Saturday, October 22, 2011

Daily Jang & Dr Safdar Mehmood Quote Blasphemous Sufis - Part - 2.

If you talk of Islam and Excellent books then for Guidance [Hidayat] only Two sources are sufficient enough i.e. Quran and Hadith [for day to day advices Riaz As Salehen, Al Lu Lu Al Marjan and Mishkat (These three books are Compilation of Authentic and Verified Hadiths] and any other book which we cannot corroborate with Quran and Rightful Sunnah can only be called Bida’at [Innovation] Sufi books like Kashf Al Mahjub by Ali Hajweri, Ahya ul Uloom by Ghazali, Mathnavi by Rumi, Fissusl Hikm and Fathoohat-e-Makki by Ibn Arabi, Tawaseen by Mansoor Al Hallaj and last but not the least Ghunyatut Talibeen by Abdul Qadir Jeelani are full of False, Concocted, Fabricated and Weak Hadiths.

Dr. Masooduddin Usmani Exposes Blasphemous Barelvis-Deobandis.

Monday, October 17, 2011, Ziqad 18, 1432 A.H.

Saturday, October 22, 2011, Ziqad 23, 1432 A.H.

Reality of Sufism by Ibn Taymiyya


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