Thursday, July 28, 2011

Swinging Pendulum of French Revolution in Pakistan.

Way Back in 2007: KARACHI, May 12: Muttahida Qaumi Movement chief Altaf Hussain on Saturday asked Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry to resign from his post for violating his oath of office. “Mr Chief Justice, you had breached the oath taken under the Constitution by taking another oath under the Provisional Constitutional Order. I demand that you make an apology to the whole nation for this act, tender resignation and then come forward for the cause of the independence of the judiciary,” he said while addressing a rally called by the party against what was described as political jugglery in the name of the independence of the judiciary.  Mr Hussain was of the view that opposition political and religious parties were using the issue of CJ for dissolution of the government. “This should be stopped forthwith as solidarity of Pakistan lies in a true democratic government,” he added.A large number of people reached M.A. Jinnah Road to take part in the MQM rally. Mr Hussain, who was sad and grieved over the loss of lives on Saturday, said that no untoward incident had taken place in any part of the city but with the landing of CJ’s flight at Karachi Airport the situation started deteriorating. “After noon when the CJ’s plane landed in Karachi, terrorists started targeting MQM rallies in different areas by firing indiscriminately.” He informed the participants that over a dozen workers of the MQM were targeted while hundreds of workers and supporters were injured. However, he declared that nothing could stop the struggle of the MQM for the rights of the oppressed people. The MQM leader said that the Sindh Home Department requested the CJ to cancel his visit to Karachi on the basis of certain intelligence reports but he did not accede to the request. “I believe now you [the Chief Justice] are feeling relaxed after so many people lost their lives due to your programme.” “Mr Chief Justice, kindly recognise political jugglers around you. On the occasion of your arrival, miscreants and enemies of the country killed innocent people,” he said. He wondered why the participants of a procession in Punjab to welcome the CJ in Lahore were raising the slogans of “Go Musharraf Go” instead of “Go Military Go”. 


He also asked the legal fraternity why they did not hold rallies and demonstrations when former chief justice Saeeduzzaman Siddiqui and other honorable judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts were asked to take another oath on the PCO which they refused. He said that MQM would support the CJ if he apologised to the nation for taking another oath under the PCO and tender resignation for doing an unconstitutional act. Mr Hussain said that opposition political and religious parties were jealous of rapid development work in Karachi. “Miscreants in the name of the independence of the judiciary tried to engineer Pakhtoon-Mohajir riots in the city but they will not succeed in their evil designs,” he said. He demanded that the judiciary be given independence and all institutions be restricted to their assigned tasks only. He asked the participants to disperse peacefully and not be provoked. REFERENCE: KARACHI: Altaf wants CJ to tender resignation By Our Staff Reporter May 13, 2007 Sunday Rabi-us-Sani 25, 1428

Altaf Hussain (MQM) Oppose Division of Sindh but Jang Group "SUPPORTS DIVISION" - 1


Altaf Hussain (MQM) Oppose Division of Sindh but Jang Group "SUPPORTS DIVISION" - 2


Altaf Hussain (MQM) Oppose Division of Sindh but Jang Group "SUPPORTS DIVISION" - 3


Off The Record 24 aug 2010 - Part - 1


LAHORE, May 14: Tehreek-i-Insaaf Chairman Imran Khan has accused President Pervez Musharraf and MQM leader Altaf Husain of bloodshed in Karachi and called upon the opposition to unite on one-point agenda of getting rid of Musharraf and dictatorship. Addressing a press conference after presiding over a meeting of the Tehreek central executive committee here on Monday evening, he said the disturbance in Karachi was not unexpected because the issue had been raised in the National Assembly session only a day earlier, but the government did nothing to prevent the bloodshed. “Instead of taking steps for maintaining law and order in Karachi, it got the MQM rally arranged intentionally to sabotage the reception of Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry which was expected to be much better than Lahore.” He said President Musharraf was not tired of talking about enlightened moderation on the one hand and had joined hands with “top terrorist” MQM leader Altaf Hussain on the other for remaining in power. “The hardened criminals of MQM set at liberty by the government continued firing bullets at the people but the police and the Rangers did not fire even a single teargas shell at them. Ten PTI men were among those who sustained bullet injuries and were under treatment in hospitals.” The PTI, he said, was consulting lawyers to lodge an FIR against Gen Pervez Musharraf and Altaf Husain for the Karachi killings. He said the PTI would also file a case against British Prime Minister Tony Blair in the UK for harbouring MQM leader Altaf Husain who “headed a fascist organisation and was living like a king there through the money sent to him from Pakistan. The MQM is a fascist organisation like Hitler’s Nazi Party. No body dared to challenge the Nazi Party because it got its opponents eliminated. The MQM first fired bullets on the people and then tried to portray itself as a victim.” He said Pakistan People’s Party chairperson Benazir Bhutto had not played the Sindh Card, but President Musharraf continued playing the MQM card and was not tired of praising Altaf Husain in his speeches. “Innocent people were being killed in Karachi but there were jubilations in Islamabad at government expense.” REFERENCE: PTI to sue Blair for ‘harbouring’ MQM leader By Our Reporter May 15, 2007 Tuesday Rabi-us-Sani 27, 1428 

Lies of Imran Khan about his visit to Ninezero-90


Off The Record 24 aug 2010 - Part - 2


LONDON, May 14: The British media is wondering why Mr Altaf Hussain, a British citizen is being allowed by the UK government to run Karachi affairs, and that too through violent means. “He has no plans to return to Pakistan,” said Daily Telegraph on Monday in a piece titled ‘Running Karachi from London’. When the newspaper asked why Mr Hussain was not deported to Pakistan before he was granted citizenship, a British diplomat said: “He has not committed a crime on British soil.” The newspaper said supporters of Mr Hussain, 53, whose Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) is allied to President (General) Pervez Musharraf’s government, were accused of playing a bloody part in clashes with opposition supporters. “The man in-charge of Pakistan’s largest city, Karachi, was at his usual command-and-control post at the weekend: a sofa in north London.

“As his fiefdom descended into brutal violence, with the deaths of at least 40 people reported amid the worst political bloodshed Pakistan has witnessed in years, Altaf Hussain directed his followers by telephone from a safe place, more than 5,000 miles away. “His headquarters, or ‘international secretariat’, is not in the Pakistani port city but housed in a red-brick office block opposite a supermarket on Edgeware High Street,” the newspaper report continued. The newspaper quoted him as saying that he had called for peace. “But as tens of thousands of his followers sat cross-legged in reverential silence as they listened to their leader’s telephonic address relayed by loudspeakers, in another street armed MQM activists fired directly into the crowds of opposition protesters.

“Mr Hussain has lived in Britain since arriving in 1992 for a ‘kidney operation’. He has since become a British citizen, while his party governs five cities and the populous Sindh province. “Mr Hussain, who spent part of Sunday speaking on the telephone to Gen Musharraf, warned Pakistan’s leader not to make any deals with exiled leaders, such as his rival Miss Bhutto, that would see the military ruler resign from the army,” it added “The situation in South Asia does not allow (General) Musharraf to take off his uniform, for without it he will have no power at all. Because of activities ... in Afghanistan as well as our own country, the Taliban (influence) is growing very strong,” Mr Hussain told the Daily Telegraph. “He is doing his level best to fight these groups. (General) Musharraf is a very brave man. Only he can prevent the Talibanisation of Pakistan,” asserted Altaf in the interview.

“Unlike former prime ministers Nawaz Sharif and Miss Bhutto, Mr Hussain is an exile whose party has consolidated its grip. But Karachi remains tense. “His political addresses by telephone have been known to last up to four hours, while a Western diplomat in Pakistan described the MQM as ‘something out of Chicago – nobody leaves the party’. “While Mr Hussain promotes the party as a ‘secular’ cause and courts the middle-class vote, his supporters are known to extort a goonda tax from Karachi businesses. “Mr Hussain, who once drove a taxi in Chicago for a living, micro-manages the MQM with acute attention to detail. In the same newspaper another report titled ‘Violence as Musharraf’s power fades’ said in the (Karachi) city’s Jinnah Hospital yesterday, Adil Bashir, 23, was recovering from three bullet wounds after narrowly escaping a street execution.

“He said he had not taken part in the rally but was rounded up by armed, teenage MQM activists along with four others. He alleged that he and others were lined up against a wall before being sprayed with automatic gunfire. He and one other survived. “The actions of the MQM may have been not so much a sign of support for the eight-year rule of Gen Musharraf, but a demonstration of its own power in what could be the first round of a new turf war in Karachi. “Gen Musharraf’s options are becoming more and more limited as he struggles to have himself re-elected and to continue as army chief. “His bargaining position for striking a possible power-sharing deal with the PPP leader, Benazir Bhutto, appears to be growing weaker.” REFERENCE: UK media raises question about Altaf running Karachi affairs By M. Ziauddin May 15, 2007 Tuesday Rabi-us-Sani 27, 1428 

Off The Record 24 aug 2010 - Part -3


KARACHI, Aug 24 Muttahida Qaumi Movement chief Altaf Hussain has appealed to Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry to constitute a “truth and reconciliation commission” in the light of disclosures made by Lt-Gen (retd) Naseer Akhtar, a former corps commander of Karachi, and Brig Imtiaz Ahmed, a former director-general of the Intelligence Bureau, that the MQM had nothing to do with the “Jinnahpur conspiracy”. Speaking at a press conference through remote video link from London at the Jinnah Ground on Monday, Mr Hussain said that at a talk show aired on a private television channel, the former Karachi corps commander and the former director-general of the intelligence bureau had made it clear that the allegation of the recovery of maps of Jinnahpur from the offices of the MQM in June 1992 was baseless and that the documents were fake. He recalled that Brig Asif Haroon had called journalists from Punjab after the launch of the operation to brief them about the “Jinnahpur conspiracy”, showing them maps of Jinnahpur and other documents found in the offices of MQM. “But on Sunday, Lt-Gen (retd) Naseer Akhtar and Brig (retd) Imtiaz made it clear that it was a false allegation and an attempt to divide the nation,” the MQM chief added. On the basis of the alleged maps of Jinnahpur, action was ordered against the MQM, the Muttahida chief recalled, alleging that 15,000 workers were killed during the operation and its aftermath. Mr Hussain thanked the two former military officials for “speaking the truth about the Jinnahpur conspiracy”, but lamented that it was too late since it cost the MQM heavily. He wondered why then prime minister Nawaz Sharif did not try to stop the operation. Altaf Husain called upon Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry to set up a “truth and reconciliation commission” so that “fact could be distinguished from fiction”.“I can make very harsh comments after the disclosures by two senior former military officials, but I am not doing so for the sake of political harmony. “But Mr Chaudhry (Chief Justice of Pakistan), will it not be appropriate to constitute a truth and reconciliation commission. I leave the decision to you.” “I don`t want confrontation….I want unity and therefore I announce that today I pardon the murderers of my brother and nephew,” Mr Altaf said. The MQM supremo appealed to the Army and the ISI not to pay heed to the propaganda against his party. “We are not traitors….we only want to change the corrupt feudal system in the country. I appeal to the army and the ISI to withdraw old allegations, accept the MQM as a patriotic party and allow it to work across the country.” He also urged the ISI to remove from its archives all documents maligning the MQM. Mr Altaf asked CJP Iftikhar Chaudhry to summon Lt-Gen Naseer Akhtar and Brig Imtiaz to hear their versions on the 1992 operation. He called upon the president, the prime minister and the federal cabinet to “take the nation into confidence” about those “testing times”. A large number of relatives of MQM workers who were killed during the military operation were present at the Jinnah ground. REFERENCE: Retired army officers absolve MQM of Jinnahpur plot: Altaf calls for truth and reconciliation commission By Azfar-ul-Ashfaque August 25, 2009 

Off The Record 24 aug 2010 - Part - 4


 The MQM chief said the government was hiding its autocratic face under the cloak of democracy. “Despite all the protestations of democracy, their actions are simply a continuance of the past dictators. They used to say that they had learnt from their past mistakes, but they have learnt nothing from the past.” Altaf said June 26 should be observed as a day of condemnation each year to mark the dictatorial actions of the present government. “They have trampled democratic principles, ethics and norms in order to force the MQM, the third largest political party of the country, out of the elections.” He said in 1993, the then corps commander of Karachi Lt Gen Naseer Akhter had also tried to browbeat the MQM into accepting four seats only, but the MQM had refused to bow down and boycotted the elections. He appealed to journalists, media persons, human rights organisations and democracy loving people to raise their voice against the undemocratic actions of the government. “We are always criticised for supporting the government despite its betrayals. We supported the government not for our personal gains, but for the continuation of the democratic process and for establishing brotherly relations in the province.” He said the MQM had faced coercive power of the state in the past and ‘we are ready to test it even now’. But he warned that it was 2011 and not 1993. REFERENCE: Govt cheated us, its destruction starts from today: Altaf  Fasahat Mohiuddin Monday, June 27, 2011 

Mere Mutabiq with Dr Shahid Masood on Karachi Operation 1992 - 1 (GEO TV 2009)


Altaf also invited retired army officers and retired judges to become part of such delegations in order to ascertain the identity of those who had been creating trouble. He asserted that if this was done everything would become crystal clear. Referring to army and intelligence agencies of the country, he said that the western countries, particularly USA, were bent upon crushing the army but the whole nation stands with the army and would never tolerate any kind of evil eye against the country’s armed forces. “Each and every worker of the party will give sacrifice for the army but will never surrender,” he said while paying rich tributes to each and every cop and army general who have been playing their tremendous role for safeguarding the borders of the country. REFERENCE: Altaf warns PPP not to push MQM to the wall Fasahat Mohiuddin Wednesday, July 27, 2011 

Mere Mutabiq with Dr Shahid Masood on Karachi Operation 1992 - 2 (GEO TV 2009)



Speech by Mr. Anwar MQM at Seminar on Positioning Pakistan in “War Against Terrorism” Chairperson Sindhi-Baloch Forum Conway Hall, London WC1 Mr. Chairperson

I am extremely delighted to have been invited to speak to the distinguished guests and the members of the public from your Forum. The subject of the discussion of this Seminar “Positioning Pakistan in “War Against Terrorism” is an extremely complex one. The word “Positioning” signifies choice whereas in case of Pakistan, Pakistan had no choice of positioning herself. In the governance of Pakistan or in its foreign policy, the ruling oligarchy of Punjab does not consider political or public consensus. It was imposed by a single telephonic conversation between the senior members of the U S Administration and the President General Parvez Musharraf, which according to the news reports was as follows? U.S. “What did we just say? The Taliban are your guys. Osama-bin-Laden has their protection. We have just lost 6000 people. We are in no mood for games. You join us, or face our wrath too”. That in fact, decided the “Positioning” of the Government of Pakistan in “War Against Terrorism”.

Before the tragic terrorists attacks on the Twin Towers in New York and Washington on 11th. September 2001, the “Positioning” of Pakistan was crystal clear. I am quoting two excerpts from the statements of the President of Pakistan General Parvez Musharraf; the first one was made on 5th. February 2000 that stated: “Jihad is not terrorism, Mujahideen organisations are not terrorist organisations. Jihad had been revived during Afghan war and now it is Jihad in Kashmir. Muslims from different parts of the world are coming together to support their oppressed brothers and sisters”. On 14th. August 2001, he said: “The Taliban are the dominant reality in Afghanistan, and the international community should engage rather than isolate them”. Those statements should be clear enough to establish the position of Pakistan pre- and post 11th. September 2001 tragedy.

The Military and the ISI had created the Taliban and hundreds other terrorists groups, trained them, fed them, nourished them and then armed them in the name of “Jihad”. It then, connected them with Osama-bin-Laden and his Al-Qaeda to conquer the entire Afghanistan in search of strategic-depth in case of an Indian attack. Expecting Pakistan to fight terrorism is like asking Frank stein to destroy his own monster.

While supporting the United States, Great Britain and the International Community in dismantling the Taliban and Al-Qaeda network, the ISI continually played the double game. It continued its logistic support to the Taliban, formulated their war strategy including supply of arms and men. The MQM continuously kept informing President George W Bush and the Prime Minister Rt.Hon. Tony Blair about the double game and duplicity of the ISI. The intelligence information gathering of the MQM was validated by the voluminous International Press reports about the double game of the ISI, later on.

I, on behalf of the MQM and the permanent citizens of Sindh offered fullest and unconditional support to the United States and Great Britain in combating and eradicating terrorism from face of the earth including Afghanistan. I offered them humint resources for intelligence gathering and monitoring of “Madrassas” in Sindh province and Punjab. I organised “Rally Against Terrorism” in Karachi in which, over 300,000 men, women and children participated to show their solidarity with the International Community on 26th. September 2001. This was the first demonstration of its kind in favour of the United States and Great Britain, in any part of the world. The “Rally against Terrorism” was followed by the province-wide vigil on 27th. September 2001. Terrorism and violence, in any shape or form, cannot and will not be tolerated, whether committed by the Governments’, groups or individuals, in any part of the world. We must endeavour to make the world free of violence, terrorism, hatred and vengeance.

However, my heart throbs for Pakistan. Blood within my veins gushes for Sindh. Annexation of 17 villages of Sindh to the province of Punjab by the colonialists and expansionists Establishment will not be tolerated. If, expansionism of Punjab to the detriment of Sindh continues, I swear, Mohajirs and Sindhis will have no alternative but to seek the right to self-determination. Kalabagh Dam will never be built. Due shares of Sindh under the NFC and in other spheres of life including employment must be attained.

The President of Pakistan General Parvez Musharraf, on his trip to the United States and Turkey, repeatedly said that Afghanistan is a multi-ethnic country. All ethno-linguistic and cultural groups shall be included in the broad-based government. He repeatedly cited the “Pashtun” segment. Similarly, the religious parties and Jihadi groups claimed that they would not accept the Government of the Northern Alliance or any one nation. They persist that a broad-based government in Afghanistan should be formulated in which all ethno-linguistic groups should be represented including the “Pashtun”. There is a “Hadith” in which the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said, “You should only preach what you practice”. Parvez Musharraf should form a broad-based government in Pakistan, first, before preaching for a broad-based government in Afghanistan. All the ethno-linguistic groups of Pakistan should be equitably represented not only in the governance of the state but also in all walks of life including the Army and other institutions. He should also make public announcement in regards to giving equal rights to all the ethno-linguistic cultural minorities of Pakistan including the religious minorities. The religious minorities should be incorporated into the “Joint Electoral System” instead of voting rights under “Separate Electoral System”.

The present and past ruling oligarchies, Punjabi Establishment and the political and religious leaders claimed that those seeking rights on the basis of ethnicity are the agents of Jews, Christians and the Hindus and also anti-Islam. They also claim that in Islam, there is no ethnicity and having recited the “Kalama” (verse) the ethno-linguistic and cultural identity transcends into one identity that is Islam. The same religious and political parties that proclaimed nationhood on the basis of Islam are now advocating the formation of a broad-based government in Afghanistan and the inclusion of “Pashtun” alongside of the other ethnicities. I had been all along telling that religion does not supersede ethno-linguistic and cultural affinities and religions do not form nations. I challenge the religious and political leaders to have a public debate with me over this subject.

Nations are born in accordance with the teachings and maxims of the revered and blessed saint of Sindh, Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai RH that the land of Sindh belongs to people who live on it whether he is a Hindu, Christian or Muslim or non-Muslim. This land is the land of those who live on permanent basis and it provides sanctuary to people belonging to all faith under her wings. The ideology of religion is not dependent on the geographical boundaries and those confine it into geographical boundaries, commit wrong. I ask the Jihadi and religious groups who claim of the renaissance of Islam and hoisting of Pakistani flag on the Red Fort of Delhi shall not make Sindh, a centre of their fanaticism and go to Punjab to carryout their terrorism and patronisation of the terrorists. They claim Lahore as the heart of Pakistan but demonstrate in Karachi.

I re-iterate that the permanent citizens of Sindh are united on the issues of the Kalabagh Dam and NFC Award and on the injustice practised against them in other sectors including employment and recruitment in the Army and other national institutions. I call upon the Establishment of Punjab that if a single village of Gothki were annexed to Punjab then the people of Sindh would not like to live with Pakistan. I do not care if another case of treason is registered against me on this account. If those villages are annexed to Punjab then we will struggle in unison and snatch those villages back to form the part of Sindh, again.

The MQM is brining political awareness amongst the permanent citizens of Sindh and building bridges to narrow the gap between Sindhis and Mohajirs. The understanding and harmony between both the communities is being harnessed and an understanding of this is developing amongst Mohajirs and Sindhis. “Divide and Rule” policy of the rulers and feudal oligarchy will not work any more and nor would the process of colonisation of Sindh. The grass roots Sindhis are joining the MQM and a realisation is dawning upon both that a unified struggle is now inevitable against the common enemy. The Mohajirs have accepted Sindhis as a ground reality in Sindh and Sindhi brethren should also accept Mohajirs as a ground reality, we both have to live and die for Sindh. We must choose the way of compromise over conflict. We must remember that united we stand and divided we fall. If we remain divided, both Mohajirs and Sindhis would never get their rights and the Establishment of Punjab will continually rule over us and we will continually remain as its salves. We have to choose freedom over slavery.

Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Speech given by Mr. Anwar on behalf of Mr. Altaf Hussain who could not attend the function because of his brother- in-law’s serious health condition.

Organisers: World Sindhi Congress & Baloch Voice (Sindhi Baloch forum) 2.12.01. REFERENCE: Speech by Mr. Anwar MQM at Seminar on Positioning Pakistan in “War Against Terrorism”  Terror War and Pakistan: Limited Options for the Nation Monir Ahmed Research Scholar, Deptt of Public Administration University of Karachi, Pakistan 


Mere Mutabiq with Dr Shahid Masood on Karachi Operation 1992 - 3 (GEO TV 2009)


Jang Group/The News "DENY" their own Report within a Day.


Saturday, July 16, 2011, Shaban-ul-Muazzam 13, 1432 A.H Updated at: 1430

KARACHI: MQM Deputy Convener, Farooq Sattar said that the Rangers were deployed to Kati Pahari after the intervention of DG ISI, Geo News reported. Sattar said that the government and Interior Minister, Rehman Malik did not listen to the MQM and did not send the Rangers to Kati Pahari for four days. He said that MQM Chief Altaf Hussain contacted DG ISI, Lt General Shuja Pasha and informed him of the situation after which Rangers were sent to the area. The MQM Chief informed the ISI Chief that it had become essential to deploy forces in order to bring an end to the killing of innocent people and firing on mosques and imam bargahs. After the conversation took place, Rangers entered the area within 6 hours and cleared it. REFERENCE: Rangers deployed to Kati Pahari after DG ISI contacted: Sattar Updated 10 hours ago

Rangers deployed to Kati Pahari after DG ISI contacted: MQM Deputy Convener Dr. Farooq Sattar (GEO TV/Express News 16 July 2011)


Altaf said June 26 should be observed as a day of condemnation each year to mark the dictatorial actions of the present government. “They have trampled democratic principles, ethics and norms in order to force the MQM, the third largest political party of the country, out of the elections.” He said in 1993, the then corps commander of Karachi Lt Gen Naseer Akhter had also tried to browbeat the MQM into accepting four seats only, but the MQM had refused to bow down and boycotted the elections. He appealed to journalists, media persons, human rights organisations and democracy loving people to raise their voice against the undemocratic actions of the government. “We are always criticised for supporting the government despite its betrayals. We supported the government not for our personal gains, but for the continuation of the democratic process and for establishing brotherly relations in the province.” He said the MQM had faced coercive power of the state in the past and ‘we are ready to test it even now’. But he warned that it was 2011 and not 1993. REFERENCE: Govt cheated us, its destruction starts from today: Altaf Fasahat Mohiuddin Monday, June 27, 2011 

Saturday, July 16, 2011, Shaban-ul-Muazzam 13, 1432 A.H Updated at: 2340 |

Daily Express News 17 July 2011


Mere Mutabiq with Dr Shahid Masood on Karachi Operation 1992 - 4 (GEO TV 2009)



In reaction to the statement, the Mohajir Rabita Council demanded that Dr Zulfikar Mirza and Awami National Party leader Shahi Syed leave Karachi within 48 hours otherwise strong protests against them would continue. However, the MRC suspended the protests when MQM chief Altaf Hussain appealed to the people to end all peaceful demonstrations, said MRC General Secretary Arshad Siddiqui on Thursday evening. REFERENCE: 15 killed, 32 vehicles torched during MQM protest By S. Raza Hassan | From the Newspaper July 15, 2011 (2 weeks ago) 

 ISLAMABAD: Twelve journalists have been declared "enemies" by an organisation linked to a party that supports President Musharraf, a media rights group said. The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists said in a statement on Saturday that the Karachi-based Muhajir Rabita Council has "listed 12 journalists by name and identified them as 'enemies.'" The CJP did not say why the designations were made, but they seem to be linked with coverage of violence in Karachi on May 12 in which some 41 people were killed and dozens wounded, many from gunfire. Minister of State for Information Senator Tariq Azeem Khan said he was unaware of any such list. The CPJ said the council is closely associated with Muttahida Qaumi Movement, an ethnic-based party that is centred in Karachi and strongly backs Musharraf. A Muttahida lawmaker denied the group was involved in threatening journalists. "Threatening anyone is not our policy," said Haider Rizvi, an MQM MNA. Members of the Muhajir Rabita Council could not be reached for comment. The media rights group said that after the Muhajir Rabita Council publicised its list of "enemies," Syed Huma Ali, president of the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists, received anonymous threatening phone calls. "Threats against journalists are mounting in Pakistan and the government must take immediate steps not only to protect journalists, but also to actively seek out and bring to justice those that would harm them," Bob Dietz, CPJ's Asia programme coordinator, said in the group's statement. Tariq Azeem Khan said Pakistan has "unprecedented freedom for press and journalists." "So far we have no news of anyone (being) singled out for maltreatment or any threat," he added. REFERENCE: CPJ condemns list of ‘enemy’ journalists Monday, May 28, 2007

Muhajir Rabita Council dismisses apology

 Updated at: 1311 PST,  Thursday, July 14, 2011
Muhajir Rabita Council dismisses apology KARACHI: The Muhajir Rabita Council has dismissed the apology made by Interior Minister Rehman Malik Thursday, Geo News reported.  According to general secretary of the council Arshad Siddiqui, MQM workers are demanding that Zulfiqar Mirza should personally apologize to MQM Chief Altaf Hussian.  According to the council, President Asif Ali Zardari should immediately remove Zulfiqar Mirza from his post and if this is not done then the president will be responsible for the situation in the city. 

KARACHI: The APNS has welcomed the resignation of Federal Minister for Housing Syed Safwanullah of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement, who resigned on Monday in compliance with his party’s directives. The APNS has repeatedly contacted the Muttahida Qaumi Movement on this issue following the May 22 hit list of anti-Muhajir “journalists” issued by the Muhajir Rabita Council. The APNS had urged the Muttahida Qaumi Movement to remove Safwanullah from his Ministry in the federal government as he was the President of the Muhajir Rabita Council at the time of issuance of the journalists’ hit list. The APNS believes that the Muttahida Qaumi Movement has acted effectively: firstly, in disassociating itself from the Muhajir Rabita Council statement, and secondly, after effecting Safwanullah’s resignation from the Muhajir Rabita Council, it has withdrawn him from the federal cabinet as a consequence of the hit list issued by the Muhajir Rabita Council during his tenure as its president. The only outstanding item from the agenda of the actions urged by the APNS is for the Muttahida Qaumi Movement leadership to persuade the Muhajir Rabita Council to withdraw the 13-members hit list of journalists that the Muhajir Rabita Council had earlier issued. REFERENCE: APNS welcomes Safwanullah’s resignation Wednesday, July 11, 2007 

KARACHI: The Muhajir Rabita Council has dismissed the apology made by Interior Minister Rehman Malik Thursday, Geo News reported. According to general secretary of the council Arshad Siddiqui, MQM workers are demanding that Zulfiqar Mirza should personally apologize to MQM Chief Altaf Hussian. According to the council, President Asif Ali Zardari should immediately remove Zulfiqar Mirza from his post and if this is not done then the president will be responsible for the situation in the city. REFERENCE: Muhajir Rabita Council dismisses apology Updated 2 days ago 

Muhajir Rabita Council (MRC) Exposes Nawaz Sharif & Supports General Pervez Musharraf. (Express News 2009)

KARACHI: The Muhajir Rabita Council (MRC) has demanded that Senior Provincial Minister Zulfiqar Mirza and ANP Sindh President Shahi Sayed leave Karachi within 48 hours otherwise strong protests would continue, Geo News reported. The General Secretary of MRC Arshad Siddqui in a statement said Zulfiqar Mirza had insulted the founders of Pakistan adding that he should come on the media and apologize to MQM Chief Altaf Hussain. Arshad Siddiqui said that the apology from Rehman Malik is not acceptable and MQM workers want Zulfiqar Mirza to apologize to the MQM chief. He said that President Asif Ali Zardari should take immediate action and remove Zulfiqar Mirza from his post and if the President did not remove Mirza than he would be responsible for the ensuing situation. REFERENCE: MRC issues ultimatum to Mirza, Sayed Updated 2 days ago,-Sayed  UK paper blames MQM for May 12 carnage Rauf Klasra Sunday, June 03, 2007 


Mere Mutabiq with Dr Shahid Masood on Karachi Operation 1992 - 5 (GEO TV 2009)


KARACHI, May 25: The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed resentment over a press release issued on May 22 by the Mohajir Rabita Council (MRC) that “included a list of journalists described as chauvinistic, among other insults”. A statement issued by IFJ said: “It is alleged that the list included Zaffar Abbas (resident editor, Dawn, Islamabad), Mazhar Abbas (AFP bureau chief in Karachi), Azhar Abbas (DawnNews TV channel), Ayaz Amir (Dawn), Sajid Mir (anchor of TV One), Shaheen Sehbai (head of ARY One World), Dr Shahid Masood (anchor of GEO TV), Aneeq Ahmed (anchor of ARY One World), Afsar Imam (Aaj TV), Zarar Khan (Bureau chief, AP, Karachi), Zahid Hussain (chief reporter, GEO) and Irfan Siddiqui (columnist, Nawa-i-Waqt).” The statement condemned the MRC press release and called it “very disappointing”. “The last thing Pakistani journalists need is future generations of enemies being developed,” IFJ president Christopher Warren is quoted in the statement as saying. “Threats such as these lead to self-censorship among journalists, which of course is the goal of the intimidators, but which is also a condition that governments who are committed to press freedom cannot allow to develop,” Mr Warren said. “Journalists need to know that they will be protected from threats or attack, and the Pakistani government needs to step up and provide that protection,” he said. REFERENCE: IFJ enraged by MRC’s threat to journalists May 26, 2007 Saturday Jamadi-ul-Awwal 09, 1428

Mere Mutabiq with Dr Shahid Masood on Karachi Operation 1992 - 6 (GEO TV 2009)


KARACHI, May 24: The Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), in an appeal to all media groups, has called for immediate safety and security measures for journalists, including comprehensive life insurance, in view of increasing incidents of violence and threats against them. In a statement issued here on Thursday, the PFUJ expressed concern over what it termed record rise in incidents of violence against journalists and other media personnel in 2007. Terming unacceptable a recent press release issued by the Muhajir Rabita Council, which had named some journalists and columnists as chauvinists, the PFUJ urged the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) to use its influence on organisations like the MRC to withdraw the statement, as it would not only create a feeling of insecurity among media personnel but would also harm the democratic culture and freedom of expression in the country. REFERENCE: PFUJ demands adequate security May 25, 2007 Friday Jamadi-ul-Awwal 08, 1428 

Faisal Subzwari (MQM) VS Hanif Abbasi (PML - N) - 1 (Off the Record 2009)


KARACHI, May 25: The All Pakistan Newspapers Society (APNS) has urged the president and prime minister to take notice of recent statements of Mohajir Rabita Council (MRC) and MQM Rabita Committee against journalists and said that such deliberations may generate hatred against the press. In a statement signed by APNS secretary-general Mohammad Aslam Kazi, it was said that the society was concerned over the statements of the MRC and the Rabita Committee “denouncing journalists and analysts in the print and electronic media as being anti-Mohajir and biased chauvinists”. In the statement of the MRC, which was issued by four high ranking office-bearers, 13 leading journalists from the print and electronic media were named in a publicly announced hit list as ‘Mohajir dushman’ (enemies of Mohajirs), the APNS statement said, adding that the president of the MRC, Syed Safwanullah, a Muttahida Qaumi Movement minister in the federal government, upon contact had expressed his ignorance about the statement and promised a contradiction, which remained unrealised so far. According to the APNS, another statement issued in the names of two members of the MQM Rabita Committee, Mohammad Ashfaque and Javed Kazmi, had used almost the same expressions as the MRC and hurled similar charges. The APNS believed that the statements of both the MRC and the Rabita Committee against journalists “are likely to provoke hatred against the press in general and incite supporters of the two parties to the possible commission of an offence against those journalists named in the statements,” it said. It urged the MQM committee to formally denounce the inclusion of a hit list in the Rabita Council’s statement and to persuade them to withdraw the inflammatory declaration and also re-examine the statements issued by two of its members, and withdraw it as well in the interest of better relations between political parties and the press. REFERENCE: APNS assails statements of MRC against journalists May 26, 2007 Saturday Jamadi-ul-Awwal 09, 1428 

Karachi --- The Mohajir Rabita Council has condemned death threats to some Karachi-based journalists, and described it as yet another conspiracy to malign Mohajirs. It demanded a high level inquiry into the matter and punishment to the culprits. In a statement faxed to Dawn by its press secretary Minhajul Arfeen, MRC's Senior Vice-President Yaqoob Bandhani, General Secretary Tasadduq Hussain, Finance Secretary Ms Raeesa Mohani and members of the working committee claimed that they had come to know from the print and electronic media that some unidentified people had dropped envelopes containing bullets and threatening letters in the vehicles of three journalists. It may be pointed out that cars of the two reporters and photographer were parked outside the Karachi Press Club when the envelops were discovered. Each envelope contained only one bullet and no threatening letter. The media also reported accordingly. Demanding a high level inquiry into what it described as a deplorable threat to journalists, the MRC press release maintained that the organisation comprised elders who had played a pivotal role in the creation of Pakistan and had always, through peaceful means, struggled for the rights of Mohajirs. It maintained that after the May 12 mayhem in the city, conspirators had expedited their drive against Mohajirs, and claimed that the envelopes with bullet and threatening letters were part of that conspiracy. REFERENCE: Mohajir community denies allegations that they threatened journalists Dawn Thursday, May 31, 2007 Asia Media PAKISTAN: Threats to journalists termed 'conspiracy against Mohajirs' 

Faisal Subzwari (MQM) VS Hanif Abbasi (PML - N) - 2 (Off the Record 2009)


Karachi --- The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed resentment over a press release issued on May 22 by the Mohajir Rabita Council (MRC) that "included a list of journalists described as chauvinistic, among other insults".

A statement issued by IFJ said: "It is alleged that the list included Zaffar Abbas (resident editor, Dawn, Islamabad), Mazhar Abbas (AFP bureau chief in Karachi), Azhar Abbas (DawnNews TV channel), Ayaz Amir (Dawn), Sajid Mir (anchor of TV One), Shaheen Sehbai (head of ARY One World), Dr Shahid Masood (anchor of GEO TV), Aneeq Ahmed (anchor of ARY One World), Afsar Imam (Aaj TV), Zarar Khan (Bureau chief, AP, Karachi), Zahid Hussain (chief reporter, GEO) and Irfan Siddiqui (columnist, Nawa-i-Waqt)."

The statement condemned the MRC press release and called it "very disappointing". "The last thing Pakistani journalists need is future generations of enemies being developed," IFJ president Christopher Warren is quoted in the statement as saying. "Threats such as these lead to self-censorship among journalists, which of course is the goal of the intimidators, but which is also a condition that governments who are committed to press freedom cannot allow to develop," Mr Warren said. "Journalists need to know that they will be protected from threats or attack, and the Pakistani government needs to step up and provide that protection," he said.

APNS assails statements of MRC against journalists

Karachi --- The All Pakistan Newspapers Society (APNS) has urged the president and prime minister to take notice of recent statements of Mohajir Rabita Council (MRC) and MQM Rabita Committee against journalists and said that such deliberations may generate hatred against the press. In a statement signed by APNS secretary-general Mohammad Aslam Kazi, it was said that the society was concerned over the statements of the MRC and the Rabita Committee “denouncing journalists and analysts in the print and electronic media as being anti-Mohajir and biased chauvinists”. In the statement of the MRC, which was issued by four high ranking office-bearers, 13 leading journalists from the print and electronic media were named in a publicly announced hit list as ‘Mohajir dushman' (enemies of Mohajirs), the APNS statement said, adding that the president of the MRC, Syed Safwanullah, a Muttahida Qaumi Movement minister in the federal government, upon contact had expressed his ignorance about the statement and promised a contradiction, which remained unrealised so far. According to the APNS, another statement issued in the names of two members of the MQM Rabita Committee, Mohammad Ashfaque and Javed Kazmi, had used almost the same expressions as the MRC and hurled similar charges. The APNS believed that the statements of both the MRC and the Rabita Committee against journalists “are likely to provoke hatred against the press in general and incite supporters of the two parties to the possible commission of an offence against those journalists named in the statements,” it said. It urged the MQM committee to formally denounce the inclusion of a hit list in the Rabita Council's statement and to persuade them to withdraw the inflammatory declaration and also re-examine the statements issued by two of its members, and withdraw it as well in the interest of better relations between political parties and the press. REFERENCE: Asia Media Date Posted: 5/25/2007 Council releases a list of journalists deemed subversive to society Dawn Friday, May 25, 2007 PAKISTAN: IFJ enraged by MRC's threat to journalists 

Faisal Subzwari (MQM) VS Hanif Abbasi (PML - N) - 3 (Off the Record 2009)


KARACHI, May 29: In what appears to be a direct death threat, bullets were found on Tuesday night in the cars of three senior journalists parked outside the Karachi Press Club. The cars belonged to secretary-general of Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists Mazhar Abbas, Zarar Khan and photojournalist Asif Hussain. When the journalists opened their vehicles, each of them found a bullet wrapped in a brown paper envelope. It may be pointed out that names of Mazhar Abbas and Zarar Khan had appeared in a statement of the Mohajir Rabita Council in which they were described as anti-Mohajir chauvanists. The journalists immediately informed Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ibad Khan and IG Police Azhar A. Farooqi. An FIR was lodged with the police. The Karachi Union of Journalists has strongly condemned death threats to the journalists and demanded that the culprits be brought to justice. It also demanded that the organisations whose names have appeared in this connection must publicly denounce and disassociate itself from such terrorist activities. REFERENCE Journalists get death threats By Our Staff Reporter May 30, 2007 Wednesday Jamadi-ul-Awwal 13, 1428 

LAHORE, May 30: The Punjab Union of Journalists on Wednesday staged a demonstration in front of the Lahore Press Club to condemn death threats to three senior Karachi journalists. A large number of city journalists carrying placards and banners urged the government to protect journalists. They also raised slogans against the MQM and the government. The journalists given death threats included Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists Secretary General Mazhar Abbas, Zarar Khan and Asif Hussain. Speaking on the occasion, PUJ President Arif Hameed Bhatti and General Secretary Amer Raza urged the government to take stern action against the MQM, and ban it. It should also expose those disturbing peace in Karachi, they said. They also urged the Punjab government to ban the entry of the members of the party into Punjab.

They said the union would give a call for a hunger strike if the government failed to protect journalists who would continue to perform their duty without caring for the consequences. Meanwhile, in a statement the South Asia Media Commission (SAMC) expressed its anger over threats to the life and property of journalists in Karachi and Peshawar given by, what it said, different extremist organizations. It urged the Pakistani authorities to protect the journalists. The statement issued by SAMC Regional Coordinator Husain Naqi here said the life threats to the three Karachi journalists came a week after a shadowy organization, The Mohajir Rabita Council with links to the MQM, a party that supports military ruler President Pervez Musharraf, issued a list of a dozen journalists, declaring them as enemies, it said.

It said on May 25 gunmen attacked the Peshawar home of Daily Times cartoonist Muhammad Zahoor at around 2am. Four-time winner of the All Pakistan Newspaper Society’s annual best cartoonist award, Zahoor had drawn many cartoons on the Supreme Court chief justice’s dismissal in recent weeks. The home of Nasrullah Afridi, the Urdu language daily Mashriq in the Khyber Agency section of the Tribal Areas, came under grenade attack after death threats made against him five days earlier by the head of Lashkar-i-Islam. “We believe it is a very serious threat to working journalists. It is an attempt to muzzle the free media. The government should arrest those behind the threats,” SAMC Chairperson N Ram and General Secretary Najam Sethi said. They said journalists needed to know that they would be protected from threats or attack. “If the government fails to do so, we will be justified in believing that there is complicity of the government in the current campaign to harass journalists,” they said. They said the Muhajir Rabita Council had issued a threatening statement on May 22 with a list of some 20 journalists it described as chauvinist and hostile to their movement. REFERENCE: PUJ rally condemns threats to journalists By our Staff Reporter May 31, 2007 Thursday Jamadi-ul-Awwal 14, 1428 

HYDERABAD, May 30: Journalists staged protest demonstrations and held rallies in different parts of Sindh on Wednesday against the issuance of life threats to PFUJ secretary-general Mazhar Abbas, AP correspondent Zarar Khan and photographer Asif Hussain, and attack on Shakeel Turrabi, Editor-in-Chief, Sana News. Members of the press club and Hyderabad Union of Journalists demonstrated against the harassment of journalists by ‘terrorists.’ President Hyderabad Press Club Shahid Shaikh said this was only a symbolic protest demonstration but if such threats were not stopped media people will resort to direct action. NAWABSHAH: Journalists of Nawabshah staged demonstration outside the press club. They carried placards and raised slogans in favour of press freedom. Speaking on the occasion, Mohammad Anwar Shaikh said that the government was claiming that press and media were free but threats were being issued to journalists. The members condemned such threats. JACOBABAD: Journalists of Jacobabad took out a rally led by Nazar Abbas Shah, president district union of journalists, while activists of political parties and social organisations also participated in it. Protesters staged a sit-in near the DCO Chowk. REFERENCE: Threats to journalists condemned May 30, 2007 Wednesday Jamadi-ul-Awwal 13, 1428 

KARACHI, May 29: In what appears to be a direct death threat, bullets were found on Tuesday night in the cars of three senior journalists parked outside the Karachi Press Club. The cars belonged to secretary-general of Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists Mazhar Abbas, Zarar Khan and photojournalist Asif Hussain. When the journalists opened their vehicles, each of them found a bullet wrapped in a brown paper envelope. It may be pointed out that names of Mazhar Abbas and Zarar Khan had appeared in a statement of the Mohajir Rabita Council in which they were described as anti-Mohajir chauvanists. The journalists immediately informed Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ibad Khan and IG Police Azhar A. Farooqi. An FIR was lodged with the police. The Karachi Union of Journalists has strongly condemned death threats to the journalists and demanded that the culprits be brought to justice. It also demanded that the organisations whose names have appeared in this connection must publicly denounce and disassociate itself from such terrorist activities. REFERENCE: Dawn Report Journalists get death threats By Our Staff Reporter May 30, 2007 Wednesday Jamadi-ul-Awwal 13, 1428

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