Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Letter to Tony Blair & Future Plans for Pakistan.

 ISLAMABAD - British High Commissioner in Pakistan, Adam Thomson has clarified that MQM chief Altaf Hussain has not been arrested nor any restrictions have been placed on his movements. Talking to media at the British High Commission on Monday, the British High Commissioner informed that investigations regarding the murder of Imran Farooq were underway, and despite the fact that it had made some headway, it couldn’t be shared with media as yet. Terming the political situation in Pakistan as quite interesting, he expressed the keen desire of Britain to forge closer, stronger bilateral ties with Pakistan, and said that Pak-British strategic ties would also be further strengthened. Adam Thomson flatly denied any knowledge about any letter written by Altaf Hussain to former British Premier Tony Blair, and advised that it would be better that Altaf Hussain should be contacted in this regard. He said that Pakistani politicians frequently corresponded with the British High Commission, and there was nothing sensational about this fact. He also said that Pakistan was passing through difficult times, and Britain would never abandon Pakistan at this critical hour, and fervently hoped for a political stability in Pakistan. REFERENCE: Altaf neither arrested nor restricted: British HC Thursday, 1 Sep 2011 3:03 am

Karachi Killing is "Interesting" for the "Great Britain"!


BBC LONDON PUBLISHES THE LETTER:) ’الطاف حسین کا خط، خدمات اور مطالبات‘
آخری وقت اشاعت: منگل 30 اگست 2011 ,‭ 23:29 GMT 04:29 PST



5 December 2001

Members of the British Parliament moved an Early Day Motion in the House of Commons urging Her Majesty’s Government to press the Government of Pakistan not to repeat any army operation similar to that undertaken on 19th. June 1992 against Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM).

The EDM presented in the House of Commons on 3rd. December 2001 read as follows: “That this House looks forward to the return of Pakistan to full membership of the Commonwealth; recalls the commitment made by the President, General Musharraf of a return of democratic government in Pakistan; and urges Her Majesty’s Government to press the Government of Pakistan not to repeat any army operation similar to that undertaken on 19th. June 1992 which resulted in mass arrest, restriction including killing and movement of over 15,000 Mohajirs and supporters of Muttahida Quami Movement”. This appears in the Notices of Motions: 3rd December 2001 and the number of the item is 505.

House of Commons

Muttahida Quami Movement, having received the information of the launching of an “Army Operation”, more brutal then the one launched on 19th. June 1992 informed the Members of the British Parliament to take pro-active measures to stop the blood shed of innocent Mohajirs (Urdu-speaking Sindhis) in general and the leaders, office bearers, workers supporters and their relatives in particular. The “Army Operation” that was launched on 19th. June 1992 and continuing unabated in one form or the other resulted in the extra-judicial, summary and arbitrary executions of over 15,000 Mohajirs including the leaders, office bearers, workers, supporters and their relatives and Mr Nasir Hussain (66) and Mr Arif Hussain (28), brother and nephew of Mr Altaf Hussain, founder and leader of the MQM. During the Operation arbitrary arrests, torture in custody and custodial deaths were daily occurrences. “Disappearances” of Mohajirs in general and MQM workers and supporters was a daily routine. Siege and Search operations by the Army, Para-Military Rangers, Police, Frontier Constabulary and Intelligence Agencies were order of the day. Widespread rapes and gang rapes and extortion by the personnel of the Army, Para-Military Rangers, Police and other law enforcement agencies was committed and practiced. The “Army and State Operations” rendered millions of Mohajirs destitute and thousands of Mohajirs forcibly evicted and displaced from the “No-Go Areas” of Landhi, Lines Area, Malir, Korangi, Shah Faisal Colony and part of Liaquatabad in Karachi. Thousands of Mohajirs and MQM leaders, office bearers and workers were arbitrarily arrested and jailed without charges, concocted charges and without due process of law including the MQM parliamentarians, some of them are in arbitrary detention, even today. Thousands of Mohajirs and MQM leaders, office bearers and workers were and are forced to live in hiding or in exile for the fear of their life and liberty. Thousands have been maimed for life during torture in custody of the state.

MQM has always pressed on the demand to establish a genuine “Democratic Middle Class Order” and the end of the prevalent corrupt and kleptomaniac feudal-cum-military rule and manipulated “Democracy” in Pakistan. This rule and the system have repeatedly failed the people and the country during the testing hours of the nation. The creation and patronisation of Taliban, proliferation of terrorism in the name of Jihad, state terrorism inflicted on its ethno-linguistic and cultural nations of the smaller provinces particularly in Sindh and Balochistan provinces and the defeat of its foreign and military policy in Afghanistan are the glaring examples of the failings of the policymakers and the rulers of Pakistan.

The Members of the British Parliament who were already well informed about the brutalities and atrocities subjected to the Mohajirs and the MQM leaders and workers during the State terrorism committed since 19th. June 1992 were petrified having learnt the news of the fresh “Army Operation” against the MQM. The Members of the Co-ordination Committee expressed their gratitude to the Members of the British Parliament over their concerns and efforts to stop Mohajirs and MQM being subjected to the state terrorism, once again.


Excerpts from a Diplomatic Gathering in 80s


""The Soviet Foreign Minister, Gromyko, speaking in New Delhi on February 12, 1980 had warned that, "If Pakistan continues to serve as a puppet of imperialism in the future; it will jeopardize its existence and its integrity as an independent state." The United States, too, could in certain circumstances accept the dismemberment of Pakistan as it did in 1971. Henry Kissinger, the US Secretary of State during President Nixon's administration, had said: "In my conversation with Ambassador Jha I reiterated my constant theme that we considered Indian and American long term interests as congruent .... I emphasized that the United States did not insist that East Bengal remain part of Pakistan. On the contrary, we accepted autonomy as inevitable and independence as possible. A war was senseless; Bangladesh would come into being by the spring of 1972 if present procedures were given a chance. We differed over method, not aim."On October 7, I told WSAG meeting that if India would accept an evolutionary process, it would achieve most of its objectives with our assistance. If they would co-operate with us we could work out 90 per cent of their problems, like releasing Mujib or attaining some degree of autonomy for Bangladesh, and these steps would lead eventually to their getting it all." With the return of a Republican administration and keeping United States global interests in mind, it would be prudent to assume that should the US interests in the future be better served by sacrificing Pakistan or a part of it, Henry Kissinger's successors would not hesitate to do so. Pakistan must, therefore, strive to keep itself together by weakening those forces that are pulling it apart and this cannot be done by force of arms. The use of strong arm methods has shown that the situation did not, to say the least, improve." REFERENCE: Middle East Journal Vol. 36, No. 4, Autumn, 1982  Middle East Journal 


Letter to Tony Blair & Najam Sethi - 1 (Aapas Ki Baat 30-8-2011)


LAHORE: The startling disclosures of former Sindh interior minister Dr Zulfiqar Mirza not only came as a bolt from the blue for political forces in the country, but also astonishment for the sensitive agencies and the foreign establishments. Dr Mirza, while spoke about the involvement of the MQM in the Karachi killings, also termed the party a “terrorist outfit” and dubbed its Quaid, Altaf Hussain, a “killer”. He also levelled allegations against Altaf for his association with foreign countries — USA and the UK — and said he was part of a conspiracy to disintegrate Pakistan. Dr Mirza alleged that during a meeting in London, Altaf told him that America and the world powers had decided to break Pakistan and he (Altaf) had supported their idea. He also ‘disclosed’ that Altaf wrote to Tony Blair, the UK prime minister in 2001, requesting him to “eliminate the country’s supreme spy agency, ISI, before it creates more Osamas. He also disclosed that the MQM was writing to foreign diplomats seeking their help. He quoted the name of Nasreen Jalil for writing the letters. The informed circles confided to Daily Times that by quoting Nasreen Jalil, Dr Mirza had referred to a recent incident, which took place in the country. Nasreen Jalil of the MQM wrote a letter to the Iranian Embassy asking for help to eliminate the menace of Taliban from Karachi. It is said that a copy of the letter was secured by a secret agency of Pakistan. The letter read that the MQM female leader had written to the Iranian Embassy that Taliban were gaining ground in Karachi and they were a big threat to the leadership of Karachi and the MQM as many of their persons belonged to Shia community. She said that Taliban would be a real threat to the people of that faith and Iran should play a role in eradicating them and support the MQM. The sensitive institution found in the investigations that this was not the only letter rather other diplomatic offices were also contacted seeking their help. Such steps of political forces gave lead to the secret agents and they found the involvement of foreign hands in the Karachi killings. It was more obvious that the countries sharing borders with Pakistan were more involved in the incidents as they were directly or indirectly supporting the miscreants. They were using the ‘angry young men’ by exploiting their emotions. In the last few days, foreign diplomatic missions in Karachi were closely monitoring situation and had established special cells for the purpose and sending their reports to their relevant embassies on daily basis. The two big countries, USA and the UK were found more concerned. Dr Mirza’s press conference revealed the role of USA and the UK in the Karachi incidents while these countries had issued no official denial so far. The issue of America’s ‘role to disintegrate Pakistan’ is not a new one as many political forces, especially the religio-political forces, are making such allegations for a long time, but Dr Mirza’s statement, which he made under oath of the holy Quran, has strengthened this notion. The strange episode is that the Americans are tightlipped on the matter so far. The UK diplomats have denied the news regarding Altaf’s arrest in London but have not issued a single word regarding this allegation so far. It is worth mentioning here that the day after the press conference, all the agencies and institutions in Pakistan — the Presidency and the Prime Minister’s House in Islamabad remained busy in consultations, the Supreme Court proceedings on Karachi took a new turn and the statements of Dr Mirza’s were also echoed there. All the sensitive agencies and the institutions held their meetings to monitor and review the situation. It is interesting to note that the ‘disclosures’ have kept the political parties, foreign diplomats, secret agents, the courts, the government busy and they expressed their ‘point of view’ in different ways but Dr Mirza is the only person silent on Monday, perhaps enjoying the tumultuous ways arisen after his utterances in the political, administrative and diplomatic sea. REFERENCE: Only Mirza remains silent By Raja Riaz Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Letter to Tony Blair & Najam Sethi - 2 (Aapas Ki Baat 30-8-2011)


Democracy and Dictatorship. Written in 1992, the book predicts an independent Balochistan in 2006. Dr Syed begins his book by saying 'Who would have believed that Balochistan, once the least populated and poorest province of Pakistan, would become independent and the third richest oil-producing country after Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.' This may not be a serious venture, but it should be nevertheless worrying especially if one reads it along with the US National Intelligence Committee that spoke of Pakistan as a failed State in 2015. REFERENCE: The Twin Era of Pakistan: Democracy and Dictatorship [Hardcover] Abul Maali, Ph.D. Syed (Author) 

Letter to Tony Blair & Najam Sethi - 3 (Aapas Ki Baat 30-8-2011)


Pakistan's problem is more basic still: like much of Africa, the country makes no geographic or demographic sense. It was founded as a homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent, yet there are more subcontinental Muslims outside Pakistan than within it. Like Yugoslavia, Pakistan is a patchwork of ethnic groups, increasingly in violent conflict with one another. While the Western media gushes over the fact that the country has a woman Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto, Karachi is becoming a subcontinental version of Lagos. In eight visits to Pakistan, I have never gotten a sense of a cohesive national identity. With as much as 65 percent of its land dependent on intensive irrigation, with wide-scale deforestation, and with a yearly population growth of 2.7 percent (which ensures that the amount of cultivated land per rural inhabitant will plummet), Pakistan is becoming a more and more desperate place. As irrigation in the Indus River basin intensifies to serve two growing populations, Muslim-Hindu strife over falling water tables may be unavoidable. "India and Pakistan will probably fall apart," Homer-Dixon predicts. "Their secular governments have less and less legitimacy as well as less management ability over people and resources." Rather than one bold line dividing the subcontinent into two parts, the future will likely see a lot of thinner lines and smaller parts, with the ethnic entities of Pakhtunistan and Punjab gradually replacing Pakistan in the space between the Central Asian plateau and the heart of the subcontinent. None of this even takes into account climatic change, which, if it occurs in the next century, will further erode the capacity of existing states to cope. India, for instance, receives 70 percent of its precipitation from the monsoon cycle, which planetary warming could disrupt. - Baluchistan - This past April in Quetta, the bleached-gray, drought-stricken capital of the Pakistani border province of Baluchistan, I awoke to explosions and gunfire. In search of the violence, my translator, Jamil, and I jumped into a four-wheel-drive Toyota and raced through the section of town inhabited by Pashtoon tribesmen. Suddenly we were surrounded by Pakistani soldiers, who forced us out of the car and pointed assault rifles in our faces. While they searched us, I saw two other soldiers with automatic weapons run along a high wall a few feet from where we stood. Shots rang out from inside the adjacent compound. By 11:00 a.m. five people had been killed and twenty wounded, and a large cache of weapons had been confiscated in a raid on the Pashtoonkhwa Milli Awami (Pashtoon National People's Party), a group supporting an Independent "Pashtoonistan" created out of Pakistani territory. The party stood accused of murders and kidnapping. Security forces claimed victory, but reports later circulated that party members had filtered back into the area with weapons. REFERENCES: The Lawless Frontier By Robert D. Kaplan Atlantic Monthly September, 2000  THE COMING ANARCHY by Robert D. Kaplan - How scarcity, crime, overpopulation, tribalism, and disease are rapidly destroying the social fabric of our planet The Atlantic Monthly, February 1994  Robert D. Kaplan Robert D. Kaplan is a national correspondent for The Atlantic and a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security, in Washington, D.C. 

Pakistan: The Resurgence of Baluch Nationalism Frédéric Grare South Asia Project Number 65 January 2006 Carnegie P a p e r s

1 comment:

  1. Pakistan is hanging like a pendulum between U.S.A and China along with many regional and supporting players due to geo-political position in war of domination, because of, communication and energy corridors, geographical presence at door step of China at north, central Asian states through Afghanistan at North West, Iran at south west and Arabian Sea at south. Therefore, neither the U.S.A is able to isolate the Pakistan like Iraq and not be able to capture like Afghanistan. As this type of adventure will provoke the interests of other key world players particularly China and Russia, thus, it may initiate the 3rd world war.

    As, the Russia was already attempting to reach the warm water but now China is also willing for it by 2030 and from 2020 China will start the advancement towards the Arabian sea, till 2020 China will work to choose and secure the corridors. However, owing to Chinese role in Pakistan since 60’s, people of Pakistan trust the China as a faithful friend. Consequently; people of Pakistan are not ready to support any action against Chinese interest, as they did against Russia for decades.

    Therefore, if China is ready to reach the Arabian Sea in near future then Pakistan will be a battle ground instead of communication and energy corridor, primarily the region of Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa will happen to be the main target. If not then, it is not suitable for U.S.A to break or even reduce the strategic relationship with Pakistan. Because without geographical support of Pakistan, U.S.A will lose the control over Afghanistan and Russia will again advance towards the warm water. Yet any plan of U.S.A to convert Pakistan into a battle ground will force or facilitate the Pakistan to change the camp. Otherwise, Pakistan will prefer to maintain the strategic relationship with U.S.A.

    Although, for game of domination between international players, the suitable option is, the will and wish of “people of Pakistan” represented by the national political leadership. Furthermore, the sovereignty, integrity and national interests of Pakistan are an internal subject, related to the qualities of nation and leadership. But, due to un-organized and non-systemized national political parties, since from Liaquat Ali khan era to present government, dictatorial and puppet rulers were sweet choice for U.S.A, to secure the interests in Pakistan and to keep Russia away from the warm water.

    However, now people of Pakistan are fading up. They are furious and frustrated about the dictatorial rulers and puppet leaders due to negligence of public affairs, interests and problems. Consequently, in future, atmosphere and circumstances will not support the dictatorial rulers and puppet politicians, absolutely. Because, in future era game of domination between U.S.A, Russia and China will enhance in North Africa, Middle East and central Asia. Therefore, Pakistani politics will start to dominate the national and international issues at public ground too. Therefore, due to geo-political importance of Pakistan; it will facilitate the “people of Pakistan” and “major national political players” to make Pakistan an Asian tiger through well-built state institutions along with properly organized and systemized political parties.

    However, due to geo-political importance of Pakistan in war of regional domination and psychosomatic aptitude of Pakistani people, at any time and every type of political proxy facilitation to counter the attempts of destabilization and insurgency in Pakistan, at national and international stage, by the U.S opposing players; especially China or Russia will burst the situation and may turn out to be a major political and moral hazard for U.S.A at national and international level. Defiantly, it will be consequential to the war of regional domination, along with control over Afghanistan.
