, who said he had taken the initiative to break the present stalemate on his own, that the MQM had gone into the talks with the government with the attitude that it would lilce these to reach a positive conclusion. Mr Hussain, also complained among other things, about the propaganda campaign being carried out by the government and the official media suspecting disloyalty o Pakistan. It was suggested to him by Gen Gul that a "strong statement' from Mr Hussain in support of the Kashmir cause would go a long way in removing the wrong impression. Gen Gul told Dawn that Mr Hussain seemed to be of the opinion that he would go to "the last limit" to see the talks between Government and the MQM succeed. The MQM team feels that the 21-point charter of demands put forward by the government is nothing more than "a charge sheet". The MQM did not, during the three-hour long parleys, once raise the demand for a separate province for the Mohajirs. The formula brought by Gen Gul, which has been described by an observer, as "balanced", sets the rules of etiquette. The formula suggested holding of a dialogue to contain the rapidly deteriorating situation in Karachi which has "all the potential to degenerate into a wider and more menacing ethnic conflict". His suggestions included the initiation of dialogue in accordance with the laid down principles, between the concerned parties through mediators. The second proposal is for an end to agitation/resistance and the cleanup operation. Thirdly, the setting up of a neutral and authoritative administration for Karachi for interim period. Fourthly, the organisation of ad hoc (impartial) local councils to provide civic relief till local bodies elections are held. And lastly, holding of local bodies elections. Among the confidence-building measures suggested is cutting off the media campaign and hostile statements. It also calls for official efforts to recover the missing Ms Rais Fatima and government's word of syrnpathy and monetary relief for Ms Farzana Sultan. Relief for detained MQM senators is also suggested. Gen Gul's formula urged de escalation rather than escalation of demands as well as repression. It asked the parties to vow to help each other in exposing miscreants and violators after the settlement. The post-settlement actions suggested include general amnesty for emotionally charged crimes, trials for foreign agents and professional criminals and the establishment of a peace corps comprising well behaved youth to reduce overbearing presence of the police. The reaction from the MQM side to the talks is still awaited. REFERENCE: MQM in broad accord with Gul DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending:20 July, 1995 Issue:01/28 

1 comment:

  1. Aamir Mughal you very good in compiling and deep research include worth reading material and to the point,but if you don't mind i give suggestion(just my point of view) the way you present you worked and article is too lengthy and became unattractive to read whole article by viewers.i think little effort can change your whole presentation just use combination of color,heading format,text background color,and many more not need to teach master but remind thanks,
