Sunday, August 14, 2011

MQM & World Sindhi Congress Work Together for Sindh!

KARACHI: The MQM has once again decide to rejoin the government. They have decided to rejoin in Gilgit-Baltistan, Azad Kahmir, Sindh and at the federal level as well.The MQM Rabita Committee in London and Pakistan held an emergency session in the afternoon in which the current situation in the country was reviewed. At the same time Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani spoke with MQM Chief Altaf Hussain on the telephone in which the party requested rejoining the government, according to sources. The sources also said that the MQM will rejoin within the coming hours. MQM Rabita Committee member Wasay Jalil spoke with DawnNews in which he said that it has been agreed that the only through talks can differences be resolved. REFERENCE: MQM decides to rejoin the government (56 minutes ago) Today 

KARACHI, Aug 13: The Muttahida Qaumi Movement on Saturday reiterated its stand that it never demanded a provincial status for Karachi because the party did not like the division of Sindh.This categorical statement was made by MQM leaders Babar Ghauri and Raza Haroon while speaking to reporters after their meeting with Pakistan Muslim League-Functional chief Pir Pagara at the Kingri House. Responding to questions of the media, Mr Ghauri, who was accompanied by Mr Haroon and Adil Siddiqui, said that they came to extend an invitation of an Iftar party to Pir Pagara on behalf of MQM chief Altaf Hussain. They added that the invitation was accepted. When asked if the issue of demanding a provincial status for Karachi was raised during the meeting, Mr Ghauri said neither Mr Hussain nor the MQM had ever demanded the provincial status for Karachi. Mr Haroon, who has been nominated by the MQM as leader of the opposition in the Sindh Assembly, said that the MQM chief had made it clear that his party was opposed to the division of Sindh. Earlier, Pir Pagara told journalists that he had accepted the invitation of the Iftar party and asked the MQM leaders to arrange crispy (karak) but thin jalebi for Iftar. The PML-F chief said they had discussed issues and agreed to sort them out further quietly when they would meet. “We don’t want to fight with each other.” However, the octogenarian politician made it clear that he was in favour of the commissioner system. Pir Pagara said he told the MQM delegation that the commissioner system was to the advantage of Mohajirs and not to benefit Sindhis. There was a political vacuum in Sindh and he would invite Mohajirs to come forward and fill it, he added. When his attention was drawn towards ongoing killings in Karachi, Pir Pagara said: “When we sit together to sort out issues quietly, the situation will change and bloodshed will stop.” Referring to the strike in Sindh on the call of nationalist parties, the PML-F chief said it was the government which suffered most from every strike and as there was no writ of the government everyone was exercising his right to expression in whatever manner he wanted. REFERENCE: No demand for Sindh division: MQM By Our Staff Reporter | From the Newspaper (20 hours ago) 

MQM delegation meets Pir Pagara Updated at: 1556 PST, Saturday, August 13, 2011 Saturday, August 13, 2011, Ramzan Al Mubarak 12, 1432 A.H 

A perverted GP who abused his position to sexually assault five patients while pretending to carry out medical examinations has been jailed for seven years. Dr Haleem Bhatti targeted his victims when they consulted him for rashes, chest pain and weight gain, taking the opportunity to violate their most private areas. The 48-year-old groped his victims' breasts and even put his hand between their thighs, while asking needless and inappropriate questions about their sex lives. Bhatti was found guilty of molesting the women while he worked as a family doctor at the Greengate Medical Centre in Plaistow, east London, between September 2006 and July 2009. Judge Simon Davis said the shamed medic - who qualified in Pakistan - had 'deliberately fabricated' his patients' medical notes to disguise his 'dreadful' illegal behaviour. Bhatti had 'abused his position as a GP' to take advantage of the women 'under the guise of performing medical examinations', said Sarah Jane Campbell, prosecuting. The doctor left them feeling 'very uncomfortable, upset and stupid' for not stopping him as soon as they suspected he was acting inappropriately. 'He was acting opportunistically,' said Ms Campbell. 'There were examinations of the breast or touching of the vagina, in circumstances where there could have been no medical justification for Dr Bhatti to do so. 'On none of the occasions did he ask the women if they wished to have a chaperone. 'Invariably he did not wear gloves when touching their vaginas, which is against the guidance of the General Medical Council.' Bhatti's first victim, in September 2006, was so stunned that she pushed his hand away. The prosecutor said: 'She started to get uncomfortable because she could not understand why he was examining her breast as she was not having trouble in that location. 'His other hand had moved down towards her pelvic area and his fingers were trying to part her vaginal lips. 'Her hand shot down and stopped him touching her.' The woman complained to her mother after leaving the surgery, who made a complaint to another GP there. But 'nothing formal' resulted from the complaint, leaving Bhatti free to abuse more women. Another woman reported Bhatti examining her breasts when she complained of a rash on her belly, arms and legs. She was 'very upset', but did not make an official complaint until months later when she told a receptionist why she would be uncomfortable about him treating her niece. A third woman complained to another GP at the practice in late 2009, after Bhatti gave her a similar examination and also of her abdomen. Jurors heard the doctor also commented on some concealed African beads she wore around her waist during an appointment in May of that year, asking her 'if they were for sexual attraction'. In July 2009 Bhatti asked another patient with a urine infection to undo her jeans and lie back. She mentioned her chest sometimes felt tight and he went on to show her 'how to self-examine' her breasts, jurors heard. After speaking to members of her family about the incident she phoned the practice nurse the next day and filed a formal complaint. During police interview Bhatti denied acting inappropriately with any of his patients and claimed one was upset with him because he had not referred her to a specialist. Four character witnesses, made up of three doctors and Bhatti's partner, gave glowing live testimonials as to Bhatti's respectful nature, fairness to women, and the years he has dedicated to human rights work. His girlfriend of 12 years, who gave her name only as Miss Kaye, said she was standing by him and added: 'I love him very much. 'I don't know how I'm going to get through the next few months I really don't.' The court heard he would not be able to pay any costs as he has no money. He is now likely to be struck off by the GMC. As he sentenced Bhatti to seven years in jail, Judge Davis told Bhatti: 'You are a man who should have known better. 'There was no need for you to conduct the examination to the extent that you did for the reasons that you did and I find your motive was sexual gratification. 'You have not come to terms with that in the pre-sentence report. 'It is quite clear that you still profess your innocence. 'You will have to take time to consider whether that's a sensible approach into the future.' The GP will have to sign indefinitely as a sex offender. He showed no reaction as he heard his fate, and his partner simply sat shocked in the public gallery with her eyes closed as a friend tried to comfort her. REFERENCE: Family doctor sexually assaulted five women while pretending to examine them for chest pain and rashes By Daily Mail Reporter Last updated at 11:27 AM on 10th August 2011  LONDON: A Sindhi nationalist activist and family doctor who abused his position to sexually assault five female patients while pretending to carry out medical examinations has been jailed for seven years. Dr Haleem Bhatti has been active in London as the foremost leader of the World Sindhi Congress (WSC), a Sindhi nationalist diaspora organization and has been involved in various campaigns. He also represented the WSC at many international forums and spoke against the practices of the Pakistani government but his exposure as a sex pervert has shocked Sindhi nationalists all over the world. Pak doctor given seven-year sentence for sex offences News Desk Sunday, August 14, 2011

MQM & Sindhi Nationalists Work Together for Sindh


Speech by Mr. Anwar MQM at Seminar on Positioning Pakistan in “War Against Terrorism” Chairperson Sindhi-Baloch Forum Conway Hall, London WC1 Mr. Chairperson

I am extremely delighted to have been invited to speak to the distinguished guests and the members of the public from your Forum. The subject of the discussion of this Seminar “Positioning Pakistan in “War Against Terrorism” is an extremely complex one. The word “Positioning” signifies choice whereas in case of Pakistan, Pakistan had no choice of positioning herself. In the governance of Pakistan or in its foreign policy, the ruling oligarchy of Punjab does not consider political or public consensus. It was imposed by a single telephonic conversation between the senior members of the U S Administration and the President General Parvez Musharraf, which according to the news reports was as follows? U.S. “What did we just say? The Taliban are your guys. Osama-bin-Laden has their protection. We have just lost 6000 people. We are in no mood for games. You join us, or face our wrath too”. That in fact, decided the “Positioning” of the Government of Pakistan in “War Against Terrorism”.

Before the tragic terrorists attacks on the Twin Towers in New York and Washington on 11th. September 2001, the “Positioning” of Pakistan was crystal clear. I am quoting two excerpts from the statements of the President of Pakistan General Parvez Musharraf; the first one was made on 5th. February 2000 that stated: “Jihad is not terrorism, Mujahideen organisations are not terrorist organisations. Jihad had been revived during Afghan war and now it is Jihad in Kashmir. Muslims from different parts of the world are coming together to support their oppressed brothers and sisters”. On 14th. August 2001, he said: “The Taliban are the dominant reality in Afghanistan, and the international community should engage rather than isolate them”. Those statements should be clear enough to establish the position of Pakistan pre- and post 11th. September 2001 tragedy.

The Military and the ISI had created the Taliban and hundreds other terrorists groups, trained them, fed them, nourished them and then armed them in the name of “Jihad”. It then, connected them with Osama-bin-Laden and his Al-Qaeda to conquer the entire Afghanistan in search of strategic-depth in case of an Indian attack. Expecting Pakistan to fight terrorism is like asking Frank stein to destroy his own monster.

While supporting the United States, Great Britain and the International Community in dismantling the Taliban and Al-Qaeda network, the ISI continually played the double game. It continued its logistic support to the Taliban, formulated their war strategy including supply of arms and men. The MQM continuously kept informing President George W Bush and the Prime Minister Rt.Hon. Tony Blair about the double game and duplicity of the ISI. The intelligence information gathering of the MQM was validated by the voluminous International Press reports about the double game of the ISI, later on.

I, on behalf of the MQM and the permanent citizens of Sindh offered fullest and unconditional support to the United States and Great Britain in combating and eradicating terrorism from face of the earth including Afghanistan. I offered them humint resources for intelligence gathering and monitoring of “Madrassas” in Sindh province and Punjab. I organised “Rally Against Terrorism” in Karachi in which, over 300,000 men, women and children participated to show their solidarity with the International Community on 26th. September 2001. This was the first demonstration of its kind in favour of the United States and Great Britain, in any part of the world. The “Rally against Terrorism” was followed by the province-wide vigil on 27th. September 2001. Terrorism and violence, in any shape or form, cannot and will not be tolerated, whether committed by the Governments’, groups or individuals, in any part of the world. We must endeavour to make the world free of violence, terrorism, hatred and vengeance.

However, my heart throbs for Pakistan. Blood within my veins gushes for Sindh. Annexation of 17 villages of Sindh to the province of Punjab by the colonialists and expansionists Establishment will not be tolerated. If, expansionism of Punjab to the detriment of Sindh continues, I swear, Mohajirs and Sindhis will have no alternative but to seek the right to self-determination. Kalabagh Dam will never be built. Due shares of Sindh under the NFC and in other spheres of life including employment must be attained.

The President of Pakistan General Parvez Musharraf, on his trip to the United States and Turkey, repeatedly said that Afghanistan is a multi-ethnic country. All ethno-linguistic and cultural groups shall be included in the broad-based government. He repeatedly cited the “Pashtun” segment. Similarly, the religious parties and Jihadi groups claimed that they would not accept the Government of the Northern Alliance or any one nation. They persist that a broad-based government in Afghanistan should be formulated in which all ethno-linguistic groups should be represented including the “Pashtun”. There is a “Hadith” in which the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said, “You should only preach what you practice”. Parvez Musharraf should form a broad-based government in Pakistan, first, before preaching for a broad-based government in Afghanistan. All the ethno-linguistic groups of Pakistan should be equitably represented not only in the governance of the state but also in all walks of life including the Army and other institutions. He should also make public announcement in regards to giving equal rights to all the ethno-linguistic cultural minorities of Pakistan including the religious minorities. The religious minorities should be incorporated into the “Joint Electoral System” instead of voting rights under “Separate Electoral System”.

The present and past ruling oligarchies, Punjabi Establishment and the political and religious leaders claimed that those seeking rights on the basis of ethnicity are the agents of Jews, Christians and the Hindus and also anti-Islam. They also claim that in Islam, there is no ethnicity and having recited the “Kalama” (verse) the ethno-linguistic and cultural identity transcends into one identity that is Islam. The same religious and political parties that proclaimed nationhood on the basis of Islam are now advocating the formation of a broad-based government in Afghanistan and the inclusion of “Pashtun” alongside of the other ethnicities. I had been all along telling that religion does not supersede ethno-linguistic and cultural affinities and religions do not form nations. I challenge the religious and political leaders to have a public debate with me over this subject.

Nations are born in accordance with the teachings and maxims of the revered and blessed saint of Sindh, Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai RH that the land of Sindh belongs to people who live on it whether he is a Hindu, Christian or Muslim or non-Muslim. This land is the land of those who live on permanent basis and it provides sanctuary to people belonging to all faith under her wings. The ideology of religion is not dependent on the geographical boundaries and those confine it into geographical boundaries, commit wrong. I ask the Jihadi and religious groups who claim of the renaissance of Islam and hoisting of Pakistani flag on the Red Fort of Delhi shall not make Sindh, a centre of their fanaticism and go to Punjab to carryout their terrorism and patronisation of the terrorists. They claim Lahore as the heart of Pakistan but demonstrate in Karachi.

I re-iterate that the permanent citizens of Sindh are united on the issues of the Kalabagh Dam and NFC Award and on the injustice practised against them in other sectors including employment and recruitment in the Army and other national institutions. I call upon the Establishment of Punjab that if a single village of Gothki were annexed to Punjab then the people of Sindh would not like to live with Pakistan. I do not care if another case of treason is registered against me on this account. If those villages are annexed to Punjab then we will struggle in unison and snatch those villages back to form the part of Sindh, again.

The MQM is brining political awareness amongst the permanent citizens of Sindh and building bridges to narrow the gap between Sindhis and Mohajirs. The understanding and harmony between both the communities is being harnessed and an understanding of this is developing amongst Mohajirs and Sindhis. “Divide and Rule” policy of the rulers and feudal oligarchy will not work any more and nor would the process of colonisation of Sindh. The grass roots Sindhis are joining the MQM and a realisation is dawning upon both that a unified struggle is now inevitable against the common enemy. The Mohajirs have accepted Sindhis as a ground reality in Sindh and Sindhi brethren should also accept Mohajirs as a ground reality, we both have to live and die for Sindh. We must choose the way of compromise over conflict. We must remember that united we stand and divided we fall. If we remain divided, both Mohajirs and Sindhis would never get their rights and the Establishment of Punjab will continually rule over us and we will continually remain as its salves. We have to choose freedom over slavery.

Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Speech given by Mr. Anwar on behalf of Mr. Altaf Hussain who could not attend the function because of his brother- in-law’s serious health condition.

Organisers: World Sindhi Congress & Baloch Voice (Sindhi Baloch forum) 2.12.01. REFERENCE: Speech by Mr. Anwar MQM at Seminar on Positioning Pakistan in “War Against Terrorism”  Terror War and Pakistan: Limited Options for the Nation Monir Ahmed Research Scholar, Deptt of Public Administration University of Karachi, Pakistan


MQM & Sindhi Nationalists Work Together for Sindh (From MQM Website)


The News International, July 19, 1998 - JSQM claims alliance with MQM Nationalists of NWFP, Balochistan also to be invited to join it, says Imdad Shah By our correspondent - NAWABSHAH: Syed Imdad Muhammad Shah, son of late G M Syed, has said that an alliance between the Muttahida Qaumi Movement and the Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz has been formed on the wishes of Altaf Hussain under which they have agreed to cooperate on three major issues -- the Kalabagh Dam, census results and the National Finance Award. He said the meeting between the two parties decided to put aside the issues of rehabilitation of stranded Pakistanis and quota system as they would be treated as secondary issues. Talking to newsmen at his residence on Saturday, Syed Imdad Muhammad Shah said that their next step would be to include the nationalists of NWFP and Balochistan in the alliance and to remove the misunderstandings created between them. He said that no formal talks were held prior to the commencement of the alliance, but the leaders of Muttahida who came to Hyder Manzil said they had come for a joint struggle on the three key issues, while all other issues would be treated as secondary issues. Syed Imdad Muhammad Shah said the 1940 resolution clearly envisages provincial autonomy, and the provinces have suffered losses due to the present federal system. He said that misunderstandings occurred between the provinces due to unjustified distribution of national resources. Regarding the Kalabagh Dam, Imdad said the policies of Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto were the same as Benazir also allocated Rs 200 billion for the dam during her tenure. Syed Imdad Muhammad Shah said that Benazir was pursuing a dual policy on the dam issue. He said she is playing up the dam issue in Sindh, while remains quiet in Punjab. He said Benazir has issued no policy statement on the dam issue so far while the PPP members of the Sindh Assembly also remained absent from the relevant session which indicates the PPP policy. Regarding governor rule in Sindh, Imdad said that the ruling Muslim League would suffer more damage than other parties if governor rule was imposed.

To a question, he said according to his estimates, census results of Sindh have been reduced by as much as 10 per cent which will affect its share from the federal divisible pool. He said the population of Karachi is more than 100 million while the results have decreased the population. Regarding slogans seeking freedom of Sindh, Imdad said freedom would be tantamount suicide as Sindh cannot survive on its own. Syed Imdad Muhammad Shah said the MQM's alliances with PPP, PML and then separation and differences was part of power politics. He said this alliance would attract the voters of PPP as it had misled its voters on many occasions. He said we have assured our participation in anti-Kalabagh Dam rally proposed by Wali Khan. He said that if the Kalabagh Dam plan was begun then the JSQM and MQM would launch a joint movement against the dam. He said the activities of MQM were suppressed in the past, but now they have spread to all over the province and cannot be suppressed now. On one occasion the leaders of the alliance apprehended that they would be arrested and assembly would be dissolved, but it was decided that the alliance would continue at all costs, he said. Syed Imdad Muhammad Shah said the meeting convened for alliance was attended by Dr Farooq Sattar, Senator Aftab Sheikh, Bashir Khan Qureshi, Abdul Wahid Aresar and Jalal Mahmood Shah. He said that he attended the meeting as a host, but if offered he was ready to lead the Sindhi nationalists.


Karachi - 28 February 2000

Despite indiscriminate spate of raids and arrests of MQM and JSQM office bearers, workers, supporters and their relatives including the elders and the democratically elected MQM Member of the suspended National Assembly and Chairman of Mohajir Rabita Council Mr Ejaz Mehmood in Karachi and other parts of Sindh, the Military Government miserably failed to sabotage the total and peaceful strike observed by Mohajir and Sindhi shopkeepers, businessmen, traders and trade complexes, commercial and industrial centres were totally shut down in Sindh province in support of the peaceful “Shutter Down” strike called by the Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) and JSQM (Jeay Sindh Quami Mahaz), said the spokesperson of Muttahida Quami Movement.

The nightlong siege and raids on the houses of MQM leaders and workers was a common occurrence in Karachi, Hyderabad, Mirpurkhas, Sukkur and other areas of urban and rural Sindh, said the eyewitnesses. During the nightlong raids the house of MQM elected Member of the suspended Provincial Assembly of Sindh and a former Minister for Housing and Town Planning Mr Waseem Akhtar was besieged by Army and Para-Military Rangers while MQM former Member of the Provincial Assembly of Sindh Mr Rana Safdar Advocate’s house doors were broken, the entire house was plundered, thirty-two thousand rupees, jewellery and ornaments saved up for the dowry of the daughter’s wedding was looted by the Police. Eye witness reported arrest of several hundred MQM and JSQM workers, supporters and their relatives besides office bearers.

The spokesperson declared that despite Nazi style clampdown and blockades of “90” Head Office of the MQM and “Hyder Manzil” the office of JSQM and residence of Late honourable G M Syed by the Government and widespread raids, arrests, indiscriminate firing, intimidation and highhandedness of the Military, Para-Military Rangers, Police and other Law Enforcement Agency to force innocent citizens to open their shops, businesses and stalls, Mohajirs and Sindhis remained undeterred throughout Sindh province today and voluntarily and peacefully observed total strike in entire Sindh including Karachi. Eyewitnesses claimed that barely anything was open in Karachi and the “Shutters” were down in entire Sindh province.

Not a single incident of violence was reported anywhere in Sindh province including Karachi either today during, before and after the observance of strike, said the spokesperson.

The spokesperson told the press reporters that in utter frustration, the Authorities, once again, registered concocted F I R (No.55/2000) against the MQM Senator Aftab Ahmed Sheikh, Senator Nasreen Jalil (Mrs) and Mr Zain-ul-Abedin and Mr Bashir Qureshi of JSQM for arson, burning of buses and looting during today’s strike. A list of those arrested will be published separately.

Finally, the spokesperson stated that lock-ups in the Police Stations are completely packed after the arrest of several hundred workers of both parties and now Military, Para-Military Rangers, Police and other Law Enforcement Agencies will extort millions of rupees in bribe from the families of the arrested persons for their release.


London - 6 May 2000

Mr Altaf Hussain, MQM Founder and Leader, met with Mr Mahmood Khan Achakzai at his temporary residence in London to express his sorrow and grief over the murder of the workers of Pakhtoon Khwa Milli Awami Party (PKMAP) in the tragic incident of Quetta on 27 April. Both the leaders prayed for those who died in that incident. Also present at the meeting were Mr Abdul Raheem Mandokhel, Deputy Chairman of PKMAP, Dr Imran Farooq, MQM Convenor, Mr Saleem Shahzad, Member of MQM Coordination Committee, Mr Mohammad Anwar, Chief Organiser of MQM UK & Europe and Mr Tariq Meer, Joint Chief Organiser of MQM UK & Europe. The meeting went on for two and a half hour with 75 minute one-to-one session between Mr Altaf Hussain and Mr Mahmood Achakzai.

Both the leaders exchanged views over the current situation of the country and agreed that the survival and security of the country lies not only with democracy but in provision of equal rights to all the smaller nationalities. The Army and the Punjabi Establishment should now understand that this is not the Eighteenth, Nineteenth or the Twentieth century but it is the Twenty-first Century. This is the Century for the attainment of rights and democracy and in this Century no one on the basis of its strength can usurp the rights of the minorities for long periods. The sooner the Punjabi Establishment realises will be better for the survival of the country. Both the leaders also agreed that as soon as the present unconstitutional and undemocratic military government transfers the powers to public and return to the barracks will be good for the country. Mr Mahmood Achakzai thanked Mr Altaf Hussain and his companions for coming to his residence and expressing their grief. He emphasised that it is essential for the struggle of the smaller nationalities to attain their rights that the Urdu and Sindhi speaking brothers of the province of Sindh should unite and make the land of Shah Lateef "the land of peace". He further emphasised that the process of understanding between the Urdu and Sindhi speaking people of Sindh is in the interest of Sindh, suppressed nations and for the country. Both the leaders also agreed to hold further meetings in the near future.


17 January 2001

My duly respected elders, mothers, sisters,

daughters, brothers and sons of Sindh Dharti


First of all, from myself, the workers of my organisation and my people, I would like to present my heartiest felicitations on the birthday of the Great Leader of Sindh Sain G M Syed.

It is a historical fact that Sain G M Syed was the person who presented the Resolution in favour of the creation of Pakistan in the Sindh Assembly. However, after the creation of Pakistan, after witnessing the act of injustices and exploitation against Sindh, he, being the son of Sindh Dharti (Land), raised his voice for the rights of Sindh Province. The Punjabi Establishment, which was exploiting Sindh, declared Sain G M Syed as “anti-State” and “traitor” for raising his voice for the rights of Sindh Province. Sain G M Syed was truly loyal to Sindh Dharti. He never cared for the cases of anti-State and treachery registered against him and continued to raise his voice for the rights of Sindh Province. He was a man of principles. He spent his entire life struggling to free Sindh Dharti from the oppressive occupation of the Punjabi Establishment and never traded his ideologies and principles.

History is witness that whosoever raised his voice for the rights of deprived and oppressed people, took stand against the oppression and raised the flag of righteousness, has never been remembered in good names by the oppressive rulers and the exploitative Establishment of the time. He has always been accused and ridiculed by labelling as “anti-State”. However, those who are considered as “traitors”, “anti-State” and “terrorists” in the eyes of the rulers, are in fact, the true friends, considerate and healers for the deprived and oppressed people. Those who are despised by the by the oppressive rulers, live as the heartbeat of the deprived and oppressed people. Sain G M Syed was also one of those great persons. He was also declared as “traitor” and “anti-State” by the oppressive rulers and the Punjabi Establishment, however, he is hugely respected even in the eyes of each and every child of the Sindh Province. Even today, he lives in the heart of the people of Sindh and no one can put an end to this everlasting relation based on adoration and respect.

In the past, the Punjabi Establishment employed the policy of “divide and rule”. Under this policy they created differences, rifts and even orchestrated riots between the Urdu Speaking Sindhis and the Sindhi Speaking Sindhis. This was done with a view to confront the permanent settlers of Sindh against each other so that the Punjabi Establishment could continue its hegemonic rule over the Sindh Dharti and continue to exploit the resources of Sindh Dharti. As a result of such conspiracies, today Sindh has become the colony of the Punjabi Establishment.

My duly respected elders, mothers, sisters,

daughters, brothers and sons of Sindh Dharti

Our Sindh Dharti is crying for us. She is crying for her sons, to come forward and liberate her from the slavery of the Punjabi Establishment. To rid her from oppression and exploitation of the Punjabi Establishment. Free her from the clutches of the blood-sucking exploitative Punjabi Establishment. She is calling, “come … come forward.”

It is the need of the time that the Sindhi Speaking Sindhis and the Urdu Speaking Sindhis should join hands and become a united force. And jointly struggle for the rights of the Sindh Province to liberate Sindh, our Motherland, from the slavery of the Punjabi Establishment.

My duly respected elders, mothers, sisters,

daughters, brothers and sons of Sindh Dharti

Whatever abilities and capabilities the Allah Almighty has bestowed upon me, I am once again presenting them unconditionally for the rights of the Sindh Dharti. I am the son of Sindh Dharti. Please have confidence in me. Today, in front of the Mausoleum of Hazrat Shah Makhdoom BilawalRH, I assure you I could sacrifice my life but will never trade the rights of Sindh Dharti.

Come … we pledge on this occasion of the birthday of Sain G M Syed that we would continue to struggle till our last breath to liberate our Sindh Dharti from the oppressive and exploitative occupation of the Punjabi Establishment. Moreover, we would not hesitate to offer any sacrifice in the path of the achievement of our “Great Cause”.

Sain Sadaain Karaain Mathe Sindh Sukaar

Dost Mitha Dildaar

Alam Sub Abad Karaain



Your brother and the son of Sindh, our Motherland.

Altaf Hussain


London –23 March 2003
Mr Mumtaz Ali Bhutto, Leader of Sindh National Front (SNF), called upon MQM Founder and Leader Mr Altaf Hussain at the MQM International Secretariat in London today. Both the leaders exchanged views on the international scenario in relation to Iraq, problems faced by Pakistan and the country’s overall political situation. Both the leaders expressed their sorrow over the loss of innocent lives in the attack on Iraq. The leaders also discussed the consequences of the Iraq War in the region and expressed their concern. Both leaders agreed that because of the war in Iraq, Pakistan is also passing through a precarious phase. It is therefore essential that decisions are made in the national interest.

Both the leaders agreed that national integration is the need of the time and this can only be achieved by providing full provincial autonomy to the provinces. It is essential in the present international scenario to resolve all the matters immediately.

The leaders expressed that the situation of Pakistan in the light of international scenario is very alarming. It is the national obligation of Federal Government and the Establishment to understand and realise the miseries of people of Pakistan at large and the people of smaller provinces in particular. So, the due rights of the provinces and provincial autonomy should be given as soon as possible with a view that justice should not only be done but should also be seen to be done. Both the leaders emphasised on the unity of rural and urban people of Sindh and assured that they will cooperate and make every possible effort to bring the rural and urban people closer. They further agreed that the time has come that leaders of Sindh should come forward for the attainment of the rights of Sindh.


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