Saturday, October 1, 2011

Across The Board Accountability :)

ISLAMABAD: The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) said on Friday that the PM’s decision to extend the term of a civilian accused in the National Logistic Cell (NLC) case was tantamount to a “slap on the face.” The comments from the PAC come as an army court of inquiry begins proceedings against three military generals. The NLC scam involved a military-run organisation’s investment of billions of rupees in risk-prone stocks in the financial market. The office of the AGP had unearthed that the NLC invested Rs4.3 billion in the stock market without full adherence to rules and regulations. Eventually, losses reached Rs1.83 billion. Several other irregularities were also found in the internal affairs of the NLC. While the PAC was appreciative of the positive role played by the military, it came down hard on the civilian government for making a ‘mockery’ of the PAC directives with its reinstatement of the accused. The PM recently extended the contract of Saeed-ur-Rehman as Member Finance of the Capital Development Authority. “It is a matter of disappointment that, on one hand, the PAC’s authority has been accepted by GHQ and, on the other, the country’s prime minister has gone against the PAC directions,” said PAC Chairman Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan. Nisar said he has been informed by the ministry of defence that a court of inquiry has started proceedings. “It is truly an historical chapter in the history of parliamentary oversight”, he added. The court of inquiry, formed by Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Kayani to probe the NLC scam, is headed by a serving corps commander along with two major generals as members. Parliament’s most powerful accountability arm also called for the Supreme Court of Pakistan to accept parliament’s authority in checking financial affairs. Nisar said that, in June, the PAC had filed a review petition against the court’s decision not to allow the Supreme Court registrar to appear before the PAC. The issue of Nisar’s expected resignation from the post of chairman was also discussed. Nisar has reportedly decided to resign in protest against the appointment of a controversial Auditor General of Pakistan (AGP) – following which the PPP and its allied parties requested Nisar to continue as PAC chairman. Despite requests, however, Nisar did not clarify his position. Published in The Express Tribune, October 1st, 2011. REFERENCE: Dodgy dealing: Army court of inquiry takes up NLC case By Shahbaz Rana Published: October 1, 2011 

Bush Drugs and Pakistan by Lawrence Lifschultz (The Nation 1988)

Way back in 1980s

State welcomes notorious Pakistani - Lieutenant-General Fazle Haq, governor of Pakistan's opium-ridden North West Frontier Province, arrived in Washington the week of April 12 as the "honored guest" of the U. S. State Department's Bureau of International Narcotics Matters. According to the State Department, Fazle Haq is here to "observe the drug enforcement agency's methods of preventing drug inflow into the U. S." EIR reported last October that Fazle Haq's brother, Fazle Hussein, is wanted by Interpol in connection with various narcotics-trafficking-related cases, and that Governor Fazle Haq himself is linked to illegal drug traffickers. According to New York sources, Fazle Haq told Washington that he could do very little to stop drugs in the tribal areas unless the U. S. poured large amounts of money into the region. Fazle Haq also met with Undersecretary of State James Buckley, and Assistance Secretary Nicholas Veliotes to discuss security affairs. Fazle is thought to represent that faction of the ruling Pakistani junta which wants Pakistan to allow U. S. military bases on its territory. REFERENCE: International Intelligence 27 Apr 1982 Issue of EIR Volume 9, Number 16, April 27, 1982

BCCI Bank Financed Covert CIA Terrorist And Drug Smuggling Operations In Afghanistan In The 80s


Corruption reigns because accountability is not credible. It is not credible because it doesn’t catch men in uniform the same way it catches civilians. Then even among the armed forces some sectors are less vulnerable to accountability than others. Some generals are allowed ‘time-out’ so that they can flee the country. Accountability in Pakistan has been problematic. Even after recovering hundreds of billions of rupees from the corrupt, NAB doesn’t get full marks. The truth is that the yardstick doesn’t apply uniformly. The armed forces seem to be exempt. Within them, the navy may say they have been targeted while the other arms have it easy. But the ‘principle’ of exemption has always been there. Writing in ‘Nawa-e-Waqt’ (9 May 2004), Major (Retd) Amir Afzal stated that General Fazle Haq was a Pushtun who had studied at Dehra Doon but took his commission at Kakul after 1947. He was clever but a completely dishonest man who exploited every occasion to his own advantage. He was from cavalry and was General Zia’s junior. Zia wanted to use him to tame the NWFP but Fazle Haq damaged the province by opposing Kalabagh Dam and spreading the Shia-Sunni conflict of Parachinar to the rest of the country. His brother General Fazle Raziq was WAPDA chief and failed to acquaint the Frontier people about the benefits of the Dam to them. Zia tried to send him as ambassador to the US but the US was too scared of his corruption. The US was more interested in General Ejaz Azim, another man from Zia’s unit. REFERENCE: SECOND OPINION: Some generals get away with corruption? —Khaled Ahmed’s Urdu Press Review Friday, July 16, 2004

BCCI Bank Florida CIA Cocaine Money Laundering Busts (1988) Clip 1


BCCI Bank Florida CIA Cocaine Money Laundering Busts (1988) Clip 2


BCCI Scandal CIA Connections 7 8 1991 NBC




Fazle Haq had some leverage on Zia and it could be related to drugs. (Narcotics smuggler Mushtaq Malik alias ‘Black Prince’ told ‘Herald’ of July 2004 that he had got into trouble after disclosing in 1985 that the topmost generals were involved in heroin smuggling. Black Prince, who has done nine years in the US prison for narcotics after getting caught in Brazil, has recently resiled from his statement that Asif Ali Zardari was a part of his racket. He has however maintained that Fawzi Ali Kazmi was involved in narcotics smuggling with him and that Zardari was unfairly punished for keeping his company.) Fazle Raziq took over WAPDA when corruption had receded as a concern in the face of enthusiasm for Islam. Post Fazle Raziq, action against General Zahid Ali Akbar has been subject to fits and starts, implying reluctance and actually meaning time-out for escape. REFERENCE: SECOND OPINION: Some generals get away with corruption? —Khaled Ahmed’s Urdu Press Review Friday, July 16, 2004

War and State Terrorism: The United States, Japan, and the Asia-Pacific in the Long Twentieth Century (War and Peace Library) BY Mark Selden

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