Thursday, August 4, 2011

Loose Tongue & Loss of 300 Innocent Lives in Karachi.

Loose talk Part of Speech: noun Definition: vulgar speech Synonyms: blue story, double entendre, impure talk, locker-room humor - "Loose talk" is talk that is potentially dangerous or offensive. There was a phrase in the Second World War, "Loose Talk Costs Lives", meaning that if people did not watch what they were saying or be aware that the enemy could be listening, people could be placed in danger. Violence continues in Karachi; 200 killed in July By Reuters Published: August 1, 2011  HRCP report indicates rise in killings this year By PPI Published: July 6, 2011 

Why don't they (all of them) think before Opening Their Ugly Mouth to avoid embarrassment later, they should think twice before opening their Ugly Mouth because their venom put common man''s life in doldrums and if they cannot stand by their words they better keep their mouth shut for good.

Excellent Vocabulary of Pakistani Politicians (In Session Dunya TV- 15-7-2011)


Altaf apologises for his statements, urges peace in Karachi

Thursday, August 04, 2011, Ramzan almubarak 03, 1432 A.H Updated at: 1850  Altaf apologises for his statements, urges peace in Karachi DAWN.COM (36 minutes ago) Today  KARACHI: Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain on Thursday apologized to the Sindhi intellectuals and nationals for his previous statements and urged the people of Karachi to remain calm, DawnNews reported. Hussain said that the statements he made were for those who slander the muhajir nation and their sacrifices. Through a video message, Mr Hussain asked the people of Karachi to remain peaceful at all costs and continue the dialogue process with other political and religious parties. He said that due to attacks from extremists, the city could suffer from a situation like that of Qasba Colony. He also asked the people to collect and store ration. Moreover, the MQM chief thanked the Rangers for their operation to rid the city of criminal elements.

Burning Sindh & Irresponsible Pakistani Politicians/Media - 1 (Bolta Pakistan 14-7-2011)


Burning Sindh & Irresponsible Pakistani Politicians/Media - 2 (Bolta Pakistan 14-7-2011)


KARACHI: President of Awami National Party (ANP) Sindh Shahi Syed on Thursday said that it was a wrong perception to recognize all Urdu speaking people as Mohajirs or every Mohajir as Urdu speaking. In a statement issued from Bacha Khan Centre here, Shahi Syed said that the count of Mohajireen from East and West Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir were more than in millions as compared to Urdu speaking people. He said that Urdu speaking community and Wali Khan Baba jointly supported Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah during presidential election in 1965. Political leaders should show tolerance and respect towards each other. Army operation in Karachi has always been the demand of ANP and the party also demanded to re-set constituencies in the city and to remove reservations of all political parties by holding fresh elections in the city, he added. REFERENCE: All Mohajirs are not Urdu speaking: Shahi Syed Updated 4 hours ago

Burning Sindh & Irresponsible Pakistani Politicians/Media - 3 (Bolta Pakistan 14-7-2011)


Updated at: 1700 |
Thursday, August 04, 2011, Ramzan almubarak 03, 1432 A.H

HYDERABAD: Chairman of Sindh Taraqi Pasand Party, Qadir Magsi said that Asif Ali Zardari and MQM Chief Altaf Hussain were secretly conspiring to divide Sindh, Geo News reported. Magsi made this statement during a press conference where he further added that the Urdu speaking masses would have a vulnerable future if they did not protest against Altaf Hussain's behaviour. Commenting on the ongoing spree of target killing in Karachi, Qadir Magsi said that peace could be achieved in Karachi if Altaf Hussain, Shahi Syed and Zulfiqar Mirza were prosecuted. REFERENCE: Zardari, Altaf conspiring to divide Sindh: Magsi Updated 3 hours ago

Burning Sindh & Irresponsible Pakistani Politicians/Media - 4 (Bolta Pakistan 14-7-2011)


Updated at: 1650 |
Thursday, August 04, 2011, Ramzan almubarak 03, 1432 A.H

HYDERABAD: President of Awami Tehreek Ayaz Palejo said that a wheel jam strike would be observed across the Sindh if MQM leadership did not apologise for their comments, Geo News reported. During a press conference at the Hyderabad press club, Ayaz Palejo said that Sindh had a heritage which was 5,000 years old and no offensive comments should have been made against it. Palejo threats strike over MQM statements Updated 3 hours ago

Burning Sindh & Irresponsible Pakistani Politicians/Media - 5 (Bolta Pakistan 14-7-2011)


Particularly this Loud Mouth Braggart should always watch his mouth if he cannot stand by his words then he better keep his mouth shut for good.

KARACHI: Senior Sindh Minister Dr Zulfiqar Mirza said that resignations of MQM ministers had not been accepted and the party is still in contact with MQM, Geo News reported. Speaking to the media at the Jinnah International Airport, Mirza said that his party believed in the politics of reconciliation and this policy was necessary for restoring and maintaining peace in Karachi. REFERENCE: Still in contact with MQM, says Mirza Updated 3 hours ago

Thursday, August 04, 2011, Ramzan almubarak 03, 1432 A.H Updated at: 2345   |

KARACHI: The United Kingdom Under-secretary Foreign Affairs Alistair Burt telephoned Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ebad on Wednesday and discussed the law and order situation in Karachi. The present political situation of Pakistan and of Karachi, in particular, also came under discussion between the two. Burt lauded the efforts ofMQM chief Altaf Hussain in the restoration of peace in the metropolis. He gave an assurance that the UK was ready to help Pakistan in any way to achieve political stability and for the restoration of peace in Karachi. Burt also appreciated the role of all stakeholders in Karachi who are making efforts to restore peace. Ebad apprised Burt that the government was fully cognisant of the situation in Karachi and action was being taken against criminal elements. REFERENCE: Ebad, UK official discuss Karachi situation our correspondent Thursday, August 04, 2011

Karachi Back To Peace - 1 (Aaj Kamran Khan Ke Saath - 4th Aug 2011)


Karachi Back To Peace - 2 (Aaj Kamran Khan Ke Saath - 4th Aug 2011)


KARACHI: In a speech marked by a discernible reduction of bellicosity, Muttahida Qaumi Movement chief Altaf Hussain said on Wednesday that the Army and the Rangers be deployed in Karachi on a full-time basis to stop it from frequently descending into violence. Mr Hussain set alarm bells ringing late on Tuesday night when he asked the beleaguered people of Karachi — where more than 300 people were killed last month alone — to stock up on ration for at least a month. He said the people must do that even if they had to sell valuables. That the major portion of the Wednesday speech by the MQM chief was in English indicated that he sought to address the international audience in addition to his party’s senior leaders and general workers at the Lal Qila ground in Azizabad. This impression was strengthened by a statement issued by British Foreign Office Minister for South Asia Alistair Burt after speaking to Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ibad over the phone.

Mr Burt expressed his concern “at the continuing violence and loss of life that Karachi has faced in recent weeks”. He said: “I warned that inflammatory statements from any political party risked making the situation worse and that all political leaders and their parties have a duty to refrain from inciting violence and to reduce tensions and restore calm. “Our Deputy High Commissioner in Karachi, Francis Campbell, has met representatives of all main political parties in Karachi to encourage them to work towards stability in Karachi and the wider region. I have asked my officials to reiterate these points directly with the leadership of the MQM and to discuss our concerns.” While Mr Hussain may have refrained from issuing dark warnings on Wednesday, he was no less impassioned in his appeal for a durable peace in the city. “The Rangers and the Army should come to Karachi and see who is involved in terrorism. They should control the law and order situation here.” REFERENCE: Altaf wants army to quell violence By Mukhtar Alam | From the Newspaper (1 hour ago) Today PTI to sue Blair for ‘harbouring’ MQM leader By Our Reporter May 15, 2007 Tuesday Rabi-us-Sani 27, 1428  UK paper blames MQM for May 12 carnage Rauf Klasra Sunday, June 03, 2007 KARACHI: Altaf wants CJ to tender resignation By Our Staff Reporter May 13, 2007 Sunday Rabi-us-Sani 25, 1428  UK urges MQM not to hinder Benazir’s return By M. Ziauddin October 09, 2007 Tuesday Ramazan 26, 1428 

Foreign Office Minister discusses continuing violence in Karachi with Governor of Sindh Last updated at 18:46 (UK time) 3 Aug 2011 

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