Friday, July 15, 2011

Burning Pakistan, Paparazzi Media & Irresponsible Politicians.

She alleged that more attacks were being planned on her life. She said her apprehension was that a strike would be made on either of her houses in Clifton and Larkana. “The modus operandi will be that selected people will be planted in the police department and posted near my house. Perhaps, commandos will be sent in the garb of a rival political party and blamed for the attack.” Ms Bhutto said she had shared this piece of information with Gen Musharraf and was confident the government would take pre-emptive measures. She believed the “battle to save Pakistan is going to require a heroic effort and I hope that the people of Pakistan will support me and all political parties to stave off a militant takeover”. She disclosed that a media representative had told her on return from Dubai that he had received a phone call from a retired military official that there would be an attack on her that day and that the MQM would be doing that. “I said that if such an attack comes, it will not be from the MQM.” In reply to a question, she said Gen Musharraf was very sorry for the attack and had called on “all and sundry to unite for the fight against extremism and militancy”. At the outset, Ms Bhutto offered prayers for all those who lost their lives in the suicide attack, announcing that the PPP would offer ghaaibana janaza prayers on Suinday in all district headquarters. She thanked the UN chief, President Musharraf, Nawaz Sharif, Altaf Hussain, Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi, Senator Asfandyar Wali, Afghan President Hamid Karzai and India’s L. K. Advani for inquiring after her in the wake of the tragedy. “Our thoughts, prayers and sympathies are with those who laid down their lives and to their families.” She also condoled with the family of the TV cameraman and a number of policemen who died after the explosions. She also praised the party cadres, workers, and all those who trekked long distances to welcome her on her homecoming. REFERENCE: ‘Zia remnants’ blamed for Karachi carnage: Benazir vows to confront militants, fears more attacks By Shamim-ur-Rahman October 20, 2007 Saturday Shawwal 7, 1428 

Excellent Vocabulary of Pakistani Politicians (In Session Dunya TV- 15-7-2011)

The most foul and irresponsible comment by Zardari when he used "Iron-smith" for Nawaz Sharif, political differences and fiery statements are one thing and attacking a Profession is entirely different. Zardari has insulted all those hard working men/women who are professionally Iron-smith. The way he used "Lohar" as if those who are Lohar are not even Human Being. Same old Ashraf Ajlaf thinking of South Asia which has turned the Hard Working Labour Class into a "Kammi Kameen (Scheduled Caste) " whereas all over the world people/nations praise "Dignity of Labour" which Zardari cannot understand. NAUDERO: The thinking of “Maulvi” Nawaz Sharif is being defeated, said President Asif Ali Zardari while addressing a public meeting here on Tuesday to mark Benazir Bhutto’s birth anniversary. He asked who is Maulvi Nawaz Sharif to hate generals and love soldiers? He said this is the thinking of a blacksmith. “Learn from me, meet me in private or make me your teacher,” Zardari advised Nawaz. About Nawaz, the president further said, “he is pitting us against the military, but we will not fight. Today he is criticising the Army.” REFERENCE: Maulvi` Nawaz`s mindset being defeated: Zardari Wednesday June 22, 2011 (1156 PST)

Dr Imran Farooq said Hakeem Saeed was murdered on Nawaz Sharif Orders - GEO TV


Nisar demands investigation into verbal war Published: December 31, 2010  Verbal skullduggery: 'No personal statements' By Express / Zia Khan Published: December 30, 2010  Throwing down the gauntlet: Altaf challenges PML-N to public debate Published: December 29, 2010  Sharif accuses MQM of killing hundreds in Karachi By Roshan Mughal Published: December 27, 2010

Imran Khan & Nawaz Sharif Condemning MQM Together - (GEO TV 2007)


Nisar demands investigation into verbal war Published: December 31, 2010  Verbal skullduggery: 'No personal statements' By Express / Zia Khan Published: December 30, 2010  Throwing down the gauntlet: Altaf challenges PML-N to public debate Published: December 29, 2010  Sharif accuses MQM of killing hundreds in Karachi By Roshan Mughal Published: December 27, 2010 

MQM & PML - N Attack on each other (Dunya TV)


Nisar demands investigation into verbal war Published: December 31, 2010  Verbal skullduggery: 'No personal statements' By Express / Zia Khan Published: December 30, 2010  Throwing down the gauntlet: Altaf challenges PML-N to public debate Published: December 29, 2010  Sharif accuses MQM of killing hundreds in Karachi By Roshan Mughal Published: December 27, 2010 

Wasim Akhtar (MQM) Exposes Nawaz Sharif & PML - Nawaz.


Nisar demands investigation into verbal war Published: December 31, 2010  Verbal skullduggery: 'No personal statements' By Express / Zia Khan Published: December 30, 2010  Throwing down the gauntlet: Altaf challenges PML-N to public debate Published: December 29, 2010  Sharif accuses MQM of killing hundreds in Karachi By Roshan Mughal Published: December 27, 2010 

Imran Khan's Racist Comment against Muhajirs & Colorued People.


Pakistani Media which is hell bent to play with the lives of the innocent people and the recent example is of repeated Telecast of Zulfiqar Mirza's Clip again and again which culminated in the loss of "15 Innocent Human Being" who were just innocent bystanders not "Sindhi, Muhajirs, Pashtuns, Baluch or Punjabis just somebody's brothers, sisters, mothers, daughters, sons, brothers and fathers. Fifteen Innocent people would have been alive today had the Private Channels wouldn't have repeated the videos of Fiery Political Statement again and again which culminated in the bloodbath and above all why some journalists knowing the nature of politicians ask such questions which results in Killing, Death and Mayhem.

Burning Sindh & Irresponsible Pakistani Politicians/Media - 1 (Bolta Pakistan 14-7-2011)


Eyewitnesses informed Pakistan Today that the host and the guests spoke on the occasion, congratulating each other on the restoration of commissionerate system, while after the speech from the chief guest, the chief minister, all guests were asked to go for dinner. But, perhaps, the journalists present there were not satisfied as they had not been able to get any big news and called on Mirza, who was standing besides other guests and busy on his mobile phone, to say something also. The host requested media persons not to ask questions from Mirza as speeches have ended and dinner was ready to be served but the journalists insisted on asking ‘one or two questions’ from Mirza. Television footage also show Syed trying to restrain Mirza from talking in a bid to finish his programme without any controversies. Eyewitnesses said that journalists asked several questions from Mirza and tried to provoke him by asking some controversial questions. The former Home minister, famous for being vocal and outspoken, answered all their questions in his own style, giving the media persons what they had wanted. It was not the first time that Mirza’s statement have created a controversy but it was the first time that media’s thrust of catching big news and continuously running it on television channels caused the loss of over a dozen precious lives, billions of rupees and the closure for its 18 million population of the commercial hub of the country. REFERENCE: Media behind Mirza’s outburst, consequences? Razzak Abro 

Burning Sindh & Irresponsible Pakistani Politicians/Media - 2 (Bolta Pakistan 14-7-2011)


Karachi is a prize, of course, and the MQM, ANP and PPP have been tussling over it ever since the 2008 elections. But lucrative as Karachi may be, it isn’t the main goal of the PPP, interior Sindh is. By throwing down the gauntlet to the MQM in Karachi, Zulfi Mirza was hoping to pick up the Sindh card with voters in interior Sindh. Confused? Mirza isn’t; he thinks he has a plan. Going into the next election the PPP will have to work with two handicaps. One, its record in office hasn’t exactly been stellar, to put it mildly, and historically the jiyala has stayed at home when he’s been disgruntled and unhappy. Two, to gain power in Islamabad, the PPP cut a deal with the MQM, a betrayal in the minds of the Sindhi voter who is a nationalist and views the MQM with acute suspicion. How do you overcome those two handicaps? Zulfi Mirza wouldn’t know about governance if it came and smacked him in the head. But he does know about fear and the psychological levers that can be used to manipulate an electorate. The three years in bed with the MQM can’t be erased in the mind of the Sindhi voter, but they can be atoned for — at least that’s what Mirza’s plan is. Sindh will be divided over my dead body — when Mirza said that he was at once stoking the fears and suspicions of Sindhi nationalists and trying to position the PPP as the true defender of the Sindhi nation, as opposed to the other Sindhi nationalists who the PPP will have to fight in the next election. But it doesn’t stop at rhetoric. Zulfi Mirza has led the PPP’s Sindh chapter into an alliance with the thuggish ANP forces of Karachi to push back against and break the stranglehold of the MQM over Karachi, particularly through re-demarcation. It’s a bizarre sight for long-term observers of Karachi/Sindh politics and a grim indicator of just how cutthroat politics has become: Sindhi nationalists have historically been critical of the influx of settlers from the country but now the PPP is courting those very Sindhi nationalists by making common cause with the Pakhtun settler against the Urdu-speaking one. If that wasn’t enough fire for Mirza to play with, his overtures to Afaq Ahmad are even more incendiary. Afaq Ahmad is loathed by the MQM and with Mirza calling him the true leader of the Mohajir community, the MQM’s worst fears are being realised: that the MQM-Haqiqi is being revived to try and smash the MQM as it once was in the mid-1990s. It’s about as ugly as politics can get. Mirza’s ANP and Haqiqi gambits to try and wrest Karachi away from the MQM are rooted in the PPP’s desperation to prove its Sindhi nationalist credentials to the Sindhi voter. Of course, there’s the small matter of Karachi sliding towards chaos and anarchy and its population cowering in fear. But of such stuff are elections and politics made, at least in Zulfi Mirza’s world. The irony is the PPP and ANP, had they been led in Sindh by less cynical and ruthless figures, had genuine reason to complain about the MQM’s dominance of Karachi. REFERENCE: Darkness engulfs the City of Lights Cyril Almeida (16 hours ago) Today 

Burning Sindh & Irresponsible Pakistani Politicians/Media - 3 (Bolta Pakistan 14-7-2011)


Though the bulk of his vitriol has been reserved for the MQM, Dr Mirza in general has managed to offend many stakeholders by saying and doing highly impolitic things. For example in February 2009 he told a questioner in the Sindh Assembly that he possessed 350 arms licences. In a city awash with arms, many wondered if boasting of possessing so many guns — even if they were legal — was such a bright idea. In one of his many swipes at the MQM, Dr Mirza told a press conference held at Karachi’s Central Police Office in August 2009 that the Muttahida’s concerns about creeping Talibanisation in Karachi were exaggerated, and that the MQM had been included in the coalition “out of compulsion to keep peace in Karachi”. He also criticised the role of his “brothers” (the MQM) in the previous set-up. In June 2010 he incurred the wrath of the judiciary when he said it was “freeing terrorists” by giving them the “benefit of the doubt”. One of his most divisive statements came in December 2010 while he was speaking to members of the Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry. On that occasion he inferred that the MQM was responsible for targeted killings in Karachi, while adding that the Mohajir community would face the wrath of other communities if other ethnic groups decided to pursue “tit-for-tat” action. In March 2011 Dr Mirza said that the People’s Amn Committee was a “wing” of the PPP. As expected, this elicited howls of protest from the MQM. Perhaps it was due to this rising chorus against the doctor’s unwanted prescriptions that the PPP decided to put him to pasture, sending him on “indefinite leave” in April, with Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah taking the reins of the home ministry. But this was not to be too long a leave. Wednesday’s statement, in which he confessed to meeting jailed Haqiqi leader Afaq Ahmed, who he termed “leader of the Mohajir nation”, as well as tarring the entire Mohajir community with the same brush while criticising the MQM, was the straw that broke the camel’s back. It was viewed by many right-thinking people as incendiary considering Karachi’s current situation as well as highly communal. Dr Mirza has every right to criticise the MQM. However, when such irresponsible comments have the potential to spark communal violence — as they most certainly did, with Karachi descending into an orgy of mayhem on Wednesday night, continuing into Thursday — much thought is needed before making them. Just as the comments were provocative, the violent reaction they met on the streets of Karachi was equally uncalled-for. REFERENCE: The good doctor’s bad medicine By Qasim A. Moini | From the Newspaper (15 hours ago) Today 

Burning Sindh & Irresponsible Pakistani Politicians/Media - 4 (Bolta Pakistan 14-7-2011)


KARACHI, May 25: The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed resentment over a press release issued on May 22 by the Mohajir Rabita Council (MRC) that “included a list of journalists described as chauvinistic, among other insults”. A statement issued by IFJ said: “It is alleged that the list included Zaffar Abbas (resident editor, Dawn, Islamabad), Mazhar Abbas (AFP bureau chief in Karachi), Azhar Abbas (DawnNews TV channel), Ayaz Amir (Dawn), Sajid Mir (anchor of TV One), Shaheen Sehbai (head of ARY One World), Dr Shahid Masood (anchor of GEO TV), Aneeq Ahmed (anchor of ARY One World), Afsar Imam (Aaj TV), Zarar Khan (Bureau chief, AP, Karachi), Zahid Hussain (chief reporter, GEO) and Irfan Siddiqui (columnist, Nawa-i-Waqt).” The statement condemned the MRC press release and called it “very disappointing”. “The last thing Pakistani journalists need is future generations of enemies being developed,” IFJ president Christopher Warren is quoted in the statement as saying. “Threats such as these lead to self-censorship among journalists, which of course is the goal of the intimidators, but which is also a condition that governments who are committed to press freedom cannot allow to develop,” Mr Warren said. “Journalists need to know that they will be protected from threats or attack, and the Pakistani government needs to step up and provide that protection,” he said. REFERENCE: IFJ enraged by MRC’s threat to journalists May 26, 2007 Saturday Jamadi-ul-Awwal 09, 1428 

KARACHI, May 24: The Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), in an appeal to all media groups, has called for immediate safety and security measures for journalists, including comprehensive life insurance, in view of increasing incidents of violence and threats against them. In a statement issued here on Thursday, the PFUJ expressed concern over what it termed record rise in incidents of violence against journalists and other media personnel in 2007. Terming unacceptable a recent press release issued by the Muhajir Rabita Council, which had named some journalists and columnists as chauvinists, the PFUJ urged the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) to use its influence on organisations like the MRC to withdraw the statement, as it would not only create a feeling of insecurity among media personnel but would also harm the democratic culture and freedom of expression in the country. REFERENCE: PFUJ demands adequate security May 25, 2007 Friday Jamadi-ul-Awwal 08, 1428 

KARACHI, May 25: The All Pakistan Newspapers Society (APNS) has urged the president and prime minister to take notice of recent statements of Mohajir Rabita Council (MRC) and MQM Rabita Committee against journalists and said that such deliberations may generate hatred against the press. In a statement signed by APNS secretary-general Mohammad Aslam Kazi, it was said that the society was concerned over the statements of the MRC and the Rabita Committee “denouncing journalists and analysts in the print and electronic media as being anti-Mohajir and biased chauvinists”. In the statement of the MRC, which was issued by four high ranking office-bearers, 13 leading journalists from the print and electronic media were named in a publicly announced hit list as ‘Mohajir dushman’ (enemies of Mohajirs), the APNS statement said, adding that the president of the MRC, Syed Safwanullah, a Muttahida Qaumi Movement minister in the federal government, upon contact had expressed his ignorance about the statement and promised a contradiction, which remained unrealised so far. According to the APNS, another statement issued in the names of two members of the MQM Rabita Committee, Mohammad Ashfaque and Javed Kazmi, had used almost the same expressions as the MRC and hurled similar charges. The APNS believed that the statements of both the MRC and the Rabita Committee against journalists “are likely to provoke hatred against the press in general and incite supporters of the two parties to the possible commission of an offence against those journalists named in the statements,” it said. It urged the MQM committee to formally denounce the inclusion of a hit list in the Rabita Council’s statement and to persuade them to withdraw the inflammatory declaration and also re-examine the statements issued by two of its members, and withdraw it as well in the interest of better relations between political parties and the press. REFERENCE: APNS assails statements of MRC against journalists May 26, 2007 Saturday Jamadi-ul-Awwal 09, 1428 

Karachi --- The Mohajir Rabita Council has condemned death threats to some Karachi-based journalists, and described it as yet another conspiracy to malign Mohajirs. It demanded a high level inquiry into the matter and punishment to the culprits. In a statement faxed to Dawn by its press secretary Minhajul Arfeen, MRC's Senior Vice-President Yaqoob Bandhani, General Secretary Tasadduq Hussain, Finance Secretary Ms Raeesa Mohani and members of the working committee claimed that they had come to know from the print and electronic media that some unidentified people had dropped envelopes containing bullets and threatening letters in the vehicles of three journalists. It may be pointed out that cars of the two reporters and photographer were parked outside the Karachi Press Club when the envelops were discovered. Each envelope contained only one bullet and no threatening letter. The media also reported accordingly. Demanding a high level inquiry into what it described as a deplorable threat to journalists, the MRC press release maintained that the organisation comprised elders who had played a pivotal role in the creation of Pakistan and had always, through peaceful means, struggled for the rights of Mohajirs. It maintained that after the May 12 mayhem in the city, conspirators had expedited their drive against Mohajirs, and claimed that the envelopes with bullet and threatening letters were part of that conspiracy. REFERENCE: Mohajir community denies allegations that they threatened journalists Dawn Thursday, May 31, 2007 Asia Media PAKISTAN: Threats to journalists termed 'conspiracy against Mohajirs'

Burning Sindh & Irresponsible Pakistani Politicians/Media - 5 (Bolta Pakistan 14-7-2011)


Karachi --- The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed resentment over a press release issued on May 22 by the Mohajir Rabita Council (MRC) that "included a list of journalists described as chauvinistic, among other insults".

A statement issued by IFJ said: "It is alleged that the list included Zaffar Abbas (resident editor, Dawn, Islamabad), Mazhar Abbas (AFP bureau chief in Karachi), Azhar Abbas (DawnNews TV channel), Ayaz Amir (Dawn), Sajid Mir (anchor of TV One), Shaheen Sehbai (head of ARY One World), Dr Shahid Masood (anchor of GEO TV), Aneeq Ahmed (anchor of ARY One World), Afsar Imam (Aaj TV), Zarar Khan (Bureau chief, AP, Karachi), Zahid Hussain (chief reporter, GEO) and Irfan Siddiqui (columnist, Nawa-i-Waqt)."

The statement condemned the MRC press release and called it "very disappointing". "The last thing Pakistani journalists need is future generations of enemies being developed," IFJ president Christopher Warren is quoted in the statement as saying. "Threats such as these lead to self-censorship among journalists, which of course is the goal of the intimidators, but which is also a condition that governments who are committed to press freedom cannot allow to develop," Mr Warren said. "Journalists need to know that they will be protected from threats or attack, and the Pakistani government needs to step up and provide that protection," he said.

APNS assails statements of MRC against journalists

Karachi --- The All Pakistan Newspapers Society (APNS) has urged the president and prime minister to take notice of recent statements of Mohajir Rabita Council (MRC) and MQM Rabita Committee against journalists and said that such deliberations may generate hatred against the press. In a statement signed by APNS secretary-general Mohammad Aslam Kazi, it was said that the society was concerned over the statements of the MRC and the Rabita Committee “denouncing journalists and analysts in the print and electronic media as being anti-Mohajir and biased chauvinists”. In the statement of the MRC, which was issued by four high ranking office-bearers, 13 leading journalists from the print and electronic media were named in a publicly announced hit list as ‘Mohajir dushman' (enemies of Mohajirs), the APNS statement said, adding that the president of the MRC, Syed Safwanullah, a Muttahida Qaumi Movement minister in the federal government, upon contact had expressed his ignorance about the statement and promised a contradiction, which remained unrealised so far. According to the APNS, another statement issued in the names of two members of the MQM Rabita Committee, Mohammad Ashfaque and Javed Kazmi, had used almost the same expressions as the MRC and hurled similar charges. The APNS believed that the statements of both the MRC and the Rabita Committee against journalists “are likely to provoke hatred against the press in general and incite supporters of the two parties to the possible commission of an offence against those journalists named in the statements,” it said. It urged the MQM committee to formally denounce the inclusion of a hit list in the Rabita Council's statement and to persuade them to withdraw the inflammatory declaration and also re-examine the statements issued by two of its members, and withdraw it as well in the interest of better relations between political parties and the press. REFERENCE: Asia Media Date Posted: 5/25/2007 Council releases a list of journalists deemed subversive to society Dawn Friday, May 25, 2007 PAKISTAN: IFJ enraged by MRC's threat to journalists 

KARACHI, May 29: In what appears to be a direct death threat, bullets were found on Tuesday night in the cars of three senior journalists parked outside the Karachi Press Club. The cars belonged to secretary-general of Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists Mazhar Abbas, Zarar Khan and photojournalist Asif Hussain. When the journalists opened their vehicles, each of them found a bullet wrapped in a brown paper envelope. It may be pointed out that names of Mazhar Abbas and Zarar Khan had appeared in a statement of the Mohajir Rabita Council in which they were described as anti-Mohajir chauvanists. The journalists immediately informed Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ibad Khan and IG Police Azhar A. Farooqi. An FIR was lodged with the police. The Karachi Union of Journalists has strongly condemned death threats to the journalists and demanded that the culprits be brought to justice. It also demanded that the organisations whose names have appeared in this connection must publicly denounce and disassociate itself from such terrorist activities. REFERENCE Journalists get death threats By Our Staff Reporter May 30, 2007 Wednesday Jamadi-ul-Awwal 13, 1428 

LAHORE, May 30: The Punjab Union of Journalists on Wednesday staged a demonstration in front of the Lahore Press Club to condemn death threats to three senior Karachi journalists. A large number of city journalists carrying placards and banners urged the government to protect journalists. They also raised slogans against the MQM and the government. The journalists given death threats included Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists Secretary General Mazhar Abbas, Zarar Khan and Asif Hussain. Speaking on the occasion, PUJ President Arif Hameed Bhatti and General Secretary Amer Raza urged the government to take stern action against the MQM, and ban it. It should also expose those disturbing peace in Karachi, they said. They also urged the Punjab government to ban the entry of the members of the party into Punjab.

They said the union would give a call for a hunger strike if the government failed to protect journalists who would continue to perform their duty without caring for the consequences. Meanwhile, in a statement the South Asia Media Commission (SAMC) expressed its anger over threats to the life and property of journalists in Karachi and Peshawar given by, what it said, different extremist organizations. It urged the Pakistani authorities to protect the journalists. The statement issued by SAMC Regional Coordinator Husain Naqi here said the life threats to the three Karachi journalists came a week after a shadowy organization, The Mohajir Rabita Council with links to the MQM, a party that supports military ruler President Pervez Musharraf, issued a list of a dozen journalists, declaring them as enemies, it said.

It said on May 25 gunmen attacked the Peshawar home of Daily Times cartoonist Muhammad Zahoor at around 2am. Four-time winner of the All Pakistan Newspaper Society’s annual best cartoonist award, Zahoor had drawn many cartoons on the Supreme Court chief justice’s dismissal in recent weeks. The home of Nasrullah Afridi, the Urdu language daily Mashriq in the Khyber Agency section of the Tribal Areas, came under grenade attack after death threats made against him five days earlier by the head of Lashkar-i-Islam. “We believe it is a very serious threat to working journalists. It is an attempt to muzzle the free media. The government should arrest those behind the threats,” SAMC Chairperson N Ram and General Secretary Najam Sethi said. They said journalists needed to know that they would be protected from threats or attack. “If the government fails to do so, we will be justified in believing that there is complicity of the government in the current campaign to harass journalists,” they said. They said the Muhajir Rabita Council had issued a threatening statement on May 22 with a list of some 20 journalists it described as chauvinist and hostile to their movement. REFERENCE: PUJ rally condemns threats to journalists By our Staff Reporter May 31, 2007 Thursday Jamadi-ul-Awwal 14, 1428 

HYDERABAD, May 30: Journalists staged protest demonstrations and held rallies in different parts of Sindh on Wednesday against the issuance of life threats to PFUJ secretary-general Mazhar Abbas, AP correspondent Zarar Khan and photographer Asif Hussain, and attack on Shakeel Turrabi, Editor-in-Chief, Sana News. Members of the press club and Hyderabad Union of Journalists demonstrated against the harassment of journalists by ‘terrorists.’ President Hyderabad Press Club Shahid Shaikh said this was only a symbolic protest demonstration but if such threats were not stopped media people will resort to direct action. NAWABSHAH: Journalists of Nawabshah staged demonstration outside the press club. They carried placards and raised slogans in favour of press freedom. Speaking on the occasion, Mohammad Anwar Shaikh said that the government was claiming that press and media were free but threats were being issued to journalists. The members condemned such threats. JACOBABAD: Journalists of Jacobabad took out a rally led by Nazar Abbas Shah, president district union of journalists, while activists of political parties and social organisations also participated in it. Protesters staged a sit-in near the DCO Chowk. REFERENCE: Threats to journalists condemned May 30, 2007 Wednesday Jamadi-ul-Awwal 13, 1428 

KARACHI, May 29: In what appears to be a direct death threat, bullets were found on Tuesday night in the cars of three senior journalists parked outside the Karachi Press Club. The cars belonged to secretary-general of Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists Mazhar Abbas, Zarar Khan and photojournalist Asif Hussain. When the journalists opened their vehicles, each of them found a bullet wrapped in a brown paper envelope. It may be pointed out that names of Mazhar Abbas and Zarar Khan had appeared in a statement of the Mohajir Rabita Council in which they were described as anti-Mohajir chauvanists. The journalists immediately informed Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ibad Khan and IG Police Azhar A. Farooqi. An FIR was lodged with the police. The Karachi Union of Journalists has strongly condemned death threats to the journalists and demanded that the culprits be brought to justice. It also demanded that the organisations whose names have appeared in this connection must publicly denounce and disassociate itself from such terrorist activities. REFERENCE: Dawn Report Journalists get death threats By Our Staff Reporter May 30, 2007 Wednesday Jamadi-ul-Awwal 13, 1428

The brutal assassination Salman Taseer has opened a can of worms in an already contaminated social landscape of Pakistan which is struggling with modernity in the second decade of the 21st century. The odious adulation over the extremist security turned homicidal goon Qadri is as disturbing as it is, the media was also not far behind in scoring sensationalist ratings on the Taseer/Asia Bibi fiasco. Below are two clips from Mehar Bukhari’s show on Samaa TV where she interviewed the late Governor on the 25th of November 2010. Observe the rabid antics of the above mentioned TV anchor and her uber-provocative assault on Mr Taseer. The media must draw a line on their point scoring, foaming behaviour and a call for the said TV anchor to take a fraction for inciting hate against Salman Taseer and pandering to the radical conservatives. REFERENCE: Meher Bukhari has Salman Taseer’s blood on her hands as well Zia Ahmad January 11, 2011 · 3:00 pm

Samaa TV & Meher Bokhari Murdered Salman Taseer - Part 1 (25 Nov 2010)

Samaa TV & Meher Bokhari Murdered Salman Taseer - Part 2 (25 Nov 2010)

Friendly journalists - Mr Zardari's supporters believe that cancelling the trip would not have helped him. "He would have been remembered and criticised even if there were no floods in the country," said Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani on Thursday. And indeed, the current anti-Zardari campaign in the media started before the floods hit the headlines. The criticism began after British Prime Minister David Cameron made remarks in India on 28 July where he accused some in Pakistan of "looking both ways", exporting terror to neighbouring countries. On 31 July, Pakistan's Geo TV reported that the chief of the ISI intelligence service, Lt Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha, had cancelled a scheduled trip to the UK because of Mr Cameron's remarks, but Mr Zardari was continuing with his planned trip. Pakistan's ubiquitous TV news presenters began questioning President Zardari's patriotism and personal integrity. The print media was not far behind. While President Zardari's European tour had been "reduced to a pleasure trip" after Mr Cameron's remarks, "the army reacted in a timely and dignified manner" by cancelling the ISI chief's UK visit, an editorial comment in the Pakistan Observer newspaper said. The News newspaper called Mr Zardari's visit a "pursuit of his own dynastic aggrandizement". The floods only intensified this initial criticism. Two significant developments took place on Thursday. Firstly, Bilawal Bhutto denied he was planning to address the Pakistan Peoples' Party rally in Birmingham, one of the main reasons for Mr Zardari's trip. Secondly, Prime Minister Gilani informed journalists that the ISI chief had not, in fact, scheduled a visit to the UK in the first place. Many quarters insist Bilawal Bhutto's "cancellation" of an appearance at the Birmingham show may be the result of a rethink on the part of Mr Zardari's advisers to minimise political damage. But what about the confusion over the story about the ISI chief's visit to the UK? The initial report on Geo TV had come from mysterious, unnamed sources. And even more mysteriously, the army's media wing - which normally keeps a hawkish eye on the news, correcting reports at the first possible stage - had not stepped in to clarify the report. The ties between the military and the media are strong. The military often use the media to protect its hold on the giant corporate empire which it has built. In the 1980s the military did this through open censorship. Since the 1990s it has evolved subtler ways. It controls almost all access to big stories, and has therefore been able to raise a corps of "friendly" journalists who now control most key jobs in Pakistani media due to their "contacts". President Zardari's supporters suggest the media could have made up the story of the ISI cancelling its trip to the UK in order to spark an anti-Zardari campaign, which intensified as the scale of the flood damage became clear. REFERENCE: Criticism of Zardari in Pakistan hides a political game By M Ilyas Khan BBC News, Islamabad 7 August 2010 Last updated at 15:10 GMT 

1 comment:

  1. I wish there was something one could do to put a stop to television news anchors descending to the pits of silliness when asking questions of hapless ‘guests’ on the news. It seems when the news producers instruct them to ‘stay’ on a particular piece of news, and with a particular guest, the anchors’ questions typically become more and more nonsensical with the passage of passing minutes. Take for example the tragic incident of the recent bus accident on the motorway between Lahore and Islamabad. This accident, in which numerous innocent young lives were lost, took place on the section of the highway that passes through the Kallar Kahar salt mines. This section contains dangerous inclines and the speed limit is low and generally enforced by the motorway police.
    The bus in question, however, sped down the incline due to failed brakes, went out of control and turned over. Straight after having heard all these details from the reporter on the scene of the accident, a private television anchor happened to have a senior officer of the motorway police on the line with her. The unfortunate man first had to gently explain to the anchor that her suggestion to arrange for a newer bus for the children (since this one was not in good condition), in the late evening hours, in the middle of the motorway, is easier said than done. At her persistence, he further had to explain that the police cannot do engine/brake inspections of buses on the motorway (‘engine ke andar to nahi ghus saktay’) that look well-looked after (‘lashpash’) on the outside. It was quite evident that the line of questioning that ought to have taken place with the motorway police officer should have been of an entirely different vein. Clearly, the accusations could have been reserved for the owner of the bus who had perhaps skimped on maintenance. Simply to appear sensational and ‘tough’, anchors tend to fire in all directions. News channels do need to realize that this takes away from the quality of their reports. Attack on every unfortunate beeper passing by does not make for good television.
