Thursday, August 11, 2011

MQM Jeay Sindh Alliance (Historical Documents).

KARACHI: Leader of Muslim League Functional Pir Pagara has said that a hole has been blown through the Sindh card and he being a self-centered person would even out the sacrifices made by his ancestors by taking them in return. Pagara voiced this statement in a meeting with a delegation of nationalist parties under the chair of Jalaj Mehmood Shah here on Thursday. Going ahead the leader of Hurs said that he would now take sacrifices as his forefathers made them. He was of the view that protests can be staged without calling a strike, as it does no good to the nation. Pagara after a detailed meeting with different nationalist parties’ leaders at Kingry House told newsmen that local government system is nothing but an instrument of loot. He added that being selfish he would stand by those who would plunder the most. Pagara also said that Sindh card, now, stands compromised, as it’s been punctured which is a bad thing for the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) but good for us. Speaking on the occasion leader of the Sindh United Party, Jalal Mehmood said that Sindh voted PPP in but will now be voted out of this province. REFERENCE: Pagara says Sindh card’s been punctured Updated at: 2125 PST, Thursday, August 11, 2011 Save Sindh Committee strike on Aug 13 By Z Ali Published: August 11, 2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011, Ramzan almubarak 10, 1432 A.H 
Updated at: 1520   |

KARACHI: Chairman Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz (JSQM) Bashir Khan Qureshi while rejecting restoration of the Sindh Local Government Ordinance 2001 announced to hold a sit-in in front of the Sindh Assembly (SA) during its coming session. This he said while addressing a press conference here at his residence on Monday. Qureshi said that it was the history of Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) to take decisions against Sindh and its people. He said the PPP had passed Language Act in 1972, which created ethnic violence in the province, especially in Karachi and Hyderabad. PPP has divided Sindh on administration basis in a portion of Karachi and Hyderabad for survival of its power, which is a step to separate Karachi and Hyderabad from rest of Sindh, he observed. Qureshi said the people of Sindh would not compromise on the sovereignty of Sindh and would resist any decision against it. He said the JSQM would not accept the restoration of SLGO 2001 at any cost. He announced that the JSQM would stage a sit-in outside Sindh Assembly when SLGO 2001 would be presented during its coming session. Qureshi said peaceful protest demonstrations, sit-ins and rallies would be continues until the restoration of commissionerate system in Sindh. staff report. REFERENCE: JSQM chief threatens sit-in outside SA building Tuesday, August 09, 2011\08\09\story_9-8-2011_pg12_3



The Daily DAWN, Friday July 17, 1998 - Muttahida, JSQM vow to fight jointly for Sindh's rights By Our Staff Reporter - KARACHI, July 16: Leaders of the Muttahidda Qaumi Movement (MQM) and Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz have decided to formulate a unified strategy on issues of common concern in the larger interest of Sindh. The MQM leaders, who met, for the first time, the Sindhi nationalists leaders at Hyder Manzil here on Thursday, deliberated on the issues being confronted by smaller provinces due to the "short-sighted" policies of the federal government. The meeting was held following the telephonic contacts between MQM chief Altaf Hussain and JSQM leaders Syed Imdad Mohammad Shah, Jalal Mehmood Shah, Bashir Qureshi and Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti, chief of Jamhoori Watan Party in which the issues of injustices meted out to smaller provinces were raised and a need for a unified strategy was expressed. Those represented the MQM at the meeting were Anees Qaimkhani, Anees advocate, Dr Farooq Sattar and Provincial Minister Shoaib Bokhari while JSQM was represented by Imdad Mohammad Shah son of late G.M. Syed, JSQM leaders Bashir Qureshi and Waheed Aresar, Deputy Speaker Sindh Assembly Jalal Mehmood Shah and Shafiq Mohammad. After the meeting, which lasted for 45 minutes, MQM Parliamentary Party leader in the Sindh Assembly Dr Farooq Sattar and the JSQM chief Bashir Qureshi briefed newsmen about the outcome of their talks. Dr Farooq Sattar said the meeting specifically discussed among other issues the centre's move to construct Kalabagh Dam, National Finance Commission Award and the controversial census figures, etc.. There was a complete harmony on these issues and they have decided to increase mutual contacts to safeguard the interests of Sindh, he said.

In this connection, he further said, the next meeting will be held at the MQM headquarter Nine Zero (90). Dr Farooq Sattar said the purpose of contacts between the two parties was to make joint efforts for resolving the problems, to overcome rural and urban divide and to create an atmosphere of mutual love and respect.
Referring to the situation prevailing in Karachi, the meeting expressed concern over violence and termed it an outcome of a deep conspiracy against the metropolis, he said. The MQM leader said they had established this contact with JSQM leaders on the instruction of their party chief, Altaf Hussain. To a question, he said they would have to keep an eye on the conspiracies of those who did not like to see Sindhis and Mohajirs coming closer to each other. Dr Sattar said the outstanding grave issues being faced by Sindh pertained to the KBD project, NFC award, census and "the state-sponsored terrorism in Sindh, particularly in Karachi," and leaders from both the parties expressed their candid views on these issues and agreed to continue mutual contacts and meetings in order to work out some concrete course of action to resolve the issues. He added the JSQM leaders had endorsed the MQM's stand on ongoing killings and "plundering" in Sindh, particularly in Karachi, and expressed grave concern over the law and order situation. JSQM leader Bashir Qureshi said: "The purpose of our meeting and contacts is to send a message of mutual love and affinity throughout the province and to give a befitting reply to the enemies". "All those living in any part of Sindh are sons of the soil and they have to perform their duty to safeguard the interests of Sindh." "Sindhis have already declared a war against the forces of exploitation, but now collectively with the Mohajirs who are being victimised by the agencies, we have decided to launch a joint struggle for the interests of Sindh," he said.

The News on Sunday: July 19, 1998 - Census 1998: Downsizing the population of Sindh?
With Kalabagh Dam and unjust NFC award still unresolved, can the controversial census results bring Sindh's political forces together? Shahzeb Jillani suggests this may be highly desirable, but unlikely... Engineered, manipulated, exaggerated. 'A scientific fraud' and a shameless reflection of 'state fudging national statistics'. These are just some of the ways in which the provisional results of fifth population census have been described in Sindh. The results announced by finance minister Sartaj Aziz on July 9 have again enhanced the sense of deprivation in the province, apparently bringing most marginalized forces of Sindh province together. This has been well represented in the reaction from independent analysts and varied political forces of Sindh on the issue.

From Muttahida Qaumi Movement, Pakistan Peoples Party, Jamaat-i-Islami, and Awami National Party to Sindhi nationalists like Rasool Buksh Palijo, Mumtaz Bhutto, Bashir Qureshi and Dr Qadir Magsi, all have 'rejected' the new figures in their public statements. However, as with the contentious issues of Kalabagh Dam and National Finance Commission (NFC) Award, they have so far failed to go beyond issuing press statements and translate their common reaction into a meaningful alliance or a formal joint strategy. No wonder the Punjab-dominated federal government has repeatedly turned a blind eye to Sindh's rebellious stand on sensitive issues like this.

To begin with, federal government's contention that population of Sindh has increased by only 10.9 million since the 1981 census figure of 19.0 million has caught most analysts by surprise. Equally shocking, has been the under-reported population increase in Sindh's provincial capital and country's industrial centre, the city of Karachi. In 1981, Karachi's population was estimated at 5.2 million. Today, the federal government claims it has risen to 9.2 million.

However, in the last few years, various independent studies projected Karachi's population to be somewhere between 12 million and 14 million. Karachi's biggest representative political party MQM-Altaf claims the city's population to be not less than 14 million. Against the general impression of these estimates, the figure of 9.2 has appeared justifiably unacceptable to everyone. Moreover, computation by Islamabad-based National Institute of Population Studies and estimates of various academic studies project Sindh's population at 36.1 million, as opposed to 1998 census results of 29.9 million. Perhaps the biggest shortcoming of the governmentfigures appears to beits unwillingness to count the ever increasing inflow of people to the coastal city of Karachi. Whether its illegal immigrants, estimated to be 3 million workers in fisheries, poultry and garment industries or unaccounted migrants from other three provinces, the latest census have clearly ignored this huge section of Sindh's urban population. This is the 'visiting population' of Karachi which has been embraced with the traditional hospitality of this land without any recognition, let alone enhanced resources for it.

Critics claim that the future impact of keeping Sindh's population well below the actual estimates could be disastrous for national unity. Lower population figures for Sindh and Karachi mean that the province will have a lesser share in the distribution of parliamentary seats and allocation of federal funds. Punjab, the most populace province of the country, will continue its domination (some say 'hegemony') over the power and resources which should constitutionally be shared fairly and justly by the four federating units. Such criticism is rooted in Punjab's traditional reluctance in recognizing Sindh's due share of power and resources which has always been a source of heart burning, deprivation and suspicion. However, what has made the 1998 census results particularly disputable is prime minister Nawaz Sharif's one-point agenda of strengthening his home province at the cost of alienating rest of the three provinces during his 18 month rule. Nevertheless, chances are that mere lip service against the controversial census figures will not force the government to re-consider the exercise, let alone re-conduct it with the required level of objectivity. At the most, government may seek to pacify MQM-Altaf's reservations by involving the party in conducting random checks of the stated figures. For its part, opposition PPP has not recovered from its defensive and defeatist posture in the national politics. Lack of coordination on the part of Sindh's political forces who actually stand to gain much by cooperating with each other on the real issues instead of fighting over non-issues, looks desirable, but least likely in the absence of a rational political culture. More importantly, growing public apathy in responding to such sensitive matters in a mobilised manner is unforeseen as pressing economic hardships take precedence over struggle for political goals. As one senior PPP leader put it when asked how far could the opposition go on the issue of census results, Kalabagh Dam and NFC award, he said: "The worsening economic conditions of the country make it difficult for opposition parties to launch popular street struggle against government's unjust political decisions." However, economic hardships have not always deterred people from political action. More than that, it is the lack of faith in leaders and disillusionment with parties which seems to have forced people into inaction and apathy.

The News International: July 17, 1998 - MQM, JSQM chalk out strategy on Kalabagh Dam, census By our correspondent KARACHI: The Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) and the Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz (JSQM) have chalked out a joint strategy on the issues of Kalabagh Dam, census and the NFC Award in the larger interest of Sindh. This was announced on Thursday at a press briefing jointly addressed by Dr Farooq Sattar and Basheer Qureshi after the meeting between the MQM and Sindhi nationalist leaders at Haider Manzil, the residence of late G M Syed. The meeting expressed concern over the situation prevailing in Karachi and termed it a conspiracy against the province. The meeting was attended by Anees Qaim Khani, Anees advocate, Dr Farooq Sattar and Shoaib Bukhari. JSQM side was represented by Imdad Mohammed Shah, son of late G M Syed, Basheer Qureshi, Waheed Aresar, Jalal Mehmood Shah and others. Dr Farooq Sattar told newsmen that on the above three issues no difference of opinion was found during the meeting. They further said that basic objective of the meeting was to bridge the rural and urban gap and eliminate misunderstandings between Sindhis and Mohajirs. Basheer Qureshi, replying to a question, said objective of the meeting was to spread message of love and brotherhood and noted with concern that Mohajirs were being victimised by the official agencies. He said if such meetings and contacts continued the day was not far of whenmisunderstandings between Sindhis and Mohajirs would be removed..

PEOPLE OF SINDH SHOULD ESTABLISH THEIR OWN "SINDH TELEVISION" -- ALTAF HUSSAIN London: December 1, 1998 MQM Founder & Leader, Mr. Altaf Hussain has strongly condemned the Government for carrying out the worst ever "Media Trial" of the MQM on State controlled television and other media. ''The Pakistan Television is no more a national television and I appeal to the people of Sindh to establish their own Sindh Television Station'' he said. ''Mian Nawaz Sharif, on the basis of his provincial superiority, is continuing to exploit Sindh Province and intends to make this province a 'colony of the Federation'. The malicious campaign of the Prime Minister is aimed to demolish the concept of provincial autonomy and this situation should make the people of Sindh to think about their future'' he emphasised.

He reminded that in 1988-89, as Chief Minister of Punjab, Nawaz Sharif demanded the establishment of "Punjab Television" merely on the basis of his limited coverage on State controlled media. Mr. Hussain further added that Nawaz Sharif is also responsible for practically forming the "Punjab Bank". ''When Mian Nawaz Sharif could be termed as the most patriotic and well-wisher of the country even after demanding for 'Punjab Television' and creating "Punjab Bank" at provincial level, then the people of Sindh also have the right to establish their own television and bank'' Mr. Hussain said. Mr. Hussain appealed to all the political parties of the Sindh province and their leaders to put aside all their differences and get united on the agenda of 'unconstitutional and undemocratic interference' of the Federation in the provincial affairs, restoration of democracy in Sindh and the achievement of due rights for all. He emphasised that through united struggle, we will foil the intrigues to turn Sindh into a 'colony of the Federation'.

BUSINESSES, SHOPS AND TRADE CENTRES SHUTS DOWN IN KARACHI AND ENTIRE SINDH IN SUPPORT OF THE PEACEFUL “SHUTTER DOWN” STRIKE CALL OF MQM AND JSQM Karachi - 28 February 2000 - Despite indiscriminate spate of raids and arrests of MQM and JSQM office bearers, workers, supporters and their relatives including the elders and the democratically elected MQM Member of the suspended National Assembly and Chairman of Mohajir Rabita Council Mr Ejaz Mehmood in Karachi and other parts of Sindh, the Military Government miserably failed to sabotage the total and peaceful strike observed by Mohajir and Sindhi shopkeepers, businessmen, traders and trade complexes, commercial and industrial centres were totally shut down in Sindh province in support of the peaceful “Shutter Down” strike called by the Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) and JSQM (Jeay Sindh Quami Mahaz), said the spokesperson of Muttahida Quami Movement.

The nightlong siege and raids on the houses of MQM leaders and workers was a common occurrence in Karachi, Hyderabad, Mirpurkhas, Sukkur and other areas of urban and rural Sindh, said the eyewitnesses. During the nightlong raids the house of MQM elected Member of the suspended Provincial Assembly of Sindh and a former Minister for Housing and Town Planning Mr Waseem Akhtar was besieged by Army and Para-Military Rangers while MQM former Member of the Provincial Assembly of Sindh Mr Rana Safdar Advocate’s house doors were broken, the entire house was plundered, thirty-two thousand rupees, jewellery and ornaments saved up for the dowry of the daughter’s wedding was looted by the Police. Eye witness reported arrest of several hundred MQM and JSQM workers, supporters and their relatives besides office bearers.

The spokesperson declared that despite Nazi style clampdown and blockades of “90” Head Office of the MQM and “Hyder Manzil” the office of JSQM and residence of Late honourable G M Syed by the Government and widespread raids, arrests, indiscriminate firing, intimidation and highhandedness of the Military, Para-Military Rangers, Police and other Law Enforcement Agency to force innocent citizens to open their shops, businesses and stalls, Mohajirs and Sindhis remained undeterred throughout Sindh province today and voluntarily and peacefully observed total strike in entire Sindh including Karachi. Eyewitnesses claimed that barely anything was open in Karachi and the “Shutters” were down in entire Sindh province.

Not a single incident of violence was reported anywhere in Sindh province including Karachi either today during, before and after the observance of strike, said the spokesperson. The spokesperson told the press reporters that in utter frustration, the Authorities, once again, registered concocted F I R (No.55/2000) against the MQM Senator Aftab Ahmed Sheikh, Senator Nasreen Jalil (Mrs) and Mr Zain-ul-Abedin and Mr Bashir Qureshi of JSQM for arson, burning of buses and looting during today’s strike. A list of those arrested will be published separately. Finally, the spokesperson stated that lock-ups in the Police Stations are completely packed after the arrest of several hundred workers of both parties and now Military, Para-Military Rangers, Police and other Law Enforcement Agencies will extort millions of rupees in bribe from the families of the arrested persons for their release.

Many held: JSQM, MQM strike in Sindh today - HYDERABAD, Feb. 27 (Online) - The district administration has launched a crackdown against the workers of Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz (JSQM) and Mutehidda Qaumi Movement (MQM) late Sunday night in order to fail the strike call for February 28 (today). The JSQM and MQM jointly had given a strike call for today. The police cordoned off the JSQM media centre and rounded up Faiz Chandio and Azad Jamali. Police is also hunting for Niaz Kalani and Shafi Burfat, the central leaders of the party. The administration has beefed up security measures and police has been posted on red alert. Police has also prepared a list of MQM activists. Reports said that district administration has held meetings with the transporters' representatives urging them not to participate in the strike and ply their vehicles as on the their respective routes as usual.

Meanwhile, the provincial secretary Communist Party of Pakistan Comrade Imdad Kazi has advised the government not to interfere in the peaceful strike otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. In a statement, Kazi criticised the statement of the Sindh Governor for creating a gulf between various communities of Sindh which had become narrow over the years. He said due to the racial differences, thousands of people had been killed and displaced during the last 13 years and added that under a planned conspiracy the government was again trying to pollute the atmosphere. He ridiculed the government claim that there was no martial law in the country and said that in violation of rules and regulations, people were being rendered jobless by the thousands and they were also being deprived of their right to protest. He asked the party workers to participate in the struggle aimed at resolving the problems of the people. He said the party workers must provide guidance to the people as the traditional parties had no sympathy with the masses as these were interested only in grabing the power. He criticised the insensitivity of the authorities which had taken no notice of the hunger strike of Arab Lohar and added that no inquiry was being held in the murder of Rafiq Khoso. Kazi demanded that an inquiry commission headed by a high court judge should be appointed to probe the murder of Rafiq Khoso and to punish the government functionaries involved in his murder. Ends.Online.

PRESS RELEASE - Leaders of Mutahhida Qaumi Movement and JSQM have postponed Tuesday general strike but issued a firm ultimatum that if all the dismissed employees of Pakistan Steel Mills were not reinstated and Muttahida Leader Dr. Farooq Sattar not brought back to Karachi by evening of February twenty seven, there will be full scale general strike on February through out Sindh. Karachi, February 21 (P.R.) …the leaders of Muttahida Quami Movement and Jeay Sindh Quami Mahaz have jointly agreed to postpone the general strike scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday), but issued firm ultimatum that if all the dismissed employees of the Pakistan Steel Mill were not reinstated to their jobs latest by evening of Sunday February twenty-seven and Dr. Farooq Sattar an eminent leader of Mutahhida was not brought back to Karachi from Islamabad, a decisive massive general strike would be held throughout Sindh. The press conference was attended jointly by leaders of Muttahida Quami Movement, Senator Aftab Shaikh, Senator Mrs Nasreen Jalil, JAQAM leaders Bashir Quereshi, Zain Shah, Ghulam Shah, Sohail Memon and Riaz Chandio, while addressing hurriedly summoned press conference at the press club, Karachi. This was also attended by other Muttahida leaders, Mustafa Kamal Rizvi, Zahid Quereshi and Abdul Qadir Lakhani. Mr Bashir Quereshi, addressing the conference demanded immediate arrest of all those police officials and other agencies involved in physical torture and victimisation of their party workers and award exemplary punishment to them. They also demanded immediate release of all political workers unlawfully arrested in Karachi and rest of the Sindh province.

They firmly said if these conditions were not met by fixed date, they would be forced to go on massive peaceful protest campaign throughout province. Both the leaders emphatically demanded that Dr. Farooq Sattar, a prominent Muttahida leader is also immediately brought back to Karachi from Islamabad. Mr. Aftab Ahmad Shaikh, Deputy Convenor of the MQM Co-ordination Committee charged that during peaceful protest demonstration, atrocities were let loose on them even the journalists were victimised, all such action of the police were illegal and unconstitutional. Senator Aftab Sheikh disclosed that Dr. Farooq Sattar was due to be presented before the N.A.B court tomorrow (Tuesday) but surprisingly he was presented before the court today and by evening he was shifted to Islamabad. He regretted that the Islamabad climate has been extremely cold, but Dr. Farooq Sattar was taken to Islamabad without proper clothing and necessary medicines, where services of advocates are also not available. The leaders retreated that if third degree method were applied on Dr. Farooq Sattar to obtain pre written "Confessional Statement" statement, it would spell serious consequences and severe mass reaction. They said that if we were compelled to go on strike on February 28. Then we would contact the Grand Democratic Alliance for their participation in the strike call. Mr. Bashir Quereshi said that we represent the whole Sindh and we are permanent residents of this province and added the present victimisation has further strengthened our unity, understanding and co-operation among Mohajirs and Sindhis. End


Mr Altaf Hussain, Founder and Leader of MQM, has vehemently condemned the indiscriminate baton charge on the MQM and JSQM leaders by police while they were staging peaceful protest demonstration in front of the Bagh-e-Jinnah and Karachi Press Club. He termed the action of the Government as illegal, unconstitutional, undemocratic and flagrant violation of human rights. In a statement issued here, Mr Hussain charged that on the instructions of the Punjabi Establishment, thousands of employees mostly Sindhis and Mohajirs had been forcibly dismissed from their jobs in Pakistan Steel Mills and many other Government and semi government organisations thus thousands of their dependants have been deprived of their livelihood. The MQM and JSQM had announced to hold protest demonstration in front of the Karachi Press Club but heavy contingent of police, paramilitary rangers and other law enforcement agencies created road blocks and surrounded the whole area and its adjacent lanes to stop the leaders and workers of MQM and JSQM from reaching the Karachi Press Club. Mr Hussain said that those who managed to reach there were victims of indiscriminate baton charge. As a result, many participants sustained injuries and this was followed by large scale arrests of leaders and workers of both the organsisations. Those arrested included Senator Aftab Ahmed Sheikh, Deputy Convenor of MQM Co-ordination Committee, Senator Nasreen Jalil, Deputy Convenor MQM Co-ordination Committee, Hasan Musanna Alvi MNA, Zahid Qureshi MPA and other several dozen workers. The joint organisers of Jeay Sindh Quami Mahaz (JSQM) Zain Shah and Bashir Qureshi and other office bearers and workers of JSQM were also arrested.

Mr Altaf Hussain asked the government whether any peaceful, democratic protest demonstration within legal rights to draw the attention of the rulers against injustices, discriminations and other suppression of rights are crime or violation of law. He said the fact is that the Punjabi Establishment got upset following growing of the unity, co-operation, harmony and brotherhood between Sindhis and Mohajirs because the Sindhi residents are getting aware that the chauvinists and parochial Establishment policy of divide and rule would be rejected by the masses and their colonial policy of domination would be burried forever. He asked, if peaceful demonstration is crime or illegal, then why actions are not initiated when Muslim Leaguers violently protest against trial of Nawaz Sharif in front of the court? Mr Hussain who always upheld the supremacy of judiciary, principles of democracy and adhered to the legal and constitutional framework of the country, delpored that when the subjugated people of Sindh launch peaceful democratic demonstration to protest against injustices and their exploitations by Punjabi chauvinist and parochial rulers, they baton charge, victimise and brutally beaten-up the peaceful demonstrators and dump them into prisons. Mr Hussain demanded for the immediate release of Senator Aftab Ahmed Sheikh, Senator Nasree Jalil, Hasan Musanna Alvi, Zahid Qureshi, Zain Shah, Basheer Qureshi and all workers of teh MQM and JSQM. He demanded that all the Sindhi and Mohajir employees dismissed so far be immediately reinstated to their respective posts.

Senator Nasreen Jalil, Deputy Convenor of MQM Syed Zainul Abidin Shah, Organiser JSQM
Basheer Khan Qureshi, Organiser JSQM Hassan Musanna Alvi, MNA Zahid Qureshi, MPA
arrested from Karachi Press Club

Pakistan time: 6.00pm
It is now confirmed that MQM leaders Senator Aftab Ahmed Sheikh, Senator Nasreen Jalil, Hasan Musanna Alvi and Zahid Qureshi are being unlawfully detained at the Civil Lines Police Station. When the members of MQM Legal Aid Committee comprising of senior lawyers visited the Police Station they were denied meeting with the detainees. They were told that no one can contact the detainees as per the orders of their higher-ups.

Pakistan time: 5.30 pm
According to latest information, heavy contingent of police and plain clothed personnel have cordoned off Nine Zero, the MQM Head Office. Several Police Mobiles, Armoured Personnel Carriers and other vehicles are slowly circling around the area of Azizabad, Karachi. These police personnel are also harassing the residents of the area and the persons performing their duties at Nine Zero. We are waiting for further details and will update you as soon as possible.

Pakistan time: 4.30 pm
The Police and other law enforcement agencies cordoned off the area near the Metropole Hotel and not allowed anyone to enter or leave. None of the participants were allowed to proceed towards the Karachi Press Club, therefore, the MQM leaders addressed the press conference at Bagh-e-Jinnah near the Metropole Hotel. During the press conference the police raided the meeting and unlawfully arrested the MQM leaders Senator Aftab Ahmed Sheikh, Senator Ms Nasreen Jalil, Hassan Musanna Alvi MNA and Zahid Qureshi MPA. They were immediately subjected to torture in front of the pressmen. Heavy baton charge was used to disperse those gathered to attend the press conference and to protest over the illegal and forced dismissal of Mohajirs and Sindhis from the Pakistan Steel Mills in Karachi, southern port city of Pakistan. They have been taken to unknown destination. It should be recalled that Senator Aftab Ahmed Sheikh suffers from heart condition, Senator Ms Nasreen Jalil is also ill and Hassan Musanna Alvi is an elderly person.

Moreover, Mr Syed Zainul Abidin Shah, Organiser JSQM and Bashir Khan Qureshi, Organiser JSQM managed to reach the Karachi Press Club, where the police and other law enforcement agencies arrested them along with several other office bearers and workers of JSQM. They too were brutally manhandled and taken to unknown destination.

Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) and Jeay Sindh Quami Mahaz (JSQM) had organised the press conference and the protest rally at the Karachi Press Club over the illegal and forceful dismissal of Mohajirs and Sindhis from the Pakistan Steel Mills.

Pakistan time: 4.00pm
Heavy Contingents of Police and other Law Enforcement Agencies have blocked the Karachi Press Club and is carrying out indiscriminate arrests of the Leaders of MQM and JSQM and elected representatives, brutally tortured and taken to unknown detention centres.

According to recent reports Police has arrested another Member National Assembly of the MQM Mr. Hassan Musanna Alvi.




KARACHI: Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) strongly rejecting the government’s decision of reviving the commissionerate system in Sindh on Sunday, vowed to challenge it at every level, Geo News reported. MQM Deputy Convener Dr. Farooq Sattar said this while addressing a press conference after simultaneous meetings MQM’s Coordination Committee London and Karachi. “MQM strongly opposes and rejects the revival of Commissionerate System in Sindh and it will go to courts and people to raise its voice against the dictatorial step,” he said, adding the government’s decision will also be challenged and opposed in the National and provincial assemblies. He termed the restoration of Commissionerate System by the government as a conspiracy to deprive the people of their basic rights and aimed only at strengthening the existing feudal system across the country. He went on to say that the CS system negatives the very norms and spirit of democracy. Comparing the CS system with the local government set up, Dr. Farooq Sattar said the LG system ensured transfer of power to the grass roots level and offered a best way to resolve people’s issues by public representatives with direct access to citizens. Democracies all over the world have been making a successful use local government system. He said the Commissionerate System was first enforced in British colonial era and only protected the interests of two percent elites. Now this system is non-existent even in Britain, he added. Anees Qaimkhani says MQM would challenge the government’s decision in all the courts and strongly oppose it in National and provincial assemblies. “It is an attempt to break Pakistan and to divide Sindh and Karachi, it is a conspiracy against Sindi and Urdu speaking communities,” he maintained. REFERENCE: MQM to challenge commissionerate system at every level  

Sunday, July 10, 2011, Shaban-ul-Muazzam 07, 1432 A.H

Dirty & Filthy Power Politics of PML - N (Off The Record 4 Jul 2011)


Altaf Hussain Exposing Nawaz Sharif on Judiciary & Long March.


KARACHI: Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain said Sunday that all political parties should unite on the one-point agenda to end the current dictatorship, DawnNews reported. In a telephone conversation with Azad Jammu and Kashmir Prime Minister Sardar Atique Ahmad Khan the MQM chief said, “Everyone in Pakistan is aware of the fraud in the recent Azad Kashmir elections.” “The current government is authoritarian and not a democratic government,” said Altaf Hussain. Sardar Atique in his conversation with Altaf Hussain condemned the violence in Karachi and the government pressure on MQM during Kashmir elections. REFERENCE: All political parties unite on one-point agenda: Altaf DAWN.COM Yesterday 

Deputy Convener of Muttahida Quami Movement Dr Farooq Sattar has asked the head of Muslim League (N) Mian Nawaz Sharif to pay more attention on improving the working of his government in Punjab where the law and order situation has touched the lowest ebb, crime has increased manifolds and a large number of innocent people have lost their lives in different incidents. Dr Sattar said this while commenting upon the statement of Mian Nawaz Sharif about situation in Karachi. Dr Sattar said that the “wounds of Karachi that are bleeding were inflicted by the government of Mina Nawaz Sharif during the state sponsored operation.” He recalled that the law and order situation in Karachi back in 1992 was far better but the government of Nawaz Sharif called Army in Sindh in the guile of arresting 72 big fish but the real motive was to stop MQM from spreading its presence throughout Pakistan. He said that the leadership of PML (N) was terrified at the fast spreading of the message of MQM and its appeal to the people of Punjab hence they were once again trying to block the path of MQM in Punjab. Dr Sattar asserted that MQM would soon establish a big centre in Punjab. He said that Nawaz Sharif was criticizing induction in the Police department in Sindh but it was during his government alone that 24 thousand recruitments were made in Police department directly out of which 7 thousand recruitments were made from the constituencies of Mian Nawaz Sharif and Mian Shahbaz Sharif. REFERENCE: DR FAROOQ SATTAR CHIDES NAWAZ SHARIF WAS HIS UTTERENCES. Added by CC on January 20, 2011 at 2:37am

Dr Imran Farooq said Hakeem Saeed was murdered on Nawaz Sharif Orders - GEO TV


Imran Khan & Nawaz Sharif Condemning MQM Together - (GEO TV 2007)


The passage of the Bill may prove to be the biggest victory for the PML-N since it came to power in Punjab.

Mustafa Kamal (Mayor Karachi) Exposing Nawaz Sharif & Benazir Bhutto in USA. (GEO TV)


Punjab has rid itself of Gen Musharraf`s local government system. On Thursday, the Punjab Assembly passed the Punjab Local Government (Amendment) Bill to wrap up the LG system. Although they were unable to prevent the passage of the bill, the nazims of Gen Musharraf`s system went down fighting. Their views generate sympathy and raise questions about the motives of the provincial government. They have some valid points, although the now defunct local government system did appear to offer the people little that was positive. A total of three sections have been amended. One section — 179-A — has been added to the Punjab Local Government Ordinance 2001. Under Section 179-A “…all zila councils, tehsil councils, town councils and union councils … stand dissolved with immediate effect”. The section gives the government a maximum of 180 days to notify a date for holding local government elections. An amendment empowers the provincial government to appoint an `election authority` for holding these polls. The head of the authority is to be appointed by the Punjab government. Why the PML-N government had to come up with an election authority that goes against the 10th provision of the Charter of Democracy is anybody`s guess. “Local bodies election[s] will be held on [a] party basis through provincial election commissions in respective provinces,” promised the CoD. While the PML-N may be constrained by its own power desires, the party is inevitably under fire for not practising what it upheld publicly. Regrettably, party leaders do not appear to have reflected on the criticism after having paved the way for a local government system of their choice. The losers are of course allies of the last regime but, more importantly, the PPP. Under the guidance of the president and the prime minister, the PPP supported the amendment bill but “with a heavy heart”. One disgruntled PPP member of the assembly described the bill as “poison” for the party. On the other hand, the passage of the Local Government (Amendment) Bill may prove to be the biggest victory for the PML-N since it came to power in Punjab in the last general election. REFERENCE: New LG system Dawn Editorial February 6, 2010

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan People`s Party and Muttahida Qaumi Movement have decided to keep the local government (LG) system of Gen (retd) Pervez Musharraf in force in Sindh, sources told Dawn on Sunday. They said that the commissionerate system would not be introduced in Sindh because the two parties had reached a fresh understanding which led the MQM to announce that it would rejoin the federal cabinet. “It has been decided by the two parties that unlike other provinces the commissionerate system will not be introduced in Sindh,” said MQM leader Zahid Mehmood. He said his party had been urging the PPP to hold local body elections which were due last year. President Asif Ali Zardari`s spokesman Farhatullah Babar said: “The PPP had once decided to table the commissionerate system bill in the provincial assembly after the MQM parted ways with the government.” The proposal to change the local government system in Sindh was believed to be one of the main differences between the PPP and MQM. Besides replacing the old LG system, the commissionerate system envisaged the division of Karachi into four districts as had been done in Hyderabad, but the MQM has opposed the proposal. REFERENCE: PPP, MQM agree to keep LG system in Sindh By Syed Irfan Raza | From the Newspaper (11 hours ago) Today 

 Lt. General (R) Tanveer Hussain Naqvi  in Jawab Deyh - 1 (GEO TV) strangest case is that of Lt-Gen Tanvir Naqvi and his district devolution plan. No kidding, Gen Naqvi is a bright officer. Whoever heard him speaking during the Zarb-I-Momin military exercises when General Aslam Beg was army chief came away greatly impressed. But the profession of arms is one thing, politics quite another. Has he ever cast his vote in an election? Has he ever been near a village polling station in his life? I doubt it. If a delegation of NATO commanders were visiting Pakistan the best person to address them from the present crop of serving or retired generals would be Gen Naqvi. But if an election plan were being put together I would keep Gen Naqvi at a distance of a hundred miles. References: As per Daily Dawn Columnist Mr Ayaz Amir [dated 21 April 2000 i.e. One year after Illegal Martial Law Regime of General Musharraf and Co] had written on the cronies in General Musharraf's Cabinet commissionerate system bill was to be tabled in the provincial assembly on January 7, but the MQM put pressure on the PPP not to change the LG system. Other three provincial governments have already wrapped up the local government system, but have not come up with an alternative so far. The Balochistan government has enacted its own LG law, but it is reported to have many flaws. The draft of LG law prepared by the Punjab government also has several discrepancies. Punjab Minister Mujtaba Shujaur Rehman told a private TV channel recently that his government had prepared the draft law which would be approved by the cabinet soon and tabled it in the provincial assembly. The new law, he said, would remove the flaws in the previous system. Former chairman of the NRB Daniyal Aziz told Dawn that the draft prepared by the Punjab government had a number of flaws and it could not be implemented. He said he would brief the media on the issue in a couple of days. REFERENCE: PPP, MQM agree to keep LG system in Sindh By Syed Irfan Raza | From the Newspaper (11 hours ago) Today  Provincial Autonomy VS Local Bodies Government

 Lt. General (R) Tanveer Hussain Naqvi  in Jawab Deyh - 2 (GEO TV) 2004 ANP Senator Asfandyar Wali said when Gen Pervez Musharraf assumed power and presented his seven- point agenda, there was a little hope as it contained the issue of provincial disharmony. However, he said, the devolution plan presented by Lt-Gen (retired) Tanveer Naqvi even snatched a little bit autonomy which the provinces had been enjoying. He said the devolution should be from federal to provinces and then from provinces to districts. By putting the districts directly under the federal system for six years, the provincial governments have been made post offices and the chief ministers should be called postmasters general, he added. Reference: SDPI Research and News Bulletin - "Greater Provincial Autonomy"

 Lt. General (R) Tanveer Hussain Naqvi  in Jawab Deyh - 3 (GEO TV) that the federal government is planning to transfer more subjects to the provinces out of the concurrent list deserve to be welcomed. Such a move was overdue, because restricted autonomy has been cause of much resentment among the provinces. Even though federal in nature, the 1973 Constitution has a strong bias in favour of the centre. According to article 142- (c), a provincial assembly has the power to make laws "with respect to any matter not enumerated in either the federal legislative list or the concurrent list". Significantly, the fourth schedule has only two lists - federal and concurrent - and does not have a provincial list. The federal list contains 67 subjects (59 in Part I and eight in Part II). The concurrent list consists of 47 subjects, leaving very little for the federating units to legislate on. In other words, the provinces have the right to legislate on very small number of subjects "not enumerated either in the federal legislative list or in the concurrent list". In matters of tax collection especially, the Basic Law virtually denies the constituent units any worthwhile sources of revenue. As a perusal of taxation powers will show, the federal government has reserved for itself almost all sources of revenue. The federal taxes mentioned in the fourth schedule - points 43 to 54 - include virtually all taxes, except, very significantly, "taxes on income other than agricultural income". Reference: Need for consensus September 12, 2005 Monday Sha'aban 7, 1426 Nothing but provincial autonomy By Shamim-ur-Rahman - Mr. Shamim-ur-Rahman is a Senior Correspondent with Daily Dawn - Pakistan This article appeared in 2006 For the Text Balochistan: Nothing but provincial autonomy By Shamim-ur- Rahman

Lt. General (R) Tanveer Hussain Naqvi  in Jawab Deyh - 4 (GEO TV) last Martial Law of General Pervez Musharraf [1999 - 2008] has further eroded already negligent Provincial Autonomy by introducing the so-called "Devolution Plan", BBC's Tim Sebastian had ruined Tanveer Naqvi Lt. General [General Musharraf's National Reconstruction Bureau's Chief Planner] and his so-called Devolution Plan in one of his program Hard Talk in the year 2000 - 2001. One must have joined issue with Lt.-Gen (Rtd) Tanvir Naqvi when he says that the army has ``the right`` to amend the Constitution. Speaking on the BBC, the chief of the National Reconstruction Bureau, however, tried to soften the impact of his remarks by saying that the government was not going to amend ``the whole Constitution.`` This evades the real issue, which is: does the army have a right at all to amend the nation`s basic law? [BBC Link of Hard Talk is not available but I had myself watched the Program -]. To protect the devolution scheme from interference by elected governments, Musharraf's LFO placed the four provincial Local Government Ordinances in that part of the 1973 constitution (the Sixth Schedule) that can only be amended with consent of the president. It was also required that provincial governments "shall, by law, establish a local government system and devolve political, administrative and financial responsibility and authority to the elected local representatives" . This provision creates the false impression that devolution remains within a provincial framework but its protected constitutional status effectively precludes provinces from amending the LGO. With this constitutional cover, the military government could rely on its local clients ensure a favourable outcome in the October 2002 national elections. In the Punjab, where a majority of district and tehsil nazims could be counted on to support military-backed candidates for the national and provincial assemblies, they were encouraged to mobilise support openly for the pro-Musharraf PML-Q in return for generous developmental funds. Elsewhere, nazims were threatened and intimidated to support PML-Q candidates. In parts of Sindh and Baluchistan, wholesale transfers of district officers were ordered to blunt the authority of "hostile" nazims. Local governments proved instrumental in the military government's manipulation of these general elections, which international human rights and election observer groups termed "seriously flawed". With the military's backing, the PML-Q obtained the most seats in the National Assembly and the Punjab Provincial Assembly. "The blatant political use of elected councils in the general elections has proved beyond any doubt that the local bodies had been primarily created for that very purpose",. Reference: Lets have a look at the so-called Refroms thrusted down the throats of 170Million Pakistanis by A MARTIAL LAW REGIME during 1999-2007. International Crisis Group had published a detailed and an impartial report in 2004. For kind perusal - Devolution in Pakistan: Reform or Regression? 22 March 2004] [For Text of that Report in 4 Parts - Playing with basic law: Devolution Plan of Musharraf - - - -

Lt. General (R) Tanveer Hussain Naqvi  in Jawab Deyh - 5 (GEO TV)'s military government launched a campaign for political devolution in 2000 that it said was aimed at transferring administrative and financial power to local governments. The scheme was to strengthen local control and accountability and, according to President Pervez Musharraf, "empower the impoverished" . In practice, however, it has undercut established political parties and drained power away from the provinces while doing little to minimise corruption or establish clear accountability at a local level. The reforms, far from enhancing democracy, have strengthened military rule and may actually raise the risks of internal conflict. Under the Devolution of Power Plan announced in August 2000, local governments were to be elected on a non-party basis in phased voting between December 2000 and July 2001. District and sub-district governments have since been installed in 101 districts, including four cities. Operating under its respective provincial Local Government Ordinance 2001, each has its Nazim and Naib Nazim (mayor and deputy mayor), elected council and administration. Like previous local government plans, Musharraf's called for re-establishing elected local councils at district and sub-district levels.It promised substantial autonomy for elected local officials and, most notably, placed an elected official as overall head of district administration, management and development, reversing a century-old system that subordinated elected politicians to bureaucrats. Musharraf's scheme ostensibly aimed at establishing the foundations of genuine local democracy. However, the main rationale for devolution was and remains regime legitimacy and survival. Aside from the widespread allegations of rigging and manipulation that have shadowed them, the non-partisan nature of the local elections has exacerbated ethnic, caste and tribal divisions and undermined the organisational coherence of political parties. Devolution, in fact, has proved little more than acover for further centralised control over the lower levels of government. Despite the rhetoric from Islamabad of empowerment, local governments have only nominal powers. Devolution from the centre directly to the local levels, moreover, negates the normal concept of decentralisation since Pakistan's principal federal units, its four provinces, have been bypassed. The misuse of local government officials during the April 2002 presidential referendum and the October 2002 general elections has left little doubt that these governments were primarily instituted to create a pliant political elite that could help root the military's power in local politics and displace its traditional civilian adversaries. Friction is growing between various levels of government, especially since the military transferred power, at least formally, to the central and provincial governments that were formed after the 2002 elections. These tensions are partly the result of the manner in which the devolution plan was devised and implemented in the absence of elected officials and against the strong opposition of the major political parties, civil society and media. Despite its lack of domestic legitimacy, the devolution plan has considerable support from donors, who mistakenly believe it is advancing democracy and building down military rule.For now, the military's backing as well as this external support works in its favour. But low domestic acceptance undermines its long-term prospects, and the military's political engineering that accompanies it is widening divisions at the local and provincial levels. Some of these could well lead to greater domestic violence and instability. Devolution in Pakistan: Reform or Regression? 22 March 2004

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