Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Grand Alliance of PML (Nawaz) & Memory Loss!

LAHORE, July 2: The Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) dropped the first hint on Saturday of its readiness to embrace the Muttahida Qaumi Movement in order to forge an anti-PPP alliance when Nawaz Sharif, the party chief, said “we will welcome the MQM into a grand political alliance to rid the nation of the present government”. “The MQM has at last come to the conclusion that the government plays tricks with its allies on every occasion,” Mr Sharif said. “We will welcome all parties in a proposed grand anti-government alliance as it is the need of the hour to rid the nation of this government,” the former prime minister said while talking to reporters after a party meeting in Model Town. Mr Sharif’s statement came amid the buzz in political circles that the Punjab chief minister was likely to meet MQM supremo Altaf Hussain during a week-long visit slated to begin on Sunday. A spokesman for the PML-N, however, scotched such speculations. “No meeting is scheduled between Shahbaz Sharif and Altaf Hussain in London,” the spokesman said. REFERENCE: Nawaz ready to work with Muttahida By Zulqernain Tahir | From the Newspaper July 3, 2011 (2 days ago) http://www.dawn.com/2011/07/03/nawaz-ready-to-work-with-muttahida.html 

Nawaz Sharif "Attacks" MQM.

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHkxpSxlPw8

MQM-PML (N) Revolution, Brigadier (R) Imtiaz & LONDON APC. http://chagataikhan.blogspot.com/2011/07/mqm-pml-n-revolution-brigadier-r-imtiaz.html  PML - N Operation Cleanup 1992 against MQM & Maulana Fazlur Rehman. http://chagataikhan.blogspot.com/2011/06/pml-n-operation-cleanup-1992-against.html  Wiki Leaks Memo on MQM & MQM's "Confusion" over AL-QAEDA. http://chagataikhan.blogspot.com/2011/05/wiki-leaks-memo-on-mqm-mqms-confusion.html  Wiki Leaks Memo on "Karachi Killings"! http://chagataikhan.blogspot.com/2011/05/wiki-leaks-memo-on-karachi-killings.html

PML(N) Vs MQM Mustafa Kamal On Fire SHAME Politicians

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLDyGq68RQ8

Wasim Akhtar (MQM) Exposes Nawaz Sharif & PML - Nawaz.

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKnb8xy-2yY

ISLAMABAD: The Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) has reacted positively to Pakistan Muslim League-N chief Nawaz Sharif’s statement welcoming it into an ‘opposition alliance’, but has said it is not ready to join any move to topple the government. “We recognise PML-N’s mandate and will definitely cooperate with the party on the opposition benches in parliament, but we do not believe in plans to topple governments to achieve certain political goals,” MQM spokesman Wasay Jalil said while commenting on Mr Sharif’s indirect offer to the party to join an anti-government alliance. Talking to Dawn on Sunday, Mr Jalil said the MQM had not received any formal offer from the PML-N, adding that the media would be informed about the party’s decision whenever such an offer was received. He said the PML-N was the largest opposition party and the MQM was ready to work under it on the opposition benches. REFERENCE: MQM against joining bid to topple govt By Amir Wasim | From the Newspaper Yesterday http://www.dawn.com/2011/07/04/mqm-against-joining-bid-to-topple-govt.html 

Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan [MNA - PML (Nawaz)] always resort to personal attacks


KARACHI, Aug 24 Muttahida Qaumi Movement chief Altaf Hussain has appealed to Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry to constitute a “truth and reconciliation commission” in the light of disclosures made by Lt-Gen (retd) Naseer Akhtar, a former corps commander of Karachi, and Brig Imtiaz Ahmed, a former director-general of the Intelligence Bureau, that the MQM had nothing to do with the “Jinnahpur conspiracy”. Speaking at a press conference through remote video link from London at the Jinnah Ground on Monday, Mr Hussain said that at a talk show aired on a private television channel, the former Karachi corps commander and the former director-general of the intelligence bureau had made it clear that the allegation of the recovery of maps of Jinnahpur from the offices of the MQM in June 1992 was baseless and that the documents were fake. He recalled that Brig Asif Haroon had called journalists from Punjab after the launch of the operation to brief them about the “Jinnahpur conspiracy”, showing them maps of Jinnahpur and other documents found in the offices of MQM. “But on Sunday, Lt-Gen (retd) Naseer Akhtar and Brig (retd) Imtiaz made it clear that it was a false allegation and an attempt to divide the nation,” the MQM chief added. On the basis of the alleged maps of Jinnahpur, action was ordered against the MQM, the Muttahida chief recalled, alleging that 15,000 workers were killed during the operation and its aftermath. Mr Hussain thanked the two former military officials for “speaking the truth about the Jinnahpur conspiracy”, but lamented that it was too late since it cost the MQM heavily. He wondered why then prime minister Nawaz Sharif did not try to stop the operation. Altaf Husain called upon Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry to set up a “truth and reconciliation commission” so that “fact could be distinguished from fiction”.“I can make very harsh comments after the disclosures by two senior former military officials, but I am not doing so for the sake of political harmony. “But Mr Chaudhry (Chief Justice of Pakistan), will it not be appropriate to constitute a truth and reconciliation commission. I leave the decision to you.” “I don`t want confrontation….I want unity and therefore I announce that today I pardon the murderers of my brother and nephew,” Mr Altaf said. The MQM supremo appealed to the Army and the ISI not to pay heed to the propaganda against his party. “We are not traitors….we only want to change the corrupt feudal system in the country. I appeal to the army and the ISI to withdraw old allegations, accept the MQM as a patriotic party and allow it to work across the country.” He also urged the ISI to remove from its archives all documents maligning the MQM. Mr Altaf asked CJP Iftikhar Chaudhry to summon Lt-Gen Naseer Akhtar and Brig Imtiaz to hear their versions on the 1992 operation. He called upon the president, the prime minister and the federal cabinet to “take the nation into confidence” about those “testing times”. A large number of relatives of MQM workers who were killed during the military operation were present at the Jinnah ground. REFERENCE: Retired army officers absolve MQM of Jinnahpur plot: Altaf calls for truth and reconciliation commission By Azfar-ul-Ashfaque August 25, 2009 http://archives.dawn.com/archives/35615 

MQM Hyder Abbas Rivi's Reply to Chaudhry Nisar's statement


HYDERABAD, Oct 21 Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz has held Sindh government responsible for recent bloodshed in Karachi and demanded that Sindh assembly should be suspended for a year, government and governor should be dismissed, an interim government should be set up with Chief Justice of Sindh High Court as its head and Karachi should be handed over to Army. PML-N leader and former MNA Sahibzada Shabbir Hassan Ansari said at a news conference here on Thursday that it was the only way out to stop the ongoing blood sport in the metropolis. He supported PPP leader Nabil Ahmed Gabol`s demand for handing over control of Karachi to army. “Karachi economic engine of the country, when it is disturbed the economy of the entire country is disturbed,” he said. He said that scores of innocent people were killed on the Ashura day and shops and property belonging to business community worth billions of rupees were set ablaze. Then, following murder of MQM MPA Raza Hyder, over a 100 innocent lives were put to death and only during last week, more than a 100 people were gunned down but not a single culprit had been arrested so far, he regretted.

Mr Ansari said that the government was only staging farces and announcing promulgation of curfew and search operation on electronic media to give ample time to criminal elements to go underground with their weapons. “Is it not really flabbergasting that the PPP, ANP and MQM, which are themselves “the government”, are blaming each other for the bloodshed,” he asked and wondered whom should the aggrieved families turn to when the government had ceased to exist. He welcomed the decision of Supreme Court on the 18th Amendment and advised President Asif Zardari not to indulge in confrontation with the superior judiciary and its judgement on the NRO in letter and spirit. He said the president should also direct his ministers to be extra careful in their choice of words when they spoke about Nawaz Sharif and other political leaders. Even the illiterate avoided using the language which the PPP ministers were in the habit of using, the PML-N leader said.

Expressing concern over prevailing situation in Balochistan, he stressed the need for a dialogue and warned that use of force would add fuel to the fire. ANP Senior vice-president of the Awami National Party`s Sindh chapter, Haji Asmatullah Khan Mehsud, has said that the Muttahida Qaumi Movement is levelling baseless allegations against the ANP in order to lift its image. He said in a press statement issued on Thursday MQM was opposing military operation but when military operation could be launched in Swat, Bajaur, Malakand and Waziristan against terrorists, why it could not be launched in Karachi. He stressed the need for ridding Karachi of Bhatta and land mafia and demanded that all political parties should support army operation against seemingly unstoppable target killings. He urged Sindh government to take a courageous decision like Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa`s government to use Army`s help in eradicating all mafias and terrorists from Karachi. REFERENCE: PML-N calls for dismissal of Sindh govt, governor Bureau Report October 22, 2010 http://archives.dawn.com/archives/81643 

Speech of Haider Abbas Rizvi Rebuttal of Ch. Nisar in the Parliament - 1 (2009 National Assembly of Pakistan)


GOING by the rate at which former operatives from a plethora of military and other agencies have been emerging from the woodwork and spilling the beans, it almost seems as if someone went around spiking their preferred beverages with truth serum in the run-up to the month of fasting. If only it were that simple. Were there is some sort of guarantee that their outpourings consisted of nothing but the truth, it would be possible to applaud the skeletons that have steadily been striding out of all manner of cupboards in recent weeks. Back in the dying years of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev laid considerable store by his policy of glasnost, which was an attempt to fill in the blank pages of his nation`s history. Much of the material that saw the light in those heady days was, of course, already common knowledge outside the USSR. There can be little doubt that there are many blank pages in Pakistan`s history, but the present process of filling them cannot reasonably be compared with glasnost. A crucial reason for this is that invariably the source of the so-called revelations and the motivation behind them is more relevant than the content. The `why` has more value than the `what`, not least because the latter often involves a regurgitation of established facts.

For instance, did anyone seriously doubt that the Islami Jamhoori Ittihad (IJI) was cobbled together by the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) 21 years ago in an attempt to thwart the electoral appeal of the PPP? Surely, the abortive attempt to keep the PPP out of power following the 1988 elections could not have eluded even a casual observer of those shenanigans. And it was followed by efforts to destabilise and, ultimately, abolish the PPP-led government. Is there any element of surprise, then, in the nugget that the ISI distributed largesse among the PPP`s political opponents in the run-up to the next election, or that it was involved in buying loyalties during the effort to push through a motion of no-confidence against the government of Benazir Bhutto? It has also long been rumoured that Osama bin Laden was generous to Benazir`s opponents, and the allegation that he met Nawaz Sharif five times a dozen or so years before 9/11 is of passing interest in the wider context of the Saudi role in Pakistani politics.

Intriguingly, the claim comes from former ISI official Khalid Khawaja, who reportedly heads an NGO called Defence of Human Rights, an organisation that focuses exclusively on those whose rights may have been violated by the US and its allies but can evidently summon up no sympathy for the victims of terrorism. Khawaja was arrested a couple of years ago for distributing `hate material` outside Islamabad`s Lal Masjid, and one thing he decidedly shares in common with the other bean-spillers Рnot least the retired brigadier Imtiaz Ahmed, formerly of the Intelligence Bureau (IB) and ISI Рis that they personally have a great deal to answer for. However, what seems crucial at the moment is the question of who or what has instigated them to start talking openly about misdeeds in which they were intimately involved. Was it an attempt to distract attention from the moderately mysterious minus-one formula that dominated media attention for a while (the one in question being President Asif Ali Zardari)? Or was it primarily intended to bury the demand for former military dictator Pervez Musharraf`s trial? Or were there multiple motivating factors, including an attempt to rehabilitate the reputation of the neo-fascist Muttahida Qaumi Mahaz (MQM) Рwhose leader, settled in London for 17 years, has established a new paradigm in political cowardice? Musharraf, like Altaf Hussain, is domiciled in the British capital, albeit rather more tentatively. The argument that placing him alone in the dock would be a travesty, given that there is a long list of people whose constitutional transgressions and related offences qualify them for prosecution, is certainly not without merit. Tragically, it is more convincing than the idealistic hope that an ex-dictator`s trial and punishment would deter future military takeovers. In fact, it is quite conceivable that the army would feel obliged to flex its muscles in the event of its former chief being made to answer for his crimes. And that may not be a risk worth taking. It is harder to agree with those who see little point in revisiting the recent past, fearing that history`s ghosts could block the road to reconciliation Рbut perhaps forgetting that no meaningful reconciliation can occur without an explicit recognition of what has gone before. This is not to suggest that the current cacophony of probable falsehoods and motivated semi-truths qualifies as an adequate Рor even desirable Рreckoning. At the same time, the plethora of talking heads on private television channels has yielded a few intriguing insights. It was extremely interesting, for instance, to encounter former army chief Mirza Aslam Beg`s ingratiatingly reverent references to the Bhuttos, p̬re et fille, and even an expression of sympathy for al-Zulfikar.

It is well worth remembering, among other things, that while Z.A. Bhutto`s prime ministerial tenure had its redeeming features, it was also the period during which Saudi and ISI interference in Pakistani politics was initiated. It didn`t pay off for the PPP. Unlike their recent gesture towards Musharraf, the Saudis made no effort to save Bhutto`s life. The extent to which they are willing to coddle Nawaz Sharif remains to be seen, but there can be little question that recent indications that the latter would be a considerably more popular choice as helmsman than the incumbent are based on selective amnesia. Meanwhile, as Zardari hits the handout trail yet again, bringing his personal philosophy – that money is the solution to every problem – to bear on affairs of state, it`s worth noting that Pakistan`s poverty reflects not so much the absence (or, rather, incredible disparities) of wealth as the preponderance of stealth and, above all, heavily depleted stores of honesty. REFERENCE: March of the skeletons By Mahir Ali September 16, 2009 http://archives.dawn.com/archives/18894 

Speech of Haider Abbas Rizvi Rebuttal of Ch. Nisar in the Parliament - 2 (2009 National Assembly of Pakistan)

WHICH Michael Jackson song was it that had the singer flaunting a set of skeletons on screen? To mark his passing, all the usual suspects in Pakistan have been putting up a not so thrilling show in which bodies are thrown up at will. Many an old grave has been dug up. Little do these performers realise that they may be digging one for themselves. A year after we were released from his grip, Gen Pervez Musharraf remains at the centre of a raging controversy. The PML-N says it wants to take him to court. But by all appearances PML-N`s Musharraf-trial refrain is aimed at further embarrassing a federal government that suffers from a crisis of conscience as well as of action. Parliament and the presidency in this country, with their pomp and glory, have never been empowered to try an army general. The present set-up is no exception to the rule and the presidency can hardly as much as aspire to oblige the PML-N.

The futility of it all doesn`t however prevent politicians from setting up `pro-and anti-Musharraf camps` to take a pot shot or two at each other. The latest in the series is a bare-all exposé by Chaudhry Shujaat Husain. The man has the credentials, for despite having been close to the scene of the crime around the time of the crime he claims innocence. Chaudhry Sahib was there just before Akbar Bugti was killed and there just before the Lal Masjid rebels were taken care of and he says he did all he could as a senior member of the government to avoid the two violent endings. The two instances were evidence enough of Mr Husain`s ability to not be afflicted by the civilian rulers` tendency to commit crimes of passion and then be caught. The same old innocence was on display again last week as he forced open the door to a closet that he had once shared with Mian Nawaz Sharif.

Chaudhry Shujaat took us many years back in history to the moment when a group of men — with political affiliations that were suspect — were brought over from Karachi to Islamabad, were murdered and quietly laid to rest in the Margalla hills. Needless to say this occurred during Nawaz Sharif`s reign and Chaudhry Sahib knows since he was interior minister then. Everyone thought his scoop was designed to jeopardise the `principled stand` that his erstwhile friends at the head of the PML-N had taken against Gen Musharraf. In the event, all he has so far been able to earn with his disclosure are some negative points for the `ever-feuding` politicians. The latest bout began as a clash between the PML-N and the MQM. Soon we had a din of angry voices from Lahore to London. The point to remember is that the MQM got its opportunity to hit out at Mr Sharif courtesy a statement by ex spymaster Brigadier Imtiaz on the bloody 1992 Operation Clean-up that targeted the MQM. It opened a Pandora`s box and various sources have since come up with their versions of the truth, all of which unfailingly cast serious aspersions on the unworthy politicians. The rejection of the politicians is comparatively easier to accomplish, say, during an election. But tougher tasks need our attention. In 1988, the intelligence agencies created the Islami Jamhoori Ittehad to subvert the people`s will.

The old reliable reports have now been given the stamp of confirmation by Brig Imtiaz and a few others. It will be useful to teach the merits of reconciliation to politicians who had sold their souls to the saboteurs long before they were championed as the true guardians of people`s rights and wishes. More significantly, the revelations should start a debate on the ways and means of the `real masters` who have been able to make politicians bend to their dictates. No matter if one set of politicians has to be replaced after having served its utility. So long as the handlers are around, they will not find it difficult to have puppets from among the millions at their disposal. We must try and find out if the current sense of openness is genuine or not and ask the basic question one more time who actually rules us? REFERENCE: Skeletons, skeletons By Asha`ar Rehman August 30, 2009 http://archives.dawn.com/archives/27165 

Speech of Haider Abbas Rizvi Rebuttal of Ch. Nisar in the Parliament - 3 (2009 National Assembly of Pakistan)


ISLAMABAD, Sept 4 The Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) has decided to move its international secretariat from London to Dubai, Dawn has learnt. According to sources in the party, the MQM leadership has taken the decision due to logistical reasons as the party`s members and office-bearers have been facing difficulties in obtaining visa for the UK whenever they are called to London for meetings. The sources said that renovation work was under way in the building that would house the party`s new secretariat. The new offices are expected to be operational within three months. According to a source, Mr Hussain will continue to live in London and will travel to Dubai to attend important meetings of the MQM there. Dubai became an important centre for Pakistani politics in 1998 when former prime minister Benazir Bhutto started living there in self-exile. Ms Bhutto regularly convened meetings of her party`s Central Executive Committee and senior leaders in Dubai during the nine-year rule of former president Gen (retd) Pervez Musharraf.

The controversial deal between Gen (retd) Musharraf and Ms Bhutto regarding the National Reconciliation Ordinance was also struck in Dubai whereas the first direct meeting between the two took place in Abu Dhabi. The MQM formally established its international secretariat in London in 1995 – three years after its chief Altaf Hussain started living there. Mr Hussain was advised by his party colleagues and members of the Rabita Committee to leave the country immediately after he survived an assassination attempt in December 1991. The MQM chief left the country for Saudi Arabia on his way to London in January 1992 – six months before a military operation was launched against the party during Nawaz Sharif`s first tenure as prime minister. Mr Hussain was in London when the party`s name was changed from “Mohajir Qaumi Movement” to the present “Muttahida Qaumi Movement” in 1997. REFERENCE: MQM plans to move secretariat to Dubai By Amir Wasim September 5, 2010 http://archives.dawn.com/archives/37977
Speech of Haider Abbas Rizvi Rebuttal of Ch. Nisar in the Parliament - 4 (2009 National Assembly of Pakistan)


KARACHI Almost every ruling and opposition parties have opposed the Muttahida Qaumi Movement chief Altaf Hussain`s call to `patriotic generals to take action similar to martial law against corrupt politicians`, saying that a civilian set-up must be supported over a military rule. MQM chief Altaf Hussain told his party workers on Sunday that army generals had imposed martial laws in the past and so they could take a similar action again to weed out corrupt politicians and the MQM would support such an act. Every party expressed its concern over the MQM chief`s call. Commenting on Mr Hussain`s speech, a senior leader of the Pakistan People`s Party, Taj Haider, said that “such statements are not welcome”. However, he hastily added that he would not say anything that might affect the working relationship of the PPP and the MQM, which are coalition partner at the centre and in Sindh. “We are following the policy of reconciliation and would continue to pursue it.”

Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) leader Saleem Zia said that his party had a great respect for the country`s armed forces and it was a firm believer that every organisation should play its due role as envisaged in the Constitution. He said that the army was doing a wonderful job in the fight against militancy, it had defended the country from external threats, it had done a good job in the relief and rehabilitation work after the 2005 earthquake and it was doing a good rescue and relief operation amid devastating floods. He said that the intervention of armed forces in politics was not a good thing and earlier experiences had shown that the country suffered a lot during military rules. He said that the MQM was a partner in the general Musharraf-led government, which was almost like a martial law, and as to why it did not ask the then military ruler to weed out corruption.

He said that corruption was rampant in the country in every segment of the society, but it was inappropriate to target just politicians. He said that his party would never support army intervention to remove a civilian set up. Ghaus Bakhsh Mahar of the Pakistan Muslim League (Q) said that though the current civilian set up had given worst governance and corruption was rampant, yet he would not support the army intervention to disrupt the civilian set up. He said that he believed that even worst of the democratic governments was better than the best of dictatorships.

He said that the present civilian government had failed miserably as it was taking important national decisions just for personal gains. Amin Khattak of the Awami National Party said that his party would not support martial law. He said that the past experience showed that the country had suffered greatly under martial laws.
He said that heroin and gun culture was the product/gifts of the past martial laws. He said that during the military rules, sectarian and ethnic organizations were created to divide the political forces. He said that even a bad democratic government was better than a good martial law. A leader of the Pakistan Muslim League (Functional), Jam Madad Ali, said that martial law is not a good form of government and he always preferred democracy. He said that he would not support martial law. However, he said that effective steps should be taken to check the menace of corruption. He said he would support any action taken to control corruption but under a civilian set up. He said that people of the country did not like martial laws and had always protested against the dictatorial regimes. Jamiat Ulema Islam (F) leader Qari Usman said that their party could not support martial law as the pervious experiences had shown that the country had suffered a great deal under the army rules. He said that to root out corruption there were proper anti-corruption laws the only thing missing was their proper implementation. He said his party would not support any new martial law. Meanwhile, despite repeated attempts, this reporter could not able to contact any leader of the Jamaat-i-Islami to get their viewpoint. REFERENCE: Altaf`s remarks about martial law criticised by most parties August 23, 2010 http://archives.dawn.com/archives/106653

1 comment:

  1. Since the 2008 elections, Mian Saab has been under the impression that it is only a matter of time before he comes back to power. He thinks all he has to do is wait five years and when the next elections take place he will be swept in to power once again. What Mian Saab has not factored into this plan is the fact that, in 1997, when he last won, he was supported by his own party, PML-Q , establishment and the ‘like minded’ group. This gave him better coverage across the country, in areas where he is traditionally not strong, such as Balochistan, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Sindh. Since the division of the PML, PML-N holds Punjab and nothing else. They do not have enough strong candidates to make an impact in Balochistan and Sindh, while they can’t seem to even keep their seats in Abbottabad and Haripur. In addition to this, they have taken a serious beating in southern Punjab courtesy PML-Q and PPP, while their influence on the GT Road cities (Gujranwala to Jehlum) has also been waning. As it stands, PML-N is having trouble holding down Punjab even though they currently have the majority. The whole good governance bit has fizzled out and the gigantic government expenditures have exposed the failings of the PML-N government. While back in 2008, they had serious support across the province, they now have to deal with the problems that come with being the incumbent party. So, to say that PML-N can win the majority at the federal level is a bit far-fetched at this point. The best case scenario is to add about five more seats in the National Assembly and to hold Punjab for another five years; even this seems hard for them to be.
